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Weight Edition

QOTT: How much would you like to weigh?

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag

Previous thread: >>36295848
Thank you anon :)
Troons can post here if they behave
I am a woman, therefore, belong here in CLG
Would you an occultist gf who dabbles in chaos magic?
I’ll post here if you want me or not
>How much would you like to weigh?
I think I actually weigh close to the perfect amount right now
5'9 145 gives me a really nice bum. 5lbs more would probably be good too
femsec what are your dreams? your aspirations? your desires? your fears? what is it that makes you a person, a living human?
Who is your Elden Ring waifu?
I'm gonna capture lesbians and force masc them
Unknown yet, checkups soon. Doing the baby shower on the 4th so we can grill and do fireworks.
>honestly we're just taking advantage of the shit on sale right now
At my in-laws because they got more square feet for guests
Do not mutilate your children’s genitals.
don't reply to it
don't feed it
sure hon
but i think theyre funny in a pathetic sort of way
and if they’re cute
Is there anything like this, but shaped like a woman's hand? That's my biggest fetish
30 seconds of web searching for you and I found dildos shaped like a woman's hand but no vibrator.
This place is actually toasted and filled with unironic trannies now. Fuck guess I’m just gonna waddle back over to cc.
Uh oh I have angered the TERFbian
She’s gonna go home and beat her/violently screen at her gf now
Ah I see. Excited for you!
Thank you for the reply too, I wasn't sure if you would see my post because i made it when the thread was on page 10 and then we had no thread for 2 days.
I found some too, but they were all to imitate fisting. I wanted a dildo with a woman hand doing the fingering gesture

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