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most terrible femcel general
last >>36568681
qott: when's the last time you cried
Why are all of you so easy to get? You bore me often
no im not im a perfect angel
idek who u are sm h
qott 2day
not me though right
need girl pp sucked :)
need scary woman to cnc me
a week or 2 ago was feeling crushed under the weight of existential dread and regret
last wednesday
All. It's like starving stray cats begging for a crumb of food, you know people irl don't act like this right? Like they have decency and self respect maybe even enough value to not act like this
Like cmon
hi :)
half an hour ago
i don't think there's anything wrong with flirting on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving image board
Today, actually.
Of course, retard. We are on 4chan, how do you expect people to not be weird when they are anonymous?
*cncs u*
heh thank you sweety
not good enough sry
The romcom I was reading had an extremely relatable moment with one of the protags being very insecure and vulnerable about her job and it got to me
they're incels.
I cried today
like almost everyday
I flirt with people from time to time but I don't jump on them like a headcrab.
is that what i was doing
get real
Not sure how this related to what I say. When you give people the ability say stuff while concealing their identity there will always be people who'll use this ability to be cringe and weird.
Especially on 4chan, that has the fame of being a weird people convetion so that fame brings more weird people in. If you want people to act like normal people in real life get out of here and go live the real life
Real. I need to gtfo
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what I said*
anyone enjoy reading the stinkditch forums on kiwi farms? makes me feel good that at least I'm not like the trannies they talk about there
remember you're here forever
kiwifarms still exists?
I got no direction in life maybe I should get into lolcows culture in my 30s
what are u moaning about
RIP louisoix
Puppy twink protag goes hard 2bh
im down . bad!!!
I was replying to myself
qott: like sad cry or empathy cry? bc theyre very different
christ get a dildo or somthn
what show is this
I get you, Anon
Both are crying. There are lots of reasons to cry besides those too, joy, anger..
Although I can't remember the last time I cried for anything other than sadness.
Solo leveling I'm watching it since someone modded one of the characters from it into a game I play so I got curious
if its cry for any reason then last night when i was watching tv because there was a sad episode on Futurama
but sometimes i also happy cry
but a sad cry, for me, is usually dysphoria hitting really hard.
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a couple of days ago
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yey frens first step towards modding elden ring
made a spell that functions similarly to poison mist, but it's with scarlet rot
had the buildup high for testing, but im thinking of having it be a low building large area spell rather than the poison mist's somewhat high buildup small area spell
idk or i might mess around with it more but the point is i got it working even if it's not pretty
today in the shower (:
gross larpbian pic

gross larpbian posts

they get off on forcing other people to see their gross shit
nevermind rn (:
why did I start thinking again
someone give me a lobotomy already
nobody would be able to tell the difference hon
I would you fucking retard that's why I'm asking for you
no you wouldn't
sneeder peter
stopped crying after convincing myself the qott is bait. we're so back bpd bitches
bpd isn't real
you're just unlikable
alt qott
wuts the ferthest u ever walked and or strutted?
I'm the realest fan I'm such a real fan that after paying for both monthly subs on the game I go ahead and mod it and watch the entire anime the skin is based on so I can immerse better there's literally no fan bigger than me
just walking? idk not very far, probably not more than 10 miles

>paying monthly fees for gatcha
i hate rich people
but you seem to like me :)
mef moder you ok
idk who you are
if this is lasagna or anya no i don't like you, you both have lots of male entitlement and large egos that i find offputting
cant post images.. no one replies to me.. grr...
Need scary woman to cbt me
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at least you're not completely friendless and suicidal but too weak to do it
I learnt how to pirate literally all games so now I never spend on them unless it's a physical release or a big collectors edition if I'm interested enough. I put my money on gachas now since you can't pirate that and I've been playing them for more than half a decade now while being a minmaxing f2p that never spent a dilla on them during all that time. Honestly it saddens me how low value the transactions on most gachas are, the only justifiable ones are the monthly sub and I only got the battlepass because of one weapon since I just wanted to donate more money to them since I've been playing the games from that company for a while and love their games
The only and I mean ONLY game where there's genuine value on the microtransactions is limbus where you spend 10 dollars for like 4-5 months of a battlepass that gets you a shit ton of high quality ults to use and makes it so you never have to gamble for anything during that period since it gives you extra rewards for grinding so you can get all characters via just farming
There's a reason why I'm almost at 600 hrs on it. The game is fucking lovely and super low commitment to farm so I just watch shit while pressing the big winrate button and keep getting cool characters
I wish other gachas actually learnt instead of massively dividing f2ps and whales by making paying seem plain pointless by giving barely anything but oh well I guess I'm happy enough with my five dollar monthly subs
I'm laguna. Kek
are u banned from uploading forever?
Nike Just Do It
lmao i am exactly that
um idk maybe, will this post?
(it wouldn't)
Don't mind me i find it cute and funny
thats paige you dumb autist
I know?
I was telling Paige to kill himself
jeez just spent 2+ hours mowing the yard I need a shower now ugh
>>36572708 (Julia)
yes it’s awesome what gang do you like
hmm, maybe try tomorrow?
u miss my doodle 4 u or u just h8 it? be HONest
Blue archive ptsd triggered
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>lmao i am exactly that

yea some of the larpbians here don't like me and want me to kms
i also hate me and want me to kms so i can't fault them too much ig, i just think their reasoning is stupid

>jeez just spent 2+ hours mowing the yard I need a shower now ugh
missed it been working in the yard will ho look for it now
need her in my arms
Only gacha i ever played was Azur Lane and it got me hooked for a while but got bored of it and was waiting for the new girls Frontline to come out but it never came out and i never had any interest in gachas again
im sure you'll gather the courage some day
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yes I LOVE this
and it is true that I hate condoms
i haven't even been on hrt 3 weeks, is it normal for my nipples to hurt? is that a good sign?

i've tried before and it didn't work out idk
don't want to get brain damage and end up like u or lasagna or other trannies
LMAO maiq the liar cat turned out to be a rawdog the whole timeeeee
yes and yes
lol that's hilarious
thats a sign of growth! they can also get itchy sometimes. that's normal too. if ur a new tranner, make sure you know your levels every few months. dont let the doctor decide whats good for you. if you think you need a higher dose, you probably do.
Azur lane looks fun but pure coomer bait games just can't keep me, like sure I enjoy the well endowed women just as much as anyone else but all I need to spend looking at that to get my filling for the week is like 2 minutes on a good day
I played girls frontline for a while too and left cuz it's way too antiquated and clearly doesn't give a fuck about doing anything over it
Also stayed on blue archive for a while but quit it cuz it's way too repetitive even though it's fun, it's just the exact same thing over and over w 0 real input and super slow progress, I prefer other types of games me personally
New girls frontline is looking kinda decent but also smells like coomer bait again
Might be ptsd from playing snowbreak and having 2 quit cuz they just turned it into porn but idk those models are a bit yknow
Hope the game is actually good tho, nikke was enjoyable enough even while being pure coom bait since the gameplay, story and music are quite strong
Had to quit it again tho cuz I fucking despise how often it spams with shop notis and how badly it wants ur money even tho there's literally 0 need to ever pay
Skins cost a kidney for no reason which is hilarious too cuz pgr (punishing gray raven) gives out better ones for free v often and that's like a proper 3d game with a lot of stuff you need to change for skins
Wish I could play pgr too but idk I'm too committed to kuro's new game now and I keep getting burnt out of pgr in a month every time I try it
Rots my brain too much for me to keep playing it ig
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evens shelf haram
odds get med refills
dubs check grindr again

>as much as anyone else
not everyone else is a straight guy
I have never used one
when you only have sex w long term gfs there’s no need
Not everyone is a worthless faggot but I don't point it out every time you speak
Now be quiet
post proof lol
should i doordash vodka
im thinking perhaps not because i do not rly remember the last night i was sober
but also i hate being sober
Yeah that's the impression i was left with coomer bait dopamine addiction brain rot, didn't even have any gameplay per se but i can see why people play and pay for it
Do you play any games on pc or console?
thanks! is there anything i should be doing otherwise to help things? ive been trying to eat and exercise more but its hard. also my doctor put an appointment in to check my levels at about the 3 month point, isnt that like normal?
are you kat or paige
proof of what? the SH?

sry i don't have a migrant camp i can go to to suck off 20 muhammeds in a night lol

paige, kat wouldn't use grindr
mm hm
autist bro...
Get a lemon
I only play on pc. The only time I've used my phone for games is some sonic games I have there and that's it
I used to sometimes use my switch but I just don't rlly find much value in it anymore, the whole having a portable console concept is cool until you realize that you'd rather you know enjoy the joys of the outside world rather than be playing games
Can be a fun gimmick for when you visit friends still
>didn't even have any gameplay
Wuthering waves and limbus company gameplay is genuinely super fun. Wuwa can be quite hard at times since it's meant to be challenging and so is limbus but it divides the easy and hard bits so you can avoid the hard things if you don't feel like bothering with them
Pgr probably still has the best gameplay out of all gacha games, look up any vids on it and you'll see
Currently playing hoyo's new game ZZZ and hoping it gets there soon. I know how they start with shit being easy and simple as hell then get crazy but I want it happening fast. I don't enjoy when action games like these are too easy
I find it hilarious how ppl are finding it hard too I'm almost done w all the content and have had 0 issues w any endgame content at all
Genuinely feel like people don't know how to react to parries or counters at all on games like these or smth
yeah, usually you wanna do bloodwork before you start at all just to have a comparison point but its nbd if u dont. 3 months is a normal check-in for hormone levels aka bloodwork.
my biggest recommendation is to get laser hair removal or electrolysis asap
you can have boobs and a rockin' bod but u'll never pass with 5 o'clock shadow.
beyond that, i do some weight cycling. it takes me about 6 or 7 months to gain 20lbs and then i spend the next 6 or 7 losing it. since hormones tell your body where to store fat, you need to burn it and gain it so that your body can move it from testosterone places to estrogen places
<3 ur gonna make it anonette
why kek
ah i see marina is still here, guess you won't leave huh
Bicho malo nunca muere
Mad bitch _ _ ?
i want a bf its not fairrrrrrrr
he doesn't even have to do anything just sitting next to a cute guy that's bigger than me would be enough to entertain me for hours it's not fair
why can't i have that
Fernando Puga...
vodka on the way yippee
go make irl friends at it will prob happen
Es un refran coño buscarlo en español como lo he escrito primero y despues traduce la descripcion de los resultados
Siesque no se puede con estos anons
My real name is john lemons sorry
Sucks to be you and glad to be me
I think they may be trying to say the evil bitch is now dead?
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here's your proof anon

bc it's a funny drawing, don't you think?
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it does in fact suck to be me thanks for rubbing it in darling
sorry you're better at English and Spanish than me, im just a nig nog trying to get a handbeezy
bad bitches never die ?
Yep no problem
The fucks a handbeezy you articulate ass nigga
More like "bad (person-animal) never die"
Essentially saying bad people never "die" as in go away
I am calling myself a tumor in more simple terms.
yes I really like that drawing and pls don’t sh and if you do pls do not post pics
this is a real cutter, not a e-cutter
holy shit paige slow down
i need my sweet puga piggy to squeal for me
you’re not a tumor you just can’t control your emotions very well

You know, like imagine you're revving a motorcycle gripping the handlebar
i need new razors the one i use rn is dull
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And the people on this website are all just shit eaters trying to drag others down or doing it unintentionally
Not a good combo at all nope
How about you get a grip brah
idk where to find those
ive got a pretty good grip.
Yeah I'm just gonna go back to fucking off y'all have your fun
kill yourself
So are any of you interested in dating? Like do you want a boyfriend? Or do you prefer to remain single
yeah do what you always do lol
if you're going to leave can u actually just fucking do it i hate this
god's most spellbinding creation
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gosh that did help me feel better at least

oh sorry i won't, anon just wanted proof
i even made sure the cuts weren't in focus uwu

idk i wish i could cut deeper, i end up doing lots of tiny cuts bc i can't force myself to go deep enough to even see fat most of the time
it sucks bc i used to be able to do it when i was cutting regularly, but abstaining from it so much has made me a fucking bitch about it
God I am such a theater nerd lmao. Watching Wonka (2023), and as a theater kid, it's very whimsical. I love it.
time for another thrilling night of drinking and bleeding
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How the fuck am I going to leave with you being like this.
anya and laguna just go to discord ty
trip on lia

take it to discord fellas
am not lia sory :(
anon psyop not me
although im not feeling particularly great nor do i want you to leave
i think i will be content with the drinking and leave the bleeding to others.
dog parks?
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With that amount of dms idk how tf you're bitching about me going away so much
And stop drinking
So is there a guide or a book on how to suck a dick? That shit looks complicated. I need to be prepared
woah. is this lineage / graphene? if its just android, since when have they allowed you to customize things like that?
those aren't dms they're all @everyone pings sob
and no i won't stop drinking it makes everything hurt less
it's just instinctual, once it's in front of you you just sort of know what to do

ebin melodrama
keep drinking. itll age you and masculinize you
As a lineageOS user what the fuck are you talking about
Nah stop drinking
My mom said it looks like I have boobs today! She gave me a sweater!!
Why do you have 51 tabs open
I'm just reminding her that there's other people around her and she shouldn't bother with me this much. How the fuck do you spend so much time crying about me here when you have a literal partner living with you?
the triplets of maleville
Nah I can't use this fucking website as long as this cancer is around all she wants is to make me feel like shit and make anyone near me feel worse
I hope you do well anya but I can't be using this place and I'm not going to contact anyone privately
This is jades issue not mine
That's that
the vodka i ordered was out of stock so they just fucking delivered the soda
might make another order and try again
fuck my life
you just want to see me hurt i think
you don't actually have any good reasons why you won't just talk to me in private
you want to see me suffer
Good for you, anonette
when she says Jade does she mean dorito jade?
oh no no no... bros...
ordering vodka?

this is good for you to leave, just stay away it will be better for you

grooby af

do dbt therapy
Shut the fuck up you needy whinge
Go find other humans
Quit pissing and moaning on fucking 4chan that some attention-starved trip doesn't like you
i don't live with jade btw
i care about u and i can't just stop
you never did really explain how you felt about me
maybe you just wanted to hurt me the whole time maybe it was fun for you
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I don't have any good reasons? Being traumatized enough to be unable to talk to anyone isn't good reasons? I'm not even logged in on discord on my phone. I literally talk to NO ONE because I can't handle it. I'm bothering to come here and talk to check if you're doing well or not and help you and your gift for it is saying I want to hurt you. I'm not going to ruin my life for you anya. I'm not going to go from one destructive person to another. If I wanted to see you suffer I'd hurt you but I haven't. Now stop with this bullshit
mtfg cluster b autism general
I'm literally a reddit-tier rando, babe

You're trying to put bullshit in her head aren't you?
im sorry
i can't get out of my head
i just want a chance to say goodbye but i can't even have that
and you criticize me for how i act about ex bff? absolutely pathetic
I am still here for whenever you need help. That is my purpose. There is no need to say goodbye.
Tldr on the drama? I missed an ep.
thank u im sorry 4 troubling u
have a good night..
cut deeper gaymale
Keep going. Keep trying to hurt me. I know you want to separate us just as you do with every ex you can't get over but your bullshit isn't going to do anything this time. You disgust me
god i do miss my ex bff a lot honestly
i wish i could hold his hand
It's the same as always, the usual drama trips are vomiting words vaguely without trips because they know we'd filter their worthless drivel otherwise
if he's ex than he's not bff
get it
I hope you sleep well too whenever that is. And be careful with kat, she's going to go to all extremes to make you separated from me just as she does with anyone she can't get over to isolate them so she gets them back
Told me herself she posts shit pictures of me over and over specially when people flirt with me solely for that purpose and has done so with exs.
Bye now
the neighbors are doing cnc again, but their kink is opening all the windows in their apartment, ig they only get off if other ppl can hear them. Lol ppl man istg
he's always going to be my best friend, even if i'm not his
nobody else will be as beloved
he thinks ur a weird creepy dude who wont leave him alone btw
what makes you say that?
Is it Anya x Laguna or Anya x Navy
>whenever that is
probably not for another 7 hours or so
also dont worry nick langs tactics don't work on me im immune etc etc
I hope that idiot mefmoder is alright
yeah i am actually she's a nice girl
the restraining order, guffaw
i went for a bicycle ride...do the cuts make it difficult 2 go for a jog?
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I want this relationship
can we talk about the fact that anya still has to shave his beard and chest hair?
what restraining order
i would've been notified if he had filed one

only the day after and even then not really
the SH that makes it hardest is punching
if you bruise the right place it hampers your leg's ability to hold weight
i was in a wheelchair for a week once bc of punching that spot like 500+ times in a row
its navy x mono x kat x gooner x anya x gremlin x janny in that order
with hayato tied EXTRA TIGHT to his chair
u can but no one else cares
Predictable, we need a new lineup. Not one of those fucks is likable.
>tfw not tied to chair being used by handsome men
because I care about her well being for whatever reason
I was just making a joke.
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sneed harder
this 1 got me fucked up moreso than usual
i confess i had a wee break a month or so ago and had a bag of fresh icecubes and smashed it into my head til i was all lumpy up there. the stars is nice at first then after, feeling the tender lumps with my fingers is v calming...other than that i aint sh'd in a long ass min. a fuckin weelchair dam u must have liquified ur quad or something
Where this chick from, she be lookin irish
everyone else cares anya
we can all see the stubble even though its blonde
ayo fact lil nibba more irish than a mug ouchyea
Why are people even shitting on Anya, is Gremlin jealous she’s in Navys dms?
no i mean what's making you worry

o-oh haha

ouch desu
>a fuckin weelchair dam u must have liquified ur quad or something
it's the a spot where if you get kicked your leg goes dead, just for a moment though
but if you punch it for hundreds of times with good solid punches then it lasts a while
the doc was even worried of the bruising maybe forming blood clots just bc there was so much blood under the skin

gremlin > anya tho
all my troubles were so fucking gay
gremlin MOGS lateshit chest haired anya lil buster
Nah Anyas hot, Gremlin has mad fetal alcohol syndrome face
idk both mog tf out of me
gremlin has a better personality tho
meds now
i don't talk to navy anymore
If being a bitch is a good personality trait then sure lol
oh i kno the spot, this dude in a judo class a while back was showing my all these weird zones that just suck lol...this one on the ankle area is weird idek how desribe it shit dropped my ass lmao.
both anya and grem is chill imo
Why not? Tbh thought you two were gonna date
also you can carry gremlin on your shoulders, like master blaster
bruh we know you post on ur pc and phone
Gremlin does not post here
sure thing lol
why would i do that
Nobody asked go away
she seemed nice itt at least

yup that ankle spot lol in ultimate frisbee, during break times, ppl would try to snipe each other's ankles at range with frisbees as practice lol
it fucking hurt getting hit by one but it was satisfying hitting someone with it

i have strong manly legs i could probably carry boogie2988 on my back
pls go away pls
She’s nice where she can keep up appearances
Is gremlin the one with the fucked up jaw and the really spaced apart eyes?
That's just because of the filter she used she looks normal irl
Damn now that you mention it, yeah that is her. Also a botched circumcision that looks really weird
looks like paul with downs and FAS, large nose
is there a person navy isn't in the dms of
she was the hottest girl here when she used to post
thats mad foolery...man frisbees is a gud time...thers a disc golf place around here somewhere i should go see if i can be a dog girl caddy for one of the old beer drinking disc golf dads and he will give me head pats and call me a good girl when i fetch is driver for him...ite imma shut up n go shower gn troons stay safe and get dreem etc and so on
me :D
People always judge gremlins jaw or eyes or whatever on a heavily filtered photo she has normal facial proportions irl
this but paul has all the attractive parts
shes got ALL these troonies on LOCK brother
>botched circumcision
does it count as a botched circumcision if you have little bumps in a circle around the pp
most of the people who post here are attractive
Nah that means you’re a horse
if u think im hotter than gremlin ur smoking crack tbdesu
t. anya
she bought sodium nitrite online again and it arrived at her house today
You look like a cute girl, she looks like nomi did ffs on her
Grem mogs me I think people just have a distorted pov because she's a dick
rapist in the dms isnt what anyone would call on lock
sorry meant to You you >>36575424
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it's too small for that

oh that could be a bit worrying
>she's a dick
for real meanest and most ridiculously hostile poster ever
Nah she just looks funny. You cute tho ong, glad you’re here chasing trans girls.
what r u talking about
u lookin good here paige
no thats sbe off trip
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>for real meanest and most ridiculously hostile poster ever
am i autistic or something
i thought she was nice and had good taste in vidya/anime mostly

ty i try
>Sbe is back
always forget about reagan. does she even post here anymore. gremlin is just more face off about it she doesn't give a SHIT
She’s a mean girl whos mean to other girls idk its not a likable trait
does anyone think im a nice girl
sbe hasnt posted here in years lil bro
These days, trip is nice than anon unfortunately. Backwards days we live in :(
sbe doesn't poster here anymore in the same way that mono doesn't post here anymore :D
These days nice posters are in short supply. Maybe dream is not real.
>Lil bro
thats because trips go anon to insult the trips they dislike
just got attacked by a bug while smoking a cigarette
navy is my favorite poster lately she exudes some kind of weird genuinity shes really good at that
I pray for a world where trips are brave enough to be mean to each others faces. Or in their dms…
is navy still posting?
anyone watching rnc
She’s also a serial liar so get used to that. A majority of the things she says are outright untrue. Other than that, she’s good though.
navy inspires me to looksmaxx so i can be hot for her someday
ugh my porch is swarming with beetles rn
yeah she posts off trip all the time and " pretends " like it isn't her even though its super obvious lol its cute. it'd be cool if she found something greater to focus like art or whatever feels like she'd be good at that
she rapes people
i knew she was doing this last month, wasn't aware she was still doing it
>go say goodnight to my mother
>"oh no dinner tonight?"

im nice
can she rape me?
i feel it in my bones
not if you want it
only if you look like a teenage boy
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My mom died of throat cancer seven years ago from smoking, it was horrible, the only thing that was good about it is she only suffered for a few months instead of years. I miss her so much sometimes.
can you pass as a 12 year old runaway?
she makes you cook for her like a handmaiden?
did you go to college or university, as a Poor?
no, she was commenting that i did not eat dinner tonight
i don't like people monitoring what im eating or stuff like that, it makes the ED louder
ur a grown woman why is she in ur business like that
whos navyposting
Hi Moapy hope you are okay
is it normal to have dysphoria but not actually 'want' to be a woman or femme

like i know im supposed to be a woman and am distressed by the fact im not but i don't care for femininity and would be a cis man given the choice

T. 5mos hrt
What’s up Paulie
Why she delete u though
Nothing much just vegetating and wasting time
Got my work schedule moved to part time and had some exposure therapy today
Doing drawabox
I plead the fifth
ill pretend i dont
best i could do is 18
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Thanks Maiq Im doing great, thats just always my response to smokers cause Im super open

Paul <3
Hope all your chaser dreams come true.
oh, that's even worse. sorry
sounds like things are going pretty well I am glad
whats a drawabox
Hi moapp
A course for learning some perspective in art
I’m smoking rn lol
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gonna try to sleep
hopefully it goes ok
would be easier with a bf to sleep with

its ok, i'll just eat something tomorrow
i think i got away with the whole sn thing, phew
nice digits
do you have a link to where you got the SN
either join our polycule or we can't help you. this isn't the planned parenthood help desk
Sex Is Banned
need scary woman to rape me
what does your exposure therapy entail?
what do you mean by dysphoria then
like over your body? that's normal
Sex Is Blocked
Mostly things like reading things aloud or writing things exposures atm, today was very unfun and very much my hardest session yet
link me to sn big brah
>easier with a bf to sleep with
lemme tell ya, it is. out like a light, some beard scruffs and pit snoofs then flip over to be his lil spoon everyfuckin night instasleep.
fuckin lost dreem alsmost as soon as i found it.
life is a fucked up bitch mane. gn fr
Gay men disgust me
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been saying this for years ok gn fr
i don’t wanna get b&
its for the greater good
if you're going to kys why does it matter if you're banned
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Why does everyone love you, Paul? How can I do that?
I just want people to love me-
Also to be pretty and get to suck nice cocks tho
And weed, also a nice house, and a good car.

B-but Maiq smoking kills


I cant blame anyone for loving man dick desu. Have you seen how beautiful human genitals are?
They're amazing.
i want to be able to say bye bye
Many people hate me! I think it's just a love hate thing. Honestly, just be around people a lot and eventually they'll come to develop good feelings for you!
I also want weed and a nice house
maiq took up smoking to lose weight
its sad honestly
pls go away pls
tfw not lighting up maiq cigar in a classy gentlmens lounge while wearing sexy waitress outfit n bringing him whiskey on the rocks and getting my hole caved in by 50 year old lawyers who slam my head up against a dusty bookshelf and pull my hair and tease me by putting my finger in their cigar cutters n laugh and hanging their used condoms through my gauges and ashing in my mouth ugh why even live
It stings
Why do almost all of you type without any hint of proper capitalization, punctuation, or general proper grammar whatsoever? Why do you type like you have brain damage? Do you think that's how girls type or something?
why capitalize when its faster to type like this
stop projecting sweatie
hey so idk what happened but all of the sudden i feel hardcore suicidal and that maybe they should offer euthanasia as an option alongside HRT at planned parenthood - this ever happen to anyone else?
pre-hrt and just stopped repping
its just how i type i don't think it's male or female brained
personally i just like the aesthetic of lowercase letters better
>this ever happen to anyone else?
no ur the world's first suicidal tranny congrats
oh good
heatwaves in canada
this is apocalyptic stuff right?
hey does anyone want to rape me
i only rape cis women
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If I was projecting, that would mean I think that's how girls type, but all the girls I know don't type like that. In fact, it's basically only in this general that I see people typing like that, hence me asking.
you do think that though
oh no. the uppercaser is here too
why be so formal? im not writing my congresswoman here.
me having brain damage is honestly likely
I'm kinda lonely can I shitpost and flirt with transbians here?
are u cute
Yeah I am cute
ok flirt with me then
That makes me happy would kiss you
would you kill me
you blew it
probably not but I could hurt you real nice :)
as long as you make me thjnk you might kill me that's good enough
I mean I could drink a little bit and choke you really hard as I stare at you or something idk
I know Im not supposed to get all agp about growing boobies but Im getting a bit agp about growing boobs desu
haven't pissed blood in a while all is looking up
that sounds nice
would spit on u haha
horny freaks get a room
in my mouth pls
pulling your hair as I make you choke and make you smell me
im about to say a slur
how do you feel about blood
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at the airport.
had a dream about that last night too. sad times.
I like it :)
blood, pee, spit....those intoxicating transbian aphrodisiacs
(poop too, wait for it)
i want you to make me bleed
Ok :) that would be fun
i've had food poisoning for two days
just put me out of my misery
there's no passion in your words
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pls accept this silly picture
Will my therapist report me for starting anti-anxiety medication without a prescription when they told me explicitly to stop self-medicating?

USA and adult
Report you to who, the cops? No
wish i had salmiakki rn tbdesu
salt is an underrated component in sweets
Werthers originals are yummy.

Consume vinegar and oranges.
I'm looking for a peggle playing white woman with a steady diet of rice and veg.

Friendly disagreement.

The racist meanie in here just has a stick up their butt in a bad way. I'm sure that if you were face to face with them they would tuck tail.

Laziness, silly.

You're like the inverse of paige but i am SO not feeling the same passion.

so true but everyone calls me an old lady when i eat them

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