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What is the likelihood I get a cute st4t tranny gf by hitting on them during tf2 matches?
Depends on how loose your standards for cute are. Not that I've played tf2 in the past like 2 years. It'd probably work on me, so I'm sure it'd work on someone else
nothing but unusual hat hons
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just keep trying and you'll find her eventually
Alright, tell me how you'd hit on them. We need to know what material you're working with if you want an accurate answer
Please leave her alone. Chances are that you don't think she is female and can't be a victim of FGM.
90% of MTF girls on TF2 are transbians
I'm a very voice oriented guy, and their feminine sultry voices always get to me.
Uhh I'd have regular banter with her and a some point mention she is really cute and I want to add her and maybe grab a coffee with her
What's that
female genital mutilation
oh my god you again. POST VIAL
You are a trans woman but you identify as a male so I see no reason to talk to you.
i don't identify as male
It was clear from your past posts that you did. You kept harassing me (the only person who was saying that trans women are female) and kept agreeing with all sort of terf posters who doubted your womanhood. Actions matter more than words.
Ah. So what are we talking here? A qt trans girl with injured front parts? Or srs?
I love srussy if its that. And if her front is damaged, I would never played with it anyway and instead wish to focus on her cute girlbutt.
>A qt trans girl with injured front parts
This, mutilation of the genitals of a trans woman before SRS, it is very common in america and certain cultures (jewish, muslim)
SRS is fine if consensual
fgm means something very specific. using that to talk about circumcision is just not right, though its still a bad thing. none of the guys in that thread said we were men by the way.
So circumcision? Does this effect her drive/make her phimosis worse somehow? I'm still not interested in touching it but if it affects her in a negative way, I'd like to be informed. I am American so it seems common.
>none of the guys in that thread said we were men by the way.
They said that we were males and that we can't be females. I have that thread open, you can't gaslight me.
>fgm means something very specific. using that to talk about circumcision is just not right
I explained before how it also applies to trans women. (automatically botches any further vaginoplasty, mutilation on the genitals of a female)
>make her phimosis worse somehow
Worse? Why do you assume that she would have phimosis?
>but if it affects her in a negative way
Vaginoplasty for trans females who had their genitals mutilated leads to worse outcomes. In addition it is a very traumatic experience.
that's not what they said. they said that we are women with male genitals, just as they are men with female genitals. its not about which gender the genitals are on its about which sex they are from.
>that's not what they said they said that we are women with male genitals
This is LITERALLY what they said multiple times and I showed you specific quotes where they said that. Is your memory so shitty or are you trying to gaslight me?
>its not about which gender the genitals are on its about which sex they are from.
So, you do admit that you consider trans women to be male instead of females? Given that female and male refers to sex while woman and man refer to gender.
poisoning the well post your estrogen timestamped if you're a real tranny
Was under the impression that this is common and painful. My bad if I am incorrect in this impression.
>leads to worse outcomes
Interesting, I can try and read up on this. Also worse how? I do not have much money at the moment, but once I do and if I have a trans gf I would love to fund her srussy (if she wants one)
Please don't harass and annoy women in online video games. They are there to just play games and get enough harassment as is without you needing to contribute to it.
>Trans women are women that are male
-- G, >>36309357
>trans women are male women they are women but they aren't female women
>how phenotypically female you look (ie: you only look like a woman, you aren't an actual female)
>an organism is female if it produces egg cells. if you don't produce egg cells, you aren't female. you can still be a woman because being a woman isn't bound to biology, but you can't be female, by definition
>How is it transphobic to say trans women are not biologically female?
>Lmao (to trans females being female)
>look like a woman (ie: you aren't one)
>It's not transphobic to accept reality. I'm also a trans man and biologically female
>1. You are not a female.
>You can identify as a woman, but biologically you have a penis and the penis is the male half of the equation in human sexual reproduction. It does not mean you are a man, but you ARE a male
>Once you get SRS you will not have a female reproductive organ, you will have a male reproductive organ that is reproduced into being a facsimile of a vagina. You will never, ever, be a female.
>>36311061 (this person you personally cheered on)
>Please explain how someone can possibly be a female without being born one (also saying that female = cis woman)

These people consider you a male, yet you were endlessly defending them.

The well is already poisoned due to the amount of transphobia that ftms in this board spread, with you supporting them.
Source for the last one: >>36311174
My nigga I just want to know how to score and care for a cute gamer girl gf. Can you go shit up some other thread with your tripfag drama? Please and thank you.
I want a NEET shut in troon gf to cuddle with!
Do you consider your cute gamer girl gf female? Do you recognize that she could potentially be a victim of FGM?
>Was under the impression that this is common and painful. My bad if I am incorrect in this impression.
It happens sometimes but genital mutilation is never the answer. It also usually fixes itself by the time the subject enters their teens.
It messes with sensitivity and creates scar tissue. You need a lot of tissue for vaginoplasty.
Same except she doesn't have to be a NEET. Though I wouldn't mind being the breadwinner.
Yeah that's what hrt is for
I never really considered it but I can keep it on my radar.
> It also usually fixes itself by the time the subject enters their teens.
Interesting, wasn't aware.
What if the procedure was done in her adolescence/teens? I know some cultures do that.
This lmao. I flirted with a tranny in a match and her transbian partner got so jealous so she made her party requeue.
>Yeah that's what hrt is for
You are probably the single non-transmisogynistic trans man in this board anon. I hope you can find your cute st4t gf. Unironically hitting on them during tf2 matches might work. Chances are they will be attention starves otherwise they wouldn't play this game.
if you are of pure heart every path you take shall lead you to love if your heart desires
no you do not
giwtwm so bad im going insane
Online relationships don’t count
Catching an insecure self-loathing hikki mtf gf is the holy grail, it's like catching a fairy in a bottle. I have you and own you haha you are my property now shut up and do my laundry or I won't buy the korean food you like so much stupid bitch
it's extremely easy you just have to get lucky and find ones that aren't larping narcissists
I don't know about other tgirls, butI know I'm mortified of the idea of using voice chat ever, so I wish you luck
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Well the nice thing about ping is that we're all relatively in the same timezone. So its feasible for me to plan trips to her in person before shipping her to mines and making her my puppygirl property.
this doesnt happen
I think its unrealistic, people are already flaky as is and having to take an entire trip makes it worse. Idk man go on Grindr and you get an entire selection of carbon copy autistic puppygirls near you
Just expand your strategy, increase the chances
Oh god, want
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*backcaps your second point on dustbowl*

most of them are nerdy transbians, so... very low
that's pretty sad anon. i wish people treated their partners with respect
>go on Grindr and you get an entire selection of carbon copy autistic puppygirls near you
no you do not. kill yourself majoroid.
someone explain this puppy girl meme to me
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Idk, being treated softly is nice and being roughed up can be good sometimes, and then toss petplay stuff on top of it, I guess. Not really my thing, but I'd probably fold and get domesticated for the good parts of it
where do you prey for people like this
asking for a friend or something
Here, /r9k/ maybe. For literal hikkis, online's the only option
It enrages me that this pic shows her shirt with the wrong xyab placement when she is playing a switch, which has the correct xyab placement. If both the shirt and the console were wrong that'd be one thing.
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tf2 is cringe but cs2 hmu
where do I find people like you?...
Anon, this thread's been getting bumped for the past like 20 hours. Please get the hint and hit on some of the poor, lonely girps you've got lined up. One of them even posted voice fpr you
Lmao I am pretty dense. Thanks for calling me out anon
mge me op
Me in the back
(I look nothing like her)
lmao sure. I've never heard/done this before so if you could link some server ips that'd be sweet. Sounds dope
why do poonbros love futadom forcefem shit, nigga just be a lesbian and get pegged or something you dont need to make yourself go bald
>What is the likelihood I get a cute st4t tranny gf by hitting on them during tf2 matches?
What is tf2
most don't but there's a very vocal contingent of FTMs who get really horny about detrans shit and it's really fucking bizarre.
I want to be the one groping her, not the other way around dumbass.
thats not st4t then idiot
also that character is a guy
psyop successful im gonna try tf2 solely bc i want a st4t ftm bf desperately
Same, haven't played in a long time, but I'll get back on if it means bf
>OP accidentally starting a wave of tgirls heading to the tf2 servers to find ftm bfs
I'd take an AI boyfriend as long as he doesn't frame 1 headshot me as soon as we meet in person
he'll do that while spinning rapidly in place
I'll just have to constantly build teleporters to keep him from hitting me. I will make this relationship work

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