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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: Do you let femmes top you? Are you a femme top?
>QOTT 2: What are some cheesy shirts you own or would like to own?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36358357
i need to feel her light again being around her is unreal
>Do you let femmes top you? Are you a femme top?
I don't *let* anyone, people can just top me if they want to because I'm way too subby to resist....

>What are some cheesy shirts you own or would like to own?
That shirt is so fucking cringe.
I need that shirt
no i dont let anyone top me because im an anarchist and i dont believe in authority and hierarchies
i dont own any t-shirts because i dont believe in property
The OP asked for cheesy shirts I posted a cheesy shirt did I not do what was asked?
Need a cis girl to rape me...
go to the gym, do graeco roman women's
well, if you pass at least
Can we debate kolpraphilia again? Since you just shut me off.
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what the hell is kolpraphilia
8 days until my gf gets here I'm so excited
i get two google results, one of which is dmca'd lmao
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Kolpraphilia is the neo-Blanchardist term I coined for lesbians who fetishize a supposed collective womanhood with biological parts instead of feeling sexual attraction to women or their lives. Of which, there are 2 types:

Asexual Kolpraphile:
>One who simply simplifies womanhood to a vagina, one who is overly interested in reproductive organs without a specific relationship interest.
True Kolpraphile (Quasilesbian):
>One who does feel sexual attraction to vaginas, but not the person attacked to it. Categorized by weaponizing this attraction or the implications of it. True kolpraphiles will oftentimes have a high sex drive, and use partners as a sort of human sheild in their social life.
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I have a problem
cat infestation, Ms Lago?
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Yeah and no nice desk to display any of it on until I move out. To one of my storage bins they go… At least I can use the letter sets now!
please draw a diagram im a visual learner
Holy fucking cope lmao. You'd really go to these lengths before admitting that some women don't like dick... in a lesbian thread. Wew lad
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I'm a femme top, aka the least wanted anything to ever exist in the dating market.
Shut up. This is not a lesbian general. It's not for you.

And wouldn't you like to have your own name that by definition nobody can or wants to co-op? That of which nobody can identify as, that of which protects your sexual purity.

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>I don't like dick

If you don't like trans women just chill out I swear nobody cares, a lot of people do like them and anyone with self respect wouldn't waste their time on people who don't.
Also never said trans.

You really think TERFism doesn't hurt like, 30% of "real" women too?
I NEED to kiss her in the moonlight
kiss Lagoloaf?

it's a waste of time to address them. They're always trans and will never get over hating themselves or whatever sissy fetish fuels such posts
No some incredible radiant zoomer normie whom likely doesn't browse this site
>tfw taller and more transitioned and more wife-left-me than the right so no one hits on me anymore
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Yeah it's upsetting though, I wish trans women didn't hate themselves so much so often.
>t. hates herself and projects it on cis women
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idk what ur talking about
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do transgirls like afab lesbians? i might be a chaser… how can i be the falin to someones marcille
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women are women i think most trans girls are open to dating afabs but would generally be more shy because they worry cis people wouldn't respect them.
If you showed them that you did respect them I don't see why you couldn't get a tgf I suppose.
Everybody's chasing something
Only if you let us smash piv animal style while you rub our ears and say the sweetest things.
God I need to go feral top mode on her
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Mfw no one to go on cute dates with...
Sex is kinda overrated it's too concerned with the mortal animalic world I desire something spiritual.
mmm maybe i will let it happen as long as you call me cute
I'm a cis lesbian who dates trans women. Trans women are not the problem, you are, you absolute pathetic retard. Get help.
isnt falin the tall one kek
How exactly did you get from 'some women don't like dick' to this
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I look and act more like falin. im not all that tall actually. 5’5
>two lesgens up
>no /clg/

We live here for now, feel free to do the board a favour and kill yourself over it
they probably just moved to discord
>cant make a thread
i think you and femsec should make your own thread together tbdesu
ive not read or watched it so idk the characters either way
anyway im 6'4 haha
being under 6' as a tranny is suffering
>having a realistic chance as passive is... le BAD
haha yeah haha
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6’4?! wow anon… that’s amazing…
This but 6"
6'4 women belong to 5' sub top women
5'8 is probably the worst height...
Too tall to be desirable in a cute way and too short to be desirable in a hot way.
Everyone keeps drawing falin as the trans girl if it cis n trans couple godbless you seeing it like that. I also just see her as really cute and want a gf like that lole
t. A marcille self inserter transgirl
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same at 5'11
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i read the manga while it was still scarcely getting eng translations, and i have always seen marcille as a transgirl. i self-insert as falin, so maybe that’s why. not my fault she’s relatable…
short girl
Binged it crazy right before the anime n the part about marcille lamenting about wanting to get falin into that series about that half elf n understand her was like zamn literalmente yo. Falin super cute
i literally have brain damage from bumping my head on doorways and subway hand rails and shit like that but yeah haha
I sure do but never meet them lol, I only get hit on by straight cis girls cuz I am 6'4" pretty longhaired boymoder.
Planning on girlmoding in the future when I move to diff city
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Mfw only get hit on by creepy scary men instead of by cute women
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SAME at also 5' 11"
I'm only 5.5" hard too so I'm also not big enough to pleasure a woman but too big to be bullied by one either
Useless useless useless... that's all I am...
there's always a chance one of them is a repper, that's how I tolerate it
hope to see u then anon! im sure ur pretty.
If I can't get a cialis script it's so over for me
many thanks friend c:
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No usually they're really manly and drunk or like creepy unkempt drug user looking types, a lot older than me too.
Most in Ireland aren't very openly romantic so they wouldn't say weird flirtatious stuff to a stranger outside of the few settings its acceptable...

All I want is a cute girl who accepts me for what I am and is okay with being dragged around Europe staring at old buildings and eating in local restaurants
5.5" is above average...
>really manly and drunk or like creepy unkempt drug user looking types, a lot older than me too.
that's literally john 50 lel
I got hit on by 2 different girls by just shitposting loudly in a voice call n laughing alot with my hyena laugh. Knew I had charisma with guys but I'm glad girls like my chuuni charisma.
I don't want John 50 those people make me afraid that I'll get felt up they need to die!
I want a cute girl my age or a little older who shields me from how awful the real world is...
Can't sleep need to embrace her in the moonlight
Maybe in Asia lol. It's nothing worth fucking out west.
They weren't hitting on you. Girls are just nice and give compliments.
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tfw no <5.5" gf
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is it over for me if i have schizoid tendencies?
i fell for the "being alone is LE GOOD" meme, and after a few years of that now i can't stop thinking about being a subby bottom for a woman
wtf is wrong with me, i would have cringed and died for this before
tfw no >5.5” gf
It is over but I also gave up on being understood or valued by people a long time ago so it doesn't hurt as much as you'd expect.
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don’t listen to the other anon,
im sure you can find someone in the vast world that will give you want you want. the population is *huge* .
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i worry that i've spent so much time by myself that it's pretty much impossible to relate to anyone else now
idk, i was a bitch in the past but i was just frustrated with everything
i guess i'm so ridiculously starved for touch/attention on the inside that i can't ignore it anymore
post elbows
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some ppl r into that sort of attitude, hell im super into this sort of personality. you will find someone! i promise anon! keep ur head up!
I'm 7.5 :p gives me a bit of dysphoria tho but don't mind using it to pleasure partner
she meant height...
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maybe I meant both ;)
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i don't even know if it's my real "personality" tho
i feel like life beat me down and i heavily repressed the side of me that wants to be caring and sweet, or whatever
all this to say i NEED a woman to slap me until i blush
captcha DJWAS
u will find ur dominant woman one day anon
You're having the pangs of a motherhood you know you can never achieve.
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thanks anon, i hope so even if it feels unlikely
yeah, because the postmodern feminists psyop'd me into believing i would be LE HAPPY if i pushed everyone away and became totally independent
I knew I would be unhappy with nobody in my life but it was still so.show better than the people I did have in my life. Sorry you got psyopd into the hardest path to take just for shits and giggles. Being a friendless orphan sucks.
i was literally convinced being alone made me happy for so long, but i was just lying to myself :'(
what i wouldn't give just to be seen or heard
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Nobody wants an asapilled femcel gigahon rapehon gf...
Being alone IS better, nobody can tell me what to do or expect things of me so I can be comfortable.
Once u date someone they want you to open up and be better and its constant stress...
I literally have brain damage from falling off a skateboard and going into a coma
you are just saying that because you dont want to be alone in being alone
>nobody can tell me what to do or expect things of me so I can be comfortable.
>Once u date someone they want you to open up and be better and its constant stress...
Too real. If they say they love me for who I am then why do they want me to change everything about me?
i've never dated anyone or even been fucked before
sure being alone is easy and comfortable, but after wasting the first half of my 20s i'm tired of the femcel grindset
i want/need to change
I've dated plenty of people and flirted with even more. I've also never had sex and really only had a lot of bad memories of the experiences overall. It wasn't worth it. Other people are not for receiving understanding, empathy, or love from. They can't give you something they don't have.
I'm terrified of being alone but even more terrifying is having to truly open up to someone in case they're disappointed at how normal I really am...
Real. And they never reciprocate in this either, it's constantly wanting you to change without ever sacrificing anything they want.
Mm hope you find what you need anon.
i've had other forms of sex, i've worked as a barista in a busy city, i've NEET'd and didn't talk to anyone for months at a time, i've gone clubbing and barhopping
you're right, pretty much everyone i've met is shallow, selfish, short-sighted, whatever
idk, i have to believe that change is possible for me and others
i'm not on any dating apps or trying to meet anyone so it's pretty unlikely i'll stop being alone but i want to open my heart
i think
tfw no bitter, jaded gf to curse the world with while barely opening up to each other after years of being together ughhh
I've had this, it's not fun and went nowhere but infidelity.
based, i passed out for a few hours when i broke my clavicle, but never from skating
I believe that everybody can be special and also that nobody is. Evaluating who is better is just looking in the past but we are alive and always being swept forward, anybody could do something special tomorrow, it's your life and your responsibility what you make of what's in front of you.
Charlotte u sound like a nice person pls take care of urself friend :(
he isn't and shouldn't
idk the lore I don't keep up I just post sometimes
don't misgender her you fucking cunt i will slit your fucking throat they call me slice for a reason
trip on lago
>only transitioned to fuck trans women
>makes no effort to look or act feminine beyond her comfort zone
>constantly posts about how much she loves using her cock
>posts about how bad she wants a "rapehon gf"
>posted that one picture from a detransition fetish tumblr account
yeah no that's just a chaser taking the piss at this point
that's very aggressive of you, that's moid behavior you being very clocky rn nona
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>on my knees and made to suck gock
how do you know if a girl is hitting on you then... like what if she goes out of her way to give you a lot of compliments and starts talking about things and people she likes and drops a lot of indirect hints about you being like that but doesn't make a move or say it outright either...
polyfags what do you do if you absolutely hate your partners partner and being around them makes you cringe
break up with them and be with someone who actually cares about you
hang myself out of shame
there's more than one bunnyposter on this board
she is very sweet deep down and acts much different irl. we all have online personas and can be cringe at times, i know i can. don't be too hard on her, or anyone else for that atter. being a tranny is hell, we come here to vent
very clearly asking polyfags not ppl who hate poly
Hot..... Didn't know she was that based
Never get into this situation because I'm not fucking poly lmao
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you people
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i don't get it
choose a seat!!! the numbers!!
then the question wasn't for you?
but i'm really allergic to rabbits
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I wish I was in her polycule but I'm not communist enough
Making better like decisions than someone from the start is a valid answer.
They asked if I was single, one kept refering to me as her future wife.
nothing? never hated any of my ex's partners, because i was into them too
omg i couldnt possibly choose a seat they are all too adorable. i will lay down in the aisle and wait for them all to hop on me
Had this happen with zoomers a lot. They use led language and signalling to indicate basic friendship these days. Wife is the new bestie.
literally happened to me
yeah I'm not though. she genuinely grosses me out. I hate being around her. Any other person is fine it's just this one partner (currently in 4 people polycule) really grosses me out
It wasn't like that I'm sorry anon you can't psyop me I've long since removed all the brainworms this site gives you but nice try.
So same as relationships where people want you to open up huh heh
Unnffggmmp rapehon gf
Based and single... But only for faketrans transbian twinkhons.
Same. Tired of getting my heartbroken by these kids.

Sorry you'll have to find out the hard way when it never moves offline because she was just playing and going along with the bestie vibes.
do you ever think that you not wanting to open up is hindering your life a lot and probably a big reason you're still closeted despite years on HRT and should be treated with therapy?
need rapehon gf
start reading then bitch
I've not only thought of this, I am incredibly aware of all of this.
I don't see how therapy will fix it though ffs will fix it but i don't wanna be homeless or beat up :(
>I don't see how therapy will fix it though
yeah that's how most people are when they dont pursue therapy
you dont know what you dont know
>But only for faketrans transbian twinkhons.
You have such a way with words.... Sp fucking based...
hi :3
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I'd rather larp as a femcel online than speak to a "professional" unfortunately...
I don't need to pay to be told I'm beautiful and valid when there's enough surgeons in the world to make that a reality someday... And once I'm pretty I'll be able to open up to anyone :3
I know! That's why I got h8rs
lagoanon era
i hope god opens up a sinkhole under your house
Slice isn't Lago she's a trans girl who knows me irl
Why :( I did nothing to you
you are beautiful and valid as a person I will tell you that for free
your existence mocks me scumbag
Ok explain why I should care that my existence upsets you?
Thanks anon but I need abt 40k worth of surgery first
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I love her so much.... mmmm... ahhhh.... i want her, but i also know having her wouldn't work, and that its over... but dang.... mmmmm ahhhh...mm... hmm..

Also the PZ III F tank is THE BEST of the rank 2 tanks anyway. Yes even better than the pz III J1.

THE J1 is good sure. But the F is TWENTY km/h quicker. That is HUGE.
you shouldn't care. i'm just saying cause this is a public forum and i'm allowed to tell you to go fuck yourself if i want
>I need abt 40k worth of surgery first
paper bags are free
When do we rape each other? (Kissing while frotting + cuddles)
I look so beautiful lately real AGP euphoria moments
Boring... If I'm genuinely pretty people will look past my lack of personality and wont know I'm trans for gay tranny sex >:)
Give me like 12 minutes I'm on my way
idk why people want to spend thousands to fuck in the most trashy and unhappy way possible
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who is lago?? what if I want to post bunnies because I like bunnies.. someone called me lago last thread
Two beautiful trans women frotting is the closest u can get to the divine on this earth
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is frotting even that great? my ass is more sensitive i feel like, would be better to just ignore my small peen
seems like there's three bunnyposters now :) pls never stop posting buns
femsec youre so fucking autistic

Its funny now so i dont care.
Yesterday i drifted around a corner and during the drift i one shotted the enemy that was behind the corner. It was prrletty ebic..... im kinda like an action star..
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>neo-Blanchardist term

Yea im thinking femsoc is based AF
It's great! Also never requires prep.
It is a little awkward for me because I've never been with someone who isn't way smaller but it feels good idk.
Hnngg.. giw... I need.. to be used..
those are 3 hits of trans girl bussy away from trooning out into creepy sex pesty john 50 chasebians
who needs prep when you have an oral fixation? need something hard in my mouth nowww
congrats !!
now let's aim for 2 kills per week, ok?
there is no bigger gaybaiter than straight zoomer women. theyll flirt with you, call themselves bi, theyll call you their wife only to make some excuse about how they cant date you rn at best and call you a perv and distance themselves from you at worst once you reciprocate. also theyre never without bfs and fwbs, theyll break up with a guy and instantly get another bf a week after
is this samarie and marina from funger 2?
I agree she just says what's obvious but people are too afraid to say which is always based
I don't know why you're all so angry over this. Shouldn't you be happy? All of us get to be merely lesbians, yur promoted to something with a vag in it.

>I'm looking at YOU, S.
Sweetie.. i get like 2 kills per match ez. I average around 4 -8 crits per match. But iv done some tripple kills.

Im more focused on teamwork and strategic points. I dont have to be the executioner. I just crit enemies so that an ally can finish them off, meanwhile im already moving on. I keep the macro in mind.

Tho my micro is getting insanely good. Can win most 1v1s if its tactics based. Still getting a handle on the map tho.
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nope, its MABBEN on twitters ocs. I love them a lot, my ideal relationship. I act like the blonde girl
agreeing with femsoc is like agreeing with dementia ridden monkey on a zoo after he made a few signs to you
wydag who always thought of herself as strong but can't manage more than a 15kg dumbbells
>/lesgen/ is, as always, basically just trans women
>obviously unwelcome at the cis lesgen
i dont want to talk to men larping as women... not that all trans women are like that but so many of you just act like men without any sort of self-awareness... maybe ill just lurk there, i hate it in this gen...
penis penis penis penis xDd
I am that girl
i feel the same way. there's nowhere for me :(
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I just said she's based. Dont know if i agree. Who really cares about that stuff anyway. Right or wrong blahblah blow me
get off your computer and find a hobby so you wont need to be browsing here
when I go to the zoo I also agree with the monkeys, dont take me for a racist
hi yes... im literally like marcille and i love falin types... hi... um hi
what do the monkeys in the zoo say? They say YOU ARE SHIT EAT MY SHIT OR GO HOME and yeah its hard to disagree
men don't act like this either, it's a terminally online tranny thing
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are you taking the monkey's paw lesbians?
i really don't understand why you're counting crits, if you don't kill someone and just count on your allies to do the job you've basically done nothing, crits only disable enemies for like 10-15 seconds

and focusing on teamwork and cap points is also kinda pointless because most games are won by attrition and not by ticket bleed
actually i spend most of my time writing/editing and playing a gacha game i like... and making glams and stuff in XIV, it's not like i dont have hobbies but i like meeting ppl and i live in an area that (as far as i can tell) has basically zero queer presence, or at least not queer presence that advertises itself (understandably) so it's not like i can Just Go Out to a queer bar or whatever and meet actual lesbians
what other choice do i have... i also dont want to like, go on random discord servers and meet a bunch of 20 year olds, im too old for that... i think
im sorry dearest cis woman i will not act so eccentric and happy and without constant consideration for whether or not i appease your standards, forgive my transgressions
my trans gressions even
personally i think it's important that trannies try to be civilized and reasonable, especially on 4chan, you cant just put whatever you want on the internet
another reason women get annoyed by u men is that ur always so insecure and act so indignant when its pointed out
literally you would be more liked if you just shut the fuck up and didnt even respond to it but you always have to act like ur better
hey girls what do we think of the name lake? im choosing a name for myself and its hard
im so so sorry im so sorry oh please dont hate me
stop replying to me pls it's embarrassing
oh but im so so so so sorry
calm down hon, it's going to be alright
it's giving bpd narcissist who tries to be manipulative but sucks at it
lol so true
i cant believe i suck at having bpd this is terrible i'll never go pro now
this user is a cuckold
ok i feel like a retard now and you girls are sorta scary too
t. cis girl i promise
>trans gressions
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>BW + WM
humiliation ritual
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You have issues.
is this an appropriate place to find a gf?
i briefly misread that as "pestbians" and i really like that word now
>being insecure means you think youre better than someone who points it out
you are one fucked up social animal frfr
so youre way over 20, chronically online with no hobbies no irl socialization going to the tranny board wondering why there's chronically online there? amazing, no notes
chronically online trannies there* phoneposting :(
I have two gfs and still feel completely lonely...I need a third.

it sounds like an enby name sis
...with racemixing, yeah
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You have horrid taste.
i genuinely mean this, you should kill yourself. you will never find anyone who loves you. you will only ever bond with others over hatred instead of love
common rightoid L
hermes is supposed to be mexican whys she black?
I mean, anon is retard but white lesbians are always treating their non white girlfriends like shit, and it's not something new tbqh
that's okay, i have enough self-love to not need anyone else's validation
leftist ethnonationalist, actually
>black good
>white bad
that's as far as it goes for them
>brown gf
Ugh need I'd treat her right
i dont hate black people i just dont like it when they blackwash characters who are already poc. hermes is mexican why make her black this is racism
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>leftist ethnonationalist
lmao ok retard
white transbians >white cis lesbians
when it comes to dating woc
so you're ok with white lesbians racism? mask off lago
she lets herself get called a fat disgusting beaner by olive. shes a victim
average kolpraphile taking 80% of the pie and throwing others slices on the ground out of anger
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yikes, would have let you rape me but i can't settle for traitors :3
see picrel for why you're wrong
i'm non-op...
Pining for my future cis asian girlfriend (who I will definitely meet).
No, I just don’t care about your trauma dumping when I’m posting cute yuri.
economics and pragmatism are more complicated than figuring out racism is bad retard
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Of course you wouldn't understand. Youre an ego player. You only care about your k/d ratio.

Ill happily take one for the team if we win the match, sometimes that means getting 5 people to fire at me so they can escape a bind.
A crit for me is when the enemy isnt a threat. If its just me ill take the enemy out, but 9 times outta 10, the crit means death for them.

You wouldn't get it. You probably have to be german to understand this kinda brotherhood mentality. You probably dont even understand macro.

When i go into war i go for the SIEG
Pic related is me when i get you, coward who hides in crevices, 2 km away playing your coward game. The only good thing i can say about you is thar at least you're not an aviation sissy. Plane users should honestly get blacked in the ghetto as they have their penis cut by american kabbalah doctors
can you get a trip so i can filter you or something? go back to /pol/ you weird freak
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Forgot pic!!!
was referring to the biobitch who was raiding us earlier
lesbian patrick bateman and instead of talking about music he talks to girl paul allen about lesbian interpolitical dillemas and queer infighting before killing her with an axe
i wanna be squished by a big gorl :3
patricia bateman is hosting a nonop transgirl and her monologue ends with "it's also a powerful intersectional argument for transwomen's obligation to undergo sexual reassignment surgery. hey, pauline!"
i don't even go on /pol/ tho, also i'm a transbian so this is like the best thread for me?
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You're not a transbian if you think being trans=ugly rapey larping
the restaurant scene is all about pauline allen talking about how much of a terf patricia bateman is and how trans women can be lesbians with patricia just nodding and laughing
the "cool it with the antisemitic remarks" scene is completely unchanged
the scene were hes about to shoot jean with a nail gun is because she found out shes a post op passoid who stealthed her, but she changes her mind because she seems like one of the good ones
the business card scene is them comparing bumble profiles and patricia is furious over how cute pauline's passoid selfies are
jesus christ just kiss already
the naked chainsaw chase scene was because she found out christie was actually bi and had a bf
If i had a tank irl.. i would kiss it.. its beautiful metal walls... just imagine how thick they are...

If the world is ever immersed in war again, i hope they cast a huge emt field that prevents drone fags from using their disgusting planes. All combat should either be ground or naval.

And if war is done in the sky it should only be done by non electric machines.

When the cards are down, a solar flare clips us, and all electricity is null, then good ol gasoline and gears is what will rule the battlefield. Snd there, tanks will be the mightiest of all
the final scene is patricia coming to terms with the fact that nobody has successfully clocked her and her desire to remain stealth condemns her to her crab bucket social prison forever
women will never understand the suffering of men that's just how it is
nah, i see patricia as cis, and in the final scene she just becomes blackpilled on lesbianism and comes to the conclusion that shes the only "real femme lesbian" and every single other lesbian is either a bishit, a tranny or a theyfab/pooner and in order to become happy she must accept this reality and conform while slowly losing her mind

also the scene were she kills a homeless black guy is completely unchanged
the way you play only works at low ranks, once you finish the turorial you'll learn that survival is the most important thing even if some of your teammates have to die for you to survive

>at least you're not an aviation sissy
oh no... i have all japanese planes spaded and when i die in a tank i start bombing people with laser guided AGMs from the stratosphere
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what are you even talking about? i'm a subby bottom, what rape?
You're a larping cisbian who just 10min ago was talking about how hard it was to accepd "forced gocking"
that's literally not even me schizo, i def want to be forcibly gocked :3
you know what that anon was right maybe we should date
i dont want to understand the suffering of men i dont really care
I support your war on dorky playstyles
c4c and t4t are the only valid types of lesbian relationships. anything other than that like c4t or t4c is perversion, degeneracy and socialism
Oh then? :D
>anything other than that like c4t or t4c is perversion, degeneracy and socialism
so it's based? i'm getting some mixed signals here
no? trans women will never fully understand cis women and vice verse. stick to your own
Here is a transbian horror story for you all. I met a transbian junkie who smelled very strongly of perfume at sakura con, she wasn't particularly hot or passing but I was horny after months of celibacy and just craved some sexual attention, so I was down when she suggested we fuck. After some talking, we went to "her" place (she's a squatter living with some 4 or 5 other trannies at what is supposed to be an irregulat building) and it was the most disgusting place in the world. Literally hell on Earth. She wasn't ABDL like the stereotypes but some of her girlfriends were and there were soiled diapers all around the "room" that stank like they had been there for weeks, and if it were not for my rain boots, I would have been pricked by a billion needles. All of the unrecognizable textiles were crumpled up, randomly placed within the "house" and mysteriously stained. Pizza boxes, assorted bottles, pieces of underwear, etc. were a given. She called me all sorts of slurs when I "complained" (said she deserved to live with better people) and kicked me several times, but ultimately we agreed to fuck outside and just hope no one sees us. She was super rude during the sex and hostilized me all the way. After she finished she just kicked me again, called me a cunt, said I didn't know anything about her "flatmates" and stole my pants.
Stick to raiding my other thread cisbian schizo.
all i need to understand is that making a woman cum is the hottest thing in the world
this is true i was the pizza box
I've never seen a 4chan post so clearly written by gpt 4 lmao
I am willing to enter a c4t relationship in the name of Karl Marx. I serve the Soviet Yuri.
>will never fully understand
you cant fully understand yourself either
do you think marx and engels explored each other's bodies
No, it's too fluid. And ChatGPT wouldn't write about this.
If you're at all a decent well read Marxist you know the answer is yes. Engles was Marx's sugar daddy.
>sugar daddy
giving some money to your bro pay rent is not gay
if you are looking for meaning look at the skies in your own eyes
Honestly, I don't like cissies anyways. They'll probably say I raped them or kidnap me or something.
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It's gay because they were already gay
can an autistic nonop transwoman and a normie theatrekid ciswoman find love on the battlefield
yeah, but there's no gock :'(
>a rich and a poor bachelor live together and the poor one writes bad econ fiction
sounds hella gay to me tbdesu
You’re wrong, c4t is the most wonderful lesbian/sapphic union, and happens more often than you think. Date brown and black cis girls who are out and proud, you’ll find they can understand your hardships on a more personal and empathetic level. It’s not degenerate for trans and cis wlw to date each other, let them rejoice in their love for each other
Yes, keep trying nona I’m rooting for you
wtf hi chloe?!
>twinkhons should date races that look inherently more masc
i see what you did there anon
i see it
I love my cis butch gf and I will continue to be degenerate with her until the end of time. No one on this hellsite can say for sure what a valid lesbian relationship is anyway cause you're sure as hell not gonna find it here.
nope, not failing for your tricks demon c4t devil
Hi :)
You let your racism slip there nona, don’t shove your false perception on me. Black and brown women don’t look/act more masc, you’re just racist
>shitskins and trannies date each other
>white women stay pure
this is a beautiful solution where everybody is happy except for racist trannies and transphobic shitskins but they dont deserve to be happy
i'd offer u mine but i live in new mexico
My bad nona, go date white cis women 2024!!! Clearly they’re begging for you!!!
lmao all is good I love this
i'm in texas :3
lesgen needs you chloe save us from druggie transbian polycules please
ok deal im from mexico were are u from?
thanks i really hope it works she's so fucking cool
I didn't want to belive/didn't want this one girl to like me, she did and I had to put a stop to it, messed up super bad and now I'm extremely sad..
If you like someone just tell them, pls.. I hate myself now, never wanted this, never wanted anyone to like me.
at least you have a secure trip now
I look like this and dress like this.
thoughts on the middle eastern group of men that beat a lesbian couple recently?
uh it bad
wouldn't have happened in my ethnostate :3
ah but on average they do look more masc and denying that is the same as denying that cultural racism exists so who's the real racist now you racist
cringe and bad
Me too!
Cultural racism? You don’t even know what you’re saying you sound silly. What’s next, some table top math to show me I’m wrong? Stick to eating from bowls and getting clicker trained instead of pretending you have a brain on 4chan.org puppygirl9000
reading this was so hot, please chloe collar us
opposing genocide and opposing hate crimes are not mutually exclusive positions

Welcome to womanhood
genuinely pathetic
i never said anything about palestine you retard
not my fault for expecting racebait to be politicsbait
it's your fault for being dumb and jumping to conclusions
>i dont understand that's why you are stupid
mhm, yes, that is how it works, good job
cope retard
cope about what? you're the one making an ass of yourself
now kiss
i hate being a tranny because i can never get knocked up by a black man and find a hispanic girlfriend to raise the baby with :(
Hello lesbians, I am race-mixing instant ramen and frozen pasta.
could literally just adopt but your race fetish makes you stop thinking im guessing?
new fuck you all
hi anon ///

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