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>want to have a good time on 4chins
>open up /tttt/
>transmascphobia from seething hons

No you idiots I don’t have female privilege
I also don’t seethe from being treated like the man I am I don’t care that women think I’m creepy I hate women the same as y’all
do you wanna make out while being misogynistic together?
woman moment
>transmascphobia from seething hons
bitterhons gonna be bitterhons, just call them a niggerfaggot and watch them sperg out.
>I hate women the same
I don't hate women. I have no female friends, but I get along well with them even if we don't share hobbies much.
stfu faggot
this board legitimately thinks mtf and ftm are both delicate little girls and sees absolutely no problem with it, it's never going to change, they are hypocrites and borderline retarded
>open up 4chan
>people don't like you and are mean
>make a threat to complain
fembrained, ngmi
>AFAB comes to realization that 80% of men are seen as undesirable in the dating pool and copes by calling it transmascphobia
basedboychuds do this too all the time to be fair.
You have the ultimate female privilege of being able to give birth, raise children and not die old and forgotten having lived a meaningless, childless life alienated from normal families that make up the vast majority of society
Shut the fuck up Hon
>'the dating pool'
kek are you retarded?
I want you to look in the mirror and say "kek are you retarded" and see how stupid you sound
Being able to give birth isnt a privilege especially when no one can afford to have kids anymore
Just kiss already faggots
hahahaha then go look in the mirror and just admit you called tttt 'the dating pool' and we'll report back who feels better
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Ok if hypothetically you were in a relationship with a transwoman would you top her, hold her, and treat her as a woman? The last few ftm guys I dated did not want to do that even tho they acted like they would at the beginning.

I want to respect y'all, and I feel bad about posting all the negative shit about ftms, but I myself (and many of my friends) have been hurt by y'all not respecting us in relationships.
not a ftm but that just sounds like you don't come off as very womanly and have bad exes... not a good enough excuse to be a litle bitch to your own community
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>it's always the penis-haver's fault
uhhh I have no idea what kind of junk you have weirdo but if everywhere you go you smell shit, then you smell like shit
>it's never the hon's fault
whiney fembrained posts like this are a psyop meant to undermine my respect for the average ttttrans man and i refuse to believe otherwise.
>seething hon
Like clockwork
I still view you as a man and yet I’m still more of a man than you
Rage about it
its not going to work, i know there are ftms that dont have superiority complexes about being pretty. ive met them. youll never make me hate my good boys
i love you
I feel you. Personally I direct it at pooners rather than FTMs tho hurts to get caught in the crossfire and I apologize.
Sort of like aiming at no effort tons rather than all MTFs with some rhetoric.

It doesn’t help that most trans people are no effort hons and pooners.
Though one thing a poon will often say that a hon never will is “I’m pre-hrt and stealth how do I get T”, like there’s a level of sheer low iq present in some of them mixed with AFAb privelege
Excellent bait anon, but if you’re being serious just repeat the same logic they use for you back to them and they’ll sperg or call them a faggot
If you call yourself a transmasc you deserve it
You wanna know why?

You admit it's all a fetish. You watched yaoi once and now you feel like a boy (ROGD). None of you ever transition, you identify as lesbians, you only pass because once you get your fucking chest cut off it's hard to think you're a woman. You never act malebrained, you never show strength against adversity, while we are like "Why can't we get girlfriends" you are the real rapist incels, but you get away with it because "muh hecking misogyny". Everything you have to was about MtFs, is just projection. For the select few that get a phalloplasty and a pump to be a "true"man (which you never want to do, you wear makeup and shit) you ignore the actual violence and focus trans women have gotten.

Proof we are women? The bear. If you choose the bear they rant about you. We also don't consider our gender a sex thing, like a lot of you say is 90-100%. We actually have GD, I can't even stand my non fem voice so I just don't talk when I can. But a lot of you don't even go to the level of sounding like a 10 year old boy.

Want me to go on?
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Bitterhons when they get they encounter a pooner (they are mentally deranged). I regret ever letting my guard down with them
all of this is true for mtf so what's with the screed?
>you never act fembrained
>you act out your fetishes
>you never show strength against adversity
>you treat cis women like shit

both types of trannies deserve each other, none of that is the 'gotcha' you think it is. To me, ftm's SLIGHTLY beat out mtf's because of the lower rates of personality disorders
>I can't even stand my non fem voice so I just don't talk
can you stop putting up with your manly meat sausage fingers so you can stop fucking typing nonsense please?
ibe never seen it thoooo
u are reponding to ur own imaginatjon
u frickin ideeot...sorry dat was mean hehe :x
you're such an edgy boy, omg you're so manly you totally pass ^_^
do you think any sane person on the planet is going to read this and think you sound like a woman
wouldn’t it be funny if this girl was a self hating trans guy
Look her up on twt
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Good lord
Maybe he's a southerner, we say y'all down here y'all
You are a stupid whore who should have her fingers sliced off so you will never be able to post a stupid whore thread again.
oh my god hahahahaha this is the most malebrained autistic shit ever, now I feel great about calling out the man hands
Sillypoo is vile to be fair
TF is that face? Aren't they supposedly black>
Oh did she fuckin say that? lmaooo
That is true... Oh I'm glad you said it... Thank you... Don't feel bad about shit talking ftms lol... There are a lot of us who are retarded...
I feel your pain... Just know that real ftm's don't act that way... Those type of "trans" people are unfortunately the current face of the transgender community...
No one cares lol
That is true... But those are just porn addicted men... Not mtf...
I also googled her handle and for some reason this popped up
https://archiveofourown org/works/55589437
This board is full of r9k incels who "transmaxxed" anon. They aren't women they are manbrained spergs, I wish I was memeing but they are taking over faster than 4 tran fags
I am black. That's the face of xxxkxss.
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Correct. I have also heard that these same types of people are colonizing tumblr (which we all know has a decade long reputation for being a pooner site) and throw tantrums and scream “TME” and “trans misogyny” becuz they get banned for posting child porn . They are a disease who need to be stopped, and genocided. Unironically. At this point we really have ourselves to blame for normies hating us so much and refusing to rebuke fetishist freaks.
why do people on this board in particular sperg out over the most tired and worthless bait
Nah you're mixed race
Theres no way on earth you're over 50% african
tripfagging: not even once anons
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>You wanna know why?
>You admit it's all a fetish. You watched yaoi once and now you feel like a boy (ROGD). None of you ever transition, you identify as lesbians, you only pass because once you get your fucking chest cut off it's hard to think you're a woman. You never act malebrained, you never show strength against adversity, while we are like "Why can't we get girlfriends" you are the real rapist incels, but you get away with it because "muh hecking misogyny". Everything you have to was about MtFs, is just projection. For the select few that get a phalloplasty and a pump to be a "true"man (which you never want to do, you wear makeup and shit) you ignore the actual violence and focus trans women have gotten.
>Proof we are women? The bear. If you choose the bear they rant about you. We also don't consider our gender a sex thing, like a lot of you say is 90-100%. We actually have GD, I can't even stand my non fem voice so I just don't talk when I can. But a lot of you don't even go to the level of sounding like a 10 year old boy.
>Want me to go on?
Oh you’re black? And you’re harassing me and picking fights with me? Knowing I have a few pretty easy words I could drop on you if I felt like it? Interesting.
If you committed a crime and had to go to prison, would you stand by your masculinity and enter the general pop of a men's prison?
How does one resist the opportunity to be locked up with desperate cute lesbians?
>choose to be locked up with men (not sexy)
>choose to be locked up with women (hot)
Also i cant get my gender changed anywhere so if it were a real situation i'd be put in the womens prison
Enjoy being a dyke I guess. If you pussy out of mens prison after committing a crime, you're an eternal foid.
Most of the transphobia I received in this board was in ftmg by terfy theyfabs who consider trans women are males or that trans women can't be victims of FGM
>Enjoy being a dyke I guess.
I will
See >>36344491, they do it themselves
Not this again, fuck off
we didnt say they cant, we said that circumcision isnt on the same level as FGM
Stop bringing this up in every single thread mentioning ftms
You said that trans women are males and that mutilating their genitals is not FGM.
>i experience transphobia as a non trans person
No, we said that you have male genitals
and that hormones only change your phenotype
they cant lol
See? >>36344522
Why are FTMs
>No, we said that you have male genitals
Don't gaslight me, I have the threads open. The posters there clearly and specifically said that trans women are not female and that they are males instead.
>and that hormones only change your phenotype
This is scientifically false by the way.
Transphobic ftm moment
Dont feed the troll, if you do this thread will just be xer repeating that cause she took hormones that makes her male genitals female
Pooners can't win the "don't be transphobic even for a single thread" challenge.
not falling for it
You are certainly falling in the transphobic rabbit hole. See you at ovarit.
i'm imagining this faggot staring at his screen crying while mad because someone told him to post vial
Why is every ftm transphobic? Why are terfs allowed in this board?
you have your lil tabs open while rereading everything lmaoooo seethe and mald
This is how I know you are butthurt
use that tiny brain for once, i'm genuinely laughing
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>le epic meme from my 3GB seethe folder totally saved me dood! epic lolz
why are you so mad at me just for saying that trans females can also be victims of FGM?
why are you projecting your anger onto me? why don't you go get a real job?
I am legitimately curious anon, why are you so angry about it?
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Not that anon but you go into literally every ftm related thread to whine
Not every single one, mostly the ones that are related, maybe 1 or 2 more.
I find it very interesting how not a single ftm has said anything to acknowledge that trans women are female and that FGM on trans women is a real issue.
you gotta have a lil sympathy, there's nothing else he has to fill that void in his "hard" pathetic life
i've seen you in every single ftm related thread ive been in today. if you seriously want to complain about it go to /mtfg/ >>>36338379
It's not the trans women who are acting transphobic
You can see another example here >>36344812, I still don't know why this person is so mad.
Go to mtfg and talk about it then >>36338379
I don't see why I should.
If anything this is the ideal thread to talk about it, since the OP is a pooner lying that non-passing trans women are transphobic towards him.
I'm so glad my mental illness never has me posting stuff like this
dont worry, not only am i transmascphobic, i'm also transfemphobic
Try it bitch, you don't even know me.

Plus you just admitted it here. I have screenshots. Do you? Look outside
Nobody was banned for CP. They'd be in the party van.
ftms are little girls
mtfs are broken men
You're a 36 year old incel pedo.
all chuds are women
See... That's not a thing.
People hate on theyfabs and "FTMs" who don't actually transition but demand to have the cross to bear of real FTMs.
Is it misogynistic? Vaguely.
But "transmascphobic" isn't real.
>I don’t have female privilege
false actually
you will always have female privilege
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do you want to say something transmisogynist to me and then have mediocre sex about it?

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