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most terrible fearsome girl edition
last episode >>36338379
from last thread
I'm drunk and sobbing. I'm relaly gonna miss my freedom. I was free of having to be a wageslave for 2 months, and now it's gone. why is this life?
lmfao grow the fuck up
ur my favorite :3
grace NEEDS to be held
it is a necessity
me too how do i find a guy that's cute and not creepy to hold me
i guess the answer is prob get a job first aaaaaa
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this is nomi btw
fortunately for u im a lot cuter and will also give u attention
i thought that was radioshack

Oh yes, i am not hot. If you want attention from hot people I'm not your girl.

I don't think you're that shallow but anon is right, many are.
I'm so high rn
a nice person is a nice person not gonna judge for someones looks and besides I'm too ugly to criticize ppl

Beeeeeer is liquid bread it's good for yoooou.
ur not ugly ur cute!!!!
marie is so ugly on the inside
maybe in a gay tranny fag kinda way

You're free to criticize me, but i am never asking.

I've never posted a pic to mtfg asking them for advice ever. I don't want or need any help. But you did ask.
you're wayyyyyyy too fat to wrap my arms around or lift up. maybe try not being fat it's not even that hard ya kno
whats everyone drinking tonight? I got shiner bock peach
i smoked 3 half sized joints and I'm shooting for 3 more by the time i go to bed
wanna just smoke it all today
drinking alone is one of the most pathetic things you can do tbqhon. it's a social lubriciant drug. alone your in you room is just life failure a f
damn it's foggy tonight little water droplets in the air everywhere
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i dont have friends who drink i wish i didnt drink my dad drank and i feel like im falling in his footsteps
Life is good. ^_^
sometimes i think i just feel better when I'm alone
safer ig
bulk up then bitch damn
is grace fat? im fat i didnt know grace was fat
????? u have literally seen my pictures
im drunk stfu n post a pic so i can see fatty
you're way too ugly to be posting like that spencer
let me tell u, u do not want to go down this path rn pring
yeh ur prolly right
ok sorry
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woa mtfrens there's a big bug :0

What is your favorite cheese?

If you had to get a wheel of it, what cheese would it be?
i quite like spanish varieties iberico, manchego etc
i would never eat that much cheese
but my favorite is monterey jack
i mean you're like 80 pounds overweight but like yeah sure i'm the problem lol
yeah u are actually haha
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what's ur limit anon? what's the biggest girl you pick up n carry around?
grace are you actualy a big ol fattie or is that anon just a troll
just smoked my last two joints at once I'm dying
no """anon""" is right desu
between 5'4 and 5'5 and 149lbs
ive lost a bunch of weight over the last few months tho and will b gymmaxxing soon so the adventure continues,,,,,
you are such light weights
Why would you pick the name Grace when you're a tub of lard LMFAO
its not me i swear :(
u fr thought u ~*~ate~*~ with this one huh
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if anon can't lift that he's the problem desu.
most adult men can lift that easy.
Graceful? More like waddling fatful LOL !!!
Have you ever heard of name self fulfilling prophecy? Lol you name your kid chet, dont be surprised when you get a chet and not a Jerome lmfao
what if i one day want a kid and i really like the name jay?
i wish that i could be a tranny in tranny school with other tranny school mates and we would just be like normal girls except trannies
is that agp or agamp
idgi desu
what happened u had some bangers ur falling off lil bro
i too also think grace is a fat retard but i'm gonna take my trip off to not get gay backlash for stating such
I like it when a girl hugs me as hard as she can and it’s basically nothing
cringe desu live ur best hater life
oh man this is another great picrel
I just had sex with a man for the first time. It was amazing. I was nervous at first, but it was all so easy in the moment.
maiq we don't wanna frott with just leave already you sexpest
I think grace is an okay person and i forget what they look like.
don’t (You) me
Leave then creepy chaser. Stop bothering us
she looks nice and she has really pretty curls

Maiq is nice. You are mean.
wyhy is this thread specifically so mean tonight? :c
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I got gendered female in a 100% non pity pass way today woo hoo
Actually helps with my nuerosis by a tangible amount.
Some crackhead lady threatened to punch me in the cunt
lol what the

The dark side of cat fights they never talk about.
Lol idk either but we take those.
let me get this straight Spencer.
you came in here, immediately started whining about how you don't want to work, no one gave a fuck so next you decided to come after grace for literally no reason, and now you're complaining that the thread is mean tonight? get real.
lmao pringe name is a spencer?? what a fuckin dweeeeeeeb
giwtwm lol.
I'm drunk altho the drunkness is starting to die down cause now I'm in bed why do you have my pre-trans photo saved? That's weird.
its my deadname lol. My chosen name is Emily and I'm in the process of getting it legally changed
fr fr
god you would pick something like Emily lmaooooooo
Well if you must know it's the name my mother said she was going to pick for me if I was born a girl. I asked her at 15, and I liked it.
what's wrong with that name? normal af
oh I meant to ask you whether your liked Scooby Doo as a kid
ty maiqy.....
also i might cop frostpunk since its on sale for $3 rn :3
Yeah. I did.

Had this on dvd watched many times
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Its fantastic easily worth it
haha I thought so !
I was wondering if there were any episodes or even the animated movies that you thought were particularly good
you think maiq still goons to regular porn? or is his chaser addiction so bad he's exclusivley a tranny chasser now?
i have a better question: why do you care what people get off to?
when I first bought it I got lost in it for like 5 hours straight but unfortunately I have not been back to it
I thought it was really cool, I hope they make more games (and different types) in the same setting one day; I know FP2 is coming out I think this year?
i hope laguna is ok
whenever i see a girl that looks remotely like my ex i get down on one knee and propose how do you get over the most angellic beautiful woman who could quite literally do no harm and hard a cock so thick you could pass out on it
the only way to get over her is an extremely self destructive and toxic relationship with an evil woman
omg nice ranged setup, i personally prefer the rune crossbow wtih the bolts that can hit 100s
did u have a good birthday btw
why do you care that I care? that's weird bro
fuckkkk is that how i got her? because the 2 ones before her were evil exs that you have to fight to date me
>one of them sued me
>the other one emotional manipulated me and gave me substances to fuck me
it looks fun desu i def want to play it since its only $3
im trying ti get into tww3 lately too.....
im such a fucking slut i grinded on a girls leg for like 6 hours because i was on molly it felt so fucking awesome but im such a whore I've shared intimate moments with like 5 or 6 people this week, my birthday has been shameful and sinful but enjoyable.
you must partake in the cycle, after ur next evil ex u will meet ur next perfect angel.
i can volunteer for evil ex duties if u need someone to provide that service
based I'm glad u had a good time!!! sinning is fun that's why god made it illegal
sorry i dont do ldr but if you live in nyc give me your line
I liked the obe with the witch where the monster was real
I liked the one in arabia
I liked the batman crossover and the hardy boys crossover in the original run cause i liked batman and hardy boys
Oh the mummy one too
you know if you're going to abuse me i want that shit to be like horrible and physical and romantic and blood pumping and passion filled ykwm??? some real fucking love lies bleeding typa drug addled induced blind rage followed by the most heinous acts against the natural reproductive cycle the world has ever seen, your root chakra will NOT be the same. ever.
wait are you NYC based now?
it’s fun in a kind of constant anxiety sort of way you are basically just trying to stay a step or two ahead of catastrophe but the setting is so cool that you can get immersed really easily or anyway I was
I really like the Warhammer setting but I haven’t played a Total War game in ages (maybe Shogun 2 ?) what is your fav faction so far ?
oh cool I will try to find some of these I am trying to get some inspiration for a miniatures game that has a Scooby Doo type theme kinda
i will be shortly! i dont wanna do anything in nc because i wont commit to being here long term
You're the only one trolling the thread and the posters here now. Remember that. I learned my lesson.
ive been wanting to do evil things to cute girls recently and i don't know if i should seek mental help or lean into it tbqh
just get into bdsm already
ugh sounds fun but already giving me anxiety sob i get stressed enough playing regular vidya
uhm im literally in the tutorial with the starting faction but i played a lil bit of 2 and rly liked high elves and dark elves
i love my gf
i love you anon!!!!!!!
, __ ___
, / \ / \
, \ - /
, \ /
, \ /
i hate tripfags
oh wtf that's so cool!!
anyways my suggestion was in jest i fear,,, im fat and ugly and 500 pounds and 4 hours away from NYC... </3
>video game gib me anxiety
just neck lmao
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yeah if u could like choke me n stuf
picrel is me am i cute??
yes duh i think you're cute dumbass but you'd be cuter if u were fearing for ur life. desu.
some games are actually designed to give the player anxiety tbdesu loser idiot <3
jeez i wish i could be like you anon but i take quiteapine which is supposed to make us super fat but instead im a skinny af fucking twinkhon
sorry you dont have taste
id kill for you id die for you
i mean ur rly nto cute tho. like even maiq who tells everyone they're cute and look good would call you cute but he cringe at himself knowing even to his level how forced it is
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I feel like i could faint rn im so physically exhausted
y didn't i put things togwthwr and trans at 14 :/
i will be one of the last poor unfortunate hons before the hon problem is solved completely by giga hyper trans awareness
the last of the eunuchs
ok so should i kill myself should i crumble in the face of never ending torture
>id die for you
it's a nice thought but i fear it wouldn't be up to you. it's precious that you thouhht you'd have a say in it though.
tfw knew i was trans at 14 but didn't troon out til 20
literally tinder. it just takes a lot of tries
no not necessarily but you fall into the tranny trap of living in a false reality. just stop calling yoruself cute and more improtantly stop th inkign you are
good god i need a woman to talk to me like th8
Transition probly follows a diathesis-stress model theres gonna be adukt transitioners forever we should dont be a boymoder and mope abt it either way tho
i found out about transitioning at 20 and still waited 2.5 years after that :///
god you're pathetic i love it
i want to slap you around until you start to flinch whenever i make a sudden movement and then make fun of you for getting scared
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do you know what is wrong with my face and if you are able to exoplain it to me?
yes it for sure gave me a lot of anxiety for a vidya but that is really part of the tone the gameplay is going for I think
blessed I like all flavors of Warhammer Fantasy elves but prob Dark Elves the best
kinda always wanted a tabletop army of them
does the matrix count as cyberpunk?
I hope you can get some good rest tonight lilsis thanks agin for the scooby doo reccs
I would say nah
cyberpunk apocalypse i guess
i'm a stupid whroe i'm such a girl god i love life in 2024 just being a tranny and people are like ya fuck it make your fetish a reality bend the will of others to it lmao crazy a f and i loveeeeee it
what's the new unsee? i want to attention whore and not be in the archives forever
ya theyre really cool i love their aesthetic
i kind of want to get into the tabletop stuff bc i need more friends outside of partying & doing drugs. theres a comic shop in my town that does warhammer nights so idk mby ill check it out. would prob start with a dark elf army
i have got to be killed
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
there are some very cool table top games made by GW that only use a dozen or so models and so are cheaper / easier to get into
the 40k version is called Kill Team
the fantasy (“Age of Sigmar”) version is called Warcry
TW Warhammer is based on a game called Warhammer Fantasy Battles which no longer exists, or rather they have somewhat resurrected it but it uses a ton of models and is really expensive
anyhow you can always ask me about this stuff if you ever have questions
love how sexual contact makes me feel overwhelming shame
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as it turns out, I'm not here forever.

whoever catfished me and shit on me did me that biggest favor. ty.

I hope Grendel makes it out, you are the loveliest gren. I mean that with all my heart, you deserve better.

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i found out at 18 tried to seek help and got gatekept until selfmed at 21 and hips had fused and had facial hair by then kms kms.
is this little gooner
if so
did i do something to make you dislike me or are you just cutting ties with all mtfg people
how do u know if your hips are fused
they don't get wider when you take hrt.
Ty maiq u rest well too
Oh man Tysm. good luck out in the real world anon. I belibe in u. Good bye.
i started posting here 7 years ago and i can't stop myself from coming back how do people just move on from this place what is the secret
I'll miss you
i can't get the sight of her blood out of my head it makes me feral
sad post
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>early childhood dysphoria
>close to trooning out in 2016
>refused bc hardcore repper
>do it anyways in 2022
i love being a faketrans skinwalker uwu
also it would be epic if my tmj would stop acting up smfh
sounds comfy ty maiq i will take u up on this if i end up sending it
my brother had this rly cool tabletop map set when we were growing up kind of similar to picrel that i always thought was really cool but i dont think he had any models :(
when i was a teen i used to wish the robots from the matrix would become real and kill all the humans but i would convert to their side and they would make me into a cool robot and then I'd have lots of nice robot friends and not have to do gross human things anymore
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the jaw condition? do you also get deafened when you bite into something tough with headphones on? lmao.

comfy irl life kept me away for 5 or so years. when irl got bad i returned.
yes actually lmao sob
ugh my ears are fucked too i have this really weird condition where i have to regularly suction them with air bc otherwise everything i hear is extremely muffled and foggy
feels baddddddddddddddd
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when I was 14 I used to dream about running away and using birth control to transition because that was all the knowledge I had about transition and then I didn't transition for another 15 years and I have been on hrt for 10 years and it didn't really work because I started so late and because I'm poor I had no money for surgeries and nobody wanted to hire a hon.
that's why getting work as a nurse is important, its my only chance to get surgeries and have some happiness before I die.
that's depressing :<
Trooners are way more unstable and mentally fucked then pooners are right?
so sorry you have to put up with this bs too. there's so many random symptoms from migraines and blurry vision to tooth ache that come from this.
idk what to even do i already did physio for it but it comes back worse after if i ever stop the exercises.
why do i even try
ugh yes its awful :(
im lucky that its not aggressive but the flareups are not fun. i hope urs isnt terrible :c
united we suffer...
like I say just let me know if you ever want to think about trying this hobby, ime it is so fun and fulfilling and a great way to make friends
I believe in you Shannin !
creepy ol maiq creepin into the night

ty maiqfren. hope to get there.
ssh it ok
>the year is 2024
>i am forgotten
i love topping my gf. shes so cute when im choking her with my gock
i wish i was pretty
you literally are though stop wasting wishes
nobody really thinks that
do i need to do the “guess i’m nobody” or will u catch on
I want an ugly troon gf
anons aren't real people
i’ll trip if it means i can bag marie, faggot <3
i want to bite mariemoder
i want to bite mariemoder
you're cringe bro
0 aura
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said no one ever
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sorry anon only passoids left.
oops meant to post that in another thread
Is it possible to transition and maintain dick functionality? That's the only things holding me back. I wanted to be able to have kids some day.
dick functionality and fertility are two separate things. some can retain functionality but having no T will remove fertility.
>dick functionality
yes, possible
freeze it
yooooo wyd haha
lmao, even
imagine actually wanting to father a child while also wanting to be a woman. unhinged imo tbhdesu.
So there's no way to keep both? And if you maintain dick functionality will you still be able to cum?
you can cum even without erections. did you skip biology class or something?
they said they wanted to be able to have kids someday. couldn't be me either, i gave up on that at 13
You fail to realize the comic potential of revealing to a child that you're both their mother and their father.
i wouldn't judge someone else for it but this was how i felt, personally >_<
i don't want to be the biological father of any child and i def wouldn't want a woman getting pregnant from.. ugh i don't even wanna type it out
Are you trying to gaslight me?
you can cum just fine, it just won't be what you're used to. you'll lose fertility but you can still can erections as long as you use your dick regularly and don't let it atrophy
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yeah i know it was them not you but i honestly can't fathom why any tranny would want to have kids that way. adopt and be their mom if you wanna raise a kid. being their biological father is maximum ick.

i'd probably kms if i had to see my sperm live on every day for 18 years. not worth the punchline. also the kids reaction would probably like
>that's cool dad lol
and it would never come up again.

google prostate.
>it just won't be what you're used to
In a good way or a bad way?
>as long as you use your dick regularly
I mean, how would you not use your dick? Because its not like you won't pee or something. I assume you have to specifically be using it in a sexual way? And everywhere I've looked online has said "regularly" but that's so vague does that mean like, every day?
>i know it was them not you
and just like that, you remain one of the most rational posters here
What the hell is wrong with you anon
what about me im rational right
like, just becoming erect more than once a week. semen generally becomes either not really there or watery instead of thick / sticky
ngl loving this dichotomy.
I see, thank you. So getting a boner isn't really as regular once you're on E? You experience arousal in a different way?
>left here for weeks/months(?)
>came back
you lose a lot of your sex drive because testosterone is what gets you there. you won't get random erections, and thus, if you don't get erect regularly, you'll atrophy. just getting aroused every once in a while is fine. it's person to person
>you lose a lot of your sex drive because testosterone is what gets you there
I thought women having lower sex drives than men was a meme. Damn.
it really depends on the person. generally the higher your primary sex hormone is the easier time you'll have. but yes testosterone makes you like consistently, easly horny
i periodically fall in/out of the belief that everyone in x community hates me and talks about me behimd my back and wants me gone and i should just leave instead of continuing to be the butt of the joke
for better or worse, as someone that participates in the gen and has for years, hardly anyone speaks of you (ill or not) desu
i just realized that i have no idea how im going to explain that im getting ffs to my family
like what am i supposed to even tell them when they dont get tranny stuff at all sob
Horrific car accident?
i live with them T_T
I’ll t-bone you as an alibi
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booze run today maybe but idk not vibing with the iced coffee selection here so baileys isn't appealing.

why even explain ur actions to them? you aren't a child you can do what you see fit. "i'm getting some plastic surgery done" if they ask what happened.
sob i dont drive
but ill allow it
idk its less justifying myself and more just telling them that im getting surgery
i guess i can just tell them that im getting plastic surgery done on my face, yeah
theyre honestly mostly supportive they just dont understand tranny stuff. although im not sure how my mom will react to actually getting surgery done
that's why i'm thinking don't tell em until it's happening or after so they don't have time to freak about it and stress you out. many cis ppl get plastic surgery too so it shouldn't be a tranny specific issue even if the type is ffs.
that's honestly kind of what i'm learning towards. i'm really uncomfortable talking abt tranny stuff with people in general, especially my family so i feel like that would be the best way to reduce my anxieties going into surgery as well
my only issue with that is potentially losing a way back home bc i don't have a ride situation sorted out.
atm my current plans are to ask a friend for a ride home and give them a comfy payment for the troubles/gas and/or uber my way back up either from the hospital or or part way through if i feel guilty enough abt the few hour ride up to my place
Good morning to Caroline
wanna play warhammer
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ah nvm no booze run remembered why i wasn't leaving the house again. ugly tranny diff too big.
but booze is one of the only things that can take those thoughts away!
>t. weekend drunk
I am now taking slave application. Requirements are clinginess and cutness.
2 years on e

no breast development whatsoever

body is still a male fridge

face is still as manly as it was before

tried applying makeup and changing style but i never malefailed

I'm running out of copium to live on
what can i do at this point
what if ur ugly but super super clingy does that make up for it
Good morning thread.
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me but 10 years
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fax i dont have any legal or illegal drugs even to make it easier to not overdo alcohol. too bad you aren't allowed to buy alcohol if you seem inebriated otherwise the cycle would be much easier to uphold.

i will try again tomorrow i got some errands to run too so i must do it then.

what r ur levels? what have you done for your body besides hrt? how much weight loss/gain? gym?
>copium to live on
ffs will save me some day copium works pretty well imo.
gm paige i bought lies of p in the summer sale & it’s awesome. ty for the rec!
based i need to play
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holy based!!! glad you're enjoying it, i absolutely loved it and will probably replay it after elden pring dlc
My levels are ok
I started trimming my brows, and taking better care of my hair
I started doing some lower body exercises, I do regular cardio also.
I've been gaining an losing some weight as for now I'm +6kg.

I will never be able to get a ffs
went the opposite way after rushing thru erdtree, tbdesu refreshing to play bosses that reward legit strategies/skill again rather than an OP build
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are you sure your levels are good? my endo claimed my levels were good because he was going off what was safe for post menopausal women on hrt so they don't get blood clots. as a result i had like no breast development for years until i switched doctors.
>I will never be able to get a ffs
why not? personally i'm still saving to get it done some day even tho i ran out of hope that it'll actually happen years ago. every time it seems like i might be able to afford it i find out i have debts, taxes or expenses i didn't account for.
The levels were okay last time, I'll check my levels again in 2 months

There is no competent ffs surgeon in my country, I will never get enough money to get it.
I don't play Warhammer, i mostly play cs and souls
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there's no ffs at all in my country i will have to travel abroad for it hence why it's been so unaffordable. also it's so hard to find out how to even organise getting surgery abroad across language barriers and such. do i have to fly in first for consultations and book return only after i find out if they can even help me? how long of a stay will that be? what visas do i need? do i need to book hotels for the whole recovery period? it's overwhelming.

doesn't mean i can't dream that it gets better some day.
what are ur levels if u dont mind sharing?
i need to get mine checked and i feel like mine are probably way higher than they should be which also feels kinda counter intuitive ;;;;;;
wait whats ur fav souls game
Everyone can dream but it doesn't help me
It just gets me even more miserable
i would say it's between ds1 and sekiro, those two are my favs
extremely based
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yeh. hug.
what about you, what's your favorite souls game? Also do you like metal gear?
2 for the lore/world etc
prob sekiro for gameplay
ive only played mgs4 but it was fun, need to eventually play the others
gracie plays mgs2 arc?
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i think i was peaking around 200 whatever units of e, don't remember prolactin, 0 t at last check few months back. upped my e dose after by adding 2mg gel to the 8mg oral. didn't have time to get my levels checked after before had to leave the country but my breasts are growing again so i assume it's better now.

would love to get levels checked but i'm back to gatekeep country so i'm forced to selfmed with no tests. haven't figured out selfmed yet but i got a few months left of the prescriptions meds i brought over. probably should get it sorted asap but i'm a trainwreck rn.

i think aus had some ffs surgeons in melb or syd didn't they? at least you can travel there for pretty cheap, no visas and medicare covers anesthesia, theater fees n such.
i want to do a whole series playthrough
>i want to do a full series playthrough
famous last words after boat mission
Just started hrt, what should i expect first
Hello. You can expect softening skin, reduced sex drive, thicker head hair, and lighter body hair, before further substantial fat-distribution and chest changes. Please have patience and self awareness. I believe in you. Leave this area of the website, if possible.
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Ugh fine i’ll share the shitty chart doctors give u.
ooo interesting. r u using the gel on ur chest or just ur body in general? i feel like ive been hearing abt ppl using gel for breast growth and it kind of ends up working
ugh the uk sounds like such a shit show for literally everything trans lated. im happy that u have some meds stocked up for a few months though. is ok to be a trainwreck :( just dont let urself run out!!
seems accurate enough.
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and yet i accidentally deleted the wrong post like a retard. here is the full chart again
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honestly I don't even know if there's anyone here that can do ffs or how much it would be because the dream kind of died years ago.
I just know I don't want SRS here.
oh also, goodnight
Gn potential ffs-sister. May ur sleeping dreams be slightly better than the waking reality
gn sheenfren sweet dreams
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on thighs usually. i think you can put it basically anywhere but thighs are nice and accessible even when mostly clothed. kinda requires a lot of surface area.
>the uk
it's not the uk lol i'm in finland lol. i think uk has better access to treatment than here even tho worse rights and stuff overall.

here you have to go through indefinite amount of gatekeeping and rle at one of two state ran facilities with massive wait times before access to hrt, no private options or anything like that.
i spent 1 year waiting to get in and 2 years of studies didn't get me a diagnosis so i moved abroad. now that i'm back here i would need to start the process from scratch but i don't think i'm going to bother, unlikely that i'll even get an initial consult before i leave again.

fair. i tried to look into it earlier this year qld had nothing but somewhere down there between melb/sydney there were a bunch of ffs and vfs ones. and srs but yeah i get it.
gn sheen.
o waow why did i think u went to the uk
daily grace moment has been met
god that sounds horrible though im rly sorry :/ do u at least have a lil bit of funds saved up to get DIY stuff?
*turns thermostat all the way down so you have to cuddle to stay warm*

fell for the hrt meme haha
nothing, hrt literally does nothing besides nasty tubular gyno conetits, if you are 'lucky' to even grow these in the first place lmao
if i say a nice thing abt u will u be nice back before you inevitably blow up in 30 min
gn shemales
yeah i got my ffs savings to burn through and live off of lol. diy is cheaper than the legit stuff i was getting think so i'm not too upset. besides injections seem great if i can find them from within eu somehow.
gn meower.
idk, i will probably die soon and i don't really want to decrease my chances of going straight to hell, i really want to fuck satan
you hit your mom with a baseball bat. is there *any* other destination?? do better and drag yourself out of the maw
bro like seriously dude come on man like really?
I legitimately hate transgenders
this fine sunday i will read "Look Back", Fujimoto's one shot from a couple years ago about a young aspiring manga artist who meets another girl her age who also wants to be a manga artist. that's all i know right now and that hideo kojima said he liked the new movie adaptation of it that was just released in japan
>have a dream where i'm 15 again
>scenario was when I first came out to my dad
>instead of beating me he accepts me
>go to doctors and get on hrt
>single dad but asks lady friend to help me
>learn what i need to with help and support
>change documents
>eventually move schools to live as who i am
>happy tears
>wake up
>sad tears
Im so sick of this dream.
Ive been having it once a week for like 10 years now.
she deserved it. also sadly i am not the biggest asshole here..
remember when i cared about your well-being not months ago? yeah, me neither. you destroy empathy, and create only hatred and excuses
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Pasta w marinara and steak and spicy marinara and varied seafood. Very cool.
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Also this. Very cool.
Omg is this THE gooner or another pasta obsessed anon
1st option.
It looks cute
if it makes you feel better, is pretty hot here and my nasty moid body is literally baking rn, i have no AC, i have a big fan though but i let my sister use it so yea, those old communist apartments get hot asf in the summer and cold asf in the winter, fml, 34 degrees celsius, 93 degrees f, when i went to germany it was cold asf and i was literally freezing but for some reason in romania is hot asf, even though in germany should be hotter than here, lucky germans what can i say..
how was the grub
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I did not eat any of either. It was for my parents
how to make my apartment colder, giv me some ideas guys, please
you’re a good one, ms gooner
its really good and Fujimoto referenced it like the third chapter of part 2 of chainsaw man which was funny.
looks good. cud use a table cloth, some napkins n a suitable wine tho.
imagine some manmoder going outside with a hoodie to hide nasty gyno in this literally hell hot summer lol lmao even, "this is better than repping bro, trust me" kek
I try my best.
Those are very good ideas and I have all of those but I didn't remember to use them. I'll keep it in mind for next time
Wrong gen bye!! ur welcum
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Ok. Time to go away again, bye bye
beam the heat into space
*gets blocked by CO2 chad*
just finished it and ugly crying a lot rn
i had a dream i was a passoid taking a nap. and when i awoke i didnt know if i was a hon dreaming she's a passoid or a passoid dreaming that she's a hon.
next read Goodbye Eri.
need to shift the spectrum of the radiation to one that is transparent to the atmosphere.
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also, since drawgen is dead

have a doodle of me not understanding how mirrors work.
is it going to make me cry as much as look back because if yes I need to wait a little
mirrors are a pain in the ass, and its impressive you went with including the hand and at an angle instead of just copy-mirror-paste on the glass
is grace the new sheen since sheen doesn't really even stop by anymore? queen fattymcgoo?
why are you such a bitter hon lmao
didn't your mommy or/and daddy love you when you were little?
it may. so give it a day or two.
too late im already on 3/8 through it
apparently theres whispers its going to be fujimotos next adaptation and that a doman for goodbye eri movie has just been taken
im now convinced the only person who attacks sheen is sheen
larry is still alive? how? that's a long past due necking sheeeeeeeesh
looks yummy hope u r doing somewhat better today
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Absolutely fucking fem brained!

*punches wall*

i am a lazy procrastinator, what can i even say, i have to leech a bit more off my parents before i off myself haha
sheen doesnt attack others so >>36349923
isnt sheen
cried a lot during goodbye eri too.
need a furry version of this, yiffed on sight
can't wait to get to work, clock in, spend half an hour eating breakfast and at least another half hour doing nothing after that before I actually start working
i got lucky af with the size of my tits but they have horrible stretch marks, a harsh contrast to my otherwise pale torso. red and purple streaks cover my breasts entirely, along with a visible vein under my left. its disgusting. is there anything i can do?
get a boy who plants kisses up your tummy and tells you to shut up and let him make love to you
I'm such a fatass im eating 1100 cals for breakfast + a 250 cal energy drink
i will never lose weight I hate having no self control
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0 calories btw
ill just fast the rest of the day it's fine
i dont know how many calories i eat but my tummy is shrinking so fast i miss it
my work has a $10 for 10 energy drinks deal wtf
like rockstar isn't my preferred energy drink but i might have 2 stock up on it just cus it's so cheap like wtf that's an insane price
The og rockstar tastes like smarties and thats why i liked them more than others.
thats a buy for resale price. you can sell it back to the same shiftless nerds theyre selling to.
im trying the fruit punch 240mg caffeine rockstar rn and it's pretty good
girl =/= hon
post face if ur gonna talk shit sweaty
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So I know a lot of tranners are autistic, but does the experience of being a tranner change scoring on masking tests for example?
I score pretty high in autistic masking but then I notice the website has different score ranges for 'male', 'female' and 'non-binary' if I recall correctly.
>online tests
Yeah I know, mental healthcare sucks in my country too so what am I gonna do, huh?
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>signs your game company isn't american
are the makers of the witcher games american?
they had a few hanging trees too
post face if you say to post face honey
god i hate the usa so much, what a fucking disguting tasteless shit hole
i prefer my shit holes to be full bodied with taste.
someones never had a dorito taco from taco bell and it shows
yeah beauty is a nice perk
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retinoids can help with stretch marks iirc.

why would you care about the label if you're not gonna receive care for it anyways?
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polybros btfo lmao

>why would you care about the label if you're not gonna receive care for it anyways?
for me i wanted to discern whether i was autistic, or misinterpreting my experiences and possibly overlooking something else it could've been
still haven't been diagnosed desu
i hope they both fucking die lol
what symptoms of autism do you resonate with?
wanting to murder people
murdering people is so nt.
The way I read it, is that she wants to find someone hot not particularly fun or personality wise, because she fell in love with her husband for his personality.
But hes mad about it because he wants her to fuck ugly people so he can be a cuck?
I'm on her side, not for agreeing to his stupid bullshit, but for actually being picky and not whoring herself out for her gross husband
we found the retard!
I do want to receive care for it, I'm in the middle of being evaluated for ADHD and the autism question has kinda come up too. Problem is that it's really fucking slow and I've lost a lot of faith in actually getting adequate help, and kind of accepted I need to be able to help myself or else I'm fucked.
poly needs an amendment system.
i already post face here too much
rest assured it's a good face though
that is the case for basically everything in life. you need to treat everything in life like a learning experience. you need to find a compromise between your weaknesses and the worlds expectations. the tactics to cope with autistic foibles are designed to be the compromise.
kurwa mac
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fair if it helps with introspection i guess that's something.

not liking loud noises.

good luck with it anon. navigating mental health services can be tricky but you shouldn't give up if you can afford to pursue it.
does not liking loud noises conflict with liking loud music?
i still jump when there is a dropped object at work but i thought i was just being kind of a pussy. but nobody else flinches like i do.
I just want you to know I found the tone of this very patronizing, like trying to get help meant I didn't know I'd still have most of the responsibility for taking care of myself. Faggot.
kinda hard to enumerate them on the spot bc i don't think of them as symptoms to me it's just the norm so im like kind of blind to it
ppl on here, i.e. ppl with whom i interact a decent amount, seem to think im a bit autistic tho

he's just insecure because he's ugly, he thought he could do better than his already pretty wife, and instead she's fucking hot guys while he's messaging 300lb baristas with purple armpit hair

idk apparently there's a lot of overlap btwn trauma symptoms and autism but i jump a lot and am really jumpy to the point i have to profusely apologize whenever anyone startles me which is very easy
weirdly tho ppl say i don't make enough noise when i'm just walking around and that i need to wear a bell or something, idk maybe i just spent too much time in libraries as a kid or something
thinking about committing an act of great evil
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nah you can like loud tunes but still flinch or be annoyed by unpleasant noises. unless you're asking as partt of autism diagnosis in which case i have no idea.

>ppl say i don't make enough noise when i'm just walking around
relatable i often jumpscare ppl i live with simply by existing unexpectedly.
Perkele max
>aunt i havent seen in a long time visits
>my tits are bigger than hers
is this winning? I've never noticed having bigger breasts than a cis woman before
why are you staring at your auntie's breasts

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