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chasers what was the best date you ever had?
tranners what was the best date you ever had?
tfw no twink bf or cis gf
fat tranny asses on my face
went to a local theme park, rode some small rides (no rollercoasters, too scary for me), won stuffies at the carnival games, greasy fries for lunch. felt very old-timey and... idk, normal, ig.
Doesn't hit the same without the chaser flag
omg its you, how have you been??
hell yeah
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I was doing it long before last month
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Stand back trannees I'm about to bust a move
this is such cute oc ^^
transbians, or as they like to call themselves, 'bisexual', very bizarre
hi sweetie <3
Best date I ever had was with a (cis) girl and it involved watching Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and eating at a nice restaurant. That was 5 years ago.
Best date was probably one of the times after my ex djed at some place and we went to get food and someone dapped him up bc i was with him. It was like both the most validating and objectifying thing I have ever experienced. I think they saw I was taller than him and was like "good shit short king" in their head.
a bizarre species
I agree
please do
as much detail as possible if you could
@jade you care way too much about your physical appearance so thats all anyone else will care about either. I dont think you even know what you want, its not attention from strangers.
Im bi and hate transbians
Yeah she took lookism a few steps too far. I think when she hits 30 she'll be very unhappy because she isn't doing anything with her life and when her looks fade she might not have anything to identify with at all. I hope I'm wrong but she's already like 27 and still a neet.
real chasergen veterans have seen this many more times without the flag than with it
Autumn utterly humiliated and owned with facts and logic last thread
We’re trannies so no menopause, our looks should stay for a long time fortunately. I dont know much about her other than the constant bdd posting but that doesnt surprise me. Hopefully she finds herself, i can tell shes a freak like moi
does this gen have any virgins?
I wonder if she let out a defeated fart
exactly why i dont like posting my worthless "art"
i liked it, who cares what color goths hair was
Im the only real chasergen veteran left here i think
Youre all new here comparatively
Your art is nice and you're based for being against AI art. You simply don't know enough about Goths.
thats fair, im actually relatively quite new.
do anal virgins count? i have fucked, but ive never been the fuck-ee
blame Angus Mcbride
He was a talented guy
please don't, I don't want a disgusting fat fuck's boyremoval smut to be in chasergen
just have to wait an entire year for the flags to come back..
Its a lot better now, but also less funny. I still remember when that one tranny stayed with a chaser and hiked up their internet bill because they were trying to archive the internet or something. Or when that trucker chaser got forcefemmed. Now its mostly just bdd posting and seething at pornstars.
rip tier posting
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Did I just hear a request for boyremoval smut in chasergen?!
you did, start writing
where the tierchads at?
no you fat fuck, I am way past my daily cringe quota today
speak for yourself. good smut is good smut, let's have it.
>Or when that trucker chaser got forcefemmed.
that sounds fucking hilarious
>Now its mostly just bdd posting and seething at pornstars.
seething doesnt bother me much. these poor girls with bdd tho... ive never seen such passable cute tranners get called hons, brings tears to my eyes to see any of them buy into it, quite honestly.
I felt a really weird thing in my right shoulder blade today at the gym. I think my time has come.
stfu transbian hon, ofc you and stu are the only ones down bad like the fat fuck chaser
Im a sexy hsts queen and i say let there be more smut
boyremoval is a myth and you cant prove me wrong
yo dont lump stu in with us hons. rude to us both.
also youre wrong: >>36366682
yeah but its fun to imagine
>rude to us both
what does that mean??
disgusting fat chasers think you have to traumatize someone with rape to help them be more femme and want disgusting sweaty heart attack sex with two pump chump FUB chasers
>chasers what was the best date you ever had?
Was with a tranny, we were meeting up because we wanted to go downtown, but it was raining, so we stayed inside and had sex all day. Was like 4 hours of me making her cum with all tools available, finished up with 45 min of me then fucking her ass.
I want to um...... Oh wow um how do i say this without sounding unhinged

I want to feel you against me you look so soft and i want to grab your hips and kiss you everywhere

Im a verse so i have slot of top and bottom thoughts in my head rn

I guess top wise i want to rail you while kissing your neck and then cuddle and give you back massages and just sort of softly grind against you and then maybe we could just look at eachother and i could play with your hair and caress your face

Bottom wise i uh im not sure if you'd be willing to read what i have to say on that

I kind of feel ashamed of being bottom leaning and subby most of the time because its a turn off to most trans women?

But no you really just cranked up both sides of my sexual desire with how alluring you are.
Yeah that's a cringe from me dawg
>Reddit spacing
Come on anon youre making me look bad
Trip on, Stu. Reddit spacing and typing like an autist won't fool us.
Uughggghjhhhj, fuck my heart is pounding
it means youve presumably worked hard not to be a hon, and hes just rudely ignoring that.
rude to me because if hons are pretty people will devalue our struggles.
jesus christ
Im not stu, im a random Wagie chaser who is living in the midwest

Im fucking miserable and a snake almost bit me while i was running late to work

A fucking biker parade got in my way before that

I sell cigarettes to crack heads and meth heads there's hicks everywhere
I wish Nils was here so we could talk about eating ass or luring twinks into the woods instead of having to read bottom smut stories
>jesus christ
Yeah, she couldn't walk afterwards lol.
But it wasn't like full fucking throughout, like during the 4 hours we did every 30-45 minutes a 10-15 minute cuddle break, and also when fucking I'd go slow or even stop moving for a bit and just bow down to her and kiss and make out with her for a few minutes.

That said, we couldn't have sex the whole day afterwards because her hole was so sore
I feel bad about all the disenfranchised rural folk, i try not to look down on them

I hate when i get classist
You deserve to be pretty so much more than these luckshits. Your dysphoria is my dysphoria, queen.
I guess it makes sense that a bottom chaser would be the kind to be attracted to Stu, lmao
I preferred the tier posting
Im verse, i just need to get fucked most of the time before the more dominant side of me wakes up

But this time i didn't need that as a catalyst
yea fr, thread is half dead now that tier posting is over
>I kind of feel ashamed of being bottom leaning and subby most of the time because its a turn off to most trans women?
yes. transbians wont like it because youre not femme, hussies wont like it because theyre bottoms
but live your truth, speak your mind. this is 4chan, dont take it so seriously.
and anyway, i liked it. definitely came off like a bottom wrote, but that's cute in its own way.
thanks <3 maybe ffs will save me.
god, that sounds amazing
What makes a midwestern man want to get his fat hairy asshole fucked?
you're vers in the same way transbians like stu are 'bi' you bottom bitch
wow thats so nice
i feel like a guy would have to be really really special for me to want to top him
i consider myself a hon tho
oh no :(
Lmao I can't even get hate replies on 4chan I'm that much of a loser.
Chasers ever date anyone with bpd, it's hell, but I'm committed now and can't uncommit.
Dating bpd trannies is a bad idea yes
blud is down bad


The moment i know someone wants nudes from me i will shave my entire fucking body

Because im nonbinary he/they amab im not exactly a mans man im just masc leaning but hate the really masculine shit like poor body matience which i do out of self destructive tendencies

I can't help that im subby, ive always been kind of meek
consider taking estrogen
jk but consider it
jk but-
Oh ok. To each his own I guess.
damn blud lemme see that body of yours, must be crazzy
>god, that sounds amazing
If we ever meet, and you manage to not be a transbian by then, I'll show it to you :)
The idea of bottoming 100% of the time would make me go psychotic

You don't know me, you assume you do

I feel incredibly predatory when im more dominant top leaning so i might be subconsciencely repressing it because i don't want to be seen as rapey
my culture is not your costume
Finna watch a movie
No sorry, its gonna make me dysphoric
>manage to not be a transbian by then
you greatly underestimate the things i will do for validation when horny enough. i mean, not that i can be totally sure, i guess. as i said above, ive never done that before. but i don't have any trouble believing i would.
do you know from experience? could be worth a shot if not...
Ive looked more fem in the past and it made me miserable
this thread needs more tier lists
bottom chaser is the highest on the tier list
I actually saw a fucking tranny in public today. Rare sighting
She was pretty cute too
nope FUB chaser is at the top
saw a chaser out in public today. he was 600 lbs, balding, and smelled horrid
About what specifically then? Detailing how a man moves his hand to your cheek, his fingers brushing down your neck while maintaining his piercing gaze into your eyes, a small tug on the collar of your shirt as he slowly moves it aside, his face coming closer to yours only to move aside at the last moment to plant a kiss on your exposed collarbone? Should I write how his other hand slides over your back, pushing you closer against him, the feeling of his powerful chest moving with every breath putting a crushing pressure against your own, soft suppressed yelps making you lose your breath as his hand moves downward towards your trembling butt, giving you a firm squeeze and pulling him closer against you? Do you want me to write how he pushes you down on the bed, your vulnerable belly exposed as his hungry eyes lock back onto yours, his weight pinning you down, your wrists offering one last attempt at token resistance until he grabs them and holds them above your head, a warm feeling spreading through you when his lips find yours?
i would re roll on life but there’s a 1 in 5 chance of being re-born in india, and i think i can carry on being a retarded daddy issues tranny to avoid those odds
I fine I'll shave my body and shower

Im not doing nudes but hey even if its ironic or possibly coming from another chaser (can't tell because no flags sorry)
Its enough to make me want to feel less disgusting
be the change you want to see in the world
sorry to hear that :/
its much easier to pick one side than try to hover between them. but i wish you luck with that, little bottom.
How do you manage to be this sympathetic? I posted a shitty borderline homophobic remark and you answered nicely... And considering your other posts in these gens... fuck... If I'll ever meet someone like you irl, I'm going to marry them (assuming they want to ofc)
im a true hon, you probably pass better than me
ok thats fair
he could have his choice of any tranny on this board
I'm 800 lbs and fully bald thank you
man you can just straight up tell when someone's fat based on everything they write but
>as his hungry eyes lock back onto yours, his weight pinning you down
you fat fuck
Ive played as male and female characters and i never felt like they represented me

Im probably an enby
I will eagerly await your pictures. Regardless of my intentions with them, I am curious, and I do want to see them
uh yeah that stuff is what i wanted, start writing abt it please
Maybe they're just really big and have alot of muscle weight and maybe they need 4000 calories a day to maintain it

Fun fact neanderthals needed 4000 calories a day
neanderthals needed a lot of calories because they walked a lot, not because they were big, they mostly got the calories eating nuts and berries in between their hunts and treks
lol. lmao.
they spent the last thread making fun of me (some of it was actually very funny ngl) and simping for you. grow a self esteem, stu, youre cute.
oh stop. you were hardly mean. and even if you were it doesn't help me feel any better to lash out. of course i was sympathetic, i love all you bois and "girls". anything less would be ME being rude.
No pictures not here, i look like a cis guy a bit chubby but im thinning down, honestly im probably going to go get on the scale unfortunately i just ate

186 rn probably lower because ive been eating more on my day off i typically don't eat much when working
They were bulky as hell and had slightly bugger brains plus all the fat they had to keep them warm in the icy ass regions of ice age Europe

Its interesting how their rate of development was faster than our probably due to environmental factors
post pictures you chubby butt slut
Yeah dehumanizing me isn't a flattering thing to do

Go goon
i am allergic to self esteem i cant have any
You deserve to have some
shut up bottom, you know you want me to plap you
I'm going to murder one of you tonight.
should i jump off a parking garage? i think this relationship has permanently damaged my ability to love, trust, or experience regular emotions
Might be better to just quit the cocaine and stop being an alcoholic. Just my opinion.
I used to simp for you haha
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Oh geez I hope I don't regret this but

This is how I went to work today. I really wish I had a tranny gf so we could wear each other's clothes

I would even let her fuck me in the ass if she wanted. It feels good to be the girl sometimes

I'm hard all day when I wear these clothes at my construction job, my boss doesn't know but I want him to just bend me over the planning table and fuck me so hard
that wasnt a request. it was a command. i said youre cute, are you calling me a liar?
jen you JUST said you were gonna stick it out. if this person makes you feel this bad, they were never worth your time to begin with. youre a nice girl, and good looking. dont settle for less than youre worth.
i hope i have some someday
nah you already tried doing that right? might as well not try it again if it didnt worm the first time
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Come at me bro
i do love my simps when im in a dom mood. unfortunately for you thats only about half the time. less if im feeling down :P
In my headcanon Kiryu is actually the chaser character
why would you simp for a transbian?
simping is pathetic and wrong anyway, I wasn't one of *those* simps
I'm not beating the allegations am I
Try in mtfg one of those transbians will forcefem you
this would have been me had i repressed, thank god i didnt
>are you calling me a liar
no, sorry
im not a hon ur right!
at least it’s not meth
i really appreciate it :)
but i think i am probably too much of damaged goods to find a relationship any better than what i have
i jumped from a 2nd story balcony running from the police. wasn’t a suicide attempt. i was gonna jump off a parking garage last year but i ended up overdosing earlier in the day
I am going to use one of you as my punching bag
I'm not a tranny, but thanks for your concern

I just really need a big dick tranny to put me in my place sometimes. I can still top, but it feels good to be on the bottom sometimes
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At least it's not meth
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You can come at me too bro
You know youre bpd as fuck right
Just get dbt and rehab youll be happy
Swallow your pride, being pretty doesnt make you a good person. You can be a good person but you have to choose it.
I'm gonna cum at you hard broski so best prepare
>anything less would be ME being rude.
Fuck off, how can you be so lovable, I can't start liking a transbian, you are the enemy
i really don’t think i have bpd. i don’t feel like i relate to the experiences of other people with bpd. i think i have cptsd though which is often confused for bpd
>being pretty doesnt make you a good person
i think that’s debatable
Im not concerned, youre just going to confuse some poor straight transgirl if you stick around and youd both be better off if you just skipped to the part where youre a transbian.
I get the feeling you need a bf who holds you from behind whenever you start having negative thoughts to gently but firmly remind you that you are loved, slightly crushing your ribs in his hug until you give up and relent, accepting his affection along with a small kiss on the back of your neck, followed by gentle but thorough lovemaking to squeeze out the last bits of doubt
I get the feeling most of you need the shit kicked out of you
If your a guy im not interested

Trans woman can hit tho
im no one's enemy!
you arent. youve been through a lot but you arent "damaged". you can be happy some day, even if it doesn't seem like it right now.
and don't you ever forget it
because theyre bottoms. you make them squirm and they'll love you, simple as. the fact i don't want them just excites them more. its pathetic, but in a way that i find adorable and endearing.
i do
I dont know anything about that i just think you need to be sat in a room with people as crazy as you are until you realize what youre doing to yourself
Also thats a really offputting attitude for a 6 to have. Just because youre an 9 by terminally online tranny standards doesnt make it come across as anything other than cunty midshit. Only being mean cuz i think you can handle it and be better. Be better sis
I'm a trans woman, 8 inch girl cock, I must breed your chaser ass, please let me see it honey
You do not deserve my fists
:( why nottt
i think youd be cuter if you were :D
trannies are literally getting hard thinking about this
Yeah i unfortunately don't trust 4chan

I will bever post my gross body on here
yeah see i think the overdose was some of that aura shit you believe in or something telling you it was a bad idea
is that convincing at all? idk
that would fix me
ok i promise i wont!
post it I wanna see the chaser I'm gonna plap
need to get a chaser pregnant so bad bros, my balls ache for this
>im no one's enemy!
apperently not, cause there is no way I can dislike you
I don't know that much about America but I would have guessed the midwest to be top territory whereas something like California or NYC should produce more bottoms
>you greatly underestimate the things i will do for validation when horny enough.
I'm a bit curious, cause I have seen you writing something similarly open yesterday I guess. Are you like bi-curious or how comes you are not outright disgusted by the idea of having sex with a guy like most lesbians are?
Drunk abusive fathers are more common in the midwest and south
gonna plow midwestern anon's cornfield
>midwest to be top territory whereas something like California or NYC should produce more bottoms
Drunk fathers produce tops not bottoms
Speak for yourself lol
My dad isn't an American and he wasn't ever abusive to me even as an alcoholic
Yes perhaps experiences vary
haven't been to this general in months, did snake troon out yet?
Im a mommas boy with really bad mommy issues
Are collagen supplements a scam for injury prevention?
the IDEA doesn't disgust me at all. i actually love flirting with boys on the Internet, its great fun. problem is i just don't find male bodies attractive. whenever im sexting a guy and he sends a dick pic, it puts me off and i have to just ignore it and pretend it didn't happen. idk, in theory i want to be bred, but in practice dont touch me. i realize that's odd and inconsistent, but its all i can say in my own defense.
I want to roundhouse kick Sarah in the face
collagen in pill and cream form will do absolutely nothing for you, they're snake oil
if you wanna stimulate collagen production in your body then make some bone broth or something
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Thanks for the consideration, babycakes. I adore you too. What tier list is everyone talking about? I just got here

Sorry about my stench at the grocery store, babycakes. You pass very well, and I didnt even look at you. I was sweating all day long at work, and my coveralls were pretty foul today. The sanitation crew doesnt do a good job of washing my work uniform
What movie?
Makes sense, I'm in the Midwest and a top
>collagen in pill and cream form will do absolutely nothing for you
Oh shit, I figured. Because I think I've gotten a flare up of an old injury despite taking this supplement with hyaluronic acid, collagen and vitamin C in it for like 3 years straight. So it clearly does nothing for me. I do eat bone broth every now and then but it's not something I can make daily or even weekly because it's a hassle.
>Thanks for the consideration, babycakes. I adore you too. What tier list is everyone talking about? I just got here
I'm the top FUB chaser
not you
Go for it.
Thats very kind of you anon my harvest will be bountiful
Sorry if I bother you, but I find that intriguing, is it just like the genitalia or also like their general body and build? Or to put it differently are there any male features that you find attractive?
Midwest is for repression. So there's more top seeming guy's probably because of the shame of being a bottom. But if you know how repression works out, I doubt there's more actual tops. My experience in the Midwest was a lot of weird old dudes asking to suck dick.
>hyaluronic acid
also a scam, well not a scam but not worth the hype
glycerin based creams remain superior after all these years
vitamin C in cream is ok but not worth breaking your bank for
if you want to encourage collagen production in a part of the skin, your best bet is tretinoin/retinol
collagen production will get stimulated by most animal based products, just eat a healthy diet, protein rich is always a safe bet
I have some very distant relatives in a place called Roseau in the midwestern state of Minnesota do you know this place anon


I don't care about collagen in the skin I just want injury prevention and benefits for my joints and frame and stuff
Theres more than enough room for 1st place, FUB-bro. You can have the under-25 trannies. I'll gladly take the over 25's.
25+ trannies are in high demand these days
Repression warps the mind
While the rust belt engages in depressive a sway of further dilapidation with the passing of time
So how was your workout today /cg/?
You DID work out right?
Not great, see >>36366663

Went out to the gay bar with a trans man I've known for a few years in hopes of hooking up with him, but I ended up making out with a trans girl and giving her a handjob under the table while she was tucked into her miniskirt waistband. I still think about her all the time.
>Sorry if I bother you
you dont
>is it just like the genitalia or also like their general body and build?
its a lot of things. most penises arent anything id want to touch. i also hate body hair and big muscles or huge beer bellies.
i could probably fuck a twink/femboy, but i dont think even then id really want them to fuck me.
>are there any male features that you find attractive?
not so much, so. i like soft, round faces, thin and slender limbs
i like all kinds of girls (except maybe tomboys) but not really any kind of guy, except the kind pretending (somewhat successfully) to be a girl
>I just want injury prevention and benefits for my joints and frame and stuff
ah then yeah I know what you mean
drink lots of milk unironically, dairy products are always god tier for this
just don't waste money on collagen supplements and creams, it's a giant scam
hot and sweaty
I gave your favorite tranny a workout
>just don't waste money on collagen supplements
Bit too late because I have been taking this stuff for 3 years. I already drink a lot of milk. I might just be getting old and that's why this old injury flared up.
It really feels like it does. Every repressor I've encountered is genuinely quite quite odd. Little bit nutty, off-kilter, cuckoo-bananas, ya know?
Shame the Midwest is in fact just getting worse and worse. It's quite beautiful in many places, but the economics just aren't there. Part of why you'd think you'd have a federal government but not sure what needs to happen exactly, it's not like we can just force jobs into those regions.
30+ trannies arent, other than by needy bottom chasers who have mommy/daddy issues. I'll take the 30+ ones, but I just wanna top and dominate them
I too want to top a 30+ tranny.
I too too want to top a 30+ tranny. Domination need not apply though. Just normal loving sex for me please.
>old injury flared up
yeah this is what happens when you get old
during weather changes I notice a lot of my old injuries, places I've hurt by bones in the past, they kinda start to ache and hurt, sometimes muscle pains. During allergy seasons sometimes my scars will get real itchy for some reason. Body gets worse at upkeep the older you get, best thing you can do is try to be as nutrient rich as possible (but do try to avoid multivitamins since they don't really get absorbed)
good quality meats, organ meats, lots of fruits and veggies, bone broth, milk, cheese. Avoid slop, you can't afford to fill yourself with slop once you hit 30
It's summer, all the zoomers are out having fun, the only ones left are us sad millennials, who wasted years of our life working out asses off to now realize that we missed that whole living part and just want someone our age to share our time with

So yeah, I'm also in line in a 26-36 tranny
>Avoid slop, you can't afford to fill yourself with slop once you hit 30
You can't when you're under 30 too. You just don't know how much you're hurting yourself further on.
Slop feeds the soul. Just make it an occasional rare treat.
I mean that's just textbook monosexualism. I guess the idea of being bread is then probably something you've learned/engrained somehow in you.

I mean to me that's all theoretical, cause I'm a bisexual and the concept of finding only one kind of body attractive is completely alien to me.
Interesting. I have not noticed worsening of my old injuries with weather. It's summer here and my flare up came now which is weird.
>good quality meats, organ meats, lots of fruits and veggies, bone broth, milk, cheese
Yeah that's probably good advice. I already eat all that except the bone broth but I feel like I could get away with eating junk food too because of fast metabolism + high TDEE because of height.
Heh. Sourdough or pumpernickel?
Jesus this general is moving fast today
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>we should all fuck over 25 trannies
I'm going to find one that I can go to the cinema with
I'm tryin, but they're elusive. I keep catching foreign ones and have to throw them back in the water.
I don't see a lot of over 35 passwords(autocorrect, leaving it) but there are 2 here that are 35 and super beautiful. I like cis women older, long as they are in shape
I watched porn earlier where a tattooed older tranny got fucked by a twink. The tranny looked a lot like the tripfag VampireAshe or whatever her name is.
it honestly might be her. some of these girls do or did sex work online
It wasn't her because this porn actress had no facial tattoos
Not fucking them, I just want to find someone, buy a flat or a house with them and settle down, maybe start a family, who knows
>but there are 2 here that are 35 and super beautiful
What! Who?
the thing i like about men is their attitude. if women were that aggressive i wouldn't need to bother. Except simps, i only like those if they're male. makes me feel more powerful.
the thing about being bred is just because its validation. male chasers will treat you like a woman, even if they dont actually believe it. women cant bring themselves to lie like that, and they also dont really need to.
Midwestern anon had not heard of Roseau you Americans don't even know your own country
You seem like a sociopath
all transbians are
i dont think so. sociopaths lack empathy. upsetting people makes me cry. i know a tranny who's a psychopath, im nothing like you Tyler, if you see this. No offense.
The fuck is Roseau? A place or a guy? The midwest is a backwater, it's not real.

Look under notable people and see how many famous Americans it produced. Not such a backwater after all hmm?
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>the thing about being bred is just because its validation.
I think I get what you mean, but I guess you must find another way, cause I think as much as you like the fantasy when it comes to it you probably won't enjoy it.

As much as I'd love to be your breeder (I've seen your pics in hornygen, you're hot), I think you must find a way to get that form of validation from women
>even if they dont actually believe it.
Don't think that bad about chasers, like I can only speak for myself, but I've been with some hons and I can tell you, there is not a single doubt in my mind when engaging with them irl that they are women.
Attraction to men and attraction to women feels very differently to me and I can tell you that in the very most cases there is not a bit of male attraction there, even if they didn't pass.
The only exception was one pre-hrt tranny I've met, she was so much pre everything that it basically was just a twink.

So don't think to bad about my fellow men, we don't lie to you, you are a women :)
It's a bunch of athletes that I've never even heard of. It has a population of less than 3,000. It's a backwater.
Also one actor
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>you want to see my feet?
>I'm sorry I hope they don't smell too bad, I've been working at Starbucks all day
Ah yes the internationally renowned Garrett Hedlund. A name we all know and love. Who didn't weep at his performance in...The Marsh King's Daughter (2023)? A movie I have heard of before and knew existed.
He's going to make his comeback any day now and you'll feel very silly for making this post
screenshot anons post to make fun of them when it happens
He does seem to at least get consistent work in bad movies. He actually might get a break. Somehow managed to date Kirsten Dunst and Emma Roberts so maybe he'll get a nice nepotism breakout.
Probably not.
posting tier lists is the ultimate divide and conquer tactic
do people really hate tier list posting that much?
no idea but it brought life to this general
Emma Roberts was hot when she had brown hair
We burned through like 4 generals today, last ones hit bump limit in like 2 hours each. Haven't seen so much action on this board in some time
I know. we usually do like 2 threads a day, with the new one being made at bedtime.
shit we've done 4 just since I went and did house work and came back.
tierlist posting is based because of the chaos it provides
Any tranners want to talk about history, play video games or watch movies? Would also be nice if you draw and would be willing to teach me
most trannies want that
Tranners can't help themself and come running in as soon as there's a tierlist in the OP. Bit sad really.
the girls who actually come here and talk to us in chasergen should be bumped up higher
it's funny as hell

the drama and butthurt the original tier list caused was so epic
except stu
Wife tier: anonymous trannies
Don't care tier: trips
speaking of, let's get that link posted in here again. there was some good good shit last thread
and don't forget to save the images for next time https://files.catbox.moe/f7ti17.zip
Being compared drives tranners nuts, there were so many posters
>as much as you like the fantasy when it comes to it you probably won't enjoy it.
yeah probably. i fooled around with a boy once in highschool (just mouth/hand stuff) and did not really care for it
>Don't think that bad about chasers,
oh no, i love chasers, i just try not to lie to myself about my passability.
>you're hot
aww thank you, youre sweet
no man wants a tranner with frizzy hair
I think it's cute, makes a girl look like an elementary or middle school teacher
you're lying
Ms. Frizzle?
I don't know how to prove this to you
I knew I should’ve stayed home today
what did you do today?

8i had a li l bit to drink
stayed home
I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.
Drunk spicebag

goodness gracious, what a silly girl :)
golly i need to eat your shit

Good time to go eat dinner.
>i just try not to lie to myself about my passability.
I mean true, your face is hella clocky and seen like this you don't pass. But you're body looks fem, and from what I've got from your posts, your personality also seems very fem.
So while yeah you don't pass in that visually and thinking about it you're easiely clockable as a tranny, perception wise you are so much more women than man that I'll perceive you as a women.

It's funny cause i know some trannies that haven't voice trained yet, and what I observed in myself is that after the first few sentences when we talk, my brain automatically internally pitches it up and interprets it as women voice.
So while their voice doesn't pass by any stretch to my brain their still perceived as women, at least when I don't think about it.

So don't think only because you don't pass we see you as a man. We perceive you as a women while recognizing that you were a man once and that you still have some of those features
nobody actually wants a 30+ tranny, specially one that started late
i am eating ribs tonight
I'll rip your fucking head off.
I think a cow or a pig? Idk I’m not really sure
Probably a child, hence the term babyback.
please do it
Autumn of Astora un seven dee ex haeate vee slash seven
find out quick
you should go to bed i think
Uhhhh errr maybe we can reschedule this, I've got a hotdog in the oven and that's gonna be at least a few more hours.
drink responsibly babe
das me I’m here I’m here what you want ama I’m here what you wanna know

is 200ml of whiskey alot
you can put me in the oven too I don't mind
Hello everyone, long time no chat, it's your (non)favourite aussie flower man
idk I’m not smart :( I’m just a stinky autum
lemme see that ass bounce, tom
It's more than enough, time to stop drinking
It doesn't bounce that much, i'm very lanky
you're built for my tranny cock
i think its bedtime actually
its time for bed
Oh am I just? And whos cock is it?
it's mine, but X gon' give it to ya
I suppose I've been sufficiently awake long enough for horny posting, you got a picture of what youre gonna give me?
I've got that doggy dick, gonna make you my bitch
stu do you still have unshaven pits?
i only have half a month before my expiration date....
>still no tier lists
its so over for this gen
I'm here for the 30 and older trannies
arf arf arf I'm dat doggy dick dawg WOOF WOOF
But it's an oven. It's for hotdogs. Maybe if you said "I'm a hotdog," we can work something out.
I'm a hot dog, I got that doggy dick
Funny how posting like this comes back after the flags go away
Out in the street there is violence
well then you wont be interested in me for another couple weeks
Idk if your dick is going to fit. So far I've only tried hotdogs and Sylvia Plath.
She really didn't fit. Lot of jamming. You ever seem those Japanese trains at rush hour?
I'm barking up in this bitch cuz chasers are a threat to us
I love Electric Avenue!
I really want to murder someone before I die

Yes i am the biggest issue towards you,now if you'll excuse me i need to play funny monkey game
not sure what this has to do with cute boymoder feet, but I'm watching it
you love to play games, don't'cha you little player
They make-ah dah feet
those fossilized foot prints got me thinking. I want my next girlfriend to put her footprint in wet concrete so I can always have them
Thats the creepiest shit ive ever heard anon why cant you be normal
I wanna get nailed to a cross by a chaser
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The Monkey game is amusing
Thanks for this detailed step by step guide, mr fbi
I want to use my bare hands, I'm an animal fuck this stupid technology shit, I want the blood all over me I need to feel it, the warm thickness ggod fucking dammit I am so pissed
Hot, I love it. Did you ever get jean cut-off shorts? I still think you'd look great in them.
Lmao, so dumb
You're 120 pounds and a pussy.
maybe you shouldnt be drinking so much lmao
you could do that to yourself
i havent worn jeans in like 13 years
i do want those tho
Shinzo Abe never had a chance.
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its not. imagine having a wife or long-term girlfriend and I go to make something and she makes her prints. and its awesome because its hers.
Started talking to a tranny over a dating app. She just asked for pictures of me working out
I'm 140 pounds and I'm pure untethered rage
post adress you fat pussy I'll tuck you in tonight
Why can't your fetish be big boobs or something. You people latch on to the weirdest ones
boop prints in concrete?
Do you want to wear my skin as well?
so that you can send a package with cutoff jean shorts right?
oh wait ur a different guy sorry lol
bed, now.
Still wish you weren't so far cause I'd love to fuck you daily. Hope you've been doing well.
I'll send you a nice package, I'll hand deliver it to you, pussy
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who is posting my discord
That's my fetish. What do I win?
Blood is honestly pretty thin. I guess unless you're like a big fat guy. Or dying from a snakebite.
my blood's pretty thick, I guess I'm just built different
woudl any chasers here wanna wipe rib sauce off a tranners messy face?
I think it was anon doing it. That stupid asshole.
i dont remember who you are but thanks
also i really want those jean shorts now wtf
i already have a nice package, i dont need yours
you should be going honk shoo rn
id tell you theres nothing there and youd walk around with sauce on ur face all day >:)
Why can't she do it?
I want a saucy tranner
I'd rather put something white on your face
a wedding veil
because she’s too busy reaching for seconds
A healthy lifestyle, anon.
>i already have a nice package
seems like a pretty useless package to me, just sitting in package limbo, never getting delivered anywhere
I wrote a few times to you on here but sadly you live too far away. Would breed you nightly though. I'd love to have my cock deep inside you and tease that body of yours to get you moaning as I unload my warm cum inside you. Jacked off to your pics many times, so thanks. Would enjoy seeing your ass in cut-offs.
That's fucking gay. I wanted a huge tit bitch to suck my dick. I'm fed up with this worl!
>because she’s too busy reaching for seconds
Sounds like a fatty. She should put down the pork, cannibalism is gross
>tfw no big titty goth tranner gf
>youre an 9 by terminally online tranny standards
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What did you expect were humans we are still apes and animals at heart
>Would enjoy seeing your ass in cut-offs
i would too. i should get a job
maybe a little frosting
Yes, Stu, we've all told you this.
my body is just like the right
get a job you fucking bum
i think ill have to
im not mercenary enough to have simps
no one is gonna simp for a transbian
even the hottest passoids pay for their own shit, your gold digger spoiled attitude is unattractive on its own sis
Simps also rarely tend to be a long term solution.

You are Woman
they simped for you, even knowing what you looked like?
Repper Flag is a transbian pretending to be a man.
Is Stu actually a transbian?
you'd have to be fucking blind to not see it
No. She's bi like most tranners, but desperate enough to go after whoever throws dick in her direction.
I almost never come here. That's a shame though.
transbians can be simps
i have no idea, you'd have to ask them. honestly i doubt it, but i also dont think it would matter
Don't talk to me.
I only ever see her flirting with other tranners
also, bonus content, that one time Stu and Autumn were erping about pissplay in the thread
autumn isn't even trying to beat the transbian allegations at this point
You can literally look up thread to see her and some guy flirting.
kind of mean of you to call Jade a guy
im bi and i like men and women thw same amount, i dont pretend not to like women to appeal to ppl here bc i dont need to do that
Alright. But what are your thoughts on France's current political landscape? Do you think a Sixth Republic is an inevitability or will a coalition form, perhaps pressured by the people?
you people disgust me
i hate myself
cold blooded old times
uh i heard a little bit about whats going on in france but i forgot all of it so idk sorry
there's a general for people like you to hookup with other lesbos, it's called lesgen and mtfgen
it's not about being 'brave' enough to be yourself, it's about doing things at the wrong place and being a nuisance to others
You messed up the syllables on your haiku.
Try this
You all disgust me
I disgust myself the most
Cold Blooded Old Times
somebody call the wah-mbulance for this guy
got any cheese with that whine?
and i thought your mother cried a lot
(insert your own custom joke here)
i didnt intend a haiku. but thanks. i appreciate a wordsmith. people like you are the only wards against misanthropy. i feel so very sad
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Got major anhedonia swag today
if no one gave her attention she would fuck off from these threads

but there's always some desperate simp
>i feel so very sad
Any particular reason? Or just the weight of the world?
Too many lines have been broken
Too many people have crumbled apart
In my hand
I should have left a long time ago
The best idea I ever had
lmao keep crying about it
I'm just the information person, I don't actually give a fuck what Stu does
i can fix stu
you can't fix stu-pid
>looped gif of black teens reacting
what would this entail?
i think im being physiologically affected by my duloextine and the mistakes ive made. but now i feel silly. my shouting into the void doesnt seem to have had the result i sought. would it be okay if we talked, bart. the way ive treated you has been pitiful
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transbians are so cool
omg ew lol pre-ffs marie. why is wren such a prolific transbian
I'm not sure, this is unexpected. I guess I'd have to wonder what's different this time? I'm not really interested in just repeating.
But that aside I also was about to go to sleep. I have to be up very early tomorrow.
>I guess I'd have to wonder what's different this time? I'm not really interested in just repeating.
youre right, im sorry. it's okay, i'd prefer you sleep well. i hope you have sweet dreams
because "she" is just a straight man on estrogen
You should talk to someone though I think. You have friends, family, evidently a doctor now too.
But anyway, thanks, you have a better night.
>>36369899 N
>>36369899 E
>>36369899 W
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daily affirmations, compliments, praise, etc

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