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Previous: >>484915595

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>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Firefly love!
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There's not a single evil Fofoposter
*There is not a single fofoposter
Do many femboys play this game? Ones with soft skin that smells like fruits?
>there's not a single Fofoposter
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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So, here I am again, bros. This time I didn't just dream about Firefly, but about various characters from our roster in what seems to be a future scene of them coming together to face a greater threat. But the most vivid images I remember are of Acheron and Jingliu.

Acheron was in another plane of existence being forcibly transformed into her white and red version by IX himself, and it seemed like IX was speaking directly to her as if giving her a mission(?). Acheron screamed as if she was angry and didn't like what he said.

As for Jingliu, she was flying over an ocean at high speed going somewhere, with her unveiled eyes, and the purple hands from her splash art were emerging from the ocean forming a trail where she passed. In the end, it seemed like she was facing a tiger or something like that, but from then on I don't remember much more.
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>our first limited harmony?
>uhhh just have them give every buff in the game lol
What were they thinking?
ZZZ really does feel like discount persona. Even more so than HSR
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My girlfriend is so cute
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When do we get a Dodgers collab?
She doesn't give crit you absolute BAFFOON
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How do I beat DU6 without whaling?
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>the most oversaturated stat in the game
oh nyo!
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March loves to watch
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I tried out ZZZ but it's really soulless compared to HSR. It's also INCREDIBLY greedy with rolls. I only have like three E0 females but I've got the bear at like E2 and the fucking construction guy at E6 + that Billy dude at like E2 + the wolf...
source bro?
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After the Hololive collab
Get ready for 5* Kobo
So what's the verdict, are you all mass migrating to ZZZ or sticking with HSR? I'm too invested in HSR to leave for a furry-based game...
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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>Need Yunli for my Topaz
>Need Jiaoqiu for my Acheron
>Need Black Swan and Huohuo for my Kafka
Fuck 2.4.
>my oshi will never get yanqing'd
how is getting mad at analytics pages real lmao just look away from the screen
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>VTumor garbage
I hope not.

Honestly though I don't think any HSR collab will be able to match the quality of the SG collab that PNC has recently. I'm open to being proven wrong however.
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>/gig/ is as active as ever after ZZZ
>/hsrg/ is completely dead
Why is this?
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why would I go to the general of a boring game I don't play?
ZZZ was the Honkai killer
HSR until the game I want comes out. But it won't get any threads so I will just be here anyways.
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25% star rail enjoyers
75% genshin unenjoyers
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What are the reruns in 2.4?
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No i recently returned to hsr and even tho story pisses me off i kinda enjoyed the firefly ((you)) pandering and the recent silver wolf teasing ZZZ has nothing like that and is even more cucked out then your regular honkai game
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A cat in ZZZ has fully modeled testicles
LMAOOOOOO they really going full furry pander with that game
If only our next world was a tribal world of scantily clad not-pokemon characters instead of Luofu 2...
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huohuo and black swan
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>All shitposters are currently gone
Why are we complaining
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dead threads aren't fun
go shitpost in /zzz/ bwi
its a part of the main quest too introducing the photo mode feature
Ngl I wanna see Stelle's big futa cock banging Belle while Wise is watching and Aether is recording
then go shit up /zzz/ and /gig/
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Oh shit a Xueyi bread! I was busy trying out ZZZ... that game is overwhelming me with stuff and I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the systems. HSR felt a lot more comfy at launch.
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ZZZ won
HRT shart rail trannies lost
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>that hijacked hig thread
kek. necrobump btw.
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you sure did
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Bullshit, there won't be a BS rerun before a second Kafker
what's a voncwaq
didnt gig have a stream?
The only thing ZZZ did right was giving (You) Belle and her calling you onii-chan.
is this real
i'd honestly rather lose than become what ZZZ is
go level up your knot
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When are we going to see mom again?
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heeeh guys just wanted to remind you not to give up on your dreams...

like, even if it kills you, like don't...
>zzz is brand new
>Genshin just had a stream that showed off the new character's and region
>HSR is in the middle of a patch after everyone finished all the content and leaks are non-existent
I wonder why this general is the slowest
>I need 3 teams
stop being a whore and settle down
But (I) am Belle everthoughbeit?
I know that feel
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I gave up a long time ago
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Who tf sits like that on their chair?
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making both the player characters separate is a horrible idea
good luck even trying to sell characters when theyre limited to liking either of the characters, if that
I do.
I'm really really sorry for flopping and killing the game and /hsrg/
Hello, do you want sex? I am good at fucking.
ill never forgive jade for it
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>Belobog climax:
Pain will come with the blade
Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow
Unsheathe a sword not to kill
Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground
Wake up, it's time to gather now
Forget about the rules written on weathered rock
There were chasers of light
Find the way or get lost
We have no way to know where they all headed for
See the light from afar, just blaze through the thorns
We know it's right over there
We have something to declare
Whatever is arriving, we'll be prepared
We've made a choice, go fight against your fate!
Pain will come with the blade
Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow
Unsheathe a sword not to kill
Unsheathe a sword to rend those clouds above the ground
Wake up to hear the cheering sound

>Xianzhou climax:
(Orchestra tuning their instruments)

>Penacony climax:
In the face of fear and plight
And yet we hold our ground, woah
In life we stand and strive
Our victory is found

And the storms we've weathered through
And we hope in the light of truth, woah-oh
To break free from chains and come anew

Across the plains, in valleys deep
To dawn, the wheels that sing
Across the plains, where shadows hide
We run, we stride, woah-oh
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>Genshin just got a stream and more Natlan news
>we aren't getting shit for almost a month
What do you think?
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Why isn't this a resin?
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Thank you Gojo
I too hate poor people (spent 300$ on firepag)
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Honkai: Star Rail for this feel?
>gig gets new area
>hsrg is back on fucking space chink land
what do you think killed WuWa?
it's because their first area is fucking Chink slop.
i wont be surprised if the next patch is a total flop.
Madam Herta
Ruan Nguyen Mei of course.
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Is this why wife?
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>Elliebros left to play zzz
>hsrg becomes as dead as hig
Just remember not to use a condom with my sister Serval.

I'm not trying to get her pregnant like I am with Lynx, I just don't think it'll matter.
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our elisia is a main heroine
ZZZ shes probably not even gonna speak to the mc
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Yup, i'm thinking /zzz/ won
>Play gi
>become camera cuck
>play Zzzzz
>become gay furry
Even when dead we still won
you can help if you want
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2.5 status?
2.4 is a skip
2.3 is not good. FF unironically is killing the game.
Do you think Jade also taught Aventurine the ways of the semen demon?
Funniest part about ZZZ is soldier 11 mocking female MC pickers.
He already had it on his avgin blood
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who the fuck is that?
I'm not dropping a "side" game for another "main" game
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Bocchix has no chance.
if only March 8th wasn't shit
she could have saved it
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By the order of the Ten Lords... Execute the Mara-Struck! HEE YAH!
Never left HSR, I've went to check out ZZZ, but it will be a short lived relationship.
Exploration map takes 20-30 minutes, yeah nope.
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An anon earlier today refused to believe me there's more than 1 Xueyi poster.
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it never occurred to me you'd want to do that.

You can feel the flow of piss on the underside, through the cumvein. maybe some girls are into that?
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What's the best path for Firefly Superbreak team in base SU (specifically GnG)? I still haven't cleared the Conundrum 12 mission
I'm on the chapter 1 intermission and this shit is horribly bland outside of the aesthetics. I'm nowhere near dropping HSR at this rate since it looks like both wuwa and ZZZ are going to be massive disappointments
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Why can't we get a summer event? The only thing that resembles summer is this small swimming pool on the blimp. My best memory in Genshin is playing 2.8 GAA2 summer event. I remembered the talking boat and each of the four characters, Kazuha, Xinyan, Fishcl and Mona had unique islands to explore.
Because our only planets right now are:
>a frozen shithole
>containment ships
>it's not real
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>Ctrf + F "Robin"
>Zero results

What went wrong?
>Its not real
Perfect excuse for a summer event. Even Kafka could come back since FF had no problems
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>lost 50/50 on Furina banner and got Diluc
>lost 50/50 on Firefly banner and got Yanqbrick
>got the fucking furry SSR on ZZZ
why does dawei hate me?
I'll just wait for the real urban themed anime game.

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Penacony could be the perfect excuse for seasonal events
She didnt welcome enough men to her womb
>Rolled the equivalent of two (2) pities (E1 Welt and Firefly)
>Got zero (0) Gallaghers

How do I cope bros? My Gallagher is permastuck at E3
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Bet that ass can fart
Yeah mine is E2 too and I rolled 70 times on ff banner and aroun 130 times on Acks banner.
Normally I get swarmed by guys (Like I got e6 Luka in 50 rolls during his release)
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you ask too many questions qq vro
Hunt, mostly, for extra turns and speed
Or just go for remembrance
Check this awesome move!
Ice furry is the best standard though?
I got two cats so far. I'd take a furry instead of a dupe when I have ONE 5*..
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Less shit quality
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there's at least 3 of us
it had never occurred to me but since both clocks in the image are reading gibberish, this is AI generated?
Do I really need to build march for gold and gears conundrum levels? Are there other options? I've got firefly nearly fully built, any way to cheese it with her ideal break team?
i assume people dont care if its meta
personally i would not even use it out of spite
You the "Sushang stare (Xueyii).webm" poster? If not then there's 4 of us.
Should had rolled sigga
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Still mad at Gepard for stopping her from joining the Astral Express
I usually just go hunt but it sometimes feels like my runs are so easily doomed if I don't roll enough survival blessings. But maybe that's just how high conundrum runs go.
no one will ever join the express at this rate
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Game didn't let me trail her blaze
Redpill me on Hertafags and Xueyifags: why are they still into dolls/puppets at their ages?
You probably want better sustain.
We would be too oversexed to do anything in space china or peniscunny.
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Robin this isn't complicated.

If you're oviparous you will shit and procreate out of the same hole. Or at the very least your menstrual shedding will be in the form of a single inert egg and take approximately 20 minutes rather than 5-10 days. A blessing I'm sure most women on the planet would be happy to receive.
Permanent virgins, bro. Just wipe them down and go again.
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aren't you forgetting someone?
hunt and then pick the 2 nihility blessings
for SU you should pick Abundance though, for the nihilityu interplay
reached interknot level 30 on ZZZ
yeah game is trash, it already has become a "do this time challenge for this reward, but you can JUST BARELY do it if you do a perfect run with all your lineup at the right level with the right weapons at the right level with all the right elements", and you barely have the materials to do it for 3 characters
It definitely can. The real reason Sunday went MIA after the main story was to stay away from his sister's noxious braps.
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they actually called it interknot? i thought anons were joking
>Himeko is a comfort woman
They did my Queen dirty
they were knot
temp passenger
this will only bother terminally online retards
why is this linked to my gay guy thread? i've never played this video game in my life. i don't even like video games in general.
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if thinking that makes you feel better i guess
This is why I wait a week for retards to open beta test games.
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i stole it from him without changing the filename and sometimes post it
read maybe nigga
Good thing she returned alive or there would be another apocalypse
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Any Xueyi poster is good. There are no evil Xueyi posters, unlike Huohuo posters who are primarily evil.
i literally can't.
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be my himbo boyfriend
Who is coming out after Chinese Clara and NPC fox?
Started playing a few weeks ago. I like her design and how she plays.
Feixiao and Lingsha but it's not 100% confirmed
I had a gf that wanted to feel the piss go through, same girl thought it'd be fun if we pissed at the same time, with me pissing through her legs. What the fucking weirdo. Anyway, I bet QQ stinks.
>falling for the meta bait
If I can't clear it, it's not in the game
What do they do?
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Bloodline must remain Belobogian
We don't know yet, but rumors and very early leaks say Feixiao is a 5* Hunt Xueyi (Break and FuA) and Lingsha is a Break Effect healer.
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We have no real info on them since hoyo killed all leakers so this is all we got.
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Did they ever update Xueyi's EN voicelines?
She had 2 different VAs for a while and they said they were going to fix it right?
>break and follow-up memes at the same time
>enhanced skill mechanic
>more than 1 kind of DoT
>Valorous so ultimate related
>technique is a debuff, Yukong's tech, Fu Xuan's tech and more all at once
Never trust early testing for anything.
They probably just threw everything into her kit and are now trying to figure it out what to do with her.
Jiaoqiu for example lost his heal so they noticed that it might've been too op.
>5* Hunt Xueyi
I don't know whether to be excited for this or not. Xueyi is my favorite dps to play but I hate using her with htb and I'm worried Feixiao will be balanced around htb like firefly.
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>ZZZ release
>3 weeks of boring purple jewish bitch's banner
It's fucking over, star railers
I expect future break carries to have super break baked in, the same way new supports have the first turn action advance baked in. They can't have a free unit mandatory forever
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Indeed, bad end was avoided.
not enough interactions with the MC
if most popularest gacha why general dead????
>zzz actually sucks
>dawntrail is a joke after shadowbringers/endwalker
I was really hyped of these games and I'm not playing any of them now. HSR can be revived easily while flop will just flop.
Already bored of shitposting in zzz and wuwa?
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*holds up paw*
What reason would you have to pull more than one Break hypercarry? All of them so far have Weakness-ignoring toughness damage. They better slow their roll on Break meta
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What would make Sparkle react like this?
Even with built in super break they'll still want htb because it stacks and doesn't scale with anything else.
She saw my 4 incher
what the fuck is this gay game you losers play "honk star rail" what the fuck does that even mean? how do you justify playing it? do your parents know? do they also know you post pictures of anime girls on the internet to other mean who furiously masturbate over them? what would they say if they found out.
Me telling her to spread her ass towards me
Whats a good stopping point for acheron relics?
In combat im at 93% CR and 177% CD.
Only thing sub 20% CR is the boots at 10%.
No S1 or what? Why is your CD so low.
Argenti is still MIA so im gonna say no
every carry is a break hypercarry in the sense that attacking the weakness is good. The question is whether or not they're implanting weakness.
Well at that point you might be hitting diminishing returns in future comps, having to choose between HMC and something like RM or some future break support
For me its https://youtu.be/HdiUMHlGM7I
The only reason I can think of is if they start making enemies immune to weakness implant
Is RM cone better for Ruan mei or HTB? I also have s5 Memories.
>diminishing returns
someone called e0 firefly with 2 htbs and it out damaged e6s5 acheron
In a Firefly team? RM cone on HTB and S5 Memories on RM herself.
If you're using RM without HTB in a normal hypercarry team like Jingliu? Use RM's cone on herself.
now that the dust was settled, was a shit non-character Sparkle was, carried entirely by design
177 CD isn't low
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I have s1.
I could swap a relic out a 11.6% CR piece for a 23.9% CD piece but it messes up the ratio.
Other than that, just havent gotten good rolls.
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>was a shit non-character Sparkle was
Jingliu has destroyed my expectations for how much crit damage is good
Anything sub 200 just seems pitiful
Aventurine is a boring and badly written character.
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I wish I was her slave...
You're boring and a badly written character.
numby groovin
Kinda sad I already beat HSR and the only thing is just accumulate more characters that don't really matter. And I only started playing a few months ago.
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who has the stankiest pusspuss in the starrailverse?
Predictions for the Jade trailer? Will it feature Topaz?
that's just the average gacha bwo
i just hope it isn't so good since firefly pulls ruined me, and i went into the patch wanting more jade than firefly, but i needed a superbreak character since i skipped DHIL and boothill and blade
Pela, no contest
Probably at the end. I guess they will show her affection to children and hopefully give us a sneak peak into how her ability works.
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Who do you think taught him how to properly suck cock?
the typical dommy mommy cringe
She'll be collecting some debts. Topaz and Aventurine will both feature. Maybe a new stoneheart teaser if we're lucky.
Conceptually speaking, is Enigmata the most retarded path?
>I already beat HSR
Damn future bro, how did the game end? Did we kill the Aeons?
Are they going to announce Jade being free yet? She's almost out...
No, Destruction is
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Still can't beat threshold 6
this shit is so cancer
also I swear to god someones posting from my IP somehow because I keep getting bans and warnings from stuff I didn't post, on boards I don't even use
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Silver wolf, gamer = stinkiest and smelliest of them all
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Does HTB needs energy regen rope without S5 Memories?
Her trailer will be extremely underwhelming
When is HSR getting a small Seele to go with its small Bronya?
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Lynx, canonically. But if the mucosal membranes in Jingliu's zombie body still function then her.
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Do you live alone anon? Because you might want to check your walls
Hopefully never. SW is fine how she is.
After small Himeko and smallcheron
This would have been funny if it was a black swan pic
smallfly sexo
Btw will Seele have 3rd rerun at all? Or she is rip?
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Would Welt try to fuck small Himeko?
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Firefly would look about 10x better with leggings instead of her weird gradient stockings.
Welts like 80 man.
I don't
But I severely doubt that they'd be posting
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I did moc 12 for the first time :D
Obviously my teams are stupid since its acheron and e2s1 firefly but still. I never even did abyss 12 yet in other game.
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bwo, your mods?
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Where the FUCK did you come from
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i dont remember this?
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you should be grateful anon, she just saved your life
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That's a man
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Was chasing the meta really worth it now that you have nothing to look forward to until eos?
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those are illegal bro
double rape
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there's always risk in everything bwo
What will happen to this general once Firefly's banner end?
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>*fellates Jade, gets fucked by Aventurine and flops*
24 hour threads
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original is in japanese bro..
Mind you, she did much better on her rerun.
i just auto 1-10 moc
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Before fellating Jade and fucking Aventurine, yes
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Having honkai in the general name has rained us xisters! If we want to stand a chance we have to separate ourselves from the higher and giggers faggots.

Its time we start our own general, /srg/. That'll show those action slurpers
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Caelus no, that's your sister
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She is so lucky
On everyones dick (I'm IPC grunt #512)
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Grats anon!
HSS music si soooo good
grats bwo
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I love Penacony.
Same I love Peakakino.
Did she? Or did Robin carry her banner from being the most busted support in the game alongside RM?
Will there ever be a more meta sustain?
Most busted support in the game, and only FUA uses it lol
Works well with DOT
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Day after day I'm more confused
Yet I look for the light through the pouring rain
You know that's a game that I hate to lose
And I'm feelin' the strain
Ain't it a shame

Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away
Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away
thanks bwos.
The only meta team that I've ever seen use Huo2 is DoT
>having Sigonian microdick inside of you
No, she is not
It’s not fair why does Robin get a whole ass idle animation when she ults while Huohuo doesn’t.
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I skipped Aventurine for Fu Xuan because that’s everyone was saying…
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I miss ai anon
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Bwo you were supposed to roll for both... Nice digits btw
>he fell for pinkfags delusions
lol lmao
Also checked
and you made the right decision
imagine rolling for maleshit lmao
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I've never played this game, but this fucking bitch has turned me into a footfag
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>He missed out in free wins on SU/DU
>He missed out in the best sustain in the game
fuck off
fuck off
Fu is better, dont believe prydwen shills.
Adventurine is good in 1 (one, uno, 一) team and its like 4 5*s.
Fu makes everyone unkillable forever and gives 12% crit just as a bonus. AND shes not a homo.
Robin carried the banner she got less warps than her first time around.
Which general are you from?
I use Churin in DoT teams and he works rather perfectly, nobody ever dies either and he never uses a single SP to boot, imagine having to burn SP every other turn to keep up your sustain lmao
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>AND shes not a homo
Speaking of sustains and teams, thanks to the event I tried Acheron with my E0S1 sigga, shit was so good.
I regret skipping Acheron
I want to see her fucked in every position by every man in the IPC
Aventurine post gets quads on /vg/ zam
We know, Jade
prydwen's tier list is the only one that doesn't have 20 characters in T0 so I respect it.
not sure about e0 ff but with e1+ ff you literally just spam hmc skill every turn and energy upkeep becomes a joke. even e0 ff should probably be ok since rm's cone restores 1 sp every time hmc ults anyway
That's not the best way to get grandchildren, Jade
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I'm here every day bwo
I've been busy with my thesis recently. I turned it in on Friday and have been back to my AI-capable PC for the weekend, but I've been using that PC to try out ZZZ and generate sloppa of Nicole with huge tits like she should've had
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Guys how did you beat T6 in DU
I'm losing it
>another nicole enjoyer
Whiff it until you get to Plane 3 and hope you get a laurel wreath.
Sustain's role is making your team immortal and Fu Xuan makes your team immortal. I don't see the issue.
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Fill this out
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never rolling for this shilled cunt
I did all of these btw
I'm not apologizing
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Does anyone know how you can encounter this occurence? (Dangerous Feeding)
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I have E1 FF and want to start farming DU. What blessings do I prioritize
The 1st Summer island event mogged the latter ones. The only saving grace of that event was Fischl, but the Xinyan area, the kazuha wanking, and mona puzzl
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File deleted.
Yeah. Can't even take damage with her.

I dunno why but every time I go into the fucking DU farm menu, the game places Sigger into Fu's spot. I can quit out of the fight with Fu chosen, and it keeps Fu. Until I win a fight and BAM it's sigger again. What a weird ass bug.
Keep pumping out more. Where are you posting those Nicole pics? I need them and her tits better be as big as these >>484980120
It's saving your team from some arbitrary run for some reason, maybe the first time you cleared it. I borrowed a E6 Acheron and mine is stuck at 3 characters, fucking annoying.
stack a good amount of survivability and lean on whatever bs the 3 star equations you get enable
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Just posted some >>484983548
the 3 star hunt ones that action advance her when breaking or killing something (basically e2 ff but with no cooldown)
next most important one is the weakness break efficiency nihility blessing
after that is just more damage from destruction blessings and speed from hunt ones. get any def ignore and res pen blessings, then break effect, attack is also ok since firefly converts atk to be. hunt blessings have speed, % action advance, delay enemy when weakness broken etc.
if you have or are aiming for voyage monitor, get any preservation blessings

you ideally want wastelander as your purple equation and voyage monitor as your gold equation. wastelander is more important than voyage monitor

the most powerful weighted curios are reduce toughness when recovering from fire characters' weakness breaking and inflict all weakness break effects when destruction units break weakness but weighted curios are very hard to reroll so just treat them as a bonus

mitigation blessings are not important when farming du for planars, but if you're going to attempt the challenge modes, you need them especially at v5 and v6
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if you're scared about leaving your UID in after cropping the video you can just crop the recording canvas on the OBS side.
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Hmmm... Yummy UID.
I'll be stalking both for your ai. Just know I'm always here looking for your ai
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Exactly what I wanted, thanks alot bwo
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I can't generate stuff during the week due to being away from my PC. Thankfully my thesis presentation/defense is next week so I can finally have some quality slopping time as I prepare for my masters in october
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are you enjoying zzz, /hsrg/?
unironically just get lucky enough. avoid occurances if you can since they can fuck you up, be smart about the ruan mei pet things when you're replacing blessings, use aventurine when you're doing the slots etc
why would iplay such a thing
go back
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>use aventurine when you're doing the slots
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I'm not enjoying having to invest HOURS into a gacha game. I want to be done with the story and beginner content so I can just daily login for 10 minutes and roll for Ellen.
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Bro, your Fireful Flyshine with BE and freeze blessings?
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Your canon wife?
>you were boar as men
oh yeah i forgot, get the 3 star destruction grit blessings, they syngergize with break equations and blessings. those are also the best 3 star offensive blessings to upgrade at the workbench since superbreak doesn't benefit from crit

remembrance can also increase superbreak damage but you need to roll the dissociation on weakness break 3 star blessing and the vuln when dissociated 2 star blessing

there are erudition blessings that give you energy but these are unnecessary for farming du since you will explode the bosses in no time. they are pretty useful in v5/v6 though
I finally got a good start in a hoyo game so I'll stick with it for a while, though I'm already stuck at 28 with nothing to do
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>Get silent hunter
>Anal rape everything into a pregnancy through its sheer power
Shrimple as bwo
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>yayy new event
>use the test units
>turn on autoplay
>weight for2 minutes
>automatic S rank
I love content! I love HSR!
Will do
How do we fix abundance?
Is it Bire(fire)fly or Bir(bird)efly?
Kill Yaoshi
How do we fix Hunt?
passive healing
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same sis!
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Fofo dies that already. And her cone.
boothill, topaz and ratio are all pretty powerful, so i'm not sure what needs to be fixed?
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All of them would have been better if they were destruction.
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Tired of this meme, MoC has shifted away from cleavemonkeying ever since Ratio's release. Erudition are the trvebricks
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gui SEX
>he doesn't know the strat
oh no no no
i dont know who this is and why are you obsessed
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gonna have to provide sauce to the full image sometime pal, I can tell it's Futa.
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Bro we lost like two weeks ago
Literally the last MoC requires you to break all three sub bosses at the same to remove their annoying damage reduction and their shared HP pool rewards blast attacks even more. You are fucking retarded, Topaznigger
If there is literally any Yanqing x Yunli insinuation whatsoever, I’m uninstalling. People keep telling me “Hoyo doesn’t do romance,” but are you seriously going to tell me an entire event that features a boy and a girl together is not going to have even one shipbait-y? I mean, I pray to God it doesn’t, but if probably will, and when it does, I’m uninstalling right there and then. Even though I’ve sunk so much time and money into the game, I’m fine throwing it all away over this.
Make them be able to heal downed allies but at like 20% heal efficiency, no energy regen though.
Mabe give them all an eidolon the makes them ressurect at 1%hp when they die as well.
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I can't look under her skirt and see what color her panties are. Fuck mihoyo
More but in a school uniform?
Maybe they'll release one big Honkai expy per year?

Either way I want to see what Acharonx BS shippers will do once Kiana makes her apperance
Decompile the game and take a peep bwo
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You should be nicer to me. I can skullfuck your life.
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how do you know it's micro, dr ratio?
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We are the dog
>Dr. Ratio
Don't pull me into your homoheadcanons
Thinking about another man's penis is pretty homo I'm gonna be real with you.
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Uninstall right now
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I will be lore accurate and send only Yanqing to this he aint getting help from me
She needs to grow up more
Bro why do you care this much when they just gave us a canon gf. I'd say it's a fair deal, unlike shipfaggotry in other games.
It was an casual insult, not a fixation
you lost just admit it
I don’t care for Firefly is the difference.

Nothing about that is romantic.
Why is Blandfly so aggressive?
And why would you care for Yunli?
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>reinstall FGO cuz it's anniversary time
>receive 8+ months worth of gacha currency (800 SQ) as a reward
>roll for the funny vamp
>get jack shit
>not a single SSR character nor anything worth mentioning (on a game that you need 2+ copies to make them usable)
>uninstall FGO on the spot
Once again, I realized how generous Mihomo is after playing other gacha games made by other companies.
I'll never trash talk HSR, Genshit or ZZZ ever again.
I luv Mihomo.
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I told you what's coming. Firefly essentially brought all waifufags to endgame. There is no future for them, only shipcucks. Our job is to watch men and women interact, whether that leads to shipbait or not. Because we go home to a wife that will we surely see again.
I never say this, but in the chance you are serious : off yourself
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Sorry bro I'm going to sleep now. Maybe tomorrow. Generated this as part of a batch while I was showering.
Yeah spending resources you toil and sweat over on another man's onahole just sets off the cuck flight response. They should avoid the whole thing entirely and keep it strictly world exploring adventures. Or do it with NPCs.
Of course they could easily skirt the whole thing by making it the same gender and have a fulfilling rivals-to-friends arc but that would require intelligence.
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When is Sigga getting AE visitation lines
Np. thanks for all the pics
Jade and him are too visit trying to stop him from getting fired. I'm sure they'll turn up eventually.
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My sigga's too busy stackin paper to stand in an empty parlor car, you dig?

See, I think a friendly rivalry would work. But you just know they’re going to add a scene at the end of Wardance where Yanqing and Yunli blush at each other or something, cause Shaoji literally can’t control himself. He’s going to force the ship onto you whether you like it or not.
I thought it was story related but they're completely noncanon lines right? Then again, Argenti just got his this patch.
Yeah but they still have to do with their state in the story. Look at Luochud, stuck in jail and can't visit right now.
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why do people like you even exist
I'm skeptical but we'll see. Definitely not gonna brick myself with a cuck account though. Imagine getting KING'd on 50/50's after that lmao.
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Dweecwwoompwile dwee game bwooooo awwuuwuwuu uwuwuww

Shut the fuck up nerd
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>cute girl gets close to his face
>*pulls back*
Imagine self-inserting as this faggot, lmao
back to genshin faggot, and don't forget the camera
He's referring to the leak of Traveler being the cameraman for a play in the upcoming event featuring a popular waifu and husbando being prince/princess
Or maybe her breath stinks so bad. Do you enjoy smelling the breath of another person?
He’s loyal to his wife, based
>spam Firefly being canon wife for months
>shocked when she is in fact, canon wife
Why do they force Stelleyumes to be a dyke for no reason? Atleast she still lusts after Jing Yuan
sparkle is creepy + friendless loser
So how strong is the Trailblazer in-universe?
They have a stellaron inside them but how about their physical strength? Can they take a hit or are they basically just a human?
next dev update WHEN
so he's outing himself as not only as a tourist but as even more retarded than I thought. wow.
>noncanon lines
>in the game
please tell me you're joking
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He doesnt have one
they're like a lithium battery, don't hit them too hard
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Why would you come on the internet and tell lies?
Does it taste like copper or metal?
content doko?
They survived for a minute against a (incomplete) clone of the emanator of propagation, so they can at least handle themselves somewhat.
SU and all the spinoffs? It's infinite content.
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I miss my wife
Her banner is still up, killing the game
>someone who's been browsing /hsr/ to know the memes posted here is the tourist
ok tourist
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Dan Heng is LITERALLY me (i haven't left my house in 2 weeks and can't swim)
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Star rails for this?
topass and dumpy
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>her banner is up
>mfw only have 2 rolls
>mfw can't E6S5 my beloved firefly
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just self-insert as yanKING
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The useless IPC cumdump has an ass like that
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I've come to really like Acheron and her stupid outfit
Why does she dress like a chuuni hobo stripper?
I don't know. The only successful run I had is with Destruction, but back then I got Ruan Mei at the very last occurrence.
no way this isn't modded.
I hate Aventurine.... that's why I'm gonna let him fuck me later tonight
it's more real than my dad
Sparkle looks like someone who'll turn into a single mom before she hits her 20s
I don't think the space nigger has any ass at all
Level 40 Yanqing with his level 1 signature cone
Good luck kek
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Please film it, Jelena.
Show him whose boss sis! Don't lose to the cock!
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She killed HSR
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>film it
I'd be scared of a rapist even if they were cute
I rolled her, very cute
MY Trailblazer only acknowledges women with large breasts
your trailblazer wants to fuck origami birds
that leak was spammed in all the hoyo generals
oh my god is that chingchingli??! she's so pretty!!!!
she has got to have the most rape-able, ntrbait design i've ever seen in a gacha game
I can't into openworld but I'm hiatusing from HSR after 2.3
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Chudhill is the shittiest character of star rail, literally appeared for 5 seconds to shill his banner and then fucked off. The fact that you would roll for such an ugly non-character goes to show how big of a bottom-feeding drone you are.
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>self-insert as the worst 5* in the game
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Not in near future.
Game is just too comfy.
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But enough about Huohuo
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He didn't say that
t. rolled for chinkliu
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Most of us already dropped HSR for WuWa. Come home white man
wholesome, I love Nano
Who would be the best character to self insert in this game? For me, I'd be Jing Yuan.
The fact that you need to shill WuWa in both /hsrg/ and /zzz/ 24/7 is not a good look for the game bro
It was implied.
Go on without me PF chads
I don't think I will be able to get 12 stars this cycle
HouHou had a whole patch where she was relevant and event too. Even her piss would transcend Chudills entire existence.
at least you'll roll for jade to help for you future pf clears, right?
Filler patch with a filler event.
Call me when she does something un the main story
No, this PF is shilling DoT so I have to roll for Kafka
I self insert as Jade so I can groom lolis at the orphanage
This but to rape Aventurine instead
sorry you can't get more filler than chudhill, just wait till that faggot is powercrept because that's where all the interest comes from lets be honest and nobody will remember he was even in this game.
>not self inserting as Indifferent Male for that
>get banned and all your posts deleted from /zzz/
>move to /hsrg/
the absolute state of wuwa...
Everyone I know seems to like her but I don't like her eyebrows.
Too thick than I thought necessary.
Stupid Jade whore I hate farming GoBS
Do we post Sparkle because she's a loser? Or is Sparkle a loser because we post her?
March is KINO
Its bait you retard. Every Wuwa poll has HSR as their other game
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Good morning, honey
>5 hours into it, it seems a genshin ripoff
>15 hours into it, it definitly is a genshin ripoff
>cc's are jumping ship while the streamed and watched hours plummet
enjoy your dead game
Fuck you. You made me check in game because I thought PF had reset and there was something to do.
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It's hotter when a woman does it
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I agree
it's too early for you americabro, people in asia are CLEARING PF RIGHT NOW
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why would I complain about not being able to do it this cycle at the start of the 6 weeks it's up for
Returning player here, which caverns are the most resin efficient nowadays?
I don't get your question. Are you asking which relics to use the resin on? If that's the case it's mostly the boots or link rope to get either SPD or ERR
Pulling Sparkle's twintails
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We love her feet
depends on who you are trying to build
That depends on your characters I guess.
the most generic one is the messenger set, works on all supports
Resin is the Genshin equivalent of Trailblaze power
Sorry, meant tb power efficient.
Is the speed/hp cavern still one of the best ones to farm?
You have to go back
I'm not part of this we
Farm the set that's actually good for your main dps
Your supports can be fine in whatever rainbow sets you get as long as they roll good
what's your trailblaze level bwo
if you're not at least 60 you better not do any caverns
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Can't I just drop some truth bombs once in a while? Geez fine I'll leave you faggots alone
This guy has to be falseflagging or something
Changli mogs btw
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You are
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zzz bait dried up so he's trying anything
>meanwhile annoying sparklefags are shitting up gacha generals and /v/ as well
What do you mean?
I really can’t imagine IX speaking directly to anyone ever, much less giving them a mission
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Robin or Ruan Mei with E2 Acheron?

Don't have the crazy one.
Is that a jojo reference?
2.4 will tank this game
>Come after Jade whose guaranteed to flip (abandoned by dev in favor of Flopfly, only usable in one mode)
> Filler patch
>Xianzhou slop
>First banner is literally Clara resell nothing new or original at all, why would anyone with Clara want to roll for that
>Second banner is a npc pink fox, barely better than gui, and gui is a shitty bottom tier character to begin with
Firefly is so bland and boring
If 1.5 didn't kill the game then nothing will.
It's obvious to anyone who isnt a newfag. Maybe a /zzz/ shill. Half of Wuwa plays HSR as well. Other half are GI refugees
>Jade whose guaranteed to flip
Who is going to make her flip?
Fox kek is a saving point for noobs that can build FireTB for trend abuse.
What was 1.5 like? I joined at the end of 1.5
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Why is a professor this buff?
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Metal-ish, metal plating with silicone for....better handling
He's Roman thats why.
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I remember saving this, November (1.5) was grim
Why does she make so many people seethe? I rolled her and love her. I like her songs, especially the sunday one
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I got my Boothill and FF
I'm saving for Moze and Rappa/whoever the next Galaxy Ranger is
>just played a silbird player who got 620 points
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok then
Your Feixiao???
trust the plan
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Because Sunday was right
What the fuck happened with Huohuo's banner? I hate loufu, but that is a serious downgrade from 1.4
You just got fucked by a middleaged woman, grats bro
>Ever right
Time to wake up faggot
I literally sold my wuwa account when zzz came out. Who the fuck plays wuwa and has time for any other other gacha with how grindy that crap is?
Her and argenti were both gigaflops and the ghost hunting event sucked ass
We'll get Ascended Ratio when he attracts Nous' gaze and joins Genius Society. Trust the plan. and they'll give him away for free as a joke
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And then you ask why she makes people seethe
I need her to complete my dot team. I will roll her rerun because 2.4 looks like an easy skip
Gaycio deserves correction for making them postpone Screwlum that along
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Don't blame him, he probably wants to roll too
You wish, Ratio.
Because /hsrg/ is full of manchildren?
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You might be on to something
Does he leak….oil when he’s reached maximum?
It's okay when we shit up other generals.
>rolling Huohuo for your DoT team when the Huohuo powercreep the Break healer AKA giga burn applicator is coming out soon
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Post proof you faggot. Those leaks dont mean anything this early
Huohuo's real niche has always been being the best cleanser in the game.
When another boss like Kafka comes out she will be back on top.
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A footjob from Sparkle right now would save me
There is no worry about status effects anymore with Firefly out now. Just break them and kill them before they do anything.
she's not real
>grossing rank went up again for literally no reason
How can the community for such a successful live service game be this dead
>E2S1 Firefly, E2S1 Sparkle, E2S1 Ruan Mei, (f)HMC
Am I basically set? There's pretty much nothing this team can't kill.
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Sparkle is useless on that team
What the fuck
Warn people before you post something like that
i hate pigs I HATE PIGS
40% ATK buff.
21% Def ignore.
50% action advance.
We're all at Reddit and Discord gro
Does Guinaifen's talent apply stacks for Acheron on enemy's turn?
I've heard Jiaoqiu is now just barely better than Guinaifen, so I'm tempted to just pull for his LC instead of just pulling for him.
Her best team is still Pela and SW. At best he is a sidegrade
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Firefly can't compete
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I'm back bros. ZZZ sucks dogshit and the only people left in /ZZZ/ are the omegaslurpers so I can't even have fun having complaining-conversations anymore, so I'm back here.
You people only love Cocona because shes a delicious choco girl
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>10 mins without any post
oh my GOSH
Yeah that's bad holy shit lmao. No way that's just from ZZZ right? The game is fucking dogshit and retains almost no players.
It is, thread was just as dead when wuwa released too and then everyone came back in like a week
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Who are the most cuckposted HSR characters?
We're dead on saturday night because we're having sex with out gfs
Except me of course, that's why I'm still posting here
its finally time we merged with our troonbian sisters at hig....

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