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Life Hacks Edition
previous: >>36208562 (died prematurely, check both threads for replies!)

Goal of the thread: If you usually lurk and can't muster the courage to speak up, just (You) the OP, or say a couple words. Anything. I will see it, and I'll do my best to respond and ask questions. You can do it, anon!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice
Generic advice won't necessarily help you in particular, but for those it does it is an essential foundation to build future progress on, not a miracle cure. Do not underestimate the effects subtle changes to your lifestyle can have. Try first, keep us posted on your progress, build from there.

We are *always* short on self help resources, so if anything was useful to you, let us know!
Since the OP is getting too long I moved all resources into their own post, see below!


Resource link paste: https://sntry.cc/sig-resources-2024-04
General advice from Anons: https://sntry.cc/sig-tips-2024-04
Posts from other sites (markdown format): https://sntry.cc/sig-posts-2024-04
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Apart from the GOTT, here are a few things you can do _today_ to make your life a little better. Keep a diary and write down every success. Some you may do as often as you please, but write down each one individually! You deserve it! Do not feel pressured to do all, but feel free to select one or two!

- prepare 1 load of laundry
- do 1 load of laundry
- read one page of a book or manga you have been putting off
- cook yourself a meal, or try learn to make a simple dish
- eat a meal
- pick up items on the floor for 5 minutes
- make your bed
- if you have a bad habit, try making it more inconvenient (putting things in hard to reach places for example)
- do the dishes for 3 minutes
- write down one thing you are grateful for (from abstract things to something like a cute image you saw)
- Clean up 1m^2 of your floor (~40x40 in)
- Open your window for 10-20 minutes
- try to exercise for 5 min (walk outdoors, walking stairs, whatever you wish)
- take out the trash
- drink a glass of water
- put one item of trash in the bin
- reach out to an online contact
- BONUS: Repeat a goal to hit a milestone (1 book chapter rather than a page, the laundry pile, the floor of one room, etc)

Unofficial group chats maintained by kind anons of /sig/:
IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.rizon.net/#/lgbt/sig
Discord: https://discord.gg/MKVMqfkkpS
Seems like the board was .. a bit flooded, earlier. Pardon the downtime.
Oh lovely, so sweet and spicy with some fresh notes from the basil and parsley!
And yeah, I wouldn't make you wanna feel uncomfy, either.
Great developments, self care wise! I think you never really specified what surrounding factors there are where you would like to take a W. Maybe we can rig the game a little with a concrete win condition in mind?
Oh definitely, it's the type of situation where public healthcare ought to first rise to be competitive with private, it's a nash equilibrium if that is not an option.
>well, i haven't
is it upsetting I keep prodding you in that direction?
repping sucks, I am not trans but looking at former and current reppers it always seems to be more traumatic than people realize in the moment. I don't know if it helps to hear but the best explanation I have read yet is "repping is microdosing trauma".
>I feel supported by them but it's still hard to feel like I haven't or won't ever catch up with them.
in what way do you wish to catch up? Do you compare yourself to peers a lot?
> I had problems with really bad overspending in the past to my own detriment
ohh you are still feeling out a middle ground then. Maybe a good option would be budgeting for you? If nothing else, a fun budget and an everything else budget.
>it's the type of situation where public healthcare ought to first rise to be competitive with private
that's not really how the US works
private-public relationship is fine if it's done well, but often it really isn't

>is it upsetting I keep prodding you in that direction?
it's something i want to do
recent election talks got me nervous tho
Hi /sig/, Panty here.

I spent the last three days shopping for clothes. I ended up having some luck!

I bought some t-shirt dresses, tank tops, shorts, and a stainless steel gold plated necklace.

I still need to get some shoes and jean shorts, and bras with skinny straps to go with the tank tops, but I feel like my wardrobe is coming together. I felt hope yesterday that I’ll be able to dress nice now, even before reaching my goal weight.

There’s also a Pride event of some kind happening in town on Saturday that I’m planning to attend.

The news today has gotten me down, but I should be seeing my therapist next week.
>Anything. I will see it, and I'll do my best to respond and ask questions.
It seems like you're afflicted by something.
Don't mess it up this time!!
Two days in a row I've done skincare, had salad (I'm not fat I just don't eat enough fresh veg), showered, and exercised.
how do i feel happy. ive tried everything. self harm. drugs. alcohol. working out. going outside. eating healthy. psychiatric meds. therapy. religion. im done being suicidal but i dont know what to do anymore. i wish everything could just be alright. i dont know why im so broken. i dont have any goals or aspirations. for the longest time i just wanted hrt but after being on it for a year im still just as lost. the tranny thoughts dont go away and neither does the emptiness inside me. im a khhv. it seems like ive already done everything in my power to improve and yet im still at rock bottom.
>captcha: vtyay
>how do i feel happy
Have you ever been happy?
>the tranny thoughts dont go away
If you want to change your sex, realizing that this is impossible should make them go away. If you want to LOOK like the opposite sex, well...
i accidentally honked at a guy crossing the street while i was in my car today. i had my coffee in one hand and was trying to turn the wheel with the other which then slipped at let out a honk. right after it happened i tried to hold up my hand as if to indicate it was an accident, but he instead thought i was waving at him and he waved back to me. he was probably really confused and i just wish it didn’t happen
i was happy as a kid until puberty started. ever since ive been depressed and it hasnt gotten better. i know that changing my sex is impossible but that doesnt make the thoughts go away. im built like a fridge and there isnt anything i can do about my bone structure.
do you think it’s ok to compartmentalize pain sometimes? i’m really in love with my friend but i don't think i can ever be with him or even confess to him. will keeping this inside consume and kill me in the end, or will it build character? he’s the only person in my life i’ve ever fallen in love with or even felt love for
>until puberty started.
I assume you have pondered about why it changed during this period but have you really exhausted all ways of trying to figure out what happened? If so, do you have any idea at least?
>but that doesnt make the thoughts go away.
Yeah, dumb comment, I shouldn't have typed 'should'. Why do you have this desire? I have never wanted to become the opposite sex but there was a time I wanted to resemble a woman so I may have some idea of what you're going through.
i went from a kid to a disgusting freak. i had tranny thoughts before puberty but then they became louder and all encompassing. i was sent into a deep spiral of depression that ruined what should have been the best times of my life. i have tranny thoughts because i want to escape my body. i have hyperrealistic daydreams about using a knife and angle grinder to carve out the parts of my body i hate. even if i could pass i still wouldnt be happy knowing that i will forever be male.
Okay, it seems your appearance and what you have experienced in the past because of it is at the center of your unhappiness and you associate beauty with femininity and ugliness with masculinity.
Is that >>36336708 right?
i'm just here to wish love and peace on those here

hope you're well too, siganon :)
I see that. It's hard to be who I want to be, I guess. I don't know who that person is to me,
"the real me", I guess. And yeah, I think I do compare myself to my peers often. They all just seem so much more developed than me. They have interest in romantic pursuits (not sure if I really want that, but it's one thing), and they don't seem to see their sexualities (and expression of that), or genders as a ""bad thing"". I know, of course, they probably struggle over the same things I do, but I just don't know how to get past the mental block that involves not being able to treat myself like a human, if that makes sense.
yes. what can i do to resolve this?
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>get called out for being the disgusting freak I am in fornt of all the youngshits
>realize hey are right and spiral into total dysphoric and disillusional thought patterns abou de transitioning but not wanting to be anything so i should just be nothing etc etc
>just accept that that group wasnt meant for me, that yes I have a lot of issues but I can resolve them with time, paranoid about not doing enough already
>continue as I am
>depression reappears,after months of not being there since I started transition
>want to do nothing with anyone.
I am immensely scared. My dysphoria whcih has been otherwise at least managable and I was always able to at least not let it affect me much seems stronger than ever. The disgust I feel for my own body is back.
Worst of all is that i feel like I can't ever really truly fix myself. I am too lazy and too complacent. I let things happen to me because it is easier to deal with dysphoria to just not notice I exist than to actively fix my body and myself.
I dunno what kind of fucked up tranny I am on the spectrum of genderfluidity or WHATEVER but fuck me I just... fail to combat my issues again and again. Tired all the time, physically, exhausted mentally, social life doesnt exist after what happened and even that was brief and painful.
I dont know HOW to just pick up the DAMN phone and call a fucking hairdresser. I am a child still, the wish i amde when i was 10 to not grow up came true, only my body didnt keep its promise
I need a breakthrough
thank you anon
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i don't do anything that makes me happy and i am instead driving myself to suicide because i am too much of a pussy to do or say anything that might make someone disappointed of me or will make them leave me forever.
it has gotten to the point where i pay 200 euros monthly for therapy and i don't say anything because i am too much scared to even say stuff to a therapist.
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I think I will choose my favorite anime picture and write the most miserable self defeating ruminating self loathing thing about myself today hmm yes definitely a great idea...! I feel very productive and content even though I am doing nothing to further my life goals. my mental health is not in complete garbage and I don't want to kill myself as often! Overall a win even though I have no future I'm not making progress for. Thank you for reading this there is no advising here for sig anon. I just wanted to write something like an incredibly obnoxious and self centered pick me vent, instead of trying to have any form of positive outlook to work on ^~^ have a great day friends I don't know what this threads turned into with a massive influx of doomers
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Well, well, I'll have you know that *I'm* decidedly productive and successful in my endeavours! I've simply an aversion to repetitive, rote, trite updates, as I feel that they provide little in the areas of utility or entertainment.
>needed to get the fruit on sale since didnt eat daily fruit
>like twofer even
>haven't eaten yet
>went to supermarket 1, bought that
>but also found twofer of the good tp
>also the good bread
>this is not a complete waste of time since my financial situation is still questionable
>went supermarket 2 (all 3 are like 1min away from each other)
>got kilo of snack tomatoes for very cheap price
>got tempted and got cucumbers on sale too
>next week there's feta on sale, it'll make for a lovely salad with some EVOO
>>oh, I'll add onions to the list
>went to 3rd supermarket
>was still thinking of buying sneed
>still ended up buying paprika and salad
>only sneed I got was some chips to give crunch, and those chicken fillet (no nitrites!) and hummus
>home on call with friend, too lazy to wash veg since bad living situation
even while eating dinner, my body told me when to stop the sneed, and afterwards I ate my veg and fruit and now I feel good
this story brought to you by Bringing Awareness to Autism
I don't know what you mean by "sneed"
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goyslop (junk food), I've been on fit too much and the shiller/schizo language's gotten into me
I’m sorry I won’t do it again
what do you want to improve in your life do you have goals
I wont to stop procrastinating every single new/ difficult thing.
Social interactions, for example. I want to improve my selfcare stuff, but I guess lack of money isnt in my control all that much.
I want to start writing/drawing a bit. just for fun.
And voice train
I don't know what is the solution for you because I don't know you but I can tell you what I would do in your situation. Before that, are you completely sure you're objectively (based on what people generally think) ugly?, is there a chance you have body dysmorphic disorder?
Tomorrow will be a long, long day of travel.
I am tired today, but I will be okay.
unfortunately so, yes..
>recent election talks got me nervous tho
as upsetting as things are, do remember that in the grand scheme of things at what a rapid pace recent laws have come and gone, it is a lot more bark than bite in the end.
As in next saturday or today? If it was today and you went I hope you had a great time!
Multiple things, I'm afraid. I am an insistent one. Tell me about yourself, anon.
Thank you for bumping, anon..
Very nice, what are your daily drivers meal wise? Any staples?
Do you feel awkward about it? He probably already forgot, chances are. I know these kinds of moments and in my experience, the rare times I got to ask others about it later down the line, they did not even remember.
The question is the source of your misery. Given it relates to puberty and dysphoria I suppose it might be a function of overcoming trauma, of self actualization, it's genuinely difficult to know but the fact that puberty is a factor suggests it. Do you girlmode? To you express yourself as fem?
You need to process these feelings one way or another, bottling rarely helps. What you describe may suggest that your feelings are in part a natural consequence of having too few people in your inner circle. Is he your only friend, are you close with anybody else? We need a support network, ultimately, where the emphasis is on network.
Much appreciated, anon. How have you been doing?
Have you tried trying to think of yourself in third person?
As in, imagine an exact copy of your own mindset projected onto a hypothetical friend or loved one, and have them tell you what it is that makes them feel lesser than their peers, or bad. How would you react? This will make you aware of spots where your self perception gets in your way.
It is good you cry out. I think I know who you are, anon. Can you write out what it is you need to say on the phone, a little script? You know, make yourself feel prepared?
Does your therapist know why you are quiet? Can you express your feelings anonymously here?
Dooming is... difficult to overcome. It genuinely is. I understand where your feelings come from, I do get why people feel hopeless and I hope my efforts to take their hands and help them a little bit are worth something. It IS hard to retain a positive outlook, and I do feel that we have to let ourselves be negative too when we need it, but striking a healthy balance is incredibly hard.
It sounds like you did a great job stocking up on fresh produce anon! It sounds like you go about it in a very coordinated, frugal way too.
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i think every period i don't kill myself by the end of is an accomplishment. i've been putting off medically transitioning for a long time mostly because i'm scared of everything but i went to a gyno appointment i got meds out of which i think is better than doing nothing since no endocrinologist will give me hrt if i don't figure out what's wrong with my hormones right now. only thing is meds worked once and then stopped, now i'm more lethargic depressed and dysphoric than i have been in weeks trying to think of literally anything except roping, i want to cope by thinking to myself that it's temporary but it still always feels like my entire world is collapsing in the moment
The Pride event was today. Pretty standard small Pride fair — a bunch of tents in a park and a concert stage.

There were LGBT-owned businesses, political candidates and groups, etc.

I didn’t stay long, mostly because of the heat.

Earlier this afternoon I did some research online and found a queer bar in my area that opened last year that does “sapphic speed dating” on Wednesday nights.

That seems like a good next step for me. That’s the next social outing I’m going to attempt.
not well desu, i just wanted to give a bit of love to the board
he’s my only friend and literally the only person that i talk to on a regular basis. i supposed it would probably be good to find other people so im not so hyperfocused on this. this ends up happening with the first person who gives me a crumb of attention/consideration anyways
anon there's so much i should be doing and every day i've failed to do any of it. i even fail at basic stuff like sleeping and eating. and every time i fail i just feel more worthless and pathetic, and then i try to pick myself up and get it done, and then i just fail miserably again and feel even worse. like a bug bumping into a glass pane over and over again and getting more and more brain damaged in the process. idk what to do because all my attempts just lead me to feel worse. i used to be dysfunctional but not hate myself, now i'm a tiny but more functional from the 3% of attempts which worked but now i really do hate myself
My daily drivers are whey powder, honey nut cheerios and milk, whole veg, cheese, shots of olive oil, and psyllium fibre. I kind of eat like a vaguely vegetarian psychopath I guess. I'll have sandwiches and chips and ice cream sometimes to mix it up and make sure I don't go completely insane, and occasionally eat meat like twice a month. Seems to work well for keeping my body under control and maintaining muscle, which I need since I'm well into my 30s and have to be fit if I'm going to top other women.
I am still pining unbelievably hard for a girl much younger than me and way out of my league. We get along insanely well and share a ton of interests but she hasn't texted me in 3 days, and while I understand she's extremely busy this week and next it still hurts my soul. It doesn't feel right at all.
>Tell me about yourself, anon.
Nothing that I should share or worth sharing. Anyway, it strikes me that you're doing what I highlighted in my previous post to cope with something (I have some ideas what that might be). Am I mistaken?
I haven't ever done that, actually. I think I would be very concerned if someone was acting the way I am. It's hard to apply that kindness that I would use with others onto myself, but I think I might try to give myself some more leeway. Lots is changing in my life when I go off to college, I should have time to relax and find those things out there, yeah? Thank you, by the way. I really appreciate your advice- I want to take it to heart. I hope you're well too.
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long time lurker of this gen here. i was wondering if anyone had advice for learning to trust others again, after experiencing being lied to, betrayed, bullied etc throughout your life. i'm likely on the autism spectrum and when i was younger i was very naïve (i'm late 20s now and can mask better than i used to but i still have trouble picking up on cues or understanding sarcasm/jokes), and people around me enjoyed exploiting this. one thing i was a victim of a lot was people being my friend to my face and then acting very differently behind my back, or one day brutally withdrawing friendship. this continued well into adulthood and has unfortunately led to me having a really hard time trusting others. it has likely been compounded by some other negative experiences i've had over the years (abuse in relationships, being in some toxic environments e.g. at work and at home, etc).

i am acutely aware of the fact i live in a world populated largely by opportunistic would-be bullies, that i'm never going to please everyone, and i've made it my goal to just find a few good people and keep them close, but this fear (if you can call it that?) i have of betrayal is hindering me. when i make a new friend there's a cynical part of me that assumes all the nice things they say to me are lies and that at some point the mask is going to slip, even if someone insists over and over again that they're being honest. sometimes this just straight up prevents me from becoming close to others because i don't want to go through the pain of being let down by them. what can i do to trust people more?
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Oath: I shall utilize this rest day for hobbying, as opposed to neurotically circuiting the house in search of things to fix or clean.
story of my life
Don't forget to not force people to share things they'd prefer not to.
>populated largely by opportunistic would-be bullies
ime it seems to be a large minority, but that'll differ from place to place and depending on who you'd end up interacting with the most, ofc
I mainly gauge if they're the more deeper connection ready to be vulnerable type, or more normie/closed off ones. what I subconsciously end up doing is start to share more and more vulnerabilities, stopping if they don't reciprocate. ig it ends up being a mutually assured destruction strategy type of thing.
I'm painfully aware of who has done what to their "enemies" or "under the influence (of whatever, including emotion or unfairness)", knowing I might end up considered their enemy or bad in the future
I know that different people can be trusted more and less about different things
Hooray! Play Crash Bandicoot.
i doubt anything will come out of it but you never know
i should see a dentist again since my teeth are bothering me but i'm afraid of getting teeth pulled
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I did bath
I did skincare routine(needs expansion, limited by money rn)
I did a tiny amount of voice traning
I ate properly
I had a pretty lazy sunday with some chores here and there
I reached out to a few friends(need ot work on reaching out to some older ones as well)
I feel better now but still feel like I am missing some things I should be doing(chores never end so its not that)
Tomorrow is gonna be tough but I am at least a bit prepared.
Hopefully I manage.
>Life Hacks Edition
What are some life hacks?
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>I am not trans
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I managed to build a few core habits and got closer to what a human should be, namely a consistent sleep schedule, appropriate daily hygiene, eating healthy, going outside and working out.
I've also made some progress by signing up for school after having been a dropout neet for a decade.
The biggest issue I have right now is my internet addiction, or rather,my longing for easy escapism in the form of overstimulation to avoid living in the moment and having to face my fears to build something meaningful over time without guarantees that what I could do would be worthwhile, all the while having no irl support group or close friends or anyone to spend time with really, that would even be a witness to me being alive and would in a way materialize my accomplishments (or my attempts at those) that way giving me. I understand that's all "external" and I should not look for others to motivate me and just do things to build discipline, but it is incredibly difficult when I don't feel like I'm real and I can only look at things from the outside and any attempt on my part to participate in the real world is nothing but a showcase of how alien I am to it and don't belong there.
I want to study and do things, but it takes active effort to do those things, I keep looking for something to distract myself with because I'm scared that my efforts will be wasted, because I'm too late, too stupid, and whatever other similar reason my anxiety can come up with at that moment.

tldr anxious retarded hikki takes a few steps outside his house, sees a mountain not too far ahead and realizes that's where he has to walk now (picrel).
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OP is very ded after a long ass day.
I will try to post the coming days but I am currently on a work trip.
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Went outside today and it was awful, it is going to take me ages to muster up the courage to go out again after what happened.
>ticket controller stands behind me on platform
>sees me activate ticket (I think)
>walk onto the train, walks onto train behind me
>sit down and the doors close
>instantly gives me a 60 EUR fine because my ticket activates in 15 seconds
>didn't wait 1 minute for the ticket to activate
How am I supposed to activate them more than 1 minute before the train arrives when they show up at random times and the information board is shit and doesn't properly work. I swear stuff like this happens almost every time I go outside or try to make improvements in my life and it is just completely demotivating.
>namely a consistent sleep schedule, appropriate daily hygiene, eating healthy, going outside and working out.
mogs me
i've reduced my workouts to 15-20 minutes and i haven't missed a day yet but everything else i keep fucking up
I have embarrassing problem. When I coom I don't produce much cum. How to increase the cum volume?
Took the first steps finally and started EMDR trauma therapy so I can maybe stop losing my mind everyday.
Anyone have experience with EMDR?
It kinda feels like im getting brainwashed (in a good way)
I must complete Adventure ReBirth and the Thousand Year Door first...
How frequently do you masturbate and/or engage in copulation? The solution may be as simple as reducing how often you ejaculate.
Bump 10
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Bumo goodnight
im going on vacation for a bit next month and if i don't feel any better by the time it's over i'm probably just gonna off myself
have a lot of people that i know love me and would mourn me but i'm not happy at all for many different reasons. shouldn't have been this way but oh well
I mean, if he doesn't want to get into it he can either ignore me or just say it. I'm just trying to help.
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how's today going?
Like usual I did half the things I wanted to do and then decided a nap before work is a good idea.
I had a really weird morning, waking up and sleeping. Still managed something at least.
Now I’ll work then hopefully get to see my friend after so long
I researched this more and I found out that some supplements can help...

So I think I will test:
>Zinc (cooming consumes Zinc from your body)
>Selenium (a couple of Brazil nuts each day should be enough)
>Lecithin, preferably sunflower lecithin
>Pycnogenol (it's good for your skin too!)
>Pygeum aka Prunus africana? (never heard about it before)
>Saw Palmetto? (but it can decrease your testosterone levels, I think)

Also, I have gained weight last year, so I will try to start losing more weight. I think I will start jogging and restart my swimming hobby.

I coom 1-2 times a week.
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Can I post here if I have questions about how to mature and get ahead in my career?

I almost want to vent but I need to stop myself from spiraling.
First day at work after years of being a NEET. Old. I'm so far behind and not-normal. But it might be possible. Grandma still sick, feels very weak. Headache.
Thank you.

I'm trying to face up to reality but it feels like there's very little I can actually do.
>Still bleeding money
>Still no job
>Still no place of my own
>Still haven't done anything I wanted to do with my life (career, exercise or art wise)
>23 years old
If feels like I'm stuck in survival mode but it looks like my luck is running out.
I don't even have consistent access to water anymore.
i've been getting into journaling lately and it actually helps me keep my thoughts pretty organized, considering i unironically have rampant ADHD and tend to forget things that i want to do, or realize that i completely forgot what the plan i had was to go about it. i wanted to tackle my physical appearance to try and improve that for my self-image and while i've started going to the gym (and enjoyed it!) there's still personal care stuff i need to attend to more often, mainly just taking care of body hair, which i am so fucking lazy with
i was considering an IPL for convenience (since really the time drain is what bugs me, at least compared to how short the results always feel) until i eventually get the money (and courage) to go get laser, do they work or are they a meme though because i dknt wanna drop a couple hundred bucks on something that isn't gonna do shit
Even laser is a meme. Pretty sure electrolysis is the only thing that actually works. I have to go every month for laser or I get some hair on my face, it's miserable. I need to find a place which can do electrolysis soon so I can stop getting scammed.
Laser worked for me its just situational if it does or not
I am sorry. I have some grieving to do today. I will be okay. Nothing bad happened to me, but a loved one. I cannot do anything but hope and need time to recuperate. I ate, I did my best, I tried to be there, I actively helped her get get to medical attention quicker.. I feel it was a productive day but I am broken about it all. I love you.
My heart goes out to you. Take your time to take care of yourself.
>i've been getting into journaling lately and it actually helps me keep my thoughts pretty organized, considering i unironically have rampant ADHD and tend to forget things that i want to do, or realize that i completely forgot what the plan i had was to go about it
same (except no idea if adhd or just retarded here)
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love you anon, take care
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how is their hair that fucking nice and mine just ends up like fucking static-y straw no matter what I do with it
FML man
Well, it's YOUR life. Only YOU know if it's worth living or not. Regardless, you should really ponder about life or death because the latter is a permanent decision, obviously.
>mine just ends up like fucking static-y straw no matter what I do with it
could be a number of things but what youre describing usually relates to dryness in hair, could be using too much product, using a dryer w/o heat protectant, brushing too much (causes friction)
I hardly brush at all and don't use a hair dryer
Maybe I'll try using less shampoo and more leave in conditioner or something
I wish I had sisters or someone to help me with this stuff, trial and error just means it sucks 90% of the time, and I get really frustrated seeing people with great hair
But I am trying!
friend had it happen recently after a new blanket on the couch or shampoo or idk too
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Take care sig-anon. I'm sorry.

If your skin is very pale and your hairs are very dark, and you get a clinic that uses one of the better lasers it can do a lot. If you have other kinds of hair go for electrolysis.

If you're unlucky it could also be the water where you live. High levels of calciium can make hair look worse. :/
Off the top of my head here are some haircare things you could try looking into:
-Selenium, vitamin B, and gingko biloba as supplements.
-Hair oils
-Psyllium husk/seed gel as a conditioner
- Silicone versus non-silicone conditioners (for some it's too heavy, for others it's great)
- Going for shampoos with milder surfactants
- Non-synthetic pillowcases; silk and satin woven cotton.
- Olaplex
- Making sure your brush/comb is the right type for your particular hair texture
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how the fuck do they expect you to meet your maintenance calories without eating processed bullshit? 2000 calories is a lot of fucking food, I want to fucking vomit. I don’t want to become a fat fuck
Nuts, beans, oils, anything that isn't low-fiber high-carb
Also 2000 is not maintenance unless you're fairly active, 1400 is around metabolic baseline and exercise burns less than you'd think
how do I deal with dysphoria? seriously I don't think it's possible for me to get over it. and then I see people that I envy with dysphoria and it just makes it all worse.
One step at a time
It dies get better but I dint know if it’s healable. You can start combating things that bother you. For example lazer for hair, clothing etc.
i'm so sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself as best you can, but i know something like this is incredibly difficult to get through
i wish they told me this shit at the ED Outpatient instead of basic nutrition shit you learn in 3rd grade
Yeah nutrition communication is dogwater almost everywhere
Also get 50g of protein a day MINIMUM, ideally closer to 100, and ideally "complete protein" such as dairy eggs or meat instead of rice and grain etc (you can get all your amino acids from various combinations of plants but it's easy to forget or have a deficiency)
If you can get bulk cheap whey (as in multiple kg) and can deal with the taste that can be ideal, that's how I get my protein
if you have a hairdresser or even as much as a barber you could likely ask them for advice, that's usually where i get most of my hair knowledge
how do I eat whey without wanting to kill myself? I wish I could be like those psychopaths and live off meal replacement
OP here, things are looking up again.
I don't think I will manage to catch up today but I will slowly begin responding again.
I am SUPER sorry responding this late, and will continue to respond a tad late for a while.. but I will be okay and take care of myself.
That is awesome news, anon! That you got on hrt I mean. It will be difficult initially afaict, but I have been told time and time again that a great deal of it is also working through, well, trauma caused by repping, and finding ways to express yourself that won't make you a dysphoric mess.
Sounds like a good time relatively speaking at least. Do keep us posted on how it went!
Sweet of you, anon. I hope you know I gladly listen, even if I had a bit of a week.
>this ends up happening with the first person who gives me a crumb of attention/consideration anyways
that is normal. Your support network has one node so to say, in that case you are extemely vulnerable to fall for that person. You have so many unmet needs and only one person to help you. The more people you have at once the more you will normalize on that front and you will get to sort your feelings out bit by bit.
hope the above helps.
It is hard, genuinely hard. You are trying and doing your best, and I get that it hurts since your current success rate is low. But 3% is an improvement from 0, and it will only go up. Could you give me some details about things that worked, and things that didn't? You are not alone in this, we can all think things through with you.
Hmm.. have you ever had a doc look at your blood values and such? It is not exactly a varied diet but I cannot tell from a glance what nutrients may be missing.
> We get along insanely well and share a ton of interests but she hasn't texted me in 3 days
Give her a ping, generally after a day or two it is perfectly valid to ask at what point it would be alright to. Some pepople are just forgetful
>Hmm.. have you ever had a doc look at your blood values and such? It is not exactly a varied diet but I cannot tell from a glance what nutrients may be missing.
yeah i do bloodwork a couple times a year since i'm mtf, they don't check for vitamin levels but all my hormone and organ function markers are perfect every time, i think eating lots of vegetables shores up the monotony of my diet and gives me what i need
i'm trying to incorporate more leafy greens and nuts and beans lately since i suspect i'm low in vitamin k and a couple other things, and i think it's improving my general mood and body feel, so everything basically seems fine...
>Give her a ping, generally after a day or two it is perfectly valid to ask at what point it would be alright to. Some pepople are just forgetful
i did that again a few days ago and still nothing... she gave me a heads up that her week was extremely busy so maybe it's fine, but yknow. yearning. need. at least i'm working out a little...

i put a bit of iodised salt and MSG in mine to give it literally any flavour at all, but i am an extremely low maintenance diet person so it's kind of a Type Of Guy thing
my roommate uses a big array of 750ml flavour syrups and milk to make tasty protein shakes but it's too much effort for me and adds an upfront cost, but it's an option to consider
ugh.. more posts tomorrow.
I am regularly thinking about suicide, if I go to a psych ward, it will be my 4th visit in the last 12 months, I hate that I feel like this, I have friends that love me, and I just want to end it more times than not.

I'm typing this with tears in my eyes, and my throat hurts. I just wanna be happy.
there's no shame with going to the psych ward, but I totally get that it can be boring or not conducive to recovery if you have people shouting or whatever. after my last attempt I was offered home visits instead of going back to the ward. maybe see if that's available for you?
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>Also 2000 is not maintenance unless you're fairly active
>Also get 50g of protein a day MINIMUM, ideally closer to 100
Wow, how can you get this so wrong?

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