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last >>36324257
qott slepy
i just woke up lol

How do you lot feel about this video?
I personally really liked it and was really sad about the ending. Nora was a treasure
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Also driving on xannies was a 10/10 idea I barely messed up at all and was so so calm
How hard is it to date a passing trans girls as a average straight man?
Are they as hard to get as hot cis women?
With passing trannies I don’t mean the elite trannies who look indistinguishable from cis women but more like attractive trannies who don’t give the men in dress vibe
i would guess it's an issue of finding one but beyond that probably easier because most of us are lonely.
>inb4 "straight"
>How hard is it to date a passing trans girls as a average straight man?
Not very, just don't be a person that searches women out because they may or may not be trans.

>Are they as hard to get as hot cis women?
Depends on the person.
Fucking chasers
chasers fucking...
can any of you murder me?
please, i genuinely beg you
No, if we have to suffer so do you, nerd.
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Once I'm done w this gym session it's pure rest for today and the whole weekend. Very cool.
please please release poor sissy garry from this pain and torment, i can only coom so much to sissy porn to make the pain go away
U probably run gay
kill me kill me kill me kill me
why does everyone always have to do things for you
be a man and kill yourself ffs
I hate men so much it's unreal
the survival instinct keeps sissy garry coping and away from killing himself, sissy garry hates life and coping very much, have some empathy and pity for sissy garry paige
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how many rest days do you take for how many days of gym?
>wanted to go for a run this morning
>had a migraine during the night
>not going for a run
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i've just started hrt like a day ago. how long before i'm supposed to feel different? what happens if i don't?
sissy garry also got sick this morning and suffers from it + sissy dysphoria issues
sorry paige for your migraine, sissy garry's head also hurts..
sissy garry is very indifferent to it
i got a similar one its nice for shopping.

what are you hoping to feel exactly?
>what happens if i don't?
you won't feel any different, hrt has no mental effects, you feel the same on estrogen as on test, if you can pass you are going to live and be happy, if not you are probably eventually going to rope after abusing drugs for a while, this is the trans way, you are welcome
>hrt has no mental effects
you are human even now dummy, you still need to pay taxes and humans need to pay taxes thus you are human
sissy garry is sorry for exposing the sad truth :'(
>sorry for exposing the sad truth
damn, larry, you should die
ya, my cousin larry is a fricking asshole, he should rope, fuck that bitch, i, sissy garry, i am way better than him
pretty plain but it looks nice
if you want a proper messenger back check out baileyworks, they're fantastic

yea thanks ig
do you exercise ever?

>on fabric
i have a stationary bike in my apartment, i should probably use it, but sadness issues :'(

what did ssris do for you?
hey sorry if these questions are unrelated to what's being talked about right now, but i thought there's no real harm in asking:

is 21 yrs old, too late to transition?

i'm currently 175 pounds 5'11 man
>is 21 yrs old, too late to transition?
not really no. depends on your genes and how much effort you put in
>i'm currently 175 pounds 5'11
you can lose weight
sorry about your height
Much harder. Most trannies don't like men (either sexually or literally do not like men) and there are a LOT of chasers out there. Also 99% of chasers are retarded and fetishistic so the odds are you fit into this category so it'll be damn hard for you.
>you can lose weight
is it a better idea to try and lose weight when on hormones or off hormones? mainly just wondering about fat distribution
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dunno what you mean by that. i had a huge chunk of my depression lifted in the first few weeks or months and got a will to live i didn't have before.
maybe just give it some time.

made me numb and passive and not bother with negative as much. also not bother with anything else either so i failed a semester and ended up in a hospital.

i think antidepressants work for most ppl tho so i would still recommend trying them.

genes determine how easy it'll be. make sure you have a plan for laser and surgeries if you have facial hair and don't look much like a girl already. 175cm is pretty rough but depends on where you live.
dunno if its bs spread around, but i've always followed it.
its easier to lose weight before HRT, but losing it whenever is fine.
Don't delay HRT in favour of losing weight though.
Gaining weight while on HRT is more important for fat distribution.
Weight cycling is neat
you'll have to put it on on hormones don't think it matters that much when you lose it but on hrt is always better.
>made me numb and passive and not bother with negative as much. also not bother with anything else either so i failed a semester and ended up in a hospital.
heavy dissociation already does that for me, sissy garry needs no meds then, yay, what a relief
lol no you definitely need to be on meds. idk if ssris are strong enough for whatever you got going on but it's a starting off point.
it might stunt breast growth if you lose it on hrt, better to lose it before and be vbery skinny when you start hrt so you can eat in a slight caloric surplus.. and after like 9 months i guess, you could go bigger surplus..
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I do gym one day then rest the next, then do a bit of cardio on weekends
>If you realized you might be a woman the best time to transition is now.
yeah I plan on transitioning, i have an appointment with a psychiatrist in two weeks, just trying to work around not getting disowned by family

> make sure you have a plan for laser and surgeries
really small amounts of facial growth that I shave religiously so likely need some amount of laser, will look into other surgeries after hormones (mainly since i'm not financially stable)

>easier to lose weight before starting hormones but whenever is fine
yeah ive had a bit of trouble losing weight. I've gone down from 200 to 175 pounds in the past year but still struggling

thanks y'all for the polite words and advice though. i realize that its gonna be a lot of work but it's nice to feel like living as a woman is at least possible
I went late today so it was mostly empty, it's only full in the morning, tho ur never going to tell if there's ppl or not since I go to the cardio room which is p big and just find an empty spot there
good luck anon especially with family.
>had a bit of trouble losing weight
if transition helps you get your life on track staying motivated and adjusting your weight will be much easier.
tfw transition got my life even more off track and now even my transition is cooked kms issue
>just trying to work around not getting disowned by family
depending on your dysphoria you can just boymode for a while.
i boymoded at family events for years and my family just kinda figured it out on their own.
@snew did you watch the debate last night
oh man oh man oh man that was so bad.... even arr neolib is freaking out over it
>whatever you got going on
i have tranny brain, i am a silli cat, i chose the hardcore legendary diffculty at the select menu before i came here, the desc was:
they weren't fucking bluffing, i should have went for easy, fuck.
sorry to hear that. what would you say made it go off tracks? discrimination?
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good morning
dysphoria made me too insecure to keep talking to people so i lost the only thing keeping me sane, lost my shit, and now i'm just hikkimanmoding
hi goodmorning maiq. hope you have a nice day
the best time to transition was a decade ago. second best time is right now. the feelings aren't going to go away, so you might as well bite the bullet. if you're here now you're too far gone and there's no escape
doesn't matter when you lose the weight (sooner the better of course). the only part that's important is not gaining weight until you're on hrt
morning maiq
Clara gm gm is it hot there already ?
only 72 right now. relatively low compared to the past week! hbu?
IIIiis that the rrreal??? the thethhte
how late and screwed am i? almost 25, 6'3 and live in uk.
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i think your problem is that you refuse all treatment and blame the world for it when it's actually you who's actively avoiding any chance at getting better.

peafowl are very cool birds if i ever own a large property i'm gonna get some.

it's definitely hard to function when you can't communicate with people. i struggle with speaking a lot too. tho for me the insecurity over my voice started in puberty so it's been a long road to recovery.
i'm so sorry
i suggest leaning HARD into the goth vampire mommy angle
sopherino how have you been ?
relatively screwed if you're a tranny. uk sounds rly rough and 6'3 is probably a hellscape for finding clothes that fit.
i have been good. just away. i deleted my old discord cause i wanted to kind of separate myself from this space, and evidently it's been working pretty well. haven't been back to this thread, or even 4chan in general, in ages. been trying really hard to waste less time online. the results have been... mixed, but the one thing i have going for myself is less time here, so i will take my wins where i can get them
i have missed a lot of work this year which is rather unfortunate monetarily, but i have at least been doing fun travel things, so that makes up for it a little bit
77F here so pretty pleasant
gonna get a coffee or other treat today ?
someone in my hometown used to keep them and so I remember their distinctive cries growing up
how are you today so far ?
sounds pretty great overall esp that you have taken the chance to get some travel in
rip nerd, just be a heavily dissociated retarded sissy like sissy garry, it is not a good life by any means but it is honest work, sissy pride world wide, comrade
i am literally hopeless helpless. no one can help poor sissy garry. you know how it goes when it is impossible to pass. have pity and feel sorry for me please, it turns me on and makes me a bit heppier uwu
the skin on my face is sandpaper flesh
My legs are burned with razors and fat and age
But my tits look nirmslish(bizarre shape and asymmetry aside)
I can’t even do make up
I can’t do voice training(retarded)
I can’t buy cute clothes that also hide my body
Trooning out is just….well better than being a stupid mood but yeah do fun.
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i'm sorry i don't know what this means
yeah i really like travel lol. now i just need to win the lottery or marry rich or something so i can do it way more often
Yes they're nice
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good morning male to female generel
hi sophie!!! how r u doing this fine morning >_<
>live in uk
joever i fear
>25 ok u can work with that
>6'3" oh, thats a bit harder
oh... the US should let you seek asylum.
don’t you normally have a big family trip to the beach around now ?
gm gm did your training call go okay ?
noo not today, feeling like staying in right now. I took a caffeine pill this morning though lol
Where do I get cialis
training call not for another 40 mins
good morning mysterious anon...
I’m thinking about getting a green tea, not sure what brand they use but it has a unique almost minty flavor that is really nice
>you are not straight if you date trannies
Nice transphobia ms feminist
it sounds like another hrt happy customer, sissy garry is very pleased to hear
doesn't fit my personality at all lol

it just keeps getting worse here so idk what to do, I know people start later but in the uk? I feel fucked

I mostly wear loose clothes, helps me not see my body so just buying big helps

would move if I could but that isn't happening
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i have been called that before, but it's obviously not a name i enjoy or go by lol
hi your name seems vaguely familiar, but i have to apologize as i don't remember you off the top of my head. who is this?
lol, i'm not sure if i should be impressed or terrified that you remember something like that. we have done them for the past couple years. everyone's getting too old
>wake up
>super wide awake
>grab 2 bites of worth of cake with my coffee
>eat said cake
>am now very very tired
I usually don't eat sweets, but my friend brought me some leftover cake from her bake sale.
What does this mean
Hrt is literally the only reason I’m not depressed every single moment of my life I think. It’s just a mental and monetary block to start doing shit that I want.
I should voice train sddsfadd
really love to read a post like this
>would move if I could but that isn't happening
The US is cool as hell, you can smonk weed and shoot guns
gib it a serious look over
I heard you're called that since you look like it.
why are you behaving like that
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yeah, i figured. all trannies are bottoms. it's not meant to actually reflect who you are, though. it's a height cope. tall bottoms have it rough. 'specially 6'3"
vfs >>>>>>>> voice training
i have never voice trained a day in my life lol
well that seems rather mean
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hello this is anya with a new vanity trip !!
I don’t have money for that
Good to know it’s an option I suppose but still
Voice feminization surgery?
I got scared of it because I watched some youtube videos of tranys that got it, but didn't have the fag accent before hand so they sounded like absolute shit
i started late (26) and live in the UK and its not so bad. The worst part is obvs the difficulty in getting meds but haven't faced any issues other than tht rly
having said tht i am planning on leaving the country later this year lol
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less overwhelmed by the anxiety of it all i suppose but got absolutely nothing done and still feel woeful.
>distinctive cries
yeah they're very loud which fits right into the aussie bird soundscape. wouldn't want to bother neighbours too much tho hence the need for a large enough property.

i do also like some oversized tops but there are only so many places they are appropriate for.

that pic is too accurate.
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Wrong target wrong target my apolocheese
Or maybe not.
oh lol hi anya
yeah it sucks that things cost money
i feel i sounded like a faggot beforehand so maybe i did have that going for me
time is money unfortunately
hot image
hi kat!
okay, gimme a sec to get out of the shower and i'll go record something. brb
what's a good place to get vfs done at outside the US? korea would be the best ofc but also unaffordable.
I hope you kill yourself chucky.
>i feel i sounded like a faggot beforehand so maybe i did have that going for me
Going through this youtube channel after years.
Theres some good and some bad

I just don't know where i'd land, and if I sounded like the first one idk if i could handle it.
What sports bra should I buy if I wanna hide my tits
I’m full time boy/manmoder
I have but I'd probably be older by then

id maybe be fine boy boymoding outside for the rest of my life. would help if everywhere wasn't homophobic too. even if I boymode and look slightly feminine it'd be hell

where to? and where or how are you getting your meds? I've heard that you can order them but I'm pretty sure that's getting harder. wouldn't mind doing it all myself but if getting them is impossible I'm stuck.

yea, I don't go out much desu and I could maybe work from home which helps with clothes. if I had to boymode somewhere I'm fineish.
Get a binder like an ftm.
I don't act kindly to people who befriend abusers
something for intense exercise at one size too small probably.
no idea what desu was meant to mean, must have changed my mind midtyping
remember dale cooper’s advice
>Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen.
yep peacoks are really loud but it’s kind of nice in a strange way to hear them around
simmer down kiddo trying playing nice rather than spaghetti pocketing every single encounter
I am excited to hear your voice too
morning bread it’s pretty earlier for you hope you’re enjoying some coffee
you will never be able to control everyone and lashing out at anyone who ever interacts with kat isn't going to solve anything, it just makes you look bitter. you can't force people to interact with her you can only hope that they would choose not to. everyone here knows kat is an awful person it's still their choice whether or not to interact.
>kill mohg the omen
>go exploring afterwards in the bit behind his arena
>forgot i had his 100k runes on me
>die trying to get runes
>lose 100k bc im an idiot
im gonna fucking vomit
Binders bad
Ok I’ll look em up
Are they expensive?
Good afternoon thread. Have bad PETA propaganda.
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Wtf image didn’t attach????
Oh well.
>lets put a platforming challenge right after a tons of runes dropped by a boss
i thought kat was supposed to be shaving her head and going to spain to dismember marina rn
or did she give up on that larp too
>where to?
Nederland :))
>where or how are you getting your meds?
I DIY through vanna, they ship from within the uk so less likely to get seized
Hello Carolina : )
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sounds like one of those positive self talk things which for whatever reason i seem unable to perform. we'll see maybe something comes up in the next few hours.

imo they should add a "rune memory" system so that your account gets permanently fucked for matchmaking when stuff like this happens.

no not really i accidentally bought a size too small the other day was like 18 euros.
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checked maybe your luck is improving : )
thanks :) ill look into it, has what they sell actually have effects on your body?

hope you enjoy the netherlands, I've thought about either there or denmark.
I wish sleeping on my side was more comfortable w boobs
wow ur life is so hard having breasts wow that must suck
i don't know, sorry :( i had mine done in the US
i don't even know who you are dude
i am not 10/10 satisfied with it, and there are certainly improvements which could be made, but desu? i am too autistic to have ever voice trained on my own, and now i don't even have to think about it. i don't have to do anything weird with my mouth or hold my throat a certain way or anything like that. i just talk, without thinking about it
boymoders are usually obvious trannies lol. i can't believe how delusional i used to be
see above, but yes, overall i am extremely satisfied. knowing everything i know now, i would still do it again
i have been trying to keep my new discord pretty separate from this thread, but i will think on it for a bit
i hope it's half decent lol
hi hi grendel. long time no chat
Ur buddypal kat posted revenge porn of me a few hours ago btw
I wish i had boobs so sleeping on my side was uncomfortable
i was on pills b4 switching to them so most of the changes happened then but my levels are still fine on the injections
The US debate was rlly sad it was like this dementia-addled old dude who barely knew where he was being shouted at by a depressed sounding old dude who attempted a military coup.
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I was playing videogames with some old irl friends I haven't seen in years.
I'm not out to any of them, and we were all on discord so I usually 'relax' my voice to sound closer to how it was before my transition.
While we were building our epic house in minecraft my doctor's office called.
So i muted my mic and put on my normal voice to talk with them about a reschedule since my doc had something else goin on that day.
Turns out I missed my mute button on discord and the rest of the session was just ripping on me for being a homo...
They're all supportive and don't care, they just do like all guys do and pick on their friends
Old people bloodsports should be banned. The US has very barbaric traditions.
>i am not 10/10 satisfied with it
I won't ask for voice clip, but is it like strained still?
A lot of the videos on that channel feature 'after' results and it sounds like they need to clear their throat and it pisses me off
nvm ignore, i didn't read the other replies
need marina underneath me begging for her life
thanks for answering, I'm getting off 4chan for today. hope things go well in the netherlands and good luck <3
u rly don't need VFS sob
what makes it uncomfortable
very decent
just more confirmation that Trump will win
i feel like you have some really strange ideas of me? i would not consider myself particularly close to (almost) anyone from this thread. like did my above messages about trying to stay away and deleting my old discord and all of that not tip you off? i have no idea what happened between you and kat, nor do i care. it's got less than nothing to do with me. if she posted revenge porn of you, then i am genuinely sorry. i have had that happen before and i know how fucked up it is. so i am sorry you're going through that. my advice is to avoid the areas where you know you're likely to be harassed
i included a voice clip in that same post silly
aww im really happy to hear that. i feel like i'm so ridiculously voice-blind to my own voice that it's suuuper hard to get an objective measure of it. so it's always nice to hear from other people
i wanted to be biologically incapable of sounding like a man, and now i am :) that was the biggest thing for me. now my voice literally lacks the capacity to hit some of those lower notes
lol just decent.... it's so over sob
I think the truth is it’s never just a matter of pitch but at least now you need not worry about pitch
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lol yeh hope so.

side is still pretty doable. i wish sleeping on my stomach was possible at all. when i was flatter i could sorta do it with pillows now there's no comfy way.

fair enough. do you remember what the procedure/technique was?
i'm gonna need to travel somewhere regardless but it's hard to know what questions to ask surgeons specifically often they say just 'larynx feminizing surgery' or something like that because trans surgeries are so rare outside the US.
i wanna make sure i don't waste money on something that's purely cosmetic on the larynx.
ai generated memes
oh soz it wasn't directed at u I don't actually know wht u sounded like b4 so i can't say but it does sound good
>wanted to be biologically incapable of sounding like a man
surgery did resonance too
i think it's a little andro at times so i am hoping to have some touch-ups eventually
oh no those are here forever, unfortunately lol
feminization laryngoplasty with thyrohyoid elevation
i sounded like a faggot lol. i never really had a particularly deep pitch, thankfully
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>stroking the dog cock rapier
here’s the real issue, do you feel more confident about speaking ? if so then it is a complete success
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thank you thank you. now to find a surgeon that speaks english and is within my budget.
cute character
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is my character cute owu
You're all beautiful and I love you all.
no : (
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wtf why not
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i rly like the artist goalking. makes me wanna get into drawing again but haven't managed to find enough structure to have a routine yet. food and gym first then work and hobbies hopefully follow.
do you draw on a tablet or pencil paper pens etc
Morning sir
in a work call and bored does anyone want to be my enemy
tempted to try and make another omelet despite last night's abject failure
working hard today ?
definitely go for it
practice makes perfect
crushes yuor windpipe with my teeth.
pass the time by brushing your hair
i need to kill someone i fear
I have nothing but my sorrow and I want nothing more. It has been, it still is, faithful to me.

Why should I begrudge it, since during the hours when my soul crushed the depths of my heart, it was seated there beside me?

O sorrow, I have ended, you see, by respecting you, because I am certain you will never leave me.

Ah! I realize it: your beauty lies in the force of your being. You are like those who never left the sad fireside corner of my poor black heart.

O my sorrow, you are better than a well-beloved: because I know that on the day of my final agony, you will be there, lying in my sheets, O sorrow, so that you might once again attempt to enter my heart.
Yea, I'll be outdoors again. Working tomorrow too. How's your day?
fuck my stupid retard life
pretty easy thankfully
what SPF do you use for sunscreen ?
both but mostly digital. i do always have a sketchbook with me but it's been hard to focus when out and about so i don't use it much.
fuck it im getting shitfaced tn
might kill a whole bottle of vodka
ugh i made another omelet but it's still shit because i was so fucking anxious making it lmao kms
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50 usually, I have a hat too don't worry.
need my hands around someone's throat
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"The U.S. Supreme Court waded back into the culture wars on Monday, agreeing to hear a challenge to a Tennessee law that bans gender affirming hormone treatments for patients under the age of 18. The justices will not hear the case until next fall, with a decision expected in 2025."

Are you guys excited?
Don't you have the upmost confidence in the US Supreme Court?
Are you unAmerican?
>nra sticker
heh, thanks for all ur personal info.
lyrics/poem posters are the absolute worst
waioow cute, im gonna just gonna make my own ones from redbubble!
i hope they do uphold the ban, it's the only ethical choice and should be expanded to apply federally
can u actually just kill yourself paige
i can never tell if youre serious
based plastic surgery lobbyist paige ensuring a steady stream of customers with fucked up faces and bodies. dog bless.
that’s really cool always having a sketch book
I almost never draw although emo pushed me to do so a bit last year and post results
I really love writing w fountain pens, the trifecta of pen, ink, and paper is to me enthralling and soothing
fortunately they tend to taste alright even if they look bad
why are you so hot all the time
also I am worried, I’m always worried about sun damage
nope, outlaw plastic surgery too
suffering for everyone
you lost my vote
Stop calling me and begging for more money!!

Deviled eggs are easier than omletes. Hard boiling just requires a timer. You don't need to constantly move it.

Hard boil it, cut it in half, scoop out the yolks into a bowl and mix it with mayo, mustard, sriracha, and vinegar, a little salt and pepper and add it back to the egg halves(or say fuggit, they suck anyway and om nom nom nom,) and enjoy.

It isn't the only ethical choice. Don't approach this like you're protecting something from evil. Both positions protect certain people.

The cost of your position is that some trans people are locked out of happiness forever.

And please remember that instead of doing this in an all or nothing fashion, we can make it intelligent and try to decide which to do on a case by case basis unlike a bunch of dumb robots or Republicans.
>unlike… …Republicans
Paige is basically a Republican.
i just want to know what i did to deserve this
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kill yourself what the fuck i am not at all a republican idk what kind of shit ass crack you're smoking over there but i am not a republican in any way
i really love how inks and such look and i used to do the inktober inktober years ago. it was difficult to plan the pics tho. i have that thing where i can't picture anything in my mind like at all so i prefer using pencils as it lets me iteratively visualize stuff on paper. digital is ideal for that.

>"a vote for paige is a vote for uglier america"
the masses will love it i'm sure. personally i would abstain from the vote as i always do.
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good news for california?
they have a fuck ton of shelters that aren't being used
supreme court also reversed bans on bumpstocks and what not.
i'd actually like the supreme court if they didn't take away a human right with row v wade repeal, but oh well.
you are such a cunt unrepentant unchecked BPD freak wtf is wrong with you done w this shit im done w ur shit lol
there is no self to kill
a city of gardens
You're like more aligned with socialists right?
>vague posting
Ur transphobic
you are everyone you hate
asleep or awake
and its ruining your life

You're a bigot. Republicans are the only people who think it's cool to be like "trans women aren't women". Literally. That's the people you're agreeing with.
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i slept like SHIT hot damn
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here is one of the drawings I did thx to emo it is so e saint I cannot recall I think probably St Dominic
what am i supposed to do now
love this guy

*plays a jaunty tune on you*

Try to take over the world.
lol this is weird
i wonder how it feels to take someone's life away from them

We could have such interesting conversations and you could just turn the filter on any time i can't stop responding. Maybe I'd even learn eventually. If it was explicit.
i need to know how it feels
ok but even if that's true there's a whole lot of other stuff to being republican
it's like if i called you a tory for being a christcuck
i don't!
im armed to the teeth
like a fucking animal
i ruin everything i get my bony hands on
paige isn't republican she's more accurately conservative which is arguably pretty different
post hands
im neither
im confused i just want to know why
First of all,
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you like religious imagery? i loved touring all the old cities in italy when i was little. so much gorgeous architecture, stained glass, mosaics, painting and sculpture in the churches and cathedrals.

stop trying to have nuance paige you're either with the ingroup koolaid and all or ur the enemy it's as shrimple as that.
Huge shoulders
Huge feet
Man hands
Not and will never be a woman.
wow im a nadzee fr
the posting today is uncomfortable im i . miss janny. i miss janny.. ,
god i need it. i need in in a visceral sense i need to feel her warm blood on my skin and watch it glisten on hers i need to feel my blade against her neck i need to see the fear in her eyes i need to hear her plead for mercy i need to see the light in her eyes fade away as she loses blood and drifts into an endless sleep
aren't you one of the many posters here who think we should cull all the communists?
am I mistaken?
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yep I’m pretty religious so it very much appeals to me I think Italy is the most beautiful place too in terms of civilization
here is the other drawing I kind of started on for emo
yea definitely
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It's okay, just post images.
god i just feel so fucking awful i can feel it in my chest and my head its a physical sensation
still unexpected results from someone who's anti immigration :|
water is necessary
our h20 was the best
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i love. images..
its not a water issue you fucking retard
i need liquor
water is always necessary
yea well the political compass is pretty shit tbqh outdated etc
it could all be so easy
why are all girls so attractive but all men are so gross
hello my adoring fans...idk what to make to eat

spent all day playing mgs3 and feeling like a zombie cuz i havent been able to sleep much the past two weeks
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because you have shit taste
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goes hard
that’s a good ome
i feel you mgs3 is awesome you should try to get all the frogs
hi blobby
>more authoritarian and more left than me
literally pol pot desu.

i'm not religious in the slightest but i do love how various religions have contributed to the arts. italy is gorgeous i hope to visit it again some day.

nice turtle.
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im all over the place!!
I can't imagine a better way tho
>posts anime men
marina please
>political compass
The test designed to put everyone except actual hitler somewhere on the libertarian axis to get people to vote libertarian
idk i got some friends in every quadrant. it's sorta like alignment there's all sorts of ppl out there.
would you know
what's the reward for getting all the frogs? i only got a couple so I probably need to restart the game to have a chance at least i can skip cutscenes. I might actually do it. fiending for a calorie mate right now its been forever since i've had one.
hello. how are you today?
i've been better
my band has a show tn so thats exciting
i'll be better once i get some alcohol in me i think
omfg finding images that arent webp on the modern web is such a chore. i need to suck it up and start converting them to save time. ugh
you get the stealth camo/invisible suit if i remember right. its cool how much replayability these games have
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this test is so outdated I don’t think the results indicate anything meaningful about my outlook
aww I must really like you <3
i hate webp so fuckingmuch
i just screenshot and open up ms paint and crop, i lose some fidelity but usually it doesnt matter
i got an extension that lets you right click save as png
could you show me
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as to handwriting, pain and I used to play some dungeon crawl type RPGs and I would keep track via my notebook using fountain pnes it was fun
did you ever try calorie mate ?
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forgot pic
be careful anon that poster is seeping scary vibes like a hippo in water or a snake in a cave or a bear mother on a road
i've been posting about wanting to kill someone for the last hour or so i think i'm seeping as many scary vibes as they are
yes that's right exactly waffle house is known for their disaster survival rate it's pretty bad stuff
get it twisted
can you come over
i got it twisted
Social engineering of any form is commie shit.
Commies get the wall.
oh cool the obese bbc whore is here
giles corey is cool i don't listen to that album as much anymore it always gets me all messed up i try to be melancholically positive now it's a good feeling to keep
thats really exciting! i hope you feel better soon. i really need to start going back to shows...i miss it a lot. the vibe where im at rn is different than im used to but im not gonna be here much longer so maybe i can start going to shows again when i get back home.
yeah those games were always my cozy place...i could load them up and mess around for 20-30 minutes and be satisfied. the guards always have funny reactions and the cutscenes are like watching a tv show. im totally gonna try and get all the frogs.
yeah im gonna just start doing this cuz its the fastest and i dont really care about image quality to post on 4chud, tumblr and d*scord
oh cool im gonna look into this. might also write a script that does it all automatically in my downloads folder

yeah its such an annoyance i hate it.
in the fridge?
now thats silly and wacky
sissy garry can never pass. how can sissy garry avoid the rope? :'(
hi Moapy
oh god not garry
take ur pills alice
did you ever play peacewalker? i really liked the missions in that game i think they pulled it off better than mgsv its so cool i wanna jump in for a minute just talking about it so cool
i guess i will have to die :'(

those pills do nothin
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Get up against that wall, commie, its time for me to show you an equitable state of being.

Why so bitter, hon?

Gotta have your kitchen gun in addition to your bathroom gun

Hey Maiq.

Hi moap ^_^
hey do you want to kill me
its only hot here in the summer just wait a few months
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damn they weren't kidding progesterone really does that to you.
what about the vague posting, i NEED to KNOW

Basically your mental image of men is greasy. The sweat and oils traps against their hairy skin and they turn disgusting.

But basically that's what happens when a dog doesn't take care of its coat. And you can make men clean and handsome while still furry. It's like, the task all women everywhere have unilaterally taken upon themselves, domesticating these savages.
does what?
does it hurt you?
i dont want to be hurt
honestly i dont even have a sex drive its just extremely satisfying on a deeper level the concept of killing or being killed, warm blood on flesh, fear, the struggle, the loss of life it is all so much more captivating than sex it really is not sexual at all but its something i desire with the type of ferocity that i imagine some people feel about sex.
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some cool stuff
i played only an hour of it so i barely scratched the surface. i don't have my psp with me so maybe i can download a psp emulator and try it sooner...

mgsv is my favorite gameplay but the story is so half baked. the audiologs are so freaking boring. it took me forever to realize the repeating missions were not actually required and you could skip them lol but it's not really obvious on purpose. its a shame we never got to see a complete version that aligned with its original vision.
god i wish it was true for me, my libido only answers to T
seriously considering staying on low T to avoid most of the damages but still feeling SOMETHING
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Sssshhhh, keep posting images. It's an image board.
i'll make myself beautiful on the inside
because i'm only beautiful through squinted eyes.
yeah for real konami sucks. i enjoyed the world of v more than anything there's so much there thst would have been so cool if it were finished
>it took me forever to realize the repeating missions were not actually required and you could skip them
you can...?
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.images . love images...
enough to raise my heart rate
i am genuinely fucked and i have to rope?
i just can't believe how deadly and stubborn dysphoria and being trans is
janny is best on team
need to sink my teeth into a girls neck
need to separate flesh and taste blood
need to hear her scream and beg for more
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I bought a belt too big and now i have to poke holes in it so i can wear it...
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I like that monitor a lot.
based mspaint water brush enjoyer
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i like that halo a lot :D
lol this happened to me recently and i had to use my hold punch
yeah starting in chapter 2 i think you can skip most of the missions.
yeah its still fun at least and I go back to it often. its probably my favorite sandbox type game. they actually did a good job on the world building and such.
its surprising that peace walker is stuck on old consoles. maybe they will re-release it soon
I briefly dated a girl named Arwen lol what a life
just psp & ps3, yeah
they did have it on the original "remastered collection" on PS3, which is pretty easy to emulate, but i don't think it changes too much from the psp version
wish maiq would briefly date me
that is by my girl pain
why not
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Carol's the artist
I just cut myself on a post but it already dried up.
i guess ill just have to shed more from you myself
Blood = AIDS
Oh I think you're right, my mistake.
no that’s pain’s artwork I think
finally getting the hang of doing my eyeshadow the way i want :) feels good
pain is awesome
practice makes perfect
im gonna try emulating both versions and see which one is better
what happened to her? i know about the jannoid issue but i think that was months ago
no idea. i don't think janny was banning her i think she just stopped posting, probably for the better
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I hate being around trans people irl so much dude.
Not because they're bad people but because they're the only mfers that clock me.
Haven't been misgendered in years, boss originally didn't believe i was trans, etc. etc.
But when I met someone that was trans at college this bitch instantly asked when i started my transition in front of people I wasn't out to.
And i've been 'stealth' for 5 years at that point.
vaseline. now.
it was a combination
some people really dont know when to keep their mouth shut, sorry that happened.
i feel like sisyphus
Just super irritating, but we move on.
I'm thankful to be in a more liberal area, so the people that got knowledge forced upon them wouldn't care anyway.
I sprayed ethanol on it
pain dead
angel dead
neko dead
You ever go to a combination pizza hut and taco bell
Shits crazy. Like liminal space weird
No wayyyyy
Wasnt pain going to join a cult or something like that?
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I can't do anything right
wish I was dead
that should be my name honestly
yea, that is me
i wish i was dead and underground
I dont want to be a trannie, I want to be a futanari. Will boofing progesterone ruin my 9 incher?
me too.
not myself. but you know what i mean
I wish for the void as well but if we enter it we'll never find the light outside
i think a lot of us here are hanging on by a thread tbdesu
thread(gunpla, yaoi/gamdev, and obsession over a straight guy)
not me my life is rad
side not that's an awsome lain pic
I'm stealing
cruelty squad is pretty comfy
how can someone hate sissy garry? come one brother, i am cool, next beer is on me
we all go into that void and die anyway, we can't really avoid it, we might find the light outside for a while but the void is always there to inevitably consume us, whatever we do in life is meaningless and pointless, all we can do is to have as much fun with the hand that we have been dealt with and that is about it, there is no reason to worry on things that we can't control, on our past and past mistakes and to dwell and doom on life bc we all die as i said and nothing matters anymore, no matter how big of a loser we were in life, at the end of the day, it all disappears and we all go to the same place, so no need to worry about being winners or whatever, i would much rather stay a happy carefree delusional loser cause in the end, it is the same, easier said than done though
Replace r with s
Do a joi vacaroo
>whatever we do in life is meaningless and pointless
why not enjoy as much as you can along the way?
>Do a joi vacaroo
i only did that once. but it was after i retired as a vtuber, and it was for muny
what is your life story
a lot of people are surprised to find out that before I transitioned I was a mildly successful ASMRtist but after I started HRT I ghosted my channel because I couldn't stand to hear my voice plus it's a lot of work for very little reward
yea, but it is hard when you are severely crippled by dysphoria daily, happy moments are few and far in between
>it's a lot of work for very little reward
i talked about it before here once, but i stopped around when i hit 80k subs.
its a TON of work, i agree. i jumped into it thinking i was only going to play video games and voice acting, then ended up running a business by myself.
From editing, to shorts, to tiktoks, random fan interactions on stuff like twitter. shit sucked
i was also juggling with college at the time doing a STEM degree and was getting burnt out.
So i decided to just focus on college and run with it
seems like you went a similar route to me, except I never got to 80k. Mine capped around 34k before I fell off.

They're actually very easily found if you know what to search for. I found a niche that no one tapped into at the time but now niche in ASMR is non-existent and the only successful videos are from well-established channels or twitch e-girls who know for a fact that people get off to mouth sounds (aka "easy ASMR")

yeah I never looked back after I focused on my career more. I make similar if not more money than I did for a fraction of the work. Being a faceless "personality" in that community stopped appealing to me.
you have to be really really special on youtube to make money these days, everyone and their dog and mom wants to be an youtuber or some sort of an influencer so yea
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should i get shadow of the erdtree or use the money for gunpla
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Mother in law is visiting, asked boss if i could work Saturday.
pain is not dead
I hope Neko is okay
lol wut
>pain is not dead
also yay blessed palindrome captcha
good pic
what ?
I am the source
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how would you know tho
is she in your basement
flip a coin and if you’re not happy with the result there’s your answer
how would I know that my friend is not dead ?

let me find a coin, it's not 1995 so i don't have one lying around
I’d rather see cool pics of robots than sneed posts
>not just googling “flip a coin”
Robots and Donuts is a good gallery.
I want to believe that Bigfoot is real
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call local chinese place to order food
they tell me they don't deliver
i will pick it up
no we dont deliver
no, i will come to you
i said we dont deliver
hangs up on me
too late i decided to get elden ring
still gonna get some gunpla, just not as much


right here m8
got some clodhoppers that'd put him to shame
pain is doing ok i talk to her on disc every once and a while
the local chinese place down the street picks up their phone by saying "what do you want?" and hang up after your order without saying anything else and calling back usually results in them hanging up and every time this happens I get there and it's ready no matter what I have no idea how they do it
angel dead
neko dead
you’re not bigfoot you’re stankfoot
i wash my feet what r u talking about
some of them are rude as hell, but thats how you know they make good food.
i think the lady wanted to tell me they dont do orders over the phone? cause i wasnt even able to try and order lol
trim your nails
its over
ending my life
kek those r literally some of the best places u will ever eat at
i have a friend who regularly orders from a chinese place and they literally just pick up and tell them "come in 20 minutes" and it is so based
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Bigfoot is real
hes me
i do pretty regularly
you really think so or are you making fun of me
cut my skin
and i bleed
just like anybody
yeah I forgot to include the detail that it's still the best chinese food I've ever had and their potstickers are stellar
I think so. There's so much wilderness, so many stories. I want to believe anyway, makes the world more interesting.
Nice muskles
it seems we are kindred spirits
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any sui tips?
my suicide method is time. it's the most painful one but at least I wont miss any cool video games or movies before I go
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the secret to life is to become consoomer??
no, it's to look forward to things and enjoy what you can while the world around us burns
ah my chest is hurting
its finally time
lord take me
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No, it's to produce posts, the best posts. Such as this >>36331602
gonna put this in a song im working on
>elden sneed
better than the usual crap you play
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fuck off stop being a constant negative nancy, this is a thread for transwomen, you are invading our spaces and just telling everyone everything they like is shit
just kill yourself, it would improve the world. alternatively, try fucking with some actual AB neonazis irl so they can kill you
cant stop crying
this tv glow movie is dumb as hell. the only good part is the fake buffy but you see like five minutes of it. this director is a hack
sneed and cope
I wanna see that movie but first I must watch Maxxxine
oh yah i downloaded those movies a while back. i need to check them out. might do that today after i finish playing nier replicant
they're pretty good I saw them last night
KEK i am excited to hear it
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don't tarnish nier replicant with your stinking nigger hands u creep
paige what the actual fuck is wrong with u
I'm scared and sad
how 2 not be scared and sad?
advice pls
I wanted to play nier but I guess I'll have to wait some time for that now
ask ur bf to come over and cuddle
>wtf why would you be angry at someone who ruined your life and tried pushing you to suicide
v nice get payge.
i work with this dude who is basically you.
no i will not extrapolate further.
dude did you forget blobby doxxed her and fucked up her social life
sobbing n sharting myself due to this rn
hope he's happy
Is it true?
>get doxxed after repeated racism
>continues to be racist
can u literally just be normal and u will be fine
nier is peak, automata is vvv good
need 2 play replicant tho..
yes it is true
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i LITERALLY look like this
i don't have one ;~;
good advice tho.. cuddles always make me feel better
>someone who ruined your life
that might be a bit of a strech, he made you get kicked out of an autistic sword group or whatever that you said you didn't care about too much anyway, idk if this is life ruining..
i am racist bc i secretely love that bbc
niggers come and punish me
hehehe im killing myself and rthers nothing anyione can do heheahaha >:))))))))))))))))))))
yea they contacted my martial arts group, lied to them and said i was recruiting for neonazis on the darkweb, and got me kicked out of said group and also my roleplaying group since one of the members was a coworker with one of the martial arts ppl. this meant i lost all of my irl friends i'd spend over a year building up, overnight. ended up the most suicidal i'd been in almost a decade, had lots of issues, and am still trying to recover in some ways. plus they constantly harassed me and tried to get me to kill myself by further lying and hounding me. actual psycho behaviour. my car also caught on fire right after the dox and it probably wasn't him but it's possible. was also worried someone from the group would contact my place of work and get me fired, i had to quit anyway though because i was cutting too much at work and almost got caught a few times and couldn't even focus bc i was thinking about suicide so much. it was fucked

>ou didn't care about too much anyway
i cared about it a lot, it was a group of people i thought had been my friends and with whom i had been vulnerable and tried my hardest to socialize and push myself and to have that taken away with nobody caring to check and see if what blobber was saying was true really hurt, plus it's really hard now to make any friends without feeling like they're going to abandon me immediately. plus the worry that what if i'm just out in town and someone who thinks im an ebil neonadzee decides to fucking shoot me or assault me because of what some wankstain decided to make up

only to blobbert, not to anyone else
kill me pls
I'm too cowardly to jump
Must be heat stroke, thought she was saying Grace was her stalker.
heheheehhe im already dead abnd free >:)))
uve called other ppl the n word itt multiple times besides blobberson tho
idk dude
u make it rly hard to sympathize with u paige
ur constantly shitting on other trannies with transphobia and attacking their appearances and ur general racism
can u pls just be normal and make an attempt to allow urself to grow past this extreme self-hatred to where ur trying to tank ur life while also bringing down others around u
grace do u hate me now why do u hate me
i am working on it i've been nicer lately and i haven't called anyone a nigger seriously lately tbqhwy
That's strange, fascists don't like transwomen. I don't even think the faggy groups like 09a like trans people.
i can vouch for paige as someone with no life and stalks the thread every day.
they have been cooling it with the transphobia. even apologise and delete posts when called out
you are an unperson
no i like u mariefren
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tfw no snew to headpat at times of need.
o ok sorry
no he seems bummed out all the time.
or he just hates me...cuz he prolly browses this board...or his autism makes it difficult to speak...ugh i said i wouldnt extrapolate now just look at me ugh
nobody likes me
i should replay drakengard
im forever alone giga lateshit honshit should dieshit
press 1 if u agree
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would u hire me
nobody else wants to
paige’s pattern is
>lash out to trigger angry reaction
>respond to reaction w sad autobiography
>act meek and apologetic to elicit sympathy
it may be annoying and unhealthy but it is hardly an excuse to dox her or anyone
and it is extremely common behavior here
oof don't worry, it happens

is this what you had to submit to get hrt?

i was answering someone's question
dang this paige person sounds relatable af
is she the one that's always posting mobile suits
lol ya the agp transbian hon behind the counter was like say no more girlie ur one of us
you forgot the part where she is a literal white supremacist
yes and yes ofc she’s relatable many of you have the same pattern, some way more intense than paige
I wouldn't hire you
But thats because you're not in healthcare
And im not part of the sacks of shit in C-Suite
holy based lmao
no its fucking over
idk what that means sorry :<
she has a ton of dumb “political” opinions but the part you’re overlooking is that they are all part of her internet self harm toolbox
best way to suicide 2024
Are those projects for uni or projects for companies?

are you able to add windows of time for those projects? (Month 20xx - Month 20xx). Any relevant experience in this field?

I like the way you formatted skills, I should borrow that. The entire resume is formatted well too, I can't stand resumes that look like notepad docs

contact info up top would help as well, centered

I'd definitely take this resume seriously, that's for sure.
u r no doktor
i am no a dipshit who run hospital with no medical nowlege and is the reason why helthcare in us of a is very bad.
those diphit r reason doktor can no own hospital.
busines degree moronos run hospital
>redit spacing
wait a minit ur not our poodgy...
shut up bitch ass
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tldr desu, seems padded.

i think she's a sad character but relatable in the self hate at least. i think her trying to improve her attitude and mental health is very positive.
uni :/ i just need a sliver of work experience but nobody wants to give it to meeeeeeeee
i can hardly find entry level jobs to apply to and i almost never hear back from the ones i do, even internships
recently i wrote a website for my electrolysis lady for free just to try and have smth resembling real world experience
wish i could wear shirts like this in public without people thinking im actually some slut or something
Prolactin is what makes people lactate right? I'm at the high end but still within range since I started my ADHD meds and my bf wants me to try prog. Should I be worried about that causing it?
wish i had a life
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yeah it's very tough out there. Have you looked into contracting agencies? It's usually short bursts of 3-6 months of work but it's an easy way to get some experience behind you
no actually, i should give that a try
I'll do anything i just wanna cooooooode ://
i know i would make such a good code monkey i don't mind working long hours or not getting paid overtime i have no friends no hobbies i just need a job so i can start making progress for srs it's so FRUSTRATING!!!!
>big alpha black man comes to my house, my mom is asleep, now is the right time, he gets into my room, he sees my gunpla and asks me why i still play with toys at this age, i tell him to shut up and get that juicy cock out of his pants already
>big sweaty musky nigger dick
>ugh, ugh, it goes in my mouth
>yes monkey facefuck me, ugh so good
>big muscular nigger muscles then grab me by my hair and neck and push me aggressively into the wall
>ugh ugh, so aggressive, animalic, that is why niggers are the best, they are like jungle gorillas
>the alpha silver back now rips my panties, a hole is left in them, he puts is black nigger cock in me and plap plap plap plap
>ugh yea ugh, i love getting blacked, i fucking can't stop myself from moaning, it feels too good though, i hope i don't wake up my mom, i am a race traitor, it feels so good as he fucks me aggressively, those idiotic animals would fuck anything, they are dumb but fuck good and hard
>ugh ugh, i am sweaty he is also sweaty, his big black dick hits my male faggot prostate really hard ughhh
>he is about to cum, here he goes, ahhh, ughhh, yea, fill me with that nigger juice
>my faggot hole is filled to the brim with cum, time to tell this idiot to fuck off back to his nasty poor shitty ghetto and clean myself
>ok, i am clean now, it felt really good but i feel guilty about being fucked by a literal retarded monkey, time to go on mtfg and be racist and tell everyone how much i hate niggers
>ugh better now, i got called a racist, what a loser that person is, haha they should kys
>go quiet on everyone
>spend all my time moping about how no one cares about me
>efriends wondering about me
>family wants to see me or call
>tinder full of men who would pretend to care about me
>continue moping
so am i retarded or
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even with very high prolactin its not guaranteed you lactate. if you want prog see how you go and stop if it happens and is uncomfy.

i would wear that ironically if i was attractive and because i met a great friend through danger/u/.

yeh but it's ok.
but was i rite tho
This is a good mindset but never work for free. Long hours and overtime, sure. Never free. It doesn't make you look good the way you hope it does. Even friendly managers will take advantage of free labor if they can get away with it.
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