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Previous episode >>36327788


Question of the Thread #1 : what keeps you from just fucking ending it all? what gives you reason to go on?
Question of the Thread #2 : voice training or vfs?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
Basic Skincare and Makeup: https://rentry.org/mtfgskinmakeup
I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain

▶MTF Timelines
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>Question of the Thread #1 : what keeps you from just fucking ending it all? what gives you reason to go on?
Honestly? Finding the answer to this question keeps me going. What's "the good ending" like? I wanna find out no matter how bad it hurts.
>Question of the Thread #2 : voice training or vfs?
Voice training for me. Almost there, one practice sesh at a time.
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it wud upset ppl i like.
shit thread
i will remember that
ty for trying to help me anon
ty for using the good OP
>what keeps you from just fucking ending it all? what gives you reason to go on?
my variety of lil projects. ain't got time for existential decay with all these irons in the fire
>voice training or vfs
voice training (diy) + choralmaxxing
good luck in your search! It's only difficult now. When you have that job, you'll be glad you kept going!
snooze you lose nigga
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Is 35 too late for feminizing HRT to be worth a damn?
Okay thank you.
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How do you tuck effectively? I never hear it get actually talked about in detail and I'm at the point where I really need to start tucking.

I'm a 1yr boymoder but a bunch of online friends who know I'm trans will be meeting up in a month or two and I'm genuinely terrified of how I'm going to present myself. All of them are cool, but none of them are trans and there are even going to be people who I've never met there.

I don't know what to do honestly. I'm not ready yet but I can't back out, I can't boymode either, and I know I won't pass. My laser isn't even fucking done yet. I don't want to look like some kind of freak to them. I bought a bunch of understated girl clothes like simple tank tops and shorts but I just realized my bulge showed in all of them and I can't deal with that. How do I tuck it, exactly? Is there a guide or video somewhere? How do I make it stay for like an entire day? Please help me I'm freaking out.
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how cooked am i
it was too late at 19 for me
omega malebrained
1-who said anything about keeping? I'm roping on first of August
2-vfs, voice training is scam eventhough my voice passes it's not my real voice
bitch idc abt that
too late after male puberty starts honestly
we all cope
force femme me into a productive member of society
>I'm roping on first of August
my eyes are bursting
decent haul. i got a couple final fantasy games, dmcv and the zero escape series today. dmcv instantly made my hand hurt so that is annoying. idk how to play the game without hurting myself. i need to get 428: shibuya scramble

these projects are hs tier, apply yourself
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just getting around to watching the debate
>first trimester is between a woman and her doctor
>second trimester is between her doctor and extreme situations
>third trimester is between a woman and the state
wtf based biden
shame about how he seems to have forgotten how to speak out loud
epic advice
The man showed he can think
But he can't fucking talk.
Trump is the opposite
>he doesn't mean for it to be this way, he just doesn't know
well no point posting about the rest trump won 2024 with this sentence
100%. to the people listening to the words trump sounds like a dumb playground bully and biden sounds like a president
to the ears, biden sounds like he's about to fucking keel over and trump sounds like he feels bad for the guy lmao
im nvr gonna be gay i wont do it u cant make me being a str8 chick with a str8 dude is life 2 me now and if these chucklefucks try n take that shit imma fard n piss n sob so fucking hard i swear 2 big bro

omg zero escape is so fucking good enjoy
also dont listen to the haters ztd is peak
i want to get ff13trilogy and the 3d remakes they released on the ds but ive been holding out on them for years
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have you played AI Somnium Files? also Okada
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i dunno what games to get except Dead Space remake
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thankful for the content that this debate brought to the world
i should kill myself, why should i live? i have to go to masters in programming so i can get a job from there maybe and then do that for the rest of my life as some dysphoric weird faggot, i would have to do smth that i don't give a shit about while being miserable and dysphoric and even if i feel ok, it will still no be ok and feel robbed of an actual life.. so why even live?
ya both games slap, i rly hope they make a 3rd
the secret ending to 2 was fucking insane
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>did some writing outlining work for VN
>only one "episode"
>feel a little better that i got some progress made even if it's not tons

room no 9 is on sale
Why did you make biden the bottom?
alright, my good friend fell for the propaganda and became a tranny. he is even taking hormones.
When do you guys grow out of this? how long does it normally take? i don't want to wait long
yo this game slaps fr doe
shits fire ong sheeeeesh
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define "propaganda"
your friend has gender dysphoria, she's taking steps to treat it
half life?
ayyy frfr finna go play again on god bruh
the dogmatic concept that a man can become a women, all you need is to spend a small fortune.
I don't recall treating delusional people included affirming their delusions.
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oh my GOD every time trump is talking shit he looks like a kicked dog
46th president of the united states everyone
kekking and sobbing
im going to fucking kill myself
please do
kys blobby
stop wasting time here then?
I'm going to watch "In a Violent Nature"
i like the mask's design
Waiting for earth crust displacement
y'all really have 0 issues to condamn paige to absolut hell just because she calls you what you are, men, males, amab

and you're so fucking insecure, disgusting, stupid, irremediable hons that you have no other weapon than censorship

you have nothing to say or show, just censor

you're the literal end of the world niggers
okay i still think trump won here but
>we're providing israel with all the weapons they need, whenever we need them
this sentence is where biden lost. whatever your opinion on this personally, this man does NOT know his base
>what keeps you from just fucking ending it all? what gives you reason to go on?
i genuinely don't fucking know and i wish i did so i could get rid of that and kms already, i want to die, i hope i will actually do it and disappear forever
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>what keeps you from just fucking ending it all?
>what gives you reason to go on?
>voice training or vfs?
I voice trained successfully into a fully female passing voice but in the end it was a complete waste of time because bone law is unforgiving and merciless.
just do it
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Look at this guy
i am scared of death and i am too proud probably too thus i suffer :'(
can i get a hug and a kiss? please, it would make me feel better
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i turned 27 3 days ago.
i still feel like 21
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i'm 28, 125 lbs, 5'6", is this doable... i can't stop thinking about trying, but worried i'm a bit too old? i think i might have top tier genetics for this (i literally haven't aged in 10 years) but i have no idea what's gonna happen if i try to transition and it kinda scares me
words of wisdom
seek your replenishment, from waters you have not pissed in
at least ur not 31 and feel like ur 20 :^)
happy bday tho
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turned 26 2 weeks ago and same ;_;
i love him............
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>what keeps you from just fucking ending it all?
i physically cannot bring myself to take actions to end my life
if i take pills i throw them up and everything else in my stomach and cannot stop puking
if i try to jump or crash my car i just can't make my body do it it just doesn't listen
i got close by alcohol consumption but not close enough and ended up in the hospital and it fucking sucked
my mind may want to die but my body isn't going to let it happen
>what gives you reason to go on?
the closest thing i have to a reason is that i'm wildly insanely in love with a man who wants nothing to do with me. the hope is that i either find someone else like him, or hell freezes over and he gets in touch with me and proposes
i guess also i want to create good meaningful art that makes ppl feel or think or just appreciate it
that would be nice and i know im smart enough to make something like that, but i lack a lot of the stability and discipline and ambition to tackle it, plus PDA doesn't help
also, i don't want my mother to be hurt by my death. she's already suffered too much for one lifetime, i don't want to add to that
>Question of the Thread #2 : voice training or vfs?
neither bruh just literally do the voice it's that easy
no, becoming a troon is not worth it, please remain a man and repp
do you love me now? i just want friends, i promise that i will become nice :'(
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i turned 30 like seven months or so ago and i still feel like a 12 year old an uncomfortable amount of the time and an 80 year old the rest
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well here's something for you, medical transitioning has been a thing for more than 100 years
so you don't know shit about psychiatry or medicine in general
paige says it because she hates herself and projects that hatred of herself onto the rest of us.
fond of this song...
>feel like a 12 year old an uncomfortable amount of the time and an 80 year old the rest
pretty normal with bad early trauma tbdesu
mtfrens i got blood drawn but they had to stick me 4 times before i bled :///
i think it's cuz i have low blood pressure, the docs always tell me that whenever they take my vitals

so is mohg just like literally a gross ass pedo groomer??? cuz that's kinda the vibe i get granted my understanding of the lore is not complete
did he do shit to margit and morgot too??
i only give paige shit for being a nazi. she's half right about the amab stuff she's just too wormed to admit that trannies are cross-sex not either or
I don't even know anymore :(
both for best results
there's more to voice training than just pitch and resonance as important as those are
if I was rich I'd get vfs then hire a voice coach
>so is mohg just like literally a gross ass pedo groomer???
yes and no, it's mostly meme. it's got the caveats of "miquella is ancient and immortal like their siblings just cursed with eternal unbloomed youth", and "mohg isn't doing this to get off he's trying to make miquella into a god and himself as consort of a god into ruler of the world."
the writing is pretty clear (and, it is george rr martin) that this would involve mohg, who looks like a giant demon man, fucking miquella, who looks like a genderless child, to make offspring. but, he's not into it. but... yeah...
again, george rr martin
wish that was me on left
i also think maybe it's supposed to imply that miquella once ascended to godhood would be like, not lookin all like a little kid anymore. and mohg just lives in his blood waiting for that to happen like a freak
Realistically, how worried do I have to be concerning liver/kidney damage and/or brain tumours when using cyproterone at 12mg/day? Is spironolactone safer?
ugh sobbing

did you drink water today
I feel like I've aged a decade this past year
do not take spiro lol
idk how long uve been on hrt for but u can just switch to monotherapy after a while
>mono injections
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laughing like bowser
ya lots, all i drink is water and red wine (sometimes)
got it so he's using the ageless ancient shota defense mixed with (potentially) a bit of "I'm waiting till he looks 18"
ugh god the elden ring lore is so good i love how much gay tranny shit there is
still trying to wrap my head around radagon and marika being the same person
yesterday i killed hoarah loux and i actually got kinda pissed at this guy, what's his deal? he hasn't been in the lands between for like ever bc he wanted to go be a barbarian and now I've done all the hard work to burn the erdtree he thinks he's just gonna walk on in and help himself? what a dick
i mean spiro is definitely better than nothing and has no real health risks besides dehydration or potassium overdose. it's ineffective at suppressing T, it's not "do not take"
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>my mind may want to die but my body isn't going to let it happen
i dont like that picture
why is being hopeless bad
Is Carol still banned
ppl say this and I'm always concerned cuz I'm a spiro hon but last time i had it checked my t was 12 ng/dl so i should be ok right?
>yesterday i killed hoarah loux and i actually got kinda pissed at this guy, what's his deal?
his deal is he's my husband
>he hasn't been in the lands between for like ever bc he wanted to go be a barbarian
sobbing marika literally kicked him out of the house and the entire lands between and also his entire tribe and all his non-empyrean descendants (which may be the same thing unclear). literal god-waifu told him go home so he went back to the badlands :')
also he was not just hoarah loux! he was nice and civilized and kingly with the help of his immortal dog who was unrelatedly also a king, and he stayed that way for marika even in exile, until you came along to swipe his wife and forced him to barb out again
gotta kill him tho his stomp is too fun sorry mr loux buddy
12ng/dl is nothing, mine was higher last check and I'm post orchi. Spiro has crummy side effects is why it's hated.
i don't think spirohon is real unless your t is actually unsuppressed. there's stuff about cortisol and tummy but it's inconclusive data and (when i'm not cheat eating bloaty foods kek) i am a flat tummy twink after 7 years spiro so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i will say my breast growth has been shit but i don't think that's because of spiro, i think it's the recurring bouts of anorexia + never having monitored my e2 levels
oh also your character is probably directly descended from hoarah loux
o got it
mm my breasts aren't great either
im grateful they've rounded out a bit tho, least im not stuck with cones
sounds kinda cucked ngl
imagine being such a shitty husband ur wife kicks u out and literally fucks herself and gets pregnant with her own children
i don't wanna know what that bedroom was like with godfrey there
mfer didn't even put his foot down with visitation rights judging by how he reacted to morgot's body
woa fr? what a slut
try iced tea
why did he stab you
>grateful they've rounded out a bit tho, least im not stuck with cones
tfw ribcageconehon. i have a pigeon chest goin on and it makes them point outwards with no under boob lol. i will need implants.
technically they're c cups because obv they point down on the leaning measurement so i guess i could just become a hunchback kek
>sounds kinda cucked ngl
>imagine being such a shitty husband ur wife kicks u out and literally fucks herself and gets pregnant with her own children
oof you brutalize my boy but u rite tho lmao
and then to make matters worse one of the kids she had with herself went and murdered his only good son too lol
>slut loux
i will be nepheli's stepmother
i don't rly get the nepheli loux quest
ok so she's the queen of limgrave now or whatever, what's the point? all her subjects are mad and there's barely any of them left
>ok so she's the queen of limgrave now or whatever, what's the point? all her subjects are mad and there's barely any of them left
i mean... what quest are you on right now
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elden ring autists, what build should i go with
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>"give the nice lady your stuff honey"
>"hi there, do you need a bag?"
>"oh nice man I'm so sorry! and yes please!"
dang it
that really depends on what you've already done lol
also if you mean dlc build i can't help i am like 1 hour into the dlc, the new fists and katanas seem cool tho
>that really depends on what you've already done lol
i've beaten the game but not gone on to ng+ with one character (INT)
on another, beaten most of the game but iirc have only beaten the fire giant but not progressed past that outside of other areas, and it's with a dex/arc build that really just sucks and was meant to be a scarlet rot focused build but im not really feeling it since trying to play some more on it the most i do is spam giant hunt and occasionally use some utility fth spells either for pulling enemies or dumping scarlet rot dragon breath
and all my other characters are still early game
umm i guess i still gotta do Millicent's quest and the haligtree stuff and then I'm starting the dlc
this playthrough I'm doing int + dex
I am James dean I have only ever smelled the feet
ugh i am deeply considering getting this tria now
my shadow is slowly coming back between sessions and i prob wont have another until at lest nov/dec
i am 100% abt to blast my face
i like the artist that drew this pic
the blonde one is cute
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speaking of vanii, where is her online presence now? I remember I was following her and then her twitter and her curious cat https://curiouscat.live/vaniis got deleted
my fav elden ring character has prob gotta be ranni
wish i could transplant my soul into a pretty doll body...
malenia is a close 2nd tho
she makes me feel better abt my fridge bod
mine is mogh.
he was a victim
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Watching sailor moon with mom
my mom called me a fag for recommending sailor moon
she liked mob psycho and overlord though
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cute and comfy :)
Based. Those are good shows
lol eccentric tastes i can respect it

does anyone here like cardcaptor sakura >_<
i was watching it earlier as well on adult swim too, tho i've watched the whole series like 5 years ago
ur mom should not call u a fag
my thigh gap is widening :>
naz glowup arc incoming
>lose another 50k souls because im a fucking retard
i am GOING to kms
aw dw abt it I've lost probably a few hundred k this play through but it doesn't matter! i try to level up here and there when I'm free roaming but most of the leveling i do is just from boss flights desu
Omg its the yamcha gets exploded episode now
erm spoilers?
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the baseball filler episode of super was the best episode of super because of the reference to this.
Lol thats great. I didnt know that. I gave up on super cause i hated it
"A Violent Nature" was good, currently in the middle of Smile. I could have sworn this movie came out ages ago
I hope so
thinking if I can improve my diet and get better at skincare
I'll look alot healthier at least
>look up r/translater
Actually I'm a man who is fine with being a man and will not try to transition
>malenia phase 2 starts with an instantkill if you don't dodge it correctly
pure RAW STRENGTHHH And use the great club
ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga
- elden ring autist
Unfortunately while I went from wanting to die to not really wanting to die anymore, I know hrt was not the right decision. Im jhst at a loss. I dont think there is anything left to do in life. I am thinking of ending it all.
I’m not getting matches on any dating apps anymore… is it over? should I panic?
omg maybe this will finally be the place i get some clout for this:
i beat malenia once by parrying lol
i still had to dodge the waterfowl dance and the big explodey flower thing but other than that i parried everything and used a crit/blood loss build
was fun af but so hard, took me weeks of trying a couple hours a night
when i feel hopeless i make a silent vow to myself that some day i will be beautiful
and all the ppl who thought i was just a gross cringe ugly autistic boy will have no choice but to bear witness
some day...
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heall yea niggas beat (male)nia
>be the only tranny in a discord server
>its obvious that blahaj memes are aimed at me
>I dont even like blahaj or memes
dead cope thread for honbeasts
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blahaj is fren
can't wait to get fucked up tomorrow
been feeling so afraid over absolutely nothing today
omg iktf
I've been tweaking today over basically morning
oops meant to say nothing
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henlo frens need some quick advice
im hungry but it's late
should i go get food or just not
hurry up the store closes in thirty minutes ugh
flip a coin :)
I've only been playing elden ring for two days and I've already lost so many souls
yeah it hurts every time

good advice im gonna get going
Ye go
friggen noob
Wanna get a hungry gf that i can feed and bribe with food
manipulative feeder bitch
ugly? yep thats me
violent femmes always reminds me of tony hawk no matter what they really went crazy for the music in those games
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her pants are awesome her top just sucks. if she emphasized her shoulders differently like with straps or something it'd be way cuter i think
too sad to sleep :((
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aaa in the evening i'm too sleepy to be productive but it's not time for sleep yet
what do i dooooo
i miss him so much thinking about him all the time kms

daydream about the straight guy you're in love with

done gone, got pidser bagels
slow reply sry
malenia's got another really cool spell for your rot build fyi, takes 3 slots but if you're already not equipping many spells that should be fine
i'll recommend you two very different options:
>monk build, go fists and faith, use spells mostly to buff and heal then punch everything to death or throw lightning at it
>bonk build, pick up either one of the fun hammers or the guts greatsword and just go full strength focus, add end if you wanna dual weild and feel like radahn
enjoyed both of these greatly and both have a ton of really fun ashes of war to play with
kys blobby you fat little evil goblin
he'll never love me back :/
his girlfriend kinda doesn't like me either (she's republican)
thanks desu
was thinking i might respec for full fth build, but if i don't do that i'll probably get the flower for the rot

>he'll never love me back :/
he will in your daydreams
>i miss him so much thinking about him all the time kms
same but i'm on the other end, thinking of her instead
pretty sure it's over for me.. time to drink and cut
im not blobby i just like 90s hip hop dam
blobby should stabbed in the throat

Cap this post blobby like you do with all my posts, print it out and then crumble the paper up and jam it up your fat ass
>pretty sure it's over for me.. time to drink and cut
future tranny
i think no one should be stabbed in the throat except for maybe politicians
that song in particular fuckin owns it has really beautiful lyrics and feeling a lot like this other one which is similar
3xd & everyone surrounding them was awesome
ok groomer
Q1: Husband and kids, honestly. Started hormones at 30, husband stayed with me, kids love me... but I've realized my dreams are all broken/unattainable and I'll never fill that void. I don't hint at it but if something ever happened to my family I'd go suicide by billionaires security team or some shit.

#2: Training. VFS seems really hairy.
why do other ppl get to be normal and have normal lives
i rly did try to be ok with being a guy and i couldn't so like what could i have even done
why am i like this
weird, ugly and destined for loneliness
gamps are invariably going to troon out themselves once they can't get off on their fetish by living vicariously through the transwomen they chase

idk it's not fair, i have so much love for my guy and could make him so so happy if he were into me. life sucks then u die
rap is for try hards.
no thats hard core . . .. .
god its nights like this that quitting weed rly sux
i wanna go outside and have a smoke so bad
i don't even care about getting high it was just the ritual and the calm that i crave
no i'm not going to troon out, i'm def sure i'm cis
i didn't even cut i just began cutting bc of this girl..
give me one reason not to OD on my hrt right NOW
i can relate to hard core more than i relate to rap and where i grew up, everyone listened to rap. as Jerry Garcia said "rap ain't music". Whatever, like what you like i just hate blobby.
uggghhhhh rightttttt
i would do anything to make him happy
make him cum as often as he wanted and cook all his meals for him and wash his sheets every week cuz i know how much he loves clean sheets and dote on him after a hard day of work when his stupid instructors were being mean to him again
and i would love every second of it
if only...
we've known each other since middle school and he was my only friend a lot of the times
if i were born a girl i could have been perfect for him and he would have loved me so much
And you can fucking eat me whoever you are. Get off my nuts bro
>we've known each other since middle school and he was my only friend a lot of the times
yea same except i met him in elementary school
he had a crush on my sister too, ugh
its cool i understand. i didn't really grow up with too much cultural influence around me and i'm big into whatever i can get my hands on except for maybe black metal. hardcore is as cool as hip hop and loud music is fantastic you should post your favorites anon
why this busta ass nigga think evry1 blobby lmfao blud buggin fr tho
that's fucking rough I'm sorry
idk why fate loves to twist the knife so much
uh, whoever you what'd i do to you?
hey at least they never dated, that would've been too much lol
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any tips?
Go to sleep.

Wait. It's the weekend.


what is some faggy media i should watch/read? looking for things that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
>t. sad lonely boymoder

Inuyashiki. But be warned. They make you hate the villain very effectively.
bro better be taking good care of grandma if he's making her do that shit for him >:(
ugh my friend was telling me about sex the other week and ugghhhhh
he was telling me about how much better he's gotten at pleasing girls and how he thought he was good at sex in high school but since getting older and having more experience and learning to talk with his girl about what feels good and what turns her on and stuff hes gotten way better and i was just sitting listening like giwtwmmmmmm
fugg that sounds nice
remember once my ex bff telling me about how he told his gf at the time to bite the pillow lmao
ugh men are so hot, this same guy shoved me against a wall and choked me while staring me down it was so hot hot hot
i wish i hadn't frozen bc of panic, i would've caressed his arm or tried to pull him in for a kiss or whatever kms i wish he were gay or at least bi so we could be together
anyway enough obsessing gonna go to sleep good luck anon

nothing really
maybe ai no kusabi
wtf that sounds so hot i would melt if that happened to me
ugh to make things worse, him and me are both big plane autists (that's how we became friends) but he's a pilot in the navy now, hes flying this thing that's like a mini fighter jet as the last part of his training and then he's gonna be living on an aircraft carrier and flying off of that
and he posts these pics in his flight suit and gear and sunglasses and it's just like uggghhhhhhh
he's so tall too like 6'2 and im 5'8 and super fit and has this deep voice and like predator eyes and a thick black mustache, he was always more masculine than most of the guys at school but he was one of the only ppl who didn't bully me for being a nerd who wasn't into girls
o fugg bros im gonna coom bros

>i wish i hadn't frozen bc of panic

Yeah but he should have just fucked you. Like, you can tell he wanted it.
sorry was it too much >_<
just trying to communicate how perfect he is and how much i would worship him if only i had been born a girl
fuck my life lol what's even the point
every day it feels like i have happiness dangled in front of me but it's something i can never grasp for myself
yea my ex bff was 6'3" and im 5'9", it's a great height difference bc i can rest my chin on his should when we hug and lean my head into his neck and it feels great
he's big and strong and masculine and would protect me from bullies and i loved him so much and still do
these days he works as an outdoorsman and i wish i could be there with him or at least there for him after a day of work, ready to listen to his stories from the day or rub his feet or sperg about the game i'm working on
god why are perfect men sent to be best friends to trannies they aren't interested in

Well i still plan to bribe him to give you another shot, so like, we are radically different.
fuggggg girls keep the posts cumin!! im ready for round 2
whenever i try to meet guys i just think, you're not as good as him...
not even talking about attractiveness, he's just a better kinder more responsible, manlier man than like any of the guys i meet
shut up dad
I wanna hear about new stories! More tauren stories. Not tauren. I don't know warhammer. MORE SUBBY STORIES!
o pls girlie we are hsts gurls we slayyy
i NEED divorced dad cock Right NOW
Enough about boyfriends do you know socket programming
I'd give you a firm hi five for a program
Pp in butte
me too!!!!!
Henlo nomi
I passed my first semester.
I hope you're doing good
fuuuuuuuuuuck girls im leakin coomies
oh jesus fuck do i
took an entire client server class in college, one of the big group projects was writing a mail server and i was the one who did the linux version socket code
and in the same class we had to do a simple file transfer program without using ftp, the requirement was just to send a text file so everyone else read the text file into the program whereas i decided to read the file proper as a bitstream and use markers to properly reassemble the data on the client. when i demonstrated it to the professor, instead of sending a text file saying "hello world", i sent Big Trouble in Little China.mkv lmao


I'm good. Tired. Just inhaled a small pizza. Thinking about drinking booze or maybe just going to bed. Depends how entertaining certain autistic trannies are whom i somehow share a brother sister relationship with despite having different mothers and fathers.
so ur like really smart and such
sexo nerdy boy
no im a dorky faggot UGH

Dorks are cute.
Pp make slime

My pp controls me like ratatouille.

My pp: "Jane, stop this crazy thing."
What's it think of paige?

Lemme ask it.

*shakes the magic pp*

Dionia server ?
I am not a man, paige isn't interested in what she does to my pp. Like, if i was a man, she'd probably still be pretty upset to know, but a lot less.
Ugh. I have to stand up to go to bed.
god i hate the fucking albinautic town to get to the haligtree
lol let's make u do parkour over a bunch of roof tops while invisible enemies that teleport away from attacks stalk you
no that's not good enough, let's also add archers on all the rooftops that will hit u with pin point accuracy from 100 feet away while machine gunning arrows at u
Ahhh, anonymity. Finally i am safe to say some people have pretty bums.

Like laf and shinji.
>people have been delusional/mentally ill for over 100 years
wow what a surprise
you know damn well this is only as popular as it is because of fetishism, trendiness, opportunists, and adjacent mental illnesses via the internet and "pride" acceptance/harassment. this is a rare disorder, and those who actually have it kill themselves out of shame, or because they're not actually being treated. affirming a sick persons delusions actually hurts them. especially when their delusion can never be a reality. a man can never be a women.
so i ask again, how long does it take for people to grow out of this game of pretend? i understand that if he actually has "gender dysphoria" that he'll be dead soon, but that is not what i'm asking.
We'll see cyborgs in our lifetimes, how are you going to cope with that if you can't deal with people taking hormones?
it's inate to the structure of the brain, you're phrasing it like it's a choice.
If you do not understand what this means it means without hrt transwomen still have brain structures closer to female than male
while cyborgs would be unsettling, at least they wouldn't be denying reality. it's one thing if someone just takes hormones to take them. it's the idea they hold in their mind that they are something they are not, something they can never be that is the issue.
this thread is full of mtf trannies. i am sure you guys have seen a fellow tranny or know of trannies that have stopped with the charade and moved on. i just wanna know after how long do mtfs usually give it up. internet searches are not working.
>waaaa waaaaa my friend trooned and i don't like it so I'm gonna air my frustrations to random Internet trannies
it's the impotence of it all that gets me
u may not like trannies but ur def some kind of faggot
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no1 likes me... le sigh...
nah, i know people actually have this illness, but the recent rise in popularity is not natural, and is a result of the stuff i listed earlier.
but while on the topic, do you feel affirmation of their gender identity is healthy? is it not similar to if i were to claim i were an alien from outer space. and the expectation was for everyone to acknowledge and treat me as if i were an alien from outer space?
cause of death: terminal manface
i feel like im on the brink of a panic attack rn
need 2 be cuddled desperately
do you have a brain structure that is congruent with an alien?
Been getting bit by a lot of mosquitos recently but I managed to splat 1 just now and seeing my blood all over my finger from it was so satisfying
erm guys whatabout this random scenario unrelated to trannies, betchaa never heard this one before
placate to my imagined grievances
that never actually happens?
ok but what if????
irrelevant. having a brain structure congruent to a females does not logically conclude the treatment is to "transition" and be accepted. because it won't fix the problem. their mind is in imagination land, while their bodies are in reality

it's late, i have to sleep, i hope someone gives me a real answer. good night
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also i copped a few cute earrings from hot topic yesterday..
>having a brain structure congruent to a females she's not logically conclude (i think u mean to say imply) the treatment is to "transition" and be accepted
no, decades of clinical data does, going back long before tranny acceptance was anything approaching mainstream
but let me guess, that's just because Big Trans has bought off the medical community right? for the past 50 odd years?
why are you guys even youing this grugoloid
just let go
>peace earings
the rest are cute too
Unironic question (not trying to stir up shit or anything), how many of you are sapphic/transbians?
Did going on HRT change sexual preferences for some of you, or maybe it stayed more or less the same?
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i was bisexual leaning towards men, and estrogen made me bisexual leaning towards women
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was into women before, noticably less disgusted with the idea of liking men after hrt but still very much into women (also married)
if you aren't actively repping your urges, hrt is *very* unlikely to change your preferences
idk im just bi
i like boys n girls
hrt made me more into men but also i think thats primarily bc i was v uncomfortable w being w a dude as another dude
not out of homophobia but out of disgust with myself
I deserve to be culled
honestly stressing over this move is probably gonna take a few days off my life
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I know one day the sadness will end

today is not that day
i feel like just calling myself a bottom does a better job of describing my sexuality than calling myself bi
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my quads are still kinda destroyed two days later maybe i added too much weight last time. the pain feels kimda good tho.

always been bi, usually leaning towards guys for sex and women for companionship.
>guys for sex and women for companionship
lol ya i feel that
but only cuz it's like impossible to find guys that make me feel cared for
must be too ugly ig
I think estrogen's made me like women even more, honestly dunno how that shit works.
gym pain feels so fucking good ugh
or men aren't trained to care about other people from birth but women are
yeah but you can be bottom with men and women equally no?
How hard is it to get a cialis script
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guys can definitely be romantic and caring too but they tend to think v differently and have a hard time understanding emotions the same way. broadly generalising ofc.

i wanna do more already but too sore still ;_;
ya and I'm not too picky when it comes to that tho i guess i lean more towards men
yaya recovery days r gud
is good 2 pace urself :3
i shud start going to a gym
been thinking it would be a good way to get my fix now that I'm not smoking weed anymore
did u know endorphins r like chemically the same as morphine? that's powerful stuff o_o
kinda scared about having to show up and ppl can see my scars and gyno tho
wish i could just have an at home treadmill, running is so good it always effs me up
been afraid to sleep lately for some reason :/
what are you afraid of?
quick i need a surrogate for parental approval stat
been having really vivid nightmares. they aren’t waking me up or anything but i do wake up covered in sweat and never feel rested. only started happening abt a month ago
oh. yeah, i get you. i struggle falling asleep most of the time out of paranoia/anxiety, and usually the only thing that helps me is leaving on a light or leaving on a video to feel like i'm not alone. i hope you can sleep soon anon
light & video are good ideas desu <3
thats the worst ://
sometimes sleeping w headphones playing classical music helps me sleep better
i don't think i could handle going to a gym if there were other people around. i used to just do weights and bike at home now i go to this quiet private one around dead hours.
i had that for a while, for me it only got better when i was doing better mentally and nothing helped until that changed, but i know people who had benefits from >>36336821 and other strategies like unironically not consuming 2 much sugar before bed
>classical music
that actually sounds lovely..
hardly consume anything as it is, however good to keep in mind! but ya i think i’m prob just stressed or sad or smth lame
mm that's smart
ugh i used to live in an apartment complex with a gym that nobody used, i wish i still did
c: ya i have a playlist of classical and movie soundtracks i like
rly like the la la land soundtrack, the guy who did it Justin hurwitz is cool he also did the soundtrack for this Neil Armstrong movie called first man which i also liked
ugh there's this scene where they're landing on the moon and the song that plays is like the best in the whole movie its so good
>classical music
like what
Debussy heh
besides the movie soundtracks um lots of pieces i used to play on violin so it's kinda a mix of lots of composers, there's some dvorak, mozart, vivaldi, sibelius (suomi perkele!), umm debussy, liszt, satie, ravel oh and some chopin stuff um idk lots of things
omg i almost forgot the Russians, i like tchaikovsky a lot also glazunov, i think there might be like one or two shostakovich pieces
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yeah that's the setup i have boomers love having gyms attached to their property to increase property value but don't use em.

dang this is pretty good
I found out more about my future living situation today
am kinda utterly terrified although it's not actually bad
also schubert how could i forget
>come out
>take hormones
>start getting comfortable with body
>hornier than ever
>bisexual husband says he's ace now
>been ongoing for 2 years now
>completely dry for over a year
>all of my flirting and blatant signs go right over Captain autismo's head
>our relationship is OTHERWISE goddamn perfect
>but jfc if someone doesn't rail me til I pass out I'm gonna lose my mind

Y'all... is my husband actually just gay???
male aces are pretty sus
he's gonna troon on u I'm calling it
>t. was ace before hrt
nice one but i do unironically like debussey
here are two pieces by Khachaturian to enjoy:
what’s the news ??
ughhhhhhhh im feeling so fucking neurotic tn
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talk to him about your needs. if your relationship is otherwise great maybe he'd be willing to let you get plowed by fwb or something if he doesn't wanna step up.
i'd advice against poly or open tho those basically never work long term.
huh I'm not familiar with him, thanks c:
listening now
yeh ._.
hey this first one is beautiful omg
i don't know that much abt soviet composers besides shostakovich
ballet music is rly wonderful c:

omg any evangelion fans in the chat? did u know anno originally wanted this song to be the theme song, and then it actually ended up getting used in rah xephon lmao idk if that was an accident but it rly makes the copying seem that much more blatant (tho i like rah xephon)
pls lmk what you think

Yea I am (and always have been) too insecure to ever do a poly. Too much pain in my past, particularly with cheaters. I don't have any friends rn due to having just moved to a new state. I broached the subject today after one of my coworkers flirting with me (ignoring my ring) completely shorted me out for a few minutes. He seems receptive to just doing it for me but that makes me feel pushy which is kind of a turn-off in its own right. I want him to just kinda toss meeeee

I would... earnestly be extremely surprised. We've been together for 10 years so the ace thing is very new. Maybe he's sorting some things out. Eeegh
apparently we're moving in a few months
in the words of my cousin I'm "getting the whole basement to myself"
hoping this will ultimately be a good change
but I cant help but catastrophize
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>He seems receptive to just doing it for me but that makes me feel pushy which is kind of a turn-off in its own right.
yeahh if they don't have their heart in it it's like impossible for me to get into it. may as well just use toys solo at that point.

at least you aren't a post twinkdeath twinkhon like some of us.
lol in order to experience twinkdeath one must have first experienced twinklife
puberty hit hard at 15 and ive been an ugly bastard ever since
trying to be a cute gay boy never even occurred to me cuz i already knew i was way too ugly to be cute
i've been ugly since i was like 8 it was over before it ever begun. then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder some ppl genuinely like 'unique' looking ppl.
>i've been ugly since i was like 8
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this is excellent news having your own space is a huge improvement congratulations !!
aw well I'm not trying to one up u or anything
i think i looked ok as a kid, ppl would always call me cute and tell me i looked like my mother
then after puberty whenever i looked in the mirror i saw a hideous rape ogre lol i wish i could put into words how much my own face disgusted me
i still see that hideous face leering back at me when i look in the mirror desu, even tho ppl tell me i look different now
like the ugliest scariest most ill intentioned man u could possibly imagine, esp when i try to smile i think oh god i look like I'm about to go out and start rape calling ppl
sad to read you are quite pretty
hugbox cope sneed etc
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i also always got told i look like my mom and i guess i sorta do but like a worse version in every way lol. fwiw i think you look cute but i understand it doesn't rly matter what other ppl think for ur self perception.
>i wish i could put into words how much my own face disgusted me
same. it's incredibly upsetting to try and be the best version of yourself when you viscerally hate your own reflection.
yeah my face looks uncanny with just about all facial expressions. everything looks forced.
maybe I can actually develop some hobbies n shit
I think I need some sort of direction that isn't just floating downstream towards the inevitable rapids
was told I'm also getting a bed
and the new place is in the same area I was in when I was living with my mom and brother before moving here
which is pretty close by where I am currently too
trying to be optimistic about all this at least before I see how it is firsthand
this is going to be a major step forward
>it's incredibly upsetting to try and be the best version of yourself when you viscerally hate your own reflection
omg right i just could not be bothered abt anything except the things that scared me
even now a lot of times i feel like i'm IDK chasing a phantom or smth, like trying to improve myself, be prettier, look more like a woman, idk it's all pretty much unattainable and even if things did get better i probably wouldn't even be able to see it for myself
my weight has plateaued for the last like 3 weeks bc ive been drinking a lot
but also like my waist has been continuing to slim down over these weeks
i do not understand this
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>too scared to leave the house
>no food delivery available
this place sucks.

ur gaining muscle to replace fat?
i dont see how though im still eating at an extreme caloric deficit
why scared
황홀한지문골짜기로내땀내가스며드자마자쏘아라. 쏘으리로다.
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i look awful and don't want people to see me.
when i was going to the shops few days ago at night some guy on the street laughed when i was nearby idk if it was at me since i didn't rly look at him to see what he was doing but it sent brain worms into overdrive.
you don't type like and uggo (lol)
you have nothing to lose to be hopeful about it, all signs are good
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Good Morning frens, hope you are all having a comfy weekend

Moid smell has disappeared just in time for the heatwave, wagmi!! :>
good point
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this reminds me i need to start learning korean already. i rly like 슈카월드 and wanna be able to listen his stuff in the background instead of relying on subs. and tune in on lck in the native lang when they got weak international casters on.

what did (s)he mean by this?
things are looking up friend, am glad :)
poor friend reading this hurts
Does anyone have any experience with these? I hate anal, and I found these tonight I kinda like it
They're expensive almost $350 after tax but hey, it's better than anal.
what how
dunnae what this is but i saw the grape fruit when i opened the page and immediately thought about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_1rty5JpE
my thoughts exactly
i think that was intentional bc i thought of that too lmao
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honestly surprised it's been so many years since i've had a negative experience w strangers. guess the lucky streak had to end at some point.
but yeh not ready to leave the house yet guess my self image is just that fragile.


same lmao.
>"i hate anal but found this"
brain rot too strong.
well the influencer review video on their site offered no answers
so I found her YT channel and the vid in the site must have been from ages ago
since then her bf at the time seems to have trooned on her
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>since then her bf at the time seems to have trooned on her
wait wait wait
I was saying it hurts to read you being so painfully self-conscious
I do not think that guy was laughing at you
(1) yes poor girl wtf I’m sorry straight mtfs have to deal w that
(2) I like that reference to Mike Stoklasa
>Mike Stoklasa
who? i thought that was a picture of a horribly aging homeless man
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i have to say that is not a good angle unless it's an attempt at diy ffs.

impossible to know at this point. and desu i don't care as much about what some random guy thinks but it just reminded me of what i am and how i feel about it.
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people from mtfg back in the day used to say I looked like Rich Evans
I think we’re talking about the same person
>impossible to know
not really, it’s overwhelmingly unlikely that stranger was laughing at you
but yeh the issue is not that
it’s that you’re in such a deep pit of self loathing
nah I don’t think so
I don't think so either but mean things hurt
kind of a tangent but it seems like Rich had a fairly tough life as a kid but he seems like the smartest and mist insightful member of RLM and he’s my fav
Crying rn. Face hurts
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didn't you use to present fem back then? i remember when faceapp came out and the fem filter looked almost identical to the pic it used as a ref. slightly fuller hair and smoother skin but it does that to everyone.

maybe but it is what it is. every psychiatrist i've seen just basically says i need to accept how i look but that seems like giving up on ever improving my self image which is immensely depressing.

my moms been trying to push me towards seeing a psych again but i tell her its going to be a waste of money. been down that road so many times with exactly the same results every time. that money is better spent on just about anything else.
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this car looks like a zaku wtf

Start my new job on Monday. Not ready to go back to work
oh yeah that's super anxiety inducing
what are you gonna be doing
>didn't you use to present fem back then? i remember when faceapp came out and the fem filter looked almost identical to the pic it used as a ref. slightly fuller hair and smoother skin but it does that to everyone.
I still do, I just don't wear makeup because it just accentuates my male features
I think you can simultaneously ease up on the self loathing and stay committed to self improvement, there’s no contradiction there
that’s good new Pring enjoy this weekend but don’t dread your new start
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not even subtle stuff like bb cream and a bit of eyeliner?

i think my motivation to improve is deeply tied to hatred of current self. like either i'm ok with the way i am or i'm not and i have to change. how can one ease up on that?
I’m very very very very skeptical that any productive motivation to improve can really be founded on self hatred
if anything, self hatred simply seems to justify stagnation / rotting and excuse failure to progress, as well as leading to self sabotage
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>not even subtle stuff like bb cream and a bit of eyeliner?
no, I look bad. this was from a few years ago when I stopped.
I'm deleting this in a minute.
Why does my makeup always look best in the morning after I fell asleep with it on
Oop Didn't mean to reply sorry for fake (you)
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its possibly because its rubbed off a little, try dusting your face with a dry brush after you're finished
emma is such a fucking passoid
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idk how to derive motivation from anything else unfortunately. things like improving self for the benefit people i care about ultimately comes down to current self being inadequate and ruining every interaction i have with other people simply by me being present.
very self centered i know.

looks like rather heavy makeup which rarely looks good on ppl unless they're like ultra-smoothskins to begin with.
for regular ppl subtle stuff that doesn't really even look like much makeup tends to work better imo. bit of liner/shade around the eyes to make them look bigger, bit of bb cream to make skin tone more even but not completely even otherwise it collects in fine lines and wrinkles and looks off.

for the 10+ uv index aus weather solid skincare routine at night, strong suncreen for day and neutral setting powder to remove the spf shine worked ok for day to day imo.

same. i think it's because it smudges off a bit for a more natural look.
lost my advil
its over
>strong suncreen for day and neutral setting powder to remove the spf shine worked ok for day to day imo.
might give that a try. am old and ugly tho.
time makes old ppl of us all.
I think genuine motivation to improve comes from self esteem
it’s a feeling of wanting to do better not bc you are unworthy but to the contrary precisely bc you are
and really all improvement that endures comes down to the joy of improvement itself rather than the misery of self loathing
i want to sui :'(
make my heart suddenly stop god, please buddy, stop tormenting me, i am sorry
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I am hoping that once I graduate I will save up to get ffs + srs by the time I'm 45 so I am at least happy for a decade or two.
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i think that's a cup half full cup half empty kinda distinction. i try to improve not because i deserve better but because i want to escape the abject misery of being like this. same function, same outcome.

i don't feel anything positive about myself, never have and at this point i don't think i'm even capable of that. the whole positive self talk thing is at an impass of trying to conjure even one neutral objective/factual tatement about myself that isn't also a negative to me subjectively. all of this negativity is endlessly frustrating and tiresome. i fully understand why psychiatrists throw in the towel and why it's best that i don't talk about any of this stuff with people who are invested in my wellbeing.

how's your credit/finances? could maybe get a loan for it to improve quality of life now and then spend that time paying it off instead of saving while suffering. saving money with the way inflation is going is going to be working against you with surgery prices hiking up as well over time.
like i would have enough to see the the french guy snew went to with the prices she paid but he jumped the price by 50% so i can't afford it anymore.
i need a fucking lobotomy dude i hate my brain so much
i cant wait to traumadump on my therapist after ffs
also i still cant find my advil sob
bad and I don't pass and I'm useless which is why I haven't had a job in ten years
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Think random ass seating tickets for XCX arena show is worth? Also 2 hour drive each way. Think worth? worried. pls rspond
can't stop listening
send it desu
i want to die :'(
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found my advil
i love being alive!!!!!!!!!
new: >>36338379
new: >>36338379
new: >>36338379

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