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30+ is a general for all queer people 30 or over

qott: what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30?
can any ephebo mommies from the thread PLEASE molest me
Are 29.75cels welcome as well
Damn, should have said no youngins.

I'll allow it.
im 26 but i identify as 30
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go away
i hate this thread i'm old like this but the girls i like people hate me for it
>what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30?
the chronic daily headaches my mom has been experiencing since i was a kid started the literal day i turned 30. i thought i was safe. i was not.
did you try magnesium and potassium
Hey y'all. What are your plans for the weekend?
But do you pass the ultimate "I am old now test": Does your neck hurt when you turn it too much?
i havent tried anything yet, ive just been putting up with it since lol
my saturday's looking packed and exciting. im going to go to a pharmacy and pick up my prescriptions. and then i may go bed shopping at ikea. wild stuff.
tell us about your upcoming weekend!
>qott: what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30

The anatomical differences between amab and afab of the anus and surrounding regions genuinely surprises me
>what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30?
Quite a pleasant suprise, if you didn't have hairloss before 30, you won't have it afterwards. Which means I'll have my amazing hair forever
Wild. I'm working. Maybe watching a movie.
>what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30?
I've learned that all forms of insurance are a scam these days and that the second you become legally obligated to engage with an industry the quality of service from that industry takes a fucking nosedive because they know you have to give them business
Gonna clean my terrace from all the winter stuff, as I didn't have done so far and I want to BBQ somewhen this summer
>if you didn't have hairloss before 30, you won't have it afterwards
I'm sorry but that's not how it works. MPB can start as late as 40.
Only if you already had signs of it before like receeding hairline or thinning out of the hair. It's genetic and the first signs always set in early. I had absolutely no receeding hairline and no thinning out. I even shaved my head clean multiple times and it grew back fully
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Uh, yeah, sure do. And I've had a Cracker Barrel rewards membership for 20 months months now... And I love the Imagine Dragons... Just boomer things am I right fellers ha ha.
That's good anon. It sounds like you're in the clear.
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These generals are born and die extremely fast because you geriatrics are boring af.
Before this it was /ltg/, before that it was 25+ thread.

It all ends the same way, just go make a facebook group already. Or try Susans perhaps.
that certain fruits and vegetables aren't "meant" to make your eyelids sweat, and that most people can't go temporarily blind from drinking beer
don't listen to him we all need mommies so badly.
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finally somebody said it. you senior citizens are too old for this site.
Any 30+ singles? How's life?
awful <3
And you young-uns go all wide-eyed over the dumbest stuff imaginable. People have different interests at different points in their lives and that's fine. I don't like skibidi toiled and I don't have to.
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3 failed talking stages, im getting tired of this
I had a colonoscopy recently. Prep and recovery went very smoothly. There was just one polyp and this time I only have to go back in five years. I expect the final billing and a final oncology report in the mail soon. Listening to Bach and folding laundry. Money in the bank and 401(k) is doing fine, for now anyway. I love being an adult.
Eh, could be worse

Don't forget: you're here forever.
>These generals are born and die extremely fast
anon that describes most gens that arent well-established. just filter them if it bothers you
Unironically, getting older is great. I got a well paying job, have full autonomy am not reliant on anyone else, have enough disposable incomes to pay for expensive hobbies like skiing, scuba diving, I can do random weekend trips to other euorpean cities.
My social life has a bit suffered from covid, but I got somewhat good friends in my colleagues from work and still some contacts with the guys from uni.

Also age really benefited me visually, I look much better than when I was younger.

Only downside is that dating is much more difficult, without Uni or regular activities with others, getting to know people isn't as easy anymore
They're really shitting up the fucking board... I can't imagine living to 30 FUCKING YEARS OLD and not having anything better to do but hang around young people and steal our slang.
I've been on this page for over 16 years now. I won't leave. Deal with it
I made this thread >>36332154. That's how it's going.
Gyatt skibidi rizz ohio fanum tax
>I've been on this page
Grandpa, you need to take a nap or something. You clearly don't know what's going on.
>t. disabled
I've seen the birth of this board and I'm going to see the death of it
True, we certainly aren't so cool as to enjoy sapphic liminal vibes furry hyperpop albums. Fuck outta here
Then shutup and lurk. Young people are talking.
you're the invader little guy maybe try tiktok
Baby gronk rizzed up livvy dunne???
>steal our slang
cute desu
I need a mommy please nocap frfr
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QOTT: That what I thought I wanted to do with my life I had no more passion to do. So that was fun.
S'alright. I had a big romance in my 20s, then when it ended I decided I wasn't deserving of love, but now I've mellowed into that's probably not for me. Who knows what the future will bring?
This. Think about how many "I haven't been here for years, but I thought I'd check in..." posts you've seen.
what. sorry I cant hear you my hearing aid is turned off. when will your mom be back I need milf ass
Single, virgin, miserablly lonely but otherwise very peaceful and rapidly approaching contentedness.
wow i finally feel represented on this youngshit infested board
when did everyone transition? is there hope for us lateshits?
also none of OPs quotes apply to me :(
Go back to your tiktok and such and sich we do not care about your shenanigans
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Maybe you should stop repping and start living?
29.5 I hope is ok as well
Oh thanks for reminding me I need to fax my colonoscopy report
Gen x had it so good they don't even know. Meanwhile us millennial can have a degree in astrophysics and still end up a barista struggling with roommates.
is anyone taking any collagen supplements?
I trooned at 21. It worked out well enough I am somehow stealth but I think I'm clocky.
23, I started like a decade ago. I think there's hope for me but I still need surgery. At least I'm the relatively attractive kind of hon until then
fuck - never mind then. I'm destined to be the only lateshit hon in this thread
19, it was right as this board was made actually. It's funny, we didn't have youngshits back then and 19 wasn't considered super old.
Everyone's gone now from then which makes me a little sad. Except for Kayla, love you Kayla, glad you stopped repping
I got my CS degree before the big wave of CS people and before the field was saturated. So I can't complain about the job I've gotten, but also I had incredible spawn luck and basically had 100k on the bank when I left Uni
Eurocuck btw.
i was already a yungshit when this board was made
im 31 and i like skibbidi toilet. it reminds me of late 2000s half life memes.
But I've got so much practice at it by now.
Besides, at this point, "living" for me would likely be manmoding. So make of that what you will.
You know I said that but I watched GMOD idiot box. I wouldn't watch it now but I get it.
I swallow about a fist full of supplements every day
What was it like being a youngshit back then? Did you post here when they made it?
can someone from this thread touch me
back then i was making posts about how we need to remove trans from LGB because it's ruining the movement
care to elaborate on what supplements?
With a 9ft pole, sure
It will still probably massively improve your life. Go for it girl, live your best life
hello cwykee :3
I take one with collagen, vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid
only 30 but: bad :) people wont stop dying or nearly dying and those who dont abandoned all hobbies and interest in the world the moment they had kids. I hate it here.
REMINDER: Using boymoder as a "30+ queer" or whatever is gross and we can tell it's you old fucks doing it too. kthxbye
im a womanmoder but k thx bye
what brand/strength?
An obscure Euro brand
Only if you don't ghost me afterwards
who gives a fuck
What's your degree anon? I got a communications degree and worked in journalism for a bit. That was not worthwhile. Then I fell back on teaching English, and now I'm doubling down with an MFA...
Not if I John 40 first.
Yep. I take a hair, skin and nails supplement, as well as flaxseed oil. Tumeric too, but that's for the back.
it's not so obscure to a fellow yuropoor
>qott: what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30?
I could find a guy and I did
Costco multivitamin, magnesium, biotin, fish oil, NMN, glucosamine, mushroom powder, collagen, resveratrol, hyaluronic acid.
Can confirm the magnesium does anything, better sleep quality. Not sure about the rest
folic acid is a nasty multivitamin ingredient
wont biotin make you hairier?
I kind of expected that once I was financially stable and independent that that would be enough to make me happy with life, but now my brain has these obnoxious needs for "community" and "making a positive impact on the world". So I'm gonna attempt to do that, maybe.
You mean I don't want to have any folic acid in a multi? Why is that?
Supposedly, I haven't noticed it doing anything honestly
too high doses of biotin will make you greasy and ruin the ratio of your B vitamins in your body because it's vitamin B7. Low dose for better hair and nails

>I don't want to have any folic acid in a multi? Why is that?
it's a toxic synthetic ingredient in general but, close to 40% of the population have a gene where they can't even process it, so it causes B9+B6+B12 deficiency(MTHFR gene).

Normal vitamin B9 it's called methylfolate or folinic acid
Oh dang what do I do about this? Should I get tested for the gene? Or just never take folic acid?
>Should I get tested for the gene?
probably good to do this in general. Promethease is good website to check dna for it

nontoxic vitamin: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Extension-Potency-Multi-Vitamin-Supplement/dp/B07KCZ6CDW/ref=sr_1_2
crykee fan club
Yeah, that sounds about right. I always get depressed and introspective on the week of my birthday and I was afraid that finally circling the drain of my 20s would push me over the edge. But I've learned to stop caring, or at least to stop bathing in my own misery. Got rid of all social media except Discord (if that counts) and not being molested by advertisements and the world's 24/7 ugliness everytime I open my browser, as it turns out, helps my mental health a lot. How subversive. What a thought. Also got rid of Spotify and started pirating/buyfagging albums instead. My music taste is mellowing out too, which has really surprised me. I can still listen to Carissa's Wierd's or Berlin school electronica , but now I'm more focused on things that feel "warm" - old americana-style country and folk in particular.

Fianlly buckling down and going back to college too. So I guess it's not so bad. I'm glad it's going great for you, keep fighting the good fight troomer.
Dang, why's it gotta be so tough I just want to buy and eat pills
>Also age really benefited me visually, I look much better than when I was younger.
I'm honestly not sure if this is actually true or just the brainworms shrivelling a bit but this is true for me too. I feel like my body filled out more and I'm not a gross anamoder anymore. My face is more sun damaged though so I'm trying to be better about skincare.
>I always get depressed and introspective on the week of my birthday and I was afraid that finally circling the drain of my 20s would push me over the edge
Weirdly the opposite for me. I was fine on birthdays until now as I approach my 30th. I'm going on a bit of a nostalgia/sadness trip and looking back. Why I'm on this board
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>I'm going on a bit of a nostalgia/sadness trip and looking back. Why I'm on this board
seent + valid
>I'm going on a bit of a nostalgia/sadness trip and looking back.
I feel you, around my last bday I happend to listen to one of my playlists, when suddenly Linkin Park In the End was playing and I had a fucking crisis. I mean still overall I'm really happy where I am in life rn, but this kickback to the time when I was a teenager meeting up with friends with a few bottles of wine in the viniards, listening to this song, watching the stars and just having fun and the fact that I'll never be able to get back to that time... It felt like a kick in my stomach.
>29.75 years
Uhh September bro?
October. I didn't bother checking the math soidk
It's a little sad not knowing anyone anymore. But also nice to think they're all living. And gets you out of your head to see that ten years on nothing really changes, people are doing the same shit you did

You know what the real stupid thing is for me? I'm doing objectively better now and life is good. Back in my early 20s I was utterly broken, abusing alcohol and crying in a puddle of my own filth.
But what it is is I was so raw, it felt like I was this bloody, screaming lump of flesh dragged against the sandpaper of the world. It was so vivid, I was so alive. Every screaming nerve was directly experiencing reality.
With age comes defense's and calluses. I'm fine and safe and happy now. But I don't know if I'll experience an emotion as big as the pain of the young ever again
I hope this isn't a schitzopost
I really want a wife and it hurts
You know I wouldn't mind if there was a 30+ general that stayed around

>qott: what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30?
30 has been the same as 29 or 28 for me so far

Personally I'm fine with anyone within 5 years of me though
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I'm 18 years old and very unstable, will an older woman PLEASE groom me
where do you live? I'm currently getting rizzed up by some anon that lives pretty close to me
somebody should do this i don't think she's joking around...
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im not
My nails got thicker for no goddamn reason, I feel like I'm going to need hoof trimmers and eye protection at this rate.
Going to see my dad for his birthday and then work on Sunday
I can't get into discord. It's too much noise. Ya I'm not that old.
wtf thats odd, can I have some of it? mine are brittle af because of psoriasis I keep fucking breaking them on my kitchen drawers
the same as my plans every weekend
do nothing, make no friends, make no plans date, feel vague anxiety and depression at this, wake up on monday morning wishing i was dead
29 and idg what the thread is for talking about??

imma ride my twink wave a little while and when i get my life together imma transition and milf mode or something for the zoomies >:3
Gross. Fuck off.
>when i get my life together imma transition
I hope this is a joke or you're already an HRTwink, nona
>I hope this isn't a schitzopost
Not at all. Good that you're fine and safe and happy. Life is in part about developing healthy coping mechanisms, and sometimes you gotta go through some rough stuff to get to the better ones.
My pattern has been: early 20s, alcohol was for good times. Late 20s, alcohol was for bad times. 30s so far, alcohol doesn't make the bad times go away the next morning, so maybe best not to bother.
not good, chief, not good

probably no hope, sorry

everything i read was that they're a meme, so no. I do eat 4 tins of sardines a week

for another list of autism supplements from a different person, I take
Vitamin C, Zinc, Copper, 5000IU of vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex, Boron, and Magnesium
not a joke i'm just mentally ill and lucked out on genes uwu
You know I haven't drank in so long that I had one beer recently and threw up. Very embarassing, I think I'll probably keep not drinking haha
that i wouldn't feel any older than i was in my 20's mentally, you assume you'd be the real adult by now but i still feel like a kid who doesn't know enough and many people close in age to me seem much older
Does no one say gibbed and telefrag anymore?!? And I was just mourning about a forum I frequented shutting down a couple weeks back. Maybe I am an oldshit.
pretty bad, stuck at the same job for 4 1/2 years, life feels very repetitive and like not one i have control over
Legitimately, how do you make friends?

I'm about to turn 30 and have some good online friends who live far away and who I get to see rarely, but offline there's nothing in this hick cow-town, and those friends of mine are getting pretty busy these days.
I tried playing XIV to meet some people and ended up failing to make a friend after a couple tries of FChopping, and just dropped the game altogether. I liked a lot of manga so I thought I'd join some discord communities for Dorohedoro, Dungeon Meshi, etc, and I felt way too fucking old to interact with anyone. My only other hobbies are gaming, cooking, and programming occasionally. I haven't had a job in almost a year and I really need one so I can just get the fuck out finally and maybe move somewhere nicer with a bit more of a social life, but it's taking so long to snag anything.

I dunno, maybe I need some new hobbies, but in general I feel like I'm starting to age out of the communities related to things I love. I wish there was a cool, relatively civil forum where older folks could hang out.
>i still feel like a kid who doesn't know enough
It's a bit disturbing once you realize that basically this is the state everyone is in and that no one has a clue about anything.
To this day I'm amazed that in this world anything works out cause I feel no one knows anything other than the few thing they do every day, and even then half the shit is "I do it like that because I always did it that way"
>I wish there was a cool, relatively civil forum where older folks could hang out.
Might need to make one at this point. Everywhere I turn it's full of young people that shun anyone older.
Well I mean there is stuff like that. Sports or hobby clubs, then there are other organizations, e.g. if you are in a union they usually organize meetups, im working for a large employer with multiple sub companies where sometimes meetups are organized, e.g. there is this semi regular LGBT meetup within the company organized by some colleagues, etc.
Might go thrifting tomorrow morning but otherwise have intentionally planned to do nothing. Probably clean the house, install some shelves, do yard work.
Flying home from Seoul. Just had vfsrac.
I have a house and make low six figures and I wash my bedsheets weekly. It still feels like I'm lost and flailing and everyone else is more able to handle their shit and I am so far behind. Not even just in real life, on this stupid website too
Kinda rough to say if you've been out of work for a year but work for me luckily has people only slightly younger than me who are nice. I've been playing DnD with some friends after work.
Which clinic did you go to? Do you speak Korean?
Queer is a slur, fuck off newfag.
I still dislike Reddit regardless of the quality of the content there just because it killed off traditional forums. Now the only forums I can think of are bastions from a bygone era that are more archives than active communities. The only forum I know that's survived is Something Awful, which I may try out at some point since my previous main forum finally kicked the bucket.
Fuck me, quake was a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago.
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I'm a 36yo autistic nonop transbian chasing a normie bi ciswoman zoomer
>cis women
>on 4chan
Nice try but we can see right through your facade transbian mcgirlgroomer
Picked up a WRX TR this week, gonna continue with break in this weekend so I can enjoy the rest of the RPMs and full boost

>this decision probably set back SRS and FFS years but I am trying not to care, this is the best car I have ever driven out of multiple turbo subarus, a couple FDs, Miatas, S13s, S14s, E36s, E92s, a GT350R, an Audi UrS4, AP1, Zn6, etc.
i love being 30 years old! i'm smarter than i've ever been. have figured out all my emotional issues. eating well, my mind and body have never been in a better state! fuck the 20s, holy shit!!!
yes, i've watched the death of it all. it sucks. i don't want discord, i don't want reddit, this site only exists to test out improved botspam. everything's gone to shit. i don't know where to go anymore. i'd rather read a book nowadays, but even that can't curb the yearning for other people. something has to change. that or we just die or something.
being old kinda sucks
t. really old
I'm 31, I've never had a relationship or a job, I'm objectively not boyfriend material so I've just never tried before
Trying to change that this year and improve some stuff
The mental stuff is gonna be a lot harder than the physical stuff
yep, the internet is rapidly going to complete shit. this was well predicted though, so don't act surprised lol. it was always a mere matter of time. unplug, read books, live how we used to live 20 years ago. it's not that hard. it's a shame the golden era is over though, a massive fucking shame
the sad part is older millennials can adjust to this, zoomers will be completely lost trying to live with out the internet.

I learned how to sit near a shady creek all afternoon with no phone, no electronics and come back completely rejuvenated
>Which clinic did you go to? Do you speak Korean
Yeson. I dont speak Korean.
well, they won't live without it that's the thing. the internet will change them, program them. there will always be a slim portion who are not as the others, but most will be completely absorbed by what is coming. count yourself lucky to be born in the modern 'greatest' generation and prepare accordingly
no anon I'm chasing her in real life because she's incredible
>what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30?
You now have to pay for pussy/bussy. This is non-negotiable unless you're a tranny or something.
More like 35+ which is why it says that about being President of the United States. I learned: that the point of life is to have kids, we're animals having a brutal, deceptive contest and you're the enemy because you're willing to lose the contest on purpose to be happier within it. It's a cowardly choice you should be killed for making even on the off chance it terrifies another human out of it.

People who engineer others into the level of lonliness I have experienced are definitely going to be attacked, it's not a political choice, you're just a fuckup. A moronic, selfish little fuckup.
Did it hurt
unbounded expansion in a limited resource space is not sustainable and those who don't produce kids can spend more time focused on important things that aren't raising kids
transhumanism is a cosmic liberation
you do have a point. most would choose for sexual deviants in general not to exist. they barely tolerate you now.
you will not be liberated though uwu. you'll be a good little cattle slave at best while others perfect their bloodlines :3
you're such a good little insect <3
that despite my big talk, I'm not actually cut out for staying in my house 24/7. I'm still a huge introvert, but the lockdowns were fucking awful
what you into?

i'm gen x and i couldn't adjust to that
fr same
I like being at home, I don't like being forced to be at home. Not doing the few things I do like doing outside was awful
that linkin park songs hit harder than they used to
hope you old-timers are exercising!
just started lifting a couple months ago and started doing C25K
my posture feels way better
hi fellow oldies
about to start. getting imaged for my back pain next week then getting phys therapy based on what's wrong
you wouldn't get it
This is part of why I keep coming to this board/site. It's one of the few things that reminds me of the creaky old web.
It wasn't even that it was weird. It was just weirder than it is now, and a lot more individual and less gentrified.
Fuck me, that's how old I am. I have a "it ain't like it used to be, if only you knew" thing now. Just realized that...
Bi/33 here

Pretty inexperienced with gay stuff

I downloaded grindr and man, trying to find a decent white dick to suck is hard as hell

So much time wasting and bullshit

Any tips for success using this app?
Is your wife really okay with this, nona?
I would date an 18yo IF they were mentally stable and had a healthy outlook on life. I'm not interested in kowtowing my entire life to your list of 47 half made up mental illnesses you got from obsessively letting twitter trolls bully you 8 hours a day since you were 2 and your parents put an iPad in your hands.
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>back hurt
>rent too much
>sciatic nerve pinched
>never get to sleep in
>vision getting worse
>israel still exists
>tinnitus getting worse
i don't and i'm older than you
get better? :|

boii how old are you really?
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God I need this dumb brilliant radiant zoomer comedian gamedev cis girl like nothing else I've ever known
>I learned: that the point of life is to have kids, we're animals having a brutal, deceptive contest and you're the enemy because you're willing to lose the contest on purpose to be happier within it.
You aren't being honest with yourself here! Losing on purpose would make me your friend, not your enemy, as you would benefit from my loss. Instead you are mad, which reveals your true feelings: jealousy! Don't worry, you can give up too. Everyone can! We can be the last generation on earth :^)
you need to stop posting immediately
No :^)
my favorite simpsons joke
>get better
No offense, but what do you mean by this? I'm simply nostalgic. How does one get better from that?
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ok i was playin' im actually pretty mentally stabel
I’m 30 and I don’t even relate to people my own age, but I also don’t want to hang out with kids. I really feel like I don’t belong anywhere, weird ass sheltered homeschool upbringing means I missed most of the pop culture references and in-jokes. It’s so fucking over lmao
>weird ass sheltered homeschool upbringing means I missed most of the pop culture references and in-jokes
Literally fucking me. I grew up in a pseudo cult in the woods without much contact to anyone my parents hadn't vetted as adult friends first. I had no contact with the outside world until we got the internet. Doesn't help I was also completely forgotten in terms of childcare and just slept in whatever spare storage room they could put me in and ate whatever I could figure out how to cook on my own.
i want to public school and have the same problem. my parents listened to a lot of banger 80s alternative stuff that i love too which further alienated me from pop culture, like echo and the bunnymen or Jane's addiction.

95% of people listen to rap and know all the big rappers but i legitimately don't know any of them and when i listen the lyrics they unironically sound either evil or cringe. at least i really like the weekend, his voice is beautiful.
Was this some kind of queer commune, or are we talking...hippie flavor? fundie flavor?
>queer commune
God I wish. Maybe I could have started HRT at a reasonable age then.
>hippie flavor? fundie flavor?
Hippie like they were atheists, there was constant drinking, smoking, and mainly pot or psychedelics for drugs used. Fundie like everyone was a giant bigot, social conservative, and my mother sexually abused me all the way until puberty. It doesn't make sense because it's not supposed to. My mother even says she misses when more drugs were mor illegal because then people had to "earn it".
Does sound insane, not in a good way. At least my parents managed to abuse me in a house in an urban area. though I'm not sure if it's better that they were sober.
Where can I find a late 20s/early 30s eruotranny insane/desperate enough to give some random guy from 4chan a chance?
Feel you, I'm 30 too, grew up in the country side, and never got to participate in mainstream pop culture. All I know is the internet and it feels like 90% of other 30 year olds are facebook or reddit levels deep at most. I don't care about Marvel movies or Love Shore episodes from ten years ago...
>MPB thinning out
>mom has FPB
>maternal grandpa was quite bald
yep gonna baldmaxx, better get in shape in the meantime
Freshly single and just about to start a job after a long period of fuckery. The two are correlated.
It feels interesting, like being able to start living your life for the first time, although with different buffs and debuffs than the average normie.
I'm really counting my blessings that I grew up in such second world economic collapse poverty, that I got to experience rural electronics-free life and silent peaceful nature, beautiful abandoned urban and industrial landscapes, and low-to-zero consumerism lifestyle. Has some downsides too, but I appreciate the upsides.
It really doesn’t unless you pass
Have you ever wondered why nearly no trannies are like "God I wished I continued repping"? Even the worst never passer hons?
Yeah I’ve thought about it a lot, but for me, “god I wish I continued repping” is a brutal pill to swallow because it dramatically dramatically changed my life outcome for the better
*could have dramatically
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so what N64 games do you guys like?
If you keep telling yourself that... But even trannies that kill themselves don't regret trooning out or think repping would have been better.
It's always only reppers telling others but mostly themselves that they are happier repping. Yet I've no one who stopped repping agrees.

I mean it's your life you are ruining
Everything Rare made
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pokemon stadium, pokemon snap, ocarina of time, mario kart, conkers bad fur day
Never had an N64, but the neighbor girl had one. We'd often come over to play Super Mario and Mario Cart. I had a PS2 and Kingdom Hearts is still one of the best games ever made, sadly KDH2 wasn't as good.

Aside from that my favorite console is probably still the game boy and game boy advance, with Zelda the Minish Cap and the Pokemon games ruling
My life went to shit after transition and it’s never gotten better, so idk about that. I’ve only got maybe like another month or two of estrodiol left and then after that don’t really know what I’ll do, probably just quit my job and travel around and drink until my meager savings dry up and then go up to the finger lakes and go to sleep forever as the sun sets over the water and let any evidence I exist burn away
OOT, Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark, DK64, Mario Party, Animal Crossing, WinBack, others I'm forgetting, and I have a soft spot for Penny Racers for some reason even though it's complete fucking shit
And I also just have to say that repping isn’t about being happy, it’s about finding contentment and avoiding jumping off the cliff into the abyss. I agree you don’t ever really get to be happy repping, the dysphoria eats away at you forever whether you transition or not. Damage control.
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Anyone played Class of 09? I just bought it it's pretty neat so far. It's pretty on point, makes me nostalgic for those mid 2000s high school years. Plus it has abusive lesbians
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pussy. kill yourself on the front steps of an organization you hate.
i learned i was trans
That seems like a trip, I've kinda repressed all my high school memories so I dunno how I feel about this
There aren’t really any, and what would that even accomplish? I know I’m a coward, it’s why I haven’t done it sooner.
All my Highschool memories are still painfully vivid but the sadest thing is despite how shit highschool was they were still the best years of my life.
>light yourself on fire for palestine
>everyone forgets about you after 2 hours
yeah I think they nailed it. not just the voice acting and the references but the humor itself. feels very late 00s Adult Swim.
The voice acting is so good.
Jecka and Emily's voices are perfect, swear they sound just like some classmates and friends I had back then. A+
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only one goldeneye mention and no star wars games
you guys are losing your 30 year old boomer cards
Perfect Dark is strictly superior to Goldeneye and the Star Wars games are remarkably mid in retrospectin terms of their actual gameplay
>Perfect Dark is strictly superior to Goldeneye
only the multiplayer
Goldeneye falls off incredibly hard after Frigate
jungle goes hard as fuck

perfect dark falls off after area 51
midsommar festival at the park. raising the may pole, dancing, music, etc. gonna be a long Sunday
Jungle is horrific, an entire level based around walking straight into N64 fog and shooting the instant your autoaim activates
the only good Goldeneye level post-Frigate is Archives and maybe Aztec for the novelty
as for PD, by the time you've finished Area 51 you're already past the halfway point of the campaign and the back half is at least sometimes fun
I'm not gonna bother listing the classics but I will mention BUCK BUMBLE because it's great and more people need to play it.
>and the back half is at least sometimes fun
fighting skedar is not fun
FUCK how did i forget that game it's so cool
fighting anyone in any of the second half of Goldeneye also isn't fun
I've never played it/was too young/was too poor to have a n64 but the theme needs to be posted here
started at 27, am 30 now
better than nothing I suppose
>lost a bunch of weight
>finally a normal BMI
>exhausted and weak all the time, now I can't stop losing weight
>boobs completely deflated
fuck fuck fuck I fucked up I should have remained chub what do I do, I feel and look terrible someone give practical advice
get your levels checked, eat more protein, exercise
if you don't eat protein your body will break down nonessential tissues to get it
I started at 34, three years in now and generally get told I'm pretty cute. Like, I'm not unclockable, I still get weird stares from old ladies, but it's increasingly less scowling in disapproval and more just confusion. Everyone else doesn't care.
Confusion is always the best I hope for, so I appreciate posts like this.
Thank you anonette.
why do middle aged women and old ladies hate trannies so much
i encountered this with my last gf
men don't give a shit
zoomers don't give a shit
but man do old hags flip a tit when they see a tranny
particularly if said hag is fat or ugly
Clocky old women hate getting mogged by amabs. Who knows, they might just be bitter in general about seeing younger people being happy with their friends. Old people can get mean if they're dominated by regrets.
Aye aye Cap'n... please make it stop.
my mum who's turned 71 this year has accepted me as her trans daughter, but her brutal honesty destroys me - I have unfortunately inherited my father's thin, fine hair genetics and she wont let me forget it, constantly trying to get me to wear hair pieces that she keeps buying for me, it's driving me nuts. I guess things could be much worse.
30 in a couple of months. Finishing my degree in october (i know, please don't comment on how much time it took).
Never had job, will probably never have. I can't talk to women about anything that is not surface stuff let alon ask them out. Not that they should want, I am a gremlin.
I'll kill myself as soon as my parents die just because I can't bear giving them a dead son too in addition to all the crap they have going for them.
Take biotin regularly and grow your hair out. Thin, fine hair looks amazing long imo, as long as it's brushed and conditioned properly.
Mine is thick and wavy which limits what I can do with it, but at least it's low maintenance. For a while I was really jealous of people with thinner hair for being able to have that silky, slinky, gravity-driven movement when it's long.
i ran out of biotin and stopped taking anymore, should i really get back on it? I don't think it was a high enough dose (bought it from myprotein - 10000ug)
It's one of those things where megadosing just makes you pee out the excess. 10k ug is gonna be mostly excess, but supplementation can make up for deficiencies caused by poor diet or excessive drinking.
I started taking it again recently because I'm cutting calories but also drink way too much and I'm tired of my nails constantly chipping and flaking. Realistically though you could just get a few servings of eggs and fish on a weekly basis and not have to bother with the supplements.
27 to 30 gang
endless regret but at least we're here and doing it now and still kicking
how do i get rid of my frown line? my fucking brows look so prominent and it's making me look like a freak, i don't remember them being this bad but now I have a permanent butt between my eye brows.
botox can help but if it's really deep you might need than that
>least expected thing
I've discovered the joys of gardening and turning 40 doesn't seem so bad now
>turning 36 in Sep
I always feel aging isn't that bad, then the birthday hits and I'm sitting at home questioning all decisions I've ever made in life
My birthday is cursed and I try to forget about it as much as possible.
Yeah, same here, especially as it's on one of the big holidays, I never celebrated mine really, and now it's just plain sad whenever it hits and I'm just sitting at home, while everyone my age is celebrating the holiday with their families and even if my friends would care, no one would have any time to celebrate with me -.-
same I've hated it ever since I was 12
i hate celebrating my birthday because whenever i've ever made the effort to invite people, they've always let me down in some way or another - so now i just keep it to myself
when i was 22 and 23 i was in a pretty destructive relationship with a girl 7 years older than me. i am now that age, about to turn 30 later this year, and i still can't quite get over how much of a mental difference there's been between early and late 20s. i have finally realized how much of an absolute mess she was, and while i will never know if it was deliberate or not, she really knew how to push my buttons before i even learned to understand myself and my own emotions in that way. if i dated someone 7 years younger than me now and i treated them like that i would feel ashamed of myself.
for once my birthday wasn't bad last year. usually it goes wrong in one way or another. we shall see how it goes this year.
it's not off to a good start. job opportunities not working out. have to move states. feel like bf is starting to resent me. hanging on for hopes of it getting better but truthfully I'm one more thing going wrong before walking aimlessly into the wilderness and letting nature do its thing
Only good Star Wars game is Podracer
rogue squadron and shadows of the empire are great too
You Goldeneye/Perfect Dark fags are gonna buy Agent 64 when it finally comes out right?
i had a widow's peak as a teen, before my hairline came forward on hrt. how doomed am i?
it looks like it has the right aesthetic too bad I don't have anyone to split screen it with x'D *holds n64 controller wrong*
i don't like star wars and the first 007 game i played was nightfire on gamecube
No fuck off I hate that this is the current psyop on this shitass board
>what was the least expected thing you learned after turning 30?
All of my shortcomings in life are skill issues and I just need to git gud.
I'm disappointed we haven't figured out how to play n64 online
are you attractive and in Dallas?
netcode is a whole thing even for games that are built around it
N64, crazy that was 60 years ago now
I hate this
It's freeing anon. knowing that I can just try harder and if I don't and I fail it's all my fault
>don't love me quietly
>do it with intensity
Oh man. Mine was an Xbox rather than a Gamecube, but I remember them days. Nightfire and Agent Under Fire were my poison before I waded into Halo CE.
the adults are talking, go play with your toys
39 and I've been single for 6 years. It sucks, but what to do? I have plenty of good friends to keep me company. It's having someone to cuddle with I miss most.
>when did everyone transition?
HRT at 22, orchi at 23.
Yes! They're fantastic. I noticed quickly that my nails would chip and break less often, or hardly at all. I imagine it's good for other things too. Just harder to tell.
Uh... Robotron, Loderunner, Gauntlet, Goemon, and Shiren.
Damn, 17 years hrt and 16 without balls. Hope you find someone to cuddle anon. You must pass really well
i completely understand and am far beyond your comprehension, in fact
All these midshits calling themselves lateshits baka. 11 months HRT, started at 28.
Turned 30 last month currently drunk hate my life. im gonna be a pharmacy tech again on monday just feel like ive done nothing with my life.
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I have hit 30 and am trying to get my shit together, but man oh man am I paralyzed by anxiety. I wish there were better drugs for it since it seems like there's only the most addictive shit ever or stuff that just makes you a little numb but not enough for THE FEAR to leave you be.
Shadow people are far more physical than I realized (that occurred like a month after I turned 30)
You can mourn at the failure that is your own life or potential
drunk hate sucks
Hope your pharm tech return works out tho
Sounds like you're doing more with your life than me!
same honestly, i can't even use a dating app without having a panic attack

good luck fren
Everyone here is ugly hence those 30 and older general. Sad but this should be a lesson not to stay on here. Live life or you will be like these broken things!
have you tried prozac? been having decent results w it. like, yeah, the existential pit is still there, but the prozac lets me disregard the pit and find the willpower to go about my day.
Rhodiola rosea worked for me. Doesn't do anything for psychological worries but it turns off the jitters and fight or flight response you get from anxiety, at least in my experience
Um don't do this, I am stuck with it. Be better and do something with your life. Pharmacy tech should only be done by broken people. You have a chance for better. Trust me I seen 50 year old techs with no future. Do you want that?
fuck no but wtf am i supposed to do? i have no degree
stable employment is stable employment
don't listen to this faggot. no reason you can't get certed in something else while you're working as a pharm tech
what abt bioware slop..
like what
kotor is pretty good yeh
humans have interacted with "shadow people" for a very long time. every culture has stories and a name for these "spirits". kodama, silvia, jinn, ghosts, etc
Um don't tell anyone but medical coding lol. Also, I am not a faggot that person is the biggest faggot. I am just telling you that I know someone who is stuck. I am stuck just saying.
I know that, I just didn’t realize that their breath was warm or that they breathed when they spoke (it wasn’t alarming at the moment) I dunno like I see them but I haven’t had an interaction like that in a while
wanna play warhammer 3
medical coding? what is that?
NTA. Did you encounter them in the in-between state of dreaming? I've never encountered one irl, but I have been scared awake by one
33 yo asian mtf

Trooned out at 30 and kinda threw my whole life out the window. Still have a good career and stuff but its been a wild ride. On the bright side my transition has been decent for someone so late so I can't complain.

qott: I didn't think repping would get so hard so fast at 30.
No! I tried but I can't get into that, how about some halo? I am on an infinite kick and my team is shit so anyone is better trust me even people who never played halo are better than my retarded teammates!
I dunno why anyone opts to rep over just being serious about manmoding. Like it's basically the same thing except you have to wear a sports bra now.
This isn't a 50+ thread. You need to see a doctor
manmoding is awkward af, especially if grow out your hair too. Plus needing to wear a sports bra sucks for TSA and stuff.
Tabletop RPGs/CCGs
Art projects
Music collabs
Support groups
Online postings
Look up cpc cert. Trust me it's a good investment. I saved your life tell me what the person who called me faggot would do for you. The answer is nothing! Fuck you retard who said that. Just self study and you would make more money no college needed. Trans girl to trans girl. I help when I am not talking to retard!
If I was otherwise committed to repping, I'd just keep my hair short and possibly even a slight stubble to cover up face complexion. As for the TSA thing, I've never really had any issues as a boymoder but idk I'm probably visibly trans and I don't really try to hard to conceal anything
My mother is 60 and met friends through gym and tarot readings and yoga
How does a 31 y/o tranny get another tranny to let her be a leech neet gf?
in the end I was lucky enough that my transition wasn't "horrible" while starting at 30. Obviously not a gigapassoid but good enough to not rope.
Thanks anon.
omg hiiiiiii
ugh ur so pretty
Luckier than me and I started at 23. Dang. I guess people just start whenever they start panicking that it's going to be too late based on when it's going to be too late, I've seen a couple threads with people that don't get on hormones until later because they lucked out.
are all good ideas you should try. The issue you had is joining Discords, since Discord is disproportionately filled with a younger demographic, especially when looking at the interests you mentioned. My vote would be TTRPGs, since if you can avoid the teenage or early 20's theater kids, you can find some oldshits who are genuinely lovely to interact with. Alternatively, I have also had some luck when interacting with hobbies that just don't see as much interest among younger people like professional audio equipment. I would recommend finding an oldshit hobby like pickleball, but you mentioned wanting to find people online, so the big recommendations like church, sports, volunteering, etc. may be a bust.
Usually they hide in corners or hallways when I’m awake and I see them, they seem more timid than scary. The encounter when I felt one was interesting, like I was sleeping and I woke up feeling weight next to me and a soft warm breath whispering in my ear words I couldn’t understand, the words had breaths inbetween them, like a whisper being forced out quickly inbetween the breaths, I said “I’m really tired, come back later” and I felt the weight move and I realized that’s weird since I was lived alone and nobody but me had keys to my apartment or would come to visit me. It was like a breeze had come and gone through the place, I dunno I still see them, sometimes I worry that I fucked it up and I should have let the voice continue, that it was something crucially important that needed to be done, every once and a while while I’ll hear a soft whisper of when I’m alone and I’ll try to pause, close my eyes, and listen closely but I still can’t recognize it
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Thank you <3

Tbh I thought it was pretty over long before I started. It just got way too unbearable for me to continue as is. I really thought I was gonna be a gigahon.
I should note it’s not the first time I’ve experienced high strangeness or weird noises and that I enact goetic ritual magick regularly when and where I can. When I was a kid growing up, like literally since as far back as I could remember until like 12-13 I used to hear music outside my window, kinda Celtic sounding iirc, and nobody else heard it :/ I stopped mentioning it because my siblings thought I was lying. Like this was a constant even when we moved houses and states, I wonder if it wasn’t the fae though, like they were trying to talk to me as a child
i personally do not trust the "others". fae, jinn, etc. they're very interesting to me but they would have a set of morals very different from ours, get offended by different things, etc. i prefer to acknowledge their existence and learn about them for curiosity sake but I'd rather not interact with them directly or interfere in their affairs. they would have super natural abilities that humans would have no defenses against and might end up in a fate worse than death
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Understandable, I guess I’m just not worried about them, like I’ve been hurt enough in so many ways by physical people that I’m willing to trust and accept those that aren’t. Like when I started practicing goetic magick I must admit I was scared but then I realized why? They’ve never hurt me, maybe shown me things I didn’t want to see, realizations that upset me, but it didn’t hurt me I dunno I know it’s not for everybody though and I wouldn’t push it on others as I had religion pushed onto me
Love the hat! I own like 3 different fiddler caps since I like that style of hat so much
>Another thing I learned at/after 30
How to cope with immune system deficiency
you're a midshit to me - 30+ is lateshit in my books (it's my coping mechanism)
Here but usually you need to be less blunt, just go around threads and take your chance when you see one. Def don't use words such as "insane" or "desperate"
Would be cool to find some late 20s or early 30s lgbt friends in Europe
anyone that started hrt at a younger age than me is a youngshit
In America but I dunno I gave up on frens a while ago, people I knew left or want nothing to do with me, it be cool but I feel so introverted around others anymore I don’t know what normal conversations are past pleasantries ya know, like I talk to maybe 1-2 people during a week, and never for long, it’s like what do I say
>hey I read a book recently about how Stanley Kubrick was most likely involved in pedophilia and was complicit in filming it and zoophilia at the play boy mansion also his cousin was a cop who murdered at least 2 people for insurance money
>oh I didn’t go out, a doc on child trafficking in early 2000s Romania last night with my plushies while I ate dumplings and bokchoi
It’s hard to pretend to be normal so it’s easier to just not talk at all or try to connect with others
I'm in europe and I'm at least nominally lgbt :)

Also, but OT but I guess we hit bump limit, didn't expect this thread to be so sucessfull in so relatively little time :)
Are you that German chaser guy
I'm german but not a necessarily chaser
Too bad I would have been your friend if you were in Europe
I played the demo and it was decent
same, and girls here wonder why we (I) chase
I too would have found no problem being her friend if she were in Europe
What does that have to do with you being a chaser you fkn weirdo
>you fkn weirdo
bad day, I take it
New thread
New thread
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idk I'm like 33 so the list of things keeps going up but here's a few:
+ people, still, actually like me
+ I'm prone to falling into living arrangements with abusive people, despite having a loving bf and enby partner
+ I must look like the women in my family because I pass like 70-80% w/o makeup and 99% with it on
+ Hot allostatic load is still accurate to how my life is going, I've been banned from eddit, shitcanned on twitter by other transwomen for something I didn't even say, and ignored or blocked everywhere else

I miss my big sis in transition, but she stopped replying to my dms shortly after moving to the otherside of the country. We messaged a few times a month and talked about gender, I got connection with her because we had similar childhoods. Talking with her made me feel less lonely, my current friends aren't introspective enough (or willing to share said introspection) to have such conversations. I also got terminated a week ago because management was transphobic and after 4 months they found a reason to fire me, so now I'm back to looking for jobs and trying to avoid roping. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up,
>Stanley Kubrick pedophilia
please elaborate or point me in the direction of more information
>t conspiracy truthist

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