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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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QOTT1: what's your favorite kind of green?
QOTT2: if you don't like green, what's your favorite color?
previous shitshow >>36312042
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Real QOTT: who won the debate tonight

Trump or Biden?
James Rolfe
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America lost
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going to a music festival for the weekend, so i had to double up on my t shot. I'm so fucking horny I can't stop thinking about getting railed in the tent all night
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Trump wiped the floor with that demented demonrat
This, honestly
Biden was not aware on that podium, it made me wanna cry knowing the DNC is doing this to us.
You bruise so easily
come to my house instead
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Deku green because I'm cringe.
I got a ftm boyfriend.
He's on T and has been for a long while.
I'm a gay guy.
Anything I should know? Like, medically? Anything I "should" know beforehand so I don't have to be weird and ask him?
We've already got all the sex pretty much figured out.
Guys cism here. I just rubbed one out to the facial hair stubble of a twinky early 20s he/they pooner who dresses like a fujoshi acting out their fantasy.
P sure I'm straight, which would make this FtM chaser paraphilia, right? Where's the line between gay and chaser, and what's the critical difference?
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Trump beat biden ez and if he wasn't so bad at debates it would've been a bloodbath
how many times is this gonna be asked in ftmg like go ask your boyfriend you fucking retard
Just rape him ffs it's what every FtM wants
t is not birth control
wanting to fuck them because they're masculine is gay
wanting to fuck them despite the masculinity is not

it's bi anyway
The difference is that you call them a man in bed to spare their feelings
chasers can be gay bi or straight. they all want different types of ftms. straight ftm chasers want ftms that look like women. women don't have stubble. you sound kinda gay bro
Trump hands down. He's going to win
FtM chasers are all straight sexless pedos that haven't talked to a cis girl since primary
[scrapes vulva over carpet and whimpers]
Isn't being a chaser a bad thing, though? Like, I'm fetishising you?
there have been a few cool ftm chasers on this board. the types that like masculine ftms but prefer pussy to anal are the best
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Btw matched the body hair pattern
All attraction to Trans people is bisexuality attraction.
What up brothermen are you living up to the beowulfian ideal?
I cant feel anything with a condom on and refuse to fuck buttholes raw so it's FtMs who trust my pull-out game or are happy with other forms of birth control for me
being fetishized is hot. chasers only annoy me when they're not really chasers, because they basically want a tomboy gf which I'm not
Being a boundary walker like Grendel?
eh, I think it's less hot for you when I fetishize big fat trans clits as dicks when most of you aren't that big, but I figure giving you a complex about your size just adds authenticity to the male experience and validates so it balances out
matched to?
That’s my secret
I think it's pretty weird to bring up
>Hey man, can you tell me about your vagina?

We don't do piv, so we're good there.
I mean, true and based
Who even tolerates sex with an intersex?
Bichads. That's who
And to them I say: I would make you cum like a girl and you would like it. I’m better at making bitches cum now. You would take my cock and you would like it. I’m sure you can cum to weird NTR fetish shit. I hope you do and feel guilty. I would fuck you and make you cum and scream like a girl. You should jerk off tonight and cum from your cock hole
how big
if I close my lips around it I should be able to flick my tongue across the tip
i like eyesore green nice neon lime shiiuut
aslso im drunk and fuck fuck fucking fuck i hate america i justjust
i cat i fucki hate Biden i hate trump i hate this country
why wont anyone nuke us just nuke us just kill us all please
youre sooo based this is soo true
an inch and a half past the hood is the number I'm going with
fair. if i had a dick i think I'd feel weird about anal too. I'm fine fucking ass with a strap and even fingering but having your dick that far up someone's shitter seems like a dangerous game
I just want to fuck you more and I genuinely don’t care about any of the circumstances around it I just want to make you cum hard on my cock
you cant truly enjoy anal until you accept that the odds of a poop encounter are quite high
that or learn to douche your ass but idk ive never had to
past the hood? that's not how that works, that's like saying you want a 3" long penis head
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https://unsee cc/album#hHEcNLz77D6C
Also I have had at least 10 orgasms to the thought of impregnating you
not like, past the hood full on, but I have to be able to actually get it in my mouth

anyway I've seen what I mean even if I dont know how to explain it
judging by your first metric an inch to inch and a half total would be enough
idk I've got fat lips for sucking tdick
What do FTMs want out of sex with a chaser?
this would be hot if it wasn't you typing it
That’s a pretty dope color I can’t hate
child support
Dark Green and olive green im a green enthusiast
cute pic except reverse height and let me top
i'm sorry i am 5'3....
i am 2 inches shorter
>shorts with winter clothes
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jade green
What the fuck is that thing?
clicker looking ass
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Lotus seed pod ya numbskull
That's disgusting. Why does nature do this, it looks diseased
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reminder that this art was drawn by a pedophile. think about what that says about the people attracted to pooners
uhm this doesn't say anything about people irl as this is a drawing
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their twitter was nuked due to... being a pedophile and posting fucked up lolishota
thoughever this art is part of a set, here's one of the other ones
in regards to the tall tranny, i Would
If I'm bottoming, SPH, being manhandled, frotting. Not into misgendering but getting teased about getting fucked by a 'real man' is also hot. Don't really like vanilla when I'm bottoming. Only when I'm top. Into rape regardless of top/bottom.
Is it over for me if I'm not into being ridiculed? I'm cool with other people being into it, like it's not my business but I can't stand the thought of being called a bitch or a slut during sex however it seems like most people are really into that so is it even possible to avoid this while taking it up the cunt?
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in that case you'll like the last on
you have autism and ur brain is destroyed tf is wrong with you
What? It's got holes in it that look like the kind of sores fly larvae grow in
Anyone else struggling with an intense discomfort around babies and pregnant people? It's not that I hate them, it feels more like a phobia that I'm pretty sure has its roots in my own dysphoria. When I see them I either freeze up or have to fight off an urge to smack them in the same way arachnophobia does with spiders, which is fucked because I know they're people. It's to the point where I struggle wanting to remain friends with my friend who has had a baby.
Stop being a woman about it. Just don't get pregnant if you don't want to, simple as
anon this is like telling someone not becoming a spider will help cure arachnophobia.
Why the fuck I feel anxiety before playing a multiplayer game
It's not like I can't interact it's just hard to make myself join in the first place
Stupid defective brain
do you smoke weed?
No I don't have any drugs other than testosterone and vitamin D
more? uncensored?
*Yawn* remind me why I'm supposed to care again?
You are being a bitch. Suck it up, pussy
Board psychologists proved that exposure therapy is the best cure for phobias. If pregnancy scares you I volunteer to relieve you with my penis
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is there a pre-made cope guide if you hate most of your feminine traits personality-wise? Not trans/dysmorphic but I don't think anybody else is going to Get It
yeah okay that actually made me laugh. please teach the other anon how to be funnier.
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ohhh the aap is kicking in. i wish i looked like picrel.
i like a nice mossy green.
i didn’t watch it but from what i saw biden was abysmal and trump was trump. apparently the dnc is powering through and not selecting another candidate so gl ameribros.
Cism or self-hating cisf?
self hating cisf
Why do we allow threads filled with transphobes who insist that trans women are not female and trans men are not male?
People will read this and think you're just being a whiny baby bish because the root cause of the phobia might be GID but this is exactly how phobias (the actual panic disorder, not the tumblr definition) work.

Niggas on Maury have screeching meltdowns and pass out because of something stupid like a pickle phobia and people think it's hilarious and fake but it's actually real lol

I couldn't tell you how to get over your baby phobia. I'm a bish about blood so I'm prescribed high doses of Xanax to bar my dumb ass out any time I need a blood test. There's probably non controlled substance meds prescribed off-label for anxiety you could take with few side effects that could help if you ever have to be around babies or it really gets in the way of your life. Ask a doctor
i don't think it's normal to be into that. I don't like it either. bottoming isn't a humiliation ritual for me
are there any circumcised t-dicks
then let's make this happen
Irl pic of me and my bf goin out
should I replay nier automata or maybe buy a new game in the sneed sale...i got mgs3 on sale but its not really new so maybe i can find something cool
this is so cute giwtwm
play elda ring
meh not really in the mood for elden sneed right now. gonna wait for the dlc to go on sale.

maybe i buy final fantasy 13 sequels. ive heard good things
reverse image search or something
ugh i also resubbed ffxiv and bought the expansion pack but im not feeling it at all right now. that was a waste of money
nevermind i guess they're unbanned or something
I am not ftm but I love the color green so fucking much god fuck I fucking lvoe green goh my god i vloev green i lvoe green need ftm boyfriend who loves green who here loves green
it's my fav color
I thought Biden did pretty good despite being so obviously frail, like trump never even proposed any worthwhile policy changes?
Its so joever
Everytime Biden would turn away from trump and look away with his lead paint stare I just lost more and more hope.
the artist was a pooner he probably just had autoshotaphilia
Marry me for real!!!! love deep emerald greens especially
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tldr the incest part is based
let me top you
biden didn't even drop the new leyley episode after the debate like he promised
So based please need dom straight st4t boyfriend
I'm european and the only impression I have of biden is this clip:
kek, ask your president to describe america in one word, and he can't even say "freedom"
Should I wait 1 year to finish high school or try to get hrt now? I don't think I could deal with the embarrassment since I already hardly interact with anyone there. Which would also require getting a job.
just don't tell anyone else
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Green used to be my favorite color for many years, not really anymore but I love phtalo green a lot. Greens with a little hint of blue in them are my favorites.

You reminded me of the sale... I got some games last year that I haven't played yet and there's nothing on sale I wanna get this year even from my wishlist, I could spend money on them but I would end up replaying games I already have 50+ hours in.
Law requires me to announce it and my new name or something like that, I'm not sure how it works exactly, but I would not be able to cheese it either way I'm gonna be branded as a troon
Do you respect the pronouns of rapists?
Do you mean phthalo? I don't know exactly what you're talking about but I know phenolphthalein is spelled very funny and that the spelling is likely related
Oh yeah its phthalo, mispelled it on accident.
MTF here agin, I just got off work, and he's taking me out to lunch, coming back to my apartment, and then we're gonna fuck. I'm so fucking nervous. I even told him, but he's reassuring me it's okay. Is it okay? I feel like a fuck up
Nta but phthalo green is a pigment name based on phthalocyanine blue, hence the bluish green hues they mentioned and it's just the chemical name of the blue
just relax whatever happens happens, it's the first time
A lot of the cooler new games like crow country only have small discounts, resident evil games are criminally cheap, same for monhun.
yah i guess i could clean up on the capcom games i played most on console over the years so my steam library is pretty light. a lot of final fantasy stuff is on sale too. someone said final fantasy lighting returns is pretty good so im thinking about getting that and maybe ff8 but the remaster looks kinda junk
All the pseudo-remasters/ports square enix has done have looked so bad, straight up ports would have been a lot preferable to the ugly ios ports they pushed out over the years.
ugh yeah im looking at them now and yuck. even ffx didn't come out so well. its a shame. im not gonna get any of those weird remasters. i am gonna get the ff13 sequels though they look interesting. i wonder if 15 is worth trying
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This is my favorite shade of green
Purple by a mile

I love boys who dress in purple so much it's unreal
Purple is the colour of science, the science department, power, Bondrewd from MiA and Raidou Kuzunoha XIV
Good colour
The only thing I know about xv is secondhand and it's that people say it's fairly relaxing, feels like a road trip.
Red > grey > orange > green > blue > yellow >>>> pink > purple
How do I tell my Gayden friend that I honestly just liked them better when they were a hot girl and seeing them now makes me wanna vomit and cry?
i think u dont, desu
How is pink greater than purple
Stop talking to them if it's that distressing
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Pink works well with orange and red
I still like them as a person though even though I hate the demographic they're a part of
>yellow and Grey above purple
you're not a serious person
That's just Patrick Star's colours
And it doesn't, the orange looks out of place
I take it back it's not Patrick
What do you call the effect where you misremember details about popular things called again? I just had that
Smite me now if you would be so kind
Cope or cry I have no sympathy
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Because when I think of FtMs, all i see is destruction of something beautiful
The true inverse of MtFs
if this isn't proof you're only valuable as a woman if you look good i don't know what is
Why is that a problem though? If you like him as a person (and weren’t just friends because you were hoping to fuck him someday) I don’t get how someone changing their appearance would affect you at all.
If you’re scared of men or something, I guess I could sort of get it. But if your fear of men goes that far, you should just step back from the friendship, and probably go work on that if it’s negatively affecting your personal life.
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Pre-K ass post because i find nothing else to respond to
KEK based
Not the purple anon, but I don’t really like that purple either, unless it’s with green like Eva Unit-01. I’m more into cool toned purples like #7709f3
My mother is a disgusting kike-nosed bitch got creampied and came out a black nigga child and then had a white child with another man retarded 5'1 whore whore whore whore whore disgusting loose vagina disgusting saggy fat stomach obese wrinkly ass bitch doesn't even know how to be a mother literally just spread her cuntflaps open and got ejaculated in doesn't even know how to cook doesn't read doesn't know anything literally a retarded useless abomination of a life
When she dies I am actually going to piss on her grave for being such a horrible demonic """mother""" and in old age I hope she rots in the nursing home and gets beat up by a big black nigga nurse
>yellow above pink
>grey above anything
weak hands typed this
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hi had hair repermed and cut and I feel kind of awful but I feel that way after any haircut

Other than green, my favourite colours are brown and blue
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guys, is it joever?
it's schroedinger's joever rn
we're in peak "bros..." territory
Are you Jewish
He’s just thinking but yeah it would help if he wasn’t a mouth breather
If biden wins, is trump just going to run again? I'm tired of these two guys
A little bit why
officially 1 month back on T (4 years on, 2 years off), I have missed basking in my own boysmell so much I keep intentionally not putting deodorant on before working out. also has anyone in here read testo junkie by paul preciado?
i've been hoping that they both die of old age before either of them can make it back into office. we need a presidential age limit

*this post is not a credible threat do not report me you are wasting valuable glowie resources
they'll never die
they are immortal
these will be the only presidents america will have until earth blows up
That's the goal. Dying as president is noteworthy so if one of them kicks it during presidency they'll be one of the remembered ones
God willing, one or both of them are going to die over the next term

why did you go off T?
You look Jewish and I have a fetish for jews kinda
Joever for Joe and crybaby libcucks
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Based. Can't wait for another four years of retards crying about the impending doom of nuclear and LGBT genocide that never happens just like last time
What do you mean kinda
Sick drawing skills
yapping session
cute voice
i got rejected by an ftm because i was not enough of a "shuichi kinnie." what the fuck is wrong with all of you guys
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how do i give an ftm the most earth shattering, life changing head that he’s ever had in his life? :3
tongue dexterity
Hey boys! So, trans guy fucked me, he was just as gentle as he said he was gonna be. It hurt a little bit, but, it also felt really really good. I fell asleep on his chest. Woke up with him rubbing my hair and browsing tiktok. Why was I so scared?
Fuck are you asking us for? Go to tumblr or something
counterpoint: the destruction of beauty is hot
stop trying to groom teenagers and it wont be a problem, creep
>date a super hot girl
>she's a bpdemon but she's hot enough that i don't care
>she asks me to participate in her taboo fetishes (cnc, ddlg, age regression)
>i oblige because i'm a good partner
>develop ddlg fetish because of her
>inevitable bpdemon break up ensues
Well I'm fucked now, aren't I? I can't ask anyone else to do that shit
if i was grooming a teenage girl on tumblr or twitter i wouldn't be surprised, but this person is 19 and in college. we met on tinder
>19 and in college
so a teenager
realistically, not adult enough to date
adult enough to be FWB but you're still a creep if you go for that
>you're a creep for dating someone your own age
ah, fair enough
welcome to being more mature than your age group in your late teens
it's suffering til you truly reach early adulthood
How do you know this person isn’t also a teenager?
Average age of a /tttt/ poster is 22. Chill out man.
getting blocked for not being a kinnie gives the impression the person they fell out with is MUCH younger
16 year old behaviour baka
I knew 20 year olds into kinning who are in college. They exist. There’s some autistic motherfuckers out there.
I say kinda bc its a slight fetish. I like other races more but I've been getting into jews lately
Because sex is just objectively scary, too many things to consider. Glad it went well though! sounds nice
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how do i develop that
In personal experience I just had a partner put up with me learning how to give head and what does or doesn't feel good.
please be lying. Did they also happen to be into danganronpa, homestuck, Steven universe or undertale?
I had a hookup willing to let me learn and I got a cramp in my neck that killed the mood straight away
I've learned to use an armchair or the edge of the bed next time instead of both laying down, at least
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I'm going to continue to dick down 16-19yr old twinks because it's legal in Canada and nobody here gives a shit. Seethe Americuck

(this one is 19 calm down jannies)
like a gay scott pilgrim
You would probably go lower if noone would find put wouldn't you
It was danganronpa, homestuck, and this other game called your turn to die
it's not about it being legal, there's just no long term dating prospects there
Neck cramps is new lol, I've had the tongue get tired but never that.
But generally speaking the only way to get better at sex is just have good cardio and practice by doing it.
Kek of course
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>You would probably go lower if noone would find put wouldn't you
Remember back to high school. The grade 9s and the grade 12s look pretty fucking different in terms of physical development. The difference between 14 and 17 is MASSIVE and the only people who think otherwise are feminist fucked Americans.

I'm not attracted to people under 16 and even then often 16 looks too young. But late teens people are often at the prime of their physical appearence. Humans didn't evolve to be done our physical maturation at 25 despite what froids gaslight you into believing
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ight looks like the supreme court overturned the chevron doctrine
with this clear set up for project 2025, whats your plan for when shit starts getting too weird around you?
my family might just uplift to mexico since for shit like T and other drugs all you really need is the money to get it
Only based if this is a strictly top pooner
Feminism is not when you think fucking kids as an adult is bad, that's just basic morals that can be found literally anywhere
If it actually happens I'm going to Canada or I'm going to the states that overturn their dumb laws
>Feminism is not when you think fucking kids as an adult is bad
17-19 is not a child by any intelligent definition of the word. If a 17yr old can drive a car, be an assistance manager, get a 50k student loan, and enlist for fucking war then they are physically and mentally mature enough to consent to dick.

Americucks only like to call late teenagers children when it comes to sex because 30yr+ froids want to remove their biggest compeition from dating. Otherwise they're treated as regular adults.
I'm not reading all that cope childfucker
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>19 year olds
stop being intentionally obtuse, 19 year olds have fully developed secondary sex characteristics. it's completely normal to be attracted to fully developed adult people you frigid american puritan retard nigger. go order $200 worth of doordash and drive 2 hours to work like the good little cattle slave you are
>nobody here gives a shit
Hoping you’re just dumb and still in your teens yourself, because this is considered degen behaviour by the general public.
>t. fellow maplefag
he gave an age range that includes 16 & 17 stupid ass I'm obviously talking about that
what do you mean cope guide? just act differently
16 and 17 year olds are still not kids no matter how much you scream into the void about it. for most women, their puberty is completely finished by the time they are 15-16 and the only other time they are going to go through any physical changes is pregnancy. i am 19 so cope and seethe about me being a pedo lol. you can't. when are you agecucks going to understand that pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent children?
god you're so retarded, it's a miracle you've managed to live this long
I'm sorry I am attracted to adults
Those posts are two different Anons, senpai
but how do i even start…
could i avoid neck pain by giving him oral on my knees and with him standing up?
oh yeah you're such a good little sovereign citizen, you won't lay a single finger on the 17 years, 12 months, 31 one days and 23:59 hours old girl, but the second the clock strikes midnight and she turns 18 it's somehow completely okay. your brain is fucking goo
>but how do i even start…
Experience is the only teacher here sorry to say, unless you're a natural you're gonna have to give bad head before you give good.
As for neck pain, like the other anon said on the knees in front of the edge of a bed or in a chair is realistically the best way.
I don't see age as a bunch of numbers. I only want to fuck people who are mature and also look the part. No matter how much you cope a 16-17yo could never be both.
my mattress is on the floor and i have no chair in my room :c at least i have a bit of time to figure that out! thank you anon
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i can’t sleep
someone tell me a bedtime story
It's called the ugly barnacle. Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end
that’s a TERRIBLE story i want a different one
I don't have one, but put on some cricket night ambiet sounds to fall asleep comfy and quickly
this is about attraction not who you want to date. nobody gives a shit that you want to date "mature" people, that's not anyone was talking about. why are you people unable to differentiate between the biological process of sexual attraction and dating preferences? like who said i want to date some random 17 year old just because i find them attractive? dumbass
Once you’re just a bit older, you’ll start to see that they really do look and act like kids compared to grown adults. At your age, this view isn’t fucked, but bragging about it on an anonymous forum is absolutely asking for negative attention.
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Oh.. okay.. Well I don't have another one
Coping with the retarded inferiority complex that comes with.

>complete lack of assertiveness + charisma
>naturally bad at vidya
>shit at height dependant sport because <5ft
>general belief that women are inherently inferior to men in anything that matters

I can never /into/ extremely malebrained interests either. I.e cars, obtuse vidya, hearts of iron 4, without being acutely aware that that I am doing so intentionally.
it’s ok i forgive you
i liked your story :)
16 and 17 year olds don't act like kids. they just act retarded. and being retarded is not specific to any age group. 90% of people never grow out of being completely and utterly retarded.
don't listen to him
that was the best story ive ever heard
nta but my clit shrivels up the moment a teenager starts acting like a teenager. sexual attraction isn't only based in appearance. probably a fembrain thing, since the female is more discerning instead of unga bunga big booba spread my load to every female that will allow it. obviously attraction to someone with fully developed sex characteristics isn't pedophilia, not my dog
Once upon a time there was a beautiful trans boy with a fertile womb. He met a 6'2 Chad with long hair off Bumble. He let the Chad shoot ropes of thick cum inside his fertile womb and the two lived happily ever after raising 3 kids together.
If you think maturity differences between age groups stay undetectable as you get older, you might just find end up in that 90% yourself.
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i regret even asking
Thanks for the kind words. What a nice gen
Don't use such a depressing reaction image cause now I'm actually sad
i don't think you understood what i'm saying, i'm simply stating that most people among all age groups are profoundly retarded. kids are just the only ones who have an excuse for it.
but they're retarded to a different degree. a teenager is going to be more retarded than someone in their 30s
We went for round 2, he's now asleep, why I was so scared of having sex? It felt incredible, and he was so gentle both times. When he came both times, he hugged me as tight as he could. It was wonderful.
>complete lack of assertiveness + charisma
>naturally bad at vidya
this is just a skill issue. work on yourself nona
>shit at height dependant sport because <5ft
this is unfortunate i dont have advice. copium required. at least your clothes are cheap?
>general belief that women are inherently inferior to men in anything that matters
this just sounds like a projection of your own insecurities. try working on yourself, maybe improving your own self confidence will shift your perceptions of others.
Not trying to be aggro (I’m genuinely interested), why come here to ask?
Green text what you did to him
Hello /ftmg/. My brother relapsed on heroin a week ago for the first time in 2 years. Non stop fighting with everyone, his gf, our mom, his friends, his GFs friends, me. Today was his first day off of heroin.

Entire weeks been exhausting. His gf put me in the spot of talking her out of drinking today. Last thing she said on the phone was "I'm going in to drink" and hung up. I sat there contemplating suicide or if I should start calling shelters, staring at the wall for the nth time this week. She came home 10 minutes ago all happy and cheery and announced she didn't drink, just sat at the bar talking to a stranger about gratitude. I'm still contemplating suicide or homeless shelter.

I'm fucking stupid for thinking life would get better.
For Round 1 or 2?
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hey, this obvs isn't my usual scene but your post caught my eye. between the two absolutely go homeless shelter instead of suicide. i know this will sound really cliche, but you should call a suicide prevention hotline. you're in immediate crisis and they're trained to help, both in talking you down from the ledge and helping you formulate a near-future game plan for your life.

Genuinely wish you and your family the best. Hope your brother stays clean this time.
I have a near future and far future game plan. It's just crumbling around me. I have hobbies and goals and interests and reasons to live and distractions and family and friends and a support system. I go on walks and get fresh air and have pets to calm me down and take naps and take medications and get therapy and talk to people. I've called support lines and emergency lines and talked to the police and stayed over at other people's houses to get a rest and I've even tried escapism through drugs and alcohol.

In fact, here's everything I've done today to keep my mind off of it
>Went to sleep extra early
Still woke up in the middle of the night, only got 4 hours of sleep total, according to my YouTube history
>Messaged support system
They didn't know what to do, they were glad to hear that my brother finally woke up in the morning (was staying at someone else's house to sober up from yesterday)
>Went on a walk with the dog
Couldn't clear my mind
>Studied linguistics
Could barely focus
>Worked on making my own language
Could barely focus, got upset I couldn't understand something that seems like a basic concept
>"Meditated"/stared at a wall without focusing on my thoughts
Snapped back to reality and all the thoughts came back
>Talked to mother
She broke down crying and said she's saying all the wrong words, turned from looking for comfort to comforting her, couldn't do it, snapped at her before hanging up
>Vented in a discord server for mental health
No response, no advice, nothing besides a heart reaction
>Zoned out to videos
Interrupted by brothers gf calling me for support in stopping her from drinking

Maybe I'll try playing video games and finally giving in to the urge to smoke cigarettes despite successfully quitting for the first time in my life for a few days. Better than killing myself or "abandoning" my brother into never ending blaming me for his relapse if we ever talk to eachother again after I give in to the urge to leave.
Both honestly. This thread needs some spice
Alright here goes
>Round 1
>He takes a shower, after I did, used my space heater to get dry quickly, laid nude on my bed, waiting, shaking a bit, but, excited
>He accidentally left the strap on my nightstand, walks in only wrapped in a towel, puts the strap on
>Crawls into bed notices I'm shaking
>Says "It's okay, deep breaths, we'll go when you're ready"
>He leans in and kisses me
>We just sit in silence for a few minutes
>Tell him I'm ready
>He lifts my butt up, and asks if I'm sure I'm ready
>I nod
>He puts lube over his vibrating strap
>Grabs my hips, and enters slowly
>I bite my lips and make a groaning sound at first, asks if I'm okay
>Tell him it hurts, but tell him go keep going
>Goes on for about 10 or 15 minutes, he cums
>Takes the strap off, lays in bed next to me.
>Lay my head on his chest
>He asks me how I liked it.
>Told him it felt good, and he made me feel safe
>Fall asleep on his chest
>He rubs my hair.
Round 2 coming in next post
I'm MtF, I don't have a vagina
An anon asked for me to post.
>Round 2
>Woke up about an hour and 15 minutes later
>Asks how I slept
>Tell him like a baby
>Go to the bathroom
>Come back
>He asks if I wanna go for a second round
>Tell him I'd like to think about it
>Cuddle, and after a bit, I agree
>He cleans the strap, puts it back on, and I ride him
>Put my hands on his chest
>This time I cum
>Collapse, and fall onto him
>Turn over, and cuddle
>He falls asleep this time
>He's staying on my pull put bed of the couch in the living room. He's still asleep as I type this
How would that happen in the first place?
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Shut up and let her post. Its good to get nice conversations and stories in this thread instead of the trolls and larps we've had lately
This is the fucking thing, right? The hilarious STUPID fucking thing. I'm going through an issue that isn't unique. It's not even rare. There's more people with family members going through addiction than there's people going through addiction themselves, YET nobody knows what to do? No idea how to properly help without demonizing the addict? There's really NO advice for the people who know an addict personally and want to handle it gracefully and forgivingly without also wanting to kill yourself? No? No advice? No guide on how to stay calm and not take their drugged out insults personally? I just have to go fuck myself and feel guilty that I don't know how to respond at all besides saying "yeah I don't know about that bro, anyway, want to play games before your gf comes home and starts screaming because she's as sober as an arrow and doesn't know how to handle this and is *very quickly* making you hate her because of how angry she is that this is happening"

Like shit, there's so much screaming that I'm considering just telling them to break up and packing our shit

Just had a really long talk with his gf, feeling much better
Happy for you anon
highish on mdma, want to take more and fuck randos. good idea?
sounds like fun, but it's a horrible decision
so just fuck my friends? they seem more into dancing
i am so ready to have sex it's been so long. i'd let a cis guy fuck me at this point
Idk where to ask maybe you guys know:

How long does it take for a pierced ear to stop smelling once you take out the piercing? I took it like two weeks ago because it had that pierced smell but the ear still smells if I rub my fingers on it. :((
Do you know why my ear is smelly?
Dood I'm a real afaberino please trust me
Now tell mW why my ear is still smelly and how to fix it
Dood please respond you're such a valid man but why does my ear smell? I bet your family invalidated you and put a piercing in your ear which you removed as a part of yourt ransation so you'd know. Dont hide the knowledge from me.
are you afab? if not, why are you here? can you explain how you are not invading vulnerable, afab spaces (some of whom are bipoc)
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it’s crazy how good looking i am. i feel like picrel rn.
Transphobic threads like this one who consider trans women as males and that trans women can't undergo FGM should be deleted.
Ma'am why is my ear stinky? Do you have experience with stinky ear piercing keeping it stinky post removal?
nah man i’m ugly hot
https://unsee cc/album#1a6tlXnk7FeR
Flux, I used to like you until you decided to take no position on the transphobia in this thread. I am disappointed in you
Also didn't you have blonde hair? What happened?
Damn I dated a 17 yo guy at 22
i’m not really here enough to keep track of what happens in threads desu. i welcome all beautiful girls here, so then i can talk to them.
also if you go to any store in the world they usually have this stuff called “hair dye”. my hair’s been brown/black (natural colour) since late last year.
Fuck off you miserable wench
Are trans women female?
Brother we are 29 posts away from bump limit and having a very slow moment right now
We are going to have 2 threads for hours now
Someone should make another. we can colonize the board again
Total Pooner Takeover
Billions will poon
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do you relate, /ftmg/?
That one isn’t an /ftmg/, we’re still good.
Ah true I didn't read the subject properly
We're so back
This was wholesome. I'm glad it was safe and fun for both of you. How come you two didn't sleep in the same bed?
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Any cute afabs here?
does eddie still post
Only to sext me on WhatsApp but not on here
Is she cute or mutilated?
I miss cute Joe
Hairy women aren't cute, sorry
Joe is a victim of pedophiles while th is a pedophile
Also, she is mutilated beyond saving at this point
All cis men are pedophiles
>cute Joe
Pre-t or short hair, or what?
Meanwhile in real life
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There's far fewer trans people than there are people willing to date trans people. Nice
yes I'm a shotamaxxer
I refuse to believe that so many fags are willing to hit pooners
Post pics cutie
shorter hair, it looks disgusting and greasy right now. he is in desperate need of a trim. he let himself go, its sad to see
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I love FtMs
well yeah because when you fill out a survey the next step isn't leading you to a room where they give you a pooner and ask you to prove it. it's just talk.
no, right. it frames his face poorly and it looks like he doesnt wash it. wake up
Because I'm not sure where else people would have been there, done that. Might just be bemoaning for the sake of it honestly because I've never really met anyone who's felt the same. Most cisf would probably think I'm insane for noticing or caring about this shit.
new bread
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Short hair makes Joe look like a lesbian
>short hair makes Joe look like a lesbian
as opposed to the very traditionally masculine long hair choice? he needs shaggy hair and bangs to offset his massive smeagol poon eyes
from last summer. i think this is the longest his hair got before it started looking bad
>the very traditionally masculine long hair choice?
Joe is not traditionally masculine by any means to begin with
>and bangs
LOL bangs? To become a rapehon? All he needs is a trim and to start using a hairbrush. Short hair makes his chin evaporate into nothing
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he will get the pooncut and you will enjoy it
I'll post my vagina to this general the day that never happens
>the day that never happens
you just want an excuse to be a slut
If he gets that or some other equally gay ass haircut ill post my hairy anus directly to the thread

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