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Qott: when was the last time you cried, and what made you cry?

delete this
Absolutely not, not happening
fat tranny asses on my face
when was the last time you had a tranny ass on your face, oh that's right never
last month, was lonely and stressed about uni
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qott: six hours ago when i realized nothing feels fun or interesting
what about uni stressed you?
Watched Ultraman Rising yesterday. Great movie, cried a couple times while watching it.
last week, my time draws near unfortunately
I've got your favorite trannys ass on my face right now pal
Stay strong anon, things will get better
Like 10 minutes ago I cried bc I will never be a youngshit with a naturally feminine body so I should just kill myself
not really holding my breath, but miracles do happen, ty
too many final exams and not enough hugs obviously
aliens exist and I have witnessed alien spaceships in the sky above my home
you look like a young woman
hugs are great
i saw _A Quiet Place: Day 1_ in theaters yesterday, cried at the end a whole lot

your body is insanely feminine
what are you smoking? Whatever it is keep it away from me. and Jennie, she's sober now.
I hope Jenny keeps making good choices. I want to see her be a nice house wife in the suburbs to some guy who makes decent money as a systems engineer for coca cola
Theyre not aliens, theyre interdimensional beings. Whatd you see? Im the anon who wants to fuck them
She wanted to jump off a parking garage earlier so im not sure about that one champ
Does your face look like nicks when you cry? Post selfie crying
My stomach just doesn't look like twink girls do it makes me gross and I hate myself bc of my big ribs too
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first one looked like this but it was night time. maybe its the same one. from where I was it is larger than any plane and higher up than the planes were flying
What made you think it was aliens? strange, erratic movement? Do you think anything you did may have caused it to appear?
your ribs are tiny from what ive seen. relax, youre doing great
me too, but things are rough for her right now. im really hoping she doesn't backslide
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a couple days ago because my boyfriend was talking a lot about fucking me and then fell asleep but i had so much built up horny and i couldn't jack off right so i had to let it out in some way
That's cute, i want to bully you
im sorry but your pain really amuses me. that sounds cute and a little funny to be honest.
Chaser bf broke up with me... We got into an argument about politics, cause he doesn't want to vote for Biden or Trump, or even RFK Jr.

I told him how important it is for him to vote Biden so I can still live in the United States, and eventually move in with him. And he once again said he's not going to vote for a Geriatric old man, and so I responded
>Alright, I guess if Trump wins, and I move to Canada, then we're done
He replies
>We're done now.
Has blocked me on Discord and my phone number.

What the fuck man?
I can fix you sweety
What a child. Get a real man instead.
just had gay sex with my transbian gf ama
what makes you think you won't be able to live in the US if Trump becomes president? He was one of the biggest 'legal immigration' friendly presidents in recent history
Sounds like a win to me, shiet rather see for what it is sooner than later
Jesus Christ what a gaping asshole
i guess its good you didn't have more of your time wasted
are you also a tranny?
I'm a tranny. Read Project 2025.
I don't cry. I can't even force myself to cry when I feel like killing myself. maybe I'm a sociopath.
>are you also a tranny?
yes I said gay sex
I hope Trump wins then, society doesn't need to pay for our retarded brainworms
diy will always exist
the rest I saw were during the day. one looked sort of like a jellyfish with stuff hanging down, dropped some black oil looking stuff down from it. it hovered in place for a while and moved around before going behind a cloud and I lost it.
one I cannot describe the shape. kind of blurry in a way but it also hovered in one spot for a minute. swaying back and forth a bit. and then took off in one direction. one was sort of saucer shaped and silver.whitish color and moved oddly in any direction it wanted quickly. it would go one way then stop and go the opposite way, until it took off in one direction super fast.
another time I saw something that looked like a big spark in the sky the size of a huge bird. it looked like a flame or spark dancing around in a pattern then it disappeared. not sure that's aliens but weird as fuck,
You think they can't shut down DIY websites?

I feel absolutely demoralized. I'm supposed to go into work tomorrow, but I wanna just call out now.

I loved him honestly. But I guess voting was our breaking point.
you loved someone who didnt love you back. this is for the best
>You think they can't shut down DIY websites?
they can't
sweetie, they can't even stop the chinese from importing fent by the boatload. The illegal steroids market hasn't been stopped and you can buy T and all sorts of other chemicals injectables on the WWW with your fucking credit card, it's piss easy to buy raws from china no matter where you live in the world and you can literally use paypal
both of you are overreacted, none of this shit actually matters
He's also said he didn't vote in 2016, or 2020. Said the only time he's voted was 2012 and that was because he was living with his parents aat the time, and his parents made him vote.
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i think the last time i cried was a few days ago and i was crying over my ex
Good you found out what kind of person he is now.
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I want to make Jade my wife
Probably molten metal, they do that for some reason. The composition is never the same but always matches isotope ratios for earth metals. Either theyre from here or doing that on purpose. Thanks for sharing anon, i believe you. Its strange to me how people tend to see multiple things. Its been used by skeptics to debunk and question the validity but theres obviously a real reason for it, if only that they recognize the person. I dont buy that theyre unaware you were watching them.
I watch the sky a lot. sometimes I see satellites or meteors.
Why does she look like jigsaw here
can someone tell me what surgeries she's had?
that ribcage is bigger than most linebackers holy fuck
Sex with Koshka
She is

Shut up
No clue
Okay champ, share your ribcage let us see it
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I love Jade, if i lived near her I would treat her to such a lovely date :(
Jordan Deschamps Braly
Should I take tomorrow off? I'm just not feeling it.
Would you feel better at home? It's better sometimes to just drone through the day and get paid.
I took off work after my last gf dumped me and cried all day
straight up I would introduce her to my coworkers while she wore something sluty
2 weeks ago lying in bed with a gorgeous trans woman, listening to a song she put on as she cried on my chest. She felt so safe in my arms. We had just been cuddling and feeling each other for a while after sex. It was incredibly cathartic.

Thats a bummer. Better it happens now than in the future though. Political compatibility is important. Otherwise every 4 years the relationship is going to hit an impasse.
i would take her into the woods, feed her into a wood chipper, and spray her flesh nuggets into a lake as fish bait.
because i care about helping fish.
Wait someone online is nice to me and saves my pictures yay all of my self worth is back
Bc I want to play a game anon...
Ffs, breast augmentation, clavicle reduction and some body contouring
Yea like I said I should kill myself
>Wait someone online is nice to me and saves my pictures yay all of my self worth is back
mission successful.
Jade I love you, wanna play dark and darker and you can carry me sometime?

A dream

Alright champ knock it off
Had a very nice date today chasergen. We're planning on hanging out tomorrow too.
huh, interesting
what did the body contouring involve? Sounds scary
the pretty dentist lady had her fingers all in my mouth, just thinking about that
one time a pretty dentist lady said that I have stringy saliva while she had her fingers in my mouth
A dentist lady said my mouth was fun when she was flossing me
well does he actually live in one of the six states where your vote actually matters? I can kinda understand his POV if he doesn't
You gotta pay me to game with u just like a real egirl >u<
They moved fat from my tummy to my hips
Anon you gotta learn the difference between flirting and lovebombing, you're supposed to gently woo women.
You made her too confident posting her, now she's shaking you down for money
Im horny, where are the tranners so i can rizz em up
being poor sucks. if I made good money I'd just pay hot escorts to hang out with me.
Genuine question, are politics are mandatory requirement w/ dating trans people?

I'm Bi/Pan, so I already understand how politics can be used to screw with the LGBT, but I also don't care enough about politics to vote (on any level). Is this an unironic deal breaker? I have no qualms with trans issues or rights, so it's not a question of disagreeing with them, I just couldn't be arsed to punch in a ballot so to speak
aw man :((
how much?
Aww little cucky has to pay to see his egirl while she's over here on her knees choking on my dick
>pay hot escorts
As someone with regretable experience with escorts, is that really what you want? What kind of escorsts are you looking for?

Is this a kink/fetish? Or a last ditch to lose your V-Card, or etc...
It's understandable to be apolitical, but you couldn't be bothered to vote even if your partner was passionate about it and really wanted you to?
you shouldn't tell your partner how to vote, if you have to tell your partner how to vote, then maybe reconsider why you're together
It depends on the woman and where you live.

I will say in my experience, being knowledgeable and passionate about trans/lgbtq rights helps your odds. It shows you care about not just individual trans women, but the world in which they live and communities they belong.
to take them places and been seen by people that know me so they think I have a girl friend. and maybe massage her feet if she lets me
It's not a question being apolitical I think? (at least w/ the def. of "totally removing onself/abstaining from politics"). I think some politics are cool. I'd be willing to learn about some things, I'm always down to talk about societal issues but ehh. I will admit that have a streak of being a cynic

>but you couldn't be bothered to vote even if your partner was passionate about it and really wanted you to?
Maybe? Assuming we've dated long enough to talk about voting for leaders or council members, I'd say "fuck it why not". Though what if I dated someone who didn't care to vote? Seems like a moral dilemma. Cause at this point, I'm just a swing person unironically lol.

Fair enough. I wouldn't be mad if as person passed me cause of my lack of action towards voting. Obviously politics is a bigger than in LGBT+ communities, and I'm sure there are those who don't care to vote, but I imagine they're in the minority, just as I imagine I'd be viewed as a priviliged hack who's unempathetic lol (though I'm a Black bi/pan person, so that's an interesting intersection).

Well I live in NYC. That's a fair take anon, most young trans people are probably very tuned into politics since it'll dictate their future/livelihood, so it can be a turn off to be into trans people, but not really caring to go into politics (regardless if you're knowledgable or support trans shit)
Um I dunno we can negotiate, I like playing games
Hey I don't remember doing that...
Yes. We live in Minnesota. I moved here in 2020 specifically to transition as I lived in Texas.
Earlier today. I'm really lonely bored and sad
>I will admit that have a streak of being a cynic
Choosing to not vote is the opposite of cynicism. You're trusting the community around you to make decisions about your life.
Agree and agreed. I've probably been with 5? (Fortunately I was relatively younger and came into easy cash), and that was my experience. it was just akward and emotionless, and while some of the escorts were interesting/chill, everything was just a blur (not in a good way, but more like wtf just happened). Jerking off is always the better alternative IMO. You could equally just have shitty hookups tha do nothing but still have your self respect and money intact lol

Why do you want people to think you have a GF anon? Are these people your friends, or do you just want them to think, "who anon has a hot GF?". As for massaging their feet, you could always go to sites or places that focus on foot fetish stuff rather than buying/paying for it? Unless this is a sexual thing than a being a slave/pig thing, I to leave and jerk off, hopefully your post nut clarity will sort out your feelings about what you actually want desu
What's your ingame name queen?
You didn't mention you're black, na dude you 're good they won't care if you don't vote unless they themselves are black. No white/asian/hispanic trans woman is going to view your political abstinence in a negative light.
My bf is black and i would get mad at him for not voting for biden, partly because he is black. He should know better, and he does thats why i love him.
hilo chasers. can i ask for your help for a moment please?
it's a dumb question but um. what actually is boysmell?
I'm not trying to harp on being a cynic for brownie points, but IMO that's why I don't vote or care to vote. Though that's true desu, I'm just hoping/relying that other people aren't like me and actually want to make the world a better place (or at least the states a better place).

I'm 20/'03 baby. The world was fucked before I was born, it is arguable more fucked during my late teens/young adulthood rn, and it most likely will be fucked long after I've passed. I understand that this is an ignorant/flawed take, but this country is too fucked to think otherwise desu.

>you're black?!?!?.
I largely believe that irrespective of me being Black, my lack of political energy would be an issue. I'm aware of the concept of black people being burnout of politics due to racism and systemic shit, it's just a headache man...

>partly because he is black
Wtf does that mean lmao? Is this like a spoof of Biden's "you ain't black" https://youtu.be/jhcgmwj3NAc?si=hypifXl6nVTDPo8W&t=7

Or is this something about Black people having a responsibility to go out and vote?
men and women smell a little different.
I rescind my previous statement then.
>multiple black women are being considered
Biden is just like me
its that time where everyone goes to sleep.
gonna outside and smoke and look at the stars and watch for UFOs and drink mountain dew and a benadryl then come back and check this before sleeping
This poster is a paid shill
Biden was right. Republicans have done nothing but hurt black communities while pandering to nazis and klansmen as their social platform
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>ill never have a tranner obsess with me ever again
its over. where do i find one
I presume everybody on 4chan is a slightly autistic white teenager until told otherwise.

Without getting hyperpolitical, if a potential partner brings it up you could just say you haven't voted in the past but would go with them to vote or mail in. It doesn't mean you need to be actually politically involved. Benefits of democracy, you can just check the box for the one candidate you care about then submit ballot.
no one will ever compare bro. it's pointless even looking
Imagine all the shit pictures we'd have missed out on if Jade had an actual personality instead of relying on this
This bitch needs to learn how to do laundry and to buy a lint roller.
Shut up
Okay champ show us your black clothes
iktf, I miss the constant messaging now
i need to become a popular twitch tranny can u help me with that anon. i want the viewers to make fun of me for being a weak failed boygirl that is bad at videogames
It's not hard to use some fabric conditioner every few washes and run a lint roller over it if it needs it. It's the bare minimum.
I can help you there, pls play game with me
Fair enough, though I thought the demographic for /tttt/ would slightly lean a bit more POC to be fair. Honestly that seems like a fair compromise, even if it is a bit tideous.

It's always the ones who you least expected to find that end of being the biggest "what could of happened"
You can't lol. Assuming you were out looking for them to pop out, you'll just have to realize why you fucked up and just wait and see desu
>i want the viewers to make fun of me for being a weak failed boygirl that is bad at videogames
Your attempt at being pathetic is pathetic. That's impressive
I'm gonna fucking do it shaggy
you sure you arent just trying to spend time with me?
yes i should kill myself i know
Me too. Have any advice?
I can spend time with you by humiliating you over voice comms about how bad at videogames you are and punish you accordingly
I cry every night knowing that I won't have the perfect relationship of one tranner gf and one cis gf.
I cry every night knowing that shaggy can't break the door down
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>mfw recently found out one of my best friends from high school transitioned and turned out cute
My only point of contact is through facebook but it looks like they hardly use it. Hope she texts me back...
You do have an unfortunate looking torso. I'm sorry :(
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Look at this sexy bitch
I would help Jade break her ribs into shape tbf.
ok you have convinced me
I am a fan of the boobs and butt, but she kind of looks like Franklin the turtle and has really flat feet.
>yes i should kill myself i know
Not where I was going with that, but if it's what you want, knock yourself out.
What's your ingame name dark and darker?
if i streamed would u watch me and shill me to your friends ?
It's relatively nice going from bottom to top until you get to her face. Then the mood goes downhill.
Oh bby gurl. keep.your head up. You're too stupid to stay single too long.
>Tfw your old hs friends arent trying to slide in your dms
Zoomers are so fucking lucky
Qott: Few weeks ago I think? Singing sad songs.
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this but literally as in left and right hooks to the body.
You should call off of work cause fuck the system
its orchidspiderlily but my discord is Auwutism.
my chaturbate and twitch is orchidspiderlily
extreme case of DB face here
I would watch. what game do you like?
soft soles.
Are you a pooner?
Not sure why that was surprising, it makes sense.
I told you. Nobody is willing to put up with an ultimatum. Giant red flag. I think this is best for both of you.
No, I'm a cis guy, why?
We hung out and kissed on the Ferris wheel and cuddled and watched cartoons a little
we're late millennials. aka we just entered our 30's
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Reee there are no labels
I get pooner vibes. All the desudesunae senpai weeb shit I guess
It is hot or not hon. That's all ya need to know.
not for me, personally, but it does seem somewhat common.
Woah nice i guess im just ugly then
Hope she texts back anon :)
>Top 5
I don't even have DM's. There's no way to contact me.
It's the best way to be, they don't have anything to say that I need to hear. If they really need to they can find me.
Im here to revive the thread
Ok nvm nobody is awake it seems
made me ":-3"
>not in the tiermaker
im smalltime…
Who art thou
anonpost 99% of the time so pretty much no one, so it’s expected B)
row #2 has hotter girls than row #1

who here thinks moap didn't make this tier list, for no cap ong fr
Art thou cute? Will thy post a photograph of thyself?
no thanks the part of my brain that craves attention stopped being so loud and now i can think straight
Good job.
gm chasergen

>Qott: when was the last time you cried, and what made you cry?
like two nights ago, was watching la la land
Good for thou, stay focused on what matters, i would travel the seas to deliver thou a delightful cake but i am a busy man, may ye have a delightful night/morning/evening miss
>only 2nd tier
it's fucking over sisters
i hate getting placed so low in the tier lists i wanna be one of the pretty girls
I tip my fedora to you good sir
Ily ava, but lala land sucks
Fuck off back to your chatterbate goon hole
take that back right now
Wouldn’t you prefer a good husband?
Why are the girls here in a race to the bottom?
jade is not marriage material
i didnt stream today
because i want to be popular online!!
Thats my point lol theyd rather be worthless whores i dont understand it
idk I'd personally prefer a husband
>AGP skinwalker
>Hsts trutrans

oh shit I just realized they removed the flags

why can't they just leave them up year round :(((
Didnt you do porn?
Might be mistaking you for someone else, sorry if i am.
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This would happen if i saw you
what the fuck lol? no I did not
I miss the flags, I wish we could keep them. This place loses a little charm without them
it really does, idk why they don't just leave them up
im not an agp skinwalker just no guy would actually be my husband and be hot enough im happy
Can't sleep. Can't stop thinking of my now ex. Just cause I asked him to vote with me in November.
Sorry, its not anything about you. Theres just a lot of girls here who do porn. Probably a shorter list of trips who havent tbhon
You calling off work tomorrow anyway tho, yeah?
well I have never and would never do porn so
No. I need the money. My job is easy as fuck anyways, I'm a Receptionist at a plastic surgery center
Ava is so scandalized lol
it honestly grosses me out
Based. I'm sure you'll pick up a new lover in no time.
How come?
Because Ava is pure and good
idk imo porn is very exploitative not to mention the fact that it's literally online forever

also I don't want random people seeing my naked body that's so creepy
>not because your body belongs to your husband and youre preserving its sanctity for him
Ava is pure and good. <3
I don't have a husband and my body belongs to me
i just wanted to feel like i was one of the pretty girls im sorry
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Posting in this general was a stupid idea. Grand romantic gestures are a stupid idea. Ferris wheel was a stupid idea. Coming here was a stupid idea. Thinking she would like me was a stupid idea. Thinking anyone would like me with how I look right now was a stupid idea. Thinking anyone would like a manmoding coward is a stupid idea. Posting this is a stupid idea. I wanna drive home right now but that would be a stupid idea.

Fucking hurts but I'll feel better in the morning. I can't wait to get home and get drunk. You cant help how you feel J but neither can I. Cya around maybe and good luck finding someone.
stop attention whoring
Thats all anyone ever does in this thread
Wait can tranbians use this thread or is this cis only?
We cant stop them but we are mean to them
Get out. Transbians are in all the other threads. I want this one :c
Don't worry, we will take over and eventually dick all of you :)
>we’re gonna rape you
Yeah thats why
chat what do I cook for dinner? I'm thinking either some fish or pasta

go away you have literally all of reddit
>eventually dick all of you
god I hate this creepy, rapey attitude so much
What does this mean?
Pasta! DAnce around with your doggy and sing Italian songs while the water boils.
Got my heart broken a little bit today. Im feelin better after some crying and vent posting. I''m sure some girl on chasergen wont find me repulsive eventually.

No but you should send me her number.
2012 something happened everybody changed
Ok grandpa
breaking up with someone over the election is pretty silly. but you really should vote for RFK jr. he's overall the best candidate and not a human shit globulin like trump or biden
>RFK jr.
You might as well stay home then.
i’m not gonna use meth ever again, even with all the stress happening right now. if anything i need a drug that will make me less mentally present. not something that’s gonna keep me awake and nervous. every second awake for the next few weeks is gonna be agonizing but hopefully it will be okay
i have wanted to jump off a parking garage since 2019
Is t coming down off of meth soul crushing tho?
I know he has no chance to win. My state isn't at risk of being won by Trump anyway, he'll lose by +30% here like last time. I just feel better about voting for rfk then biden.
I'm not who you think I am. Its unrelated to whatever that other person is venting about. Coincidental heartbreak.
cute! cute!
yes. i think if i had to go through a meth comedown with where my mind is at right now, i’d genuinely kill myself
you were a meth user? why do so many trannies pick meth of all drugs
it sounded like your post was directed at another cg poster, but i guess you were just venting in general. mb
i had a girlfriend who relapsed after we broke up for a bit, when we got back together she was still mad at me so she convinced me to try meth saying she would be proud of me if i tried it
A meth user told me it's because it makes them feel happier and more social.
isn't it like the most destructive of all drugs though? like it permanently rots your brain?
that feeling does not last at all. i started using meth in december 2022 and by april 2023 it had turned me into essentially a psychotic shut in :\
yes :)
i can no longer feel emotions anywhere near the extent that i used to be able to :)
i feel like i am in purgatory :)
They say that about a lot of drugs. Meth is super harsh on your face and teeth tho.
goodnight and god bless
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She probably posts here once in a while. I met her here so. The post wasn't really directed at her tbqh just venting about feeling dumb and uggo. I needed to vent but she shouldnt feel bad. She's really sweet and pretty, just shouldnt have kissed me over pressuring herself. I'll judge her for that. If she hadn't kissed me she'd be getting ice cream tomorrow with a friend. But now I'm just a little heartbroken over her.
oof I"m sorry

yeah but idk I think meth is particularly bad right? along with crack. like I would never, ever try either of those
crack is nowhere near as bad as meth. still bad but not nearly as addictive & the side effects are nowhere near as bad.
you're a girl
Slow down. You keep doing the same thing in rapid succession. It's a bad strategy and not going to suddenly start working.
>I can't wait to get home and get drunk
I vote no.
Yes idk what that anon is talking about. Meth unlike many drugs is actually neurotoxic, it does in fact kill your brain. Not to mention the potential meth induced psychosis.
idk what youre talking about anon. you act like you know me from somewhere.

I'm in a period of my life so terrible I was genuinely stupid enough to drive 12 hours for a girl. Honestly I should be ashamed for using her to try and fill the void in my soul I have for now. I have the whole drive back to dwell on it.
>5 year relationship just ended
>dysohoria reemerging
>Realizing I was raped twice in my life recently
Things will be better soon but while I have the time and nothing to do we drink to improve moral. I'll be in better waters come Saturday. Or at least waters less inviting of binge drinking.

Yes hello.
>I was genuinely stupid enough to drive 12 hours for a girl
This was a bit silly but you're being overly critical of yourself. You took a chance on romance, that's not evil or crazy or shameful.
But you should maybe find healthier outlets for coping with these things. Drinking doesn't help with depression ir anxiety beyond the very short term, it exacerbates it and also destroys your body. Try talking to a close friend or trusted family member or a therapist. Definitely go to therapy, it doesn't seem like you're okay, which is understandable with everything you've said. But you need to get help.
I only know what you've posted here, but that's been a lot. You keep telling us about the mistakes your making. It's absolutely correct that you shouldn't be trying to use others to fix yourself. Every time you've had it go wrong you're immediately trying to get the next person to do the same thing to. Stop doing that to people. You move way too fast, that's not healthy behavior. Take the adequate amount of time to work on yourself and get to know/ let others get to know you before falling for them. Chill the fuck out. Stop drinking when sad, use the sad to learn how to get better instead of dulling it.
yeah that's what I thought, like it literally destroys your brain
Also worth noting while meth mouth is famous, there's actually very little evidence causes any serious mouth problems. It's mostly that being on meth typically does not involve brushing your teeth.
I'm planning on therapy asap. I dont have any irl friends. I appreciate the new online friends I have but its a little out of their pay grade.

I think you have me confused with someone else. I have only seriously pursued one woman so far after my breakup, no men.
so is this the perfect drug for the cut or no? mike mentzer famously did amphetamines of some sort as preworkout
It's pretty addictive and has some nasty withdrawal. The neurotoxic stuff would be minimal if you could somehow actually only do it short term, but that's a bit risky. You'd probably just be better off taking adderall which won't also melt your brain.
I don't have you confused with anyone else. I'm not making a distinction between men and women. I don't think you're properly respecting these people your going after with the way you go about it.
sounds like a good plan, mentzer also famously became an addict lol and died at like 50 of heart failure so maybe meth is not my fate after all
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Genuinely who else have I pursued? Tell me who I am anon. Who are you?
Good on getting into therapy.
>I dont have any irl friends.
This feels like something worth working on as well. I think a lot of people put all their happiness and self worth into romantic relationships like this because they're not socially or emotionally fulfilled in their other relationships, which they should be. Also creates situations where you lack support like this. Support is important, frienda are important. I know it's not easy, but it'll help a ton.
>Support is important, frienda are important.
I few nights ago i was crying because i miss my nana and i was and still am worried about my dads health
Sorry anon, we're social animals, like guinea pigs. You have to get them a buddy or they get sad and die earlier. And that's if they don't get really weird. Most most people are the same.
I'm planning on making friends soon. It will be easier soon for me. I have at least one friendo I made through /tttt/ I'm looking forward to hanging out with irl.
That's good. I will say the final secret ingredient is finding a way to be happy and content with yourself as well. Hopefully friends will help with that, but it's also important, even if it's maybe the hardest part.
>And that's if they don't get really weird
I got really weird. It's too late, I'm no longer a social animal. Just an animal.
Lol, it's definitely something you can always turn around. Just might have a little social anxiety when you do.
I know I can, the issue is that I don't want to. Being around others just makes everything worse for me. I don't know how to enjoy other people anymore, I only know how to suffer them. I want to be alone.
Certainly a high cost of reentry.
Loneliness can get addicting. It's peaceful and uncomplicated. Still, I find it lacks the things I need.
I'm curious though. Why do you come here? Why talk to me?
I have to sleep and cant wait around for the answer but I genuinely wanna know if Ive been being shitty without knowing anon.
I don't think about feelings unless I have a reason to. Giving others advice and having conversations affords me the opportunity to figure out how I feel about things. It's cathartic, it helps me pry into myself to know what's going on within.
What's a good chaser app that's isn't grindr
Go to bed, you need rest.
Don't take what anyone here says too seriously. Get yourself twisted into knots chasing the approval of strangers who you probably wouldn't even like if you met them.
Go to bed.
Makes sense I suppose. Easy to see ourselves in others.
>that's isn't grindr
No idea how to meet them there
I wanna know, can you show me?
I wanna know about these strangers like me
Tell me more, please show me
Something's familiar about these strangers like me.
You get it.
I could fix her
how do i get a loyal and kind bf
Learn how to judge people. Learn to be patient and self-respecting enough that you don't feel a need to settle. And then get sifting.
I should say this is all assuming you don't completely suck and can also manage to be in a relationship healthily.
what if i'm ugly
Certainly complicates things, but doesn't mean you're ugly to everyone. And personality goes a long way for attractiveness. I've met some women who I wouldn't really call my type but on getting to know them I felt stupid for having ever fouhd them unattractive.

Marie pre-FFS unironically looks just like my friend John in a wig. I'm not even joking they're strikingly similar.
my personality is probably not good enough to make up for being ugly
Idk you so who can say. Either way people can change and improve. I used to suck, like a lot. I suck a normal amount now lol.
i'm going to do my best to find a bf but i dont have any expectations or hopes rly
Well I figure the no hoping is a defense mechanism, but we don't have time to get into that, not the worst issue anyway. And no expectations is honestly not the worst idea. Love and romance will surprise you. Let's rephrase it perhaps as being open-minded to new and varied opportunities. Now that we can print and ship, ya?
But good luck, anon! There's somebody out there for all of us.
This is a good stance. Trying your best, but not setting yourself up for disappointment. I think it yields the most enjoyment from the process as opposed to only the end goal being rewarding.
>There's somebody out there for all of us.
Sorry to whomever I'm the somebody out there for. I won't let you find me.
Good morning chastergen, may today be full of purity and wisdom
You'll hear me before you ever see me. And then it'll be over. We'll be in love.
No thanks. I'm extremely auditory, I almost always hear before I see. Whales are cool, I've seen lots of them.
>No thanks.
Awww. I could be cute and full of chorizo, you never know!
What if I were a whale? Would that change things for you?
You'll never be my croissant. No, being cool isn't actually a positive trait when it comes to partners for me. I'm not cool, I'm not seeking cool.
Well you better explain that to the small local seller on Ebay that I just ordered 5 tons of blubber from. Literally though, they blocked my email for spam.
>I'm not cool, I'm not seeking cool.
I think you're cool, maybe not maintstream cool though. I have no idea if I'm cool, it's not something I worry about. But I do keep getting involved with cool women. They all keep making art, it's wild.
I've been told "Don't take this as a compliment, you're the least cool boyfriend I've ever had." I smiled and took it as a compliment anyways. Winning even though you play a completely different game is kinda fun it it's own way. I don't have to care about the dumb shit others do, so long as I remain the best at being me.
Bump limit hasn't even been hit you retard
If he waited til the bump limit there might be a risk he wouldn't be the one to make the troll thread. It's on purpose, mate. Hence the drag queens and the transbian baiting.
punitive cucking by my trans gf for prior transphobic statements
>Degen and Sage in top 5
Who the hell is c3ber
cried earlier today out of stress because mom got a tick and we couldnt get it out and i was rly worried abt her
Lighter. They hate fire.
Not really recommended. Best to just pull evenly and steadily with tweezers.
Yeah, I take a bath every day when I get home from the woods and bring tweezers in, there's never a day I have zero ticks. Lighter is just for if you're unable to get it out the normal way for whatever reason, which is sounds like was the case. I've removed thousands.
Gross lol. Number one reason to get a girlfriend. Removing ticks from hard to reach places.
I've been saying this, need a gf to bond with me monkey style and pluck off all the bugs I bring in every day. I keep my hair impenetrably thick so that they can't get to my scalp, and I'm very flexible, so I don't really have any issue removing them. I would just prefer to let a girl do it for me :)
ur whore mom deserves to have all the ticks in the world and u pee ur pants
kill yourself malicious negro
The ape way. Grooming is bonding!
ur a lil poopy diaper
I think you'd get along with that one girl who posted here once or twice. But she was on the opposite side of the planet. And also ghosted me, twice, lol. But if you can hit her with the Mystery Machine you're welcome to her.
whats funny abt that
No thanks.
wat was funny about u wetting ur diapers like a lil bitch
It's pure comedy, if you don't find it funny me explaining it won't make it funny.
Dang. Porque no?
Ghosting the homie twice? That doesn't bode well, yucky foreshadowing. Also the mystery machines on autopilot, I'm not driving.
Move to >>36374196
Fair enough! Still confused about it.
>Also the mystery machines on autopilot, I'm not driving.
Oh god.
If you got ghosted twice I'd imagine you had the opportunity to ask about what caused the first before the second happened. Did you not? Could have been the same thing happening both times.
>Oh god.
I don't actively try to do any kind of attracting, I just enjoy myself and wait. It'll happen naturally whenever the heart takes over. I don't guide or steer, it's not my choice, it chooses.
im proud of you, jennie
Tryna figure out if janny back or rightfully deleted for being a troll OP
no idea. only op will know
>every second awake for the next few weeks is gonna be agonizing but hopefully it will be okay
Sorry sir, I regret to inform you that your boyfriend just passed away in the hospital. Will you come by to collect his things or should we mail them back to his parents?
Guys I need ur help pretty bad! I am (23 yo mtf) dating this guy (22m) who has only been with cis women before. We tried some of the positions he enjoyed with cis women especially reverse cowgirl which he loved with cis women but maybe I was too tired or smth I couldn’t manage the create enough movement friction. Currently I could only please him with adjust missionary but I want to learn other positions where lot of friction, movement can happen. Please help, what are your favorite positions? Sadly I’m not mega experienced with sex either.
i formally apologize for sending lewd vocaroos to stu last night when i was drunk
they werent that lewd, mostly bc i could barely understand what you were saying
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chasergen is officially dead, long live transbiangen
based, this is better.
New thread >>36376459

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