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blazing heat edition

Are you a sissy/masochistic emasculation fetishist? What do you think of sissies/MEF?


>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.

Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
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I hate how my longing for lesbianism just makes me more of a creepy straight man
Why are those cute curl cuts I see on tgirls called "AGP curls" makes absolutely no sense to me
I haven't followed discussion here, so I apologize if that was already spoken of over and over.

Do you think that desire for lesbian relationship can be understood as limerent fantasy that lesbian relationship would allow you to be yourself without restrictions put on men in their self expression?

That the primary driver is not disphoria of the body, but rather association of male qualities as inherently prohibitive in your authentic self expression (and thus disphoria of not being able to express yourself is projected unto what is perceived as the primary reason for inability to be authentic - maleness).

The first (limerence over lesbian relationship) being euphoric part and the second - disphoric part.

What I am getting at is that the association seems neurotic. Meaning that there is a misattribution of real feelings of hurt from not being able to be yourself and the reasons for that. The real reason of lack of authentic self expression is in self prohibition of that. The prohibition of self. The connection of it to having this or that gender is misattribution, it is missing the real cause and thus is neurotic. Because it doesn't address (and thus can't solve) the actual reason of suffering.

What would happen if you could be yourself in any relationship? Meaning when you didn't have to pretend to be of a different gender to actually be vulnerable. Emotional. When your sensitive side was welcomed and cherished in that relationship. Would you not feel happy regardless of your gender? I do not say "stop being a woman, be a man", I ask what would happen if you did whatever you want, dressed the way you want, looked the way you want - without any explanation or substantiation.

Without the need for a permission for that from "Women HQ", and a badge saying "Woman".
for me, as a straight trans identifying male who strongly fetishizes lesbians, I think it's less about "being myself" and more craving the physical and emotional dynamics between women. I fetishize lesbian physical intimacy, intimacy between two women's bodies. I also envy the shared understanding and experiences that women have with each other. I'll also say that since I've started hrt, it's not all about not being myself. for example, I'm attracted to the idea of being with someone who shares how estrogen has made me experience sexual desire, and I'm attracted to the idea of a woman touching the breasts I've gotten from estrogen.

>What would happen if you could be yourself in any relationship? Meaning when you didn't have to pretend to be of a different gender to actually be vulnerable. Emotional. When your sensitive side was welcomed and cherished in that relationship. Would you not feel happy regardless of your gender?
I wouldn't. I'd feel repulsed that I was a man and repulsed at the idea of having to have straight sex.
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I’m not a sissy. I don’t understand sissies.
Because the average HSTS holds extremely strict gaycoded beauty standards which are especially stringent against white MTFs.
Whatever goes against it is considered AGP/ crossie behavior.
I see.
The thing is I have the same feelings. But then I have an opportunity to fully behave authentically and suddenly the perceived disphoria disappears. I don't feel the need to look fully like a woman. It is enough that my feminine self expression is satisfied in a mutually desirable way.
That is the reason I brought up "what if disphoria is misattribution of emotional suffering and its reasons".
I'd never do anything irl because I know no-one wants to date me and especially not a lesbian. I'm still going to lay in bed for 12 hours fantasizing about being in a lesbian relationship though. I have all these characters in my fantasies with names and personalities that I interact with while I lay in bed. Sometimes I reset things but often my fantasies run for months at a time.
I as seeing a therapist years ago and I was way too scared to bring it up because I didn't really understand it and I thought the therapist would judge me negatively for it, or think I was a sex offender or something. I don't know if mentioning it would have helped anyway it seems like a pretty niche problem that most therapists wouldn't be equipped to handle.
it makes you be seen as a creepy straight man because you haven't put in any effort towards looking like a woman so you publicly expressing your desire doesn't come from a place of being earnest it comes from a place of lazy objectification which is creepy
ive been on hrt for 4 years, im post-ffs, i go to the gym 4x a week
i put the effort in i want to see the results i want despite being a former 5'11 repper and now not only am i in an amazing relationship with a cis woman, its one others genuinely view as a lesbian relationship
>walking outside with gf to restaurant while on vacation
>group of zoomettes walk by
>hear them say "best friends or lesbians" to one another
>they all respond "lesbians" to one another
put the effort in and stop day dreaming otherwise your life will pass you by
Why does f@pping when CDing feel much different?
How am I supposed to live as a woman like you when I look like a man?
Not everyone has luckshit genes.
did you forget the part where I've been on hrt for 4 years and started as a 5'11 repressor
did HRT do anything for you past like a year of taking it?
How do i stop AGP/CDing permanently?
yea it takes longer than a year for your body to change
weight cycling+gym+proper levels+progesterone+pioglitazone goes hard
You can't, you are going to want to be a pretty girl for the rest of your life just like a straight man wants to fuck pussy even when he is an old man.
Sexuality is hardwired, you can't change it without something short of a brain surgery.
I'm 37 it was fucking over 20 years ago
Our only hope is brain digitization technology that will let us live our best lives.
sometimes I want to go get struck by lightning in hopes that fixes my brain, that and it gives a wicked scar
I'm not transitioning go away
What do you mean by brain digitization technology?
I think personally that in like 30-40-50 years neuroscience and brain imaging will become so advanced that things that seem imaginary to us today would be completely commonplace and normal.
Mental disorders will be completely eradicated and a thing of the past, nobody will suffer from schizophrenia or bipolar disorder anymore, gender dysphoria will be completely cured.
You will be able to change your sexual orientation at will, for grown adults and in utero.
It's sad that we and the billions who came before us will not be able to enjoy that, in the same way that the millions who died from aids in the 80's and 90's did not enjoy advancements in technology which would have saved them.
There is comfort in knowing that at least future generations won't have to die from stupid shit like aids and that they won't suffer from the stupid mental conditions that we suffer from today.
5'11 isn't that tall and it says nothing about the state of your body, face etc before.
What about face?
I'm 15 months in and haven't malefailed ever.
When did you start malefailing?
Society won't be around in 30 years this is as good as it's ever going to get.
>You can't,
so im fcked? Great.
>you are going to want to be a pretty girl for the >rest of your life
What if im John > 35?
>Sexuality is hardwired, you can't change it >without something short of a brain surgery.
What about meds that cause impotency or stop libido?
i struggle with hair removal.

I use pic related.
Under the shower it doesnt glide at all over the skin and it struggles more to catch hairs. Yes this is directly after peeling. Overall it takes ages for even the simple body parts like the stomach and chest area.

under dry conditions, especially on my arse, it hurts a lot. Then some spots start bleeding which further hinders the hair removal.

If it would be a once in a month process I could live with it. But if done it now multiple times, and the hair density decreases only slightly and comes back each week.

What the fuck am i doing wrong?
>you haven't put in any effort towards looking like a woman
no such thing
>so im fcked? Great.
In a sense yea, everybody has their own cross to bear, some kids get terminal cancer, you get AGP, make peace with it and you can live a pleasant life despite having AGP.
>What about meds that cause impotency or stop libido?
They only supress your ""true"" sexuality from manifesting, they don't change your sexual preferences, those are hardwired after puberty.
aids is still around you fucking moron
nobody is curing diseases because it's not profitable to cure them
>Are you a sissy/masochistic emasculation fetishist? What do you think of sissies/MEF?
Yes, kinda. It's fun!

What don't you understand?
how many compromises have you made to your male side to be an okay sissy/cd?
i've stopped putting on muscle in upper body and eating less
i used to pluck facial hair too
thinking of low dosing again lol
>HSTS holds extremely strict gaycoded beauty standards
ironic considering a lot of cis women curl their straight hair
my hair is naturally curly and the amount of compliments i get and jealousy after telling them its natural (almost exclusively from women) after growing it out is wild
never heard this shorthand before
what about jeeps
I dont know what I am. I mean Im a panty wearing cocksucker and have been "agp" since I was very young but never developed dysphoria and have a highly developed cisheteronormative side...I also dont find it humiliating to present as feminine when having sex with men.
Because HSTSs aren't womencoded, they're faggotcoded.
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> Are you a sissy/masochistic emasculation fetishist? What do you think of sissies/MEF?
Nope. I think it's a rather unfortunate internet porn identity/kink.
It very much depends on the person in question, but I think it's mostly a self-hate/self-harm kink. It's not at all dissimilar to the women into cnc fetishes, TPE, bdsm, being subs, slaves, etc. It's probably the same exact thing except from the perspective of growing up as a feminine male instead and the difficulties of that.
What have you tried so far? NoFap might unironically make it worse for some people.
> What about meds that cause impotency or stop libido?
Haven't done it myself, but being on something similar (e) + self-acceptance, my agp is basically on life support and greatly diminished compared to before
not low energy or 0 libidio, but 100% in control of my sexuality, idk about the long term prospects yet but if it stays like this it's superior to male sexuality to me
> so im fcked? Great.
don't lose hope
> What if im John > 35?
eugh, how has life been for you so far?
> "gaycoded beauty standards"
what?? have you two not seen agp curls before??
so-called "agp hair" is often frizzy, dry, greasy, and looks like a permanent bad hair day, combine that with having high-maintenence curls you get agp curls
it might be a meme when they call all curly hair that, but it's partly a real thing
i get shaming people for dry and greasy hair, but i don't think my curly hair has ever been not frizzy when long enough to curl
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>ywn be a smol suv girl
when is being a sissy sign of something else
I wash my hair once a week, never brush them when dry, use a special curly hair brush, let them dry on their own, use a curly hair shampoo, a curly hair leave in conditioner, a curly hair mask once a month too.
And yet people constantly tell me my curls are ugly.
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>aids is still around you fucking moron
Nobody dies from it in non 3rd world countries
>nobody is curing diseases because it's not profitable to cure them
That's dumb as fuck, whoever can invent and patent a cure for any serious disease can charge how much he wants for it and get rich.
There are so many diseases that we already cured (HIV, Rabies, Tuberculosis and many more), according to your dumb retarded logic there should have never been cures for them but there are so you are retarded.
i'd say when it's not just a sexual game to play for you, when there's stronger emotions like longing or just straight up dysphoria involved
i've seen plenty of guys in AGP spaces who are like
>wow you're really taking this thing far, i just like to wear panties to get off, nothing else
unless the government decides that there should be an upper limit to their profits which they don't want obviously
rest of those diseases are still around
I've been on hrt for over 5 years, I'm still a hon.
>i just like to wear panties to get off, nothing else
thats pretty much me. ever since I first slipped on panties at age 9 or 10 its just been sexual titilation thing. just a little secret sexy time. thats never changed even tho I've indulged fully at times. I never thought/think I am girl nor have ever wanted to be one 24/7. When im on the street I never think about it...
whats so great about just panties
what if there is complete and total longing but it's not that strong
maybe 'repression' is just work ethic
When I think "sissy," I'm thinking of a very masculine man with facial hair and body hair squeezing into frilly pink clothes because he gets off on the humiliation. That doesn't do anything for me and it makes me depressed.
Also I'm not a very masculine man and I would be depressed if I were.

xe's panty fetishist
what would you call that amybabygirl person
is that the old coot with the BBC fetish?
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>Are you a sissy/masochistic emasculation fetishist? What do you think of sissies/MEF?

I am a long time sissy. But currently I don't have anything feminine to wear because I live with my father.

>What do you think of sissies/MEF?

I wish sissy content would go back to pic related instead of all the r*ceplay and literal "ur a faggit with a small pp lmao" shit that's everywhere now.
Yes, it's all about race these days. I haven't watched sissy hypno in a long time. It started to make me very sad and perhaps dysphoric, I could no longer convince myself that I was a sissy. And I was also infuriated at having to settle for that while passaoids exist.
>whats so great about just panties
I dunno. They have captured my imagination since forever. I want to get into some panties one way or another. They are sort of a talisman for me now lol. de facto chastity if you will. I wear more stuff but only lingerie but it always comes back to panties. i've had plenty of sex in just panties but guys seem to dig it
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Shit like pic related hasn't been common in a long time. Hell a-miss-inside (clever wordplay in itself) isn't even active anymore. To be fair, even normal straight porn (indie diy stuff especially) has been dominated by raceplay, especially after the culture wars hit the mainstream in 2015/16.
>sort of a talisman
this is actually the pure original definition of the word fetish.
Would it be difficult to become a sort of conversion therapist but only for agps?
I wouldn't promise a cure but I'd like to just get to know and understand agps and help them get over it (if desired) through psychotherapy and prescribing hormonal castration treatments (not hrt). My long term goal would be to get into sexology and wrestle away the control of the agp narrative from blanchardists and use it for my own purposes.

I would be ethical of course and turn away any minors, and I'm pro-lgbt. I imagine most of my clientele will be young men and John >35s.

Would I just study psychiatry and eventually become trained to be a therapist as a start? Anyone here in any related fields already?
i wish conversion therapists for agp existed. my life would actually be very good if i didnt have agp
sweet. good to know.
How do you manage it currently? Or is it out of control?
i just try to resist my arousal to agp stimuli but eventually every couple days (sometimes i make it a week or two, one time even for 5 months) i break down and.. pleasure myself. then go back to larping as a huss until it happens again. i dont tell anyone except for my bf who i told years ago and just hope forgot about it
Why I can't be a girl even for a day
why does being called a girl by a man even though you’re amab feel so fucking good
I like women, but I don’t have a weird obsession with lesbianism I see some trans women have. I just like women romantically compared to men.
What do you think caused you to go a whole five months without giving into temptation?
Heightened dopamine?
Because men like women
i wish i knew. just kindve vowed to not give in and didn't until i had this dream that ruined all of it. if i knew what i did right i would be cured
Same. Or a quick death. Nasty car crash, gun shot in a nasty road rage incident. Anything except me having to slowly accept this fact and face transitioning or dying. I can’t honestly say I wouldn’t take option 2 the day it comes to that. The world is just so in unaccepting and even for the accepting, I was born to late. The last of the millennials. Too young to be a turbohon, too old to have made luckshit/passoid/youngshit. If I was born 10 years later….

Being the cutoff generation hurts way more than being way older and accepting your fate I imagine. Like imagine getting AIDS and dying 1 year before PREP was discovered, or diabetes before insulin. Hurts knowing every iterative generation from the one after mine and onward, will look more and more cis like as time goes on and I just happened to be unlucky by being born a bit earlier. I don’t think I can stomach that for the rest of my life. I used to be jealous of cis women, nowadays I’m jealous of passoids who don’t get harassed and can stealth. If there is a god, I have so many questions
I have the braun one. Switched from dry to wet to try it, doesn’t work. Only dry.

Want to know what you’re doing wrong? Lidocaine! You’re supposed to numb the area first. Get lidocaine spray (I use aspercreme) spray the area wet or dry, let sit for like 15, then it’ll be easier to epilate. I do my whole face/beard area and it’s sooooo much more manageable
I’ve done this cycle so many times. I’m back on low dose.

Ironically enough, women like the tall, slimmer version of me. Literally like bees to honey on me at work. I was still attracting women when I was in college trying to bodybuild, but the quality is way different as skinnier me. My slightly feminine behavior tends to make them feel safer around me too. It’s very weird to witness because I can’t just straight up come out as a tranny, yet anyway.
Aww, that sucks :/
I keep trying to explain this to people! It’s always the same people who say gay men act like women or that they are trying to be women. No, gay men might share similar interests with women, but they don’t act like women at all.

Have you ever seen an hsts porn page vs an agp one? Look at their likes and retweets
AGP: other SWer pages, themselves, them getting fucked or playing with their dick

Hsts: gay sex, gay sex, gay sex, random gay man’s dick pic, gay sex, random gay man

It’s so obvious most are gay men
it's ok. i think i just need to learn to accept myself for it
You think I had a budding internet self harm kink…..at 5 years old….in 1996? lol

Everything else I agree with. My brain just works better on E, to the point my dysphoria becomes almost nothing. The problem is that I’m still feminizing in other aspects especially breasts. If and when I stop again, I will probably use cyproterone acetate at a very low dose, or try provera/medroxyprogesterone as those have been shown to quell sexual urges for paraphiliacs
You’re confusing agp with hons. It happens a lot but they aren’t the same. A lot of trans pornstars and OF models are agp, if that helps
That’s the boomer sissies. Sissies are more like femboys, or a lot of the caption sissy porn that’s out there. You have to remember with each generation, a lot of these definitions will change. There are “sissies” so do sissy play nowadays, who are on full hrt regimens. Basically trans women who still present as boys, just like the cross dressers today don’t look like the boomer cross dressers in the early 2000s. It’s all very confusing these days.
I miss the caption porn! FWIW, if you want to find alot of this, it’s still on imagefap and xhamster
Same. Sissy porn was a way of coping for me until I learned about hrt. Tried it, libido decreased and I started growing boons and all the sissy stuff was just…weird. Wasn’t entertaining anymore at all.
Like the old style captions, or the r*ceplay and emasculating faggotshit?
my family are away and im home alone for a few days what is the quickest most painless way to kill myself (no guns where i live)
bro at this point your "AGP" doesn't even matter, why do you care?
i worry slipping up and revealing it and my bf thinking im only meta attracted to him
Alot of AGPs fetishize lesbians, but are there any AGPs who are into the opposite? I’m an AGP, but I also like certain fujo shit. Not actual gay people they’re gross, but I like alot of the fembrained fujoshi content made by women for women.
if you've had a bf for years, you aren't agp. AGP is something straight men suffer from.
but outside of him my primary attraction is autogynephilic. i dont masturbate to men even unless it's an agp scenario. im like bi if it was half straight half agp
Why does this bother you? If you have a good relationship, you should be happy.
you're right. i guess im just scared of being outed and my bf thinking i dont love him
Old style. The race play stuff all over porn in general seems so forced. Definitely happened around 2016-2017 not surprisingly.
Hopefully they're not reposts...
Speaking of porn weirdness, now we're full to the brim with step-incest. And somehow, the maymays mocking it are only making it more common...
You shouldn’t worry about it too much. I honestly doubt Blanchard is 100% correct about meta-attraction anyway, especially considering that male bisexuality has actually been proven to exist.
That's it. We are such kind and cute women, but our brain is trapped in this male body. And no one cares because looks are all that matter.
I'm amy trapped in a man's body.
I don't identify with this type of autism. But I really liked Sonic when I was 11 years old.
don't do it man
whats your boob status
i do think a guy socializing with women is quite pathetic and i also feel quite large compared to most avg women in this country but around taller women my size i start experiencing strange feelings
always wanted an older sister type lol
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> You think I had a budding internet self harm kink…..at 5 years old….in 1996? lol
It really depends, my current understanding of kinks follows a philosophy of whatever happens in the bedroom *doesn't* stay in the bedroom but interacts with all aspects of yourself.
Like if being a sissy means craving sexual and emotional abuse, wanting to be degraded and humiliated, sexualizing shame and perceived inferiority, etc...then yeah I view that as psychological self-harm and that has to be tied to something. It can't just be a fantasy wholly tucked away in the sexual realm. Like that "BBC sissy" guy people often post on here, there is no way that guy is a normal, well adjusted person offline.
And I can't believe anything like that in particular would start as young as five completely unprompted...if it does that is incredibly fucked.
> The problem is that I’m still feminizing in other aspects especially breasts. If and when I stop again, I will probably use cyproterone acetate at a very low dose, or try provera/medroxyprogesterone as those have been shown to quell sexual urges for paraphiliacs
And oh wow, do you have no interest at all in transitioning? I'm surprised you would try E first for that.
Ok guys, give me a guide to crossdressing considering I don't wanna cut hair on legs for now.
I've never cross dressed in 36 years but I'm bored and curious and lonely
Ya gotta shave the hair.
Can we post AGP fuel?
I want to drive around the city with my legs and ass on full display
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I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I've never really felt wrong or uncomfortable being a guy. I'm not attractive, but I'm unmistakably masculine looking (tall, grow body and beard hair fast and thick, broad shouldered, fairly muscular) and don't really dislike any aspect of it besides the baldness. I've crossdressed since my late teens and could never escape thoughts that life would just be "better" if I was a girl, at least in the sense that I'm awful at performing male social roles and expectations and would be happier without needing to deal with them. These past few weeks now I've just been having vivid dreams of being a girl, going on dates with guys, trying on outfits, and other shit like that. I was always a NGMI due to those masculine features I mentioned, but why do I have to have these dreams now as I get even older?
Do you like wearing tight women’s jeans? They feel really good :)
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I am a chad stuck in an AGP body
I've never worn any.
I'm an AGP in a Chad body.
Everyone at work keeps asking me when I'm going to find a girlfriend just leave me alone already
would you press the button to become a girl
if the button was in a hairy man's asshole and you had to press it regularly but not with your hands or dick
Can I have an AGP MtF girlfriend please? c:
but why?
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>i need a chaser bf who will encourage me to wear pantyhose i would wear them everyday for him

please dear god in heaven. I want to find a boymoder gf who I can buy them for and then force them into wearing tights and pantyhose whenever possible, for any occasion. put them in chastity and make them my dressup doll.
what pantyhose did to fingering is unforgivable
Omg I hate early and mid transitioning AGPs so much.
I did the right choice.
Repressing was rational.
checkout my tumblr https://yearningfemale.tumblr.com/
lol i've shilled it before
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would you transition if you could look like this
Did you watch striking vipers
Did it trigger your AGAMP (it did mine)
would i shove a toe inside a man's butt to be a girl? yes
> Are you a sissy/masochistic emasculation fetishist?
> What do you think of sissies/MEF?
I think they are gross
It genuinely infuriates me that entitled youngshits think this is "bad optics" when she passes better than 90% of men could ever dream of and I would troon without hesitation if someone said I could look that good
>chaser flag
>actually just a troon
What's it to you? I have AGP too. Most of us could wave like 1/3 of the flags at any given moment without misrepresenting ourselves.
This is the flag I use whenever I’m not posting on /agpgen/
I wish I had a sister :(

I remember that on the day my younger brother's gender was revealed I had a dream the night before where I was holding a little girl, it made me very confident.
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babushka tier shoes and pedicure
>When I think "sissy," I'm thinking of a very masculine man with facial hair and body hair squeezing into frilly pink clothes because he gets off on the humiliation. That doesn't do anything for me and it makes me depressed.
I'm just a twunk with a big butt who looks good in lingerie and I only do it while completely smooth. I've posted pictures here to good responses and hook up with guys while dressed as well. Even girls I've dated have told me they wanted to see me dressed up but I've never dressed up for a girl before.

Never been into frilly outfits, not sure how that became associated with sissy stuff. I discovered sissy hypno here on 4chan and it was never that.
i think i memed myself into thinking that i want to troon. now i'm obsessed with the idea. and everyone else talks like "oh no you can't go back, it's over, you're trans, take your pills blah blah". on the other side we have fundamentalist kooks, chuds and terfs. why is everyone so radicalized these days
thats me except im a chadlet with a cute little ass. Im small and supposeldy cute and look hot in panties and stockings etc...I've only worn a dress once or twice, use very little make-up (just lipgloss/stick maybe mascara- depends on the guy). I have had women put me in panties and worn married men's wife's panties for them.
the entire trans discourse tempts to think that a huge amount of people are utterly retarded
lucky bitches gonna brag
t. flat ass
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>Repressing was rational.
orly LOL
Nice. It's honestly a lot of fun, never really understood why you'd dislike having agp or a sissy kink.

Obviously I don't publicize it to my friends who perceive me as a normal guy, but having a secret is part of the fun lol
>having a secret is part of the fun
for sure. its been a secret since I was 9yrs old lol For some reason I have a growing kink/interest in women seeing me in lingerie- like getting caught or voyeur type stuff. I have had a few women watch me suck cock and I find it such a turn on
What's it like being watched? My gf and I are making plans for her to watch me suck and get fucked by her former fwb. I'm excited.
its just hot. I look over and the wife is in a chair playing with herself while watching me suck her husband. not sure why that turns me on so much but it does. I really wanted her to join me but she was just watching that day
Nice. We are gonna try various combos, should be hot as well.
luckers and sex-havers bragging
why can't we have an agp thread in r9k?
Why not go to /r9k/ and start one yourself?
happy and good looking people should pay dna taxes
Why the FUCK didn't anyone tell me that back zip dresses are such a pain to put on and take off by yourself? The zipper puller I made out of a paper clip bent out of shape after I put it on, so it took me like 30 minutes to get out of it lmao
>don't wanna cut hair on legs for now
You can get fake translucent insulated tights that look like sheer black pantyhose on bare skin, but are actually thick enough to hide even the bushiest leg hair. There are "skin colored" ones as well, but i find they look off, at least for my skin tone.
this is old pic I am not even sure if he is on HRT here or maybe like 5-6 months HRT
some edit it to AGP and it could be our title image for next thread
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Being a passing feminine autogynephile is the peak of human existence
I should really kms. I am so disgusting.
My only hope, my only desire is to be a woman, but I will never get to that. Ever.
I see happy AGPs who trooned early and I'm a disgusting fucking man.
you want to have a suicide pact frenchie?
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I already have one with a friend, sorry.
I think you shouldn't kill yourself through, I'm the only one masculinized enough to actually warrant this permanent solution to a permanent problem.
lol you are not even that bad, you can 100% pass with FFS
I hope...
Fuck I want to be a girl so bad.
I just watched zerophilia (after watching and fapping to so many clips from that movie in my early teens) and holy shit that movie is SO SO SO AGP.
It is the movie that describes AGP as a condition the best, I think.
It's insane.
Even the name might be a nod.
I would tell everyone to watch it.
I think I could look better than that but I'm not transitioning.
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>crossdressed since my late teens
>could never escape thoughts that life would just be "better" if I was a girl
>I'm awful at performing male social roles and expectations and would be happier without needing to deal with them

You're stuck in the dysphoria auto-recursion spiral. There's a positive feedback loop that gets created when you fantasise or idolise transition.

Essentially, if you think you won't be 'successful' as a male, you will find your assigned sex undesirable to others, and you yourself will be hostile towards it. There then emerge self-referential beliefs, such as thinking you'll be a less succesful man because you want to be a woman, and no one would ever regard a man who wants to be a woman as a succesful or masculine man.

Over time this means dysphoria gets worse and worse as the feedback loop works its magic - you become more dysphoric, which makes you view your masculinity as more of a failure, which makes you view transition as a cure more and more, which makes you more dysphoric (ad infinitum). The fact you think you're NGMI doesn't repress the urge to transition nearly as much as you think it does; it just results in decision paralysis.
Speaking of AGP movies, I got an instant erection at the scene in this movie where the boy turned girl is kissed on the lips by a guy.
Brazilanon ?
no :(
Oh oki.
I didn't watch that movie, should I?
Zerophilia unironically moved me more and described my feelings more than the Danish girl.
No, it's a terrible movie. I couldn't find anywhere to watch Zerophilia on the internet
Fuck idk why this movie moved me so much.
It's a dumb mid 2000s low budget sex comedy and yet I so deeply related to the mc....
Being a teen and discovering that you're different from the others, that you have something weird and kind of unique in you, that you somehow desire to be a woman despite not doing so in the past, the egodystonia and self hatred, the conflicting feelings, the desires...
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I need to become a woman.
Life is literally pointless otherwise.
Omg, there are Brazilian subtitles
Omggggg Brazilanon ;-;
anyone 30+ yo?
32 here, not much age appropriate life experience though
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feeling dysphoric rn, how do i look?
Is Frenchie happy about RN's results?
Ur literally me
sup john nice bulge
a potent repfuel
lookin good hon!
anyone starting to feel femininity used to be suppressed in the world because there was a big risk of everyone getting agp
if only we were that powerful
you're already part of the all powerful male race and what have you done with it
that's right nothing
>that's right nothing
that's like the vast majority of males
yeah that is the point
Have you ever thought maybe you're just non-binary?
i don't understand then
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blanchard says it's a cope
I literally cannot stop crossdressing
I unironically don't even think the non-binary label means anything meaningful.
Everything is a gradient and non binary so wtf does that even mean
i'm not a sissy, but i think it's hot when a top is into treating a bottom similarly to how a straight guy would manhandl- i mean treat, a woman, except obviously we're both males. i guess what i'm saying is, sometimes i want to be the littlespoon, and sometimes i want to be the bigspoon
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Well, on one hand I do think more security and order is very much needed and would be beneficial to both women and trannies.
On the other hand, I am afraid they might gut trans healthcare.
Most likely through, they will be first but without a sufficient majority to actually control the country, so they will be unable to really govern.
>be me
>twinkhon tomboymoder
>put on dress for the first time since girlmoding (9ish years ago)
>looks decent feels good
>become aroused
Fuuuuuck, I'm AGP aren't I
who cares if you're agp? the only thing that matters as a tranny is whether you look cute or honnish and it sounds like you look cute.
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Why is this even a thing? It feels like a straight up psy-op.
AGP/HSTS was ruled out as pseudoscience after being debunked in germany.
>Blanchard claims to "study" tranoids.
>Surveys drag, CD, and gays instead the majority of the time. (If he can't tell the difference between trans and those others mentioned, he has no business trying to "study" them).
>Released scientific misconduct, unironically believed and cited in bad faith by gullible tools decades later.
>>Surveys drag, CD, and gays instead the majority of the time.
This is absolutely untrue, what the fuck are you on about?
Blanchard worked at the Clarke's institute of Toronto, he had many thousands of trans patients over the years.
it was invented to divide and confuse and keep us all from achieving higher vibrations
>>Surveys drag, CD, and gays instead the majority of the time. (If he can't tell the difference between trans and those others mentioned, he has no business trying to "study" them).
What are you talking about, the research was done on gender dysphoric males/females
what if agp was actually a hyperstition from the beginning? there has not been anything like it in recorded history for thousands of years, but with some fictional accounts having been wove into literature by a few crazed psychologists, all of a sudden now we have all these supposed agps popping up out of nowhere, it's not natural
being artificial probably explains examples like picrel: >>36359419
the evolutionary landscape of agp must be varied and its search space vast, a stable archetype has yet to fully concretize into something that should be allowed to exist in the natural world
>there has not been anything like it in recorded history for thousands of years
Nigga has never heard of Havelock Ellis's Eonism, William Sharp, le Chevalier d'Èon, Robert Graves, Catullus....
Anon, there are books from the last century written by AGPs (don't ask me the name, I only know it because Frenchie posted it one day).

I actually think that AGP is common to many men. But only a few are obsessed with it and even fewer understand that they are.
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>there has not been anything like it in recorded history for thousands of years
Cross-dressing freaks and cross-dressing male prostitutes existed for as long as writing did, a lot of them were probably AGPs
Comments like "If I were a woman for a day I would do x thing" have always been popular and they clearly come from AGP fantasies, for example.
I just read the other day about this 14th century crossdressing prostitute in England
>John Rykener, also known as Eleanor,[note 1] was a 14th-century sex worker arrested in December 1394 for performing a sex act with John Britby, a man who was a former chaplain of the St Margaret Pattens church,[2] in London's Cheapside while wearing female attire.
> According to the court transcription of this account, Rykener had sex with both men and women, including priests and nuns.
So not a HSTS as he had sex with women too, clearly AGP
This one is pretty good
>So George Harding and Clifford Oakleigh have been besties from school in a highly Victorian way. Oakleigh is firmly said not to be at all effeminate noo sir but has occasionally expressed the inexplicable-to-Edwardian-men desire to experience life as a woman.
It's actually super hilarious book and was talked about by two different AGPs in Ellis's book.
But there are many more, you were probably thinking of William Sharp, who literally had a girl persona.
Well there are a ton more.
I should make a list.
Tbh most of those were probably HSTS.
Elagabalus was also clearly HSTS and had sex with a few women desu.
Julius Caesar was AGP af tho.
>Julius Caesar was AGP af tho.
Why are you saying that?
Because there was rumors he bottomed for some king? that's just gay not AGP
I don't think he give gay vibes
>Spent a part of his youth as a crossdressing concubine to the king of Bithynia
>Was said to be "every woman's man and every man's woman"
>Was known to be incredibly self conscious about his balding and hide it as best he could
>is said to have been so proud of his physical beauty, particularly of the smoothness of his skin, that he would have hairs epilated in order that it might not be marred;
that's just slander
i'm obsessed with a retarded idea of taking hrt
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>*lists a bunch of contemporary people*
anon, i said thousands, not tens or a mere hundred or two
you anons don't realize what you're doing, searching through history and looking for vague accounts to deem as "agp" accomplishes exactly the same task as what those psychs were doing
you're making the hyperstition stronger both in the past and the future, this shit works across time
>I actually think that AGP is common to many men.
you're going to cause a male crisis in the future
stop making rome agp frenchie!
wheres dis nigga off to
tfw fetishistic freak
just another surrogate activity
>You don’t really have obligations at 18. Nobody really cares what you have and have not accomplished. But when you start hit 30, society expects certain things from you and if you haven’t got it yet, they start to suspect certain things. Wife, kids, house, xyz. It’s one thing if you’re a complete fuck up because then it’s easy to explain away. But being a straight edge, clean cut “man” at that edge who doesn’t have those things starts raising eyebrows.
whoa feeling called out
it couldn't be just depression?
where's that from?
thanks, found it in archives
i'm a 32 yo manmoder, i don't have a relationship let alone a family
i think people just see me as a bit eccentric and don't hold me to normal standards because of it
We lack primary sources for what happened thousands of years ago and how people back then felt, so of course we're going to struggle finding elements.
>people just see me as a bit eccentric
Got bad news for you sister
i'm a manmoder and butch at that, i'll never wear a dress
I will never be accepted in the course I applied for. I'm just using that situation to justify rotting away everyday to ppl. If I really wanted to improve my life I would have applied somewhere else
getting older sucks
no what's happening here is agpification of these scant historical sources
the more and more its talked about in the present the easier it has been to find "examples" of it in the past now retroactively being deemed agp, like confirmation bias working in reverse
all of us right here right now are basically blanchard, weaving agp into the fabric of the human morphogenetic gestalt, ensuring more agps will exist in the future until we hit some critical mass where it starts to affect the functioning of societies globally
i think we are at an inflection point where we might still have time to influence its direction, i.e. if the future is going to end up having an agp crisis we could probably at least ensure they're all cute before societies start falling
but in order to do so we'll probably have to get rid of hsts as a separate phenomenon as it props up this current idea of agp by increasingly acting as its negation
i would recommend merging it into agp
yeah, all you'll get is gyno and an estrogen addiction, i do not recommend it
at least you're self-aware, could be worse
try getting younger instead
>try getting younger instead
the only way to do that is to take estrogen though, make up your mind please
no let's just accelerate the process of saturating the population with awareness of it, this will solve all of our problems
You sound fucking retarded and/or schizophrenic
that is a common misconception, estrogen does not make you younger
it merely reduces/eliminates markers of advanced masculinity, the absence of which is associated with male youth
this only works so far as you don't look like a woman, upon which you'll just look as old as women your age and age just like a woman
Dang, so he actually used to look normal.
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the issue is agp is continuously demonized in the public eye and caricatured
hyperstitious retrocausality will come into effect and force it to become true
e.g. agps in the future increasingly having instances of estrogen resistance which will effect hrt effectiveness and making agps less able to integrate into society
perhaps this is why that phil guy is rebranding the whole thing...
i am merely an observer anon
my god you people will do anything to pathologize sexuality, it's shameless
blanchard is shit and you should feel bad for peddling this hateful garbage
What about AGP is hateful lol
look it up
I looked it up and I don't find it hateful one bit
>He wants to look like an anime doll
This is just AGP for weebs lol, classic ETLE wanting to become the thing you love (anime girls).
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i'm not, i'm musing about its metaphysical nature and the collection of attractor patterns that brought it about
e.g. see a weaver in action right now: >>36364238
this anon is trying to make "etle" become a thing when it never has been ever talked about before
ETLE is a Blanchardian term, how much do you know about AGP exactly?
I’m gonna miss my HSTS flag :(
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blanchardianism is a blip on the evolutionary timescale, etle is still a novel attribute
blanchard is a wizard utilizing word magic primarily, I UNDERSTAND NOW
once you start giving unformed/preformed morphologies names and definitions and descriptions like this it starts to finalize the process of concrescence
wait...agp is actually a curse!
a curse born of word magic suffered by those who bear its name!
we need to stop identifying as agp to escape the curse
and phil illy is a goddamned genius, no wonder he's trying to rebrand it, IT'S WORD MAGIC, he's a wizard just like blanchard!
this knowledge is just streaming into my head rn, recollection, i can barely keep up
i did that saturday
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just just just walk with me here
there is agp as word magic/a curse
there is also "agp" as part of our morphogenetic resonance fields as humans, that has existed beyond the concept of agp as we know it in any sense
by method of word magic, blanchard and others have constrained that part of the field and begun its process of finalizing concrescence i.e. agp's realization in the physical world as devised by people like the blanchard wizard
it's like putting a leash on wolf and having it later become a dog, because the soul of wolf has the potential to become has a dog despite it being a wolf, the non-physical is affirmed by the physical and becomes concrete

as such, we are presented these options:
> return agp back into the void and reroll for a better agp archetype in the future
impossible at this point, awareness has progressed too far
> fight word magic with word magic to undo some aspects of the curse
like what phil is doing, unknown outcome
> bend hsts into agp's definition in order to cancel out both
just speculation, i don't know if word magic can be manipulated like this
> dis-identify with agp to escape the curse
to be leashed (word magic) is to become a dog (agp curse) so become unleased to become a wolf (primordial state) again, from there...choose another "animal"?
perhaps I misunderstood but it sounded like you were trying to suggest historical accounts of dysphoric people were fabricated, rather than being heavy-handedly used as "proof" of "AGP"

>blanchard is a wizard utilizing word magic primarily, I UNDERSTAND NOW
yes, this, it's just a pathologizing categorization for its own sake
I’m actually pretty sure there’s a link between AGP and HSTS. I recall a study done by Bailey that showed that the reason why gay male genes persist is because the genes found in gay men are also found in “sensitive” straight men. And “sensitive” straight men are often able to have decent mating success due to being able to connect to women better. There’s also the study about “gender anomalous” males that used to be linked in old threads.
I do not fetishize, though I do enjoy masculinity in women a lot, but only of a certain kind. Not beer belly senselessly aggressive demeanor but rather playful "I'll break you like a twig" with a cheeky look, and a heart of gold, and strong arms, and rough stubby armpit hair and...

I just feel my heartbeat increase from writing this. Better go read some fanfiction.
>there’s a link between AGP and HSTS.
There are strong anecdotal evidences for AGP running in families, and HSTS running in families, but none for both.
AGP also doesn't correlate with many HSTS traits and vice versa. So that's very doubtful.
I would also take what bailey says with a big grain of salt, he's no geneticist, we have no way to know if the "gay gene" is found in other places or whatever.
From what we know currently, HSTS and AGP are entirely uncorrelated and have wildly different etiologies.
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I'm literally not even a sensitive male.
Women are afraid of me.
Men too.
I disgust and scare everyone off.
I am a crass, gross male.
Tall, disgusting physically.
I never could connect with women at all.
I never had female friends since elementary school.
I'm literally a disgusting fucking heterogroid masculine man in the body of a Chad.
Probably a future rapist.
fabricating accounts of agp, but not that historical accounts of dysphoria were fabricated
and yes to any accounts otherwise being used as proof of agp
looks like someone hasn't read the pastebin
i won't be a conduit for blanchard's word wizardry
don't call it wizardry, it's shoddy sleight of hand
I'm sensitive as fuck. Just not in appearance.
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Maybe AGP is a cybelian curse?
Maybe Catullus saw firsthand that the consequences of having a lot of young men take on a feminine role as eromenos (AGP stimuli) was an overpowering desire, despite gynephilia, a madness even, to dedicate one's life to this idea of being beautiful, beloved, part of the mystery of womanhood?
Maybe this all but disappeared for millenia, thanks to the Romans rejecting Greek love, to Christianity shunning things that could be a stimuli, only to come back in modern days?
Maybe we are all cursed by Cybele to become Her Maenads, Her Gallis, Her servants?
We are driven mad by lust and desire which comes from inside of us and only directs itself inside of us as well, overtaking our duties towards our homelands, our families, our duties as a man?
And if we refuse ourselves to Her, She only punishes us more for it, crushed by the chitinous gizzards of the great chtonic insect that is dysphoria, until we relent and submit to Her?
Until we castrate ourselves, modern day eunuchs, straight males cast away into the uncivilized forests and hills of strangeness, a place we should have never set foot in, a place we were not supposed to tread, but did anyway, and paid the price?
Our pride as men crushed, yet never female, never women, only dedicated servants to a cruel, thankless Mistress?
he's on his way to the library to read stories to children
what about other civilisations though
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oh? surely you're dicking around with fem presentation
Are there any AGPs here who were never sensitive men? I personally literally just feel like a half-fag. Not some sort of super heterosexual woman obsessed man.
Okay, I just realized this is really confusing. What I mean to say is that I personally am a sensitive guy, and I thought all AGPs were, but apparently some are literally just normal men with a fetish? Idk.
i don't even have a job can i blame agp
but being sensitive is a personality thing not appearance
hope he reads harry potter
I don't recall acting gay or anything but when I came out to my sister she said it wasn't surprising because I'd never been very masculine.
I cut my penis off...
When I was younger everyone thought I was gay. I've lived with comments like this since preschool. In my family, My grandmother claimed I was gay, my aunt said she thought I was and my mother asked me if I was.

But today I don't have a social life so I don't know what impression people would have of me.
heterosexual men can be sensitive
kinda like that nirvana guy
all of it? should've just cut off balls
being castrated is hot from a mef perspective
even better if your partner stores them in a jar
all of it now it's just a hole
I miss her...
not in public yet. I should clarify that I need a nosejob to make this work. But compared to kris, I am a natural sissy. I don't even have chest hair or back hair (thank god).
You mean the guy who’s been broad up on this board before as a very likely repressor? Yeah…
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I hate AGPs like this so fucking much
At least I was retard like that at 18 and not at 40.
I was always a hyper-sensitive faggy sissy, but also a coomer who liked girls. I had some bisexuality going on.

My mom always thought I was gay and at school I was accused of being gay all the time.
I am literally John 24.
I should probably be put in a psychiatric ward.
resist the allure of the psych ward. If you get sent there, it will make all your problems 100x worse.
I wonder how many AGPs are actually bi. Blanchard seemed to think it was very few from what I recall.

Personally, I always hated how selfish being a gynephilic AGP seemed. Like >>36371450 if I want do indulge in my feminine side I’ll do it with a man. Trying to pull a woman along with it just seems evil.
i used to 'joke' i was in lesbian relationships with previous girlfriends (who were all bi...) before transitioning

but now i don't really care what kind of relationship label there would be on any of my relationships, i just care about the person
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you need to use an IPL machine
is this like sissy hypno but for boomers
this has to be AI at this point
not based enough, she's not pregnant and doesn't actually need him, she also too quickly suggested he leave her which is odd
Total female misery.
you must know, at some level, how cruel it is to say things like this... right? you're a luckshit if that story is true. don't understand why you are in such denial about that fact and need to attribute it all to your work and effort
How do non self aware AGPs do it???
How can someone into Warhammer, obscure politics, guns and the military think they are unironically fembrained and a woman inside, and their dysphoria is due to that??
Even anti transmed tucute sound less fucking deranged.
And this shit is a fucking doxa, shared by 90% of trannies.
Just wtf.
"self aware agp" == a form of psychosis
all "self aware" agps are miserable, without exception
reject agp theory and accept you are a woman and happiness will follow
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My panties are sideways
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They are delusional.
They are like therians who LITERALLY think they are dogs, cats, foxes even though there is nothing about it that makes sense, but they are still LITERALLY non human, they believe it like you believe the sun rises in the east.
i would recommend shaving
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Summer is here and i don't want to be more susceptible to tics and mosquitos
therian-anon, a thief believes everyone steals
thanks, that's a little better
frenchie stop
Not me.
That said if you're the original poster, you're obviously bragging/ race-baiting and that's cruel.
teach me your wizardry
bro do you have actual tits?
I meant rage baiting. Weird.
just go the gym sis
Yeah I should really squat my shoulders, 179.5cm, and masculine facial bones away.
do those nipple sucker syringe things actually make your nipples bigger?
Why does no one fucking cares about sexology?
I'm trying to talk to people about it on Twitter but they ignore me.
Am I just too autistic.
because most people have normal sexualities and thus don't care.
Only the sexual deviants care about sexology, because they want to get a better understanding on why they are such freaks.
I'm almost in my mid 20s and I never stop thinking about it, how it would feel better to be a woman
it's never going to stop honey
Have you had a prostate orgasm? What was it like?
no but having something in your ass while you cum makes the orgasm different for some reason
so hows it feel different
bros i crossdressed head to toe for the first time, makeup, wig, shaved, nails, everything and Im actually fairly passable and hot. now I just want to do it everyday I feel like Ive made a huge mistake
I'm 35 and it just gets worse.
why is that a mistake?
try it for yourself lol
Next time you jerk off start fingering your ass when you are close and you'll see
You feel the orgasm in your ass for lack of better words
let us decide
it was good
sexology, esp. in this context, is a concerned with sex from a psychopathological perspective
very few people are interested in hearing about your or any one else's sexual disorders
fucking retard
wtf lmao

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