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not a bodybuilder edition
previous: >>36416236

QOTT: what do you like the most about manmoding?
Safety probably lol
i made a thread but i forgot the subject
that's too bad
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candy-ass needs to make a comeback it sounds so cool
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qott I like not having to worry about passing
I get to have my cake (physical feminization) and eat it (he/him and not worry about passing or voicetraining) too
95 burgers in my apartment
is it feasible to get someone to suck on my tits while still validating me as a man
hell yeah brother i'll do it right now
somewhere in the northern part of Appalachia
wrong coast
>QOTT: what do you like the most about manmoding?

I do unironically enjoy the authority and respect that my aggressively straight male voice and presentation commands, I like that people don't try to fuck with me or manipulate me, probably gonna be the hardest thing to give up if I ever (never) honmode, I want to present feminine but I don't really want to be treated like a mentally deficient child like pooners claim women are.
ill pull through as soon as i learn how to drive stick and insure a car with historical plates
I should cut my face off
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do I rewatch bubblegum crisis and/or finally get around to ad police, watch dirty pair after having it in the back of my head as something to watch for like 20 years, rewatch dennou coil, or start rewatching SG-1?
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i don't want to manmode anymore.
holy shit it smells bad in here
shut the fuck up
yeah it's like a hundred degrees out and I didn't shower today sorry not sorry
i just showered for the first time in a week
it's also 4 am and only like 60 degrees out
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oh my god a n*namerican
i intentionally lied about the time so but only a little
cool story bro I'm in your walls
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do you ever get deja vu
every time i wake up
How difficult is it to keep manmoding after FFS? My voice doesn’t pass at all and I want to avoid the humiliation.
chudette <3
I really want a gf or theyf or something
I'm attracted to manmoders because I like men.
i don't even bother to shave in the morning anymore i'm constantly rocking that 3-day scruff

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