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lol so random xD edition
QOTT: what do you need in life?
FUCK I forgot the previous thread as usual >>36332343
hot topic failtranny
some self control so that my shitposts aren't too weird
the absence of it
>QOTT: what do you need in life?
A new brain, or a gun so i can blow this one out
QOTT i need a car, plastic surgeries, more money, i am out of lighters, i need to lose weight, i need a career, more mcdonalds, i need to do my laundry, get my hair cut (scared)
hii thread

>what do you need in life?
job. please im begging i just need a job i cant stay at my parents im gonna go feral
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>what do you need in life?
full-time employment opportunity with benefits that pays a minimum of $25 an hour
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yes that's me
very swag
their first album was the only good one
they only did like... two songs I liked
wow literally same bestie, I scraped tooth and nail up to $25 an hour along with raises for the people I worked with at my last gig right before I got fed up and quit because they were stringing me along yet again
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hehe I like when he goes
>I'm floating
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oh i don't want to work for it i just need it
it is horrifically over for me but i just moved to a super liberal city with a huge number of trannies in it and nobody cares so its time to just start honmoding.
Good luck brother
i love being dysphoric and a tranny
this is so amazing :)))
kms kms kms kms kms kms
get up loserss
reminder that if you don't pass with a shaved head, without any makeup, at any weight and with any clothes, you don't actually pass so basically transitioning is fake and gae and if you don't look like a girl or relatively like a girl pre transition, you probably never will bc it is about your skull and skeleton
nigga i'm begging you to seek employment
i can't function bc of gender dysphoria, i genuinely wish i could work but i am way too crippled, i am probably going to kms at some point in the near future
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nigga pls shave ur head at least, curly hair follicles are an atrocity to the human skin and an aberration of nature
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uh isn't it a bit early
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curly hair is nice if it is taken care of
the nigga needs hair products, your hair is probably flat thin and lifeless i doubt you’d get it
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i miss that stillness feeling the 12 hour dxm comedown gave me where it felt like i'm looking through a security camera instead of my own two eyes
i get this every day
15th suicide note this week
I don't wanna die, I wish I was just dead.
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I kinda just wish I'd never been born :D
katy is my ex's name..
no i wanna die
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OwO I'm sorry you're broken up with your ex, Anon-kun, maybe I could be your gf tonight
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omg......so true.....................
why can't be a futa babe.. i hate being an ugly transcel....
i hate being
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I hate!! I just hate, endlessly!!!! all I am and all I have or know or can imagine is hate!!!!!!!!!!!
I only wish everyone to be safe, secure, and happy.
will i regret losing my virginity before i kill myself? lets find out in july
*drops spork*
I need to get my hair trimmed bad, it's been over 2 years but I'm too scared to have someone so close to my face seeing every inch of my masculinized skull and reaped hairline
ill try to cut it myself soon
cant be that hard
asking for a fem haircut is just too shameful
What do I need?

>More money
>Career change
>Hot bf/gf
>Clothes that actually fit and look good on me
>Lose ten pounds
>Painless instantaneous death

I dunno at least a few of these seem doable
>i need to meet God and be showered with his endless mercy, love, care and blessings for eternity <3
just make sure its not a random hookup
It's been like 7 years since I last met a new person.

I'm very lonely but I'm afraid of connecting with people, I'm afraid they will hurt/kill me.

I go out of my way to isolate myself from people that try to reach me because I think the have ulterior motives and will do something to me.

what do
stay isolated, everyone has an ulterior motive they'll never be honest about
that's what I unironically think

But I feel bad being alone. How to find a person that won't kill me

Sung to the state farm jingle
ive got a question for manmoders..
i was looking at pictures from last year when i had shorter hair and looked more masc and i find that man is so hot i would do things to him i can't speak of, its not like i don't look like a man anymore but he was just more masc in ways i can't explain maybe he had that aura about him because he hadn't been fucked in the ass yet..
does anyone else have this?
not giving them reasons to kill you would be a start, do you actively drive people into murderous rage?
I don't think so. But how can I know what other people are thinking about me
imagine some manmoder going outside with a hoodie to hide nasty gyno in this literally hell hot summer lol lmao even, "this is better than repping bro, trust me" kek..
fuck you i got extra shirts now
stop being so mean to us
sowry for being mean, i will never be mean ever again (obvious lie), can we be frens? uwu
only if you let me groom you
sure, you are free to do whatever you want
but you arent you will do as i say
uwu yes
straight manmoders would you date a man if he was your type and he said and he was into you? he doesn't care what you look like either
if i am still alive in 6 months, i will do whatever you want babe
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looking forward to your service
Of coure I would, what's the catch here?
its impossible to find a man like this anyway, manmoders are hideous
I look like a gay man with deformed tits
ok, don't get your hopes to high though
i am just one finger press away from ordering my sn..
suicide is not easy not even with your little magical solution
ya but murder is, kill me pls??
Tfw no manmoder gf to fly me out to blow her brains out both figuratively and literally
no way theres that many and you are taking your pills already
shes beeing bad and refusing hers:(
this is about as close as I can get to the concept without bursting into flames o..o
hello :3
You are my dad’s age
men............ we've been called out.................
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ha FAGGOT I'm old enough to be most people's dad on this board and my PENIS (lol xD) is bigger than your dad's too ^_^
I need a boyfriend so ufcking bad but nobody will ever know I like men
this nigga has a pedophile aura
can you be my dad please please please please please
you know i've been almost thinking, i guess, fine, maybe i was thinkining about hondosing manmoding or just being on solo AA
where the fuck is /hrt/ gen when you need it
real and true
BAKA!!!!!!!one!! be the change you want 2 c in the world
solo AA is miserable retard
nah, i wanted to ask a question, not archive
i'm gonna be honest, i'm an alcoholic and i don't want my liver to explode, ok
that's kinda what i wanted to ask there
not my problem, i'm not your dad
besides would blowing my brains out be a sexual thing for you? ;__;
perverts everywhere...
No my confidence is too low
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>nah, i wanted to ask a question, not archive
noooo I was telling you to MAKE THE THREAD you DUMBASS!!!!!!!!! omg -__-;;;;;
I did solo AA for two years, it isn’t that bad. Nice if you’re unsure about estrogen but don’t want to masculinize
why I like this version of you more
i don't
i don't like any of you
with a few exceptions
well idk a whole thread for a small question that belonged in that thread, although idk maybe
maybe i'm just too shy teehee
also don't want to deal with all the pinkpiller vultures, got kinda tired of it today
>MTF Repressor
gtfo of here sweetie, this thread is for real men only
i want to hate crime your old ass
anyways…who wants to blow my back out
you come to our block too cuh, i can pass by too
so do it
what's with the obsession with my age lately?
true :|
i'm sorry girl, hope you can forgive me
wow you're pretty dumb, huh? xD make the thread and ask your StUpId QuEsTiOn and get PiNkPiLlEd already loser!!!!
idk wether to plap or be plapped anymore its all too confusing
why not both
i wanna be plapped by 2 manmoders at the same time and its the last time id do it before i settle down in a faithful monogamous relationship
yea i think i want that
DP in the ass or Front and Back?
I do not wish to have sex with anyone
My dick will fall off soon
I don't want sex I just want to fall asleep on his chest and know I'm safe and protected
i want to have sex but i'm a virgin and my dick is tiny after atrophying
I don’t want to have sex, too much work
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I want to have sex...... with a boy and a girl........ at the SAME TIME o/////o zomg lewd
i'm too scared to have sex
both yes i can’t subsist on bottomry forever
hmm today i will relapse
*not clueless, done this before*
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what is wrong with all of you seriously
yuo are teh failz0rs!!1!!1!!!1!!!one!!1!
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some people here should consider cyanide enema
the trooning percentages for millennial boys that ever wore nightmare before christmas or invader zim merch has to be 100% right
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lol nuh-uh!!!! I wasn't allowed to be goth or have clothes and stuff like that when I was younger and almost got disowned for dying my hair as an 18 year old before I moved out anyway >_<
my cousin is named katy
No way
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idk im not a millennial thats kinda cringe
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omg so true bestie....... generations are teh suxx0rz!1!
daily reminder that hrt does nothing and you are like dumb dumb for taking it lol
literally What
i want to pull out your buck teeth with pliers
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0mg!!!!!! j00 d0n7 5p34k t3h l33t????11???? 3p1c F41L mah d00d lolz0rs
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Heyyyyyyyyyy!!! r U just DUM on purpose???
If I was 10 years older this might be funny but I am confused bro
you shouldn't be posting itt if you were born after 1996
I had facial hair at age six I will post in any thread I’d like to post in
a boy I knew in hs who wore the gir hoodie has since trooned out so I think ya
umm h0w ab00t y00 k111 y00r5e1f!!!!!
front and back, spitroast i think
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im bpd i will torment where i want
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you fiiiiiiirst~!!
sex with ame-chan
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hay u guise!! UHMM, did you KNOW?> that the world actually ENDED with Y2k!!!!1 O_O whoa spooky rite!
N0000 1 t01d y00 t0 d0 1t f1 eat
Also I don’t remember this fight who is the green guy
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ur not p-chan, pls don't ruin the sanctity of our bond
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>mfw this thread
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hmph, I guess you're not a 1337 0taku like I am... AHAHAHA LOSER!!!!! >v<
I’ll take the front if any Bros ITT want the Shitter
no chudette :(
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>he doesn't know
i am pretty dumb
though you ment make the thread with a question not make hrtgen with a question
i don't think i deserve to be the one making it, i'm not hrt after all
almost made the thread but then decided nah too drunk and tired for today
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>_< omg
ur a PUSSSSAAYYYYY!!!!!!1!
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thanks failsis
god what if 3 failsisters were living in countryside farming and what not and they lived happily ever after
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what if like out of nowhere a GIANT DUCK burst through your wall with its giant corkscrew penis out in front of it then shot... DUCK CUM all over your FACE? lol sorry just bein random Xddd
omg hiii are u on ket :3
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hiiiiii!!! :3 no I don't do drugs or anything i just get drunks and 5m0k3 w33333333d 420 blaze it!!!!!
i miss the 00s so much i want to be a cute androgynous twink again fuck testosterone fuck aging i'm going to somersault into a woodchipper
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lari/frenchie hurry and shit this thread up ill pay u
haven't been in these threads in a while, is this just normal now?
manmoder x manmoder smut when
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l0lz0rs xD
nah shits all retarded this time and not in a good way
any long haired boys wanna play halo 2 w me..? we can wear cute arm warmers n do our eye make-up n touch tips ^___^
>Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
thats so old :((
heyy guys
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im gonna chop off my peenur
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nnyoooooo!!!! :((((
based, stream it
lets do it together
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>ok hi heh ok heh
>my name is boxxy
>most of you know me as um oom ugh well most of you know me as boxxy i suppose
>if you’re watching this you probably know me as boxxy
>but um ugh ugh a lot of people don’t know me as M o l d yLunchboxx
>and um so yeah thats my gaia username on gaiaonline and I told my gaiaonline friend buddy
>"pardon one sec, i’m uncomfortable"
>i told my gaiaonline buddy friend um uh
>that I would make a video just for him
>so I’m doing it, here it is
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I would never because I LOVE my GIRLDICK!!!!!!!11!11!! MY GRICKLE!!! my giant girly GOCK OwO
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omg HIIIIIIIII ^_^ :3
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no U
manmoder afterhour pride party where the twinkettes get all tired dancing and go home with tops lol.. sorry im waffling
its midnight and like clockwork im going insane <3
ill be okay
id rather kill myself on stream for being a manmoder, theres literally no cure for us
my hands are shaky
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*glompz u* rawr xD ur lookin SMEXEH 2day qt o_O
>this user is a gamecube owner
>"dont talk 2 me.. im sad lolz" - fuckpreps1995
>d-_-b NAO LISTENIN 2 MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE!!! zOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!
what a mentally ill thread
i want to put toothpicks under your toe nails and force you to kick a brick wall
wtf dude, get help
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*squeees* xD this is going on my ELL JAY!!
>take your pills retardsss, manmoding is so much better
meanwhile mmg is a literal suicide cult and most people are just wanting until they get the courage to sui lmao
nobody would make this far having a case of man face without being mentally ill which helps you cope ig
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>i've made my mistakes
>got nowhere to run
>the night goes on as i'm fading away
>i'm sick of this life
>i just wanna scream
How could this happen to me, /mmg/?
you just wanna drag people into your hole instead of coming out to face it
theres boymoders, hons, twinkhons who are suicidal too, nobody said hrt can fix you being suicidal
suicide cults are based faggot
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this thread is a reminder to never make it a day over 23, this is embarrassing lol
manmoders(me) dying in droves would heal nature
everyone who wants to kill themself should just do it now or shut up about it
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but nso poster.. i thought we were friends
i genuinely don't understand your end goal, like reppers i can understand, but you i can't, dysphoria is the for both manmoders, reppers and hons, but you just make your life a lot harder than just repping bc you look freaky, why not just rope if you can't take repping anymore? are you like retarded?
fakemoders liek u r teh fail.
literally the entire gen and thread will disappear forever lmao
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because im a coward and all my "attempts" were a fail
it is what it is
how can you talk aboutnit 24/7 and not do it
i hate nso posters
you would know if you tried killing yourself believing you will die and not see the sunrise next day
then nothing happens and you wake up with a bad headache, I don't think you can repeat methods that you didn't have success at first
i think at their(and mine) lowest points if you were to hand them a gun they would just do it
aight i did it. see you guys in a month when i come to.
>how can you talk aboutnit 24/7 and not do it
that is why, it is bc i don't bottle it up so it is a bit easier to push forward and also i am working on my technique so not all hope is lost, i am 99% sure that i wil fail but that 1% of hope keeps me going..
no if you want to suicide you dont talk about it you just do it silently
ya that is true, suicidal people get very quiet before they truly do it but as i said i am not there yet.. soon though..
its because all of you are talk and none of you are about it
get there now before the hohols and vatniggers rape you
if you haven't woken up in the hospital with a bunch of other fun and interesting people after an attempt, are you even really trans? :3
no, there have been plenty of anons that actually probably sui both in repgen and here, and a vast majority of manmoding trips are on suicide watch, people will do it eventually bc they have no solution, they just bitch for now
wtf does that even mean
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and your solution is to stay here begging for help from the suicidal manmoders??!?!?!
hairy nipples are so fucking gross
it hasn't woked so far :'(
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I got mine lasered!!!!! OMG lasers SO RANDOM like can you imagine paying someone to shoot you with lasers? ROFL xd
at what hour is the coldest? it is like 25 degrees c/77 degrees f now at 12am, and is okish, i mean not really like cold obviously, still a bit warm but nothing too uncomfortable or annoying, i have my windows open since out side is colder, at which hours should i close them to keep the air as cold as possible inside?
but you do wanna talk about feelings that are overwhelming, you think those 41% attempts actually wanted to do it? no, they leave suicide notes where they wish things were different and all I've read them when i find them online
you think the ones with failed attempts want to do it again? they desperately want any cope to live, nobody is suicidal 24/7 its only moments when it all gets too much to bare where anyone is forced to do something drastic like suicide
you are just like a cat huh
if you dont want to do it you should just move on with your life and not drag people into beeing your little suicide echo chamber
either you the will and balls to do it alone or you dont
i think its more people relating to eachother about having these ideations, you wouldn't get why that is tho so nvm
MMG is not a Suicide Helpline
Get Help we are not therapists
We do not care either
it seems more about encouraging each other
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yeah empathy is totally gay xd
do you really not feel suicidal at all?
loonix is a narcissist so obviously they don't care about it besides if it annoys them or not..
Empathy works both ways
The suicide posters should feel empathy for us
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yeah totally! that's how that works! LOL
if you haven't nearly died in the hospital because they gave you benzos without realizing there was still liquor in your ass, are you really a manmoder?
people that are usually against dooming and suicidal people and only want fake positivity and stuff that doesn't annoy them, are narcissists bc an empathic person would let the poor suffering person at least doom in peace and would feel sorry to tell them to fuck off bc they can feel their suffering so they get it and are ok with it but narcs just see someone being annoying and making their space sadder..
isn't loonix a transbian?
its nice to know a failsis is willing to go out with me in a suicide booth while we hold hands, desu stop listening to me i get deranged every hour after midnight
>.< you tell us to kill ourselves and stop doing the only thing that makes us less suicidal all the time tho...
Because I am cursed genetically does not mean I want to listen to people suicidepost
We are in the same boat
When you give advice they don't take it, nobody wants to get better they just want to bring others down
I had a therapy session on Friday and the outcome was that manmoding is not working for me. Idk how to get the nerve to start honmoding again.
well i would care if you did it
yes! hope this helps
i think that they are bi
i feel good when i see people dooming bc i don't feel at least alone with my suffering, so the pain and misery is shared but you as a narc that can't empatize with others bc you have little to no empathy, obviously it does nothing for you at all, narcs are like the most stubborn never passers ever, they just don't want to sui out of pride, they last the most, i studied all types of reppers/manmoders/hons and narcissists like Dakota just DO NOT WANT TO call it quits at all, they would rather live and make other people's live miserable and annoy others than submit to their fate
well, i could care if you died too, i just don't know what cocktail of mental illnesses you have yet, it is autism + BPD/NPD
would* not could
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we’re suicide posting it?
this is so pretty
trauma queer bonding
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member when the Razr came out and you could go up to emo kids ask if they could cut their arms with it XDDDD
>i feel good when i see people dooming bc i don't feel at least alone with my suffering
>you as a narc that can't empathize with others bc you have little to no empathy, obviously it does nothing for you at all
I have a ton of empathy which is why it makes me even more upset to see
Write that shit in your diary bro
This is a place for conversation not Suicide Prevention
or even worse Suicide Encouragement wtf
we def encourage it idk what ur yapping about
ok bros, i wanna commit sodoku
remember that saying that you want to commit smth else is forbidden and not ok here and you should post it in your diary, anyway yea, i genuinely crave some sudoku rn desu..
>ton of empathy
>write that shit in your diary bro
do it! i would be so so glad if you did and with something other than sn plss
i wanna see you suffer
>have "health problem"
>ignore it
>have no problem
>have no problem forever
have u ever dm'd with lari? i have multiple times and have tried to help him, what have you done to help the mentally ill?
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WINRAR!! lol that is SO me rn debating whether I need to see a doctor for this thing D'X
I'm going to bite you until you die.
>the mentally ill
mean, i am not mentally ill at all
erm, for now i am a pussy and i have no courage
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rawr XD
you are like 100% a narc now, it is pointless to even argue it, just accept it, if i were a narc i would have just accepted it lol
I hate you all
when confronted changes the subject and tries to shift blame on someone else.
cluster B npd abuser behavior 101, im so glad i can recognize people like you from miles away now.
our hero
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^__________^ SO real besties!!!!!
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Me and who
lmao same. forced to buzz my hair & not dye it otherwise id be kicked out. i wore plain t shirts, shitty jeans, and the same pair of shoes for 4 years at a time bc my parents wouldnt buy me any clothes ever since i tried to be an emo skater at 10. didnt get new clothes til i was 18 and got my first job
i think the time i wanted to be goth was also the time i was bullied the hardest in school and the next year i decided to just try to be "normal" and repress everything (still was a beta nerd though)
15 years later, haha so glad i don't have to repress who i am anymore, haha
me n pol on the left, really im both. just another reminder that i should have stayed a faggot on e and left it at that instead of getting trapped in the eternal boymoder cycle. now i just wanna be a wife to someone who will never love me the same way i love him
me on the far left but i have a mullet rn
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OMG me on the right!! >:3
being a gay guy on e is so much better than being a gay guy on t
hey, what's up?
all of your problems are because you don't believe in God.
i accidently came out to my dad, how exactly do i deal with the shame of this shit at 25 years old?
owari da
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cum on ur dad to assert dominance
i cum like 3 drops of clear liquid it would not work.
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just remember to keep eye contact!
story time pls
nothing lol said u looked like pol so you must be cute
how do I meet a terminally online bisexual nerd guy who coincidentally shares all my interests and would e date a bpd manmoder and not troon out himself
I am he but i have numerous other problems you didn't name.
>terminally online bisexual
>not troon out himself
you know how this ends stop fooling yourself
it's very boring but okay. he came down for the weekend to help me buy my new car, we decided to go to a big zoo after. it's the first time i've gone outside since hrt besides grocery store, so i was pretty deep in my head with tranny thoughts. we were standing in line for a tram ride thing and some retard 5 year old asked me if i'm a boy or a girl, i autistically stumbled and said i dunno before correcting myself and saying i'm a guy of course. my dad looked at me like i'm insane but didn't say anything until we got home. then he basically pressed me with stuff like "why do you look like this now?" "are you trying to be a woman?" etc etc. i denied for quite a while but i was pretty close to crying so to save face i eventually said yes, can we stop fucking talking about this now. he left not long after, he's driving home rn and i am dreading the phone call tonight.
don't be sad
he was going to find out eventually
at least if the kid is asking that is a good sign that hrt is working
if he calls just say that you didn't want to confuse the kid idk :/ or be honest
it is kind of hard to explain manmoding to an outsider though
>are you a boy or girl
i hate getting into this everytime but this is boymoder lmao, if you're dad didn't say much then you life isn't over don't worry about it
so do I, the bar is infinitely low
thanks i'll try my best.
yes i've been called a boymoder every time i post my face but i'm also twenty fucking five with pretty bricked measurements. i'm just luckyish in the face/hair department and i will always relate more to the agony of this thread.
my future come monday i wish i hadnt told these pricks i like guys now they won't stop asking me if anyone touched me when i was younger
>so you must be cute
hmm depends on what kind of ppl you are into
please, when does death finally happen
i literally do see a point in "living" if im not a cis woman
do not*
how do I fatmaxx
i used to get that too, they were just now coming around to the gay thing. i feel so bad
>are you a boy or girl
it hurts when no one will ever confuse this
so are you gonna post your address or what?
yeah i guess i dont feel to bad but coming out or being outed for anything around this age is really embarrassing. literal humiliation ritual
why is being a fag on e better than on t?
you guys ever just pretend it's 2019/2020? it sounds ridiculous now but it's A) the last time drinking was fun and B) the last time i was in a semi-decent relationship with someone i actually loved.
so call me gay, but listening to charli XCX really takes me to a better place
That's when I still had hope I could live as a woman. I miss it
why would i want to continue masculinizing
You are my beloved son with whom I am greatly pleased.
masculinizing after puberty is not real
i feel so sick having to keep explaining this shit
It most definitely is
T. Started hrt at 39
facial hair?
it is only balding and getting hairier
i don't have any signs of balding at all
the hairier part, my chest and belly keeps getting hairer and hairier each year and it actually exploded pretty fast last few months but laser can always fix..
hmm i somehow don't believe u
sure whatever, i was probably mean to you at some point, sry for that btw
depends if you are in south US or not
u were not yet believe it or not
Maryland. so i'm in the historical south, south of the Mason Dixon.
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i flossed and brushed 3 hours ago but i already taste the warm rot on my breath the dental hygienist will be so happy to see me tomorrow
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>go to emergency room for something that might not be an emergency to wait for like 12 hours and be mistreated or not seen at all and contract COVAIDSbola or get hatecrimed
>wait until tomorrow to schedule a visit with my transphobic christfag primary care provider or try again to get assigned to a different one if there are any accepting new patients for poorfag insurance or see if I can get a virtual visit through my network with someone else
>ignore it and hope it gets better and stop catastrophizing over the google search results telling me I'm a dead tran walking
what would YOU silly little people in my internet box do? OwO
If God is real, why didn't he make me cis?
is it appendicitis it's probably appendicitis you should ignore it
original sin precludes you from temporal happiness.
i was tolerating this repfag but not hes gonna spew misinformation like these honestly go for a nice hike and pet a venomous rattle snake for me.
you might convince other repfags that this is not true but not us who have gone through this shit first hand
Will cutting myself make me feel better for not being a cis woman?
it does for me for a couple hours and then it gets worse
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I don't think so but it's some kind of gut thing... it's probably fine xD hmm o_O;
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went to pride and saw multiple happy transbian couples and passoids my age and my day is ruined

anyone else have fun at pride haha
i wasn't lying though, what i said was true, people also hated Jesus bc he told them the truth lmao but is ok, i get it..
Funny how 18 year olds and 28 year olds and 38 year olds all have different builds…. almost as if testosterone ages you differently than estrogen
I'm 27 and my body didn't change in the last 10 years, I've always been skinny and had barely any body hair, so I guess it's genetic
denialists will say "its just fat distribution and hair growth bro, trust"
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<(T _ T)> it's a living nightmare........
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How do you pronounce that?
sure, whatever, everyone calls me that anyway
Even trans guys won't take T because of the negative effects lol nobody likes it except for cis men
is why men look sexier after 35, they become bulkier and thicker rougher skin and lose the boyish look in the face
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ERM ACTUALLY like definitionally testosterone IS kind of unironically a highly toxic physical performance enhancer if you look at its effects :3
I wasn't worried before I was born
Why would I worry after I'm gone
that is just aging and getting fat ma nigga
aging is the same on/off hrt
omg bro please don't be dumb
your body continues to grow after 18, you have a second puberty. is why the male skeleton can get bigger in your 20s. if you take hrt from 18-30 you prevent the second part of masculinization. is why midshits are so uncanny looking
can't speak for the older folks itt but i'm sure they appreciate the softer skin, female fat redistribution and other feminizing effects of hrt
your browbone and ribcage are expanding every waking moment, during every minute you spend making your pathetic self loathing posts. there is a way to stop this
i am so tired but i can't sleep
i don't want to be a lonely manmoder on hrt, also all you say is bs
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>He says, 'You're not going to be a dictator, are you?' I said: 'No, no, no, other than day one. We're closing the border, and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I'm not a dictator.
The fact of the matter is that either Biden drops out of the race or Trump is going to be in office by the end of the year.
This is the end. It's over. There is simply no coming back from this.
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kys nigga trump is funny, sleepy joe is OLD
Trump let trannies into the Miss America pageant, he is an ally
better to be a lonely manmoder than a lonely repressor. at the end of your life at least you can say you tried instead of wondering
that is dumb when i know 100% that HRT does nothin
this was predetermined and does not matter or affect us in any tangible way
why are you even here, if you truly wanted to repress you would leave instead of coming to the pinkpiller thread every day
i am lonely :'(
see what i mean nigga
>this was predetermined and does not matter or affect us in any tangible way
Sears was determined to prevent A.D.F. from capitulating to the language of the gay-rights movement. In 2000, he created a summer program, the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, which taught first-year law students conservative Christian thought. The organization sent visiting Blackstone lecturers a “lexicon,” which all participants at A.D.F. events were expected to follow. A seven-page version sent out in 2013 included the following:
and Amy Coney Barrett spoke AT THAT EVENT
Nothing ever happens
only legalhons would be at risk
Uncle TIMs an Aunt TIFs against the wall :3
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HEY did you know that UM, facts and reality literally do not matter anymore?
can i pls suck your cock Uncle Tim
nyo >:3
ywnbaw Katy
NOOO THAT'S so meanie you should kys faggot!! also I'm literally a man, retard
go to bed baby it’s late wtf
I'm in bed with my body pillow watching dungeon meshi :3
i wish i was there for you to hold on to while you watch your weeb shows. oh well eat shit fag and go to sleep <3

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