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I love being cis.

Won free tickets to 2 artists I have never heard of in my life
gaygen couldnt be more dead
that's because trannies like you are polluting it and driving everyone away
nobody wants your ugly body
GO AWAY tranny
i'm gonna put a q-tip in my belly button and twirl it around, it's the only way
I'm slightly retarded because i remembered Ke$ha and the guy who I genuinely have never heard of, Ne-Yo
ok bye
I need austin wolf to rape my tight young hole
Sorry but either he's not interested or you're not old enough to post on here
Rape me austin rape me rape me
He did thousands of porn scenes with legal adults and even married one. It's not like he's exclusively into kids.
they say austin wolf had jeb's feet saved on his hard drive
why do I like being this way only when I'm horny
baka had a row with the bf tonight. My food got cold. These are the consequences of being a dickhead brothers
How do I ask some of my lovers to start going raw? Ever since I've been on PrEP I never mention condoms to the top. Yet they use them anyway....
Oh… How old are you anon? (No Austin Wolf)
it is ok to be gay
only if it's somebody else :p
what does that even mean?
Only if you top.
"i'm not gay, my bf is" matching shirts, plz
I'm so over binary roles.
idk I'm high
i dont do drugs, drink, or smoke
:( you okay bucks?
i vape a lot of weed. i take shots of tequila and cognac on the weekends
i'm a bottom, and very submissive when around (in the general vicinity of) men i happen to find attractiv.
*flips table over*
dont u just "k" me!! grrr
today is cooking and yoga
my fridge is heaving full
let's learn the splits. together.
I can barely do a half split with blocks now :(
when I was a kid I did tae kwon do and I could suck my own dick and tuck my head in my crotch for butterfly pose and recline backwards all the way down with my thighs stacked over my feet
be my bf sis
theres just nothing 2 talk about atm the current set of personalities are not
ideal bottom
what is to be done with the nigrified races
Same. I've drank alcohol twice in my life. Both around 6 years ago.
What would you do if you come home and your delicate, submissive, and pretty bottom bf is sandwiched between two BBCs? Both holes completely occupied by massive black phalluses.
we don't react strongly to race bait here newfag
I can’t decide if I want a bf or not
are there more tops than bottoms here?
>thinking tops are ever the majority
take a wild guess sis
my bf is a (service) top (actually a bottom) and i don't judge him for it.
finished yin yoga
you really should be shaming him for that, babe
no one likes a pretender
'people', who call other people that they have no relation to, 'babe', aren't ever taken seriously. i remember the last person that used this as part of their vocabulary and no one wanted to work with him.
cool anecdote, babe
didn’t ask tho
Caffeine is a drug
Caffeinated cum
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get out my gun, problem solved
thoughts on xanthippe?
I speak for everyone when I say not good ones
has been hiding off trip since she got btfo and dragged
Xanthippe feetsies...
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Xanthippe? You mean
>f for femboy
>conservative bottom
>anon troll
>various other alts
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Post willy
You forgot Blu and Dan
is he...you know...of the DSM?
If tops weren't pedos and didn't insist I look as young and smooth as possible I wouldn't be taking hrt
you mean autism?
straight guys seem the same way
they fear a female with body hair
Austin Wolf is proof that everyone that uses telegram is a pedo
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i'm not good with the flavors, i just have a hunch
i got on it once and it sent a message to people from school and that was how they found out i was gay but it was ok because i was out already and i moved
pretty sure it's happening on discord and other messaging apps too
All men are pedophiles (bottoms are not men they are women)
just feel its natural to desire a young person to grow old and age with
a straight man naturally desires a younger woman who will be around to care for him when he's old
if he dates a woman his age the woman could easily die before him
it's just common sense really
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One day you're gonna stop teasing us, stud muffin
people should be allowed to consume what they want but I don't partake
though I find smoking gross tbqh, do not like the smell at all
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It's election day in France! I'm voting for the far-right party.
washing my pillowcases, sheets, comforter, and yoga mat
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*mogs you*
yoga anon post hole please
it's ok but could be better quite easily
I’m like a fit Twink and I kinda want to be more muscular but I can’t gain weight. But also idk if I should keep my current body
Put y'all seatbelts on
Pssh, yellow
at least tell me if it's hairy
Who is he?
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Let's see your current body. We have no idea what you look like
Mine? Yes
I know that dude
How do bears cope with this lol
nice. you should share
Padam padam
ingrown hairs are commoner when you shave, i expect they don't have that problem as often as the twinks do
that was the song of pride last year. this year the music isn't as good
Hey you guys <3 may you all have a wonderful and blessed Sunday :-) xoxo
<3 <3 <3 sending you all love and peacefulness <3 <3 <3
hey what happened to my wallet? it was here seven minutes ago
Xan please, it’s too early for the forced pleasantries
Its even better when you don't feel compelled to use GAY AF woke language. In fact it's easier.
Haha, that’s a good one anon :-) made me laugh.. I know I’m not perfect and I have made mistakes.. what’s important is that I’m growing and learning from my mistakes.. no one’s perfect :-)
It’s never too early to spread kindness and make the world a better place.
definitely of the DSM. let me just click this filter button real quick
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femsisters... we have gangrene...
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You nyom your crisps, no, not for hunger's sake
There's no real reason to be nyomish
Be yourself, give your free will a chance
You've got to want to succeed

Owner of a nyomish heart
Owner of a nyomish heart
(So much better than a) owner of a empty heart
Owner of a nyomish heart
Blame myself for dating a crypto-troon despite knowing well that trannies and trannies in denial are the biggest fans of black dicks on the whole planet
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>they do this
>"OMG anon!!! So cool!!!
>I do this
>ugh.... boring.
Double standards.
have you tried antidepressants or therapy?
I hooked up with my ex again
And by "hooked up" i mean "sent pictures of my dick and ass and fucked myself on camera"
I dont regret it
Ill probably do it again
Do you drink, smoke or do drugs sis?
>And by "hooked up" i mean "sent pictures of my dick and ass and fucked myself on camera"
words have no meaning in this reality
show us too
Yes it's. Not helping much.
I stopped smoking weed like 1 or 2 years ago by now. I avoid alcohol. Otherwise I don't do any hard drugs, other than caffeine and medical shit. Apparently I'm 'boring' for this.
you also need to leave this place
you can't rape the willing. jesus. how many times i gotta tell you. takes all the fun out of it
like those willing 12 year olds right austin?
post hole
you won't improve if you remain in this environment
how does a grown man get raped? I could see if it was a hetero getting blown out by a homo, but other than that it’s just a penis
the dude doesn’t even have to worry about getting preggo
like the 17 year old that had a firm grip on the doc
i do all that but i’m not addicted x3
its the small things in life you gots to appreciate anony :s
why do you act like drinking and smoking don't fall under do drugs?
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I'm bavarian and suicidal irl
Because unlike drugs they're classy
I have a smol penis and breast tissue
stop taking estrogen
I've never seen a good bavarian poster on any imageboard I've ever been to
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no I stopped for a few months and it made me even more miserable. I will stop when I finally rope

I agree, I hate bavaria, I wish I could live in Berlin or anywhere else
I have trouble focusing and struggle with self-deprecation, should I medicate?
I'd suck your dick
RIP beenie
it's hilarious the way you people manage to fuck up your lives
Stop taking estrogen. You are not trans. There is, in fact, no such thing.
it was over before it began

i agree I'm a cis male on estrogen
that's insane but also imagine risking your life for shitty music.
north koreans can never have nice things
>I wish I could live in Berlin
Troonery is far from the worst mental illness you have
>I'm a cis male on estrogen
why? that seems counterproductive
did you cut your dick off yet? they lose their minds once you cut your dick off. they all get so salty.
I met a gay man from Berlin and he always had sex but couldn't find a boyfriend. But at least he lived in berlin

i'm ugly anyways

no, I will try to cut of my balls with a razor blade
If I was a dictator like the Kims I'd order executing men who listen to female singers. This alone would instantly fix gay community.
Then continuing to take estrogen seems to be a horrifically nightmarishly terrible idea. But I can see that you will not be convinced in this thread.

I hope you find a way to address your psychological issues. I mean this very seriously: there is always hope as long as you still yet breathe. I am 100% sure I am right about this. If you disagree, then you are wrong and you need to adjust your perspective. Good luck, anon.
and you're making yourself uglier
it's been a few years it's too late
but thanks
pretty much
Why did you start taking it in the first place?
ok well congratulations on achieving your goal
what? you don't like madonna? ... not even cher?
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i read this book
You are objectively wrong about this. There have been men who spent decades behind bars and still found a way to build worthwhile lives for themselves. If you still believe that “it’s over”, then you are lying to yourself. Perhaps you use it as an excuse not to try. But I can say with absolute certainty and without a shred of doubt that there is still hope for you and for all of the blackpilled doomers on this miserable website.
and what have you achieved in life
cut my dick off and got away with it
i dunno m8 but thanks
>There have been men who spent decades behind bars and still found a way to build worthwhile lives for themselves.
this, just look at xanxan
got away with what? it's not a crime
then stop acting like it
who is? i'm pro dick cutting off-ry
I'm pro Delta putting his deek in my mouthussy
I’m not sure what this has to do with anything. You want me to list my achievements? I have a university degree. I have an ok job and a home I can afford. I have a few good close friends and good relationship with my family. I’m making great progress in my fitness. And I have a few hobbies that are well worth my time. My life is going alright. I certainly would not benefit in any way by giving in to some terrible existential despair. There is hope - even for those who feel hopeless. I’ve seen it.
Good luck, anon. I hope your life gets to a good place.
i hope you succeed anon, you both need it
wow trannies are posting in our thread let's provoke them
surely that'll keep them out
Always been an odd correlation

He's in witness protection?
It’s funny because your flag is indicative that you belong to the group you are seeking to drive out. That’s what humour is, when you really think about it. Humour is unexpected incongruity.
listen dd, these old school mobster types, they don't known how to handle a gay in the family. usually we just tell people that mikey's a bit creative. an artistic type, ya dig?
ordered some GHB
might be fun
when they're like
>well why'd ya cut the dick off?
if ya want outta the family ya gotta give up the right to your first born
You don’t cut your dick off. Your dick cuts you off. #facts
No, stop listening to roastie singers and start listening to guys, especially the attractive ones, that's the way things are meant to be
it's like committing seppuku. you go before mr papa georgio. they got like this whole thing set-up. ceremonial. even a special knife that they stole from a rabbi that practiced circumsision.
GHB was more like feels slightly good, then you pass out cold and wake up shivering in an hour
so like ricky martin?
I'm pretty sure u got scammed sis that's onions sauce
>tripfaggot is a retarded newfag
You love to see it folx
onions desu senpai
im not new
post hole to prove
Thx babe x
So, in debt, not homeless and parents...

I am not trying to run you down. I am just saying its a lot easier to have such a positive perspective when the wind is at your back. Some have been trampled so badly that there is no mathematical plausibility for hope. They are in ghettos, debt, family gone and their hobby budget is limited to being awake. Circumstances of birth are a real thing. Some people are casualties of this social order and millions are homeless at all stages of life. Many see death as the only escape to look forward to. Some are legitimately physically crippled for life. And one misfortune often leads to another and its forever.

Hope is great when you can imagine it. But if you have to compare your situation to war refugees and starving villagers to feel lucky, life is probably not going to improve. We are told to take responsibility and look at our decisions with the information we got from others. Then we pound ourselves with self doubt and convince ourselves that its our fault somehow. We weren't competent or moral enough, we must've done something to deserve it.

And then after years of this you look at the news and realize there really is an organized effort by people to exploit, degrade and crush you because they can. Its government and economics designed to keep people down.

And then you realize you've been beating yourself up for years when the math shows you never had a chance. And we here in the developed world are told we are the lucky ones.
>not new
>doesn't know filters by heart
baka desu senpai
No matter where you are in the world, always know that I'll be waiting to eat that ass when you get home
i have a pink bath robe
as long as you know it's hairy and i won't shave
Oh honey I wouldn't have it any other way
prove it
wish there were more dudes like you on grindr
They're trying to turn him into a girl?

Grievous Harm Bodily

takes one to know one
the filters are the worst part of this place. ill happily do 5 captchas in a row for each post if they removed these filters. who made this shit up
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Damn right
you are actively retarded
The filters are hilarious
Wish there was more desu
confirmed furry
Saturn retrograde and chill
unless you've been posting since 2008 you're a newfag
I know that everything you say is true.
But I’m a very practical person by nature. So, my perspective is to say something like this:

I acknowledge the terrible suffering and tragic unfairness of the world. I acknowledge that there are structures and systems both seen and unseen that make my life difficult. But now what? Given this knowledge, what is my path forward? How might I strive toward my best possible life given the circumstances of my existence?

As I see it, there is nothing useful to be found in despair nor nihilism nor anti-natalism. They are a path to certain failure - certain doom. Instead, I propose reasonable hope. “Reasonable” because, as I have said, some have indeed risen from brutal circumstances to build a worthwhile life. Yes, “some” and not “all.” But maybe I can be one of the “some.” As I see it, it’s surely worth the attempt. The “maybe” of reasonable hope is surely better than the certain doom of despair.

I obviously can’t offer any sort of silver bullet to conquer all of the tragedy in the lives of others. But it seems to me that it is clearly better to gesture toward the possibility of a better tomorrow rather than abandoning all hope.
they turn normal posts into enigmas. not slay
onions desu baka senpai

He's a teddy bear
Don't drag him into your weird fetishes
but like for their protection, ya know? cause they got dirt on big fat pauly.
how many times have you fucked it

Just because you have a fleshlight built in to one of your soft toys doesn't mean we all do
you're just jealous that bears are the most popular
they have a tendency of teaching you how to love yourself and appreciate your own body
come out the woods all spiritual awoken
>they have a tendency of teaching you how to love yourself and appreciate your own body
Or that we own any come to think of it
Does a yoshi amibo count?
delta confirmed for plastic fucker
have you never gone to bear week?
Sticking Spyro Skylanders up my ass
obesity can be associated with cognitive decline
no, bear culture is basically incel tier
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trip on delta
You don't sound like ESL. That means you got all your papers like SSN and suchlike. Go get a job. No reason for you to be homeless.
I am at a Home Depot parking lot. Some of these day laborer Latinos probably don't even an ID, yet none of them look homeless. Yes, there likely 25 of them packed in a room, but they are doing the needful.
>gay yoga at 8:25
Did you ever sound yourself with the DS stylus? I did.
>see the mario kart chart on /v/ some time ago
>it says yoshi mains end up being gay
>dig into the /v/ archives
>lots of people through the years saying yoshi mains they know grew up to be gay or gaynons saying they like yoshi
Is that true /gaygen/? Is a funny green dino a gay magnet?
Bicth pls


I switch between wario and luigi
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And you are not wrong. I just mean that for millions, that possibility of reasonable hope can be quickly calculated and has hard math and logic. And its a hard zero and they have to accept it. Thats their future. The possibility is zero.

Its that pity you feel when you see old homeless people playing the lottery. They look at the future and only avenue of escape from poverty before becoming a corpse is nothing but luck. Its the only prayer they have left. They reason the ridiculous odds of winning are still better than life itself. And they usually aren't wrong.

Take care & good luck to us all.
also there aren't bears not that gay categories mean anything to begin with, people who identify with that stuff and make it a personality need mental help
How does it feel? All my erogenic areas are concentrated in and around my dick. I have an especially sensitive spot just under my balls. I'd probably explode if I reached it by way of sounding.
Take care and good luck to you as well.
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true og's
live for the hench
die by the hench
none of you have what it takes to be a man
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I don't think many here identify as men. I have never heard men call each other "sis".
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Look at this and tell me he's not gay as fuck
You must look really dirty kek
bro, all he does is take mario for a ride.
I remember having a crush on the koopa from the second paper mario game when I was 7 or so
It never fucking began for me.
its weird they didn't try to take away gay marriage yet
you wanted to fuck the turtle or get fucked by the turtle?
Most people support it nowadays
Because no one takes it seriously sis
Would you date someone with facial hair tattoo? https://x.com/HowThingsWork_/status/1807116714523390345?t=3McgQWI6o1Dl-P6Bx_Q5Iw&s=19
I didn't know what sex was, but iirc I wanted to be a big spoon
He is cute, but don't tell me this shit is permanent
lmao it looks so bad
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I mained Yoshi too. Besides maining Peach.
What does a beard transplant look like?
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yeah just look at those fuck me eyes
>maining Peach
Actual troonery
would gaygen benefit from an open world setting?
Me too bro being a cis man is the best
Immmmm soooooo tiredddddd oh my godddddd
yes, some need to touch grass
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This is why I just dont believe sex charges any more.
who cares
Yeah we need PvP zones.
>being into women
He deserved it
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i mained yoshi and luigi. i just like green.
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>i just like green.
nice excuse fag
and peen
uncut like the lord intended
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no excuses just observations

green is gayest color desu
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i turn 29 next week...
>pink enters the chat
Nobody actually cares about pink, it's an insincere LARP to make yourself look more faggy because of its association with femininity
But green? Now that's a color that screams "gay man" through and thorough
Happy birthday
i wish it was that simple in real life
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Omg same sis! We have the same birthday. I'm turning 29 too.
How does it feel that you will soon be 30?
You're a silly little guy aren't cha.
Feels good sis. My dad is retiring so I get to make decisions for the family unit now. He's giving up the reins of the family to me.
So you will be the new patriarch. But you’re also fem? How is that gonna work out?
I can be masc when I need to make decisions concerning the family. I'm only more fem online lol.
the way the FBI and police and these "pedo hunters" often do "stings" to lure men in is very controversial
many times they fuck up in text conversations and end up having no evidence
there really should be laws against the way they try to lure men on dating apps
I've been watching white male/asian porn since I broke up with my ex, who was asian.

It's really fucked up and I know I'm subconsciously pretending I'm fucking him. Shame me for being disgusting please
I've also jerked off to old videos of me fucking him when I was 19

also this only all happened because I constantly ghosted him
Kill me
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I'm also from texas so hmu for a birthday party texanon. /s
post hole
Good to hear. Good luck :-)
Omg omg yes this has to happen. If it does, I’m coming to Texas :-)
>I can be masc
Hello everyone I'm definitely not a trans woman, haha. Definitely a cis gay man, ha.
Do you think I'm ugly
texanon is fake and was never from texas
>city's pride this weekend
>working everyday
i just wanted to be hit on by multiple men UGH
happy birthday king

i think if you stopped whining you'd ascend. ugly isn't the word that comes to mind
we all think you're ugly and all secretly wish you'd stop posting
It's just an online fem personality I swear! :p

I'm so glad he found love with an Asian, he is the cutest twink of our time.
Ascend to what?
I didn't ask you peon
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your only descending to hell bitch
365 would've been a 10/10 song if she didn't include the ending breakdown and had another verse or just repeated the verse. like i'm all for AG's production but they tried to pull a Track 10 or a Claws and it just doesn't fit great. i usually just skip once it hits the breakdown
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>black guys our high T
>black guys dont get fat
>blacks easily put on muscle
this would be an easy gender transition success if they troon out
I don't think they enough drive or ambition to make a gender transition successful.

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