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Frank Zane this time.
i'm having a laugh m8.
If I could look like him I mean if I had a body like he has I would never want to be a woman I would never transition I'd be so happy with myself I'd go out and just start a fight with some dude to prove a tough I was
Frank is not a violent man and he doesn't act tough just because he's big.
cringe thread gimmick
you're the only person who has a problem with it.
I don't care what Frank does I'm saying what I do if I look like him. I definitely try to bully back a little bit on all the people that bullied me with my little feminine body
no there's at least 2
whatever, I'm manlier than any faggy bodybuilder anyway
i'll stop being so annoying as soon as i sober up.
mogs me...
I promise to never not be annoying as long as I live, sober or not
unfortunately i'm actually normal when i'm not drunk
Good morning, saar!!
I get realllly depressive when I'm drunk but I'm really not any less normal, if I'm in an unhinged mood already it opens the floodgates but I have to be there first

someone I worked with randomly asked if I knew about ENA one day and that always left me wondering after I watched it and went
>me fr
with the kind of night and day personality expression sometimes depending on my self-esteem or if I'm drunk
i didn't read all that, not because I'm unwilling, but because I'm unable.
same addictestie I lose like a pound or two a month but I'm doing it
i''m actually trying to maintain i'm not doing well
call me Bud Dwyer
hey, man, nice shot
I deleted my old pictures of her
I looked very different when we were together, after, and now on hrt but I'm still wearing mostly the exact same articles of clothing
i haven't brushed my teeth or showered in a week
please take care of your teeth, trust me
i'm aware that it's an issue.
I've been trying to convince my best friend that RHCP is a good band for like 10 years now.
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could transition have saved him?
the thinning hair, soul patch, and arm hair combo is brutal ngl
no no no it's actually great
that's at age 20 bro
it was fuckin OVER
let me tell you bout this guy he's not important
one of the rougher 20s i've seen in years. yeowch!
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high-T gigachad austin powers genetics
it's beyond over for otterCHAD and bearGOD mtf niggas
on some real shit frank was one of the sexier golden era bodybuilders
that is the same shirt
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it was a rabid diaper polycule
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bitch i'm flyer than a drone
i want to text my buddy but i cannot find my [hone.
i'm worthless.
it's very important that i explain to my best friend that Born to Run is a post rock album
dude where the fuck is my phone
i want to text my buddy but i don't have one
im male and ugly and deserve bad things
uglies deserve everything bad the world throws at them
i'm ugly outside and in
I wish I was this hairy.. people keep accusing me of shaving when I don't
how do we solve the manmoding problem
Small cock, mostly hairless, bogged hairline. I feel solidarity with my man moder bros as someone who is also cursed in this life.
i think if i try hard enough i can john 75 and then the dementia takes over
i john 20'd because i have no mental resilience to speak of
I john 25'd because i had slivers of mental resilence
i cant get a good shave without letting it grow for at least 3 days how am i supposed to live with this
wow same! causes suicidal ideation! first laser session didn't do shit
Why am i not allowed to be cute and bu cute things or anything I like why must all ym money go to taxi drives late at night and metric tons of burger pizza and burrito sauces???
Why am I so male in body, mind and soul?
Is god the original sin?
i haven't had a single one yet i should just kill myself
eating disorder time dumb faggot
not eating is better than eating too much
Stress, anxiety, boredom and even excitement make me hungry
and what is the solution? to stop eating
i’m detrooning soon. cant take it anymore
wearing a suit for formal event wish i had something to get high with when its over
need to kill myself
can you get a boyfriend as a hopeless ugly permamanmoder
i have one but i only see him once a month so i think he can cope with the ugliness easier
yeah that makes sense, it would kinda work for me anyways since i cant imagine meeting people much more often than that
he wants to live together eventually but i'm pretty terrified of him seeing my daily ugliness. it makes my transition feel like it has added pressure and stakes that are stressing me out. but i just got called cute in cipg so maybe igmi, i really really want to for him
yeah... that just sounds really stressful to let him see how you look on the daily. hopefully you can make it work
I need FFS and SRS badly
I need to kill myself
I will never be black :( I wish I was a thug and could intimidate people with my dark skin and large build..
weird and rude
How is wanting to be black rude wtf
>already 80 burgers hot in my apartment
i cant stand happy and normal people
same, they make me feel bitter and jealous about being so bitter and jealous
my hermit life starts now
and forever
people are legitimately nicer to me since hrt and looking faggy (california bonus) but i go outside far far less. wish i could get out of my own head with this shit
mostly same, though the few people who are very much not nicer put a damper on my ability to manage my self-confidence/anxiety issues and make me want to stay inside even more
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it's too hot to care about being valid, so I am destroying your optics from the relative comfort of my apartment with my girlbulge and gyno
I want SRS so I can stop having a penis, I can't undress in front of the mirror without feeling disgusting
just got back on hrt so i'm officially a manmoder again
at this point when i cum it's just bourbon
I want SRS so I can physically feel the way I've wanted to since I was young and masturbate without feeling wrong but I don't want to give up my dick
Why do you want to have a dick?
would but i wouldn't tell anyone about it
good for you, nothing changed for me
idk I think it's hot now especially since I have tits too, I used to hate it and wish it was gone when I was really little but I got used to it and I'd be miss (at least hypothetically) being able to fuck girls and make them feel good with it

still think the balls gotta go someday, one way or another, but in an ideal world I'd have a cock and a pussy
I see, I want to have straight sex with men and I hate my dick very much, perhaps to the point where I'd get SRS before FFS.
are you manmoders or something else
they're faggots
he him twinkhon
shannon here
just wondering, if i got a haircut to style my hair a little (not change length much)
what should i get?
i feel like a wolf cut would be good since i feel like its kinda neutral but cute
literally who
Francis Zane, 2 time Mr Olympia.
i'm 3 months hrt is it supposed to be a badge of honor to rot in this thread for years? i want out as soon as i can
you can't fix that huge skull Shannon, no matter the haircut, sorry
Leave nothing is keeping you here
no :)
ngl lari... i dont really worry about much that u say

i just told you the truth, you can be a pussy and shove it up your ass and keep being delusional or accept it, eventually you will have to face it anyway, it is up to you
cant stop being jealous over my sisters boyfriend
hes nice and cares about others and funny and older than us and helped her recover from an amphetamine addiction so there's probably some strand of broken bird syndrome there i hate myself for allowing myself to think about this i hate happy people i hate normalfags
Noo wolf cut looks too trendy
Just keep growing it, ask the stylist to help frame your face
Opt for layers if it is thin and you need volume
The reason you are ugly is because you think there is no point in trying to look presentable if you don’t look female..
>is it supposed to be a badge of honor to rot in this thread for years?
yes you dumb faggot
i will not
i look 'ugly' bc genetics i guess and bc i have been depressed for a long time and i don't take care of myself
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also, i know my midface is an issue, my actual skull size (ive measured) is within andro/fem range though... ~56cm which is 50th percentile. so meh...

for the volume, i guess. do u think i need? idk...
but i guess in general, is there a particular style that might fit best?
well, gl then
lol why ask here
what do you mean? i currently have no style (this is just natural growth since i shaved pre-hrt)
i need something but idk what to get...
where else am i supposed to ask?
Just keep growing it out and get it trimmed every few months, the style is fine. If that is your natural texture use products to bring it out more i guess
but how did you get one
is even a single thing you have on an article of men's clothing?
left cardigan is mens, shoes are neutral, both shirts are mens, right sweater is mens, dress undershirt is mens
uhh..... i posted provocative pics in a certain /vg/ thread and we went from there. i'm not proud, but it worked ig
>i posted provocative pics in a certain /vg/ thread
huh, I've done this a few times and just gotten the usual coomer responses lol
i posted my in game details with them a couple times and ended up meeting a ton of people
<creepy suggestions>

hello i'm out of alcohol :|
>attractive enough to do that
leave this thread or kill yourself
giwtwm, i want a 4chan boyfriend that plays the same games i do so bad
I see... I just do it to fuck with people for a laugh and a dose of attention lol, I'm not attractive or bf/gf/whatever material

I'm really not sure if I do, even though that's probably the only kind of person I could even consider trying again with
ive long past gotten over the idea that i could mesh with normal people
i have nice legs and butt only, it's not that hard to anglemax. i accept that i'm a stolen valor boymoder but i'm not going anywhere, i like misery
you just might get your wish
anglemaxxing legs i feel is kinda easy
Post boymoder ass pls
my horoscope said I should be more conscientious of the things I say and do and how they affect others
Yeah dude kill yourself for being… HOT! aha please post ass baby
exactly, the rest of my body is not that good but i accidently became infamous bc of angled leg/ass pics. big thighs and women's clothing go a long way
bf wouldn't like that sorry.
men! posting legs isnt that hard
like even if its bad thighs/hips you can make it okayish looking album#Ba5VvyMpbvKf

wait I think I know who you are, hoyo thread?
please shut up wtf
Expose him
if you like misery enough it will consume you eventually, do what's best for you and leave it
expose expose expose expose!
You gotta expose them!
>its gachashit
because of fucking course it is
i dont know why i even entertained the idea it was a real video game thread
I posted tits not in a gacha thread but I hesitate to call it a real video game sometimes
what is it then
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>men! posting legs isnt that hard
like even if its bad thighs/hips you can make it okayish looking
That depends on your skin genetics. Yours do look pleasant but you do not have strawberry legs and likely didn’t have much to begin with.
Here’s what it looks like when you don’t win the genetic lottery:
https://unsee cc/album#mupty0EzgLDJ
mogs me
My legs are prob my best (most fem) feature. Thick & fat thighs
still mogs me
wth do your legs look like then
Where do you manmoders find bfs? Any dating app recommendations? What do u put for gender/etc?
you dont
my skin is really bad all over, i have strawberry legs, scars, discoloration, and stretch marks
and i mean your legs looks good with an exception, which should be possible to fix?
the time to kill myself is nearing
nobody wants manmoders you dumb retard
half the people here are boymoders anyways
straight manmoders are undesirable to everyone they are interested in
gay men don't want guys with tits
straight men don't want guys
I've had sex with bisexual men, but I'm just 3rd string 2am bootycall for the most part
I want a gf because I'm a filthy rapehon but sometimes I think a cock is fine too
who cares abt genitalia. dating a man is a much more pleasant experience in general
if you were to get married right now would u use a suit or a dress
where do I find bisexual men to have relationships with?
true but irrelevant
>implying anyone would come to my wedding
Idk, that's why I'm asking
other half are hot aunts and moms, like chudette and dakota
I very much doubt that. You probably have blonde hairs that blend with your skin.
i just wouldn't get married
>dating a man is a much more pleasant experience in general
why, or how?

ratty graphic t-shirts or tanks and skinny jeans mandatory for all attendants
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dude no I'm literally carl
wrong answer also have u ever od on ket we could do it together :3
years ago i came up with a great script idea where carl transitions and gets really hot but his voice sounds the same and he refuses to acknowledge that anything is happening.
going to cry tonight
dr girlfriend scrapped background story
there is no meaning or some extra cope I can live for in this shitty fucking society
no but idk I don't want to turn into elon cuck, I already have his ribcage
>normies associate ketamine with Elon Musk
bros its over
idk, i hear people complain abt their girlfriends so often and i can't relate to any of it. besides the rape, my boyfriends have pretty much treated me like a princess for whom they have no expectations. gender bs aside, i just like being doted on
you literally dont and elon has probably never done ket thats tranny shit
not carl but i did 3 tabs of lsd, weed and ket together once and it pretty much made me stop repping
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>elon has probably never done ket
I mean I've heard about him doing it in the news and epic 4chan memes, like he has a prescription apparently...

I did a bunch of LSD at once and laughed at morbius instead of killing myself and ever since I've been able to see myself in the mirror as not the exact same as my old self pre-HRT
>besides the rape
>i just like being doted on
I guess I want something where I can have this with someone mutually

I've also only really been with girls before so I don't know what I would expect, and I haven't been with anyone in any capacity since a long time before I started HRT...
ok but have you ever done ketamine and LSD at the same time?
under my boobs is literally sticky and wet because it's so hot out wtf
It’s comical how even most hons have a more feminine facial structure than me, I’ve genuinely been cursed with the most masculine facial structure imaginable. Most hons can remove specific masculine parts of their face through highly specialized surgery, such as wide jaws. but in my case I do not even have those masculinities to remove. My face is just that fucking masculine without any conventional masculine protuberances. It is impossible to imagine a way out of this miserable situation and it’s comical how I’ve been given such an unsalvageable hand to play
post your face
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Yeah same, literally me fr.
You probably look fine 90% chance you are having a dysphoric episode, 10% chance you are actually a little cooked and need ffs
I’m not going to do that. Hopefully that proves to you that I’m not a faggot attention whore looking for compliments. and I’m being genuine. Imagine an uglier idubbbz with less facial fat.
got a discord? I'll post my face too
guarantee you're not as ugly and innately masculine as I am
*sigh* whats your discord
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Queeeen slaaaay
Let me guess, your ‘problems’ are a brow ridge that all ffs is designed around removing, a crooked nose which all ffs is designed around removing, and a slightly large chin, which ffs usually removes
Please shut the fuck up
my first bf had a drinking problem, i was mad at him for getting me super drunk the day before and i was basically begging him to take me home and leave me alone. instead he made me give head to one of his friends and didn't use lube himself. very traumatic but honestly i was just too young and dumb to choose them, i think my case is exceedingly rare compared to the amount of guys ik who are traumatized in less obvious ways from their gfs cheating, loveless relationships, being emasculated, etc...
no it's an exceedingly long midface and face in general that makes me masculine plus a mouthbreather chin and giant nose that make me ugly in combination with the neanderthal brow and deep facial creases

I have a lot of mean things to say to you that I am withholding
wth why...
mogs me
are you not a self-admitted stolen valor boymoder?
discord is gay
Yeah that sucks anonette, fucking no lube isn't a joke, I bled through my pants after that happened to me scared the shit out of me. Didn't help the guy straight up bailed and deleted me from all contacts after the act.
>mouthbreather chin
Not an ‘inherent masculinity’, just an ugliness which in fact is unmasculine.
>giant nose that make me ugly in combination with the neanderthal brow
Cool. Reread my reply.
>no it's an exceedingly long midface and face in general
Since I already predicted the “innate” masculinities you have, I’m also going to predict that you have thin upper lips that a lip lift would work on.
You are the type of hon I was talking about. Ffs is crafted around faces like yours.
lol ok maybe learn to fucking read, idiot, I stated what the real problem making me masculine is and specifically separated out from the traits that are just ugly even if they are more fixable along the lines of what you said

you don't, I imagine simply can't, understand and are just repeating your canned cope like you're still a repper
so what? my life fucking sucks too, my SLIGHTLY girly face has so far only gotten me trauma and years long depressive episodes. i'm still not perceived how i want to be and probably won't be for many years if ever so you're stuck with me.
yeah same happened to me it was terrifying.
How do you even deal with the dysphoric episodes that last 2 months?
You have terminal brainrot sis
i have yet to meet a person here who was actually more masculine than me other than frenchie, literally zero
>so what?
it's really hard to feel pity for someone who is specifically here with the intention of punching down at me and people like me to make themselves feel better, but hey, like I said I'm withholding the mean things I have to say :)
>my life fucking sucks too
you don't know how bad it can get
Post your stats
No, I understand perfectly well. You’re an imbecile with a completely traditional tranny phenotype that’s too stupid to even realize it. You most likely have a face FFS is designed to fix and specifically highlighted problems that ffs does fix. You’re welcome to explain how “giant nose and Neanderthal brow” is an innate unfixable problem if you want though.
>if I pretend you said what I predicted you would instead of what you actually did then I'm right and you lose
ok retard
Height, weight, and what makes you masculine.
weed ket lsd is my fav combo
I honestly think frenchie will be OK after like a year on injections and that laser resurfacing treatment you do for acne scars, her main issue is the acne scars imo
1.87 m height
84 kg
wide shoulders (50 cm), large browbone, large chin
you have a terminal need to belittle others less fortunate than yourself to make yourself feel better and fabricate then reinforce a classist disparity against them
i can assure you i'm not here for that, i'm 25 and genuinely miserable. i'm only called a boymoder whenever i post my face bc i haven't gone outside in my entire 20s.
>if I pretend you said what I predicted you would
You mean when I said your ‘problems’ were likely the same problems 99% of trannies deal with and ffs fixes such as brow and nose, and then you moronically listed brow and ridge in your response? Riveting stuff. You’re welcome to shock me and tell me you have a 0.8 midface and giant lips if you want but we both know that’s not the case or you would’ve said so.
please learn to read
I'm taller than you
I weigh more than you
And I shave my head every week, like skinhead short.
Gtfo passoid
>if I just say the other person doesn’t know how to read without ever listing an example of lack of reading comprehension or responding in any level of detail, then I’m right!
Bitch I don't even know what you look like or how much money you make? how the hell do you know I'm punching down and being classist?
i also sahved my head
>without ever listing an example of lack of reading comprehension
you are not paying close enough attention to be this mad lol
>no it's an exceedingly long midface and face in general that makes me masculine
and then I specifically described the other things that you are still ranting about as separate and distinctly not the things that make me innately masculine, just add up to a shit sundae
you've been coming here for a while despite being one of the protoypical "bdd boymoder passoid menace" examples and I mean people like you try to create this sub-class of manmoder where you push out the ones who are less attractive, or passable, or actually manmoders and deride them while claiming you're a manmoder in the same post you talk about malefailing and wearing women's clothing and using a feminine name and pronouns
Manmoder class discrimination
>and then I specifically described the other things
You listed one actual masculine thing and acted like it was two, which was long face. I pointed out that you probably have a not-terrible midface and then you never responded to that, which indicates to me that that is the case. Please shut the fuck up you’re a normal hon that FFS will make into a moderately feminine looking thing. You have a midface that’s at or above 0.9 and you have thin lips. Confirm or deny.
If your ‘problem’ is a big nose and brown kill yourself you’re not a real manmoder. 99% of pre-ffs trannies including passoids deal with that.
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I literally said midface and face in general, as in two distinct traits that relate to each other... you are exhaustingly stupid and incapable of interpreting written word
arguing over facial ratios without just posting a fucking picture is mind numbing...
did you actually read these measurements? short lower third and a narrow jaw is good
did I refer to those two measurements in the post where I bitched about my facial length and midface making me innately masculine? no
not giving you any more (you)s
not giving (You) the benefit of the doubt
Hotties make some noice and uglies be silent
Such a weird argument, very UK coded. If any of yall are from the UK I don't care if you have that face of a 10/10 cis model you are honorary manmoders or whatever you want for literally having to live in hell.

Lol im suprised people remember me i don't post often anymore, I mainly lurk because this board posts some funny as fuck stuff sometimes. Trust me you will have a better time here if you take things less seriously and embrace shitposting.

The whole I am the one true manmoder woe is me posting thing fucks with your head, I did it for like a year and gained nothing from it.
chuddie go smoke and come back
beanie post ass or leave tourist
You are 60 years old? I'm fucking 30 I trooned at 28
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I'm dead serious you want to stop talking shit now I bet you are like 26 or something
I'm a 35 year old man who started HRT at 30, and a manmoder, and you are a boymoder
Anonette you literally cant be a 30 year old boymoder that's some cope ass shit. needs to be an age limit I mean common what is it 35, 40, 70???
7 months on HRT and I've been crying every day for the last few months, manmoding is unbearable, I hate it I hate it
It is more preferable to honmoding or repping personally
I desperately want to be a woman socially, I don't even look trans, I am so sick of it all, I live with my parents but hopefully I can rent my own place soon and be able to do makeup and voice train in private, maybe that will make me feel a little bit better
Hang in there it will get better once you move out. My advice is to dress as fem as you can im public without getting comments or stares it does help
find ways to compromise and not manmode, and stop considering yourself a manmoder, you're not cut out for it
I wear bright clothing, I allow myself that and it feels better, but if I see my face in a reflection I almost start crying
I understand. I even honmoded for a bit, was so desperate to be treated female. Oh well. Life goes on, you find hobbies and other ways to cope. Good luck
I'm so full of hate
why can't I just forget my body and this shitty world and all of my pain and the absurd fucking joke that is sexual dimorphism and just raise chao or something forever
I can't honmode, I live in literal fucking Eastern Europe, I 100% would get hate crimed for it, I'm not kidding you
that is what the k is for, the other anon had a good point
the bitterness earlier had me thinking abt all my trauma over the years, images flashing and i can barely breathe rn. how am i supposed to get over this? does therapy work? am i fated to be more of a broken bird than an actual person? i wish i could be normal for him and the sake of my own transition but i just wanna isolate myself and cut to fat
if you're feeling like that you should probably find someone you can reach out to or spend time with
Drink 2 litres of water a day minimum, cut out soft drink, caffine, alcohol, tobacco, processed foods. If you are underweight or on the lower half of the normal BMI try gaining weight, grow your hair out, shape your eyebrows (get a trimmer or one of those disposable eyebrow blades plucking is awful), if you where going to do makeup I would suggest lip gloss, mascara, basic foundation stuff with bb cream, lipstick, eye liner, advanced foundation stuff in order of difficulty, be subtle less is more with makeup, you can look like you are not wearing any and get a decent look improvment.

These things help alot with your face. even if it's only 5% at a time it can be the difference between crying everyday and crying once a week
>Drink 2 litres of water a day minimum, cut out soft drink, caffine, alcohol, tobacco, processed foods.
I only drink soft drinks, but I drink nothing else and it's something I allow for myself to feel a little bit better
>shape your eyebrows
I did shape them but aside from making me look less masculine I still just look like a guy
When I move into my place I'll buy female clothing and wear it at least at home, I hope that will make me feel better
>I only drink soft drinks, but I drink nothing else
this is terrible for you on so many levels, hon, I mean it you are giving yourself a longterm shot in the gut
Up the water intake and swap to zero sugar soft drink it helps so much with your skin trust me
>zero sugar
might be ok in the short term but more likely to give you the beetus and permanent issues with sugar in the long run
Do I start smokinmg then? Can't I allow myself something to feel better?
you'd be amazed what your body can tolerate. you can pretty much do anything to yourself and live.
i'll try
My go to for tasty drinks if I feel like a treat is non alcoholic beers they make good ones now and its the least bad option that isnt water.
i should clarify that i don't mean it's a good idea.
Zero sugar is way better for you then full sugar also baby steps at least try a glass of water per soft drink you drink
I'm not saying what you can or can't allow yourself but if you're saying your hydration primarily comes from soft drinks you are really fucking yourself over - I am just an alcoholic weed addict with no ground to stand on or desire to try so it's whatever
Stopping them won't make me pass and I'm not overweight
Zero sugar tastes awful
>Stopping them won't make me pass and I'm not overweight
ok? I wasn't saying anything about either those things, jesus what is up with the comprehension in this fucking thread
I guess it's a holiday weekend and it's mostly literal actual bonafide genuine underageb& children itt god I hate you all so much
I'm ancient tho, just retarded :)
What's your problem?
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what's yours?
blood on my bedsheets i blame whoever told me to kms 6 times :)
i'm literally 47 years old
I find it hilarious that you think it's impossible to be a manmoder while being young
It's possible but if you like a 19 year old manmoder I'm gonna have serious doubts about your claims, especially if I don't know what you look like. Whole lotta bdd out there
i am literally 19 years old and i posted my face here already, a few comments i can remember
>attractive jynxi
>it's over
it's self-fulfilling
OK and? Someone called you attractive some dude said it was over. You probably have average looks for a tranny your age wich is most likley mogging 90% of trannies. That or you are like <1 year hrt or some bs
lmao no, i posted myself in /cpgen/ or whatever it's called and i was consistently told i could not pass
i've actually been detransitioned for a larger part of my adult life than i was on hrt
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yeah man that's me what's your point are you fucking racist or something?
Cute facial structure, unfortunate facial and body hair growth however
i;'m completely naked for reasons i would find difficult to explain
that's literally abusive behavior, hon :)
the first and only girl I ever slept with had me go and get the scissors she used to cut herself in front of me while I sobbed and begged her to stop and explain why before I physically restrained her, right after having sex for maybe the third or fourth time
i'm off my ass and on some shit
Crazy bitch baka i hope she’s dead
i still love my first GF and she still loves me, if you can believe it.
how i'm in my dark room alone
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owari da
2000s musician core
I keep seeing online about "horror stories" of finasteride but cant really find what those horror stories are? Are men just sensitive about sexual dysfunction? Does it reverse if stopped taken?
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a ton of my hair fell out when I started it but I was having issues with diffuse thinning slowing recovery of mpb beforehand, and I think it's helping in the long run but we'll see - maybe look up "post-finasteride syndrome" (it's basically a list of mildly or more significantly feminizing effects lol that kind of clued me into more on why I wanted HRT when I was first looking into all this)

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