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prev: >>36332166
qott: idk, do you like tom and jerry? what cartoons do you like?

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion
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I'm tall! Where can I find clothes that fit?: https://rentry.org/mtfgclothes
Voice Videos/Training: https://rentry.org/mtfgvoice

Trans women have woman brains (Video): https://rentry.org/mtfgbrain

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hell yeah, just woke up.
new thread with a good op
ganna be a good day
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alt qott: How would you feel if you dad decided to transition?
>qott: idk, do you like tom and jerry? what cartoons do you like?
is there even anyone who doesn't like tom and jerry? well... the classic tom and jerry anyways, don't know how i feel about the new tom and jerry lol. as for cartoons that i like, i've watched way too many but i really liked gravity falls.

>alt qott: How would you feel if you dad decided to transition?
on one hand, a part of me wants to say i'd support her, on the other, i can fully imagine it tearing up my family that i'd really rather not have it happen. (i really doubt my dad would ever transition though, he's like, very much the dudebro type)
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>qott: idk, do you like tom and jerry? what cartoons do you like?
Tom and jerry is ok. I liked the japanese's take on it, they made them real cute

>alt qott: How would you feel if you dad decided to transition?
Is it mean to say that I would probably support them transitioning more if i wasn't trans?
Like if i didn't know how hard it would be for a late transitioner as a 60 y/o biker gym bro man, I would be more accepting. idk
Matherfackin minecraft
i want to kms
please please kill me murder me please, i am too much of a pussy to do it, please kill me already
You should totally like suffer in silence magadog
he lives in romania lol
No wonder he wants to k himself/herself/theyself
Gm Hon General
I love Tom and Jerry sm
I love any classic american cartoon. My all time fav is Mickey Mouse but I also like Bugs.
look at this creature
Sadam Hussain loved Tom snd Jerry.
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morning everyone, gonna see if i have blood clots or not!
i remember having a bunch of tom and jerry cds as a kid and watching them to go to bed, kinda wanna watch them again now. the most recent cartoon i watched would be the amazing digital circus but and smiling friends but it was only their first episodes so far. I liked them but just always forgot i was watching them :c
is prog actually supposed to make you horny or do i have the wrong kind? i've only felt sleepy from it
looks cute with the outfit, where do you normally get clothes? trying to find a good start to girlmoding
what a goofy lil thing! never heard of them and finding out they actually smell like popcorn makes me want to dive into a dog to get their frito dog smell
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>argue with gf
>almost block n delete her
>feel like crying
>sh instead
i am so fkin dumb. at least i didn't do permanent damage to our relationship. i hope.

not a big fan of most of tom and jerry kinda cartoons for whatever reason i always found them kinda irritating. guess those 90s ones like daria, simpsons and beavis n butthead were more my speed tho i didn't watch those all that much either.
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you
my DIY made it trough customs :)
has anyone heard from marina in the last day at all
a-at least you have someone

gj now see a doctor

no, thankfully it's nice and quiet
no drama
i can't find my inguinal canals, help me pls
dont stick your balls up there. youll injure yourself
look at an anatomy diagram
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it's back to being an ldr so does it really even count as a relationship by mtfg standards?

congrats. don't forget to procure blood tests somehow.
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T&J is such a fun cartoon! My parents got me multiple DVDs of the show, including a multi-disk set with like 40 episodes at least.
My all-time favorite cartoon is My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (started watching early in season 2, back when you could just find entire episodes on YT), followed by She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix reboot) and Arcane.
I also love Futurama and the first few seasons of Spongebob and the Simpsons!
>is prog actually supposed to make you horny or do i have the wrong kind? i've only felt sleepy from it
I only ever get sleepy from it, too
no but kat was larping as a elden ring character recently so i know she's at least not been killed by kat
MLP doesn't even make my top 10 cartoons. Brave little toaster is on there and not MLP.
enjoy urselfs evry1 hav fun and b safe :D
l8r <3<3<3
The male one right?
i went to a fun rave tonight with my friend it was awesome and there were so many nice people
Je n’ai que ma douleur et je ne veux plus qu’elle.
Elle m’a été, elle m’est encore fidèle.
Pourquoi lui en voudrais-je, puisqu’aux heures
où mon âme broyait le dessous de mon cœur,
elle se trouvait là assise à mon côté ?
Ô douleur, j’ai fini, vois, par te respecter,
car je suis sûr que tu ne me quitteras jamais.
Ah ! Je le reconnais : tu es belle à force d’être.

Tu es pareille à ceux qui jamais ne quittèrent
le triste coin de feu de mon cœur pauvre et noir.
ma douleur, tu es mieux qu’une bien aimée :
car je sais que le jour où j’agoniserai,
tu sera là, couchée dans mes draps, ô douleur,
pour essayer de m’entrer encore dans le cœur.
honestly yeah
when I was a kid I really liked retro cartoons
anything from betty boop to classic looney tunes
I think my favorite non modern cartoon was inspector gadget tho
that one always got me super excited
meds now
yayy im glad u had fun
thanks anon!<3
what a lovely surprise..
I'm at work cooking pasta
can u Be Normal
what happened to being nice
Cuddles with cute insecure chubby mtf!

Paige's life is made of pain.

I don't want people to be insecure but they are pretty damn cute when they are.
oh sorry just woke up, i will try harder desu

No you won't.

im showing my friend mtfg
why would u do this
im launching a drone strike on ur house

Hi friend. I am the cause of mtfgs poor state. Normally this place would be bustling with culture and life, but because i'm here, it is quiet and suck.
should i rep?
too late a bladed rx9 hellfire precision guided missile will strike u in 20 minutes
gonna try out a new kebab place! wish me luck UwU
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Oh how nice, tell them we say henlo!
do whatever you want, you are probably fucked anyway
Quiet arry or I'll forcefem you
why the fuck are you even in mtfg
you are not trans, youve made 0 steps to even begin transition
fuck off

I am opposed to gate keeping so you are now trans.

*puts a trans hat on you*
Transgenderisms don't work that way
I think
That hnew Miyazaki movie sounds mid BTW
Probably isn't but it looks mid
gmmmmm mtfrens
saw a kelly cadigan tweet that was like u wouldn't have to worry about Trump banning hrt if u just got srs
made me sad
is that what passoids think abt me :/
god i wish i had srs
you are functionally a cis male
go to repgen
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my terrarium turned a year old recently c:
i am suicidal bc of gd, i am a troon, idc, i stay here
you could at least have some empathy and pity

Nah. If you post here, you're a tranny.

There are a lot of mentally ill people in the world. There's only one mtfg.
i miss my little angel
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things can always get better fren
i started out like this
you are not a troon because you dont live as a troon in real life retard
you are only a """"troon"""" online. pathetic
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>trannies are women
>but trannies also have the sexuality type of cismen
>coomers, posting nudes and exposing their bodies for attention with no shame, poly, sucking and fucking, cheating on each other

is that how u think cis men behave LMAO
Absolutely. Most cismen would be poly if they could or would have harems. Most cismen have no regard for their bodies and send dick pics around with no shame. The only thing that limits straight mens sexuality are women gatekeeping and punishing them for it.

As soon as a cisman is not into women you see their true colors look at the gay community and the how hypersexual they are, cheating, poly and most MARRIAGES are poly too.
ah yes, cis women, infamous for never showing off their bodies for attention
this just sounds like slut shaming w some kind of pseudo feminist tint
u realize sexual promiscuity isn't a uniquely male trait, right??
whatever I'm gonna stop replying cuz ur clearly just looking for (you)s
Women do it for money most of the time. Men do it because they are insane coomers. Riddle me that why does the cis les general not have countless of sluts who show off their bodies, holes and pussies like this general? Why is there almost 0% poly or cheating drama?
well, you are not really that happy nowadays desu
shut up, giv me a cure and i will bounce and don't tell me "just take your pills bro"
>u realize sexual promiscuity isn't a uniquely male trait, right??

Then explain NIGGER why does the male gay community have a crazy hook up culture, cruising, high cheating and STD rates and the lesbian community has way less of that? Sure lesbians can have casual sex but you are implying it happens REMOTELY at the rates of what men do? Do you think lesbian women meet in public rest rooms to finger each other or have glory holes to eat pussy? Lesbians have the opposite problem called lesbian dead bed syndrome if anything.
ok just gonna say if u think lesbians don't have that kinda drama then u clearly haven't interacted w many lesbians i'm sorry
kill yourself
Mtfg is not representative of transwomen these are autistic agps
Also women post nudes for attention, not money. Money is a means to social status, the true end goal of foids.
who said anything about happiness
it's ur body/face that's making u sad, isn't it?
u can do something about that
Good morning. Why not get an orchi? It's way cheaper. Also happy birthday to your terrarium.
i would like that
until i get a job I'm broke tho :/
my parents helped me w ffs but they don't wanna help with anything after that
fair enough, must be hard watching ur kid go under the knife
i wish lmao, it is not easy though
idc what i am as long as i am happy, also no, if i troon out i can't pass so it is pointless completely, not everyone can pass but you already know that hon
failure repper cant even stay away from the tranny board
bc i can't leave until i make repping work long term and ik it is just not some empty cope that will fail and something that will actually work forever, this board offers nothing but i am desperate and i am lonely anyway.. my dypshoria is very bad daily and i genuinely can't function anymore at all, i need to recover soon or i am fucking done for good.. i am stressed out.. fuck my life, it is hell..
also i should have kms months ago, i delayed my sui way too much at this point and life gets scarier and scarier by the day..
an excuse for everything huh
i am still the bad guy somehow and not just a victim, huh?
I would clock you as an autistic boymoder the second you walked out the door with this on
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nuuuu it's qt omg u should keep the pins
my bag and pins r way more agp lol

When i take over the world i'll just buy everyone surgery.
cuz they scream cs grad
tho i was actually a math grad
uggghhhhhh fmllllll if i just did cs like a normal person i bet I'd have a job by now
cute! do you like the bag??? gimme a review i am da anon u replied to
you don't need to put all the pins on desu it looks messy
is it big? will it fit books n stuff? is it cute? what about da materials?
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ty c: sry for ranting abt my job search lol
aaaaa omg i love my doggie so muccchhhhhhhhhh
give me a cure for my gd besides trooning out and i am out of here an you will never see me ever again

I want you to troon out.
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nice pins
>tfw too old for pins

you should go to repgen since that's what you're already doing. idk why you think that's better than the two alternatives sui and transition but pls stop shitting up this gen with repgen stuff.
>feels like 100F outside
is this larry?
you're never too old for pins, I'm gonna spend like twenty euro on big pins of all my autistic lil interests and put em on the bag! im not old tho but still it doens mtaataaaa
how do i make my skin paler
like sickly pale
i don't feel so so good
theres cream for that, ive see indian commercials for it
whatever sammy sosa is using would probably work
could maybe get one nice tasteful one but idk what that would be. i saw a nice one flower design one downtown but it was 40 euro so no thanks lol.
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>>qott: idk, do you like tom and jerry? what cartoons do you like?
I do enjoy that era of cartoons. I'm one of the few Godzilla fans who genuinely enjoy the Hannah Barbara adaptation of the character (even though he's basically just a dragon)

I also enjoyed the cartoon continuiation of Godzilla (1998). If was a kid when it was released, I'm sure I would have been obsessed with Gojiban.

I lost my taste for cartoons and most anime, though. I like my content to be thought provoking (with exception to Tokusatsu, I just think its cool).
O sorrow
There is no cure for gd just take your pills alice
I got called slow again
not like I can disagree tho
try fentanyl
whats the story
Should I get the 55cm or 100cm blahaj?

Which ever is more comfy to cuddle wif when sleping.
they were talking to another family member
but I heard them mention that I'm slow
my whole family sees me as like...
lol i used to love Tom and Jerry that was like my fav cartoon when SpongeBob wasn't available
Tom was always my fav i kinda didn't like Jerry
Lol keep playing it you might get leeway in some areas
i literally made this thread lmao
you can't kick me out like that
i wish i had that, the od on that shit is the best way do die from what i heard
i meant like, naturally or more permanent
im white so i figure theres ways to get rid of any and all tanning
10 piece mcnugget,,,
angerfist time uwu
idk, lasers?
going to see my childhood dog in a second I thought this fucker died its like 20 now
i recently discovered wendys chicken nuggets and theyre yummy >_<
but trying not to think about that cuz i gotta lose weight aaaaaaa
aw c:
lmfao omfg
so cute tho ughhh
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>ucla pin
yeah im also trying 2 lose weight but I just got out of work and was rly hungry,,,
no shame in that, eating enough is so important for ur mood and how u feel and stuff
lol wat is ucla hsts
i wouldn't know desu, i never interacted with anyone besides a couple professors and a qt guy i shared some math classes with
did u get spicy..
are you that poster that I was talking about how you used to go to ucla, and how i'm attending currently? it was ages ago
omg is that u uclanon
yes... they weren't that spicy desu but can't complain about extra seasoning
it is! hello! lol
ya they arent spicy at all i just rly like the taste of them
hi c:
made it through another year, huh? good job, the quarter system is rough
me toooo aaaa :< the sauces too, i like the ghost pepper ranch...
aaaa must.. be.. healthy..
please murder me please
i want to die haha
oh my gosh I love that picrel it reminds me of Clara
Cis guy, went on a date with a mtf who’s a little older than me and really attractive. Gonna see her again soon-ish. Any tips/tricks to make this go well?
hello chat
a nondescript cotton bag
I hope 2024's off ambiance ends soon
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i hope my legs recover by tomorrow even if i can't function i at least want to get my exercise in. was only able to do light cardio today way too much lactic acid hurty for actual workout.

just treat her like you would any other woman?

it's a nice pic yeh.
How do you cope with no one carrying about you? I can't take it and I don't want to drink today
it only gets worse from here tbdesu

Why do they keep using annoying whiners as mods? Make me mod!
dw fren, i care about you and even if you don't believe me, our homie Jesus cares about you
i am not a mod Nomi, get your meds schizo lmao

I care about everybody.
Is it larry? And >Jesus cares about you
So does that ball of light Tolkien wrote about in his books but elves aren't real
nice try
>Is it larry?
>So does that ball of light Tolkien wrote about in his books but elves aren't real
i didn't read that but that is true also, whatever makes you feel happy and coping and away from alcohol
why is it so dead, where are all the schizos
idk it's been like this for nearly a week, maybe there was some drama thread and everyone got banned for some time or smth idk
im really debating on whether or not to get a BA any time soon
i want to wait it out and see how i do with more time on prog and once i start gaining weight
but on the other hand i just want boobs and i think im eligible to get it done with the time ive been on hrt
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Does anyone here like to play gacha games?
where is mado?
Some people shouldn't use the internet
i still play a fair bit but ive stopped spending on em cuz i cant afford to (hormones are my new microtransactions ;w;)

i'm really looking forward to the global release of uma musume cuz it seems fun!
Fun. That game makes a lot of money, surprisingly. What other gacha games do you play? I'm currently playing Honkai Star Rail, Reverse 1999, and Wuthering Waves.
i have less time to really play a whole lot of gacha these days and got forced to drop some of em cuz of uni, but i keep up on HSR still. i did actually try playing WuWa but the intro story didn't quite catch me enough to be interested.

for now, mostly just chilling with HSR while waiting for ZZZ and Uma Musume
another day of asking where Caroline is
everyone ran away when they saw my face
Nice heart pubes
how did u gain 2kg in one meal
what does the axe wound smell like?
water weight
i had banh mi today i like banh mi
i always get it with tofu tho cuz I'm kinda picky about meat
what did u eat
not me, just explaining how is possible
Not performing enough mentally to do my usual basics of resisting overeating
I do not recall that occurring.
I hope so, but I really did eat an absurd amount
Apparently been doing fine weight wise even while overeating daily.. maybe my metabolism is as out of control as me right now
2 steaks, 2 cans of tuna, like 5 cookies, a quarter of a cheesecake and a lot of bread, energy drinks and milk
>2 steaks, 2 cans of tuna, like 5 cookies, a quarter of a cheesecake and a lot of bread, energy drinks and milk
jesus christ r u ok
>I do not recall that occurring.
its mackerel isnt it?
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what's troubling you?
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Dawntrail is extremely mid
Removed the bandage and accepted the truth, though reality is harsher than I used to treat it as
and what do you accept to be the truth? not trying to pester u just curious
I accepted the differences and unchangeable variables between me and people, and decided to refuse any closeness again as it brings nothing but pain, trauma, and at minimum a severe sink of my time
You could put it as if I accepted the pain of being lonely instead of fighting it by constantly jumping on the first person that gave me attention. I believe this to be a step in the right direction.
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Maiq looking zesty in this one
> be me
> a tranny
> mostly passing
> quiet succesful
> amazing cis gf

And I still think that I belong in Dachau
i dont necessarily think this course of action is a solution to anything. loneliness is something to be worked against, not accepted. we're social creatures. interaction, attention and affection from others are very important for functioning mentally and i don't think you get anywhere by rejecting any form of closeness with others. regardless if you've made your choice to push people away and you think it's what you need to do i wont say that you're wrong for doing it.
tfw quiet unsuccessful
should i get beer tonight
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The only time I recall being happy, and not having that happiness trampled over by the uncontrollability of having any form of social interaction, was when I was fully alone. I lived that way for years and only started being troubled once I opened myself to others, and all that happened is me jumping from one abusive person to another, having to deal with the trauma and lose part of myself while seeing them live life happily after and nobody that cared about me bothering with helping at all.
Truth is I am not like others, and I will never be
I won't think, act, feel or control myself like them
And I am tired of forcing myself to live through my differences to act normal
If the true me cannot ever be accepted and shown to anyone, then I will live in and enjoy my loneliness
What's banh mi? I had sushi and a large Sapporo.
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Natural males are more than 10 times more sexual than natural females
i understand what you mean, but it makes me sad that you see closeness with others as an inevitable path to getting hurt and i dont think it's true. i think youve been hurt very badly very recently and you want to pull away from everyone as a trauma response, which is understandable but to fully internalize that and believe that this is how you should live from now on is harmful. i guess my question to you here is that if you were only ever happy when you were alone, what made you seek closeness with others in the first place?
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>hurt very badly very recently
This is a constant that merely repeated a again. Twice now in the span of one month. I've been hurt much more years before.
>what made you seek closeness with others in the first place?
I wish to find someone to dedicate myself with, and make happy, and want to help everyone possible
But it never works, people insult and push off the help that allowed me to overcome trauma they've never been near, and allowed me to keep going and keep trying to help others, they've hurt me more for opening up to attempt to help me, they've placed me as someone malicious for breaking mentally after them insulting me and pushing me off over and over, and I've to live and see everyone end up this way
Again and again, it's all a list of disappointments, people who never listen, people who hurt themselves out of pettiness, people who hurt me out of jealousy
Nobody wants me to get them out of what I know will hurt them, nor fix what can be fixed after the harm they've already gone through
..Sometimes after I break and hurt them, they start fixing everything, they do all I said and more, but for someone else that never helped them as I did
And I have to sit there knowing I was useless, that all I ended up doing is harm that person until someone better came out to aid them
Things are simply not built for people like me to last long. I cannot be this way and find happiness. For when things aren't exactly as I wish them to be, it drains me mentally until there's nothing left, and all I can do is delay my breakdown day by day, hoping that something will change so that I may not have to accept that I simply cannot be near others
ugh how am i going to survive for 2 months
the shrimp curry’s coming out both ends tonight, folks.
that's hot
i think you need to give yourself a chance to be loved by someone who will not hurt you, it's certainly not an impossibility for you even if you think it is. you should go about the process of healing however you see fit but speaking from experience pushing people away rarely improves anything. the pattern of behavior people have displayed towards you in the past doesn't have to continue if you seek out connections with people who treat you well.
for what its worth i never intended for you to get hurt like this again and i don't know what role, if any, i've played in the pain you're feeling now but i would like to apologize for anything i said or did that hurt you.
woa yummy yummy
banh mi is a Vietnamese style of sandwich where u have French bread, tofu (in my case), veggies, cilantro and um some linda sauce oh and also jalapenos i rly like the jalapenos
rolling digits for salt
I have listened to thoughts like these countless times. Trying again is pointless, as sad as it is to admit I'll fall back on this again given time, I still realize it is pointless
Me being hurt again is a question of time
If what I say wasn't true, after years of trying again and again, I would've met someone that truly understood me, accepted me and listened to me
All anyone wants is the top of my surface and the moment any of the rest shows they'll go away like the rest
You trying to argue with thoughts I've had and rehashed for years is pointless, you've no idea of anything I'm going through, what I've experienced nor do you actually believe in my way of taking things.
Just try again.. and then again and again until you've wasted your life hurting yourself for others and all you have to show is the fact you never became happy yourself
You dare speak to me? You're the physical manifestation of all the traits of those who've harmed me, you made me open myself more than what I did to anyone else only to hurt me in the worst ways possible, and you dare now to act like this? Seeing you're still alive, that you've not suffered what you've sentenced me to with your betrayal, fills me with enough rage to dull all my senses. Do not dare to ever direct yourself to me again.
i may not understand what it's like to experience life as you or to experience your troubles, but i still think having someone to listen to you and give you the chance to talk through how you're feeling is valuable. i don't wish to argue against what you've decided for yourself or to attempt to change your mind and i feel like i may be dragging this out too long as you've made it clear that this is what you feel is best for you.
regardless, im glad you chose to post here today, i was worried for you. i hope you'll continue to pop into thread but if you end up leaving completely i won't hold it against you. i'd miss having the chance to talk with you though.
Oh? You're speaking to me? Instead of running away, you're speaking to me?
my man mohg
miquella mohgs me :(

cringe post
grace is fat and has a pig face and ffs is going to make the pig face look even worse like a androgynous freak and I can't wait
same :/
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Should I go see my ex (she's DJing tonight, we're just friends) or stay home (again)

It's pretty cool that she seems to have forgiven me for my past behavior (as I've said in the past, I was a fucking mess back then) and it'll be cool to rekindle some kinda friendship even though we likely will never be as close as we once were

I legitimately thought everyone from my past was done with me. I really thought I burned all my bridges in my quest for self-destruction.

It'll be cool to say hi to her again, even if it's for a brief moment. Even if I go, I'm not going just to hover over her. The vibe seems different than what I'm used to. Might be a nice change of pace from the high octane shows I typically go to.

I'm not the same woman I was. She's likely completely different too. Who knows, maybe we won't be such strangers anymore.
are u the person who kept making threads about me saying the same pig stuff, oink oink etc?
idk anything about anything but in my experience seeing an old friend usually just leaves me feeling like i rly haven't matured as much as a person a i would like to believe
pigs are adorable
That's that
can we get one of him dying that says idk like gay pedo defeated or smth
if you're leaving then goodbye
ill miss you
ugghhhhh i wanna smoke so bad
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do u frens like my fashion
party, casual, and heavily armoured
sorry if i did anything wrong
looking back i feel like perhaps i did a lot of things wrong
sn has shipped
like you're ever gonna take it lmao
should i go get beer before the liquor store closes answers required immediately pls I have 10 minutes to make this decision
do it pussy
i’ve taken it before
im gathering evidence that no trans can pass. i thought i was proved wrong but in reality it was a ftm that looked like a woman. its so unbelievably over. no trans can pass.
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u just like the taste or smth?
sorry sn is salty nuts. he wasnt clear.
it was how much i hated the taste that kept me alive
what do i do with myself now that i know ffs wasn't enough to fix my face and i will never pass
i would describe it more salty and bitter
what's your plan this time around
not be as much of a bitch i guess
ive become more of myself and found myself and accepted that i am not really trans. i am more comfortable being a more feminine male than being something im not
Good luck
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if you drink it fast and do everything from the sn bible, it should probably not taste that bad and you won't puke it but again, some people are more prone to puking or hate salty taste a lot more than others so yea
more like
poor dude
What does it mean if I've never done voice training and I thought it would get me clocked a bajillion times but no one has clocked me because of it in almost a year?
wait. nuts or sodium nitrate?
post voice
You're hot. No one cares about your shortcomings when you're hot.
having to drastically alter my walking plans because there’s a woman ahead of me is my thirteenth reason
i came close enough to pass out despite vomiting. if i could’ve just downed that last little bit…
dc sleeps alone tonight...
people are being nice
the city i live in is about 70% Hispanic, many immigrants from Mexico and Central America and i hear Spanish daily. you sound cis female.
the other anon was going to neg you regardless of what you sounded like. you sound like one of my ex coworkers named Alicia. Adios chica
My father treats cooking like some kind of alchemy man has no control over.

If something i make tastes off, he thinks it's like fundamental to the base of the recipe and not something that can be fixed by just tweaking ingredients.

And is utterly amazed that "X can taste good" because in his mind some dish just ALWAYS tastes like crap and it's inexorable from it.
https://voca.ro/18cChpELEcLq Run it back trying to lower my adam's apple
huge cope
>i will never pass
idk but i am also interested into knowing that, if you ever find out let me also know babe
I work in a hotel and all of our housekeepers are mexican. Most don't speak a lick of english.
You're being mean by hugboxing
its not actually a cope. i legitimately feel at peace and content and blissful. I feel like I finally found myself and can finally just b myself
I think you are being disingenous as you are failing to mention Mexicans are annoying and have an annoying accent, thus comparing them to me is unfair.

*ruins it*
i heard it before, it is just temporary bs to feel better for a short amount of time
Men are hairy and sweaty. Do you wanna be hairy and sweaty?
what do i do if i actually still hate myself for not being a girl tho ://
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also I'm the fakest weed quitter u ever saw

Be a girl harder.
Why aren't you a girl tho? You most likely are.
can i get a hit

I am working on weed resistance. Currently i'm exploring choline.
get whatever mental illnesses combo nomi has
what's that
idk what else i can do at this point except become a dylan mulvaney esque honmoder
uggo + 0 waist :/
what's that
it was either this or cigs desu i just needed to smoke something and then i was like well rather weed than nic i guess
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i love reddit and twitter
they definitely doesn't make me feel fetishized for being me
You look like a girl mate idk what to tell you.
also ye

Wear more pink kitsch in your hair. Like a hair pin with a horse on it.

Choline is a water soluable vitamin-esque substance, found most richly in eggs.

If reddit is too much fetishization for you i don't know what the fuck you are doing here.

Come with me, and you'll be, in a wooorld of pure imagination.
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avoid both of those esp the tranny parts
snri, cuts off shitty feelings especially if they're mild.
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dam i enjoy a good boiled egg
i have a couple barettes that look like picrel

sorry for posting face itt this is the last one promise
because i know you're all retards and i dont have to take you seriously.
but reddit tries to be serious

Yeah, i made a bunch of deviled eggs and i'm just picking at it over the day.


Well i both fetishized and hugbox so you're in for a real bad time.
(those are both lies btw, trannies don't even make my top 10 of kinks)
Bout to go jack off my girl cock and make girl cummies come out of it like a real girl
oof ouch owie my lungs

Switch to edibles for a minute.
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Also consume more potassium containing products. I think weed tolerance is a couple of different deficiencies hitting at once. And the part of weed that makes you feel like you're dying is due to potassium loss from too much peeing.
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i'm really really tired
but i want to play videogames
but i've got a migrane from lack of sleep
but i want to get started on my kh2 playthrough
but im getting dizzy
this sucks
edibles don't do anything to me
and i like smoking :/
makes me think of my cool aunt el (she's more like a second grandma but she's my mom's aunt)
she lives out in the finnish woods in this pretty wooden house her husband and his buddies built (he was a carpenter who was friends w like an electrician and a plumber or smth so they all built each other's houses)
smell of smoke always reminds me of that place, it has a nice big sauna
but she's considerate so she blows the smoke into the wood oven
she's so cool
always makes yummy cloudberry and forest strawberry jams
i am so doomed, i will end up kms, oh, this fucking sucks and i can't do nothing about it :'(
try daydreaming about having a mohg bf
iwn be abducted by a magic evil beast man monster thing and made his consort ;~;
wait.. is moh trying to trans miquella???
it doesn't help :'(
it hurts when you hear family arguing about who has to be the one to invite you

Then stop being such a cunt.
maybe they just shouldn't invite me
Have you considered maybe shutting the fuck up is the better option here? Yeah, (You) should stop posting.
>what visiting ur dad feels like

UGH i wish that were me


i just freeze up and can't breathe when i hear family talking outside my door, let alone arguing
i will stop posting hopefully around july 17 - 23

Like a psychic grenade for bottoms.
sorry i guess i'll just never freaking post ever again...
that pic is weird and uncomfortable
i should cosplay miquella tbdesu i think i could pull it off
Not really, no.
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who shud i cosplay
porco rosso maybe?
i miss laguna
sorry mef, i will also probably stop posting some day in september, it is what it is, i wonder what happens when we die, i guess we will find out soon haha
i could too, r-right? just say he got hit with scarlet rot or a shovel to the face

I'm not looking into your gay porn, so post more gay pics of him so i can decide if you can pull him off.
this is a good pic marie
i hate how worthless hrt and ffs are, i wish we had better alternatives and better tech, if you are unlucky, you are basically doomed
you are being a bit creepy nomi
male sex pest energy

It's on my todo list.

*sings to herself*

Yo mammas on the top of my things-to-do list,
yo mammas on the top of my things-to-do list...

Either be a creep or be a mod, not both, senpai.
she’s a creep, and she’s stupid! what cant she do???
So is this thing like gay beauty and the beast? Does he have him locked in his dungeon? Can we fix him?
no he was literally born that way he's just like that
im bored can someone do something entertaining
i wish i was a thug that got shot in the head because i wore the wrong kind of baseball hat
why's this place so racist lately
ask why the place is so racist lately, insta paige response. ya love to see it
>gay beauty and the beast
thats just beauty and the beast hun
>extreme survival instinct only thing keeping me alive
lets fucking goooo
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it wasn't instant i just happened to tab over

why do so many content creators/streamers say things like "lets go boys", etc.
makes me feel alienated as a woman
>let's go guys, gals, and nonbinary pals
one of the guys in my old dnd group would say that and it made me want to die
heh too easy paigey boy
one day janny should ban me forever
paish did you start playing your eldengame
Henlo Nazfriend
i have yeah
just been going through getting the character ready for the dlc
decided to use my 2nd character, since i felt it was more appropriate for the dlc (she is a rot/fth/dex build, whereas my first character is an int build). it's been pretty fun getting back into it, absorbing the mass of information i've forgotten and getting a feel for things again
probably gonna start the dlc tomorrow, maybe after messing about to get a couple more items or talismans or whatever before going to the dlc proper
i am going to be headcannoning the fuck out of the dlc though so my thoughts on everything will be disconnected from reality insofar as still shipping miquella and mohg rather than miquella and radahn or fucking with any of that
as far as im concerned miquella may have implanted the idea of kidnapping into mohg's mind, but it only worked because mohg already wanted miquella anyway
I took all the mushrooms
gonna be a fun night!
how many grams? did you eat them or brew them into a tea?
either way hope it goes well
are you planning on meditating on anything in particular?
why is fear so hot
omg elden frens i forgot i wanted to show off my fashun
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>forgot pic both times
sobbing uncontrollably rn

>tRanni route
we are animals and vulnerability is opportunity. it's a kind of openness and raw feeling that you don't often see out of someone
I think I ate 2.5 grams
ate the thing itself because I like the taste

To be honest, the character looks unremarkable. Probably if you wore a huge blond wig people would get it.
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>I like the taste
wtf..... are you sure you're not just starving?
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I have never done any drugs
be safe
getting kinda tired of this build desu think I'm gonna switch to blood loss
no plan besides listening to music
currently listening to king gizzard
bro i'm bout to make the hugelest cummy load of myfe life on GOD i've been edging for like 3+ hours i'm bout to ERUPT
I love mushrooms
like even just regular kitchen varieties
never had a muchroom I didn't like
but I don't eat wild ones
I've done shrooms before
so I kinda have an idea what I'm in for
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seems like a waste, no? doing shrooms without introspection or intent? hope it goes well anyway, that does sound nice i miss mushrooms

based cutfag

blehhhh there's a massive taste difference betwen portobellos and psilocybin mushrooms
I'm pretty drunk and my husband and mother in law are talking about the past and I'm nodding off rn.
what are you gooning to sis
get a job
>massive taste difference betwen
I don't notice one
it's very similar to me
I'm masturbaiting my erect penis to the point right before ejaculation of semen and then stopping, this creates a reaction within the testacles and epididymis to produce semen but it isn't being dispended leading to more production with each occurance. Due to the amount of times this has ouccured, the amount of semen that will be ejaculated from when I choose to ejaculate will be in and extraordinary amount of volume and come with such force that the distance in which it is ejected from the uretha will be staggering and stunning. Are you clarified on this matter now?
oh cool I am really glad you are having a fun time and enjoying it !
good luck hope you relax and feel nice
I felt bad today and slept so now I am wide awake at quarter after eleven
been so sore lately
I am quite uncharacteristically relaxed
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>my husband
reeeeeeee normie life haver

idk if im having fun or enjoying it but like it's keeping my mind and body occupied for a good bit of time while im conscious so that's as good as anything these days
it's been consistently way too fucking hot out to do anything out
even rn
almost midnight
it still feels like 90 degrees F outside with 90% humidity lmao it sucks so fucking bad

zombie movie intro
nice I’m glad you deserve to unwind a bit friend

Size and sex determine how likely you are to be repeat trap customers.
naz cant even troon out
yet he gets high regularly
really makes one think
paige stop calling blck people zombies just because you think they're low-IQ and have no impulse control
new fashun who dis

Needs more gock.
bloody helice is a good weapon desu, i like it even if it doesn't go with the armour
also wyt of >>36344998

I got jumpscared.

its the chaos from a hard time
Sometimes you just need a lot of rest to feel right, it can last several weeks.
you’re probably right
been thinking about getting a massage
should i get a soda to drink before bed or just go to sleep with the boring flat water

Definitely a cool drink of plain water.
yeah sugar water sounds great before bed
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i mean i'd brush my teeth after obv
just as long as you rinse with sprite afterwards for that fresh and clean lemony scent
You're cute.
just have some water friend
ya but ur prob stupid enough to not wait enough time before brushing so you do even more damage lol
i was thinking whered she get that slutty red outfit i think i recognize the cloak but idk the rest
looks cool lol
ty desu it's from a few bosses in the consecrated snewfield
>normie life haver
Never was
>married and attractive
i bet your husband is handsome and taller than you are too
how tall is paige?
I would guess 5’8”
5'11 last i heard
why do we like our mates to be small enough to be the little spoon?
head pat
what would happen if i started abusers counseling and lied about being an abusive boyfriend? it’s not illegal, right? i want to do it.
I would like to big spoon a taller girl
pls leave me alone
how tall are you?
i would like to spoon a . girl
i get to tell someone how bad i am, i get someone to tell me how bad i am, when i am revealed they will tell me how bad i am again
i hate you
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Reminder don't engage with Maiq unless you want to be his next victim!
i want a husband :<
victim of what exactly
i think this would not work very well in your favor
"I'm a chase but don't call me a chaser because i'm not a chaser i'm a safe friendly chaser err i mean friend yeah anyways i'm not a chaser and if you ask me I'm a chaser I'll tell you i'm not"
what would go wrong?

Stop hurting maiq.

Maiq, i wanna defend you but the lies about you are so obvious it feels like it's drawing attention to the trolls to argue with them.
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Same height. My mom is an inch taller than my dad, but he's a monster.
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.

I'm not a chaser because I've dated cis women. Just because i have a trans partner doesn't make me a chaser.

It is actually you who are transphobic for characterizing my assessment of the beauty in as chaserism. People in here simply are beautiful. Them being trans is incidental.
I'm not maiq, fyi, I'm just assuming all chaser attacks on him are directed at me, in actuality.
maiq is a short fat manlet and he talks like a faggot and his shits all retarded therefore I would not frot with him
To be honest, i can't even see the man in paige at all now. When she was more anorexic she was a smidge male looking but now she's basically cis.
nomi is so fucking weird and off putting
truly the one person here who needs to neck the most
i wish ppl said nice things abt meeeeeee
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who tf are you you literal who like lmao

You are cute and your smile is cute and your hair is nice.

do u rly mean it uwu
Something i wish paige would explain to me, seriously, is how she can enjoy being mocked for being male. I don't agree, i don't find that fun, and it makes me worried more than anything.
Nomi just stfu you retard
I'm drunk and sobbing. I'm relaly gonna miss my freedom. I was free of having to be a wageslave for 2 months, and now it's gone. why is this life?


Why? I am amenable to reason.
Like you guys really are just being lazy. If you think I'm being unfair, explain why. Maybe i will agree with you.

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