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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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touhou edition
qott: who is your touhou best girl
prev: >>36325763
touhous are built for fat gock
poon microcl*ts need not apply
me and sakuya are in a committed relationship and she is very happy
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Why would they want penis. That's disgusting please leave
it appears the other ftms do not like touhou as much as i thought :(
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Basic ass choices but I think Remilia, Flandre and Suika all have cute designs.
Unless you’re on some Chris chan dimensional merge shit, I’m not sure if your own chances are that great.
Why are there so many goddamn pussy ass bitches on /ftmg/ these days? We need to return to tradition. King Terje would have never let this slide.
What is touhou? I hear a lot of people talking about and I still don't know what it is
i would kill your baby, not because of dysphoria, i would kill it because i don't want to spread your genes. the last thing i need is an ugly ass kid that ends up with an iq of 80. i don't mind pregnancy and children, you're just not worthy of having children. this way, i don't have to worry about it getting molested by you in the future
i think its a bullet hell indie game series
It's a Japanese video game series where you have to dodge flying obstacles
one of those fandoms where very few people play the source material and most are secondary fans that came in from reading doujins or buying fumos
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What's your BMI?
I'm this close to going on testosterone again just to fuck with all you mfs , if any of you pussy ass niggas know where to find me come and get me i fight dirty ass hell

teeth n everythang
>woman fights dirty
yeah no shit
oh herro...

jumpscare warning next time, chinx gross me out pls n ty
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Gn girls, remember to stay fertile
i got my ovaries removed
didn’t you get banned as god intended
Not into touhou but flux are you watching the vg league right now? 2hug is playing

Marisa strong second place
i’m not, i don’t really enjoy esports/videogame tournaments… i can just play them myself
are *you* enjoying it, though?
Yeah the clown is winning and I like the clown game
Fuck yes I love touhou. My favorites are Reisen and Youmu. I also love Koishi a lot from watching kkhta years ago. I haven't played the games in years because I suck at them but I will always have a place in my heart for the girls and the music :)
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is it cringe to identify as a lesbian again? its not in a woke way, i just want to have hot lesbian sex with a girl thats never seen/not into dicks. i think some butches are hot too. unfortunately i look like a regular twink and i doubt theyd be attracted to me. im a transbian rapehon trapped in a ftm passoids body
Ftm with the same type of fetish/kink but I know it's a fetish/kink and not a real identity... You are reatrded ngl
Kaguya I love kaguya
Just call yourself a transmasc lesbian and they will be all over you even if you look like a guy.
but changing your identity to get sex is HSTS and therefore based and valid and trutrans. daddy blanchard told me so
I honestly can’t even imagine. Where does this come from? Is it just thinking lesbians are hot, inferiority, being into lesbian aesthetics, or what?
It's literally only bring into lesbian aesthetics. Niggas will go on T for 5y and still call themselves a lesbian because they're just attached to the identity and the community
i want a tomboy gf plus i'm a little agp
i transitioned at 12 i have no connection to the lesbian community. i wish i did
Lesbians are hot, they make good wankbait lol
i know you're memeing but blanchard thinks ftms don't exist and we're all doing it for attention. iirc that's one reason why all his work was discredited
>transitioned at 12
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you know what
i've noticed an alarming amount of ftms are disproportionally into feedism
No it's not... The only people who say that are people who like to take advantage of other people by validating their awful behaviors.......
he's like freud in the sense that there is a deeper obscure truth to his batshit theories that people don't want to admit. im working on a transgender typology list inspired by both of them
didn't read, your opinion is irrelevant
its not just ftms its the entire lgbt community except for mtfs
while less common with gay guys than lesbians or bi people or trans men, bears are disproportionately into it
>the fat guys are into being fat
wow i wonder why
its usually more like
>the skinny person is into becoming not
what do they do when they get fat? lose it all and start again?
Joe post alcoholism + 5 years extra years, trust me
Why is this thread filled with terfs who think that trans women are males and they can't be victims of FGM?
We can't be victims of FGM because we don't have female genitals, retard.
Trans women are females, and they can be victims of genital mutilation, therefore they can be victims of FGM.
Manlets can't breed
Boy am I glad the shittery only happens around bed time
Good night gen
Good night!
Here's a fat hairy belly let's bask in it's glory instead of whatever the heck starts up again
I forgot pic because retarded
jannies took the fat hairy belly can't have shit in ftmg
I think it's because they're the same person
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Going to a pride event tomorrow, I hope its fun and not a waste of time. But either way it wont matter cuz its not like I have anything better to do with my time these days
>>I look like a regular twink
Me too anon but bitches be all up on me on lesbo dating apps, if you add that you go by they/them (along with he/him) they eat that shit right up
I will say though most of them are uninterested if you're strictly a "transman", but if you call yourself transmasc/nonbinary they'll turn back around
I love lesbians, I've never identified as one but nowadays I can't stand dating men so I go towards women
I miss Terje, we bonded over hating fat fucks now they swarm /ftmg/
I'm envious, I haven't gone to any pride shit this year, mostly cause my car is unreliable and I don't have real friends
I wish I was more involved in the ""community"" but also I can't stand most transmen/transmascs, so many of them are extremely whiny or sensitive
Bitch you can still do thay without terje. Be the change you want to see and start bullying fatasses
im a mussy enthusiast
transmascs are like, truly the opposite of transfems in a few really funny ways

>Transitioning is typically way easier, you inject a steroid that literally makes you feel good instead of the inverse
>transmen are losing hair, while transfems tend to keep theirs longer
>the more like their birth sex they look, the more people like them, instead of the opposite
what do you guys think of threads like >>36345915
i feel nothing because i remember different people are attracted to different things and it impacts my life 0%

I don't have any friends either, I'm hoping to somehow start talking to people at pride, or meeting them through irl support groups. It does feel awkward going to prides alone, maybe to others I look lost or like a weird loner.
>bro trust there are people on earth who like dickless manlet poonchudders I swear
Oh nononononooooo
considering i just fucked one yesterday, yes. she was afab so it was actually an achievement too
Me on the bottom
Manlet larp, no woman will ever have sex with you Chud. You literally can't even have sex with them you have no penis lol
>>36345980I dont care and dont see why anyone else should either. people have their tastes, as long as their not disturbing me then whatever. No need to diss elliot page though, but thats just troon behavior
>No need to diss elliot page though
but he's so uggo
Typical troon, nothing surprising. This is why I’ll only ever date/fuck cis women and cis men, though.
idk i think a lot of cisfoids have similar sentiment?
Do you feel any kind of kinship as a previous woman, or are you full "women, amirite fellas?? Let's talk less about their rights and more about their wrongs nam am sayin??"
Nah, cis women would rather date a passing guy than a trans guy not on T in my experience. Trans women just want to feel like real lesbos by fucking masculine dykey girls.
i think most of them would just prefer cis guys
I have more understanding of women than the average guy, yes, but this understanding mostly informs me that most of their bullshit is just complete whining. It's more a confirmation of what men already knew but are too silenced to be able to say
We aren’t talking about preferences. We are talking about the people open to dating ftms
At the same time, I always leverage being female in order to have sex with girls. The whole "I know how to make you cum" gig, which is completely true and a genuine advantage
I don’t feel kinship and don’t hate them. They’re just there, the same as men.
>the people open to dating ftms
sorry, there's just so few of those i didn't really register
There aren’t many ftms either, so it evens out.
this is really shitty bait why do you bother responding to it?
Who cares? It’s not like there’s anything better being discussed here. Crybaby
fuck you too. you will never be above 5'6. you will never reach the top shelf. little birthday boy bitch
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Just another coping transbian
but she's clearly bi
*meta attracted AGP
no i dont think thats true i think you're coping
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sowwy it really comes across like you're coping!! i'm sorry for posting the thread in this one, i didn't realize ur feelings, or the feelings of other trans guys would be hurt by my post... im sorry!! it's just a personal preference thing that i think a lot of people who are into "trans guys" share and its just what it is,, im sorry that you have to cope about it and pretend like it's just some random detractor, or an attack on transguys but it's really not!!!
Not reading that essay
i'm sorry it just really sounds like you're coping!
With what?
the post... and the poster, you're just calling them transbian or meta attracted agp, that's cope :(
No it’s just true. You can not like that it’s true but that doesn’t change the facts.
no it's clearly not true :( and that post and now you're replying with more cope
No it’s true because I just said that it’s true. Can you not read?
no i think you're really coping because the poster is undeniably bisexual
Well I can only tell the truth, so you can deny reality all you want.
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Thoughts on these guys?
how do i have sex as a semi passing pre op trans man?
Cats are for women dogs are for men
get good with your hands and mouth and consider getting toys and a strap-on lol. ultimately depends on how you roll and what's off limits no?
Women are genuinely retarded and weak, yet fucking malicious. They have no business voting and shit.
Having a boyfriend is totally wrecking my chances with women
Seeing the black dahlia murder and dying fetus in November going to be super fucking awesome. Big d and the kids table in one week which is also awesome. And we are the union whose singer is a tranny now and has since made shittier gayer music but should still be good
>I was born without a dick so I'll never breed a cute young man
Why live?
tranny hater if you’re here message me. discord won’t let me for some reason

t. clover
I’m too western for this I have no idea who touhou is <\3
Aren't you British? You're literally from the same country as Flux you spastic
how do you guys do anal? i want to do it with my gf.
twitter is down the hall to the left
I heard they're mean, but I love them, because I love all cats
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Based cat lover.
I have only ever played 2hu fan games because I suck cock at bullet hells
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An old man said to me and my bf “hi young gays” as we left a sex shop
Have I reached passoid gayden status?
what would you tell yourself from 5 years ago if you met him
i would tell him he's tranny and he should come out and i think he would tell me to kill myself
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water my chances

2 months androgel no changes yet
Good chin and jawline, you'll be fine, 2 months is nothing
i’m 5”4” with massive tits god i hope this works out

i had a dream last night i got a mastectomy
You look like a teenage Tik Tok twink in this pic, other pics you look female. If you want to be a flamboyant fag without being clocked you should choose the right clothes. This picture is good because the outfit looks like it was picked out by an amab who wanted to look slutty and fem without knowing how to coordinate female fashion.
>>5 years ago
I was still a tranny back then, gtfo yungshit
Very nice. Will turn out hot
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>had another realistic dream where i had a dick
it's not fair just let it fucking end
Get rid of the septum ring i clocked you as ftm without remembering what thread I'm in
Niggas can pass flawlessly in real life and haters will still call you clocky
I mean in my interests retard it’s not that hard to figure out
>clocked you as ftm
"Clockable" at 2 months on gel is pretty good
You're clockable after years of T
Nobody really cares about Touhou outside of Japan except for extremely autistic AMABs but it was a unique idea
>turned on by futa porn
>turned on by lesbian porn
>turned on by straight porn, pov or otherwise
>turned on by solo female masturbation videos
>sometimes also turned on by (fictional) gay porn
>turned on by my little pony porn
what the fuck am i? am i just a porn addict?
Clockable makes it way simpler to have sex. Almost everyone I give a fuck about here has already found out I'm trans
Cope lol
is this passgen now?
Relatable except for futa/ MLP porn
Despite dating an mtf futa just doesn't do it for me
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I hope not
Don't feed the attention whores, posting selfies is foidbrained
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If you want to know if you pass just go to the supermarket or other public venue and see how strangers gender you instead of relying on the opinions of 4chan weebs who get their anatomy references from the hentai they stare at all day
where else would you post to mog pooners
looking kinda they/hefab
where is our lardlord gloves? His family to poor for Internet nowadays or did he spill Sirup over his laptop?
What's the alternative? Being a shut-in because you don't want people to know about your pussy? I'd rather 69 bi girls
you pass as a 12 year old boy in womens clothes
You can be an out pooner without being clocky you moron. You wouldn't know because you never had the option to stealthmode or not
That's what I'm saying. Never chose to come out, so there's no alternative. It has its upsides and downsides but all in all it's nice to be around people without feeling like I have anything to hide. Also makes for good joke opportunities
i caught a week ban (ended on saturday) for making fun of tranny hater within 5 minutes of making the post. so i think tranny hater could possibly be a janny, or maybe i'm just retarded and actually broke a rule. i was off my meds at the time of the ban and they haven't fully entered my system back since ive only had them since thursday or friday ish
It's way simpler to get sex when you're an over 6' openly trans alpha
you too stupid to evade a ban?
you got multiple people banned repeatedly for the same reason
becoming a trans alpha might be possible but growin taller isn't
If you're any shorter than 5'10 barefoot you're automatically disqualified from alpha potential
I'm not into women so I don't care if they're attracted to me
To be fair people will say things just to be an asshole, whether you pass or not
Lmao what
Any mention of the P word, even in chastization, sometimes gets people a week long ban. Just 4chan trying to cover their ass given historical issues with that stuff here.
You are fucking stupid so there is that
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>hookup with giant G cups forgot her bra at my flat
so much win
Keep it safe anon
yes unironically, but also i'm a mobilefag, was on my home internet, and bans with a trip work differently than bans without
that makes sense, honestly
anon's seething that misgendering gets everyone banned no matter who does it and is automatically assuming i reported him
nope i'm going to jerk off viciously anx rub my pussy juice all over it and if she asks i'll tell her i haven't seen it
No it doesn’t. I’ve told you that your a woman many times without a ban.
Unless that’s not misgendering because it’s true.
What if I run around on all fours climbing trees and drop bearing
i'm not only a man but a god compared to you
Top kek
Mentioning pedophilia gets a ban but not doing pedo shit? Ion buy it imma be honest.
Then you're dumbass acting like a monkey
Extremely based
Menacemaxxing is more of Sigma male behavior.
Ok, run a mile actually even just walk it.
walking is for masochists which is fembrained
Sigmas are just men who are weird shut-ins and only on the same level as alphas because they look good. Take away the looks and sigma becomes gamma
KEK walking is literally torture to this big boy
No, you cannot be a shut in and be a Sigma. Sigmas carve their own path in live and go out and do stuff, like what Danny is describing. Also you do not need good looks to be a Sigma, that's only for alpha. A sigmas aura alone makes them look good.
He's gonna float up to you like the fat fuck from Dune
Genuine question, but has anyone here been rejected for not being cis? Did you get any further explanations? And most importantly, how did you cope with the situation?
>what the fuck am i?
good morning ftmg. $70 for vyvanse is insane, but they're out of generic so i'm gonna try it for a month and see how well it works. if they don't have more generic by next month i'm switching pharmacies bc fuck these people
Am I officially a sigma
If I was your bf I would've paid it for you
Yeah I'd say so. Welcome to the club
Oh yeahhh
Honeslty a feedism kink would help me if anything, ik so tired of being lanky even tho I eat and workout (16.7 Bmi)
I was about to say bisexual but jesus christ clopping? yeah porn addict
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Damn, tranny hater looks like THAT?
i don't know why ponies turn me on so much. i used to be a mlp superfan as a ltitle girl and scouring through the internet for mlp games i came across pony porn for the first time and also got horny for the first time. i'd play the porn games for hours on end. i've never told anyone except anons on 4chan about this obviously.
You can thank the Chinamen over at Takeda for buying out Vyvanse and suddenly dealing with ADHD med shortages they shrug their shoulders to and say "oopsie" to the public over while America happens to be one of few countries in the world where it's legal to mass produce pure pharmaceutical amphetamines so it's obvious where your drugs are going.
If he looked like that everyone in this gen would offer to be his bride. Lookism is disgusting
who let you out of the special needs school?
Why are you so cringe
i blame online pill mills just as much, adhd diagnoses has skyrocketed since covid
So based*
I think he enjoys making pooners who are insecure in their own validity mald
You must be retarded
i know you're joking but i'm 21 and was never in sped classes. in fact, i had a tard wrangler in normal classes and was GATE/honors from 3-8th grade.
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>you are insecure in your validity as a man if you don't literally dress like a common street whore
why are you people hellbent on defending this annoying foid's every move and giving her undeserved credit? you all blow air up her ass for zero reason and it's really embarrassing
G is all that is man! He’s a GOD compared to you.
it's weird how you people simp over her when half of you are gaydens. is this like a girls supporting girls thing? what's your end goal with this continuous dick riding
face is andro but the lack of tiddies helps
Why are you so determined to hate on every little thing he does. Why doesn't he deserve credit? We don't "blow air up his ass" for no reason you stupid fuck, it's because he's hot. You're mad because you're ugly and noone gives you this attention online or irl
You’re just jealous of G
>Yeah we're men, that's why all we care about is how hot we are and being hotter than you
why are you proud of being a spineless simp? she is not going to fuck you you retards. kill yourselves
What men can’t be hot? Men can’t be fuckable?
Men don't post selfies begging for attention or get white knighted by simps
Because you shouldn't care. A lot of assumptions can be made about G and his choices but if you're sitting here seething that says something. The only pooners who get mad enough at people like G to lash out are insecure and projecting their own insecurities. Think Kalvin Garrah types.
G can do whatever they want but it's insufferable for them to claim they're a man and spam the general with attention whoring, and the following spam of simps.
Google “thirst trap”.
Your worth as a human being is based around how you look. Sucks but it is what it is
I'm not proud but I'm tired of you fucking RETARDS not getting why he has so many simps. Is this your first time seeing someone attractive, stop being a dummy
i don't care about her. you're the pathetic simpoid who jumps to the defense of some random 4chan attention whoring theyfab everytime someone even slightly criticizes her. you're not getting anything out of this.
>social media addicted betaboys
As I said, not men. At least they're male and show off being handsome and masculine. G relishes in being female, constantly "dunking on" trannies and femboys while simultaneously claiming to be a man.
>Your worth as a human being is based around how you look
That's how women are valued. Men are valued for what they can provide. Everyone has it easier if they're attractive, but only for women are their looks the end-all be-all of their existence. So retarded to be fixated on how pretty you look when you're supposed to be becoming a man
Do you ever wonder why the vast, vast majority cis men don't sperg out over trans men "appropriating" their sex the way you think G is appropriating being ftm? And when they do, the typical response from everyone (including you, probably) is "oh that whiny bottom faggot is probably just insecure he's on the edge of twink death and all the straight chad tops chase ftm pussy instead of him" with accusations of him being a repressed mtf thrown in. Right? Just like them, you're acting like a woman right now. And not even just a woman, but the type of jealous, pessimistic bitch who is shitting up our general with girl-on-girl type drama that you won't let go.

Tl;dr since you want this to stay a general for men, start acting like one or leave.
G acts more like a man than you bro.
I don't want to just be a man I want to be a good looking one. So many men are ugly because they don't care about their looks which will hopefully end soon
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you know being a smug contrarian is not a legitimate way to win an argument right? there is nothing manly or male about g, she literally gets creampied by a man every single day of her life, weighs like 80 pounds, dresses like a woman and attentionwhores on anonymous forums. she doesn't even WANT to act like a man in the first place so your point is moot, she thrives off her femaleness
>cis men don't sperg out over trans men "appropriating" their sex
Because cis men have no reason to care about trans shit to begin with, dumbass.
>oh that whiny bottom faggot is probably just insecure he's on the edge of twink death and all the straight chad tops chase ftm pussy instead of him" with accusations of him being a repressed mtf thrown in
This is nearly incomprehensible nonsense. I don't give a fuck if anyone of any gender thinks G is insufferable because it's the truth.
>jealous, pessimistic bitch
You're calling me this and claiming I'm the one being catty and dramatic? I just want a general for ftms that isn't ruined by G attention whoring for dudes to jerk off to
You don't get the point of what I said at all lmfao. G isn't masculine, but is more masculine than you. Go back to lolcow whore, this is ftm(en) general.
Lose weight fatty
>tells me to go back to lolcow
>doesn't mind the literal whore shitting up every thread with her useless non contributing faceposts
it's clear where your priorities lie. you're a retarded nigger and it's plain to see.
Nta but you're dodging every point they're trying to shove in your face that DRAMA and cattiness is more fembrained than wearing some girly clothes and posting selfies, dumb bitch. Log off.
do you ever think about how whining about other people like a little bitch is peak fembrain? maybe you should take g's attitude about people shitting on him and try replicating it. not caring is based, you know
you said it well
>pooner flag
>whining about G being skinny
i think you're just insecure and pre-t
what is there to be insecure about? i'm 110 pounds. does your retarded ass think anyone whi criticizes some stupid whore is jealous too?
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Wish G was banned/killed so this nonsense can finaly end. Can we talk about something interesting
>tip-toeing around every thing I said because you know I'm right but can't handle the truth

Woman moment. Since I can't talk sense into you I'll leave you alone and hope you stop shitting up the thread, but if you haven't yet (and it seems like it) I suggest you get on T and maybe spend less time online. It'll clear up your mind.
>probably under 5'2, shorter than g
>neverpasser mindset
these, and also you don't exude confidence so it's easy to put 2-and-2 together
>110 lbs
Lol how tall are you? Either you are embarassingly skinny or embarrassingly short
>gloves being based for once
You're actually alright
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Based edition
I like Koishi and Kaguya. Patchy also reminds me of my crush.
thanks, i have my moments
not an anamaxxer, pre t or 5'2 for that matter. i'm trying to gain weight. you implied i was fat which isn't true though, stop moving goalposts
yes i am embarrassingly skinny, however multiple catty retards accused me of being obese for daring to criticize their whore goddess. do you not see anything wrong with that
you are all annoying
>what is there to be insecure about? i'm 110 pounds.
That's worse than being fat. A pigeon feather blowing in your face would knock you flat.
ugly ass cat
simps will be simps can you just shut the fuck up already
Do you think G makes ftms “look bad”?
Good to know you're a weak bitch both mentally and physically. What else would you like to admit since you're now the lolcow of this thread edition, making everyone you hate look good compared to you? I need some more laughs
Face is andro leaning fem but those shoulders + flat chest really help your cause. I might assume female though because of your neck, also I've heard your voice and it doesn't pass very well to me, but I have 4chan induced psychosis so my standards for what passes and what doesn't are higher than the average cissoid. If you pass to them, then I guess you pass.
no i don't think that. i just think she's an annoying whore and i abhor the way she acts. why am i not allowed to voice this opinion without a myriad of angry simps making attacks on my person descending upon me?
i don't care what you think about me. you sound psychotic.
Fr first she was annoying now it's funny
I wasn't a fan of G before but I'm starting to like him because he's based for giving us today's entertainment: your tantrum. I guess that's why people say he's board King, right?

G upload a gif of your face reacting to this
I would just be even more convinced that he is gay in the closet, because he thinks being gay is immoral so he can't be gay and instead relies on "women" that look like young men.
this whole meltdown started because our resident theyfab trender is starting to pass more like a fem gay. if you're triggered by that pic of him it is time for you to get on testosterone yourself, no if's or but's. just do it.
why are all of you so anti intellectualism? you sound like you've suffered some major brain damage. several years spent sporadically posting on these threads and this has largely remained unchanged. you're all bumbling low iq retards with zero scruples about anything
This. I'm an oldfag and watched the same spergout repeat every time a formerly pre-T trip reached their first huge milestone.
>anti intellectualism
More like anti woman shitting up ftmg because of her woman feelings, although not quite anti anymore because it's funny now that you've completely embarrassed yourself. Ain't nothing intellectual about what you're doing, just embarrassing
>huge milestone
>some senile old man thinking she's a man because he can't see past short hair and flat chest
how have i embarrassed myself? you are blowing this way out of proportion, i'm not even mad. you imagine me as some malding crying character while i'm laying in my king sized bed. you want to have your ego stroked so bad it's funny. you're a useless piece of dogshit
To be fair, you asked the wks a direct question while simultaneously insulting them ( >>36354781 ). If you want to reduce the amount of personal attacks you get, don’t strike first, simple as that.
There is not one example in this entire thread of you employing any degree of intellect to defend your stance. It is purely opinion-based, which you’ve even acknowledged. Let’s move on from this together, anon.
where is that insult in my post? help me locate it. the only "insults" i dished out were "simp" which are empirically proven by skimming the replies i got for 1 second (i.e. defending a woman who will never acknowledge your existence with her life) and superflously calling people retarded which don't really amount to anything. people then proceeded to insult my physical appearance (i.e. calling me obese, then an anamaxxer) baselessly. this is the textbook definition of an ad hominem. but you are right i am tired of this so i'll stop. i've come to the realization that i've been wasting my time
Anon I also can't stand the tripfaggotry shitting up the general but you just spent 30 minutes shitting it up too. You should be ashamed of yourself
This could've been a nice Touhou thread
>go to a rave festival
>use kt tape to bind (b cup)
>final night have man repeatedly trying to get into our tent to "talk to me"
>talks with his frienda about how he could me in multiple holes
>talks with his friends about how "we wouldnt even have to use the pooper"
>overhear MY "FRIENDS" join in, or at least ignore it.
>ask them about it later
>they tell me that none of it happened
what is the truth
>i'm not even mad
>shits up the whole gen sperging out over a selfie
You're being embarrassing on purpose now, aren't you? Anyway I'm kinda bored of this convo tbdesu
i shitted up one thread out of however many g has in the past months. i don't consider this a very great offense. i most likely won't even make a post in the next thread while g will continue business as usual
i'm not mad. as in i have not experienced anger at any point while participating in this thread. the same way people will say "lol" over messages while having a straight face in real life, this isn't a hard concept to grasp. no one is stopping you from talking about whatever useless shit you want to talk about, you know? just ignore me like you advise everyone to ignore g. if you ignored me i wouldn't have had the chance to shit up this thread.
>use kt tape to bind (b cup)
Why is this relevant
It's not thanks to G. Say thank you G
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Ngl average day on 4chan
Good shit fellas
How come people find this bitch remotely cute is beyond me
She got that grippy pussy bro
She looks like what I'd imagine an angel to look like. That's why
I just got done running around NYC for two days and haven’t showered, feeling quite weathered atm
his initial interest was based on my "Ds". then he started to talk about correctively raping me. is this what everyone was thinking?
What does it smell like?
People are desperate for white women's pussies
Like a guys locker room im ngl
My bf keeps sniffing me
How do you look? Passing, tomboy, butch, fem?
I get gendered male 95% of the time irl (bind with a binder), but apparently i just look like a lesbian to many?
It pretty much is the best pussy
Nah, latinas are superior in every way.
still an ugly ass cat. and I like cats
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Incorrect. You’re wrong.
Were drugs and shit involved? I’d just cut my losses if they were. Probably try to stay away from or cut back on anything that brought you to that point in the future, you need to be responsible for keeping yourself safe at the end of the day.
i was rather high and sleep deprived and may have misheard/hallucinated large parts of the convo. it was being yelled at me from outside range of sight.
the little critter looks better. It's just that the adult has eyes too big for that skull. Kind of reminds me of lemurs.
latinas are the only race i'm usually not attracted to whatsoever
that said hot latinas are hotter than most
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The Latina you asked for my Leigh
i bet you get a lot of pussy meat-mountain
i know you're being sarcastic but it's insane how many ftms and mtfs are into feederism
Because she looks like a prepubescent boy and all gays are pedophiles
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should I dick pooners down on some gangster shit if I'm a twink
it would probably hurt a lot of them a lot since their vaginal walls tend to shrink down. They also tend to bleed durign sex. :)

You'd have to be quite gentle to not hurt them
I want to fuck them in the ASS
I bet her cartoon braps sound like something like that.... who agrees?
Ooops forgot the illustration . Now who agrees??
Based, just remember to generously lbue up :3
when do I get my ftm bf then
Yes, gay ftms love twinks
when one's into you duh. Generally FTMs don't like being referred to as twinks though
>don't like being referred to as twinks
Speaking from personal experience it's like 50/50. Some like it and for some it makes them dysphoric.
Begone chaser nigger
that shit is disgusting, do yourself a favour and lose weight
The ones i met (myself included) never cared. I didnt' know it could be dysphoria inducing
I've defo experienced both, but tbf some really to look like a particular archetype and it insults them if you say they don't looke like that particular archetype.

See bears for instance lol
its the only way i can get off unfortunately. as attractive as other people can be i can't get off to them
oh i get that. Ive kinda noticed that too. They get defensive when you dont see them as their transition goals i guess
I’m the same way with Asian women, but I don’t even think they’re hot.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with gloves stop being an asshole
Tbf anything can be dysphoria inducing
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G was this you in my cs2 match
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I’m so lonely bros…
> July 1
> still have flag
Have we done it? Does /tttt/ finally get to have flags?
Detrans, manlets will never have sex, date or even have friends in current year
I have dates, sex and friends but I'm still lonely
You have none of these things since you are a manlet with no penis
Tragically bad pooner names? I'll start
Ethan isn’t that bad to me. Where I live, there are several cisms in my age named Ethan, so I’ve never found myself able to judge that one.
Kai is this absolute worst to me, can’t think of any I find more “tragic” than Kai.
I made your thread:

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