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last >>36368367
qott how do u deal with sex pests
god i wish i knew
i mohgpost
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mohg is CUTE
he is TRYING and that's what matters

Have sex with them until they run out of energy. As we all know, sex pests have a preset fuck limit, so i just send wave after wave of thots at them until they're all pested out.
nomi is repugnant
CEO of gooning
I love mohg so much
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yeah and they real from the pharmacy to

Women were the first to goon! Men merely adopted it.
ansbach best boy
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messmer, the impaler
Just to make it a lil more obnoxious.
wish he would impale me iykwim
Do you remember that time that the mean girls pwned me by naming lias fuck machine after me? And then desperately walked it back only after i pointed out what an own goal it was.
Oh... all of the abuse is worth that. I'm gonna be laughing at that for 60 years.
Quite excited to be a woman in my next life, to be completely honest
"I named my fuck machine after nomi because it's such an imposing rape machine. Now lemme get all up in that."

What is the source?

If i have to transition again i am going to crack open the gates of heaven and kick god in the balls.
>qott how do u deal with sex pests
ask why they're being cringe
block button
don't get involved with them in the first place
the scadutree fragments are mine
did gremlin like the bl dlc
yeah she did
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>start talking with transfren more
>she’s trying to make me play Gacha and watch Kamen Rider

why didn’t anyone warn me of this?
im glad :}
anyone who plays gacha games should be burned with cigarettes until they stop being horrible people
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she’s autistic, that’s too cruel
how is it common sense?
it breaks me that nomi knows this feel and i don't i'm not gonna lie
forgot name
i will fight for the dignity of lord mohg, inshallah
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>Being a woman is like playing a gacha game IRL
you mean it’s expensive and you’re at the mercy of the RNG gods to get something that looks good?
even when i thought i could escape Gacha’s clutches, it always creeps back into my life
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all i have are liberal parents who love and support me, and an older sister to get fashion and makeup tips from, oh woe is me :3
I wish i had a sister.

And that she knew what i was into and teased me about it but never gave it up just to watch my blood boil.
>I wish i had a sister.
i've got 6 sisters and i'm the only 'boy' in the family. some of them were nice to talk to about random stuff when i was first starting out.

>And that she knew what i was into and teased me about it but never gave it up just to watch my blood boil.
oh you're just a freak nvm
>oh you're just a freak nvm
first time meeting nomi?
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>And that she knew what i was into and teased me about it but never gave it up just to watch my blood boil.

siblings are like that to each other desu. we grew out of it though

>oh you're just a freak nvm

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Another day gone, another day closer 'til I have a car again

Well, like, i would never act on it but also if i had a sister i probably would never have developed the fetish. But if i did still develop the fetish, I'd certainly never act on it. But I'd like to believe my sister would be the kind of cunt who teases their sibling over an embarrassing fetish.
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>Manual is fun asf until ur going up a hill and have a red light there. That shit is terrifying

EZ mode:
>Drive up hill
>Stop where you want to
>Pull handbrake
>When you need to go let the clutch up with a little gas to the point where you can feel the car wanting to go
>Let handbrake down
>Car go forward

It's not that difficult if you've done it a few times. If you've got any sort of coordination between your feet then the handbrake isn't even needed.
>also if i had a sister i probably would never have developed the fetish
sounds about right
while theres nothing morally wrong with incest (as long as it doesnt lead to children), i dont think people with siblings are the ones with the fetish for it
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everything i’ve learned about my family’s sex life has been against my will. it’s an awkwardness beyond words. i’d want to die if my family found out what i was into
In the interest of saving lives and improving road safety I will prevent any and all contact between you and handsome divorced dads
You've no idea of what you're talking about, most highest profiting gacha games tend to have balanced female to male player ratios and even many many of the ones that are meant to be bait for men end up getting a lot of female players because they like the cute girls
Did you forget that all gacha games are mobile games and that the stats on male to female ratios there ends up w a slight bit more females than males?
kinda want more ketamine :|
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cooking in other ppls kitchens is kinda really annoying. it's so slow when you can't autopilot where everything is. also this kitchen is tiny which doesn't help.

reply "lol" or "?" only.

i thought they were for people with low impulse control and tendency for gambling.
weird call out

Prince of Tennis is absurdly succesful mostly through female oriented gacha games

Generally speaking no, like 99.9% no, but for incestfags into moms or dads, typically they have moms and dads.

But yeah, the fantasy of the hot, available sex prospect is something only those without siblings believe in because actual siblings are assholes.
The xanny crumbs are MINE
try growing up
>reply "lol" or "?" only.
so this is why tyty-chan replies that way when i ask her to post skirt pics......
Damn breh I could totally use a hulk bar rn
you have a responsibility to become self supporting so you do not remain a burden to your loved ones. you cant kill yourself because that will kill your loved ones. your only choice is to improve yourself until you can support yourself.
is there no hope for redemption? the answer, sadly, is clear
airhead maxxing
final fantasy 13-2 is fun
there never was any hope. they were each of them defective. unhinged, from the start.
sheesh my internet is so bad out here. its like 72kbps. loading a large thread on 4chud takes 2-3 minutes
Should I drink the only red bull I have in my fridge even tho I need it tomorrow morning to drive to work?
I wanna play all the ff13 games but I keep quitting all jrpgs midway. I spent 20 hrs on octopath 2 and now I feel extreme burnout and don't want to touch it again
that's a very HS way of thinking, a time when you could just study more and get praised more. If you get a decent job someone else isn't getting it, there are way more people trying to move up in life than there are spots. You will be fucked over by other people, even if you shit on everyone else there will be people above you doing the same because they've been at it for decades with better spawn points than you.
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mtfrens i ate breakfast and went for a run today wow i'm out of shape i sprinted a block and tried to jog home but ended up walking i felt like i was about to pass out lol but it was good
the endorphinssssssss
this is better than weed
and this is what troubles me! no matter our efforts, if the roots are rotten... then we have little recourse.
just read a book or do a painting instead.
where is omowwete
We were cuddling and watching tv but she fell asleep now :<
i was literally outside exploring for over 12 hours. now im inside making food decompressing and playing a game for a little bit until i get sleepy
yeah i like jrpgs but the time investment is a hard pill to swallow. especially the ones that are like 100+ hours. i lose motivation pretty fast. i think the ff13 games are all short for jrpgs at around 30 hours each.
apparently chasergen is making fun of me now :/
i was part of their weird little discord but i left cuz i decided discord is lame
idk why that pissed them off so much
what is it with benzos, it's literally the worst drug in the world
can't you do, smoke, inject, drink or idk like anything else?
Idk if it's even about how long they are I just get bored halfway through most games
Idk maybe I'll regain motivation for playing it soon but I think I'm just gonna play some dbz games or racing ones for now and if I get burnout w them too then short indie ones or I just drop games and go watch smth instead
Reminder that you're on 4chan
exercise is good
they call it runners high for a reason
i find 4chan less lame than discord
chasergen server was literally just a bunch of midshits vying for attention, creepy chasers who wouldn't even show their faces, spicebagmoder telling ppl she was masturbating and everyone else going aww that's so cuteeee
was weird
..That is a 4chan discord server you're commenting on
The point of my statement is so that you remember the kind of people you're surrounded by
Cringe validation server
>hurrdurr its fine to be a burden forever because life sucks, this is adult thinking hurrrr
o sry I'm dumb
ya good point lol, what did i expect
it's just weird to me how ppl act nice and pretend to like u until u give them some minor reason not to and then they hate u
if i don't like someone i just say it? must be exhausting having to pretend all the time
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new fashion (all from base game so its not a spoiler)
comfy new punching
It wasnt always like that. They used to ban transbians and it was cozy. Then a transbian couple fucked it all up and now its the freakshow you see today
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u know it's good shit when it got u busting out the albuterol frfr ong
lol punished maiden
It's 4chan. People will act like retards with no socialization skills because they are exactly that, and if you aren't that they'll bitch and moan about it all day
That shits so ass holy fuck
ugly potato sack dress

having really slow internet is kinda comfy because you have to really think about whether or not a page is worth loading. im browsing neocities right now
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I swear I'm never in agreement with the results on this website
wish i had a couple xannies right now honestly
>That shits so ass holy fuck
kek i couldn't find a good martial arts outfit so i just decided to make something look funny
fashion is the true endgame and hardest boss of souls games anyway

It's not all people but the cliquish ones turn on a dime. Because they all want praise from each other, and fear a dog piling, so if you don't know when to fall in line, they kick you out.
U want some?
The real endgame of souls games is the players shutting the fuck up about those games for 5 seconds
i personally like ds3
ya right lol
that's part of why i left, that kinda behavior is so off putting to me
i made it through high school i don't need any more of that kinda attitude lol
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I'm next level, so legit with all my
clique, clique, clique, clique, clique
bjork :3
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You just proved my point, congrats
Where'd you get jet?
ugh the steam login webpage has been loading for six minutes.

need to find another game to try
i can hand you some water
what headphones are those?
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eh it's basically alcohol just without the drinking part. much easier to consume in large quantities because you don't throw up or get a hangover. well, at least not the same kinda hangover.

>haha jk... unless...?
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omg this is the best I've felt in forever
running is cool
wats that
god i want to finish dmc5 but it makes my hand hurt so much
is it? not saying alcohol isn't an absolut poison, i just thought it was less bad
How. Also I kept getting bored of it halfway too, dmc4 was milles better IMO
Need to try dmc3..
y r u so full of hatred and toxicity
sony mdr 7506 iirc
they're the best headphones ever i bought these ones in 2017 and have had zero issues with them
did a mod to replace the cord with a 3.5mm jack so i can use a removable cable
i think i have carpal tunnel or something. fast paced games like that trigger it hardcore. dmc4 is my favorite one overall, but I've only played 2-3 hours of 5.

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Some fuckers out there be spending all day speaking soulsgame quotes for years mane it gets to you
I've weak as hell wrist and literally got injuries from changing sens once but never had that issue w action games
Dmc5 is fun but the big schnozer fucker makes it so fucking boring sometimes idfk who got the idea of adding him in
And the changing arm nero mechanic is boring to me they all feel super weak compared to his big old demon arm. That one was fun.
they work differently but on the same part of ur brain (gaba receptor which regulates cns activity) which is why you can od by doing both at once easily.
I wish Caroline a nice day
forgive me marika for i have sinned ;~;
i got tired of malenia fight so i used the mimic...
fuck malenia
i had more fun fighting the dancer in ds3
yaaa.. the lifesteal can be a bit much
i beat her once by parrying and not using any spirit ashes and it took me literally weeks lol
never again...
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they made tifa so pretty in this game
justifying spending too much on clothes as "an investment in my transition"
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Whts ur fav album of hers? I WILL make snap judgments of u depending on the answer
thx for the tip
oh this is lasagna, you're just malding because kat quotes elden ring
Justifying wearing old ratty pants because not finished losing weight, dun wanna buy new cloooooothes.
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I'm just stating facts bruv
Well that doesn't help but I still find it annoying when ppl talk about souls games often since I've PTSD from a friend that legitimately would NOT shut the fuck up about it and I keep finding ppl like that now so the stacked anger from his actions goes to everynyan.
its what belts are for
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>take well the tolerance
yeh b safe if you ever have a break :{

wouldn't recommend it.

Nah, belt aint the problem. I've worn 4 full holes in this thing and I'm working on 2 more. Even if i got patches, it would be ridiculously ratty.
based ps2 enjoyer. wish i had my ps2 here
Worriying about the poor little abuser and doxxer are we?
that's not what ptsd is, take the lesson well friend
o god o fuck
umm idk i rly like vespertine cuz there's some bangers on there, but vulnicura has all the strings and i like that cuz i like strings but utopia has some rly powerful lyrics
the one about the hole in her heart becoming a gate was just omg
ugh and then there's biophilia, virus is prob my fav bjork song and the whole album is so fun
screw it i'm going with biophilia but idk it's hard to choose
don't you hope kat gets better or gets some help? she's just in a lot of pain, which is why she acts the way she does desu, it'd be better to hope they get the help they need rather than castigating ppl who are sympathetic to someone in pain, even if they do bad things
medulla was p cool too honestly, oceania is a bangerrrre
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I love games in here because they're a bit simpler than newer ones
Ever heard of exaggerations?
It's from him talking about the games. We played coop sometimes and he was ass at them
lasagna and blobbert should date
Poor little katja aw man I should forgive her for her pattern of abusing doxxing and harming people while entirely ignoring and avoiding any help even if people go to extreme amounts to give it because she's nothing more than a self destructive lolcow
Gtfo with ur empathy to abusers
You're not on a moral highground
hello :}
cud u ask ur wife on tips on malefailing for masculine manmoders ty ty ty tyyyty
take well the shabriri pills, friend
I would to honest to goodness never go on an /lgbt/ themed discord server. sounds horrible.
I can vouch
Workout more, gurl.
is the new elden sneed dlc any good? im gonna wait for it to go on sale
i'm more of a femoral guy but who knows heh
i was gonna do the frenzied flame ending this playthrough cuz i honestly felt like it was the one i jived with the most, when hyetta is like "the people who gave me their eyes, all wished to have never been born" i felt that
but then i found out vyke already accepted the frenzied flame and that kinda changed my perspective- i realized i wasn't doing the secret third option to end the suffering, i was just succumbing to despair like the ones who came before
i didn't say forgive her, i said hope she gets better
abusive relationships are often mutually toxic, you can have empathy for everyone involved in them and also not excuse the abusive things they do

yeah it's enjoyable tbqh, not dire hard so far and it's really pretty. not much in the way of magic build stuff so if you're doing an int build it'll be a little disappointing

oof that's rough desu, hopefully you two can just put things in the past and move forward (away from each other)
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okki i respec tht a lot :)) is cool to see another bjorkhead. Medulla, Homogenic & Vulnicura are probs my top 3 albums with mebbe vespertine sneakin in if im in the mood 4 it
hi :)) i asked and her response was "the first and most important step is wearing picrel without remorse"
hope tht helps! :))
Away? SAD .......
tasty little faggot
i don't like the idea that men wearing feminine clothing should automatically be assumed to be trans or wanting to be women
it feels wrong and shitty if ur just a gay guy and people call you she bc ur wearing a pink shirt or a crop top like you can be feminine and still be a man, wanting to malefail just means you want to reinforce misogynistic and homophobic/gnc-phobic stereotypes
they feel good. I was given a prescription for anxiety and such. just don't take too many.
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Well that was a fun like 2 days of using 4chan without people putting the blame on me for me getting doxxed harassed sent death threats and posted revenge porn of by someone twice my age
I appreciate the reminder, honestly do
nobody is blaming you, there's a difference between saying "it's a toxic relationship and both of u did bad stuff, and it's possible to have empathy for both people involved", and saying "wow it's lagooner's fault".
omg yesss i legit think about that every time i start a new playthrough and meet kale
i feel like his quest is basically canon for me lol, in my head
rly powerful writing and idk the twist and just the fate of the merchant people and stuff is just omg, why on earth did they cut it lol
woulda taken real guts to humanize the "evil" ending like that
yeah personally im full of empathy for the psycho who cheated on and doxxed a 19 year old and then pretended to be on a plane to go kill her
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the fog that vexed my aging faculties has been lifted
and follies better left forgotten haunt me once again

>hi :)) i asked and her response was "the first and most important step is wearing picrel without remorse" hope tht helps! :))
someone took the time to make that image
genuinely sat down and had these photos on their hard drive.
blobby... my beloved
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i personally dislike them but i imagine its because they're traditionally anxiety meds and trannies tend to be anxious.
oh god the absolutely crystal clear memories retained from 0 anxiety low inhibition period on xannies. never fucking again.

u sneed to get over urself fren.
t-the snew?
wear the skirt. now.
lol we're all going to the world fair is so dogshit. this director is a hack.
What'd I do wrong exactly?
u know wht must be done fren :))
>and had these photos on their hard drive.
tbf its not like its unlikely for all 3 of their pics to be up in a single thread to just quickly copy/paste em
yesss idk i am just, in awe of the idk breadth and scope of her artistry
and not just that, but she seems like such an interesting person, someone who idk has lived and seen a lot y'know and the fact that she still comes through with these messages of love and hope and idk
sometimes her music makes me feel like I'm a kid again and my mom is singing me a lullaby >_<
and she's classically trained and it shows ugghhhh she's just so damn good at what she does, so creative i could just go on and on
not many artists out there like her, who rly seem committed to their art, to creating and just idk
bjork is rly special >_<
Have you been putting effort into your transition? Have you TRIED being pretty?
idk, this is really my favorite place on the internet i can't help it
>u know wht must be done fren :))
convince tytyfren to wear a skirt and send me pics? Yes
my mother says im a very pretty boy
not snew but yea and several ppl died as a result :(
im snew

is bloodstained any good?

Back to full isolation
Reality is the world is full of shit people and the rare exceptions just aren't enough for me to bother with being near anyone
It is what it is, and nobody cares, so I'm not going to bother anymore
Thanks for reminding me that I should've never opened myself to anyone again nor talked to others again
iirc it's breddy gud
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i left my skirts in australia sry.

eh it felt like being drunk but better coordination. different benzos do slightly different stuff too. kinda like opiates or weed there's something for everyone.
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based hermit mode
live a life w you and ur husbando, it's all anyone needs
why do i know this song?
ive never played that game
you still have your feet, r-right?
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>is bloodstained any good?
Yes it's very good, one of my favorite metroidvania games released in the past decade or so.

Although, there's a softlock issue when in menus that can happen randomly. According to the dev it happens "when you move through the menus too quickly" and they're working on a fix. Most youtube videos/internet posts about the issues claim the devs dont plan on fixing it. The latest update was in may I believe and that was allegedly the last update but the devs have acknowledged that the softlock exists
>nobody cares
not entirely true
maybe i buy it. i love castlevania. the music seems great. visuals are a little ugly but i can get over it if the gameplay is decent. seems cheap enough on sale

kat isn't real. all those images are ai generated.
i feel like ive heard it on random non-gaming youtube vids more than a few times.
Too late
Maybe I'm the one jaded enough to not care about it myself
vry true, shes my fav arist for a reason :))
ppl usually offer money 4 those kinda requests
ooooh ur the aussie anon htt had to move back to europ? Hows tht been workin for u?
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>on Grindr
>guy messages me
>’I’d still fuck even if you’re not hot’
have i just been unlucky with all the guys who aren’t already friends and family, or are they all like this?
>inb4 its Grindr
i was only curious to see if there were any chasers near me to get a free meal or two
have they not seen pics of you? why use grindr without sharing pics?
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>ppl usually offer money 4 those kinda requests
not in this economy
is it agp to be trans, preferring to top, with little/no bottom dysphoria?
does it matter?
This whole gen is agp sis do whatever
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its agp to be alive
yes ur a freak of nature
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uwu desu.

been depressed, bored, lonely.
got to bring 3 months of hrt but found out today that the earliest i can see an endo is 12+ months away so uhh lmao. and that's assuming they accept my foreign diagnosis else there's another 24 months of study period on top. really giving uk a run for its money with the gatekeep up here. diy is the only option i guess not gonna end my 9 year streak.

other than that trying to get a routine going to find work so i can rent a place of my own. it's hard to be organized while couch surfing at my parents and relatives so who knows if/when that's gonna happen.
been loving being able to walk to places tho.
>no dysphoria
not trans
simple as
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im an agp rapehon superpredator
you look like omewette but if she was unhinged
kinda uncanny
omewette has become unhinged
if ur topping dudes it makes u a husstussy kween. Otherwise yeh ur obvs just a dirty agp
tht sux :(( if ur in bongland u can check which countries diagnosis that are accepted, theres a big list of ones that they refuse to acknowledge. Hope it gets more stable soon 4 u
i have pics up, and acknowledged that i’m still semi-early in my transition.
i was hoping to maybe get some pointers on there, but it’s dumb of me to think that it’d work bleh
so true


>social dysphoria
>secondary sex characteristic dysphoria
>no bottom dysphoria
i think i dont have it solely because it's not really a social determinant of gender. nobody stares at another person's crotch to determine their gender, except in the rare case that said person is too androgynous for them to tell.
it doesnt bother me because as long as im treated like a woman and am comfortable functioning as one in society, the dysphoria is manageable. having a vagina is not the defining feature or function of a woman, obviously, so the lack thereof doesnt really disturb me.
i dont see that as freak behavior tbqh, but i'm not an expert on the subject so i wouldnt know.
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nah i'm in finland so i think uk requires a visa now? i think technically i could travel to another eu country and get scripts written there then travel back and get them filled but i doubt that's cost effective compared to straight diy.
thanks for the well wishes past few weeks have been so hard i'm sure it'll get better from here.

it hurts that you take the anon so seriously. you don't have to justify yourself to strangers on the internet.
well, you know me. always down to write an essay if it entertains me and provokes some further thought or reflection
>you look like omewette but if she was unhinged
she just has white girl dreads.
this is what happens if u let a horse girl fester
bitch i dont have horse girl dreads i took that picture immediately after waking up
fuck u cheshchire
Post hole
I've got a horse for you...
anon can you explain what you meant by this
please dont tell me we have another brony now
Big pp

All of you should be mlp fans honestly. I should remain the odd one out who doesn't care for it.
pls go away pls
Is she hungry enough for it?
im not a brony... starts crying.... sniffle sniffle...
oh ok come over
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yea uh huh uh huh sure bud, likely story

no sorry its not pink bc im poc (part ukrainan)

every tranny is a brony if they kill the part of them that holds back the agp
i abandon here my autogynephilia

smells like testosterone and curry in here
agp is canceled im hsts now

Hiiiiu snew. *glomp* How's you?
>brown hole
Price just went down to 200 :3
I am pure agp
almost exhaled my drink thanks snew.
meet me at the train station in providence rhode island
Just get on the train and come here
train to where...
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noooo wait its not actually completely so its just like beigey-pinky-browny
probably pinker than urs baka
I'm a top so it's ok.
Send to my inbox and I'll decide :^)
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tha groutfit

homura chan should be my friend bc she is qt and was nice to me a couple times
I just cringyd so hard i knocked snew off the internet.

Snew reminds me of an old friend... Ommadon.
got misgendered outside :{
luckily they corrected themselves when they heard my voice :’}
i follow you on twitter wtf
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>I'm a top so it's ok.
until u lose the flatworm wrestling or so i hear
>Send to my inbox and I'll decide :^)
same color as my nipples which u should have seen prior

shes only friends with discord people who give her money for beer
ermm idk if theres a train to ohio...
ill take a greyhound tho ^-^
lol why on earth would u do that
I'm so taking you to olive garden but you can't get any food just soup and breadsticks
Puppies can hump my thigh that's ok
I forget those pics you'll have to refresh my memory :3
Ok when should I expect you
hii u r cute and nice u should add me on disc my tag is omewette
>shes only friends with discord people who give her money for beer
not true u have not bought me beer one single time yet i am still yuor friend
idk i like having other trans friends

this is definitely maiq
sound good to me i like soup
only been to olive garden once
:0 ok! c:
>Ok when should I expect you
a few months or so
Maiq is way more charismatic than me
So long ugh
When can I come over I haven't got much time
both of you come off as a little desperate
>this is definitely maiq
buy my ticket and maybe itll be sooner xD
Lol :3
ok yayyy ^-^
you're pretty
Silly friend
ty mohgmoder
ive been lied to and deceived.....
the mere sight of your blade sets my heart aflutter
all the more i yearn to crush it in my grasp
how long until E makes it easier to look in the mirror every morning? It’s been about 3 months and I still hate it
3 months is nothin'
(she) got a ban for replying to (you)
Mohg kind of reminds me of Ganondorf for some reason and a doujin of Ganondorf getting fucked by link was a big part of my early to mid teen years so I really like mohg
you're gross
yeah, i know. But how long until I don’t want to cry when I realize that’s what everyone sees me as?
It is what it is ....
i had very similar thoughts (non-lewd) of someone being like ganondorf but they were more related to mohg rather than mohg himself if u catch my drift
the depths of your foolishness...
i catch your drift
i am guessing u watched our mutual friend play this very homosexual dlc in a very homosexual month
thoughts on velure?
multiple people were playing this dlc but i was also gifted the game myself
im surprised u would play a souls game desu
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st. trina was the femininity (agp) that left his form only twink left.
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I think I found a perfect corrector for this dark spot under my left eye hell yeah It's been really difficult covering it up lately.
why is toji gay now
me and who
I loved fallen order and MHW is the only game I'm good at (unironically) so I reckoned I'd give it a shot and if I can't get through with a good build I'll just mod it easier
grindr is dodgy

>social dysphoria
spooks, literally just spooks
>secondary sex characteristic dysphoria
peter pan syndrome, you're afraid of aging
>no bottom dysphoria
not transgender
>it's not really a social determinant of gender
"gender" is made up shit, men and women can behave in any way they feel.
>having a vagina is not the defining feature
source? maybe not a vagina specifically, but being an adult human of the female sex is LITERALLY the definition of a woman
>as long as im treated like a woman
men and women should be treated equally as individuals, idk why you're fixated on made up nonsense. if you don't have dysphoria over your sex, then you are not transgender; you're just a normal gender non conforming man, and that doesn't make you a woman and it's misogynistic to posit that it does

Tf is mhw
>if I can't get through with a good build I'll just mod it easier
im so disgusted by this post im leaving for another 3 months
goodbye, faggot
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how the hell are you meant to survive the beginning part of transitioning? yeah, change doesn’t happen overnight but how am I supposed to live until I start looking the way I’ve always needed to?
Unironically nothing wrong with modding in single player games, the most downloaded elden ring mods are all ease of access ones and ones to make the game easier
Monster Hunter World
paige i think u should consider suicide more strongly as ur considerations thus far have not led you to make the correct choice
what controller do you like using? need to replace my old xbox one controller. guess I could plug in my ps4/5 controllers and try them out

also should I get monster hunter world or rise? havent tried either one
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monster hunter world
gunlance is a fun weapon and so is lance and charge blade and the others are all boring or for autists

care to extrapolate?

mouse and keyboard
I've been using a dualsense since my DS4 kicked the bucket. I was surprised how effective the new triggers are. I got it in pink! I just wish it was a softer or neon pink. It's like, lovense colored.

Although I still think my all time favorite controller is the wired 360 controller.
foul humblebragger..
need an actual human to chime in on the monster hunter question
im a human
I've played both. I prefer world over rise, but rise has significantly better mobility and speed. I found World to be both more appealing visually and mechanically. I played Rise for about 20 hours. Played 80 of world.
Bout to lose my virginity to a trans goddess and I'm really nervous cuz thjs started out as just a hot kink i never thought this would happen irl. I matched with this beauty on one of those apps, and we like each other but she REALLY likes me I'm nervous cuz I'm a straight male that's only ever been with girls, but she wants to turn me into a sissy and take my anal virginity and make me cum "like a girl" as she says my question is, will cumming from anal and using my dick less, will it shrink?? Will I become like one of those cock hungry bimbos?? Idk I'm nervous, curious and not sure I want to go thru w it. Has anyone ever had a similar experience?
I prefer my ps5 controller
xbox is a bit too big for my hands
remember to use protection Larry
just be urself :D
sorry forgot to post with trip on
yeah i miss my old xbox 360 controllers. they are pretty durable its just they stopped making them so long ago and third party clones don't feel right.

paige you are literal pond scum
the ps5 controllers feels much larger and wider than the xbox controllers to me
yeah i noticed that rise seemed a bit faster in videos. im gonna just get world because most people seem to prefer that one. i havent played since MH4
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cant focus on anything
not a single thing
ive generally been happier this year but my attention span has legitimately gone down the toilet
>Has anyone ever had a similar experience?
>paige you are literal pond scum
wtf how and who are you
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>the ps5 controllers feels much larger and wider than the xbox controllers to me
xbox feels chunky
what weapon do you monster hunt with?
if you dont hunt with the horn you aint playin moster huner
Some foid shit like insect glaive I bet
Xbone controller
i like sword&shield :)) i havent played the new monster hunters tho
Also world is a significantly better game than rise unless you like gimmicks + weebshit. Rise is entirely reliant on gimmicks and less actual combat. You're going to be relying a lot on something called a wire bug, which if you enjoy that you'll like. But with world it's a lot more combat centric. World is the better game but the aesthetic isn't as cutesy. Rise is a very cutesy game.
wish i was a cock hungry bimbo desu :/
I main dual-blades valor in generations with my secondary heavy weapon being hammer. I mained horn in 3u growing up because I played support and it was the fastest heavy weapon. Because I primarily played multiplayer, I enjoyed dual blades again even though they were pretty bad in world because I liked up close combat.
Spent years with the horn. Tried to use it again in MHGU but even with aeriel combat style it was just too heavy for single player combat. I probably used it till Nibelsnarf.
interesting. that's how i describe the ps5 controller jsut feels larger and wider and its exactly that based on dimensions
yeah thats what i used for years but the stick is bugging out on me. the new version of the controller has a weird looking d-pad and i'm not sure if I want to take a gamble on it. i guess I could try and find another xbone controller but it seems difficult because microsoft seemingly stopped making them and now only make the new ones.
ok im getting world for sure
It's super streamlined relative to older Monster Hunters but not as simplified/abstracted as Rise. The maps are also significantly prettier and have a much better ambiance. Rise suffers from being too cartoony.
yeah sounds about right since it's a switch game much weaker hardware so simplified and had to use style to fill in the gap
i dont get why youtube thinks i want to watch sam hyde bullshit
I don't mean to hate on Rise so much but the wirebug mechanic was so fucking stupid
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monster hunter world was my first game, tried rise a bit but it didn't grab me at all i think it was the lack of cosmetics.
i really like the multiplayer aspect of mh as well. bow ended up being my fave. something about not having to stress about ammo, sharpening or other temporary stuff really appealed to me. it's very straightforward once you have the right amount of stamina traits on. fatalis and alatreon one touch kills were a bit annoying but no complaints outside of that.
>2 years hrt next week
>feel next to nothing abt it
its over
hwcome we never name ourselves things like gertrude or paula jane or smth
those are grandma names
gameplay is good but the wirebug mechanics are definitely not great
there really be no bitches named Bertha
i lost track of my starting date, i just know the year now
I had to sign into my old snapchat account to find my start date because I forgot to write it down but I remember saving a photo of the first pills I took lol
i 100% forgot my starting date i just know it was around the 10th of july
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i like grandma names
i think the name i picked is sort of grandma-ey
i dunno what exactly i mean by this but i feel like if your name is bertha you're destined to become a lunchlady
july 15th here lol
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more like
good posts anon
what does YWNBAW mean?
youth womens national basketball association for women
you will now be a woman
hes trying to do sissy hypno on us
my start day was sept 22 c: that's my second b day
a 20-something transwoman named Mildred or Agnes would be ridiculed even more mercilessly than normal
things might be looking up
but I can't help being nervous
anniversary sisters...
idk when my first dose was
i wasn’t conscious for it
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It's a silly little date. It isn't over yet. You simply are getting stronger and moving on with yourself to a better scale.
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he so sexi wowow
where she be doe??
lol person above this post.
lol person above this post.
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therapist said wanting to kms after seeing a pretty woman is true fembrain behavior
lol person 2 posts above this post
Hi Hon General
Is Laf still alive
it's so hot i want to rip my skin off and air out my inner écorché
Lol ur mom
Just keep proving everyone right
i want to do this with somebody, but as the villain
go out please. your fantasy life doesn't exist there.
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mohglesting time
107 degrees today and i need to go outside in like an hour
actually going to kill myself
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its ganna be 110 where im at tomorow apparently
i sure do love AC
We've seen all this
I was just out there, it sucks. It's funny but If i keep physically active in it, i don't feel it as much as if I sit still.
why is this arranged so badly, make it so you read it in the order you want with commentary to explain it, this is just a jumbled mess
This Trump immunity shit genuinely broke me. I’m genuinely sick to my stomach. I’m tuning out of politics and I’m voting for whoever is the D candidate in November but I know it’s probably not gonna matter. In the meantime I need someone to call me a stupid little slut and tell me to stop worrying about politics because it makes me look like a hon.
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they killed goofy
"they jumped my ass"
thoy jormbed moi orse
ur being dumb and ugly and stupid and fat
vote d and pray they're not dogshit useless like ALWAYS.
if we get 4 more years maybe trump gives up and or dies.
trump was funny the first time, now its scary
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we used to get beat up for doing stuff like this
Don't worry, Trump disappeared before his first term was over when he got "covid". They've been running a double ever since.
I said I would vote d in November. Sorry for not being clear. I’m just so fucking cooked rn. The only thing powering me to do anything besides have a panic attack is me telling myself “oh well if it gets really bad I can just kill myself and spare myself from the worst of it.” It’s not sustainable
There’s gotta be a leftist discord somewhere or something
Not until everything is resolved
If even I could get one so can you
they said this before and trump didnt do shit
nobody needs to worry, its just a media psyop to get the dems to win. for that alone i refuse to vote for biden. trump is better on guns and other policies anyways.
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I wish I was a petty enough bitch to know what any of that meant
doesn't really matter whether or not trump wins anymore. the president is immune to the law. sooner or later one of the parties will produce us a dictator now
i cant vote for a senile old man in good conscience. is trump really that bad? most of my friends (passing mtfs) are voting for him.
If I suddenly got $1000 to spend I'd just buy clothes I've had the same wardrobe since like 2022
can u grow up lol
psyop bait
is that bad I think I've had the same set of clothes for like 6 years
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i live in a rich part of a swing state but my district is solid red
no, not bad at all especially if you still like it. Me personally my taste has evolved since 2022 and honestly a lot of things... distracted me (to say the least) to the point where I couldn't really buy clothes
forgot 2 take my trip off when toasting bread sowwy

i do not care, hope this helps :D
Marina never has sent me nudes. She's never offended and I've never asked. All I've ever spoken to her about is how to get over the destruction of her ability to trust which is something I've had to learn too for similar reasons.
>swing state
this is actually the only scenario that morally obligates you to vote for biden tbqh, so i will answer ur question for why i say that
>is trump that bad
not really, but what he is, is another senile old man who chases applause and lets his advisors manipulate him. those advisors want to tear apart democracy, 4 more years of him or any of their guys making court appointments speeds that up
biden is a trash fire but dems make things worse by doing nothing and letting the country rot, which buys us time at least, the gop has actual destructive goals even if they're halfway the rot party too

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