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Old thread hit bump limit >>36325407

Post yourselves, reply to others with criticisms and feedback for how close they are to passing and what could help them pass.
Fuck the last OP, get really bitchy with each other this time. You're here to win.
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am having ffs soon

clocky pass
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wdym, it's noon
t. eurofag
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idk you look weird and confuse my brain
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Lmao what does that mean?
Marry me/10
I don't know... I opened the link to assess if you pass and I just felt.... confused and scared, I don't know if you pass or not
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Since I posted at the end of the last1
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i posted in the other thread but should i keep maskmoding ? or should i actually commit to girlmoding ?
U hot?

wtf no way a hot passoid like this posts here
yeah ikr they must be catfishing. someone this hot and passable would not use 4chan
relax your face
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i would like 2 cease living
2 months until ffs this wait is complete ass
genuinely do not know
i would say yes
gigamog w ffs
blessed emma appearance...
yes commit lmfao
pass imo
has anyone ever told you you look like stuart little?
no, forehead

lowest tier passgen yet
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i dont look like stuart little i look like wilburs inbred cousin
no like the resemblance is very uncanny. you don't have any pig like features but genuinely put this image beside your face and look at the two and try to tell me I'm wrong
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the only resemblance i see is my eyes being farther apart than sids eyes from ice age uwu
and your nose is very stuart. if you smiled it would be the same image
I dnt know what u mean it is relaxed?
If I'm posting here it's a sign of a mental decline and not at all blessed
>I dnt know what u mean it is relaxed?
this is the natural position of your eyebrows and your forehead is not tense in this photo?
Correct my ass is just old and wrinkled
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Felt I looked okay in this picture idk....
you're still very beautiful
Really nice hair i love it what products do you use?
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>only yes
I won :3
Leafy is trans?????
tyyyyy :3
uhm tbdesu i use drugstore shampoo/conditioner for washing, vo5
kinky curly knot today conditioner for leave in
cantu define & shine custard
la looks extreme sport holding gel
it never even began
its over
your forehead makes me feel very uncomfortable, i dont like it
fix the autism rictus grimace, your jaw is skirting european dynastic inbreeding as is and for the love of all that is holy hydrate those lips
looking good as usual sister
Hair, its not good, something must be done about it. The shit child watch, grandma acetate frames and tartan check flannel makes you look like you were dressed by your mother which accentuates your main problem of looking like an androgynous teenage boy
Are you flashing your ginormous ear for any particular reason?
>Hair, its not good,
(i will take actual recommendations on what to do w hair bc i like experimenting but i doubt u have anything to offer uwu)
>The shit child watch
>The shit child watch, grandma acetate frames and tartan check flannel makes you look like you were dressed by your mother which accentuates your main problem of looking like an androgynous teenage boy
yes <3333333
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Outfit of me showing off my hon shoulders
>>36337340 Very cute slightly clocky
>>36337403 Also slightly clocky
>>36337380 potential giga mogger after FFS, feel like you'd pass now makeup maxxed
>>36337556 speaking of giamoggers
>>36337698 Androgynous mostly
>>36337560 passing quite well in me opinion
>>36337817 you look very good :]
i posted first and was glad bc then I didn't have to rate, but then I remembered that rating is fun :>

clocky pass, the deep despair and sadness in your eyes combined with the zoomed in picture makes you look like a impressionist portrait, which is honestly really cool
confusing, but I'd say clocky pass. your midface is really feminine but the chin and forehead kinda betray that.
pass as, like, that one friend's mom that all the boys get crushes on when they reach puberty.
please don't post images that are this doxxable.
can't tell if you're clocky or if I've just been looking at too many troon faces recently
pass to a random cis person on the street probably but you'll look great after ffs.

also wdym "do not know" lmao like I know I look androgynous and the variety in responses is like 90% of why I like posting here, but at the same time I'm totally baffled by it. Like what feature makes me look like that. It's so weird like the previous thread had someone call me a gigapassoid and someone else call me a man and nobody call me clocky, what causes that

ur cute but very slightly clocky, I really enjoy the deep sadness and despair in your eyes here. Hate the italian restaurant tablecloth ass flannel though, esp with that top it doesn't work.
holy shit that waist. body passes even with the shoulders, you look like a cis girl who did gymnastics too intensely so her puberty came in kinda late. someone might clock you for the chin but I find that unlikely. Are you growing out your bangs?
>impressionist portrait
thanks I was thinking more like a mugshot though
Built for cuddles and kisses
idk its just like a weird up close pic (not that its a bad thing ur extremely cute). i feel like from an objective pov u pass irl to pretty much every1 unless u have a clocky voice
the biggest thing i can rly think of is ur upper lip + slightly longer midface + weight
>(i will take actual recommendations on what to do w hair bc i like experimenting but i doubt u have anything to offer uwu)
You have a round face, your nose brings more roundness, your hair brings more roundness, your glasses bring more roundness. You are quadrupling down on roundness when you need to be introducing angularity and sharpness to define and contrast. The darker roots to faded ends looks like bad with your hair colour, like your water is to hard or you use to much product. You also need a better cut to add volume because it looks weighed down which exacerbates the former problem.
Get rid of it, they look like cheap tacky shit. Get a watch instead
>idk its just like a weird up close pic (not that its a bad thing ur extremely cute)
aww thank you so much <3
>i feel like from an objective pov u pass irl to pretty much every1 unless u have a clocky voice
yeah I pretty much pass IRL, my voice isn't the best but it also isn't terrible, but I'm 5'6" and got blessed with an unnecessary amount of chest growth so even if people catch that there's something weird about me, they usually assume i'm a cis woman with PCOS or some kind of theyfab.
I've noticed the upper lip thing, fixing it would probably make me look quite a bit more feminine still, but desu I kinda like it. my mom and grandma also have the same long philtrum+small upper lip thing going on and I like looking like I'm a member of the family. I really should lose weight tho.
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>ur cute but very slightly clocky, I really enjoy the deep sadness and despair in your eyes here. Hate the italian restaurant tablecloth ass flannel though, esp with that top it doesn't work

so i look less sad i tried
bless u gen. i probably am using too much product, the custard+gel is a bit too much so ill try it w/o the custard and see how it looks w/ just that
ive played w it to having more volume but i feel like it was too much.
ig i just need to find a better middle ground. i feel like it looks better when i diffuse it but ive been too lazy to do it so i just airdry it
i also do need a cut bc its been since feb since i last had my hair fully done
>Get rid of it, they look like cheap tacky shit. Get a watch instead
sob i use it to track my heartrate bc of my meds+steps
fwiw i dont think it looks bad, but i think a lip lift would def help a lot, idk what ur plans are for ffs if at all
weight loss + cycling later on will def be nice. ive lost a bunch of weight this year and feel a lot better abt myself but i also still have a bunch to still lose
just good for overall mentals if anything
post ass
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kinda uncanny otherwise yea
up ur makeup game
yea but learn how to dress
also missed potential in hairstyle
You look really masculine in this photo, its like the angle is the most masculine angle ever.
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posted in other gen already but here’s another pic/angle I guess. currently exercisemaxxing

no your hands aren’t manly
Filters = sublime power.
sorry not chasing you grace. I have minimum standards.
Maybe this angle does better than the ones in yesterdays thread.
its ok i forgive u chaser-kun
posted before but nobody responded/I'm a attention whore

Will ffs save me

https://unsee cc/album#34NFAJj1Fvpl
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https://unsee cc/album#2l0nUH3E4ks5

I just want to be desired, i dont wanna be mid ;-;

oh waow thats what you look like, you look fine, stawp worryin.
yea you just look like a woman, 100% pass, I wish I had straight hair like you so I could do bangs
Jewish boy needs cum all over the face

Cute Irish babe, needs cum all over that sexy body.
go away spicebag
i assume you meant to tag me in the last post, uhh, thanks!! how did you know i was irish
No, you're adrogynous. Its your eyebrows and jaw
It does. Clocky pass
1st pic- no pass, you're androgynous but you do have feminine facial features.
2nd pic- no, get contacts
should i seriously consider breast augmentation? I think my body looks bad mostly because of my shoulders. Like shoulders removed, my body would be pretty okay, but they throw everything out of balance. Would a larger chest counterbalance that? or am i coping?

unsee cc/album#1bMSSGpV7D0K
Yeh of course. Your beautiful hair says Irish.
whaat!?! my brown-ish kinda straight hair?? how does that mean irish...
yea ik im no pass but will ffs save me
No but I could save you
prob not lol
Lemme start with gently administered e-pats
*pat pat pat*
I am begging for the zoomer trannies to realize that IP watermarking doesn't matter literally at all in the age of VPNs and that using litterbox.catbox.moe is so much more convenient than unsee since there's no link filter for catbox

Your hair is wild and wooly and untamed. This is the spirit of the irish girl.
ok anti unsee anon

should i seriously consider breast augmentation? I think my body looks bad mostly because of my shoulders. Like shoulders removed, my body would be pretty okay, but they throw everything out of balance. Would a larger chest counterbalance that? or am i coping?
>android phone
You should consider letting me kiss your tummy, like every day, when we wake up next to each other
How long have u been on hrt? If this is it for your boob growth then maybe
but i have nice hair..
6 years, i don't expect theyre fully done their thing, but they're not getting significantly bigger
you look cute
what’s your bmi
around 21
unfortunate. yeah you could get implants
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i think i lost too much weight and its making me pass worse
t. 5'4 116 lbs

>>36337340 pass
>>36337380 unsure
>>36337556 pass obviously
>>36337560 clocky maybe pass
>>36337623 y u sad
>>36337698 u got this ,cute
>>36337817 pass i think
>>36337907 shoulders r broad but offset by tiny waist i think
>>36338128 pass
>>36338185 covering face in first photo, second one is weird angle
>>36338375 pass
>>36338405 pretty clocky
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Sup dude
Why are you gay
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alright passgen, whatever. the video i posted yesterday here >>36326370 was supposed to finally be proof i didnt pass. but about 85% of responses i got were positive. i give up, there's no escape from the hugbox.
so with that said, whatevs. idk anymore. have a generic deceptive blurry anglefrauded pic from yesterday. i need to get my eyebrows done

somewhat clockier here but also good lord youre naked
no pass right now but i believe in your potential post-FFS, what are you having done?
pass to cis, brainwormed transers might notice aspects of your forehead and orbitals as i am now
expression is scaring me, you look extremely similar to a cis woman friend of mine and pass imo. ffs would just be beautification so no recs there. you could work on a less flatly-colored makeup routine with highlighter and contouring, but dont go overboard
ur gonna glow post-ffs, cant wait to see. i think you pass now, ofc noticing chin but i honestly dont think it stops you from passing. whats getting done with your ffs?
i think youre about there with passing. agree with flatmoder, your flannel clashes with the rest of your outfit. i obvs love flannel too but id go simpler with the under layer so they aren't fighting.
not to be a tranny bangs peddler and not that it's necessary but they might work well for you. big commitment though i know
lol this specific image isn't loading, it's like 90 pixels for me, but i can tell its you and i already know you pass
body passes, cant see face clearly in either pic
get those gains or something. and pass. every time i see you i love your eye makeup, especially last thread's
considerably clocky, but also not very masculine? idk if that makes sense. some features are just attention-grabbing such as face height, and the only thing id say is directly clocky is your jaw. cis people might not notice any of this.
>but also good lord youre naked
no im not I'm wearing a tube top thingy lol. but it sure looks like I am, that's what I get for posting first thing in the morning ig.
thank you!! I really love makeup! And fortunately, you are doomed to pass as a woman lmfaoo every pic I see of you is 1000% passing if you’re not passing to people irl I assume is a voice skill issue (same) or you’re brainwormed
>what are you having done?
mostly getting my forehead brows and chin worked on
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no pass
no pass
pretty pass
clocky but you kinda just look like an older woman
no pass
ur shoulders are fine. a bit wide but plenty of cissoids have those proportions too
not sure what you're going for desu
clocky but only to trannies. ur very pretty
no pass
slightly clocky
stoooooop ur so pretty ur worms are insane
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let's be real
my ffs was a failure huh :/
>>36337556 not a good pic
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my magic mirror shows me how I'd look as a man
ugh ty checkyfren v cute outfit <3
sob no hugbox ur genuinely v pretty and passing
major forehead work, contour, brow work and lift, etc
minor scalp advancement to round out my hairline bc its v squareish
minor rhino to reduce width of nasal bone
jaw+chin reduction
possible trach shave if i keep losing more weight
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screwed my hair again. Is it that bad
not at all. Pass
pass. very pretty too
kinda clocky but must pass to cispll
hi I haven't seen you in a while. Pass
you look like a dorky cis woman. no offense intended I actually think it's kinda cute
pretty and hair tied up is extra brave. Pass
too many filters in the second pic but I'm 99% sure you're a gigapassoid
>too many filters
its an infrared picture
i thought it was creepy and cool but ppl here r booring
>tfw no clinically insane STEMcel gf (male)
why live
ur cute <3
its a really cool pic but not helpful for pass or not
>she uses Linux with a desktop environment
typical woman.
desu i dont rly care about that any more passgen is just a fun excuse to post, i prefer fashion general but they dont do that one very often..
used a twm on my "work" machine for a while, til i got a mac :/
no point on the desktop if I'm just watching YouTube vids and playing elden ring w it
marie you are so cooked i am going to lobotomize you
ur v pretty
yes pls
no more thoughts i don't want to be aware anymore
over for you dude.
ur so cute with longer hair
just need those eyebrows to grow in and u will be completely adorable
thx <3
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Does my body look okay? I’m concerned it looks terrible

Not yet
Ffs will save you
Face a little clocky
Ffs will save you
Pass ily
Clocky I think
Ily pass
So cute
25000 euro facial operation Julie, but you can't be bothered to shave beard hair. smfh.
I'm not julie, my ffs didn't cost that much (insurance paid most of it), and those aren't beard hairs i had electrolysis the day before yesterday and my chin is still covered in tiny booboos from that
but go off king
yr ffs wasn't a failure at all
idk why you're more insecure after it than before though
leave me alone
Imagine being an annoying attention whore and lashing out at people like checky for no reason.
You might pass but your personality is ugly as fuck.
>for no reason
maybe you should mind your own business asshole
that was about the most tame response i could possibly have given
fuck you
what's wrong big mouth, nothing to say to that?
could you ppl act a little less fembrained pls, it's great that you can pass as high school mean girls but it's derailing the whole thread lmao
they're the one who chose to be a bitch to me for no reason
seriously, i can't even tell someone to leave me alone without some anon cussing me out
15 y/o boy
smile bro, dude, lad
not too bad, if I was passing you on the street and didn't take more than one glance I would assume you're women
You would pass as a woman during the IE invasion of Europe when women had more masculine faces than modern men
Read the first rate
As long as your hair cover 1/4 of your face you can pass
brutal ratio, I guess some female athletes can be similar
Somewhat andro still boyish
who would have thought, we have a pass
You pass without covering half of your face with hair which makes you a gigapassoid, congratulations
If a neanderthal had down syndrome
below average girl pass
clocky af, would pass to drunk ppl
face pass, maybe the problem lies in the rest of your body
masc girl? def not a pass without the hair in the way
you could be whatever
it's fine
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overr haha does my body atleast pass
post ass
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>31 years old
>15 y/o boy
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Hey passgen, It's been a while. I've been feeling a little too ok for the last couple of weeks so its time to come back to my one true home to remind myself I'm hedious and I don't pass. Will rate in a bit.
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I posted in the last thread barely anybody replied
happy saturday c:
Hate this question usually but whats your ethnicity? You're so pretty x_x
y-you are cute
Was you the one in the green dress?
Clocky hairline
Clocky chin
Keep the haircut it's like Louise Brooks
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gay man. tiniest mouth in the world
ffs wont help you, fix your presentation
only a little clocky, forehead mostly
ffs NOW. very masc face
looks stunning as always
no pass
very apparent amab shoulders
more time on hrt will fix you. clocky as it is
its an ogre
avg twinkhon build
ur at 20 bmi thats fine, fit is mid tho
you should get a rhinoplasty
trannies need to stop doing their lips like this. also no pass your skull is very large
just get more ffs duh, did they do any brow lifting ? or are you just like that
if you changed your style and presentation even a little bit you could pass as a theyfab
you have wider shoulders than i would've expected
no dude your dicks out
tiny eyes and huge facial features looks uncanny
clocky nose/lips, prob fine day to day

https://unsee cc/album#Msoemo4HTxFo


why do you look so uncanny and ugly here usually your face is great
t green dress twinkhon
go to bed spicebag
pull up that skirt for us
be nice...
I'm some flavour of hispanic
I wish
Thank you

I like your fit however, your nasolabial folds are almost as bad as mine and your hips are negative (just like mine)
Still beautiful
This faggot creature thinks it is in any position to talk down at everyone else like that? What a pathetic delusional little man thing, trying its best in its sissy outfit. Go join the 41% already, stop pretending and delaying, just go get it out of the way now.
You have male skin in your fore head. It’s very off putting
calm down
face pass twinkish body,, also you sound like a cunt :c
this post was written by massive bitterhon hands
always said you were hot and you still are
pretty sure that's just a photo of an actual cis woman, Dasha. get your worms checked.
haven’t i seen you on plebbit? i feel like i’ve seen you there, idk it might just be a different similar asian youngshit
lmao that's a ciswoman in the pic
she's some lefty that got internet famous a few years back, i forget why

surprised it took so long for someone to notice
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ded thred :/
when I'm not pouting they're more like this
stop telling >:(
no :D
oh good you're back
southeastern US
mean :T
rip im in los angeles
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please tell me im a hon im tired of being hugboxxed
you're still cute tho
Stfu passoid
i'm gonna hit you with a mexican ice pick
no rates = i ain't telling u shit
i got (you)s to farm
this shit ain't free!
Fuck off. Go outside or something and live your life. I hate PASSOIDSSSSS. Fuck off
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slightly clocky but very cute
pass and pretty!
pass and pretty!
so cute. I love your hair. slightly clocky
pass, you're also so pretty Oo
slightly clocky but I love your makeup
easy pass and so pretty

as for me ik i don't pass but I don't hate this photograph
passgen has this uncanny ability to make me fucking hate trannies sometimes
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there is only one person so obsessed with Dasha
gender things
dude mewing
cute as a tranny but no pass, sorry
body passes very well, face doesn't at all
did we really let the thread die at the hands of a chud
We did
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i wish i was dead
Is this reply serious? Real question, I can't really tell
not rating this time i have other stuff 2 do
never been on reddit.
my friend took this photo of me, she told me i look small and cute
entitled ass newfags kill yourselves
bruh what\
yo do you wanna have sex, hottest chic in the whole damn thread
did u straighten ur hair?
you're the epitome of every delusional channy passoid who could live a normal life as a woman but doesn't due to crippling depression, brainworms, and 4chan addiction
im not this hot irl but if You Specifically see me when i go 2 round1 tomorrow i will let u hit 4 sure
yeah ive been straightening it recently, im really embarrassed of my curls :(
absolutely not
looks mexican
was gonna say pass but then I saw the agp scars
horror movie pass
no sorry
that is a gay man smile but could pass
looks underaged, jannies wtf
no pass sorry
i liked ur curls desu but ur new hair looks amazing, i almost didn't recognize u
u were pretty before but here u look actually gorgeous omg
>just need those eyebrows to grow in and u will be completely adorable
she is always shaving her eyebrows.
Need to take you with your legs over your shoulders.
What makes you think it isn't?
aw thanks :) so sweet
This that new girl with the huge tits? Post tits and post ass
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im getting my lips fixed
kinda clocky but i think thats just the beard shadow ): got get laser girl, also maybe style ur eyebrows !!

ez pass

pass i guess lol why post that i know lot cis girls and boys who dont pass as their actual gender from behind lol

ez pass, yeah lip looks kinda wacky but even with it u pass

t. 18 yo boymoder 3 months hrt
post ass
He says that to every skinny twink. Literally everyone
im not rlly skinny and im also not a twink ):
because you're hot
work sis
Alright, I'm gonna be at the one in grapevine, will definitely talk to you if I see you
ok here goes
ur lips look wierd but theyre not clocky and kinda distract from your jawline, which is a bit strong for a woman but still passible either way I say you pass
cant tell from behind
love your style and hair, get lazer I can see ur 5o clocky also pluck your eyebrows to think them out a bit
baddie, but you look clocky and I cant pinpoint why im sorry
ngmi just rope
literally just a cis woman
pluck your eyebrows and ud pass with ffs
tits are too small for how big everyting else is, but its not like cis women always meet that either
brow and jawline are a bit oof, ud look super cute with ffs
cant really tell with the wierd lighting but id say maybe ur eyebrows
pluck ur eyebrows and ud pass at 5'4" you probly do irl already
also you should totally gain the weight back fat girls are cute
no still dont pass
pull your sholders back when you stand, it will make them look smaller, jsut like work on your posture cause other than the sholders you totally pass
I think the way your ear sticks out of your hair looks so unique I like it, you probly pass
I think id have to see body and voice potentially how you hold yourself in motion to tell its kidna ambiguous
ur clocky but read female probly keep the mask but you should be fine girlmoding, I do even though I dont pass
ugly pass
ffs will help
cute but I cant tell if you pass
Are stretch marks agp now
the front profile was better


cis woman (dasha)

nobody else passes
>agp scars
bro has never seen a woman
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why are you all mtf? where are my ftmbros??? this is more of a “will i ever pass” post for me, 2mos androgel with negligible changes :/ ugh


yes very pretty

absolute pass
yes you are very pretty
you pass
borderline, depends on voice and height
obvious girlpass
You're more beautiful than a twink
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pass i think
u pass as sideways
body passes face not quite sorry
u dont pass but ah well
big pass
clocky to me prob not to ppl who aren't looking for it
prob pass

i dont think i pass but i dont have any problems from it so not super fussed atm
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sorry for not rating im drunk af
post ass
NEED MORE FTMS!! I want my bros represented (st4t chaser)
Also almost definitely long philtrum prominent jaw/chin small lips big forehead low brows are all in your favor when you are more time on T
post dignity
I already plucked my eyebrows in the picture. I know I did a terrible job though.

Absolutely terrible. Last time I checked, I got told my voice sounds like an uncanny gender thing.
5'7''. Not great, but could be worse
o yah i got a dress lemme show that off too

https://unsee cc/album#MzDzS9mBoWDd
>ireland flag
go to bed.
go away spicebag
beautiful proportions.
its only 8:30 PM !!!

thanks pookie my most amazing pookie bear mwah mwah mwah
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fridgehon is saving for ffs. what can i do in the meantime
>thanks pookie my most amazing pookie bear mwah mwah mwah
Cool but I wish you could be all over me like that in real life and not just over the internet
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Hey everyone I'm a normal guy and every few months I try to be nice to you transgenders even though I don't believe in what you're doing. So I'm probably exactly the type of guy you're trying to convince. I'll be honest with you but not to be cruel:

You are obviously men.

You are quite unattractive but I wouldn't have known that you are men if you didn't tell me. You'd probably look suspiciously male in real life though.

I assume its a troll posting real women. If not, congratulations you pass.
really? the last one you posted is so clocky to me. otherwise I agree
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I am sorry if I sounded cruel. I just notice sometimes your movement can be overly optimistic and build people up for a big fall. I just want to kindly add some honesty from the outside looking in - I don't want to detract from the thread more than this. You are all very brave before putting pictures of yourselves out here.

I understand that "clocky" means "non-passing? I'm just one guy and some people here might look better or worse than they want to with any given angle or lighting change. I don't recognise anyone here because I'm not a regular but those two at the end look female - I say that begrudgingly but it is true.

I hope everyone does well and has a good life.
So, who passes better? Kendra or Spenita? Is this show offensive?

post ass
cant wait for u to troon out <3
huh why
>tasty little faggot enjoyer will never ask me to post ass
do i finally end it all
I'll put in a good word with him for you
because you're hot
does that make me a , um..
yeah no i think you have it right. the trans community is too optimistic about how well we pass and too pessimistic about what happens if we dont. here is just as bad for it as reddit or twitter (sorry but its true) and sometimes worse bc ppl here are too spergy to realise most ppl arent actually spending all day judging them
also yep clocky comes from being clocked which is when someone spots ur a trans.
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Amelie-moder spotted
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late pls rate :)

more passing than not
pretty pass
more passing than not
i love mice
potential future pass
pass shoulders r cool
pass I don’t love the skirt desu
where r ur eyebrows
pass a lil uncanny makeup
i like ur hair pass
please clean ur mirror I like ur makeup
ftm pass
C clocky
Nh not a hon (femme looking etc)
P pass

C, nh
C, nh
This is me btw, please rate
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lol sorry I failed to upload, here is I
Terminal man
pass and really pretty
Thank u

Shut up gorilla
No Pass
Sports bra NOW
Shut up, ur an idiot
How? You don't pass and I can see your nipples
Splatoon ass hairstyle mfer, always knew splatoon was an agp game
i just cut my bangs because my forehead got all greasy and acne
i dont know what a splatoon ass hairstyle is
i appreciate your aestech experiments, ladyboy-chan
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id need to draw you eyebrows with a sharpie marker and just then fuck you
no idea desu
yes and cute hair
Ukrainian woman pass
bump i wanna post to this dead thread before it totally dies
>Sports bra NOW
No Sports bra.
And please shut up.
I don’t think she is AGP. She wouldn’t enjoy wearing a bra.
i know nothing
16mo hrt
my shirt is baggy my shoulders are not actually that wide
post ass
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no one finds me attractive how do I fix this
by posting those tits
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take care of your fucking rats nest hair

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