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question of the thread can autoguynefiles be straight as well?
masculine homos become AGPs
flamers become HSTSes
Why the fuck does he have so much less body hair than me. Why am I a fucking were beast in spite of not being masc...
Rate my sissification plan. I am 30 and wasted my life but I have enough money to pay a college degree:
>study nursing (basically surrounded by girls 24/7)
>listen to sisssy hypno and pop music the duration of my degree
>take HRT

The only issue is nursing relates to human suffering, life and death, so I would feel rather guilty from fetishizing the activity.
What? Your AGP is evolving!

Congratulations! Your AGP evolved into female sexuality!
How do fellow AGPs cope with MtF envy? It's a weird spot to be in to have sexual fantasies of transition while realizing it's also a terrible idea.
The ultimate cope would be to transition. Alternatively you could be a feminine guy.
go to nail school
gay friendly environment
are you envious of HSTS trannies or AGP trannies?
we're gettin hosed, boys
more like hussed amirite
Yes. 100% AGP works a lot better if you fuck men. Transbianism is a meme.
If America was more like Thailand and the Phillipines, all AGPs would date men.
my only hang up would be anal, he would have to be post-srs
All agps are straight
Under every princess MEF sissy there is the underbelly of the beast a brooding psychopath. Both coexist simultaneously.
He has such suckable/rapeable man-tits and is 100% going to love being my pig slave.
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thats because most MEFs/AGPs are trannies and most trannies are autists


and autism and psychopathy are related distant cousins
I want to be a cute female
I want to have a cute female’s PERSONALITY. But I don’t.
I'm getting horrible vibes from this thread.
If america was like these countries, very few AGPs would transition, retard.
> I'm getting horrible vibes from this thread.
How so?

> If america was like these countries, very few AGPs would transition, retard.
I’ve read that there are a few AGPs in those countries, but that they’re almost indistinguishable from the HSTS. Also, calling someone a retard isn’t very nice :(
>How so?
Just a vibe I guess.
The op is badly formated.
>there are a few AGPs
You're not beating the retard allegations uh?
As I said, the large majority of AGPs wouldn't troon.
The ones who would, would larp as HSTS.
I honestly don't think we have any information on how many AGPs there are in thailand. Rod Fleming is a shitty information source.
We did have a tran who was not ethnic Thai but who lived there, who told us there were a lot of AGPs.
>who told us there were a lot of AGPs.
If you mean the Russian chadette, she said there were many AGPs but they generally didn't troon.
There is evidently less AGPs in these countries considering AGP dysphoria is progressive and the average age of transition over there is massively younger.
Any other explanation than "there are less AGPs" feels like a post-hoc rationalization to justify the fact that, had you been in another country, you'd totally have been a cute HSTS girlie and fucked all of the meta attractive fat AIDS ridden british tourists.
I love women. I LOVE WOMEN. Tbhon, women are so special to me, I don’t think they could ever understand how much I value them.
I am making a big folder with all sorts of sexological/ psychological studies on transsexualism, especially pertaining to the Blanchardian typology.
Please, if you have any file you'd have to share, or links you find interesting, even images in fact, do not hesitate to share them!
Once it is done I will share it publicly.
You might have this already but posting just to make sure
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HRT is such a fucking scam holy shit.
I had it already, but thank you nonetheless.
Hi Frenchie. I just lost 27 moneys betting on a FIFA match. I'm sad.
I'm sorry.
Why would you bet money on that?
Sounds kind of risky.
You should bet on shitcoins.
I wanted to make a lot of money to hire a prostitute. But I'm increasingly losing everything and becoming indebted.
Please stop doing that, paid rape is immoral.
Please try to fix up your life, it can't be as hopeless as mine is.
It's worse, man. But anyway. I want to get into bed with someone and I'm upset that I can only do it with men.
Try to find a tranny maybe.
No. If I'm going to stay with AMAB, I'd rather have a furry bear than a fake woman.

And I have another topic I would like to share.
What is it?
My best friend, who is a hats passoid, is being brutally beaten by her boyfriend.

I don't know how to react to this. I thought about telling her family, but so far they haven't responded.

She almost always self-harms and likes to be beaten violently. And she is totally in love with him. The two are completely isolated from their family and plan to live together soon. I don't know what to do to help her. I think I'll leave everything as it is.
Damn that sucks :(
I would gather evidences and call the police.
i'm envious of people who look like women

so true lol
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Why did God make girls so cute but he made me so fucking ugly I hate it.
I like sucking tits too much
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which one of you was this?
why are blanchardists ruining our graphics cards like this?
It's Blanchardian.
I should kms.
I will never ever look like a woman.
I am disgusting and I should die.
are you arab or italian or spanish or greek? even one drop of that blood gives you tons of back and shoulder hair.
i can understand the feeling, but there are still men who worship anything even slightly feminine, and for some reason european men tend to think i'm very attractive from my sample size of 3 (uk, romania, and dutch)
Idk I've never not been sir'd.
Not even a slight pause before gendering me.
I also get gendered male from behind.
That's after 16 months of HRT with an extremely extensive skincare routine...
I hate knowing IWNBAW.
Why did I have to be born in an unpassable body?
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hello my AGP friends, pic is me
do you see any changes?
i have an extremely fast metabolism and im getting angry, i cant gain weight worth a fuck
i did get feminization thought but very little in terms of fat distribution
tell em what you see
try to ignore my GIGANTIC chest
no hugboxxing pls
Your body isn't too great, you will need BBL or hip implants.
You don't have a wide rib cage tho which is good.
HOWEVER, your face looks really nice for your age.
>you will need BBL or hip implants.
bro it's only 9 months
She's 32.
Hip growth plates closed off 16 years ago.
Unless she can somehow get spectacular weight repartitions on it on top of muscling (dependent on genetic), she will not get much.
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this is my butt
Please don't post such intimate pics here :(
Your face really looks nice. I'm jealous as someone 7 years younger.
Your face looks better than my did at 17.
You have a very ectomorphic body.
As demonstrated by your arachnodactily.
Basically you need to remain slim but find a way to overcome your main issue (lack of hiips).
This can be done via BBL, hip implants etc.
I do have hips though, what I don't have is a waist.
Yes, you are correct.
Your hips are OK.
You lack a pelvis and a waist.
You need BBL or pelvic implants (only done in Korea currently iirc), and maybe Kuzdaev's.
No you
I need a boyfriend thats what I need
your body is gorgeous and does not need to be improved. If you want more curves, do leg and butt exercises to get a bigger butt and wider hips

more sexy pics pls
I mean if you're ok with it that's great, I was just giving you advices on what would be best to improve it.
That won't increase it very significantly.
She should try prog and pio.
But pio only after she actually starts getting breast growth.
what about normal people who become trans.. like not feminine not masculine just normal and just transition to female
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Thanks, I wasn't trying to sound unconsiderate.
Thing is, I am indeed dysphoric (life-long self image issues) but I also have a have a very very strong degree of behavioral AGP (MEF, more specifically). So if I get to act like a flaming faggot I'm happy. My masculine features actually play along nicely since it's a reminder I'm a "failed male" within the context of the fetish. Like, whatever. I transioned late as hell and if I end up looking androgynous I'll be happy. If people look at me and don't know if it's a man or a woman that's a win.

Pic: my dream faggoty look

pls be my bf :3
agps can be straight, i have had a boyfriend for 2 years now out of my four years of transitioning. i only become more attracted to him with time. i cant wait to get srs for him and have the kind of sex i always wished for
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>pls be my bf :3
trust me babe I DREAM of having a bf that looks like you
I'm jealous.
9 months bro, that stuff continues to grow for a few years
its not cool to steal Milo Ventimiglia for a shitty thread like AGPgen
bitchdarlene @ telegram
dont have telegram but if you drop discord i can hit you up
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get on with the times grandpa

garanteed shes leaking and has a massive boner
I know I'd be diamonds in an outfit like that
Detransitioning was the best decision of my life. I'm genuinely more happy. I just needed great friends
who here putting on lingerie when horny
You mean there are people who don't?
are AGPs the only ones who find crossdressers attractive? Or do gay men and straight women like it too?
been doing that since I was 8 or 9yrs old.
>calling someone a retard isn’t very nice
how about not being a retard
>stupid hussie was so excited to subvert our GYNEPHILIC thread he couldn't even type the forward slash right nvm the rest of the OP
I wish women found me attractive when I crossdress
let's not fuck up the next thread
As a meta-attracted AGP I’ve been wanting to turn this thread into a psuedo-hsts gen for along time. It’s funny that hussie was trying to be subversive but they were actually doing me a favor.

No, this is fun.
i'm meta attracted too but i'd need a girl giving him the female gaze to self insert
If it was a prettyboy it’d instantly be good enough for me. Pretty boys don’t need meta-attraction to be hot. If he was staring at the viewer, it’s be hot as well. I think I find images of men hot when they have an explicit look in their eyes of “I wanna fuck you”
Can other meta attracted trannies not make it super cringe?
I'm meta attracted too, so are most AGPs.
But you often make it sound like you are either pathetically LARPing as HSTS, sinking into the delusion of "muh fembrain", or are acting downright MEF.
Trying to say transbianism is bad while acting so ungracefully is just beyond comical.
what the fck are you talking about
Wishing I was cute girl so I could go barefoot everywhere. Fuck the summer heat
I hate looking at my giant, wide feet holy shit.
I guarantee that my feet are wider and more ogrish than yours
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Yeah nah
blanchy's typology doesn't allow for it kek
I feel so self-conscious when baring my legs or arms or even not wearing socks. Something about it just feels *wrong* to me. Dunno if it's dysphoria or what.
Being a woman is such an important part of our soul, but some people just get it crushed and forcibly taken out of their body by life.
It's tragic.
We all want the same thing, to reach love, and for us love is being a woman.
Everything else is just a shitty ersatz.
And yet many of us will never have that, we can try but it just makes our lives harder, more painful.
They don't realize that they are making me die.
By transitioning, by becoming women.
why were they calling people fembrained bottoms for being able to tell the difference between few black pairs of shoes
It seems that you find just talking about it to be cringe
what's worth, AGP alone or having AGP and AAP thoughts together?
agp isn't real get over it
why does my princess wand wake up when i put on panties or a bra then
Maybe I'd eat less if I had the pleasure of being a hot girl.
checkmate TRA's
This, but also exercising and being /fit/ in general
another reason its better
No point without boobs
Do you like to wear makeup and be cute?
How do you cope knowing EVERYONE sees you as a subhuman if you don't pass?
Not just transphobes, trannies too.
And allies.
No one sees you as human as a hon.
I wish I had a twin sister.
I hate people who say the goal of Trooning is to pass.
What does that leave to people who can't pass?
It's always passoids who say that.
The goal of trooning is to reduce dysphoria.
My grandmother:
>"you should take a girl with you in the apartment to cook and clean"
knowing we are both trannies
it reminds me that I am perceived as 0% feminine/ female in any way
so much as that such remarks can exist without a second thought
it shows that I vibe 0 % fem in any way
100% male
it's over
i'll never be a young tranny
discovering the world
seeing everything as exciting
i'll always be a jaded old hon
Why somany transexuals here? I mean, the whole point if agp is knowing that sadly we will always be male
"AGP" isn't real, you fucking tranny, stop being shitty
As I said, this is a terrible edition.
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I thought this women's shirt would make me look feminine but I just look like an early 20th century coal miner and union organizer from Harlan county, Kentucky.
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when are you getting ffs?
it hurts
You don’t pass. But you’re still adorable.
>captcha: hapy
Why am I thinking about B and being tortured by the thought again?
It makes no sense, I had gotten over it.
Hugboxxing ai sadly.
I don't know I need to get consult and then there might be 6 months to a year of waiting and then finally the FFS. But it will probably be done in several steps.
Yes. It feel horrible. Why is my brain so stupid?
I read won't and it made me sad.
Thank you nonetheless.
I used to date women now I transitioned and I date men
John >35. Why am i the way i am?
is bronyism just an expression of AGP?
I masturbated again after 2 weeks
Same porn, trans hentai
Idk how I got a boner 6 months on hrt. Taking my AAs
Maybe the recent injection wasn’t perfect and something in me slipped. I had intense sexual dreams before waking up too. I dint remember them but it wasn’t regular piv sex
I’ll never escape
I’m the person I made myself to be
I deserve death
I hate it
Cumming was just me regretting my life
As always.
I am not dysphoric I suppose. I could touch my make stupid penis just fine and rub it out. Like usual I masturbated by just rubbing the thing between my hand underwear(make) and body. I never masturbate like a normal person would I find it boring.
I’m disgusting
Death and putrid shit
I'm 16 months HRT and still get boners.
Just accept that many people are very intensely dysphoric about their appearance and secondary sex characteristics, but less so about their primary ones. This often changes after the former are well feminized and the attention turns to the later.
i hate it I hate it I hate it
i raped myself
Its rape
It's not, you masturbated, so what?
Your feelings are irrational, if typical.
I hate myself for doing it
I don't get why so many AGPs have this hatred of their own sexuality.
I can't see myself ever doing PIV or using my penis sexually, but masturbating is harmless to me.
it proves im faketrans
also masturbation is sexual in a sense
How does it make you faketrans?
Not all trannies have very strong bottom dysphoria.
i was feeling happy for not masturbating for so long
It was nice not having to think about it and be free
this sucks
I mean yeah, I stopped masturbating for about 5 months when I started, then it came back.
Such is life.
I shouldnt masturbate
It just always ends in this awful feeling, this was even before hrt
Just needs to stop
I hate this
Get on a semi high dose of SSRIs then.
Killed my sex drive fully.
I used to masturbate up to 5 times per day before hrt
I used to do it once a day just to help repress
2 if it was especially bad
still hated it
I thought no test would do that
if I was at least doing buttstuff I wouldnt feel so fucking awful about it
I still do masturbate once daily.
>I thought no test would do that
I mean, women have a sex drive lol.
I just hate that I did it like that it’s so fucking fraudulent and disgusting
I hate myself for giving in
>I mean, women have a sex drive lol.
Im 35 and I've only had one gf in my life. This was back in high school. We would have sex regularly but I hated it. I hate penetrative sex, it just does nothing for me. I would rather mutual masturbation or oral. As I got older I started to realize whenever I watched porn I was imagining myself as the girl. Looking online apparently girls love the idea of dating a guy who doesn't pressure her for sex constantly but idk where you find these kinds of women. At this point I'd just like someone I can cuddle with. Someone who isn't grossed out by my feminine behaviors in bed. Probably never going to happen anyway im way too neurotic for a relationship.
I tried piv with my ex a decade ago and I couldnt get hard enough
we did oral and couldnt cum
I was a porn addict turned tranny
if I can still fap then im faketrans porna ddict still and everyone was right to make me stop trooning
ill continue in hope I change but
Please girls, calm down.
girls dont masturbate with their penis
Some do
I never dated. But when I was a teenager there was a girl I fell in love with.

She once said she had a dream where she dressed me as a maid. When I complained about being too tall, she said she would cut off my legs with a saw. That warmed my heart.

I think I still like her, but I've been a nasty, cringe stalker. I don't think I'll ever see her again.
I shouldnt
I hate myself over this betrayal of myself
Guys I think I'm going to masturbate to feminization again...
I'm going to the gym to work out my glutes and then I'm going to masturbate.
I do 30 squats a day is that enough?
No, do 4 sets until you can't take it anymore and eat lots of protein
She sounds kind of based. I think lots of guys in highschool are cringe stalkers. I remember telling a girl I never met how much I loved her over msn messenger she must have fucking hated it lmao
I need to be abolish of my son of being a male and masturbating like one
I should have been born without a dick
I hate my fucking life
I just
A real deal
Agp trender troon
You don’t hate it bro, if you did you wouldn’t be doing it. You’re AGP.
Women men AAAAAAAAAA what's the point. Sex is somewhat malleable and gender is a lie. It's all pointless.
Then I should die
I hate that this person exists because they are very similar to me but cuter than me.
I hate being stuck in this male flesh prison.
I have never masturbated in my life. Yet still, I am AGP.
You are the rare trutrans agp blanchie talked about
I used to not masturbate due to what I realized later was bottom dysphoria. I remember hearing guys talk about fapping in middle school and being kinda confused as to what they were talking about, then I figured it out. I looked at agp stuff and got hard, but never touched myself, essentially.
Dated a girl and lost my virginity before I first fapped, didn't realize it was super strange until way later. Then I started fapping and tried doing it to images of women but still couldn't resist reading those awful racist and lgbtphobic tg comics, then TG erotica (which was way better).
Then the realization came at one point and I started trooning in my early 20s, I've been a girlmoder for a while now.
I still use my junk to prevent atrophy in case it's needed for the surgery. I don't feel good about it, I do it fast, maybe once-twice a week.
I'm starting Tazarotene 0.1 (replacing tret 0.1) tonight.
Next week I'll start using glycolic cid serum alongside the vitamin C serum.
If it doesn't help with acne, idk what will.
> those awful racist and lgbtphobic tg comics
What are those? I mostly only stuck to stuff on deviantart, and most of it was very tame.
back in the mid 2000s I only really knew of lustomic, so...
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I will literally never be a woman.
Everyone troons at 19 or at worst early 20s.
I started at 24 like a disgusting lateshit.
Those who started later than me can have excuses (gatekeeping etc) but I don't.
I am faketrans and also probably a rapist.
My face exudes evil and immorality.
I do not deserve to be called AGP, I am not a real AGP, I am simply a straight man whose sexuality was inverted.
It's over.
same little bro
27 here
im not a tranny even lol
I think ill give myself 2 years then im gone
No buts
I'm sorry you're feeling this way.
Why not try taking hrt at least?
It might not be over for you.
I am taking it
It doesn’t matter
>then im gone
coward who didn't have he guts to take the pills 4 years ago thinks he has the guys to off himself.
Get real anon: you're gonna stay rotting, so get used to it
Ah oki.
Well you never know.
I relate too ofc.
Suicide is such a comforting thought.
No more desire. No more longing. No more getting mogged. No more suffering. No more humiliation. No more living in this evil dogshit body. No more...
I have a date and exit plan
Planned years since years ago
Sorry I won’t do it forever
It’s nice isn’t it
Absolutely nothing
All of my ennemies. Gone forever. All of my failures. All of my letdowns. All just gone.
And yet I wish I could keep living.
I don't even hate this world, only the sad condition I have to exist as within it.
I didn't ask for much.
Being a woman, or a tranny that's at least not a complete hon.
I often feel like my soul was purposely put into this body to torture it.
It's such an horrible disgusting body, for a soul that seeks beauty and cuteness.
And yet I do not believe in the immortality of the soul, killing myself does not liberate my soul from its prison, it only obliterates both.
Would suck to miss out on the reverse aging and complete gender transformation tech that will be developed in the coming decades
That’s where we are different
My wish to live doesn’t extent past 2026
Pass or not
I’ll be gone that year
I promised to meet a certain someone when that happens
I hope you are wrong about the soul
But even if you aren’t I’ll at least be at true peace
It doesn’t matter
Like I know it’s a anal statement to make
But I don’t think it would even make me happier
Do you think it's actually coming?
That sounds weird, if your life is good, why not keep going?
Repression just kills something in you, doesn't it?
Something you can never get back?
Wonderful scene
No I dint think my life will ever get better
I keep lying
But the delusion will come clean eventually
I have already been dead for a while now
This is but my echo
I relate. But I want to believe things will get better for all of us, somehow.
> Do you think it's actually coming?
Yes. It’s inevitable unless humanity destroys itself first. With the advancements in AI and the amount of funding being put into anti aging research, it’s only a matter of time
I deserve to die for being a gigahon.
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look at this lil agp
sweet arms
sweet legs

I wish I had body fat...
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he is on hrt btw...
What's a good nofap timeline to start seeing positive results for porn-induced AGP? I seriously need motivation.
>porn-induced AGP
No such thing lmao.
Here's what's going to happen, you are going to stop jerking off, which will make you extremely horny, which will make you extremely AGP.
After a few days/weeks of nofap, your libido will die completely for a bit, the AGP will go away because you aren't horny, and you'll think that you did it, you beat your "porn-induced" AGP.
But that's just a mirage - sooner or later your libido will come back and you'll break down and search for the most degenerate, filthy tranny porn known to man and bust the fattest nut you've ever busted, the post nut clarity will hit you hard.

Don't bother, you are AGP for life, learn to live with it.
She deserves everything in life for working hard and finding people who enjoy being around her
I want SRS. Would it be a mistake?
Not having a nice, smooth skin from HRT due to acne scarring is my own personal hell.
Smooth legs, smooth arms?
Faceapp already identifies you as a woman. You are being bpd.
am I AGP if the idea of growing tits and having a cute small dick arouses me? That is to say, I'm not turned on at the idea of being a woman. I want to be a guy with boobs.
Sure but it doesn't matter.
I don't think it has since my grandmother cut my hair shorter.
That said I do think it looks better now.
I pray glycolic acid + Tazarotene can make my skin look better until I get subcision + filler (after ffs so in a while).
Sounds like a pinkpill psyop tbhon
>porn-induced AGP
you don't become AGP from porn just like straight men don't become gay after watching gay porn.
It's going to be hard to accept, but you are agp for life. Feel free to waste your 20s on trying to fight it though
>t. millenial agp who was fascinated with cross-gender themes since 10-11, before first fapping; who tried acting cishet, dating women, working out and nofap - and eventually realized it's pointless to fight your nature
>pinkpill psyop
you're the one who mentioned HRT, this anon >>36565701 said nothing about trooning
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how do you make agp go away without trooning?
this shit has ruined my life.
>make agp go away
tourists just keep getting worse and worse with each passing year, don't they?

you should start juicing and working out in a gym. Also start shaving your head, stop masturbating, and pay a sex worker to have sex with her. Do it monthly and you'll be cured in no time
Mr. Lennon, what the fuck are you doing to yourself?
You should see Polythene Pam
She's not good-looking, but she looks like a man
Well you should see her in drag, dressed in a polythene bag
Yes, you should see Polythene Pam
You should see her in a dress (no)
You should see her when she's dressed to the hilt
She's killer-diller in a jackboot and kilt
But she's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World"
Yes, you could say she was attractively built
Could say she was attractively built
I'll say she was attractively built, I'll say
Oh, yeah
I'll give that to somebody with more hopes, I'll bet
>Everyone troons at 19 or at worst early 20s
hey! ;__;
and that's not true anyway

>It's over
it's just beginning
I always like it when you're here Durian.
Please stop drinking/ self harming/ drugging through.
>trying to make more john 50s
will try
that anon saw my post about AGP being an incurable thing that you have for life and honestly asked "how do I make agp go away" in the very next post.
Some people are beyond help, he's one of them.
>and eventually realized it's pointless to fight your nature
why didnt it work?
>why didn't it work
ok, you're either playing dumb because you think it's entertaining, or you genuinely have brain damage and have issues with reading comprehension. Though I'm 90% sure it's the first one.
Either way, keep reading my post over and over again and you'll get your answer
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I thought I was 6'1 but I'm 5'10

I think I'll go back to my femboy era

I have wrinkles and beard shadow now but who cares
That worries me and makes me wonder if I've ever looked at porn that wasn't somehow agp
>makes me wonder if I've ever looked at porn that wasn't somehow agp
as I've already mentioned, it doesn't matter
It does matter, what if my agp isn't as strong
>It does matter
why does it matter if you ever looked at normie straight porn or not? honest question
I tried to do DIY conversion therapy on myself by looking at photos of women made for straight men, did nofap, tried straight sex - and I still ended up a tranny.
>isn't as strong
as strong as what?
>why does it matter if you ever looked at normie straight porn or not? honest question
Because it could mean my agp isn't as strong
>as strong as what?
As other people's who transition
NTA but what the fuck do you want?
Is there any concrete question you want answered here? What do you want?
are you a virgin?
if not, do you feel good and powerful when having sex with women?

I'm asking because most agps in denial such as yourself are either virgins into their mid-late 20s, or they had a GF at a point and weren't comfortable with sex.
Guess why they often aren't comfortable with sex
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>continuing to live as a guy but getting FFS anyway
tranny reference material
How do I cope with being a very dysphoric AGP who can't ever pass or look cute in any way?
How do you deal with that?
Send a photo of yourself or describe yourself
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>How do you deal with that?
since you're rich and "can't ever pass", fund ffs for my 3rd world eurasian pale ass, and move to manmoder general.
I'll visit you in France and we'll do girl sleepovers where we braid each other's hair
blast beard and botox wrinkles you dwarf
smile already
I'm not actually rich, my dad is (somewhat) and grandfather is but I have like 7000 in the banks.
I can only get FFS because the State pays for it.
Also I would never help someone who will mog me.
I know it will sound immoral but it would be too painful.
Also why would I move to mmg?
Everyone hates me over here and it's a very uninteresting general anyway.
would you help someone that will never mog you?
asking for myself :P
If I actually had money ye
>advanced engineering mathematics
malebrained :(
Nothing awful expect for the skin problem
Which incidentally is the one thing I'm pretty likely to never be able to fix.
Neanderthal brow can be fixed with ffs.
So can wide chin, square jaw, ugly nose etc.
Skin? It's scar tissue. I have 0 guarantee that I'll ever be able to meaningfully make it better, and no chance to ever actually have a real smooth skin.
Just why was I so unlucky? Why?
Why did I basically get the worst body possible to have when one is AGP and dysphoric?
I get being unlucky but why SO unlucky?
In fact, the champion with the worst body/face to have AGP is me!
I don't it desu. Not when I'm here.
I doubt it*
I have a completely masculine hairline, a long and wide nose. 18 inches of shoulder and I don't know how much ribcage but it's absurdly big
My shoulders are over 18 inches.
My hairline is also pretty masculine, I just use a haircut that somewhat masks it.
Nose can be fixed unless you mean your whole midface is long.
ik you don't
wish i was born in france :(
You know, you're a EU citizen, you could move here and get on ALD and get the ffs. All you would need is to work, even remotely.
>are you a virgin?
>if not, do you feel good and powerful when having sex with women?
I dont know
This shit is just depressing. I miss the massive wall of text debates about the nature of gender.
there is an agp streaming on chaturbate, her name is xaevynne
Who gives a fuck.
I want to observe agps in the wild
I don’t like porn. I find it gross
wow look at this trutrans HSTS here
you're starting to morph i think, or just decent photo, you look almost androgynous in this one
this one you look no older than 17, maybe from the lighting?
then back to classic frenchie
bro he looks like shit in every picture. I have to say, his self awareness is impressive for an autist. He is right about his appearance and his chances for passing.
My understanding is that actual HSTS are all cock obsessed horny degenerates.

She has a sort of vulnerability in her eyes, kinda cute looking. I think most people would ID her as “cute sensitive guy” which is alot better than the “murderous rapist” she describes herself as
>not sure how Frenchie wants to be referred to as so just went with she/her.
>My understanding is that actual HSTS are all cock obsessed horny degenerates.
no. they are WOMEN. and they HATE porn and s*x.
It’s funny that some people who don’t understand Blanchard actually think this.
No one will talk about this with me anymore, it seems.
those were bad debates
The lighting is everything, which really messed with my head.
Why are these posts always written in vulgar English?
HSTS are gay men so yes.
Way back then both strongly autoerotic AGPs and the HSTSs were considered secondary transsexuals.
Primary transsexuals were the non-crossdressing, anallo subtype of AGP.
Interesting. I guess I’d be a primary transsexual.
htsts's don't actually exist, all mtfs are agp, read more neo-blanchardism
blanchard didn't go far enough in his writings
t. hyper-blanchardic pan-agp essentialist
I do wonder if the more analosexual subtype of AGP should be separates out. For most AGP them being hyper-sexual is a big part of their sexuality. For me, the most defining element of my sexuality is my lack of it, the fact I have never masturbated.

And then of course we have Emilia with her categories of Pixies, Witches, and Martians. Anybody happen to have that image?
Many anallos masturbate a lot. Just not to allosexual stuff.
Why haven't I killed myself yet?
It's the only option for me.
I’ve thought about this a bit more. Maybe the categories could be

>Classical AGP:
loves women and everything about women. Probably wants SRS.

Wants to be an emasculated man. More likely to be attracted to other trans girls than cis girls.

>anallosexual AGP
Probably lower libido than other types. Sexuality more likely to lean towards men.

>classical HSTS
Feminine gay men who transition for straight sex. Often don’t see themselves as woman and view transition more as a pragmatic issue.

>super trutrans HSTS
What Kay Brown thinks HSTS are. Always knew they were girls from childhood. Feel they have an ontological gender identity.
mef and agamp are NOT the same thing and don't belong in the same category.
This is the most retarded Blanchardian sub typology I have ever read.
Holy shit.
I thought that AGAMPs and MEFs by nature would be attracted to similar things, since a man being emasculated turns him into an object of GAMP desire. So I made the assumption that they were closely related. I dunno tho. In hindsight I realize I was probably wrong here.
Just why did it have to happen to me?
Why me in particular?
There are millions of autogynephiles, why did I have to be the one in this body?
> millions
there's probably 400k bonafide agps worldwide, tops
If by that you mean dysphoric AGPs, sure.
I'm still the unluckiest of them all.
agp necessitates dysphoric
otherwise, one is just a confused cd
Lots of dumb sexology takes on this gen today.
AGAMP is absolutely analogous to AGP, the only difference is AGAMPs are attracted to the idea of being a tranny, rather than attracted to the idea of being a woman. This distinction is so subtle that a layman would be confused by it or would think it was meaningless. Of course, to us the distinction is crystal clear.
(I should also point out that, by my definition, an AGAMP can desire SRS and still be AGAMP. This is my own innovation and the name AGAMP is at odds with it.)

MEF is something different, they have a fetish for the humiliation of denying their manhood. AGPs and AGAMPs don't necessarily have this, they just love women/trannies and want to emulate them.

What makes this more confusing, and complicates Blanchard's original ideas, is that any combination of these individual phenomena probably can, and do, appear comorbidly in the same person.
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I don't think Blanchard ever talked about MEF desu.
I feel like it's a phenomenon that has only been revealed by the internet.
Likewise, he never, IIRC, considered AGP and AGAMP to be mutually exclusive.
The immense majority of AGAMPs are AGP, I think.
we need to let tasteful crossdressers exist and not mutilate their bodies
Stop being a retard, you can have AGP without being dysphoric.
I just can't find any reason to live as a man. None.
it's not the same thing, or else dysphoric agps could cure their agp the same way as non-dysphoric "agps" cure theirs and in turn no longer be dysphoric:
> quit porn
> develop social skills and make friends
> lift weights and go into combat sports
it's that easy
Stop talking about shit you don't understand, retard, I have over a thousands sexology articles bookmarked, chances are I have one for every stupid claim you make.
i didn't say they weren't ever aroused by cding, just that they are not actually agp
>cure their agp the same way as non-dysphoric "agps" cure theirs
>The data indicate that HCDs, even those who deny recent or past erotic arousal in association with cross dressing or applying make-up, still tend to respond with penile tumescence to fantasies of such activities. This suggests that only those causal hypotheses of heterosexual cross-dressing need be considered that can account, also, for the presence of fetishism.
they're porn sick duh, quitting porn is the first step
I can't keep living as a fucking hon.
I need to off myself.
> *violent rhetoric*
wow, you are being too angry and mean for a conversation
Yes because I am in a bad mood and you are being a complete low IQ untermensch spouting streamlined rhetoric like a retard.
I don't give a fuck if I'm mean.
i just want to help people
I don’t even care about Blanchard but you should all read men trapped in men’s bodies for the narratives, it’s pretty fascinating. Anne Lawrence talks about MEF aka forced fem
I did all of those except combat sports and guess what, the AGP didn’t go away
I've been so stupid.
I really thought attempting to transition could save me.
I thought maybe I could start enjoying being alive.
I lied to myself, there never was any chance for me.
What I was feeling was as good as it was ever going to help.
Some get a second chance.
A chance to really truly live, to be a real human being.
But that chance never existed for me.
would you have transitioned knowing what you know today
Well I didn't expect anything.
I fully knew I would become a hon.
My reflection was basically "so I'm going to kill myself anyway so I might as well do that thing before I do".
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This describes my transition.
Why didn't it work out? Is there nothing else you can try, like surgeries? Few can achieve passability with just a couple of years on HRT; more drastic measures are often necessary.
I don't believe I can ever reach something acceptable.
Shoulders are too wide, face is too fucked even with surgeries. Skin is way beyond hope.
Realistically my chances to make it, to be happy, anything other than a hon, are naught.
I think it didn't work because I was unlucky, that's it.
At 19 I chose to repress because I was too masculine so antagonizing my family wasn't worth it.
5 more years on 5 didn't do me any favors.
Every reason I come up with for why being a guy is better is shown to fall apart eventually.
Watching Monty Python skits and realizing they mog me badly each time they play women despite being decades older and not on HRT is fucking hilarious.
Is there any truth to narcissism being correlated with AGP?
how do i slampigmaxx
How do I find the courage to finally kms?
I miss hopepilled frenchie
doesn't connect
agps are too addicted to getting railed while wearing girl clothes, they can't be this depressed
I realized yesterday evening that it was all over. I've overdosed on blackpill now.
I don't like women's clothes.
I want to be phenotypically female.
I don't want sex either.
I just want to see a girl in the mirror.
Something I will never have.
>I don't like women's clothes.
>I don't want sex either.
>I just want to see a girl in the mirror.
ok trutrans
You’re clearly quite unstable. Maybe you just need therapy?
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