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old >>36375651
Vibe shift

Who is your favorite poster and why? Only nice replies
New gaygen just dropped.
make it properly with the real name
I'm sure you'd love a vibe shift from people calling you ugly but i'm here to keep that shit going
old posters ramen
new posters bucko
skunk was the only good poster
accurate name
i thought so too but then why so many lcds. it continues beyond the kitchen
kek based
oh that's just usual blu? anons kept making it seem like something big happened
I’m not ugly though so it’s like a moot point basically
Americans are weird like that, they have a TV in every room, even their bathroom
do you think blu is real
I liked pianotwink, lukewarm, ramen. the aussie teacher anon that got doxxed. comfyposters
I'm using my rose toy
i make the best threads its true
true, they do like to waste money
Umm.. I love beagle but he ain’t here no more. I used to like bavbav but I ain’t into him no more, he changed a lot… so now idk.
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what's a rose toy anon?
Unironically lukewarm/poetry was one of the best outside of the drama surrounding him
hmm... beenie is a nice guy. i miss hamtaro anon he was based. i've always gotten on alright with debaser. hitler was amusing back in the day.
bleagle, he was never rude to anyone, such a friendly guy
vibeshift: you are clem you must choose 8 gaygen posters to load into your medivac to raid the enemy zerg player serrals mineral line ninety THOUSAND dollars are riding on this tournament win choose wi
Why do u keep posting these pics u creep
Because its funny, why do you care?
Hey lukewarm larper :-)
addendum: debaser takes up 2 slots in the medivac hes more of a marauder lad is a fucking unit phwaor (im joking i dont mean youre fat its a joke)
ok but i take up multiple spaces due to my massive dong
I had gained some weight around the holidays and was a little tipsy from mimosas but even then this is not the least flattering picture ever taken of someone.
yes and he and tank need to realise they're both meta volcel then kiss
man it's just sad seeing him in that state

the fuck you on about haribo
thats 2 slots that follows youre kind of a firebat cause you bring the heat #heatbringer
do you have proof of that? I’ll wait but you won’t reply with any :-)
ok how about gaygen posters as tf2 classes i think xanthippe is the spy
Need a light..?
hmmm... i used to play a lot of demo and medic back in the day. what did you main haribo? i have no idea what i'd assign to people tbqh
i do think if i was to marry they would need to have a valve game childhood
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i was the most feared fucking soldier on tf2center like 3 years ago i was a beast
burning wings and gravity i shall never love again.............
rushing jizzy taking advantage of his second guessing and thinky boy brain
I got rid of blu btw I got tired of seeing his self loathing posts
For me it’s Protoss cannon rush lol
you love to think stfu
nuh-uh head empty
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o wish child diddling creep would hang himself in his garage already :-/
how do u filter posts replying to posts u filtered
>thinky boy brain
i was a great nuisance as a medic, i was pretty accurate with the blutsauger

tf2c is wild behind the scenes. the people all talked like they were from an anime. valve kinda murdered the game when they made the quick play changes.
Btw my answer is split between Santino and Bucko. The reason? Violent sex
it's a feature in 4chanx. i just filter people i don't care about
LMAO + based. perro-caca poster is correct. this general is so fucking trash
Idk why all tops always try to go bare despite claiming to be into condoms
anon i think you've just met a couple shitty people
i only really played sc2 when it first came out and i got silver for like a weekend and thats about it
tops lie so you will lie down
4 in a row. They out "condoms" on their tags and unless you actively ask them to they will not put one before trying to fuck you
Tripdrama is the only thing fun about this gen, why are you even here if you're just gonna be a sensetive bitch and filter it all
lol, nice revisionism
They will never answer this or leave
are you hooking up? because you're intentionally choosing low quality men there
Don't ever reply to me ever again you blobfish
im hungry therefore breaky burrito posting is gonna make a comeback in 40 min
it's barely even drama anymore. it used to be worse when you had rugby and swede trying to be prom king and queen.
cry more
I got too many to pick just one
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Total asian love
No promises sugar
he looks 16
seems like you guys are the one crying if you literally have to filter out posts to spare your feelings
I'll answer it. I come to this garbage general maybe once a month now because you're genuinely all insufferable as fuck.
it’s 6pm
Sounds like a personal problem
He is 21
if you think that then you're stupid. good night
Not really, that's your personality issues taking over. Post your bf.
good night frotty
baka You're going to make him hatepost me more. Afternoon Dan
girl shut up, you're the worst addition to this thread in years. I don't condone filtering but i'll understand for posters like you
i won't believe that until someone cuts off his legs so i can count the rings
He won’t fuck your hank hill ass
I disagree

Why is that?
i don’t filter anyone lol
>doesn't and can't get a bf
Thought so. Case closed.
ok pedo
I disagree
>Why is that?
You're obnoxious and easy to bait. All you do is post about yourself or get upset about people talking shit about you
Wigs be flying in this thread
im so glad this dies
no its 2pm
That is all verifiably untrue. I think you should let go of that hatred and obsession and look inwards.
you would know
"Wig" nato reporting name Flamer
here he goes getting upset about peopole talking shit about him again
How high is my post count average now?
Too high, get a life you fucking loser
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>yet another "shitflinging about the meta of gaygen that leads to nothing"
why bother? you faggots LOVE the status quo of this place admit it
my top said i was a sissy for moaning like a girl. he's wrong, i'm not mad or anything though. i don't care what some fag thinks
i just woke up after eating a bunch of pasta and dairy.
post hole
that's a mtf
Am I really ramen tiered?
post pole
We can go higher.
I'm not gonna stop you wasting your life lurking this place every day of the week
y tf does everyone have strep this summered
because y'all won't wear masks
I love Shallo
idk doctor said it was viral bronchitis and google says thats just a symptom of cold/flu but it sucks causw it says like 3-6 weeks to go away so we're in for the long haul on this one
post hole
post ass
twink frot
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Total shallo love
cover me in white clay
cover me in white clay
cover me in white clay again
no. ramen posted pole and you're too stupid to
this video goes hard
i went 2 the doctor bc one of my tonsils was absolutely massive & the doctor was like well at least it isnt strep come back if it gets bigger but since every1 has told me they had strep 1-2 weeks ago

i thought the central conceit of gg posters was that they dont go outside tho
hi handsome. I don’t know why there is blood between you two. Santino can be a little spicy but he has really smooth balls and a handsome pronounced chin and I’ve witnessed his softer side.
ramen didn’t post pole he got exposed lmao
i thought strep at first but i had strep alot as as a kid and the streppy symptoms were gone after a few days but the flem cough remained. but theres no more pain or exhaustion just mucus.
Cara Delevigne tier eyebrows
yah i have no other symptoms except one tonsil is literally so big i can barely talk it would be sooo gross if it popped haha
santino is extremely insecure and attacks anyone he perceives as better or more attractive than he is
i used a netty pot for the first like week religiously to get past the sinus inflammation i highly recommend theyre like 12 bucks.
santino is long gone
lol lmao kek even and trip on
if only
i use the squeeze bottles w/baby shampoo a lot its probably rly bad 4 u tho. i own an electric nasal irrigator that i think just wasnt worth it but its nice if im actually sick
Anyone can put santino as their name to bait drama, even i've done that at times. When was last time he posted with his trip?
bucks barely posts and half the time its not even a full sentence. how would you hate the guy fr unless its just personal jealousy
he posts without trip so often because he keeps getting himself banned for posting people's dox
shitting on the toilet
you're not convincing anyone santino
what do you mean baby shampoo?
I can fix him
No that was probably me or one of the other ones that likes to stir the pot. Why would any one of us post without his trip if we were actually him? Saying it's because of the ban is just part of the ruse
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like 3 drops of this, u still have to put the salt & the water in. they also sell menthol i think u can add to it if u r insane or just really really sick
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no the mystery will be gone.
Shallo coded.
why arent there cuck fetish gays am i missing something
lol you accuse everyone of posting people doxs while doing the same
>me when i vaguely imply i'm santino by posting about how i'm clearly not him just to get anons mad at him
not me anon i just dislike santino
>you when you think anyone cares enough about you to act like you
You're just a miserable vile person
gays can’t be emasculated we just don’t care idk a theory
orphanages shouldnt even be legal
Caged up Haribo forced to get a High School education!
what do you think we should do with all the orphans then
*projectile vomits*
Is that a sports bra?
>when you think anyone cares enough about you
You and the other anons cared enough to reply to my bait just like i wanted you to, i'm happy about the results
i just do distilled water with a saline pack
AGP coded
its a bralette
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Imagine eating this good
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food posting o clock
are you eating a bullet?
>egg on burg
I hate Americans.
I want to change my answer to this question. my real favourite poster is the anon who used to post pictures of his breakfasts along with a post typed like he was your loving bf who had cooked them for you, the reader. they were always really big too like that man was eating six eggs, two bacons, a whole ribeye steak and four pancakes every morning. I miss him dearly
ok well come back when u r ready 2 up yr game...

i made massaman curry but it looked like massaman curry so i wont post it
Thank you for your heartfelt and thoughtful response Beenie weenie
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can we have this as the op before the day ends?
why is slop so delicious? will they ever figure out how to make food that looks good and tastes good?
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I’m more than just ass and pole anons. I’ve posted them before anyways
You're so desperate for kind replies
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i really like this poster i like the retrofuturism slamdunk joke banger well done haribo standing ovation
oh wait "who is"
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I’m not desperate for anything
only sort of related but this is reminding me of how ppl salivate over the shiny wet goopy slop in ghibli movies
this is the most unhinged insult i’ve seen here in a while lmfao
What's unhinged about that read?
you are so desperate for kindness i bet you like it when someone says have a nice day you sick fucking freak
Thank you for your heartfelt and thoughtful response anon keep them coming
****** is going menthol... AGAIN
no but i like it when they play with my penis
Kudos mama, thanks for spilling
There's no such thing as bisexuality

If bi is a male he's just a closeted homo
if bi is a female she's just an attwhore
when are you gonna pick up the slack and fill that void?
My mum almost caught me sniffing my underwear
I live in hope that the OG breakfastanon will come back some day so I don't want to steal his bit
plus I don't think I have what it takes to eat like that
you were jerking?
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I can't stop winning.
i believe in YOU beenie. you can eat like that.
Remember when you took a break from this place after getting outed as a pedophile? I member
bich ass, shame he died
rip in piss
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Like this?
I'm sorry. I'm not attracted to you.
>I'm sorry. I'm not attracted to you.
Of course you're not, i'm not a kid
I'm tired of your blatant biphobia. Bi people are lost and desperate straight attwhores that feel the need to feel special, unfaithful and greedy.
No. You're ugly.
Cleaning my bong more often has made all the difference in my throat feeling dead brothers. I thought I was going to have to stop doing ass to mouth
how would you know that?
no one cares
I'm making creme caramel uwu
right now I'm eating spaghetti with curry on it bc I reached for the wrong jar in the dark and didn't realise until it was too late. I got a long way to go
You smoke too? Bucko my heart can’t take anymore.

But yeah bong funk will pollute you.
oh. oh dear beenie. that is an error. has it turned out nicely at least?
Honey. Who are you trying to fool?
was fun today gaygen

god i just wanna grab him by the nose ring and march him around like my bitch
it's edible but I would not make the same mistake again a hurry. the knowledge that it would make an Italian person very upset is what's getting me through it
no one, you're the only one here implying you know what i look like
I need my face to be sat on
i need to be thrown into a black hole
I need a sweet femboy to heal my broken heart
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To be fair, I cooked for the whole family. They just don't eat like me.
I cleaned mine like 2 weeks ago. It's so good when the water is clean and chilled.
How else does a man function in this wild world? Have a chill day catch you later
you're a real one for this anon. truly.
Stephen Fry's husband (do not research)
"K" is a crazy weak response to being called out for being a pedophile, grow some backbone and defend yourself you faggot
50 year old man posting a $10 head shop pipe for high schoolers from an android phone, pathetic.
we need to bring back workhouses for paupers
wee snaw
that's not what i'm asking.
did you enjoy the show?
i was making the caramel for my creme and the sugar solidified instead of melting o_o
I don't think I've ever worn a vest beyond underwear as a small child
i want to play dan on magic the gathering arena and crush him so badly he uninstalls
I am so close to a mental breakdown about these fucking crackers.
reroll white
deep breaths in.. sister.. deep breaths out..
I feel gaslit daily. I need to escape this fucked up country and go somewhere that is not full of these psychotic people who want to break me down.
he's kinda hot ... as an old manmoder at least :|
post hole
I'm sure the crackers from wherever you have immigrated are more than happy about you going back
You know why this country is fucked up? It is full of the most vapid creatures. You don't have this in Canada, You don't have this in the United Kingdom, you don't have this in Germany, you don't have this in South Africa. I need to get out soon as possible but they want to hold me down because they fucking say shit like "Oh you need to be a tech worker for six years!" "Actshually get this super hard degree that we may reject you for anyways!" THEN WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT OF HAVING MIGRATORY BORDERS THE FUCK
also i hate fags
i hate myself ;__;
I was brought here not by choice but my ancestors were forced here. To be captured, to have their wings snipped one by one,
you first? wanna lick hot hole ngl
like srs
No ones forcing you to stay you fucking nigger
I know that sports bra and body
you're sporty spice
post full body pic with face
I want to AI your outfit
fuck you i want a faggot to fuck my ugly old faggy masculine ass ;__;
omg you ever posted nipples?
i'm kinda autistically fixated on nipples, not trying to be weird srs
so who do we have to thank for the presence of multiple honest to god trannies itt
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Eenie meanie mine-y mo. I wonder where my dick will go.
my bet would be in some underaged kid
kys bishit
Kek drag him
OP should get peeled garlic in his rectum
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It's weird that's all you think about.
bishit was once the hottest poster
don't call me 'faggot' if you want to live
spreading awareness is necessary when people like you think you can just casually come back posting like we all forgot
Ching Chong Ding Dong
shut up bishit
u can see em fine through the bra they are changing recently tho
because "straight" cucks are actually repressed faggots
can you ladies take this elsewhere? despite the retarded op this is gaygen not mtfg
This isn't gaygen this is an abomination
i miss bishit
I am Algerian gay
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People are attracted to you when you be a good person.
i agree but i still dont want trannies in it
Why do trans people upset you. They r just chilling
is this blatino?
post algerian hole
My condolences.
they are like mice or spiders or ants. i have no issues with them i just don't want them in my house
no it's ******* *******
He was a sweetie too. He was nutty and a little catty but not really malevolent. If you managed to get past his tough guy bit, he could be a big cuddly pussycat.
post your face pussy
nietzsche made me gay. https://youtu.be/myc7eHGg5y4
Actually they are like people that annoy you which exist everywhere people are because you're a maladjusted loser teehee
no i was right the first time
Bro I think the Supreme Court fumbled it for the red team even the centrist stations are saying "yea this could lead to tyranny probably" let's go Joe
blatino looks normal
cdc has posted face and looks like a greasy ethnic pdffile
I hope you are staying cool as a cucumber! <3
i hope you get athlete’s foot
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>people that annoy you
Common venn diagram overlap
Kek based
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There's a huge differance between people that just annoy you and people that set gay acceptance back 10 years by exploiting our movement with their retarded mental illness
lets not do this i just wanted the transbians discussing their hormone titties to take it elsewhere
Boohoo the same people that hate trans people also hate gay people like they would anyway wake the fuck up idiot
>the same people that hate trans people also hate gay people
No i don't, what a weird statement
i'm sorry gaygen i mistook the op name for a new gen. i don't make it a point to crash this place.
My hole is hairy :(
what's :( about that
41% yourself you fucking weirdo
nah. bye tho.
What about the ones that aren't against trans people
They're dumbfucks that need to wake up before it's too late
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>the same people that hate trans people also hate gay people
post hairy algerian hole
this creme caramel has been a disaster so far :/
We love our trans sisters
If you hate trans people you aren't white which is fine but the hating trans people part isn't
>If you hate trans people you aren't white
That's right honkie you in the wrong hood
stop replying to her she's obsessed with picking retarded arguments with anyone dumb enough to engage her
Explain yourself fucking nigger
Don't fucking ever tell me what to do
Very complex thoughts coming from someone who can't comprehend the healthy human caloric intake.
ok babe just say you're dumb enough
You're not white anymore bitch. You're a minority.
I'm not the one making an ass off myself here, when i leave no ones gonna know that was me but whatever dumbshit delta types is gonna be stuck here forever
just because i find personality hotter than genitals i'm an outcast?
still like men and i am a man so... it hurts my soul

am srs sorry i don't know why i am like this (except autism ig)

girl i could take you in a fight ngl
asl? i mean you're a weak wristed faggot (like me) but "sex" (yes or no) and location would help... uwu
How much could I win right now if I bet on Michelle Obama 2024 and she won
why is delta in it
My bad i keep mistaking them for eachother, neither one is memorable enough so they just kinda melt together in my mind
i dont understand y people think shes next in line unless they expect her to like announce shes rfk jrs vp & then like most kennedys he suffers a horrific unexplainable head injury (which we all thought was the worm) right after he sneaks his way n2 the second debate & somehow comes off coherent (most plausible part)
is it your first time making caramel?
Your neck and ankles were never white to begin with.
i have a confession to make sometimes i can count myself among your fans
i like horror too
no, it's my first time making creme caramel
every time i see a horror post i think about replying to it because i know we can have a conversation for a few posts at least which is far from guaranteed with most people posting right now
I don't I just think it would be the funniest outcome
caramel is not exactly hard to make but i think most people fuck it up a few times before it clicks so don’t be discouraged
They white as fuck straight up pasty I'm lucky they are hairy except not really with my neck I've been thinking about getting my back waxed
honestly kinda embarrassing that you come here for conversations, don't you have real life friends you can talk to?
retarded post
we’re having a conversation right now bro are you smoking the devil’s lettuce
funniest 2 me would be if they both tried to step down at the same time & the other saw it as an opportunity 2 stay in the race & they both looked like petulant old codgers
it's not caramel, it's creme caramel -__-
not really, i'm just baiting you for replies
that’s the same thing but with a retarded spin on it so you can maintain your ironic distance bc you are scared to death of sincerity
No i just think it's funny getting you riled up, i'm not at all interested in what you actually say. This is a one way thing
What if biden shoots him on stage at the next debate because of presidential immunity
yeah i know, you said you messed the caramel up earlier unless two of you are making the same dish
i dont think that will happen
it’s three of us, actually
is this a trend of dessertok
What if he just stops wearing clothes to protest presidential immunity
what if biden shoots himself on stage during the next debate because of presidential immunity and as a statement of support for the right to die movement
this was a great op. just marvelous. class act.
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>meme arrow
I wanna know more about making caramel and creme caramal
gay lisp is disgusting talk like a normal person
>reaction image
Saves the world. He'd live as a hero for giving us our first black woman president.
You can't ctrl f gaygen
shallo can run for president in 2028. he can save america
more like scenario is that Russia will escalate something with the U.S. and Europe, they have subs around Cuba at the moment
can she twerk?
new: >>36381441

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