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marvelous terrific fantastic girls edition
last episode >>36347136
suh need
QOTT: Do you have any LGBT family?
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tranny anime
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my cousin is a lesbian.
holy kek
I don't even know what actually happened last night
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Last night for the first time in years I was so full on anxiety I completely shut down. Called my girlfriend and bailed out of my plans. I don't know what happened. Was I really *that* anxious to be in the same room as my ex? The same ex who literally said it was okay for me to go? The same ex who likely doesn't hate me like I always thought?

I was almost there. I spent two hours to get to the show and I turned back home. All this progress, building myself up and when I finally got the chance to see someone formerly close to me I blew it. That might have been my last chance to see her. To get some closure. To feel like I moved on.

I'm so fucking destroyed. I haven't felt this bad since last year when she kicked me out of her life.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. It's gotta get better. It has to get better. Moments like these will eventually lead to the good times. I can't give up over one bad night. I can't. I have to keep going.
i've had that happen once w shrooms, just blacking out

it's okay, don't beat yourself up about it
it was a big thing, sometimes we can't force ourselves to do what we want. it happened and now it's over, do what you can to take care of yourself if u can
maybe try talking with your gf, tho it might be awkward since it's about an ex. maybe some other friends you have could lend an ear?
You ever had a white castle burger after going on a crazy adventure just trying to get to whitewashed?
Crazy,,,, crazy
Thanks for the kind words.
>maybe try talking with your gf, tho it might be awkward since it's about an ex.
My gf knows why this ex is really important to me. It's not a romantic thing. Although my gf doesn't really know how to help in this situation aside from just listening to me. I can literally go on about this for hours so I don't wanna put her through the endless loop of me feeling bad.
>maybe some other friends you have could lend an ear?
Unfortunately, I don't really have the type of friends who I can hit up for emotional support. I'm the type to pretend they're too strong to have bad days so no one knows how badly I struggle every day.
no im vegetarian
i have blacked out whilst drinking a lot though, relative to how much i've drank in my life. made tons of terrible decisions and had terrible experiences i don't remember too, from throwing laundry detergent on my bed and spraying my roommates shaving cream on the walls to flashing my roommates by taking off my pants and underwear, to writhing in agony and having my vomit covered clothes cut off by ems or apparently spitting at them when they tried inserting a catheter bc i'd been restrained by that point and couldn't kick them away (which at least makes sense due to pp touch issue, but it still sucks)
alcohol and i don't mix, so no my crazy adventures tend to be the kind that make me sick with cringe and regret
that's good of your gf to be able to be there, at least a little bit
>i'm the type to pretend they're too strong to have bad days so no one knows how badly I struggle every day.
a lot of transwomen are like that due to male socialization already leaning that way, I'm sure your friends won't think less of you if you do show some vulnerability, and they may not be able to handle it so it makes sense to not dump it on them. I guess the best advice i can give is just take it easy and wait for the initial waves of hurt and confusion to come and go for a day or two before trying to go back to normal. If you have to, you can tell people you're sick and it won't really be too far from the truth anyway
Lol you sound like fun
2 hours until im home...
where did you go
i woke up like 15 minutes before I had to leave and it's a 30 minute walk
and walking home is gonna suck cus it's rly hot outside now kms
>cus it's rly hot outside now kms
ugh relatable
i wanna take this molly so bad who want to get fucked up off this with me
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I think I got lost in daydreams desu
according to my cousin I stopped speaking and sat somewaht still for a few hours
better than a freakout tho
meee pick me
i wanna be a pick me girl because i know arin is reading this thread and hi arin. dan is dead weight. he has been totally pussified by the threat of demonitization. he thinks hes just protecting the channel, but hes babying it to death.
i feel bad for arin.
fame has stopped any chance at transition for them.
he could just start wearing girl shit and all he would hear is compliments from dan.
its like that here and getting ready to storm like crazy. prob gonna lose power lol
lol loser
uggghhhhh why did i think it would be a good idea to smoke 6 joints
i ate too much last night :///
I'm such a fat fucking pig
it would be unhinged to show up at a guy's place of work to give him a letter if you haven't spoken with him in years right

that sounds fun tbqh
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thoughts on dating prison trannies
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just an anamoder
it's like they want me to feel like shit
and I'm saying that out of concern for you not the guy
head that gut feeling
so desperate for human connection that i reconcile texted someone 8 years my senior. he prob won’t text me back. stab me with an ice pick desu
why does youtube show me adds for diapers?
never give up
>head that gut feeling
? heed?
i probably won't do it 99% probability but ugh i do miss him quite a lot

lol ur not that desperate until ur fucking dudes 30+ years older than u
Just text me instead
yeah sorry I struggle with homonyms
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i can't tell what tanner stage im in because of my dumb pigeon chest and don't know if i should keep taking prog, been almost a year since i got on hrt but im doubting if taking prog rn is a good idea
also reconnected with an old online friend that i met through destiny and i saw his fast for the first time and now im imagining myself as his wife. why do i do this to myself
peege if anyone can understand the desire i have for a man to hold me, it’s you. i don’t care if he’s 26 or 75, in a video game or real life..
Why does YouTube show me ads in Español?
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another day without a cure for my dysphoria, wow, yay, hooray, i love living, thank you god so much lmao
cuddles from a dude is the most addicting drug on earth. dope, booze withdrawls aint shit compaired 2 touchstarve.

Yes. It's the kind of hopeless romantic move i would do. Guess which thing i recommend you do.
you should learn to be happy alone niggas
besides the gender dysphoria shit, sissy garry is doing ok, you try to solve an internal problem using external factors and that is why you are big stinky losers lmao, idiots

Become a girl alone nigga~
i am already a girl nomi lmao
i am just stuck in this body, it is what it is, thanks god, you are the best..
no worries

ugh ugh ugh yeah
my dad gives me awkward side hugs and that's the closest i've gotten to a man touching me since i stopped seeing the guy who tied me up
would like to have a guy touch me fr
also heed and head aren't homonyms or homophones unless you're scottish
>dope, booze withdrawls
won't be much of a withdrawl if he doesn't text me back :)
cept ur not doing ok. or maybe i just have a better memory than you
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>tfw no bf to snuggle with
>t ur not doing ok.
oh yea, i am def not ok but it has nothing to do with being alone, it is just that i am cursed with dysphoria
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:// aaaa i want man hugs toooooo
stupid crap like this lives in my head
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Those Who Sleep With Men
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one day... we'll all get husbands and be in love and have infinite intimacy with a guy who loves us...
should i buy cigs or not?
>thinks that cis men or cis people in general want troons
lololol delululu lmao
buy CBD/Hemp cigarettes so you can look cool without inhaling tobacco
how much are they in gypland
the ones that are a bit more expensive than average is 6$ like Dunhill
the cheapest are like 3.66$ Swift Blue from lidl
they were significantly cheaper in the past, especially from illegal sources, in the past you could get cheap shitty cigs for like 1.30$ if you knew the right people that bring them from the east..
i guess a pack is like a meal in terms of price here, which is not that bad if you smoke it in a few days..
this is an impulsive purchase, i am not a smoker..
anyway, people in europe seem to like smoking, is very common here, in like america is a lot more taboo from what i heard
dont choose to get into cigarettes you idiot
i need some addiction, i did food for a while and now i am chubby, i will never turn to alcohol even though it is cheaper and more effective than cigs or to drugs, so idk what else i could do.. i feel like i am going to die in a few months anyway so i dunno..
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if im already addickted to what the cig did can i hvae one to calm down
Hey, it's very good you're not going with alcohol at least. Although, cigarette addiction gets really crippling really fast both financially and healthwise.

I don't know what's hurting you, but getting into a substance of any kind is only going to hurt you more. One day whatever you're feeling will be gone and then you're stuck with a nicotine addiction.

I dunno, if you dont have one now it'll be easier to not have one later and then after a week or two you're no longer in the habit

Wait. The big guy is his brother?
it is just gender dysphoria and no if you get rid of the pain that made you have that addiction in the first place, you basically should get rid of the addiction also, i will just go and paint my nails..
Just buy zyn
How would you feel if someone
Spoke to you like hey dude or like wassup man
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>no longer in the habit
if u, the self-improvement blogposter, can find a suitable replacement for me chainsmoking & reading this gen after every shift, i'll do it
You can start by switching to a less dangerous alternative, for sure. I was surprised how much CBD cigarettes helped me quit nicotine the first time. Not to sound like a CBD bro, but still.

It's not really a "replacement" as much as it is actively avoiding damaging habits that don't do much other than taking away the nicotine withdrawals and spending that money on something fun, like a night out or a fancy meal.
you could also try getting really into tea autism, or model kit making
For me it was coffee. I was a huge coffee snob in the past ("ohohoho, you put MILK in your COFFEE?!" type beat).

I'm glad I snapped out of it, I looked like a complete tool and my breath smelled like sin.
tbdesu CBD cigarettes r not a bad idea, no judgement. i feel like half of the reason i still smoke is the sensation/fixation. when i drink i have to chew gum or i'll smoke a whole pack. is a vape cheating?
model kits sound fun, if only i had disposable income over $20 at any given moment..
>tbdesu CBD cigarettes r not a bad idea, no judgement.
If you decide to give 'em a try, Redwood Reserves is probably the best brand and comes in menthol crush style as well
>i feel like half of the reason i still smoke is the sensation/fixation. when i drink i have to chew gum or i'll smoke a whole pack.
Yeah it took me a while to get used to not getting the feeling too.
>is a vape cheating?
I mean... They're not cigarettes. The nicotine addiction associated with them is arguably worse in terms of dependency. I can't recommend it at least.
>I can't recommend it at least
>Redwood Reserves
will look into. smth's gotta give, nic is 2 expensive
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wish that stuff was legal or even available where i live. we only get alcohol (expensive) and cigarettes (cheap) or illegal drugs (various criminal groups who all hate fags).

cigarettes it is.
I mean, I won't pretend that CBD cigs are any cheaper. They're the same price per pack as the popular brands.

Although, since they're no-nicotine, you'll likely smoke less and less as time goes on so each pack will last you longer than cigarettes. You might burn through them quickly at first (I did) because you're still fiending but I promise you after 5-7 days staying away from nicotine is easy-peasy.
there's non-CBD herbal cigarettes available as well
the store closes in 30 mins, i should have gone for cigs, oh, :'(
ya that's what i figured dw! just agree distracting the fixation would prob lead to me weaning off/not having the excuse of extra to lend. cuz ur right, drunk ppl dont want a CBD cig, they want unfiltered straight to the lungs
please god help me, please god i beg you please god, please god, please god, please god, i will be thankful for the rest of my days, please have mercy on my sould, please god, ahhhhh, please, i am begging you god..
Would feel weird but thats also just how some stoners here talk. Might have me confused with someone else.
>drunk ppl dont want a CBD cig
I dunno, I take a pack of CBD cigs to raves sometimes and when drunk people ask for a cig and I say something like "Sure, but it's non-nicotine. CBD." they usually get excited and it brings a cute little spark of energy to the interaction. Although they usually end up bumming a real cigarette from someone else right after lol
i've tried those before and it was like smoking leaf litter, super unpleasant taste and thick smoke. maybe i just had bad ones but i'd honestly rather smoke cigarettes at least i get an actual rush out of them rather than just carbon monoxide headspins.

the goal is to fuck with the psyche somehow because the default state of being is unbearable.
I was going to sarcastically say "start gambling instead so you can at least make some money with that rush"

although jokes aside, you do you. I can only suggest
mayb im just extrapolating from my experiences, negative aura, or resting bitch face lol. just feel like its so easy here to bum a cig rather than have a convo with the c*nt with a Posh
Well, today is the last day of my freedom. Feels weird
stop being so fucking dramatic about it boohoo u have to work to sustain urself just like every other fucking adult who isn't on welfare or mooching off their parents. man up and deal with it u insufferable whiny faggot
6 usd for dunhill, that's a bargain. they're $20 a pack in American cities, and you can only find dunhill in large cities in the US
Chill. No one WANTS to work. We do it to survive.
i thankfully get nothing out of gambling. and desu idk what the point of inhaling smoke is if it's not for psychoactive substances seems kinda counterproductive to poison yourself for no good reason. with nice herbs you can make tea.
QOTT: my older (1.5 years) brother is trans. He came out when he was like 13 and i then came out 7 years later. My dad told me we shouldve just got a brain transplant :<
no one here wants to read your complaints. you're an annoying cunt and any suffering you experience in your life is deserved, hope this helps.
Try these instead
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how about these?
mewmew for the dubs
hi emo ily
Why do I deserve to suffer?
<3 señora gracie
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>Message my ex just to catch up
>"I'm busy through the 4th"
Fuck... I really wish I went to the rave last night.

Gotta keep going. No matter how bad things get I can't give up, even if it means I'll never see her again.
hows everyones sunday? I'm eating potstickers for lunch
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any fellow bpdemons trannys know effective ways to curb obsession and abandonment issues? I feel like im going to kill relations with my current fp
Is that like a tootsie roll??
do you live in the northwest?
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Yes, proud pacific Northesterner
baséd. I went to cap hill Pridefest yesterday.
Love the rolling hills in the background.
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I'm from Vancouver but I'm in the BC Interior (Okanagan) rn
gorgeous view v envious
why did you break up
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marry or adopt me for citizenship
So, who passes better? Kendra or Spenita? Is this show offensive?

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lol. Life is good here, just extremely expensive
What a lonely night.
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update - he ignored me. expected ending. gn mtfg
why are you lonely anon?
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is it possible to see if someone is in a call with someone else on dickord? Asking for a friend
no why the fuck would that be possible that would be a terrible feature
No one's here anymore
Starting to feel like there never was anyone there in the first place
Coming into terms with reality like that is complicated..
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got something to hide, why would it matter unless you want to avoid someone?
if you decide to push people away is loneliness not the expected result?
it would just be a bad idea
dont be someone people need to slink away from
It wouldnt for me, im trying to find out if im being avoided and if they are hanging out with someone I dislike
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She broke up with me for various reasons but the tipping point was how much of a mess I was and in December 2022 she broke up with me and one year ago this month she cut me out of her life completely before messaging me out of the blue and instantly making me want to reconnect with her (non-romantically). I feel so worthless right now, she can't even take like 15 minutes to say hi. Obviously I can't force someone to be my friend but FUCK I wish it was anyone but her.
What's unexpected is how it feels
You never know what you have until you lose it etc etc
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I did nothing wrong. I am just worried this new person is taking up more time with them. I was friends first we are besties and suddenly I feel threatened by this random dude. He acts like they have known eachother for years and its been like a month! I am sitting here stressed out of my mind wondering if they are in a call. I used to be the one she would go to now im so scared. She reassures me over and over its not like how my mind is making it but I am losing my mind
what do you feel that you've lost? and do you feel that it is irretrievable?
i want to go home,
and then edge
bpdemon quads
please seek help
no edging allowed
i wonder what happened to chijo
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please unironically seek professional help. i understand the feelings but that attitude and especially the fact you feel entitled to other peoples time will probably ensure you end up alone. people don't like being required to hang out with you. also why not just make friends with the new person???
it's hard to imagine you being a mess from here
People to interact with to forget my loneliness is what I lost. And it should stay that way until I learn to overcome such feelings in a better way
she still posts occasionally, still smokes meth i think, still homeless i believe, unclear how often she takes her etc etc
but still alive yeah
you will always end up boring people
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I've changed a lot. I was a complete, absolute mess not too long ago. Hell, at this point it *is* a long time ago. My blogposts probably get glanced over a lot, but I really have changed over the past two years. Not for anyone else, but myself. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to push everyone away. I was tired of ruining my own life and disregarding everything I damaged along the way. My main flaw is that I tend to think I can "fix" things that are pointless to fix, or would be a hollow version of what it once was.

I really fucked up a lot in life. I just wanted to show her I was different. Romantically I moved on, but my bond with her is still there even if she severed hers long ago. I thought her telling me it was okay to go to her show (note: this wasn't an invite. She literally said "it's cool if you go") and I got overexcited and assumed it was my chance to rekindle friendship with her.

I don't know why she messaged me. I almost wish she didn't tell me. In my anxiety I squandered the chance to say "Hello" to her and to potentially meet people outside of my very, very tight circles.
I love how im the bad guy in these situations like man im sorry I dont want to be left behind. I cant control these urges. Imagine you are chilling and then someone you love says something nice to someone else and you feel like you world was shattered and someone stabbed your chest. It sounds like bullshit and I try to fight it but. Like listen I got meds ive seen therapists in the past, I should just an hero well I will if I fuck this up again

im not entitled, I am just worried they will leave. If I do nothing, let them foster a friendship and allow them to leave me then whats the point. I sound selfish but I just dont want them to leave

maybe if you turned your friend requests back on you would be less lonely
Some things simply cannot be..
self destructive how?
truly she is my sister.
i think rather than shunning the idea of friendship itself to avoid getting hurt, it would be much healthier to be more aware of your feelings and the patterns of thoughts that leads you to get hurt. its not really feasible to go through life without people to talk to you and be there for you etc
like i absolutely do not mean to diminish your feelings on any way at all but I feel like attempting to close yourself off to everyone was on some level an impulsive self destructive decision. perhaps just conduct ur relations with others with a new sense of boundaries and awareness i think at least making an attempt at that is better than pushing away any attempts to get close to you
at the end of the day it's your life your choice and such
i dont understand how this wasnt carelessness on the majors part.
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Those are details I won't share even here. I didn't hurt anyone, physically. My own self-destructive habits just broke everyone around me and I didn't realize what was going on until everyone was gone and the only people who talked to me were shady club-goers who are nothing but distant memories now. I have people I'm friendly with. I used to call them friends. Then I realized they only knew a different version of me. Is the new me the same girl they knew? Would they even like the new me? Would the new me even like them? Is it worth finding out? It hurts finding out. It hurt last night finding out my ex likely still wants nothing to do with me despite reaching out. I don't know why she did it. I just wanna have a short voice call with her. I've completely given up on seeing her in person. She probably thinks I still want her back romantically, which makes sense. I was a co-dependent mess back then. Just one of my many flaws that I worked so, so hard to manage. Despite all this, it seems like people from my past don't care. Or perhaps my dedication to people is stronger than most (and that's not a good thing).
any trans girls looking for a really obsessive, crazy, jealous yandere boyfriend?
no none of them want us
Yeah.. I'm just tired of getting hurt and of social interactions
I don't really know what I'm doing anymore
If only the ideal could be met already..
you can't really wait for ideal person to come along and save you tbdesu you have to put in work to meet your ideal person.
social interactions can be tiring for me as well but i've also learned that they can be rewarding. it's nice to have some sort of emotional support system, even if it's just online and such.
as for getting hurt, i think setting boundaries with yourself and being aware of your thoughts patterns and such is the key to minimizing your exposure to emotional pain. not to pry too much but do you see a therapist?
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friend i havent seen since before my transition joke flirts with me like he used to with the girls at our school.
im not interested in him
heartbreaking: i don’t have the house to myself tonight :(
i was gonna take my grooby nudes
No.. I stopped going recently, I have massive trauma with opening up to anyone and it increased tenfold because of recent events
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i am now a proud member of the ccp
that certainly complicated things, it's something you'll have to learn to work through in order to truly get better. i understand the fear of opening up that is also one of the main reasons i don't see a therapist, but closing yourself off comes at a toll. you're a young woman with a good head on her shoulders and i believe you can have the kind of life you want but if you fint learn to open up to others securely that will serve as an impediment
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my girlfriend used a resident evil analogy to cheer me up.

I promised myself I wouldn't get too attached to anyone ever again, but this girl is starting to apply adhesive to my heart.
dont want to work tomorrow but just have to get through two more work days then i have a long time off
>boymoder took my order and brought out my food at culvers
small world, i wonder how many trans people are even in my town
how do u no it was a boymoder
do guys still dap u up or do u pass?
guys awkwardly try to give me hugs and i have to make them settle with a fist bump
I'm so fucking guilty of dapping up I wont even lie
also marina if you're still here id like to apologize for flirting with you/getting close to you while you were in such a vulnerable state, i really should have thought more deeply about my actions and i regret the approach i took towards interacting with you. i was self serving and did not really have your best interests at mind even though i thought i did at the time i was really just letting myself beljeve that so that I had a justification to get involved and I'm sorry if I made things worse for you
if you ever want to talk just send me a friend request, but also you are not compelled to interact with me if you dont want to.
Jesus it is so hot.

I went to Sam's Club for about an hour, and even with my Sun Shield, my car is burning. Guess that's what I get for having a black car.
>have one sexual encounter with a trans girl
>immediately infatuated

I kneel
i could tell she was on hrt and her nametag had a boy name
she said she made sure to bring out my order because she's trans and could tell im trans and wanted to say hi
on the one hand, i got clocked
on the other, its not like anyone else i knew was there
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Some days I turn into a complete narcissist and take like a billion selfies of myself. Not sure why I find myself so attractive some times and other times absolutely hideous
lmao get owned
That's really cute
I freeze up whenever people try to do something other than hug or handshake like please don't introduce more social things I have to learn
aw thats cute lol
respek. i even go as far as to throw in one of those lil chest pound peace sign finger kiss bless up moves usually.
trannies are best at clocking others
they don't count.
Thats like saying Kobe or Lebron knows what a basketball is.
Its not fair
are u capable of making a single fucking post that isn't just complaining or whining about something or another
i hope u can learn the big comfy
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i need to stop tweaking but it just keeps happening.
surely tomorrow is normal and i can function? cud???

i don't have male friends irl so idk.
Also can you fucking freak use the AGP flag, please don't pretend you are HSTS, nobody believes that
sorry sweaty this is what a real hussytussy looks like
thought she was being ironic desu
i saw one of my old coworkers that i hadnt seen in over a year recently and i immediately bro'd out with him
actually killing myself
I get that uneasy feeling when I go in for the dap but my guy friends were expecting a girly high five, died immediately after.
wud u want male irl frens?
a very familiar and "ah shit here we go again" type of feel.
ur getting crossed up now?! hahaaa congrats.
odds return of the jedi evens always sunny
its really funny the original comic was garfield

whats wrong with return of the jedi
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yes :)
trans cousin
One lesbian cousin is all I have as far as I know. I'm the only tranny.
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shutup, you
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wud b nice to have more friens yeh. i don't really do anything tho so not much to be friends over atm.
try some volunteer work maybs? prolly nice dudes 2 b frens with do that
my sibling is also bi
I know we had another trans person in the family but they got hatecrimed
if i ever get over my fear of being seen by other people that sounds like a cool thing to do.
>they got hatecrimed
to death... or?
No. Not even a distant relative. I'm unique :)
I dunno
was just told they got hurt pretty bad
my family seems to have distanced from them if they're not dead
Once again, why do you have my pre trans pic saved? That's just weird.
i did the head nod thing this one time and cringed at myself. that was the last time..
i always smile and nod at everybody its just nice to do that bro nod is made up by cia
head nod up is masc bro
head nod down or sortof diaganal down with a smile can be fem or neutral.
no i did the head nod thing where you raise your head up, like sup and not down, like i see you
>head nod up is masc bro
yea i still cringe about it to this day
nod up is bro you know
nod down is guy you don't know
smile is fem
yee this
write letters and do not send them because they sound psychotic
i saw that message and disapproved
why are all the elden ring messages immature sex jokes or calling animals "dog"
it's never funny it's just reddit as fuck
im convinced this shit is the forerunner to all the super hero movies crossing over retard shit
Im not trans I just like taking hrt, but I identify as a man and want to forever present as a man and like being a man. Its actually so easy to hide. Mtf hrt is such a meme. Post puberty cannot pass as female and such. I just hope my parents dont ever find my hrt or clothes.
is real good
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idk what this means, does it count if i wave at someone or smile

ugh literally me

dating transmen is about as far away from hsts as you can get i think

idk i've never played those games because i didn't have consoles growing up and still now only have a switch i use once in a blue moon
speaking of which are there any good games on switch that aren't overpriced
I pass as male and I try not to make eye contact but I just get smiles mostly
like gang handshakes? or r u out here bowing to ppl
like this
pre trans? how can it be pre trans if you never even changed?
okay whoever you are anon we have to find eachother fast to confirm whether or not you and i are clones. we're totally brain linked i gotta know about you
i'm you, but cooler
crazy. so cool. i'm on my way now
i do NOT understand social rituals

that just looks like an awkward handshake

what if you nod up and smile and wave
>what if you nod up and smile and wave
then you're really happy to see your bro
i need 2 learn presidential dap fuck lol
cant resist the gock

I was a coward. I let my fear prevent me from getting closure.

Lesson learned. Never again. I will never be afraid again.
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i was specifically thinking about seeing my ex bff, normally i'd just smile and wave
maybe this is what it looks like? is this "dapping someone up"?
>I will never be afraid again.
based realistic goal setter
your head nod is the normal male greeting, dork.
dapping someone up is just having a not-lame handshake
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Guys Anya just sent me this image can we please cancel her for being a rapehon superpredator
sobbing and shitting
>not lame handshake
they do not look like firm handshakes

thought it was pring 4 a moment
haha yeah im down
j-just give me her snap and uh mmmnn
Autism is a white people disorder now? God what is this advanced racism?
anon i feel like u want her snap for haram reasons...
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why are you naked lol
theres nothing wrong with it really but its slightly demoralizing when i think I've discovered a song naturally, when in reality it turns out to have been recommended to me because it was in an episode of jojos bizarre adventure or something

but yeah nice attitude though
recently every time ive done something stupid or sort of ballsy its worked out well
Yeah I can't stand rapehon skinwalkers it's so gross I can't believe she really did that.
A little flirting is ok anya don't beat yourself up
finished Inside Out 2. was on the bad side of movies. very uninspired
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>dating transmen is about as far away from hsts as you can get i think
r u laguna or r u someone else commenting on the situation
>why are you naked lol
was waiting for the bathtub to fill

idk what the thing on the right is but that's either a lesbian couple or a straight couple
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>unsure if voice makes me dysphoric
>start coming out
>start HRT
>6 months later
>voice makes me wanna kms

is this normal?
the first time I heard my recorded voice as an adult I wanted to cry
heya barbie
hi ken
u wanna go for a ride
sure ken!
I only ever figured it out after realizing that I don't talk much BECAUSE I hated my voice. I always thought that it was just cause i'm autistic
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why does laser take so long? i just finished my fifth session and i know i'll still have shadow after this, the sight of it turns me inside out every single day. when is it going to end?
how does laser work for you
do you shave then go?
or do they have you kinda go without for a day or two then come in
you have to be clean shaven
sup fags
only if you're hot
i also heard if you have red hair it doesn't really work.
only reason i havent tried.
I want a bf whom I can cook for and give all my love to and do anything he asks, I want to devote my entire life to him.
it doesn't. just get electro
I want a gf who just calls me cute names and treats me well. We are not the same >:(
what stage is it when you start making important life decisions based on potential mtfg clout?
i hate that i was cursed with a beautiful hair color
i used to hate it but now it's one of my defining features so i just kinda embrace it. i really can't imagine life as not a ginger. i feel very lucky in that regard
ermmm literally just get vfs... quite simpol
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red beard hair is the worst, I need lots of electrolysis
pets you
this but unironically lol
ermmm i wasnt being ironic.. ..
btw u got femlar, and what other vfs thingy?
feminization laryngoplasty with thyrohyoid elevation
based... its my dream to get that surgery.
r-right after ffs of course... surely (clueless, poor)
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I also want to get vfs to kill my guy voice
kek pudge funny
aint even got an adam apple lol luckshits
how r u tn
Damn I haven't shaved in nearly 2 months, god I love laser. Relieved my dysphoria so well

This better not be fucking sheen i stg. You don't have a man voice and you better not ruin that beautiful voice with surgery. Istg.
i havent shaved in years lil bro
all i get is endless electrolysis and cope
Certain posters here are failing at not being cutie pies.
actually I suddenly remember why I left. rapehon central even moreso than it already was somehow

I will record when I get home, some people lose their guy voices after training but I never did
literally mfw i see my reaction

have fun at work tomorrow wagie
Actually wait i got a better one.




If this is sheen you are full of shit. I have totally heard your voice. You've done let's plays and i watched them and your voice is perfectly beautiful.
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comfy comfy! watching a movie with navy
sry am gigahonbeastmaxxed
stupid sideways
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You should thank her for her service, she wages so you can neet.
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tell navy i said hi
omg navy said hi back
omg omg omg
These days i worry whether an explosion i hear is fireworks or a distant gun shot.
woah say hi 2 navy for me
v honourable
>have fun at work tomorrow wagie
Get in the cagie...
Thanks tho Paige. i'm really not excited, but I do actually need the money, I have July's rent paid due to some friends but they said they can't pay August.
erm... why not live with parents and save money
>jacket size is women's XS
>tfw realizing I'm a luckshit
rockstar energy drink yummy caffeine yay time to rewatch one of the same two stereotypical tranny animes I've seen a million times
Are you a dwarf?
5' 2"
stay mad though
total manlet death
I'm a woman, not sure what you're trying to say
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you're not a transwoman? why post itt
sneed more ugly gaymale
if that's how u feel about urself that's cool but don't project onto the rest of us
is this lasagna? being that short is a sign of bad genetics, like how midgets rarely live into their 30s
>hmm maybe i should go to the shops
>check clock
>they close in 3 minutes
im bored can someone start some drama or something
I need to kill myself
why not let me do it for you
Sounds good to me.
ok come over
wish tops weren't allergic to hosting
Give me some time..
>total manlet death
just gave a menlet dome n now he shleepin and shleep is the cousin of death so in a way ig yeh think cud. think cud indeed.
ugh FINE. u have 20 minutes .
Very very impatient.
it's never been my strong suit...
trans sister

You're such a girl. I mean, a bitch. A sniping bitch.

You jelly fucking bitch.
tf im even babbling abt lol stfu am cookd gn
that post wasn't even from laguna im surprised paige can't differentiate anons
god i am horny
ur 20 minutes is almost up btw
that's haram
their wife and two kids might take issue with dad bringing some betitted twink home to fuck
@everyone post more im bored
oh ok i guess everyone just freaking hates me..........
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Like, what should I post? Here's my cat I guess.
this is a good post there actually two cats in this image which means it's twice as good as i expected it to be thank you friend
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>If this is sheen you are full of shit. I have totally heard your voice. You've done let's plays and i watched them and your voice is perfectly beautiful.
thank you Nomi, but I'm not talking about my girl voice, I'm talking about the guy voice that I cannot get rid of. it gives me dysphoria
I worry I may have BPD. Had this happen in Strive. Waited till he came back online, and messaged him calling him a quote
>Ragequitting little crybaby bitch. Kill yourself
And my friend who is studying Psychology has sadi I show signs of BPD.
ur not bpd ur just retarded and insufferable and you want an excuse for it.


I think vfs is a mistake. I don't think vfs gives a female quality to a voice. But it is a billion percent up to you. I'm worried.
it will be after srs and brow surgery, a long time from now
based and factual
I don't want BPD. one of my roommates in Austin had it, and he threw plates at me at one time, it was terrifying.
i still do it every once in a while and i cringe so fucking hard oml
What is the headnod? This is probably a retarded question but I genuinely don't know what it is.
My relatives are worried I'm getting depressed again. Maybe I am but they're asking why. It's because of tranny shit but I know they wouldn't be happy to find that out. Any suggestions for what I tell them to get the point across without them knowing I'm a fucking tranny?
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Cats are important
Why would my kitty want strong hugs? It's the cutest shit ever but i am now sorta worried because how can a kitty like hugs? I've got my left arm locked around him and his face is buried in my neck and he's purring like a buzzsaw.
He keeps like, permanently headbutting me if i hold in just the right position. It's the cutest shit ever.
this is a good cat thank you for posting
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>assuming ragequit because of You have been disconnected from the network
no more glue kiddo
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she is a very good cat, yes
cats are the best huggers
need hug
He literally stopped moving, I know for a fact it was a ragequit.
I fell asleep.
how did u sleep tn?
Well enough..
do u have driving lessons today or is ur instructor still dying
Can't sleep. I have to be up for work in about 8.5 hours, but here I am still.
hug* from fellow troonie
it b ok
Yes I have them today and tomorrow I have the test
odds rewatch madoka
evens rewatch lain
good luck im sure ur going 2 do great
God I love Madoka. Lain's alright but find it kinda slow
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You should try this game it's nice
oh wtf this looks based ill check it out I've been wanting to play a vn ty 4 the recommendation,,
The other games from that Dev are similar and all free also. Kinda weird
Also found this one, again all games by this Dev are similar aswell but it looks kinda agp scrumblopilled. I'll still play it later I think
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how do i walk across to the other side of town without being seen by other people and ask a question without being heard?
tfw my dumb ass is making life into one of those sphinx puzzles or something.
>agp scrumblopilled
what in gods names does this mean
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It means agp after I added a weird word at the end.
also woah this is on android definitely going 2 check this out
agp is good ackshually
Have an orange
Beware the girlcock and suicides.
I've none.
What i like best about being agp is how much it pisses off trannies and how much cis people don't have a fucking clue about it because it is in fact fictional.
>beware the girlcock and suicides
sounds like a good game already
ray blanchard is a hack and studies show cis women experience "agp" feelings

new thread
u aren't bpd lol

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