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prev thread: I won't link to it because the format was bad

>qott: Would you like to be a cool female knight?

>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.

>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
No, you might be thinking of Blanchard's Typology, which includes the idea of AGP. Regardless of whether or not you agree with Blanchard's ideas, AGP is very real to the people who experience it.

>I'm AGP, does this mean I'm not trans?
No, you can be AGP and trans.

>Aren't you all just trannies in denial?
Some people with AGP will go on to transition, while others are content with incorporating it into their sex life or simply the occasional indulgence. It varies greatly in intensity. If AGP consumes a lot of your mental energy or causes you lots of distress, it is probably worth asking more questions.


>Why Gender Matters, the Emerging Science of Sex Differences

>The Gender Variant Phenomenon:

Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
transphobic garbage thread suitable only for containing nazis
Well, I’ll ask again since apparently my thread got deleted.

Anons, are you a bottom?
but whyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
why are you a boomer sissy?
I think it's that greekoid.
I am. It's fun to be fucked
I donnu. we don't choose these things. who cares?
there are only two people I've seen actually keep this place alive and try to reinstate it after it died, the blogging nazi and the boomer sissy

I just think you're spreading harmful anti-trans rhetoric because you have a thing for a misogynistic male-oriented view of feminine fashion and beauty from 50 years ago
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>harmful anti-trans rhetoric because you have a thing for a misogynistic male-oriented view of feminine fashion and beauty from 50 years ago

Were posting cheescake on a 4chan board, calm down.
Wait, is Greekoid still here XD
who is the greekoid?
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>calm down
So there used to be a tranny here named Emilia who Greekoid fell in love with. He was such a creep to her that she had to block him and then at one point he started threatening to leak images of her on 4chan unless she talked to him again. He did this weird thing where he posted parts of her face at a time, I think he posted her lips and eyes. He also stated that he’d detrans if it would let him be with Emilia (who had a husband btw). This is why despite being an mtf I can’t bear to call him “her”.
I wasn't talking about that greekoid.
We have two greekoids here, both equally evil and shitty.
We do? Lol
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then don't calm down. I don't know what to tell you
That other greekoid is a 6'2 poltard non transitionner who constantly posts thirsttraps.
Oh that's not me. I'm a different coomer
sigh, nobody remember me from the heyday of AGPgen :(
I do, you're that leotard anon?
I assumed you were the greekoid because I hate him so I wanted an occasion to insult him.
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GASP! they do remember
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Yes, sadly. It means I'm old. I've been here since 2018.
>like sand through the hourglass.....
I've been calling you a boomer sissy posting gross boomer sissy coomer content for years, the kind of shit that traumatized me into repressing because it was always presented as the extent of "transness" in popular culture and media
I'd definitely be a female knight.
Is anyone here asexual?
I am anallosexual but by definition can't be asexual since I am an autogynephile.
Sorry for the sage, I had forgotten I had it.
Yup. Never masturbated in my life
>a tranny here named Emilia
akshuly she's inters*x
The fuck is that sexuality?
I'm not versed into the Blanchard brain rot.
It’s when you’re not attracted to external woman. Your gynephilia only applies to yourself
but they're all pics of cis girls. wouldn't be presenting how they are?
and whats wrong with wanting to be a cutie? cis girls want to be cute.
>>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
>No, you might be thinking of Blanchard's Typology, which includes the idea of AGP.

remove this bullshit
Should I post more stuff like this?
there is nothing wrong with wanting to be cute and having a feminine sexuality emphasizing being attractive in a feminine way is not something that should be pathologized, hence my whole issue with this general and the concept of "AGP," but your framing/presentation is 100% boomer sissy cringe in a way that is just... offputting, demeaning, and "objectifying" in a way that goes beyond the actual subjects and goes hand in hand with the aforementioned pathologizing
objectifying who? the girls that posed
>in a way that goes beyond the actual subjects
I'm dancing around trying to say something really cringe like that that you're doing exactly what the worst of TERFs and other anti-feminist conservatives accuse all trannies of being guilty of for existing, and that is stereotyping and objectifying womanhood in some kind of specifically male-serving way, and I have a personal chip on my shoulder over this kind of thing because when I was younger I was unable to contextualize and separate the existence of this kind of (admittedly largely harmless) and very era-specific "play" from my own innate "gender" (or sex, as the case may be) dysphoria
Was she AGP or HSTS?
I think she was AGP
sounds like you have issues with yourself you need to work out instead of directing it against everything else. because that is a lot of context you're yanking out of simple pictures women posed for
>simple pictures women posed for
wow lol if you think that's what I'm discussing then you're not reading, or at the very least not paying attention
Definitely agp.
that should be what you're discussing because that's the only thing you're responding to.
someone is posting pictures of girls posing and you're going off on whole word vomit.

you're not doing feminism any favors by acting like the worst stereotype of raging reactionary.
I don't care about feminism, I'm just drawing the obvious parallel and direct associations between an oppressive "typology" used to divide and keep trannies down and outdated attitudes toward women espoused by the leotard girlies poster

like if it wouldn't get the thread reported he'd be filling every one with sissy captions, I'm not kidding and you know I'm not if you've been here long enough
I am the leotard girlies poster
and seriously, its just pictures. its not oppressing anything. please settle down. I can only imagine what things in real life do to you if this kind of online stuff has such an effect on you
you've been overstating my "reaction" from the start and are projecting

your thread is gross transphobic misogynistic garbage, it is bad, and you should feel bad
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I didn't start the thread.
>your thread is gross transphobic misogynistic garbage, it is bad, and you should feel bad
you say things like that and then accuse people of overstating your reaction.

whatever, I tried.
does it ever go away?
no, take your pills
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and put on something sexy
>cloud strife incident
all the agps are gonna be busy this weekend lol
dumb coombrains can't code tho
biannual reminder that agp never goes away even if you transition, either learn to accept yourself and be happy or keep rejecting yourself and suffer
also leo i remember you, you're the best poster this gen ever had, don't let them get you down
I don’t want to be a woman right now. Is this because I coomed so hard over the least few days that I have extinguished my libido?
Sometimes AGP lessens then comes back. Can be due to many different factors.
How do you even argue for AGP against people who just bring up muh consensus/ muh pseudoscience.
You don't. It's a waste of time
>agp doesn't go away
I've obtained a fairly rare AGP biography (Nancy Hunt: Mirror Image).
Holy shit.
Looking at twitter trannies, I'm not THAT bad.
how agp is it to exclusively use a hitachi wand to coom except for anal. i dont always look at tranny shit usually just standard gay porn/yaoi
I miss my friend
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imagine you're ben shapiro. what would he say in this situation?
you didn't coom enough
Autistically show them anecdotes of reddit posts
but that's just people using masturbation to temporarily relieve their gender dysphoria and buying into a misguided pathologizing of their existence
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yes, anon, dumping your tranny cringe folder will surely convince people that you're "scientific and rational" shoehorning of people into 2 boxes and using it as an excuse to gatekeep yourself and others from transition is a normal and good thing
>but that's just people using masturbation to temporarily relieve their gender dysphoria
No it's not, they literally stop wanting to be a woman immediately after hitting that post nut clarity, that obviously means their desire to be a woman has a sexual origin.
I don't stop wanting to be a billionaire when I nut, so me wanting to be rich is not sexually motivated, unlike the AGP desire to be a woman which often goes away immediately after ejaculation.
>The disappearance or significant diminution of one’s desire to be a woman immediately after orgasm, even if it is temporary, feels like incontrovertible evidence that this desire is an erotic phenomenon: One’s desire to be a woman seemingly requires a certain level of sexual drive or tension to exist, because when sexual tension falls to zero immediately after an orgasm, the desire to be a woman falls to zero or greatly diminishes, too.
is this >>36593829 "just people using masturbation to temporarily relieve their gender dysphoria and buying into a misguided pathologizing of their existence"?
oh my god you're just a repper, never mind, no wonder this thread is always so ardently anti-tranny and spouts transphobic bullshit
/agpgen/ is pro-tranny and transophilic, you don't know what you are talking about
which is why people like above insist they're not trans and need to perform "outreach" and enlighten the world with the Truth of AGP by spamming the same cringe to normies that poltards and reppers use to prevent themselves and others from transitioning or gatekeep who should or shouldn't be allowed to transition

what are you talking about
scroll up?
What are you on about anon?
ok, I guess we're at the pretending to not be able to read part of the exchange
So a guy said that only trannies with dysphoria were trans and the rest were AGP pervert
I responded with facts from Blanchard saying AGP was the etiology of dysphoria and most trannies were AGP
And a big french TERF account with several thousands subs liked and reposted my tweet.
I was arguing in favor of agps.
do you want to be a woman again yet?
congratulations! you're getting what you want! you are actively helping people tear down trans rights and spread disinformation they will use to divide and oppress more trannies! go you!
post AGP fuel
And my libido came back overnight
this is AGAMP fuel https://www.ashemaletube.com/videos/1032149/young-tgirl-jerks-and-eats-cum/
The fact I will never look like this because I was born with horrible genes makes me undescribably despondent.
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sorry. this is also AGAMP fuel

I get so sad knowing that other agp's have transed and are doing well. Or at least I assume they're doing well. In f1nn's case he's fucking rich. I don't have the courage to trans and I will require ffs and look like shit and I'm so old it feels like there's no point anyway. I wish I had done it when I first wanted to (20).
if you start hrt your own body can be agamp fuel
I love having tits and a dick
Damnit Finster!
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yeah but what about me face
what do you mean
my body would be agamp fuel but my face would be nightmare fuel
I mean you don't have to hon out and put on boomer makeup and garters or whatever and I'm not telling you to live as a woman, I just see that as a separate factor
wear a mask
i see so many AGPs who are perma-masked still, it's pretty sad
frenchie, are you really that daft?
> only trannies with dysphoria were trans and the rest were AGP pervert
is a plain, honest reading of blanchard
> AGP was the etiology of dysphoria
is saying the need to be a woman is actually just a fetish, and leads to situations like picrel
he doesn't care, he just wants an authority figure to notice and praise him
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why couldn't i inhabit a body that was worth inhabiting
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I'm a 30 year old autistic balding male who fantasizes about getting mating pressed by fat ugly bastards who play with my tits
just like me bro
Anyone can see you are a vagina animal retard
why did i have to be a penis animal
>self-professed "AGP"s reducing people to their genitals
this place is just a proxy for TERFism
What the fuck happened to this thread? Why are there so many Blanchard deniers? I don’t except anything Blanchard says as absolute truth, but if you wanna disagree, have actual well-formed arguments instead of “muh transphobia”
and why isn't there more APG fuel?
the "debates" have been done to death and the conclusion is obvious: he didn't commit to any kind of scientific rigor and confirmed his own assumption by citing his assumptions, and his "typology" is worthless trash, end of story
Then why does it seem to apply so much to reality? We all know plenty of trans women who don’t really seem like women
you don't ever stop to why every defense of blanchardism is just an attack on someone's behavior or appearance or an outright logical fallacy, do you?
>stop to
just like I don't stop to proofread
>behavior or appearance
Which is how we find information about people. Sure, appearance is superficial, but behavior is not. I personally know AGPs and I see plenty of evidence that they are AGP. Could they also be fembrained as well? Perhaps, but I see no evidence for it. They act like men who fetishize lesbians, so I find it reasonable to assume that they are men that fetishize lesbians.
jesus dude look at what you just said - you defended the concept of blanchardism by generalizing then referencing your own assumption

this is the same kind of doublethink that fascists get people to do, it's oppressive nonsense and it's no wonder actual fascists and terfs gravitate to this garbage
I must be the only AGP who is not into lesbian shit.
You’re not. Plenty of us are more into heterosexual dynamics.
it's usually just antifa hon, today xhe has an accomplice
What? AGP matches with my experience with trans women. It explains alot of behaviors I see that wouldn’t make sense otherwise. The “female soul” hypothesis doesn’t. Simple as. I’m not necessarily saying it’s a complete description, all I’m saying is that alot of these transwomen don’t show any signs of being fembrained, so why would I assume that they were fembrained? Especially when there is an alternative explanation that matches the evidence.
you're again indulging in logical fallacies to defend a thing rooted in assumption - who said anything about a "female soul" and why would its invalidity somehow verify blanchard's shoehorning of people into one box or another?

you're all so wormy and bad at this, every single person I challenge on this shit falls apart immediately like you and gets reduced to
>the bad ones make me cringe and aren't valid
and it's really sad
Okay. What do you think is the cause of transgenderism then?
we don't know, like collectively as a species we don't understand the mechanism yet and probably won't yet for a long time with any confidence even as we get more data, but all the evidence I'm personally aware of leads me to believe it's a neurological intersex condition plain and simple

nothing about that in and of itself precludes or certainly in any way lends credence to an ideologically-motivated anti-scientific interpretation of data massaged to fit a pre-existing set of assumptions
>> only trannies with dysphoria were trans and the rest were AGP pervert
>is a plain, honest reading of blanchard
No it's not, did you read Blanchard? AGP is associated with SEVERE gender dysphoria.
>leads to situations like picrel
The IRS's argument was retarded and the court rightfully rejected it.
The court figured out that there is nothing about Blanchard's typology that could be used to argue that AGPs transitioning is not "medically necessary", to the contrary, Blanchard's studies showed that there is an extremely severe and persistent type of gender dysphoria associated with AGP.
>the need to be a woman is actually just a fetish.
Do you think the tfw no gf r9k incels who rope, kill themselves because of a fetish? Because that's literally what is happening, they can't fuck women so they hang themselves, their behavior is 100% sexually motivated (i.e. fetishistic behavior).
prove it
offer even any kind of evidence other than another "everyone knows" or "I know what I see"
The bitch motherfucker has to rub it in my face how perfect her passoid life is while I languish in my poor, ugly, alone, autogynephilic neurodivergent life

I want to kill myself. I want to prove to you how real my pain is. How cursed I was.

You will never know what it's like to be 6'0, to have broad shoulders, a giant ribcage, to be an AGP since you were 6, to have no money or knowledge to do anything about it, and to be a friendless schizoid. Not knowing what to do. Feeling trapped in a miserable existence where you can never be what you want to be. Just watching others have fun.

I hate you and I hope you suffer a lot. But I will never tell you this in person, because I don't want to end our friendship this way.
No idea why you replied to me but read Anne Lawrence, the evidence for AGP is extremely convincing.
bruh, i was always here, when i see blanchardism i call it out
> "Blanchard deniers"
lmao, my bad for denying the prophet and his gospel, praise be blanchard (pbuh)
> AGP is associated with SEVERE gender dysphoria
> associated
you're watering it down now, before you stated it was the cause of dysphoria
that quote from that other anon says it more plainly:
> this desire [to be a woman] is an erotic phenomenon
making up a typology to hurt and divide trannies and reducing their dysphoria to that of a fetish is blanchardism in a nutshell
> The IRS's argument was retarded and the court rightfully rejected it.
> The court figured out that there is nothing about Blanchard's typology...
the court merely sided with expert opinion and evidence from medical science, if blanchardism had any pull in the courts they would have ruled in IRS's favor
> Do you think the tfw no gf r9k incels who rope, kill themselves because of a fetish?
no they killed themselves because of low self-worth and depression
> their behavior is 100% sexually motivated (i.e. fetishistic behavior)
no, being sexless hit their self-esteem which led to them roping, they weren't sexually aroused by suicide
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You seem kind of retarded and underaged but I'll bite zoomer.
>you're watering it down now, before you stated it was the cause of dysphoria
You are replying to multiple anons, I didn't write that.
>making up a typology to hurt and divide trannies and reducing their dysphoria to that of a fetish is blanchardism in a nutshell
Why the fucking demagogy? Do you think Blanchard woke up one day and said, fuck, how do I, Ray Blanchard, hurt and divide trannies?
The typology followed the empirical evidence, not the other way around.
>if blanchardism had any pull in the courts they would have ruled in IRS's favor
That makes zero sense, Blanchard is one of the reasons "non-typical" trannies (i.e. gynephilic MtFs) were even allowed to medically transition, his studies support the necessity of medical transitioning for some gynephilic MtFs, completely refuting the IRS position.
>no they killed themselves because of low self-worth and depression
Stemming out of a sexual mechanism, their low self-worth originated in the fact that they can't attract women, clearly a sexual phenomenon.
>no, being sexless hit their self-esteem which led to them roping, they weren't sexually aroused by suicide
Lol - "No, being gender dysphoric hit their self-esteem which led them to roping"
So trannies kill themselves because of low self-esteem, not because they are gender dysphoric.
>they weren't sexually aroused by suicide
The fuck?

Seriously, did you read a single primary source on AGP or are you talking out of your ass? You seem to have no clue at all about the issue.
I wish being a feminine man was as accepted as being a masculine woman.
> You are replying to multiple anons, I didn't write that.
well it's not like you disagree, so what does it matter?
> Do you think Blanchard woke up one day and said, fuck, how do I, Ray Blanchard, hurt and divide trannies?
he wanted to pathologize trannies, yes, that's what blanchardism is sweaty
> The typology followed the empirical evidence, not the other way around.
lawl, he essentialized all trannies into stereotypes based on their sexual orientation and called any outliers agp, there's no evidence
> That makes zero sense, Blanchard is one of the reasons "non-typical" trannies (i.e. gynephilic MtFs) were even allowed to medically transition
that blanchard may have helped a couple trannies transition back in the day does not outweigh the immense harm to trannies he has caused, is causing now, and will continue to cause in the future with his work
blanchard has given a scientific veneer to common transphobic attitudes, like your twitter spat
> Stemming out of a sexual mechanism, their low self-worth originated in the fact that they can't attract women, clearly a sexual phenomenon.
this is a bad analogy you are forcing, they did not seek suicide because of their sexuality, i.e. sought suicide as a way for sexual gratification
> You seem to have no clue at all about the issue.
blanchardists tend to read something completely different from blanchard, idk how
>he wanted to pathologize trannies, yes, that's what blanchardism is sweaty
Why is it so bad to try to pathologize AMABs who are in such debilitating distress that they want to cut off their genitals? Is that not in the realm of pathology?
>lawl, he essentialized all trannies into stereotypes based on their sexual orientation and called any outliers agp, there's no evidence
Blanchard noticed a statistically significant difference between gynephilic and strictly androphilic MtF transsexuals:
Almost all gynephilic MtF transsexuals cross-dress for sexual gratification and almost no strictly androphilic MtF transsexuals cross-dress for sexual gratification.
Additionally, the gynephilic MtF transsexuals began cross-dressing at roughly the same age they first began having cross-sex thoughts.
The strictly androphilic MtF transsexuals started cross-dressing more than 3 years after they first started having cross-sex wishes.
This is extremely convincing evidence that MtF transgenderism is not caused by a single thing, but that the gynephilic type is of different etiology to that of the stricly androphilic type.
It is akin to major depression disorder, which can be caused by multiple different causes in different people.
>that blanchard may have helped a couple trannies transition back in the day does not outweigh the immense harm to trannies he has caused, is causing now, and will continue to cause in the future with his work
>blanchard has given a scientific veneer to common transphobic attitudes, like your twitter spat
Whether Blanchard's typology harms transwomen or not (It does not) is not relevant to whether it's true or not.
You are basically sperging out against Blanchard because low IQ TERFs are incorrectly using his research for anti trans propaganda.

>this is a bad analogy you are forcing, they did not seek suicide because of their sexuality, i.e. sought suicide as a way for sexual gratification
No fucking shit, what the fuck are you saying? How are you missing the argument this much?
The etiology of a typical incel's low self-worth and depression is a sexual one, they are depressed because they aren't sexually desirable and can't fuck women, this is undeniable, stop sperging out.
The point is that sexuality can have a tremendous impact on human behavior, nobody would say that incels suffer because of a fetish, so why would you say that dysphoric AGPs want to transition because of a fetish?
It's objectively true, but it's a misrepresentation of reality, the difference between a normal sexuality and a paraphilia/fetish is that the latter is rare and the former is common, but they are both just forms of human sexuality.
Again, human sexuality is an extremely potent driver of behavior in humans and its effect should not be underestimated.
It can absolutely make you feel like you are a woman and it can absolutely make your life a dysphoric hell.

how do i become a Knight i want to have a title of dignity
i don't care about the bullshit, i need agp sex
>Blanchard is one of the reasons "non-typical" trannies (i.e. gynephilic MtFs) were even allowed to medically transition
how? blanchard worked at the clarke/camh gender clinic in toronto which was known for rejecting 90% of people seeking treatment. a facts and logic youtuber interviewed him a few years ago and even the interviewer was surprised at how candidly he said he never cared about psychology, only about dividing people into groups based on phallometry. he said he wasnt even really interested in his job at camh he just got it because it was a good career move from his previous jobs in corrections for sex offenders. it really seems like he couldnt care less, he just measured some boners and phoned in the analysis. his typology mostly gets this attention because its extremely pathologizing and inflammatory, there were better studies and classifications written before him
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I want to be this and look like this
it will never not be hilarious to me how the biggest fans of intellectual fraud engage in a process of twisting themselves into loops to defend it by committing the same fallacies - you can't just bloviate your way into synthesizing evidence or rationale, especially not if your biggest material argument is a pair of pointing wojaks going
you invoke the language of oppressors and fascists with your appeal to what "everybody knows" or is "just common sense" by reinforcing your, and their, biases and that is exactly why this garbage is championed by TERFs and christcucks and anyone else interested in eliminating the human rights of others for the sake of their own comfort
post mef fuel
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i can't stop myself from reading female pov non-con erotica
> Why is it so bad to try to pathologize AMABs...
i meant pathologizing traits and behaviors and supporting discrimination based on those, ofc gender dysphoria is a serious disorder
> Blanchard noticed
blanchard also tried to fit data to agree with his own conclusions and was convinced those who didn't fall into his rigid typology were lying
> Whether Blanchard's typology harms transwomen or not (It does not) is not relevant to whether it's true or not.
it's not true either, i mentioned harm because blanchardists here are on some weird mission to whitewash him and his theories and pretend he actually cares about trannies
and not that this whole thing was done purely for publicity and a career move
> incorrectly using his research for anti trans propaganda.
> "incorrectly"
his "research" says the people he deems agp are sex pests, it's being properly used by terfs
you're conflating the incel's actions with sexual gratification and motivation
the incel didn't kill himself because that was his sexuality, he killed himself because he could not find fulfillment in his sexuality
> nobody would say that incels suffer because of a fetish, so why would you say that dysphoric AGPs want to transition because of a fetish?
blanchardism does say that though, that gd in agps is not due to a mismatch in gender identity, that instead it's pure sexual gratification where "men" want to pretend to be women because it makes them horny
> It's objectively true, but it's a misrepresentation of reality
"it's true dysphoria in agps is just a fetish, but i don't like how you're equating me with the terfs :("
> human sexuality is an extremely potent driver of behavior in humans and its effect should not be underestimated.
bruh, conservatives in the states want to criminalize trans women merely existing in public because of attitudes like yours, and you'll go "but they're using blanchard incorrectly :(" when they're sent off to male prison
my preferred agp fuel is leotards and skirts... AT THE SAME TIME!
cute, positive posts are drowned out by the PNW manmoder gigahon and the autistic frenchman that spergs out all day
ive had more success talking about AGP on other boards
it doesn't have to be like this tho
>posts are drowned out
by trutrans false virtue signaling
call yourself agp to gain self-awareness points
you mean THIS?
She's pretty but the more exotically dressed the less potent the AGP fuel.
maybe you should find a better label and outlet for your positivity and appreciation for cuteness or cute outfits or whatever it is than the regressive, deliberately oppressive nonsense this thread represents (the same garbage being cited by prominent anti-trans activists and in some cases even sitting policymakers to revoke our rights and push a social agenda of keeping people in the closet)
t. PNW manmoder gigahon
wow, that's agp

She has pretty arms. Does anyone else fixate on women's arms? They have such cute arms and hands, it just drives me crazy thinking about it.
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biden just dropped out. please dear god let it be the first woman president... jannies do NOT disrespect me
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>deliberately oppressive nonsense this thread represents
why do you care if its a woman or not?
"I'm getting fucked over worse than ever but it's a girl doing it. YIPPEE"
because if the president is a woman that means trump didn't win
look at who defends it and on what basis, look at the material arguments put forth and their merit
If the president is anyone but Trump, that means Trump didn't win. duh
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now you're catching on
still didn't answer why it has to be a woman. women aren't shitty to each other?
The Democratic candidate has to be a woman because she is Kamala Harris
I wish I were a woman
but that STILL doesn't answer why "please dear god let it be the first woman president"
>trump gets isekei-transitioned into a Melania lookalike
>first AGP president
Would you be OK with this, /agpgen/?
When i was a kid i used to fantasize about being an androgynous knight. To this day i still don’t know what it meant
That book was full of people who transitioned though
Vagina animal lmao
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because if a woman is president, that means Kamala Devi Harris won the presidential election and Donald John Trump lost
>no, take your pills
what if anon is John> 40? does he still take those pills?
>and put on something sexy
that just feeds this vicious cycle. Tried abstinence, Nofap, ruined Os & porn reprogramming (trying to finish to regular non sissy porn)l. Yet scratching my itch only makes me want more, like a drug addiction that is spiralling out of control.. Yet I'm too ashamed & poor to seek therapy.
what is your natural T level?

I'm 40+ too
> what if anon is John> 40?
you're like twice my age, wow
> does he still take those pills?
nta, but are you even interested in it at all? it's a highly personal decision to make
> that just feeds this vicious cycle.
the pills might help, ironically
why? youngshits are our future. love youngshits.
Because I'm not one.
Because I'm jealous and spiteful.
Because I'm a hon and not one day passes without thinking about killing myself.
Because they hate me and look down on me and other non youngshits.
Yeah and? I am not against transitioning lol
ah, frenchie
> Verification not required.
I want to be dead so much.
Why can't I be dead already?
I'm old, masculine, and ugly.
I'll never be a woman, I'll never be cute, I'll never live out my youth.
All because I was cursed by fate.
I can't take this anymore.
I can't keep seeing much younger, fully transitioned AGPs and realize I could have been them, but ended up as me.
I can't take this. I just can't.
This is hell.
I am dead and being punished.
Idk what you're trying to communicate and I don't care.
I hope all youngshits and luckshits, in short all passoids and twinkhons, die by suicide.
It's going to be a repeat of 2016 and you know it.
is this a frenchie post
No, this person has a job
>Yet I'm too ashamed & poor to seek therapy.
You can't therapy away your sexuality
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does anyone else wonder what life could be like if things were just a little bit different?
Kris has the most AGP thumbnails it's funny
It's like their idealized erotic target but they look nothing like it
jfc making yourself look good in thumbnails is definitely something that cis women do too, not every little thing trans women do is AGP
it's just phrenology bro it's reversing cause and effect for the sake of validating someone's surface-level assumptions, can't be too surprised when it makes as much sense and people get as hysterical and unreasonably self-assured over it the same way
>jfc making yourself look good in thumbnails is definitely something that cis women
it's not making yourself look good, Kris looks nothing like that why are they using it as the thumbnail lmao
is there no one else who's obsessed with pretty arms?
> looks nothing like that
no one tell this anon about beauty filters on online dating/social media, he'll be devastated
>what is your natural T level?
prob very high, have deep autist voice.
>you're like twice my age, wow
grew up in a diff time in a toxic setting
>the pills might help, ironically
can they?
>You can't therapy away your sexuality
why not?
but why does it have to be a woman? what if a man beat Trump?
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because Kamala Devi Harris aka KDH is the nominee and she is a vagina animal.
> grew up in a diff time in a toxic setting
yeah, i get it, just surprised since it seems like everyone tends to be young/younger
> can they?
yeah, but you have to take the good with the "bad" (or really good depending on the person)
it completely changed my relationship with sexuality and i'm better for it
I have to remind myself / I canNOT go outside and touch myself / that IS bad and the cops WILL probably come get me! You know why?
I already am.
>why can't you therapy away sexuality
they tried that for decades and it didn't work, it's called conversion therapy.
You yourself said you tried switching what you came to at the climax to try to rewire your brain - it doesn't work, just like triggering pain or barfing when you're turned on by "wrong" things doesn't work (most of conversion therapy is literally just this stuff).
Youre free to waste years on gym or religion or whatever, but it will never work.
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i want to be bridget
i want to be bridget
i want to be bridget
i have formed a pair-bond with being bridget
I've thought about the kind of woman I'd be if somebody waved a magic genderbender wand at me. I'd prey on weak introverted guys and femdom the fuck out of them, treating them like a human sex toy.
Good night agp sisters
I hope all luckshits suffer.
>yeah, i get it, just surprised since it seems like everyone tends to be young/younger
Never allowed to rebel as a kid. Grew up doing everything to make everyone else (but oneself) happy.
>yeah, but you have to take the good with the "bad" (or really good depending on the person)
Norwood 4. Dx PDD autist.. Can pills work?
>Youre free to waste years on gym or religion or whatever, but it will never work.
Too much a neet/autist to do either. Maybe it is porn? Or fact caregivers wouldn't let me do ballet/gynmastics, or other girly activities. Now I try to recapture what i missed as john 40.
> Norwood 4. Dx PDD autist.. Can pills work?
i mean what are you expecting, i was just discussing taking the edge off of things
I'm so fucking tired of looking like a man.
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Being a man is awesome. I wake up every day thinking "thank God I'm a man!" It's a man's world, after all.
Came to monster x human female impregnation porn again imagining myself as the woman. I want to stop watching porn. I hate this.
It's the world of powerful men with money, then it's the world of women, then finally it's the world of men in ruins.

Below me just the dog, the cat and the mouse. Although they are generally loved more than many men.
B is gone I can't believe it aaaaaaa ;-;
yeah, if i didn't want to be a chick and were normal i'd be a kick ass dude and life would be awesome
i often imagine something similar, i wouldn't torture them but i fantasize about being an older, experienced and mature woman dating a younger, shy and introverted guy

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