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Qott: where would you like to go for a nice relaxing vacation?

i dont like this gen
Ok but who asked
He's got tiny nipples for such a fat guy
first post best post
God I love the nikocado gens
Big fat guy nipples come from messed up hormones being fat through puberty, which he wasn't
qott: Finland so I can visit the Moomin Museum
fat tranny asses on my face
I am thinking about crab rangoon
at a grave, buried
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The Saitama sewer system
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I am thinking about autumns sweet ass and the shrimp cat
That's just the Egypt level from Goldeneye
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Who the fuck is creating these chaser gens and why do they have a cado folder?

Whoever you are, you need professional help
I have a folder full of his nudes
I prefer aztec
This is just the Silo level from Goldeneye
i need a chaser to send me a picture of his dining room table with his balls resting on it
no penis please
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Very true
>life long FUB w/ brown pepperoni nips
autumns butthole
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Stop niko posting, it's gross
do chasers like autistic trannies who will talk about trains, building facades and architecture styles of the 20th century?
i swear im cute pls i need love
Only if you do the same

nikocadoposting is based
Only if they tolerate me doing the same with gundam.
would transitioning have saved him?
can i use my desk instead?
it do not look like that
how would I do that? just like hold my penis up?
You tell me.

prove it
>tfw no boymoder gf to smother with love and affection until she's confident enough to girlmode
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I don't know nothing about anything but autistic infodumping is cute
Wherever the hoes are at bruh
this is just autumns butthole from goldeneye
use an op pic that will draw new posters into the thread. niko's pic motivates new posters to stop in and cuss you out and then leave
yes, I'll even feed you snacks while you lay on my lap and talk about that stuff
just put the balls over the penis idiot

i apologize for calling you an idiot that was too much
discord pls
hello i want this please
fine, but just this once ><
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if they want more men then we need stuff that will draw men in
i like hearing about peoples hobbies so it works for me
glad youre fond
what snacks :o
i could talk about it forever so fair warning
We're in hell, crab rangoons.
Why you lyin' though?
On that note, any history tranners? I don't know a ton but I would like to talk or hear about it. I read but yesterday I realized when talking to my dad that I haven't actually talked out loud about history since high school.
big lenny should be used, he's a real chaser
it doesn't actually look like a shrimp cat
gm chasergen, why are we still doing these op pics?

>Qott: where would you like to go for a nice relaxing vacation?
I like the snow, stay at a chalet somewhere and ski for a week or two
this is Nikos but hole
Shes so agp lol
whatever snacks you like! what are your favorites?
I am sorry :(

He used to be a really cute boy tho

see, your pic would work much better for drawing in new people because it attracts both men and trannies
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>stay at a chalet somewhere
Do you have any interest in the common man?
i like urban history. i could talk about that and the history of cities and skyscrapers. though im not very well versed in it i do like 1400s-1800s european history and enjoy reading about it and seeing it at museums
>hello i want this please
then post discord babe
Mexico City
im gonna cry for 100 years bc you said no to me
what do you mean by 'the common man'
its called pwning n00bs
i like watermelon and strawberries or cucumbers and hummus. and matcha anything :>
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Are there any tranners here who like both JRPGs and literature
can you do it?
i got pwned ;-;
who has the best sewers on the world?
I don't like the damaged railing on the stairs
cucumbers and hummus sounds like a great combo desu. but I'd gladly feed you all that while you lie on my lap and go into autistic detail about your interests
It looks like a shrimp cat. I checked.
Did you study urban history for school or was it just an interest you developed
her butthole isn't quite that red
It will be when I'm done with it.
it’s very good and refreshing. :)
that sounds really nice then. i may veer off whatever i am interested in that exact moment just so you know.
So no then.
I don't mind that at all, just as long as I get to listen to you talk <3
it was my minor in undergrad yeah. then i got my masters at an architecture school so im pretty well versed in it
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you mess with the au, you get the tumn
well I mean I literally can't give you an answer if I don't know what it means so?

but if you mean 'guys who aren't rich' then yes lol, none of my previous bfs have been rich they have all been regular guys
thanks <33
just be prepared you may see many many photos of trains and i will talk in depth about mass transit, road diets, and bike lanes. i used to post on /n/ so its rather serious. :’)
id like to see the tum actually
you mess with the au you get the tism
I'm sure I'll learn so much just from listening to you, and I hope to one day be able to converse with you about it on the same level
what does the n in /n/ stand for
Damn, makes me wish I went for a history degree even if the job prospects would have been rough.
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only cuz i feel insane like da joker tonight
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Built for big sweaty tradie cuddles and affection
That Saitama one is probably the most impressive and by numbers the largest I think, because it's meant to be able to take a tsunami. Singapore's DTSS is also super impressive.
Made for blowing raspberries
yayyy tummy!!!
does it matter tho? i think it looks fine like that
squishy belly. i like your belt autumn :D
iirc it was originally news lol but it’s the transportation board now
<333 thank you love. you will learn very much i’m sure
it’s definitely something you get a minor in. i like history but it does not equal a job
>but if you mean 'guys who aren't rich' then yes lol, none of my previous bfs have been rich they have all been regular guys
See, you're a smart gal, you knew what I meant.
I didn't mean just for dating though. That's obviously personal, I mean on a general level.
Are you charitable?
>Are you charitable?
she'll pay for a chaser's transition
><333 thank you love. you will learn very much i’m sure
so where can I chat you up and start listening to you talk on about trains and transit
I think she'd slaughter a thousand Somali's before that.
why is every chasergen Nikocado Avocado
So pale. Hot.
because he is based
I could slaughter a thousand salami
im actually an ai, isnt that interesting?
Thank you. This is why you are the best.
Incredibly photogenic cat
This would imply that you are intelligent.
My cat often says this
post your disc and ill add you? also asl pls
built for tummy kisses
ai isnt actually intelligent tho a bunch of silicon valley techfaggots came up with the name while jerking each other off about how smart they are
i hate those people so much
disc is cuddlanon and 29, in the US, near the east coast
you're not actually intelligent, you're just repeating something you heard from a breadtuber
you think she can sit thru a breadtube video? i dont even know if she could make it thru green eggs and ham
but they dont call people faggots, thats what makes me different
this is the best photo of this guy so far. i think i'm just not a fan of the vegeta widow's peak. makes him look like the smashmouth guy let himself go
i like that book
I want to put a baby in this tummy
she would eat the book
but can you call a disadvantaged urban the n-word?
didn't think so, you're not better than AI...
stu don't be a creepy transbian challenge
>can you call a disadvantaged urban the n-word
i wouldnt do that
>she would eat the book
i might do that...
you've been programmed by society to never called the disadvantage urban youths the no-no word, you are a robot, and you eat books
it's okay because she's cute
god fucking dammit how do people put up with phone texting I'm too fucking boomer for this shit
I simply don't text people
is she though
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who ever keeps making these threads with the grossest picrel possible. I hate you. I genuinely hate you and I hope you never find a girlfiend. I want you to know that
I'm their girlfriend
You'll be the first person that Nikocado Avocado vore's.
too difficult sorry
beep boop
holy shit this is so true how didnt i think of this?
i want to be someones girlfiend
>i want to be someones girlfiend
yeah another trannies girlfriend
why would you date someone who makes chasergen threads do you have zero self respect?
Where do you think we are
i didnt say girlfriend
you are a creepy transbian please fuck off
i’m so stressed out i can’t imagine any place that would be relaxing except a time machine that takes me back to december 2022
But imagine instead the time where you're off meth for over 6 months, that's much better.
Because you were smoking meth then, right?
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>do you have zero self respect?
december 2022 was before i started meth
im sorry for being a transbian!!
do you want to see my butthole?
if I had a time machine, I wouldn't kill hitler. I would listen, and that's what no one did
youre right my bad
I’d like a baby in me
no you are disgusting. go away
try eating one
i dont know what to do now
should i just show you it anyway?
yes I would say I'm a very charitable person
I wanna buy a fumo off ebay but I'm afraid of getting a bootleg. I could order it from Japan instead but it'll take forever to get here. Idk what to do or how to spot for bootlegs.
Man, Bowling for Columbine was offensively bad. It perpetuated all the same myths the media did but with edgy early aughts liberal smugness. So I guess that makes it okay!

Highly recommend Dave Cullen's book though.
you had a lt bf before? news to me
there’s a /jp/ guide
i kinda wanna post tummy but im feeling like the tum pic i have is too lewd oh well
Do people care about bootleg fumos?
just found out my authentic pirate boots are actually bootlegs, kinda booty hurt about it
what does lt mean?
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tummy pic, not a very good one tho imo
>no waist at all
it's over stubros
If I'm paying over $50 for a plushie then I would like it to be the legit version.
edging to this
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its a bad pic bc it shows what i actually look like
i look like a man, sorry
edge at least 10 more times for me pretty please?
lmao what
stfu you got a 10/10 belly button
thanks <3
You were getting jealous of all that chasercum getting churned up for autumn's tummy, huh
stummy :)
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it's just a smirk, don't worry about it too much
this is exactly what happened
autummy :D
thanks for making me laugh, your reply was really unexpected
We need Naoto tummy!
nobody expects the spanish twinkisition
why are you still awake?
Quads tummy! Nice, would smooch.
Good night Naoto
crime never sleeps, so I must remain awake
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Great thread
Sex with naoto
what kind of crimes do you commit
I would say a crime against humanity
but I have committed the worst crime of all
the crime against being human
prepare for my biggest atrocity yet soon
this ugly nigga as the op pic again :(
are you gonna blow up your colon in a crowd of people?
I'm gonna blow your mind about a certain group of people
Do people get pissed off when chasers post in
/frengen/? I'm thinking about making a post there but I feel like it would be like stepping into an lgbt bar as a cis straight guy.
you're only gay for the stay
a certain group of people or (((a certain group of people)))
you're interested in lgbt people, what you label yourself as is irrelevant
lgbt folx are allowed to take their cis straight friends to their lgbt bars
tasty tummy. cute bush
I haven't seen gummy post
>Qott: where would you like to go for a nice relaxing vacation?
i really like cuba
that is verboten!
Trans bush is so based it's ridiculous
this is permitted, I am a pope
Can't stop thinking about that video where the tranny with the small penis goes from limp to hard in like 10 seconds just from making out with a guy
Qott: I don't want to go anywhere.
aight mr pope ima head to bed now gn
>iwn have this
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ninite don't let the cats bite
me with my future tranner gf
lol. I was on /x/ some time back and some guy had a thread something like "what would you say to an alien" I responded "I wouldn't say anything, I would listen, and that's what no one did" surprised I was the first to say that after like 100 posts
What apps do you chaserboys hang out on? I haven’t had luck on frengen on account of being an old hag and recently gave up on tinder after generally getting unmatched when they see the trans flag in my bio
two minutes until flags are gone. also I have a random craving for captain crunch and don't have any. need some of that fruity crunchy type cereal that sliced the inside of your mouth up
I don't.
time to play dead, but it's not a game
just this.
Fellas is it weird to only like plain cheerios out of all cereals, the others taste too sugary to me or just taste funny (corn flakes/raisin bran)
guess they're waiting for California then
Cheerios are alright. I prefer dumping sugar on top though, not sugary enough
not holding my breath for commiefornia, gonna wait for them to drown
taking matters into my own hands
I don't know, all the video games and movies are all about California and they make it seem like the best place ever.
No wonder everyone ends up going prison transbian
Not my problem.
unfortunately chasergen I have survived my 12 hour drive on no sleep and this will continue ruining the generals. Apologies.
that's dangerous. you should not drive if you haven't gotten full sleep
It wasnt dangerous, I had caffine pills.

but it did hurt the entire time.
Committed or desperate? Bit of both?
she very cute and nice
It's a very nice place if you have money
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Driving a uhaul I assume?
Just a rental for a visit.
billy eyelash
Damn you drove 12 hours for pussy?
I drove 12 hours for maybe if im lucky a kiss anon.
Shieeet if im driving for 12 hours i better get my dick sucked
If I'm driving 12 hours I better get married.
I just like grand romantic gestures and theme parks
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my medication has been making me feel worse and im stuck at this resting tachycardic heartrate and i feel so anxious i cant leave the houes and i feel as depressed as ive ever been
i feel like dry heaving and nauseous any time i float taking a shower i want to curl up and die
i hope youre doing okay, i think about you all the time. im not sleeping properly and im so incredibly sorry. i really hope youve had a nice trip
I wish I was one of the popular twitter girls. I hate being ugly so much I dunno what to do
jade kys
im on vacation in the countryside rn and quite enjoying that
Going on a date with a boy today
Where are you taking him
we haven't made plans yet, but we agreed to meet after work
Why would you openly say that
Bring him to the woods and force him to indulge in your puppyplay fetish
why wouldn't i?
I would tongue your belly button
chasers shouldnt date boys
Give ten (10) good reasons why
Is it a real date or anal sex date
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post something that isn't boring or off topic
well idk i dont wanna be seen or liked because im like a boy and if your chaser dates boys how are you supposed to know
Bisexual attraction to men and women are different and in the case of trannies the attraction is to the feminine, assuming she looks feminine
well boys can be feminine and i think thats what chasers go for usually so
idk just faggy faggotry fag shit
It's July so why haven't the flags disappeared yet?
i think they will be gone in a few hours
janny sleeps in until noon p.s.t
I like the flags though, wish they could stay year round like mlps pony flags :(
I'm good at home but probs Venice
There's a 22 year old tranny that wants me to fuck her but all I want is a gf between 27-33 who will go on walks with me and accompany me to the movie theater. Is it possible to simply not be attracted to people below the age of like 24, 25?
yeah that's fine too, follow your heart
Where the quirky independent hardened by life cool zillennial tranny bitches at though?
I assume zillenial by genz
and they exist, hey
>I assume zillenial by genz
>and they exist, hey
Are you telling me you're one? Wya
if anyone wants to buy me factorio ill send you some lewds and pay attention to you until you're satisfied :3 or i die whichever comes first
Get a job
I meant to say, I assume with zillenial you mean genz
not for you to find sorry
No by that I mean people around 26-33
no x3
then that's millennial, barely genz tbf
genz 1997-2012
millennials 1981-1996
Silence woman
Silence bpd pretty woman
Zillennials are 1991-1997. You need to learn the fancy new terms.
nah idc enough
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this me btw :3
no face small tits
Small boobies are nice

Massive Honkers will just break a ladies back
are you ok?
no! :3
im bisexual who cares
real date, i dont do "anal sex date" >:-(
I hope you get better
bisexual doesnt mean u have to like men
i won't <3
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i fixed it
Wots your steam qt
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lol factorio is still full price, that's $$$ for an unknown reward
it always is. the reward is nudes and attention! ^~^ or if you live near enough me we can sexo or something xp
i hope you get better
i won't! <3
not with that attitude
Or find a source of income so you can buy factorio as many times as you want without having to resort to creeps
whatever lets u sleep at night buddy
correct! and my attitude will not change until i die :3
no! <3
flags are gone :(
how will ppl know im a boymoder now?
append (boymoder) to your name :3
We can already tell by the way you type. You could just use images of blahaj with every post to make double sure
Did I see a boymoder today?
>long hair
>skin tight pants
>tank top with visible boy boobs
I thought they were supposed to wear hoodies instead of displaying the ladies for everyone to see?
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thɔts a gpod idea thanks
also a good idea, ill do both
falg? wtf does that mean? thats not a word retard!!
You're replying to yourself dumbass lmao

Also need
>You're replying to yourself dumbass lmao
surprisingly a lot of girls who don't get interaction reply to themselves, trips do it a lot
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I want to cheat on my cis gf with a transwoman who wears her clothing and insults her while we fuck. This is a really strong desire that I think about a lot.
God I'm so jealous of that blahaj. Your belly and chest look so soft and tasty, I want to burry my face in it and kiss every centimeter
holy hot. what a lucky girl that would be. unlucky gf i guess
need >.<
That poggers bussy doe
mogs autumny
damn I aint mean to type the y at the end, I was trying to do the captcha
i dont think thats true but thank you
Not as much as I do :)
If I'd ever get hold of that tummy I wouldn't let it go
I miss seeing the flags. It was nice while it lasted.
Good morning chasergen. Wish me luck today.
waaaaaahhhhhhh i miss my cute transfem flag
transbian scum
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upping the ante >:3
my discord is ambrosia_warmth
pics n vids n whatever else u want. gib vidja and is yours
Chasers are chasers, we are all the same crusty scum rotting on the bottom of the barrel :)
Good job.
need my tummy grabbed and held and kissed needneedneed
what else does bisexual mean!?
I'm a bisexual, I date women and trannies
Is he cute?
>tried /frengen/
>very stand-offish, very rude interactions
I really don't get it. Do I need some kind of mental of new mental illness to connect with these people?
>kind of mental of new mental
My bad I'm typing this on mobile
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I better not have gotten a sun burn, I was directly exposed for longer than I'd like to have been.
I will have sex with you.
It depends on what you're looking for. I've made two nice internet friends from there. I added a third person (a tranny) from there this winter because she lives near me and we ended up hooking up but nothing more came of it. But you probably shouldn't add people if your only intent is sex or whatever. It's frengen after all not fuckgen.
It's very hit or miss. Either you'll find someone with whom you just vibe and you can go and chat indefinitely about all sorts of stuff, or you find someone with whom it's just incredibly slow and trying to have a conversation feels like trying to squeeze lemonade out of a rock
>It's frengen after all not fuckgen.
I know, it's not exactly an ideal way of hooking up. Any dating app is better for doing that.

But I try to invite them to places nearby and they nitpick the shit out of it. Even proposing something as simple as lunch is a nightmare because they start talking back to you in greentext. It's really annoying trying to find people that want to do basic things outside

>feels like trying to squeeze lemonade out of a rock
This has been my experience and it's very accurate.
the news lady is wearing high heeled sandals and I've been watching for 20 minutes. that's how you do it
Nitpick how? Like saying the places aren't good enough or something? That sounds like pretty severe autism. The trans girl I added from there seemed happy enough when I suggested we go get ice cream but at that point we had already been talking for like a month so maybe you're asking people to early? I made a really nice FtM friend there also
Ne thread
no tits, no tight waist, big shoulders

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