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Previous Thread: >>36509386

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges: http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method: https://powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide): https://transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC: https://www.wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY: https://www.reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US): https://www.privatemdlabs.com/, https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland): https://www.medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only): https://bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden): https://werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail: https://www.letsgetchecked.com/ DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide: https://www.healthcare.uiowa.edu
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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
you people really don't deserve the help
how do I get rid of my conetits?
any changes I should make to hrt regime post orchi? on 4mg/5days ev w/good levels, not sure if I should lower the dosage now though.
time, progesterone (try higher dose if not working currently, higher estrogen dose, adding oral estrogen on top of your regimen, (all are your mileage may vary)
this general being as dead as it is is soooo telling lmao
how much testosterone max you should have in mono?
less than 50 ng/dL, tho thats the high end. I'd shoot for <=10-20 to be safe
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does it work?
got estrofem pills should i do 4mg or 6mg?
oral or sublingual/buccal?
taken with 12,5 cpa daily
does cialis actually help with regrowth or is it a meme
telling of what
I've been on prog for 2 months and literally nothing has happened, should I kms?
25yo repper here in USA. dysphoria has gotten bad the past year as i've aged and masculinized and i'm considering banking and beginning HRT and i'm ok with being an ugly twinkhon but i dont want to take hrt just to end up feeling like an even more deformed man since my skeleton and frame are finished. honestly i don't know if i'm a woman, i just definitely know that i don't want to be a man.

if this was your facial profile what would you ask your ffs surgeon to correct

https://unsee cc/album#CvsrnFKd62p7
pls respond
Is spiro safe to take long term? I kinda scared of taking cypro.
do you guys use real names or fake names when ordering diy? there's no potential complications for using a fake name right?
Looking to make my own injectables from powders bought from lab suppliers. anything i should know before i start buying things?
some suppliers don't do reships if your package gets seized if you use a fake name
why not bica? its better than both
though spiro is relatively safe long term
here are some supplier reviews https://files.catbox.moe/in1t5t.pdf
injectables that ship to norway?
telling that this board is dead and exclusively retarded newfags that don't diy or have any medical knowledge
I tried to actually to respond to people for a while but the information is so available that the people left here asking questions are often just too lazy to look it up a lot of the time

I also think medical hrt is pretty accessible and effective and the people who are actually trying to do what’s best for their health are going that route
is $785 too much for a 5ml, 40mg estrogen vial from inhousepharmacy? I thought injections were supposed to be cheaper but the pills I've been on up until now only cost about $100/month. This would cost me about $130 per month, not considering AAs. I might be retarded but can't find injections on any of the other sites
injections are cheaper when you buy homebrewed ones
Is there anything I can take to increase my areola and nipple size permanently? I really like the look of them when theyre big and I would like to have big ones too
here is a good website:
hello, please include otokonoko pharmaceutical website in this post next time thank you
I'm sorry anon but this site looks sketchy as hell
Progesterone cream, compounded or prog injections
fuck you cia nigger you fucking big pharma commie government bootlicker
kill yourself glowing newfaggot
I know it's not exactly related but idk where to ask, any of you know how to do electrolysis hair removal at home safely?
not prog suppositories?
i’m having ffs in a few days. can i just take hrt on the day of the surgery?
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I hate ordering tranny drugs off the internet
what do you mean you havent done international cashiers checks in years Wells Fargo? How much is a fucking wire transfer? I'm going to kill myself I'm not gunna make it.
>I'm not gunna make it.
correct, for many things in life other than troonery too
who told you this was going to be easy?
does anyone have any experience with favskinhouse shipping to canada? just wondering since it seems like most places don't
Why should I wait a year before taking prog? Im going to my endo tomorrow and they offered me to get me me on prog (im 9 month). Should I just say yes but wait 3 month before I start prog?
Yeah ive kinda been wondering who otokonoko isn't on there
6mg is better imo
why would that be an issue?
you can do HRT whenever u want
My dr seems certain that long term progesterone use is a bad idea. I’ve read the cancer and blood clot risks seem to only apply to synthetic progestins, can someone link a study on the bioidentical stuff being safe? Is there any knowledge on what the longterm risks are?
sign up for coinbase
buy coins
wait a week for it to clear
send coins to your supplier
"started" hrt last week, currently I have been given 12.4 (quarter tablet, still need to figure out how to cut them better) cyproterone
after a week of just that I will also do 1mg of estradiol per day sublingually for a week, then 1 mg twice per day until my next blood test and appointment where I'll have my stuff presumably adjusted

is this fine? bad? not yet ran it by someone since I have no clue what my t levels are for reference still gotta fill out online the shit to get all my info, doc would not show me results for some reason (wanna find a new doctor for this eventually since I kinda do not like him at all but its whatever. doctors in general are hard to come by here so I'm a bit fucked as it stands)
should I be intentionally eating 4000+ calories per day while on pio to maximize its effects, or should I just eat normally? I'm taking 15mg per day.
hrt.coffee is the best if you want grey market estradiol injections. I got a 10 ml vial of 40 mg/ml EEn for $95 usd. only annoying thing was having to start a coinbase account, deal with their broken website while trying to buy litecoin, and then having to wait a week after that before i could use it to pay
ahhh i meant teahrt
can i take estradiol recreationally?
nobody is stopping you
I'm going to a needle exchange for the first time next week (the week I am moving). I am so stoked, as this means I can fucking finally take the meds I stockpiled up on. I am curious, is there anything I should avoid mentioning to the workers there/aything I should know before I go?
>is this fine? bad?
1) no reason really to wait for a week before starting taking E
2) 1 mg is _nothing_, even as a starting dose it's too low, i could kinda understand 2 mg but not 1
3) there is no evidence for any benefit of not starting at a good dosage of E from the beginning and instead slowly increasing the E dosage, like there just isn't really any evidence at all for that
4) imo you should start at at least 2 mg so not 1 and 2 mg is also really barely anything so unless you for some reason want to slowly increase your E dosage which isn't uncommon but also there isn't proof that's beneficial - I would say there is no reason not to start at 4 mg/day of E, and then ideally you'd do a blood test and see your levels and if that's not enough increase your dosage again to 6 mg, 4 might be enough but it also might not be and under 4 is most likely not going to be enough. i don't see any point in doing a blood test when you take just 2mg/day, of course your levels are going to be bad, that's literally like almost nothing
4) find a doctor who will let you see blood test results it's a must and very concerning your doctor won't let you see them because if they're incompetent you may end up in a situation of them disinformating you about the your levels being good or bad, that's how you end up with r/mtf posts saying they've been on hrt for 8 years 0 feminization their doc is telling them their levels are good but they never actually saw their levels themselves but u must trust ur doc they know what they're doing exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark heart emoji heart emoji hrt is a marathon not a race exclamation mark heart emoji
2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, that's how to cycle prog, right?
this generally includes not ever coming to this board
i was going to state something extremely similar to this ya. but this isn't news. it got really bad in 2020 when they all turned 17 and it's only been freefall since then. this board is a sewer.
Just did my shot.
Its all red and hurt a fuck ton going in this time.
if u can still move all ur limbs ur fine pussy
its just a starting dosage. I was given like nearly exactly enough for 3 or so months and I assume it'll be updated later after my first blood test

also I can see my t levels I just have to do that online which I'm scared about cause to set up an account they need to mail me a passcode or whatever and I still live at home for the rest of the year. I'll do it before my next test just in case my levels are super fucky

>no reason really to wait for a week before starting taking E
I thought this too but a friend said I'd just be wasting pills but to be fair I could have probably only waited like, a few days if anything. but I'm just going off what info I have for now until I have enough reason to change anything since I used like the last of my money paying for this shit since I've not had a job in 6-ish months
Im getting really discouraged when it comes to trying to diy. I keep trying to do crypto but always find that i'm one step away from actually getting funds and i dont think i can onvince myself to make it through the month.

I havent found any crypto places that have support in america that let you actually purchase crypto without kyc, and the ones that do kyc are so insane about it (even for tiny ~120usd transactions like i need) that i'm always missing something.

I don't want to be annoying or anything but i'm well at my wits end and genuinely dont know what to do. If anybody knows any non-kyc places that work in america or at least places that are a lot more lax on kyc please tell me.
Hell, i'd be willing to do damn near anything if someone would just send me a little crypto to get diy.

>t.desperate pre-hrt tranny
the land of planned parenthood
>its just a starting dosage
>I was given like nearly exactly enough for 3 or so months and I assume it'll be updated later after my first blood test
well in my opinion 3 months of taking 1 mg of E per day are 3 months of almost entirely wasted time
>a friend said I'd just be wasting pills
not sure what this is supposed to mean or why it would be a waste of pills. I feel like it's more of a waste of time to just not take E for a week, like that's the point

btw transfemscience.org has useful information in case you don't know of that site
you can buy DIY without crypto. i have on multiple occasions, e.g., InHousePharmacy from Vanuatu accepts bank transfer payment
>well in my opinion 3 months of taking 1 mg of E per day are 3 months of almost entirely wasted time
its only 1mg per day for a week then its up to 2 (1 twice per day)

>not sure what this is supposed to mean or why it would be a waste of pills. I feel like it's more of a waste of time to just not take E for a week, like that's the point
I assume since E won't do much before shit is being blocked. idk maybe her t levels were just high though and she needed that or something. all I know is doc told me to wait a week between starting medications, but made it seem like I could do either first, but starting with E feels like it made less sense to me
what gauge did you use? 23G?
prog cycling is basically witchcraft, not science
you can also just buy needles at walgreens, fred meyer, or cvs if you aren't poor
if growing tits is your idea of a good time
4000+ is crazy
just shoot for a more modest calorie excess, 2500-3000 is more realistic for most people
Don't those also require a truck load of verification though?
>its only 1mg per day for a week then its up to 2 (1 twice per day)
oh. uhh... well... that's not as bad but yeah 2 mg of E/day is also like really not a lot, I could see doing that for a month but not for *3* months, that's just needlessly long for a starting dosage like that
>I assume since E won't do much before shit is being blocked
E is what blocks T. I guess in case of cypro it also does but E does block T, or rather makes T lower because if your body has enough E it just stops producing T because it isn't needed anymore because you have sex hormones already so no point in making more of them. cypro blocks the production of T too but it's not like it's better to wait until it does and only then start taking E, the sooner you start taking E the better really
>doc told me to wait a week between starting medications
>made it seem like I could do either first
the point of that is that if you have a bad reaction to a medication then i guess it's obvious to which you are reacting if you only start taking one at a time and stuff, it's very unlikely something would go wrong so you could generally disregard that unless you're okay with waiting for a week and losing that time pretty much... I guess it's not too bad but I didn't do that when I was starting, it's too unlikely something would go wrong
>you could generally disregard that
or I mean not "generally", but in this case. unless you literally like die or something with a very low chance before you can get a blood test it wouldn't matter if you started both things immediately or not, and it's unlikely something like that would happen. I think. maybe I'm wrong I guess? not an endo. but I didn't do that and I don't believe it's at all likely that something goes wrong like that for people when they start taking E or cypro
>I could see doing that for a month but not for *3* months
he said he wanted me to do blood work after like 10 weeks?
though thinking about it now I might just go for a month-ish and then do my tests and appointment
I could easily think of an excuse too I think, since I'm supposed to be out of the city a lot the next few months anyway, and could say it was the only reliable time I have

>the point of that is that if you have a bad reaction to a medication
that was his reasoning, followed by what my friend told me, said friend was just on blockers for a while too so like, I assumed it was good advice. I think I'm just gonna go along with shit for now though, maybe skip the 1mg per day first week thing though and just do 2 right away. idk
thank you <3
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25yo man, 5'6", ~120 - 130lbs. do i just rep as a weird hairless man with long hair or can fat redistribution and laser give me a decently shaped body that i can live with
my hips arent as wide as the pic shows but my waist is 28"
nvm im fucking gross
>omg you'd be like a cute little sister if you got rid of all your body hair and became a girl anonette!
is that what you wanted to hear?
no of course not im not delusional i just want a more feminine body or feminized(?) body, can HRT do that or is it too late? i might kms if i had dysphoria that bad that i had to look like a cis girl or else
Yeah if you can live with those changes (tits) then personally id do it just to avoid mpb
dude that thigh gap is crazy please do some lower body lifts like squats and deadlifts and start mewtwomoding im so jealous
normally doesn't hurt
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started enanthate injections last week im doing 2ml at 40mg/ml and i figured I would start on injections cuz pills r lame placebo , so its the first time really having estrogen in my body.. im also taking cypro along with it for the first couple months... but yeah I wanna make sure im getting enough or know if im getting too much. does anyone have recommendations or tips...??? thanks uuu !!!
p.s cant rlly get blood tests or anything and im not entirely sure how monotherapy works either so advice with that would also help okay thanks woof !!!
When I injected today it was stingy and there was a tiny drop of blood where I removed the needle. Does that mean I hit a vein or not
htdiyhrt dog wiki
meant .2ml awruff
how long do I gotta be on estrogen until my nipples start to hurt
For me it was 2 weeks
mine started 1 week in
was that related to growth at all?
chart in OP says that's like 3-6 months onset so like
Not the person you replied to but I also got pain ~2 weeks in and breast growth was noticeable like a month in so probably i guess? Imo ive found that most hrt onset timelines give dates at the latest you should expect whatever change but thats just my experience
what was your dosage like?
25mg cypro every two days, 2mg oral e for one week then 4mg (2mg twice a day)
damn you got like double everything I got dosage wise
it means you need to stop being a pussy ass bitch
depends on how big your nipples were at start - if you had zero puffiness, then it could take a couple months; it would be faster if you had gyno
lol mine are def a bit puffy I think, its probably cause I'm just a little fat though
crypto gives me anxiety but I always end up using it anyway. Fucking 35 dollar in btc charge to buy my pio. Gas fees are fucking idiotic and crypto will always be a meme.
Is coffee going to snooker my results?
you're just a seething retard anon
Should I wait till I feel confortable gaining weight before starting pio? I'm actively dieting. Does it only work if you're actively gaining weight?
will my tits still grow if i take domperidone while on solo bika
funny enough i learned about it just recently and i'm kinda considering it as anti-vomit medication lol
not sure if i even want this breast growth at this point, would be easier to not be too sus
although in the future, who knows
Where to buy?
I started on EEn 6mg every 7 days and I've been on hrt for about 4 months, however I don't really see that many changes? Is starting on injections slower? ty for any replies.
>stopped taking biotin for the blood test
>forgot my B multi has biotin in it
>test today
Bank transfers yes, but inhouse even lets you pay by a mailed in physical check its very easy
what's the reasoning for stopping biotin before a blood panel?
just a warning from the booking
>Steps before the test:
>Patient should fast for 12 hours preceding collection of specimen. Fasting is defined as no consumption of food or beverage other than water for at least 12 hours before testing. Some tests in this panel may exhibit interference when sample is collected from a person who is consuming a supplement with a high dose of biotin (also termed as vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H or coenzyme R). Patient should be cautioned to stop biotin consumption at least 72 hours prior to the collection of a sample.

although looking around it seems biotin may not affect T or E blood test levels much
how many months (1 month 2 weeks on hrt) should i wait before taking prog and/or pio? is it safe to take both of them at the same time?
Idk about prog but i wouldnt touch pio until at least 6-7 years hrt, itll stunt your breast growth
for prog you should wait about a year since adding it early can lead to premature breast maturation which could prevent long term growth. pio add after 2-3 years total since after that point hrt has had it’s largest changed and it won’t mess with breast growth
hello, i'm new to this. i take medication to prevent hair loss because i have shitty genes and i care a lot about how my hair looks. will shit like finasteride or minoxidil interfere with any of this self medication? and if i did self-medicate, but at some point wanted to switch to a proper method and started going to a doctor for it, would there be any adverse affects or is it even something i could do for that matter? thanks.
I think I accidentally hondosed myself. Been injecting like 7mg of enanthate but forgot to account for the amount lost in the drawing needle
Thats not hondosing if anything its too much lol
Finasterides an anti androgen, you simply wont need it if you do hrt correctly and block dht (thats what fin does). It will interfere with some hrt meds.
Diy is basically the same as doing all this with a dr. The benefits of using a dr are insurance helping pay for blood tests and meds as well as the other benefits of having your doctor know about your hormones and what to look out for. You can receive the same level of care diy for a couple thousand a year, and only cuz blood tests are so expensive. Minoxidil shouldnt really interact with anything keep using it. After a few months (6 maybe?) hrt it may be better to switch to the womans formulation, its designed for thinner skin or something. I may be totally wrong on that, i havent found much info for trans people and which kind to use. Probably doesnt matter.
My advice is to try a dr first its the best way. This is a medical issue and it should be treated as such imo.
Really? lol I read on diy hrt wiki that 7mg every 10 days should be fine so that's just what I've been doing since I started. I guess thats good...
Oh every 10 days yeah thats a bit better than once a week. Id get your levels checked just so you know youre not giving yourself pms with 600pg/ml levels. It wont really hurt your transition at those levels but it will hurt you as a person.
Yes checking that has been long overdue. How much does weight factor into dosing really? I feel like I rarely see it mentioned(I don't weight much at all)
Im not sure, but as a small person (5’4 125lbs) with a fast metabolism when I tested my levels it was nearly double what the calculator said my peak should have been at that dosage. Im not sure if its size or metabolism that caused it.
Is there any difference between using a 25g needle and a 27g?
Would you say any is better than the other?
Pretty minimal difference. 25g injected right you can't even feel it, 27 would take a bit longer I guess because of a smaller needle to push the liquid through
does switching from one ester to another cause any issues? i was on ev injections for over a year and switched to een a year ago and i feel like i have masculized so much. the dose per week is pretty much the same, i just inject een every 7 days instead of the 4 day cycle i did with ev so idk why it's like this. has this happened to anyone? im worried that i really fucked up
I am currently experiencing the same thing and waiting on a blood test with my EEn, which I'll post once I get it. I got so much better results on EV I hope I'm just injecting the wrong amount, because if it comes back in a good range meaning everything should be perfect but its not working, then I'm just going back to EV
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i'm worried about my hairline. how do i get this under control ASAP? can it be done OTC or should i get like a curology prescription for more effective meds?
also yes im a lateshit repper and my profile is ugly yes i will cope by calling myself enby so i dont disgust other people who have to attend lunch with me or something. maybe ffs idk
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Where do I get clomid?
i cant tell shit from this
i hope it works out. i just ordered more een and im so tempted to try and cancel it and get ev instead
Does otokonoko take coinbase again?
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Best place to get HRT costwise if you're in the United States and self Medding? I used to get vials from Lena and then Otokonoko. I want to order in bulk for myself and my girlfriend. She is doing monotherapy and in the past I did etradiol enthanate + bica. I'm thinking about buying enough for the next 2-4 years in case things go badly with Trump.
Is estrogen pellet implant monotherapy viable? I can't find much about it since it seems to be only a common method in AU
>is $785 too much for a 5ml, 40mg estrogen vial from inhousepharmacy?
that sounds hugely expensive to me, idk if those are now the normal prices but I've paid like 100eur for 10ml/40mg last year
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this is my trough am i going to fucking die
what specific biohormones should i stockpile and in what form? should i buy a bunch of injectables and vacuum seal them in a UV-proof bag? i'd like a 16 year supply to weather 4 terms
They shouldn't ask what you want them for but might ask what route of administration you're using to figure out what to give you (they asked me IV or IM)
I just said I'm doing subcutaneous and wanted 1ml syringes and 30g needles and something to draw with and they gave me everything I needed
have a look on kycnot.me for an exchange
hrt can do that, yeah
order an EEn vial, some insulin syringes and alcohol pads
just don't dose yourself too high or it won't work like you want it to
you'll want blood tests and e levels above 200 pg/ml and t below 50 ng/dl (aim lower)
try to not go above 350 pg/ml
i do .1ml / week
any tips you wanna hear?
oh god..
why would it?
>It wont really hurt your transition
it may due to shbg
nah, just lower your dose
may i ask how many months and if you got any effects?
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And its in
>25g 1inch needle injecting 0.1ml EEn from Lena into the thigh, which math equates to a 5mg dose injected every 7 days
>50mg spiro because I don't entirely trust mono injections to lower T enough
>Test taken on day 7 right before injecting again so this is the lowest
>Have been on EE for about 4-5 months

Everything honestly should be perfect, I don't know why I feel worse on EE than I do on EV. I can only guess and speculate but since lena isn't expensive I'm going to order another EV vial or two and get back on that and see how it goes.
is coinbase retarded or are you
your T is kinda low, maybe dats why you feel worse?
so is it actually just ogre for me if i can't inject myself
why can't you inject yourself
i'm really bad at it? like for me it's more a question of how the hell seemingly everybody is doing this every week and not killing themselves, like it's something humans are born knowing how to do. i have terrible hand eye coordination and basically every step of the process i fuck up. i can't even shave without slicing the fuck out of myself every time.
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>don't dose yourself too high or it won't work like you want it to
what? how will it work?
>try to not go above 350 pg/ml
what would happen if i do?
why do you have terrible hand eye coordination? can't you improve it? are you fat? are you vaxxed? do you have vitamin deficiencies?
always have been, probably autism related. i did eventually learn to tie my shoes badly but can't drive or really do anything that requires precision and quick reactions.

not fat and other than magnesium deficiency which i took care of every blood test i've had is aggressively normal except for liver issues of unknown origin which is why i dont think i can do any pills.
start taking NAC and milk thistle now
im kind of a retard and i realized that i've been doing the whole "draw air first and then invert the vial and put the air through" thing wrong
i've been drawing air from outside the vial
is it fucked now, is there a process i should go through to re-sterilize it?
i'm at like 10 months and have had a little facial feminization and some breast growth but other than that i havent really noticed anything
go order them right NOW
Anon is right tho, but why? What are the benefits, what will it do?
wait - what's wrong with this range?
what's the best antiandrogen? I've been on spiro but it's not suppressing my t entirely, thinking of switching to bica
higher estrogen isnt faster
just increases every risk and gives ya pms
whats the ideal range?
my last blood test shows my oestradiol levels at 778 pmol/L and I've just upped my dose like a dick head.
>just take these random supplements
>don't ask you just have to, ok?
i already have enough "fun" dealing with finding supplements that actually are what they claim to be and have mild effects compared to real medicines. should i order pueraria mirifica and spearmint tea while i'm at it?
Somewhere around 200 at through
try to not go lower then 180
i've been told the range is too high by some, but that it's fine by others
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i:ve heard some ppl get big libido increases after going on prog, is there anything i can do or take to avoid that if i go on prog? i want my libido to be as low as possible but i also want the other effects of prog
Just checking in because I learned that my last doctor wasn't giving the best advice. My new endo seemed pretty chill: hated spiro and was really positive about prog.

I'm now on 5mg of injectable estradiol valerate a week (.5ml out of a 50mg/ml), and starting up on 100mg of oral progesterone every other day (would do every day but it made me a bit moody).

Is this a good dose?
nuh uh
i already spoonfed you way more than you deserve, newfaggot
trannies never beating the autistic court eunuch allegations
i think thats a meme, or like a psychosomatic thing. i started prog last month and my libido hasn't changed at all, it's as low as it was. maybe im still too early but idk i think its just a meme some trannies spread to justify being horny lol
>i dont have any libido, i:m not horny anon!
>posts that pic
begone horny satan
I just had an appointment with my clinic where I asked for prescriptions for estradiol injections and bicalutamide. the guy basically said bicalutamide is terrible and recommended doing just the injections, then in 3 months starting prog and getting off the spiro I was taking. is this good? I thought monotherapy was a meme and everyone here says bica's fine
i used to hit 700 pg/ml and just now started feminizing more when i lowered my dose to 4mg / week
my guess it has something to do with shbg
it seems like levels that are too high stunt feminization in some way
people get way better results on pills compared to ppl who overdose (most of people who do diy) so there's that
if your T is suppressed at this level then you'll definitely see it suppressed on lower dose
my mistake was also dosing a bit higher than i should because i was scared of it not working (my levels were way higher than they should be even when i overdosed)
Its not; its very effective but you have to suppress your T first
meant to reply to >>36557135
not to myself
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why is my testosterone so high even though my estradiol is too high too? I'm on spiro and 6mg sublingual e
i can appreciate yuri without being horny
and its related so... yeah...
PP refuses to refill my prescription for my EV for two weeks and I'm out. I have 16 estradiol 2mg pills left over from back when I was taking them. Any way I can take these to help avoid or curb negative side effects from lack of sex hormones until I get my next vial?

>was taking .3cc EV intramuscular monotherapy
drop spiro and go lower dose then check again
it's possible your body just panicked from lack of t and started overproducing it lol bodies r weird
does 50 mg of bica each day block 11 ng/dl of dht? i have good levels of both E and T but my dht is just high for no reason and I can't do anything about it anymore because i'm already taking duta and i'm taking no prog and i don't do anything that could be raising it and I can't get an orchi
yeah, 50mg a day will make all androgens in your body useless no matter the amount of androgens
are you sure it's ng/dl and not pg/dl?
>are you sure it's ng/dl and not pg/dl?
>50mg a day will make all androgens in your body useless no matter the amount of androgens
hopefully you're right...
yea, well, bica takes over receptors so if all your androgen receptors are taken over by bica then there's no worries
also go see a doc about ur dht
>go see a doc about ur dht
I'm DIYing + there's nothing to be done other than like an orchi because I'm literally already on 1mg of dutasteride / day and my dht is still that high, it used to be higher before duta and I can't get an orchi for reasons
i don't think any of these affect your dht and your problem is somewhere else
>can't see a doc because diy
find out why your dht is so high
doc will help with finding what causes it and don't worry about “diy” (you wanna know why your dht is so high and doing diy is outside of this thing)
>find out why your dht is so high
is there something to find out about it? I mean dht can still be high despite T being low, in theory, it's just that it usually isn't. and I'm just unlucky so my dht is high, is there anything else to it necessarily? an orchi should fix the situation completely probably most likely
you probably could ration it and take 2mg per day (1mg in morning then 1mg in the night) while you try to sort out your next EV dose but you'll need to use an AA too cuz pills alone don't work for monotherapy well from what i remember.

2mg per day is a low dose but with 16x 2mg pills and an AA to go with it, you can get about 16 days of extra time to work with while you get a new vial asap. the low dose sucks but it doesn't matter for now since the only thing that matters is that you still have some E in your system in the meantime.
i don't think orchi will fix that
doc may find the source of your high dht and you'll find out what to do
if it's related to your bolls overproducing it then orchi
if it's something else then get bica or something else if doc finds a fix
if you're worried about medical help and diy then don't because they can't do shit about it, they're not powerful entities that can suddenly lock you down for doing what you're doing
i'm planning to start diy monotheraphy with ee injections soon but i have huge needle anxiety. i've heard that some people use autoinjectors to administer their injections, could someone point me in the direction of a good autoinjector or some tips to lessen my needle anxiety? i'm in the eu if that helps
get tiny insulin syringes, they work and don't hurt (the feeling is actually quite satisfying but i'm a weirdo (that feeling isn't pain)) :p
inject in your butt
dats all
ask more questions ig
i always thought im injections would be easier since all of my tranny friends are on those, are subq injections actually less painful and easier?
neither really hurt if you do them right but it's easier to do SubQ and in my experience feels like almost nothing if you mess it up whereas messing up IM is p. scary (not that it has really bad consequences, it just hurts)
subq doesn't hurt at all when used with the right needle in the right place
im is shit but some people are on pharma shit that uses thick oil
you're on diy so it's all easier for you and you can use insulin syringes which simplifies things and these are probably the best out here for this kind of stuff
your friends use im because they're forced on it or just like pain and risks
go get some rest btw, it's late
i should sleep too
unless you're nocturnal
i had to quit being nocturnal for a bit but i'll be back
I don't get what you mean. It's a simple question.
is taking progesterone rectally just as simple as taking the capsule and putting it up my ass every night or do i need to do anything to make it absorb better?
you just have to make sure you don't put it *too* far up there (like really just put it in an inch or so, no further than the first knuckle of your pointer finger) or else it'll just go to your liver and have the same effectiveness as oral (so nothing too horrible, but still inefficient)
oh and make sure it's hard enough, it should be but if it isn't just run it under cold water for a minute
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starter diy here.
my mood improves when i take estradiol.
but it goes to shit when i take antiandrogens.
its a similar effect to getting stressed or drained after cumming, and cumming supposedly halts T production or something?
what gives.
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Thanks, looks like my ISP (T-Mobile) has the website blocked. I'll see if I can bypass it with changing my DNS.
any further details on when to start prog beyond reaching tanner 3 and waiting at least 6-12 months? what's the best strategy for deciding when to start? I want to time it optimally
I have a question about my testosterone.
I had stored it in less than ideal conditions for a while (below ideal temperature, in ny closet) and it seemed to have grown foggy/crystalized. I have brought it back to an ideal tenperature and storage and now all my vials look like picrel. They used to be a faint yellowish hue, and are now transparent, which slightly worries me. Is the hue shift indicative of degradation or unsafety or something similar?
recently talked to my doctor about taking prog via boofing but they said they weren't able to supply it as that (currently taking orally rn). could I boof the oral capsules or is that a bad idea?
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Does anyone know the best place to get bicalutamide in the US? Or the cheapest provider? Unfortunately teahrt does not sell bicalutamide.
heya, oil name?
we all need to find a way to make diy bica lol
like with estradiol
they did, what happened?
did r/transdiy just get fucking banned
i havent tried it but this includes a guide for making bica capsules

i think yeah, used to be that you can still access with a direct link but i checked just now and says its banned now cuz unmoderated
I think I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms going off cypro. Is this something that can happen or am I being stupid?
Im a retard so im probably wrong but i know cypro is associated with depression symptoms so its very possibly related
does it matter if I get a lump where I inject
Which is a lie. Shit, I guess this is the last big DIY advice space left online. I told anons years ago we needed to be compiling a bible of DIY knowledge from questions and anon data over the years.
Unless coinbase has some ridiculous form of payment all it does is handle crypto for you, and if you're having issues with coinbase specifically it's only one (of the worst) of countless crypto wallets
Unbanned soon

thats really good to hear actually, its always good to have a nice archive of this stuff and the subreddit was really nifty for that purpose
Testosterone Cypionate.
I’m trying to stockpile estradiol raws but idk anything about that stuff. Can anyone help
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I'd like to know how to make DIY period, but yes would be nice.
I think it was Otokonoko, I didn't see antiandrogens on TeaHRT's website.
I need to try this.
o, i meant like..
i got estradiol enanthate and it uses MCT oil which is thin
some pharma injectables get castor oil which is thick and you need bigger needles for it
I'm asking because the last time I bought they put out a post on their site that they were no longer accepting coinbase transfers because they were being flagged, so i'm asking now for anons experiences buying using it. So instead of being an ass about a simple question, use some common sense.
kill yourself you stuck-up faggot
None of that was stuck up. Enjoy your mindless hatred.
Oh. Wasn't familliar with the carrier oils, nor how different types of the same test can use different carriers. Well thanks for teaching me something new to consider!
After some research, it is more specifically the depo-testosterone variety of cypionate, which utilizes 736 mg of cottonseed oil. But the T itself is still thick and requires a bigger drawing needle, even though the carrier oil itself is thin.
why does it need to be hard?
it doesn't /need/ to be, but it makes it easier to put in imo (like significantly)
How much strength did you lose on E?
10 years ago i could bench 285 now i struggle with jars and such
i'm not even on hrt but i went from benching 160 to struggling to open my water bottle. i'm worried about how much weaker i could even get on estrogen...strength is use it or lose it
but i'm also not that strong to begin with i'm an underweight twink
all of it. pecs turned into tits and my legs/arms/core turned into jelly.
how long did it take for your muscles to go like that? was it sudden after a point or more gradual?
honestly that kinda terrifies me, rn i'm a neet but my future is probably going to be stuck with manual labor jobs indefinitely because i have literally no other hireable qualities
Don't have an AA I'm afraid.
but they do? It's just out of stock right now.
Ok so I have varicose veins in my left leg (injured it while wakeboarding) that aren’t getting treated until at least September but my E En got delivered today and I want to take it, are there blood clot risks or am I good? Is that only with pills right? I’m only doing informed consent and they can’t give me a straight answer :(
you'll be fine even if you took pills
bump ;-)
teahrt just ran out of cypro im gonna fucking kill myself
switch to injections
>my mistake was also dosing a bit higher than i should because i was scared of it not working
what are your levels at 4mg/week? (if you have them)
i dosed too high for a similar reason and i'm thinking of lowering to that (from 6.4mg/week)
is 12.5 mg cyproterone acetate daily and 0.9 ml/3.6 mg estradiol cypionate a good starting dose?
Why are you expecting a corporation to play nice when it comes to dubious activities?
Transfer to a personal wallet, then transfer to whoever you're buying from. Make sure to use the cheapest transfer option when you're paying yourself so you don't waste money
my levels are T 25 ng/dl and E 650-700 pg/ml on 6mg EEn/week, that's probably too much E right? how much should I be injecting then
gonna check in a week
try 4mg
i HATE poland
why can't these stupid niggers test testosterone with LC-MS/MS instead of their trash immunoassays?
My nipples hurt so much when touched or when laying on my belly fuckkk when will this end
lowered my dose and shortened the amount of time between doses (7mg/10d -> 5mg/7d EC) and i woke up this morning with a boner. how long until bicalutamide starts suppressing my T vs just injecting more at my next injection?
didn't you just have to piss?
rodent studies show that estrogen without androgens preserves erectile function in copula (sex) but not ex copula and doesn't stop penis muscle atrophy
bicalutamide struggles to penetrate the blood-brain barier. that results in reduced compensatory increase in testosterone compared to that expected with its systemic antiandrogenic strength might also mean bicalutamide is less antiandrogenic against erections if brain androgen receptor is responsible.
you could be right but what's getting me about it is that i haven't had erections in the morning in 6 months, and i've been on bicalutamide for 7 months. i decided to drop the bicalutamide and go to monotherapy, which is when i found out that my dose was probably unnecessarily high for pairing with an AA and also that if i'm doing monotherapy i should do a shorter injection cycle for more consistency (to avoid masculinizing during trough)

this is i think my third injection following ceasing bica and changing my dose, and given the two week half life i would think that a coincidence is at this point highly unlikely. I'm pretty bummed out, actually, since I had been having good breast growth for these three weeks up until this point. My nipples were still excessively sensitive as of [s] three days ago [/s] thirty seconds ago when i pushed on them to test, but I haven't had the random pains I typically associate with growth in about a week or so.
is okay to just start with mono EEn?
I accepted that the evidence suggests that I’m trans a few days ago and felt really good and excited at first, but now I mostly feel like a stupid retard who isn’t a real person. Does anyone know if SHing is an effective dysphoria management strategy, or if it’s a good way to snap myself out of being wrong? I’m scared of pain and being hurt but there has to be something to it if so many people do it. I’ve always felt certain that I would eventually die by suicide one day anyhow.
Has anyone had a good experience recently sourcing gel or patches?
>6 mo. hrt, started on injections
>barely have tits at all, just tiny pointy buds
>5'8, ~115 lbs keep trying to gain weight but can never make myself eat when stressed/depressed
is it too late? can i still turn it around and have proportionate tits instead of tiny honcones? would pio help make sure any new fat i get doesnt go to belly?
>9 months on injections
>3 months of startup with pills
>boobs are just nipples, theres not even supporting fat underneath the nip so its overhanging
>5'6 160 lb didnt help

pretty at a loss of what to do
Your loss. Been on it for 4 years now, ev mono
I'm doing 6 mg sublingual E, splitting it into 6 doses throughout the day. Is this too many and I should do 3x2mg ones? Or does it not really matter.
No that shit is for retards who think hurting themselves will make someone dote on them like when they were a kid because they never learned to self soothe. This is a cycle that perpetuates loneliness and isolation because people dont want to be around them and their bpd tendencies. Stop emulating online behavior you stupid zoomer
how bad is injecting from a cored vial really? mine's got a leetle teensyweensy bit of stuff floating in it but it's not even half used & i can't afford a new one
i used to do this: 1mg every 4hrs, take extra before bed to compensate. didn't make any real difference when compared to the benefits of switching to injections.
it's fine
just try not to suck the particles with your needle
I'm on an injection of 25mg medroxiprogesterone with 5mg cypionate estradiol every 18 days!
but i take 2 mg of estradiol sublingual daily.
should I be taking more sublingual? should i be asking for injections more often?

i just got a test result. and i got 0 testosterone so no issue on that,
but i got 240 estradiol after 3 days on the injection, is that too low?
it's perfect
>18 day ec injection cycle
>synthetic progesterone injections
>daily sublingual on top of that
what the hell is that regimen?

are you a cis woman? i'm not a doctor but i have never heard of a single tranny being given dosing like that at all
If I switch from using 30G needles with 21G needles for drawing, could that do any damage to the rubber seal on my vial?
can i take tren with ev
yes i am aware
how bad is it really, though
these threads have helped me so much, i just wanna put out a blanket thank you to the tranners who keep them going <3 im also getting my bloodwork done today. wish me luck and high levels!
reading endocrinological studies is so tiring. the abundance of contradictory research is unbelievable. and i fucking love when it turns out the article was written by a christcuck that ends it with shameless "women should accept their fertility as a gift" bullshit, thanks for wasting my time to read your manipulated garbage
I think you can use a filter to help with that
I use chatgpt to summarize studies and then ask it questions. Im far from qualified to understand these things but its how ive navigated transition
>just try not to suck the particles with your needle
What do you do to aim and purposefully avoid them desu
chatgpt makes shit up. on other hand, the researchers do it themselves...
>article was written by a christcuck that ends it with shameless "women should accept their fertility as a gift" bullshit,
i've never encountered this

maybe i'm just reading studies from the same group of people that all seem to say the same shit
>synthetics bad
>oral probably bad
>patches and injections good
>biggest risk with hrt is blood clotting related issues
hello! I could use some help. I'm currently taking bica and recently switched to raloxifene over E.
I like the size my boobs are at - they're enough to make me feel feminine - but they're kind of pointy. ideally they'd be a little flatter/rounder so they don't poke out under a shirt much.
is there anything I can do to make them grow less pointy?
what is your regimen and how long have you been on HRT?
Is it hyperandrogenism or acromegaly (I'm under suspicion of occult malignancy but ER won't take me in, because they only care about people that won't make it anyway) if you get unexplained muscle growth, bigger booba and cystic acne on hrt? I had mpb since I was 19, but it oddly didn't get worse when those hit
>In addition, these authors argue that while physicians ethically feel they cannot “impose” their own Catholic morality they should rightly insist that their patients be given opportune, adequate, and complete informed consent about all the risks of oral contraceptives. A real alternative, free from side effects, is the use of natural family planning based on fertility awareness, which includes the acceptance of one's fertility, and the shared responsibility of man and woman to live their own fertility in mutual confidence and cooperation (Fehring, Klaus, and Williams 2012), accepting it as a gift. In addition, fertility awareness can be very useful in the assessment of a woman's health (Vigil, Blackwell, and Cortés 2012).
started with mono E for like a year, currently on 50mg bica + 60mg raloxifene, was on just bica for a little while, I'm probably a year and 7 months at this point.
I'm mentally ill and haven't been perfectly consistent. I was very happy with my mono e (injection) results, but having boobs scared me and I wanted time to rethink it.

I'd rather they be compact and not pointy but it's not huge deal
I can maybe add a pic if that helps? like if I censor or whatever
send the pic through unsee. Can you give your BMI atm? Honestly I think its probably just a matter of still taking E and maybe Prog / weight gain to fill out your breasts so theyre not so pointy and theyre more round like you want
i use gravity~*
can I take oral prog as a suppository? I heard booking it is better but my doc doesn't do prog via suppository
cc /album#n8F3GzdffQvM
ok, here you go (and thanks!). idk my bmi right now, probably a bit skinnyfat but fairly healthy

I've tried not to stress out about it bc they feel like a comfortable size, physically, but they look terrible from some angles and I'm not really sure how they're meant to look. I figured big ones would look uncanny on my big torso but now I'm not sure if it would look more proportionate if they were more filled out?

it's a big plus if they're lower profile in whatever way, I just want to blend in. I don't really care about having big ones so I was trying to limit their growth so I could boymode easily and not to have to worry so much about bras, but it's getting past that point, and now i just want them to look nice and not uncanny. so I just wanna know anything I can do
the nipples also still get puffy a lot so their shape varies a lot from rounder to pointier
thanks so much for the help!
The album didnt work, did you have it set to only one view?

And ok yeah that all makes sense. Breast growth and stuff takes years, Im honestly not sure there's much you can do besides try prog and see how it goes? Make sure to boof it
try this one?
that might be something to try... I'm just not sure where to look for guidance on if they're developing right.
I did see people on reddit (ik lol) suggest topical tgel as an alternative to raloxifene. but I'm taking that with a massive grain of salt as I don't know how topical t works/distributes
don't do topical T
someone please tell me morning erection/semi is a side effect of coming off of cyproterone or something cause im only 8 days since my last een injection of ~18mg and this happened (also had very slight morning semis past couple days)
and i implied it but yeah i came off cyproterone recently to be clear
From what ive read yes. As long as theres not a whole pill in the morning that means the liquid inside dissolved and youre good. If there is a whole pill you can try pricking the capsule with a sterile needle.
ok, but some elaboration would be good
should I be bleeding a little bit after every injection? ive seen that it happens sometimes but its happened every time so far
It's just that i take injections designed originally for contraception so the mix is rather unusual. But does it work?
didn't test IGF-1?
high IGF-1 does increase acne and conversion of testosterone to DHT (Laron syndrome blocks acne... until you take IGF-1), but acne requires androgens to occur (complete androgen insensitivity causes no acne and no detectable sebum production)
I have an appointment for HRT in september, that doc is known for giving big doses (starts at 4mg for sublingual and only goes up from there), but also Spiro. I don't want that and I don't want to lose my bottom function, so I aim for E mono. Starting with patches, I'm not scared of injections but getting a needle in the ass feels gross and I can't do it myself.
you can inject yourself in the thigh but yeah you can do patches, but its not my personal area of expertise. if you want to keep bottom function, you can use T gel or just regularly exercise the muscles that would otherwise atrophy. any amount of E dominance, whether by pills and spiro or mono, will result in atrophy unless you take actions to mitigate it

yeah thats normal if its a little bit, just use a bandaid or something afterwards
I would need to see endo first (have refferal, but wait time even as emergency is half a year lmao), but still:
Would still make more sense as igf secreting carcinoid is still far more likely than lymphoma or choriocarcinoma that dumps fuckton of hcg to occur in small intestine (yes the latter can happen there as primary as there is at least one report of guy with it)
it would just increase your total T which is bad and would give no effect because tits can still grow even if your T is high
the entire dosing is unusual
i've never heard of someone being given both the pill and injection, or an 18 day cycle

i'm not a doctor but i've never seen that in any of papers or info i've read
i tried going to a pharmacy to get injection supplies and they asked if i had a prescription how do i find out if a pharmacy will ask (i'm not going to order online i don't want another package)
which state are you in?
im currently making the move from pills to injections.

EV 40 mg/mL
1ml luer lock syringe
23G 1 inch needle for drawing
30G 1/2 inch needle for injecting SubQ

my issue is im not sure about the gauges, my friends have told me these gauges but looking online i've read that you should use a 25G for SubQ injections and 18-22G for drawing. are the original gauges good or should i purchase different needles?
I can still ejaculate quite a lot (unfortunately as I don't like it), what is wrong?
7 months HRT
11mg EEn every 7 days
Haven't done bloodwork in a while but hopefully I can do it soon
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a whole pill? would these work then?
Is your ejaculate white or clear? Many people can't do monotherapy and need to add an AA to suppress their testosterone.
it's completely clear
I hope I don't need AAs as it would be very expensive for me
you can try asking for insulin syringes specifically otherwise you may need to go to a safe syringe program
>it's completely clear
I wouldn't worry about it then, clear ejaculate is just prostate fluid
am i correct in thinking high SHBG is good for reducing masculinization in the absence of estrogen or real T blockers but bad for actual feminizing?

what about downstairs use

how safe is bica monotherapy long term?
>am i correct in thinking high SHBG is good for reducing masculinization in the absence of estrogen or real T blockers but bad for actual feminizing?
what's a good way to reduce it? mine was 60 nmol at my last blood test
not sure but i'd go lower dose so it decreases

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