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prev: >>36378802

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The great thing about the election is that we can all agree that no one will believe any results so its pretty much going to be a free-for-all.

If BLM taught us anything, it may be a crime to confront the government, but anything that generates tax revenue is open season. They didn't mind shutting down businesses for covid, they can find vacation time for banana republic circus too.

And the best part is anyone can pick who ever they feel needs to get got. That was what BLM was all about.

What BLM didn't have was proficiency with drones. Maxine Waters knows whats up.
>If BLM taught us anything
*rolling eyes emoji*
the heat was low because I was preheating the oven, so the water evaporated before the sugar could reach the melting point and crystalized

I overbaked the creme caramel :/
I'd like to know more. It sounds like it would be easy to do. Making caramel or creme caramel seems like it would take a lot of finesse. It seems like very focused chemistry.
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Did you bake it directly in the oven or in a water bath?

my boredom is incredible sisters
I meant easy to make a mistake
She can do anything
Wish they would we would wipe them
Apparently Hunter Biden is at his dads house rn explaining to his dad that he can resign or the DNC will give him the bullet
waterbath, but my oven has been acting up
the recipe called for 50 minutes at 325F, but I left it 1 hour and twenty minutes because the oven was at 250F when I put it in
I did pre-heat it, however, it ran lower because I had to boil the water for the bath
They need to run Hunter because only a criminal can beat a criminal and he has a nice cock
that was awesome ty
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>gained 4 pounds even though I am barely eating
well time to go on a anti Jewish rant on all boards
you can now reply to this post with "based"
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well it is therapeutic
Drinking coors light to compliment the margarita I had earlier
alcoholics should be shot
Don't have anything hard, no shots tonight
got some big salty nuts
i combined all your holes in my mind and rotated them on my dick until i ejaculated
I honestly wouldn't be that,sad if my BF died in a plan crash. I'd be like excited to live a new life and be rid of him. Does that make me that bad, really?
Like everyone freaking out about plane crashes cause of Boeing but I gaurantee you cheaters aren't upset about it
Being an adult is boring
Are they cashews? I like cashews.
You cannot escape your destiny, GT.
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cum brownies o_o
have you tried dating younger guys?
Not fishy enough for you? You like that ripe sloppy seafood gushing with fishy fish juice running down your chin, don't you.
Get a BF and cheat on him
austin wolf
Nice projection. Don't do it again.
You're doing it wrong
how do you go into work and keep a straight face after getting carnally, savagely impaled the night before
y'all ever accidentally listen to that one song that reminds you of them?
Why do you think you have to keep a straight face?
God its been years lowrider anon
Im good
I know, all I do is work and study for work
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I work as one of these dudes
Do something 4 the 4th
I'm imagining someone trying to suck off one of the stoic guard dudes and he acts like it isn't happening and tries to not get hard
some of y'all support trump..why?
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Awwww ;-;
I love bunnies. Thank you! <3
america is pedosexual
that sure sounds like something that is real and actually happened wow
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Haven't got a 'them' to be reminded of

Based elmo
shallo made bottoms top each other, this is important
if only you knew how bad things really are...
"trump was always hanging out with Epstein and ivana would always hang out with Ghislaine.."
"Ivana and Ghislaine would ride in a limo together and get young highschool girls numbers they thought were pretty enough for Epstein while I was in the limo with them"
count yourself lucky.
I'd do anything to take it back.
yeah i still have a bunch of those scattered around my playlists like emotional landmines
im sure
sad that you don't believe the accounts of female rape victims, misogynistic much?
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if the stupid sluts had dressed and acted modestly instead of like wantons then maybe they would have kept their virtue
idc what he does as long as I get to run my own einsatzgruppen in 2025
so sad
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Praying to the evil djinn to take my fat BF from this world and onto the next. May lighting strike!
need me a bucko
How do you filter out tripcodes btw?
settings bottom right. if ur on mobile u have 2 use desktop to set them but they sort of stay in mobile view. u include the !

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