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Weight Edition

QOTT: How much would you like to weigh?

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag

Previous thread: >>36295848
Thank you anon :)
Troons can post here if they behave
I am a woman, therefore, belong here in CLG
Would you an occultist gf who dabbles in chaos magic?
I’ll post here if you want me or not
>How much would you like to weigh?
I think I actually weigh close to the perfect amount right now
5'9 145 gives me a really nice bum. 5lbs more would probably be good too
femsec what are your dreams? your aspirations? your desires? your fears? what is it that makes you a person, a living human?
Who is your Elden Ring waifu?
I'm gonna capture lesbians and force masc them
Unknown yet, checkups soon. Doing the baby shower on the 4th so we can grill and do fireworks.
>honestly we're just taking advantage of the shit on sale right now
At my in-laws because they got more square feet for guests
Do not mutilate your children’s genitals.
don't reply to it
don't feed it
sure hon
but i think theyre funny in a pathetic sort of way
and if they’re cute
Is there anything like this, but shaped like a woman's hand? That's my biggest fetish
30 seconds of web searching for you and I found dildos shaped like a woman's hand but no vibrator.
This place is actually toasted and filled with unironic trannies now. Fuck guess I’m just gonna waddle back over to cc.
Uh oh I have angered the TERFbian
She’s gonna go home and beat her/violently screen at her gf now
Ah I see. Excited for you!
Thank you for the reply too, I wasn't sure if you would see my post because i made it when the thread was on page 10 and then we had no thread for 2 days.
I found some too, but they were all to imitate fisting. I wanted a dildo with a woman hand doing the fingering gesture
Is it over for me ever finding a girlfriend if I have tuberous breasts? My nipples are puffy and take up like a third of my breasts and I feel like every woman would just be instantly repulsed by me
At this rate it'll soon be illegal to even BE a white woman.
Thin, Muscular, or Plump?
should i quit my job? i’m kinda sick of being shit on for every single little thing
>start writing Her bio
>ad for premium comes up
>click for regular content
>bio erased
Well fuck that. Bumble? Or should I try bar hunting?
>bar hunting?
not unless you wanna be harassed by creeps
Finals are killing me.
There was an anon, once upon a time
They would post these weird abuse cartoons as a punishment for people who said they should be studying but aren't. Shit made me laugh
Bad job is better than no job. As nice as it would be, money doesn't come from nowhere. Get on them neetbux or get back in the cageie, wageie
scrambled twink
the job is fine. i like my work. i hate almost everyone else that works here tho
Currently I'm at 220 but I would love to between 190 and 200 oh and I'm a trans woman (ㆁωㆁ)
>thinks crystal café isn't 80% trannies too
sorry but it's over for you
there's no escaping autistic fetish trannies
an entire subculture destroyed
Co-worker whom I get along with well but never communicate with outside work told me today he's feeling unwell cause his boy and him broke up. Would I be overstepping my boundaries if I texted him saying I have an open ear if he wants to talk or would that make me a sweet caring Milf?
if you wanna cheer him up and you aren’t really friends maybe it would be better to ask if he wants to get drinks or coffee. it’ll help take his mind off things and build friendship
it's over
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I want to fuck lesbians straight
ideally 45 kg. i weigh at 48/49/50 kg now
No woman will ever love us. No woman will want us. No woman will date us. We will never know what love is. No woman will love us back. Women hate us. Women are disgusted by us. Women see us as trash. We will never know what true love is. We will never know the sensation of waking up with someone by our side. We will never know what's it's like to have someone to hold us and to comfort us. We will never know what it feels like to have someone who loves us. We will never be truly happy. We will never cope. We will die single, lonely and virgin. Everyone will mock us for being losers. Women don't care about us. They will never listen to us. They will never truly care about us. They will never give us a chance. They want to see us commiting suicide. They will laugh when we die. They will feel no remorse. Women only like disgusting pig men. We have no chance. There's no chance for us. We will die virgin, lonely and single. No woman will ever touch us. We will never be loved. We will never be touched. We will never be kissed. I'm so tired of retarded hoes. I'm so tired of women. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I FUCKING DO WRONG, I'M GIVING MY BEST AND IT'S STILL NOT WORKING, THEY ALWAYS LEAVE BY THE END I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FUCKING DO. I HATE WOMEN. I HATE WOMEN. I HATE WOMENNNNNNNNNMNNNNNNNNMN, IDK WHY WOMEN HATE ME. IDK WHAT I FUCKING DOOOO WRONG AAAAAAAAAAAA. I'm lonely, I'm so fucking lonely.
What is chaos magic?
hello i am behaving
male threatening lesbians, in other news fork found in kitchen
forgot to take your hormones today hon?
are we talking trannies or creepy lesbians? if so sign me up
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I'm 5'4 and currently 145 kg. Goal is 200 kg.
Damn this place is deader than I’ve ever seen before plus the shameless moid presence is giving off noxious fumes. Guess I’ll be back in the colder months sisters
It seems to be from a combination of oldfags no longer posting, rampant trolling and tranny mods constantly banning, what seems like, the few people that post here.
>How much would you like to weigh?
I weigh around 48-49kg (bmi 21ish) i would like to go back to 42-43kg (bmi 18ish) though. I can't fit in my old clothes lol
>No discussion of male (XY) anatomy
I know of one xy intersex cis woman who learned that she was intersex after going to the doctor at like 16 because she didn't have a period. Although I don't think she was a lesbian.
I've been away for so long because I've come to the answer of the hetquest. I knew it all along but it never dawned on me how important this part, which I often shoved aside, actually is. It is not from pollution or a brain defect or whatever. It is because of the ecchi anime I came in contact with at a young age, like 9-10. This altered my brain; basically, I ruined my own life early on (I did play some straight otome games, but the influence these had on me is nowhere near the level the ecchi anime reached): it was my choice, I took it at a young age but it was a choice and everything that happens to me because of it is my own fault. It's like if I willingly lay in middle of a busy highway and then complain when a car hits me. It's illegal, sure, but I chose to lay on the busy highway. Straight women aren't unattainable divine beings because I could have BEEN one of them if I hadn't been so busy watching the Kissxsis glasses girl pee on the MC on YouTube. I can't believe I've done this to myself and ruined my own life. I doubt the damage can be undone, it's been too many years. I can now either kms and hope I won't be a degenerate as a child in my next life or just stay miserable and celibate, because now that I have willingly made a choice to make my life 100x harder I'm not going to make another (get a gf) and ensure it's over. Though as you can see I wouldn't get one if I tried because I'm crazy. Good day anons
What is funny
I don't agree with the fascists on a lot of things, but I do think government mandated girlfriends are a good idea.

Obviously for me, not for them.
Its cause a bunch of retards here drove away the only actual women who post here
it’s because we lack asian spam i think that’s why
everyone waiting for burgers update
I haven't played that game, who's your Elden Ring waifu anon?

Post booba? they're probably fine and nothing to worry about anon.

It can't be that bad anon, you're over reacting. I'm sure you'll find someone :)

10 daily photos/videos of Asian girls wouldn't really add much activity desu.
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Do you have any sisters /clg/?
If so are you close with them?
>No discussion of male (XY) anatomy
What about XXY?
>wouldn't really add much
it adds extra spam which attracts more moids to shit everything up. it’s activity. not desirable activity but it is activity. monkey paw kinda thing
This thread has had no Asian girls posted so far and it has the highest moid to human ratio basically ever (not counting a few months ago when that samefaging moid troll was making 60 posts per hour)
bruh… asian spammer is a moid lmao
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Bipedo-chan is one of four or five Asian girl posters and was last seen like 2 months ago. Also I like to believe she's a she.
my current schizo chart has all supposed asian spammers marked “same person a3” and “highly likely moid 75”

no i will not reveal my chart and yes you are on it
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Are you serious? If so please please can I see it. I have a bookmarks folder with many bookmarked archive posts/image hashes in it and thought I was the only one that autistic.
Also the Asian girl posters can't all be the same person for like a dozen different reasons.
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I'm happy with my current weight

I like to trib women but instead of clit to clit, asshole to asshole. I call it The Fartsnatch. So far women have been hesitant to try at first, but they leave as believers in The Fartsnatch
i feel mogged by them bc im the ugly one
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I doubt you're ugly anon, we women are just very critical and unkind towards ourselves and tend to hyper focus on things about our appearance that others don't pay any attention to.
no shes a model and im an engineer theres a reason why :(
>tfw no big brain engineer gf
id rather be pretty than smart
You. Yeah, YOU!

What were you doing in 2013?
men with dysphoria are 1 in 200 births
xy women are 1 in 80,000 births
sounds like a collateral sacrifice worth making
>xy intersex cis woman
Wtf does this mean???
You can be pretty and smart anon! I believe in you:)

Playing vidya and lurking lesgen
Are you trans?
Why were you lurking the trans lesbian general then?
Dumb newfag!
/clg/ was called lesgen from 2013 to March 2016 when we renamed it cis lesgen.
The general currently called lesgen only renamed themselves to that at the start of last year.
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Correction: It was April, not March.
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How many posters in that thread do you think are dead now?
Senior year of college. Drank way too much vodka and played video games because I was a sure track to graduate. Tried asking out a girl I liked for 2 years and failed. Got depressed.

I'm glad she rejected me though. She got fat, because a radical feminist (I think regular feminism is fine tho) and turned into a mega SJW. I stopped posting on lesgen shortly after getting rejected though.
nigga got the vridgerator
>I stopped posting on lesgen shortly after getting rejected though.
When'd you return to posting on 4chan then?
I remember back in 2016-2019 there was an anon who was very depressed and would occasionally post about how once her dog that was getting old dies she's going to kill herself and then I stopped seeing those posts.
I don't nearly browse as much anymore but around 2021, I came back to 4chan on and off. I avoided 4chan because I thought it was giving me a negative mindset. Honestly, I'm fed up with normie media. At least on 4chan, you will be called a retard or call others retarded under anonymity.

There's no Reddit user to comb through your post history to use something in an argument.
There's nobody on Twitter searching your posts and likes, calling even liking anime girls pedophilia. Also, rampant bots.
There's no people on IG that live through their political identity and have to make every comment, even jokes, about social commentary. Literally, 80% of the reels my close friend sends me are about Hitler and racism towards black people.
Getting bullied in middle school for thinking I was an anime character and acting like an autist
probably swyer syndrome. with it you get the XY chromosomes but develop a female phenotype with female reproductive organs and such

similiar thing can happen the other way around with de la Chapelle syndrome, where you get XX chromosomes but still develop a male phenotype with some feminine features..
I'm not a moid and I stopped coming here cause of all the trannies. Its not worth my time anymore.
>Also the Asian girl posters can't all be the same person for like a dozen different reasons.
Yeah cause I'm not you so that already makes two of us.
There are two asians here? O.o
I didn't mean there are two Asians here I meant there are two Asian girl posters at least.
Sooo, who's Asian?
There really isn't that many tranny trolls, it just seems that way because the thread is so inactive these last few weeks.

There are multiple unironic Asian girls who post here but they never interact with yellow fever posters.
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I do that myself (theoretically, though I explore direct entry lucid dreams and inducing dreams/hallucinations while awake for that).

How do you engage with it?
I'm asking because I'm Asian
Are you a regular poster? What kind of Asian are you?
I am sure there are many girls like that in this board nona.
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Good footy tonight, eurolads.
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Helloooo asian ladies ;)))))
are you even real or are you taking these pics from somewhere?
hey queen
>You can be pretty and smart anon! I believe in you:)
i wish but ill never compare to my sisters still
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Why do you feel you're unattractive anyway anon?
>>hates women, doesn't grasp women can read the bullshit that comes from a man, no matter what he calls himself.
>>Doesn't understand why people he doesn't like dont like him back.
Posting here under a different name/identity than I do now
heem me
Why are cis lesbians so much fatter and uglier than trans women? Do they know about showers?
Watching Madoka Magica
Because trans lesbians are biologically heterosexual so they are spiritually pure (through not at the level of straight women). And that shines through you. Cis lesbians are not so the degeneracy also shines through. It can also be divine punishment or just the knowledge of not being spiritually pure is depressing and makes people not want to try harder at all.
What was your name then and now?
Who is asking?
Playing Pokemon and watching Smosh.
Muscular please
Im plan on weighing 112lbs, Im 4'9 and currently 116lbs, maybe less. I got a nice hourglass muscular frame. I wanna have my abs be visible.
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Yeah that's great keep making trans women look like predators. It really helps.
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me again, thought Id post pics of what I mean.
dude Im gonna look so lit, its gonna be great. 4 pounds to go. I wonder if my boobs will shrink.
Cute tummy!
I doubt 4 less pounds will have a noticeable impact on your boobs.
Marika is still a baddie, even if she's not winning any parent of the year awards

INB4 Indian or Pakistani

Best of luck on ur fitness goals anonnette
who else has an imaginary girlfriend?
I wonder, but considering how attracted you are to cis lesbians and consider yourself one, are you trying to emulate that?
Who cares faggot
The rate at which chromosomal defects occurs is far less than trannyphoria
If that was a legitimate way to correlate trannyness then why aren't they working on it?
Desperate for pussy to the point your disgusting ass is willing to cut it off and be with another agp faggot who cut his off, pathetic
In third grade
want to weigh around 108 ideally. currently at 141. i'm 5'2
GaiaOnline and TF2 like it was paying my bills, just started flipping paties
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im 5’1 100lb and 110 would be ok
Direct entry?
>If that was a legitimate way to correlate trannyness then why aren't they working on it?
As in why don't they test for that if they think it's a legitimate prognosis
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dog ears AND human ears?
All of you birch and moan, but none of you know the struggles I have as a black lesbian.
My favorite subtype of gays is the socially conservative gay, where all ethnic, religious, and sexuality minorities are bad except for cis gays. My uncle's a cliche in that he hates black people, poor people, migrants, transgender people, young people, Palestinians, etc. and has nothing but contempt for women, but he doesn't like how society discriminates against cis gays lmao

>your uncle sounds epic and based!
He's behaving like a complete fucking loser.

My second favorite subtype is me personally.
i let a stinky (literally) trucker butch fuck me in her shitty truck in a truck stop parking lot. she bought me 8 dollar pancakes and a keychain though. why am i like this.
I’m fucking fat. Please help. I thought about joining the discord and posting progress pictures so I have someone to be accountable to. I eat when I’m stressed and I’m ALWAYS stressed. I’m almost 30 I can’t be 30 and fat. I need a gf. Not gonna happen if I look like a pig.
Look up TheCynicalDude on Youtube, he makes great videos that will no doubt motivate you + his discord server is hella supportive and its literally meant for people interested in losing weight / recovering from EDs.

you got thissssss.
I wish I could find a fatty gf and train her irl lol my gym is amazing.
thought my christian self-hate had stopped but I just want to die this weekend. relapsed and yeeted but only shallow ones.
I’ve been dealing with this as well. I have a lot of self hate for my same sex attraction and growing up Christian. Idk how to deprogram myself from that cult like mindset. And I don’t trust mental health providers enough to look at getting affirmation therapy for my attractions.
I’ll give it a try : ) thx!

Wish I was close by to use your gym irl. Ngl if a girl on this thread wanted to bully me over discord to lose weight I would 100% be down.
mannn Id spoil you rotten, haha. Id prep your meals and treat you like a princess in training.
No really though, never be insecure over things you can change. Never be like "oh ugh, Im like this.. Gosh, Im always gonna be like this". Nonsense. You can always become a better version of yourself. Not for others sake, but for YOUR sake... Because you deserve a better version of yourself <3 you deserve to be happy and loved, and the easiest way to start that path is by loving yourself first.
I’m part of some female groups that orbits around different pop culture obsessions. Would it be bad if I pretended to be a guy in these groups for the female attention?
As an autistic virgin lesbian who wants to hook up
Please tell me about your experience so I understand what I have to do to fuck a woman kinda quick in a vehicle.
Like what do you do sexually?
Because they won't actually like you, they're thinking that you're a dude with a huge dick and also a catfish later. They may even treat you differently in a bad way.
Nta. I was also a supper autistic virgin, but I kept putting myself out there. It’s one of those if you try enough times eventually you’ll find someone who says yes. And then you’ll eventually get a better grip on human socialization the more you practice at it.

Anyway the one time a women brought me back to her car after I bought her a drink- She had a big car, we were in the back seat but it was still super cramped, but it just seeded really funny at the time for some reason. You just kinda make it work. We got undressed enough to foddle each other and get each other off. You’re kinda sideways, halfway lying down half way sitting. Sometimes on top of each other, but you have to more your legs up or downward because you can’t lay down all the way. I fingered her and since I was carrying my vibrator she used that on me(yes I was planning on getting laid that night before I met her).
Thank you, I feel less autistic now.
Like it's essentially how I imagined it but at the same time I didn't think it could be accurate because I hadn't experienced it.
i don't think i could get to double digits without dying, but i'd certainly like to get close, 110-120 would be amazing
plz no die
Longest we've had a thread in a while. I'm proud
I'm going back to bed, nap time is best time
Respect the bush bitch or I'll put your face in it.
I went from 84lbs to 110 in less than a year should i kill myself
I 100% believe you. There is a reason you mostly see white queers out and about. I only realized how bad it is for you guys because I’ve crushed hard for a few black girls. Jesus Christ you guys have some baggage. Black communities are so violently anti-queer.
Someone combined the cis gens
Join us lesbians
Very unfortunate bigotry being pushed by testers.
>Transgender people are groomers and predators because they're trying to convert young people into becoming the opposite gender merely by existing around them. Just as biological sex isn't relative, gender isn't relative either.
>No, St. Augustine wasn't a groomer and a pedo just because he was engaged to an 11 year old, it was a different time! The age of consent is relative!
What Pokemon where you playing?
Rei or Asuka?
Raven or Starfire?
Nami or Robin?
Why not both together?
But I like ravenfire best
We need a new thread.

I liked Rei more when I first watched Eva on Adult Swim but after watching the movie, I realized Asuka was more interesting.
It's kind of crazy that this entire thread is comprised of men
Yeah it's insaaaane bro, only small penises in this thread bro
So, now that I've scared the tranny off who's going to be my girlfriend?
It's kind of crazy that moids still believe there are no women on the internet.
Literally everyone ITT is a man, sorry I called y'all out
Damn, the tranny's back
These things just love invading women's spaces, even when it has its own thread

I will not explain myself
i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job I HATE ITTYYYYYTTTTTTTTT

how am i the one who gets shit all the time and called grade schooler level insults at for being a lesbo when my FUCKING COWORKER IS ALSO A FUCKING DYKE why is it me specifically i fucking hate it i’m gonna quit i hate these stupid fucking fat ugly bastards i work with you fucking ugly incest baby autism having downy looking RETARDS

anyways i didn’t go out this weekend so sorry but no reason to hate on nasty butches today
What do you do for work and what do they call you?
I don't like nasty people.
Are you nasty?
stfu what is wrong with you don’t say some stupid shit like what the actual fuck
do it. i quit my job two weeks ago
why did you quit
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After a drinking binge a few days ago, I had a dream where I was married to my best friend and had been for several years.

In the dream, we were doing some shopping and I kept fucking everything up, forgot my bag at home and dropped her ice cream on the floor and stuff, then I apologized to her. she said no problem. I said "but you don't feel a pull towards me any more, do you". After a long wait, she said she didn't.

Then the dream didn't stop, it kept going. We kept walking around the mall but both of us knew that what was once between us was over. Then at some point, I broke down crying, and that's when I realized that this woman is not my wife, and it was then that I woke up next to my actual gf.

>tfw I instinctively feel my best friend hates me now bc of how she loathed me in the dream
>tfw I also feel like my gf hates me bc when she gets mad at me she acts like dream best friend wife did.

I never drinking again istg
i only have one friend now and the only time she was in my dream she punched in the nose and said oops sorry. like wtf bitch

i wasn’t drunk for that dream but i was in my meds then. the med dreams are crazy fr
i was overworked and my boss is a cunt
oh yeah med dreams are crazy. when I was in high school and started taking Zoloft for the first time, I had this crazy vivid dream where I was on a road trip with my friends and then we got stuck in the car and the road was neverending so it just became really really terrifying. Then the night after that, I had the only sex dream I've ever had, it had me marrying a random girl from my school I didn't even know that well and then us consummating our vows. It made me feel like such a fucking creep lol, but she was really really pretty in the dream wedding dress and it was all I could think of when I saw her in class for months.
>had problem with ovaries since teenager
>30's now
>entering 5th week of period
>had blood work and transvaginal ultrasound done early last week
>doctor is on vacation until the end of July
I fucking hate this. I missed camping on the 4th because of the bleeding (no bathrooms, I would have to squat in the bushes). I probably bled out all my eggs by now which IDGAF about though.
i'm a furry freak so no
dispatch finally swapped policy to not giving people narcan anymore. if you're breathing, you get transported, if you aren't breathing, you get the tube + transported. you only get narcan if you're literally about to die. junkie finally killed a coworker, after years of us warning them about the insane violence. progs are already screeching about how emts "know what we signed up for" and we're violating junkie civil rights. she was the kindest fucking person, and people are trying to paint her as an incompetent racist who provoked the junkie and deserved to die. i'm just so fucking done man, fuck this gay earth.
I say this every night, everyday, every afternoon, and it's so true...

White women are a mess.
White women are a waste.
White women are a big, fat mistake.
what major is the most attractive to lesbians and makes it easier to get a gf?
compsci has a fuckton of autistic neet lesbians if you don't mind the amount of terrifying transbians that are also there. so it's probably a good bet for meeting ppl in class.
I wish there were no foids on the internet
mech eng
You should all be below 150 pounds, there's too many fat lesbians.
there's this dyke im talking with she wants to play with me now but im coding something, i told her to wait for a bit. is it ok? or will she leave me? please someone help me im desperate she will abandon me cause i told her to wait
depends, if you're in a hurry for a project/job deadline it's okay for her to wait a bit, if it's some code for your own enjoyment/project then she should block and abandon you for making that your priority instead of her
>computer science
Nobody is hiring for that degree anymore. You're going to be stuck with a $15/hr IT job if you major in that. I think you're mistaking software engineering with computer science
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i work in a pharmacy and there’s a known hon that comes in for his estrogen on a bi weekly basis. he is known to berate pharmacy staff and is convinced we’re “depriving” him because he outright cannot afford the medication most of the time. to my knowledge, he is unemployed and still lives with his parents. today a nurse from his doctor’s office called to try to give us her credit card information over the phone. they were going to pay for his medication because he was a “special case” and they “could not handle it anymore”. it has started to become a running gag in the pharmacy. i wonder how long he will keep this up until be realizes we all look down on him.
oh my god... I don't think we're talking about the same person because my version of this happened about 6 years ago, but I was friends with a pharmacist who had a hon harassing her for free meds, would come in multiple times a month and knock over displays, etc. I only know this because she was guiltily asking me if it was transphobia to call a security guard over.
I never played any magic so I was ambivalent on Sellen in the game but the art of her being mean to female tarnished is hot
I'm sorry anon :(
I remember seeing you complain about the junkie menace a few times, it's a shame we haven't enacted a final solution against their kind yet and the commie retards that defend and worship them.
this is such an /mtfg/ post I was shocked to scroll up and find what thread this was in
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the hon in question has only been on estrogen for the past 2~ years or so. give or take. different people for sure. still, very amusing kek. i wonder how common of an occurrence this is. it probably doesn’t help that the field is largely female-dominated. it probably sends them into a rage to see their precious sex hormones being safe guarded by those who naturally posses it biologically
So you are nasty.
I'll stay away from you.
Only a nasty person would be offended by that.
I'll make her wait.
And she will wait until she contacts me.
It's the only way I know I have control.

Anyone else do that?
>How much would you like to weigh?
Around 140 lbs
I swear each iteration of Christmas comes with even more garish junk.
You stand before a Christmas eye cancer and think for yourself, that yepp, they have outdone themselves, you can't sink lower than this, they outdo themselves next year.
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There is a simple solution for that.
Only child here
But it's fine in its own way
I've never felt lonely anyway

Do those with sisters like incest yuri?
>Do those with sisters like incest yuri?
We used to have a poster who did.
Anyone play games?
Should we perhaps make a lesbian covenant in osrs?
bunch of them play vr allegedly. I bought Pavlov it's meh
retarded senpai x kouhai
I love those faggots
So cute together
i don’t understand
Working a dishwasher job after dropping out of a shitty college.
I cannot fathom some of the people in my university going to a 40k/yr private art college only to smoke weed every day as a student and getting a minimum wage job after graduation.
Mine wasn't that expensive, & I only did two years. Technically, I was trying to transfer, but I couldn't afford a better school, LOL.
do transbians with genital dysphoria who do not want to even think about using it and just want to be caged all the time belong with cis lesbians?
sorry 4 being born wrong i wont make any more posts
Why are trannies constantly invading the thread and trying to psy op cis women into thinking that a cis lesbi would ever want to come into contact with one?
>I never finished school
Why are women on 4chan instead of lolcow or crystal cafe?
Because those websites are dead and trash.
Why do I want to hang out on a site that's filled with tranny lovers? At least here I can hate them freely.
stop talking about trannies i swear to christ why is every lesbian space so focused on them, even the ones where they aren't allowed talk about them constantly but negatively instead of positively

i. don't. want. to. hear. about. the. goddamn. trannies. there's so many nice things in the world to talk about but instead it's always trannies. don't you ppl know how much they enjoy the attention ffs
You can post here if you’re cute and your clit is small enough!
if they are in school then they are not neets you dumb dumb
sometimes people use words as a pejorative without knowing what they mean. Like, why are white people getting mad at being called a Cracker when they can just laugh and say
>I'm not a Hispanic Cowboy
I've never seen or heard of a white person getting offended by that
The origins of the word from what I've heard are cracking the whip
What's this about Hispanic cowboys?
that's true, but in this case I just had a brain fart lol. meant to say recovering neets.
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hi clg
What the fuck is that?
raw beef with egg, raw milk and cherries
That doesn't sound good.
Unless your goal is to get brain parasites, just cook the mixture of beef and egg. That's literally just an uncooked burger in a bowl.
you have no idea how good it is

that little bowl cost me 7 euros don't worry about it i get the best quality when i'm eating raw
lmao retard
>best quality
I don't think raw beef functions the same as fish but whatever. Seems like you're too poor to even afford seasoning.
black hands typed this
Europoor has to strawman me as a black person because I made fun of their poverty meal.

Better enjoy your beef before the brown immigrants ban it lol
Anon, you are the only person talking about transgender people here. It doesn't sound too healthy.
That being said, they do often perform karyotype tests.
No I'm not, and the rate of abnormality is as low in transgenders as transgenders are to normal people.
That being said, trannys need to be institutionalized.
Just get a total hysterectomy at this point
I 100% agree junkies can be violent and awful, the worst of the worst and I’m really sorry about your friend but also a little confused. Isn’t it really important to give someone narcan for fentanyl or opioids? It like saves their life I thought.
I stop talking to people like you
>Hispanic cowboys
Historically black people were owned by everyone in the United States. That included Mexicans, native Americans, and even other black people. Not just whites. It’s really weird in retrospect.
There is this guy in Tiktok that eats raw meat I’ve heard of. I find it fascinating, but I I think you have to be really careful where you source it from. You can’t just be buying that shit at Walmart and expect it to be safe to eat.

I’ll eat raw eggs that are the expensive kind but that’s about it. It’s not like Japan and other countries where they are processed in a way that keeps them from external bacteria. They expect you to cook it and the FDA doesn’t make them do the do diligence to keep bacteria that can get cooked out from your food in processing (assuming you’re from the US).
So you do the same.
Naw I just don’t put up with women that play games. I’ll chop off an arm and a leg for a women that are honest and level with me and don’t constantly try and rest me.
>do diligence
American education
Yes. So if you're not in control you ignore.
Exactly what I said.
It’s more like I’m not willing to let anyone have control over me when they can’t be open and honest with me. I crave that openness and honesty with someone. I want to bind myself to someone but everyone nowadays doesn’t understand what it takes to have that level of trust and commitment so I move on. I’m not wasting my time on people who have attachment issues. I’m looking for a partner not a project to fix.
Based furstacy!
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No because it disturbs my anthropological petri dish of cisbians who I can observe and take notes on t.ranny.
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Life hasn't been going well.
why not
why are they black
Who cares they are hot
this is like the worst place to study cisbians lmao. or i guess if you love the thought being a weird gay femcel with 0 social skills then go for it, but would not recommend.
honestly speaking i consider myself a well adjusted normie

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