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Qott: what's your favorite snack?

The better question would be "who" the favorite snack is

Get the tierlists out again!
fat tranny asses on my face
I'm back to flirting with random men on fit and fa cuz this place is just transbians now
I did ask and yeah, just the normal answer you'd expect. Social anxiety/AVPD. Hard to hate a person for that one, but it's not something that'll work out long term obviously.
what is the blue liquid here
Bruh you're not looking at the bigger picture, you're flirting with ppl on 4chan, how about you get your stupid tranny ass outside and make a profile on a dating app
Cheese sauce with blue color dye
This place really puts the chaste in chastergen
bruh you're not looking at the biggest picture, I don't wanna date anyone lol
are you hot?
transbians are based though
i wish someone would love me.. *waggles girl pp shyly*
yea but I'm bpd
Not like that
*looks at your tiny girlpp and gets aroused* umm c-can i suck it?
>thought i was a dominant toppy transbian
>realize i actually want to be a gigabottom being tossed around and manhandled by a man
this is so embarrassing, fuck me
stop using these pictures for the thread
why nott ;-;
yes just please be gentle it is.. so delicate!!!!
Im detransitioning now thx
Post girl pp now
*cries* i am sorry i am just a lonely trans girl in the world.. please remain true to yourself..
if you're hot enough it cancels out the BPD
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True, the guys just packed up and left together on a roadtrip. We'll probably be back in a week or so.
I know it does, but I don't stick around that long
you must say your pretty please :3
I'm a man
Pretty please can you post your cute girl pp so we may admire it's powerful Aura?
how do i find a twinkboywife who is rich so we can both be the wives and also he sucks dick but is a top
at least stick around long enough for me to nut
you're a bitch
kyaaaa my favorite snack is vinegar chips!!!!
https://unsee cc/album#7uiqrepOzHdF
>shitpost op featuring bimbo trannies gets deleted
>shitpost op featuring nikocado is a-okay
How can I find cute femboy who doesn't do hrt?
How skinny are you?
yes queen sorry I spoke up
I'm too fat but I'm trying to lose weight
Femboys won't care about you unless your thin
sorry :/
not my situation exactly, but i identify with this so hard
the voice of reason, idk why this is the trend lately
i like cheese and cracker combos
havent had them in like a year tho, gotta LoSe WeiGhT :(((
You look kind of like Arnold Schwarzenegger with that jaw
Please leave
yeah i could see that
no <3
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>dominant toppy transbian
>subs get the ick because I'm nervous around them at first and want them to make the first move for their comfort
>look like a shy nervous retard

How do I aquire rapehon honfidence?
coffee #2
Hi! Homosexual here, why do you guys keep posting Nickocado?
With love, anon
Need Discord trannies to talk to when I'm bored. Where do I find them?
I don't know I'm just a dumb bottom with holes to be filled by a man now
Don't take prog, this is what it does to you
become a worse person
this is a pretty good place to look, really. also hornygen

i need to mansplain my interests to a tranner who in turn transplains her interests.
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>take prog
>just wanna fuck women more
you are weak. I do get the baby dreams though. Baby with my wife.
>become a worse person
Literally all I have going for me is my sweet personality, Sarah.
>captcha dyka
Dead gen
I tasted some of my poo earlier and the taste has gotten better ever since I went vegan
discord servers
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can i be your wife
I've found plenty here
>this is a pretty good place to look, really.
Sweet. Not even looking for horny shit. Met a trans girl on Tinder the other day, we've been talking nonstop and I wanna meet more
one isn’t enough? why are you so greedy?
i am weak, all I want is for rough man hands to wrap around my waist and throw me onto the bed and for him to take me like a savage animal. I want him to cum with no regard to me and toss me aside so I'm forced to finish myself off in the corner
I am so insatiably horny for this
I wasn't like this off prog
I just want to be a calm, collected transbian again
It's so cringe to be fucked by men
Skip a couple steps and start taking hrt alice
I'm still thinking about the tranny I saw on the bus yesterday. She had a somewhat sus voice and was very tall and dressed too warm for the weather but otherwise passed very well and I had to stare at her a lot before I could know for sure she was a tranny. Her friend was a cis Asian girl. God the tranny was cute.
If you want too, Anon. I'll drive out to you rn
what about getting manhandled and cuddling after
i wonder if anyone thinks this about me..
>one isn’t enough
Of course not. I like attention
I'm sure someone does
well what i really mean by that is no kind of rapist is anyone you should try to imitate. just be yourself, i wouldn't mind a dom that anxiously awaits permission to do unspeakable things to me. sounds cute, in a lusty kinda way.
nice! hope you find lots!
that would be really nice
Definitely not a repper. I just like trannies
Warm, rough, scratchy male body against my back. Being held like something to be cherished and valued
I want this so bad
that's the hottest imo. compliments for how well you did too.
Careful what you wish for. I tried not to stare too much at her but I sat next to her chubby Asian friend and had her right across me so I got a good look. If I hadn't been all sweaty and in a rush I might have made up some bullshit excuse to talk to her. Would you think it's creepy if someone stared at you in public thinking you were cute?
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im a big corn nut head frankly i like every flavor
Discord tranners are usually found on Discord
haribo sour cola gummies are way too hard to find in the wild
No tbhon as women we are constantly wishing everyone around us is thinking about how cute we are
i wouldn’t find it creepy so long as it was just glances
What would you think if some random guy chatted you up on the bus though? Assuming he's not ugly
Unfortunately my glances look like death stares
i have had strangers start conversations or tell me that i’m pretty before. it makes me feel good but i get nervous due to being awkward and unable to carry a conversation. so i usually just act smiley and grateful as i stumble through the exchange. you should have better glances though, smiling with your eyes and such so you do not seem to be having evil intentions
The anon with the death stares isn't me though. I glanced at her in a seemingly non creepy way as my head was filled with indecent thoughts about her.
the elusive discord tranny species
I live in america so if theyre on the bus it means they dont own a car so id probably do my best to get out of the situation
I assume youre european since you dont see it as shameful so idk
if people stare at me, I usually assume it's because they think I look like a freak, so I will stare right at their souls with my soul piercing eyes, it really breaks them. Nobody can win a staring contest against me. Don't you ever fucking look at me
I'm European and everyone rides the bus here yeah. Even people who own cars like me. The tranny seemed pretty confident and was even singing with her friend so definitely not a 4chan tranny.
>so you do not seem to be having evil intentions
Love this phrasing lol
I missed it, goddamnit, did you upload a picture of nickocados asshole?
it was a bnwo edit
so spicebag is still lurking here huh
Based and healthy
I don't understand the twink obsession. Nowhere near the ideal male body
gateway drug
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are they really? I just think theyre crunchy and delectable
where else are bnwo transbian sissies supposed to go?
To what? Gay sex?
i don't know it sounded funny to say
Lol. It was
Thank you
you're delectable
shut up
it was my body no one said any nice comments to me though which made me feel stupid so i deleted
>no one said any nice comments to me
You looked hot af. Meant to say something but forgot
who owns the TTTT tier list?
The 5' 2" bald fat Indian chaser king
i am forgettable and not good enough for receiving interactions
a fat fuck with nothing better to do besides save pictures of trannies
lol beautiful reply
frogposter? I'll dm him I guess
Isn't he the guy who even refuses to show his face to trannies?
I wasn't here when you posted could you post again?
>frogposter? I'll dm him I guess
rent free
Idk I just like it. I watched too much Tim Burton growing up.
i’m not feeling playful anymore sorry it would just be really pathetic
Why does it matter to you?
Don't worry anonette I bet you're a cutie. Save the pics for another day.
proof these threads are cringe and chasers don't see us as people
thank you
/sp/ keeps posting top tier cis women in the UEFA cup match stickies I'm losing power chaserbros...
did you actually think they did?
we're just sidehoes to them sis
I love and protect troons
no but so many of us entertain their shit. go get in a loving relationship and ignore people who fetishize you.
I love you, marry me
Sidehoes are very important. They are the glue that keeps a relationship together
>tfw chaser will never cuck you with a beautiful sports woman once he's done practicing
They never listen.
Do you like them more than lean muscular guys?
Shut up negative tranny
Hmmmm, hard to say. A lot of it is about proportion. But there's definitely too twinky as well as too muscular. I don't want a waif.
lol take it from me that would have gone much worse if you were actually ugly
dont stress about it, im sure youre cute
How are all of your days going?
all chasers will inevitably leave you for a real woman that can give him children
I made a tranner feel bad, now i feel bad
No that's kinda stupid. Adopting kids is fine.
Trannies are evil
adoption isn’t fine, they’re not yours
I respect that. I don't think the ideal is roid monster bulky but low body fat + decent muscle mass is the ultimate
You need to have a body like Mike O'Hearn in order for a tranny to even give you a single shot at a date
hi chaserbros :3 how is everyone today
Pretty good. How are you?
I need a six pack before this year ends.
im good :3 going to be getting my doctor to get the forms together on thursday so that i can get srs
Eating pastries, drinking coffee, watching futbol
Got one but I'm still truecel
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I'm afraid my boymoder gf will dump me when she decides to girlmode
she's a 10/10 and I'm a loser
what happened?
no u
so simply stop being a loser?
What's your damage? How are you truecel with a six pack?
Thats cool. I'd be fucking terrified if I was you
you're trans too right?
im going to a good surgeon and i know he does a good job. probably one of the most experienced out there.
I haven't had a gf since February 2023
>What's your damage?
I'm a punished truecel sugma wolf
Glad to hear that. The new vageen gotta be grade A. Whats the recovery on that like?
takes about a year to look fully healed, can start having sex after three months, can start masturbating after either one month or two months, dont remember. dilating schedule is hell for the first month but it gets exponentially better from there
I don't hate him if that's what you're saying, that's just what he's known for, saving pics
not sure
none of ur Business
I'm trying but I'm cursed with bad genes
Wow, that's gross. I'm dropping you from the tier list since you'll no longer have a delicious girl penis soon.
The dilating shit seems annoying, but I guess that's just a part of it all. I'm curious how similar it feels to non-neo ones. It's a pretty rare surgery so I haven't come across any comparisons
>anime reaction pic
it'll be great. i'll be able to wear cute swimsuits and get railed easier.
can't speak from experience as to how the penetration side of things feels for either but wrt. oral and manual it feels pretty much the same
Prog has made me want to be absolutely railed by a man, grappled and taken
Masturbated to this but I'm still horny
I can barely think or function I'm so horny
This is a nightmare I have things I need to do but all I want to do is find the nearest cock and impale myself on it
Damn autumn really is a top, she's gonna be pounding srsussy now
I need a six pack before this day ends. Going to the beer store.
Bitches ain't shit but hoes & tricks
Women bully me for not liking beer. What do you drink?
Yep, I remember when a tranner fren of mine got it, she couldn't walk for a while afterwards. Definitely really involved for the first month or so, after that it got better
>and get railed easier
No you're not. I don't fuck trannies because I wanna rail an inferior frankenpussy, rather I rail them because I find the gock hot. I like the gock. You're zero value to me now. I'd much rather rail a cis woman at that point.
>oral and manual it feels pretty much the same
I'm low IQ, what do you mean by "manual"?
like. fingering and rubbing the outside.
i dont think you understand what i meant. i mean i wont have to douche and change my diet for a few days and spend the entire time worrying that maybe i didnt do it well enough. i highly suspect it'll be a fair bit harder to find guys to have sex with, but the sex itself will be much less of a hassle.
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go to bed x_x
genes dont make you a loser, only your choices can do that
Haven't thought the same about srs since watching I Am Jazz and the whole debacle about the sutures popping and the pelvic skin degloving
That's just the nature of any major surgery i suppose but damn shit is horrifying
jazz was an anomaly by having undeveloped genitals. complications are incredibly rare for the majority of patients
How many guys have you had sex with so far?
consensually? four
I'd much rather worry about a little bit of poop than have to worry about hurting your frankenpussy because I fucked it too hard or didn't use enough lube. Or maybe you didn't dilate enough. No thanks, I haven't had any good experience with frankenpussies.
thanks anon lets be friends
Got you. Are you excited?
I'm sure she's devastated to lose out on a potential relationship with you anon
ok cool. i'm not super worried that i'm not going to get to sleep with a random anon from chasergen
hell yeah B)
watch yo self
damn, maybe chasers are gay
I find it funny you'd rather tell her a comforting lie about her frankenpussy. Those things suck.
Straight men aren't exactly known for loving surgically constructed pussy
I dont think she tops anything
>hell yeah B)
Cool. Hope everything goes well
Honestly I have no idea what SRSussy is like as I've never fucked one so can't say I have a strong opinion on the subject
>Those things suck
How would you say they compare to non-frankens?
how many have you interacted with irl?
my bf smells godly sometimes, idunno what it is.
Monkey see, monkey do
wot's your discord
Well, I have. Some of them can look good, but they're always zero depth. This means you can't actually fuck them.
They can't be compared. A frankenpussy has almost zero lubrication, it doesn't contract and expand, so there's not much pleasure, even when it's lubed up properly. You have to be careful about not hurting it, a million times more careful than with a cis woman. It's a novelty, but I'd rather just masturbate at that point. It doesn't even compare with an asshole. You can get a lot of pleasure from those. An asshole can actually contract and expand, and accommodate your cock.
serbia #1 :\
Wit da fishnet socks?
Need a touhou themed blowjob rn.
>frankenpussy has almost zero lubrication, it doesn't contract and expand, so there's not much pleasure, even when it's lubed up properly.
That's interesting and something I didn't consider. The way you describe it is almost fleshlight-esque.
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hi anons
should a boymoder take beach pics at the family vacation or is she obligated to hide herself as to not shame others
Enjoy the beach. Enjoy your family. Stop being a weirdo, you're going to be dead soon.
>Posting feet
You have 300 incoming (you)s, brace for impact
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hey who is the anon that made that list. I just wanna have some words with u

A very expensive fleshlight made of all sorts of human flesh, and you have to constantly worry about not hurting it.

>in chasergen
chasers don't actually care about us, wow
>you're going to be dead soon
If only
be gay or be gone
we care about you the same amount that you care about us
God I wish a man would rip me open with his cock
I think I would literally die if this happened
controversial opinion: bussy and srs both have a short shelf life, if they're being used regularly like 10 times a month or more.
don't @ me u know it's true
I'm still curious desu. Even if it's a terrible experience I still wanna have it
>pants at the beach
You wild for that one
What do you have to say
i care :-3
reallly im a hon ;_;
not even twink hon
yesterday was black jeans and a black shirt, we do what we can
would you eat the shit from an srsussy?
Where do you think you should be
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Poggers feet
I wanna protect you
What's on y'all niggas minds?
unrequited love
The Aztec empire
All things worth thinking about
fat tranny asses
Anyone else here a pervert? Like i find myself constantly perving on ny neighbor, she always showers at night and i catch glimpses of her when she waters the plants
I'm a pervert but I'm really good at restraining myself
Thos Beans
twink hon i think idk that pic is a year old now
Yeah i mean i was wild when i was younger, like stealing panties and shit, but not anymore
Is your butthole poggers at least?
>she always showers at night and i catch glimpses of her when she waters the plants
Does she shower outside with the garden hose, or are you peeping on her?
That's repulsive in a way. Same with spying on your neighbor. You should respect people's privacy.
No i meant she always showers at the same time during the night and wraps a towel around her body then comes out to the balcony to water the plants and i get a glimpse right there
It's harmless
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gib me better bait kings and queens
>It's harmless
It's creepy you weirdo
oh, well ig if she's in public view and you're not hiding in her bushes to catch a glimpse, that's ok. try talking to her, maybe she'll show you what's the the towel some day
I don't give a fuck what it is, it makes me nut hard
Never watched a neighbor before. I always listen when I hear people have sex though.
yea and people say i got killer tits
It just seems pathetic and creepy is all
Prove that you have a poggers butthole
Fungal infections
There's something about it, the taboo aspect of it i guess, always had thing for voyeur porn
I haven't heard anyone have sex in a long time.
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You can't say that and not post a pic to back it up
Where do you live so I can keep an eye out
Wtf I can switch double tre on a fingerboard how come I still don't have a gf
1000 Colonial Farm Rd, McLean, VA 22101, United States
What's double tre?

here ya go ig idk sorry if im ugly
i hope anon pervs on the CIA since that's what they do to everyone else
Very cute
Ok those are pretty sweet
damn Marie, those are looking very succulent indeed
That's not marie
kind of looks like her, same hair style
Whoever it is, good job they look very nice
I have a bowl of captain crunch and no milk. what are we gonna do about this.
360 degree backside shuvit + double kickflip
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holy shit lol
I had to google it, but yeah looks dope. You should have a gf
At the end of the day, me still eat poo.
i i uh i dont make that much milk

thanks its a prog pic so its not really made to look nice. Soon ill be hitting 2.5 months of pio
how long does it take radio waves traveling at light speed to reach mars
do u want my discord,,
over it
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Depending like 4 to 21 minutes
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I wub him
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Oh I get it. Well that's unfortunate. Beauty and the beast.
It's 6pm when will the thread fags be off work to post.
is it possible to fall in love with a trans girl or is it just a sex thing?
as a chaser i thought it wasn't possible then i found out i might be aro, so, it might be possible!
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wait really, this thing still exists
yes dumbass
Why do you play with chasers feelings so much tranners. You know it's not nice and makes us sad
Yes but them loving you back and not just being for sex is another thing.
Those that will love you back all have BPD and will split on you eventually
here is an image of a trans woman I like
Depends, if you see them as a dirty kink, probably not. Many chasers are only into them for pump and dump.
Others are interested in trannies for other reasons and may be looking for a long term partner.

I for example am autistic and have figured that trannies are much more autism friendly than most "normal" dating is
I'm a cat, and I like to play with my prey
i hope so

t. rans girl
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this cat has seen some shit
they did. its a screenshot from a webm someone posted here. he made that face after sniffing another cats butthole.
I want to get on disability so badly. I'm tired of working, and my depression is the worst it has ever been. I got cheated on by a chaser, cheated on me with a cis girl. I attempted suicide back in February because of it. Roommate found me and I spent 3 weeks in a psych ward. What's my likelihood of getting on Disability?
This has been my one question for years cus all ive fone is online dating and ive found nothing from all that i wish to like actually fall in love but like hell if i can find anyone and its partially my fault cus in the past ive followed not my head but my genitals
no idea, but either way please try therapy. you can always get another man. and one that cheats has bad morals, you are lucky they are gone from your life.
Why wouldn't it be possible?
my penos hurts
haha, useless idiot has one hangup, so you decide to take the stupid permanent 'solution', and now you don't actually wanna live life, you just wanna be a drain on society
fuck off already, you know what to do
need me to kiss it and make it better?
yes please
Probably have to at least have autism
With a work history you can get SSDI instead of SSI which is a lot more money, there are law groups that take on disability cases and only get paid from government back-pay if you win the case
Very demeaning process though
I had pretty bad depression even before then, getting cheated on only made it worse.
I have tried therapy, it doesn't work. Just feels like I'm paying a stranger for the most basic advice.
I have aspergers specifically but: Depression, OCD, and minor Schizophrenia. Sometimes I randomly talk to myself.

I also have work history, I work at a grcoery store doing overnight stocking.
oh poor you, that depression must have been hard
gm chasergen!!

>Qott: what's your favorite snack?
I'm honestly not sure, it depends on the vibe.

fresh fruit, biscuits, chips, miso soup are all right up there
sweet gig
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How do I actually use dating apps, I have had a date from one, but I'm tired of meeting partners from chan boards. Please help me.
No, I hate it. I still have to deal with retards for the first 2 hours of my shift. That being the customers, as I work from 10 PM to 6 AM, and the store is open till midnight.
>calling others retarde while seeking legal retard status
>Excuse me ma'am, where's the honey wheat bread?
>Literally in the bread aisle while they ask that
>Gave them a thousand yard stare
>They reported me to my manager
This happened last night by the way.
it feels better now thank you <3
gm anon
Would a tranner like to watch The Human Condition III: a soldier's prayer with me tonight
damn bitch that's a whole ass cocktail of made up diseases, I guess that means you shouldn't work anymore
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stu rate my rizz
dating apps arent actually for dating
i walk away angry bc i think you just sneezed in my face at the end there
whats so funny

NO i laighed
How do I date.

without meeting random people irl.
If those are official diagnoses that they can speak to the diagnosing professionals about than yes you will probably be able to get disability
hobbies and shit, find a place where you can interact with people irl without having to be committed to a dating environment
not very good rizz
im not rizzed
Oh those aren't official, but I'm pretty sure I have them after doing some light article reading online.

Do you know where I should go to get started on getting my tardbucks?
I don't think you can self diagnose OCD and schizophrenia lol, those are pretty serious disorders

you should see a doctor if you think you have them
First step is getting official diagnoses
Then hit up the government assistance office for disability paperwork
They will request all your mental health paperwork and to sign over confidentiality rights and probably send you to some shoddy doctor or psych of their own, and then deny you (everyone gets denied at first unless they're a vegetable)
Then you take that denial to one of the law groups that handles disability cases and they go from there
I have a tendency to stack boxes more than I have to at my current job, so I know I have OCD.

I have a few auditory and visual hallucinations whenever I smoke weed, so I probably have schizophrenia too, it's more than likely.
yeah I don't think "stacking boxes" and hallucinating when you're high diagnoses you with OCD or schizophrenia lmao
you should sign up for grooby instead. make slutbux instead of tardbux
>First step is getting official diagnoses
Why is my word not good enough? Nobody wanted to believe I had depression, at least not until I overdosed on a bunch of vitamin pills and tied a belt around my neck.
Yeah, I don't think a rich stuck up yuppie like you would even know what mental illness feels like. You get everything handed to you for free. Go away.
was i right? tell me at least if i guessed correctly
oh okay it's bait lol, very cool
Bait? No. What's the matter, your soft bourgeois posterior doesn't like it when other see through your disguise and try to get ahead?
Dummy didn't link or make a proper op
I was part of the working class for 1 year, this means I deserve gibs for life.
you have your own soundtrack and a cute voice.
so true..
whys that funny...
That's like $600 for a shoot

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