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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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previously on /ftmg/ >>36553458

>QOTT 1:
How GOONED out are you right now?
>QOTT 2:
When have you accepted you get real pussy?
*will never get
picrel is cringe and hurts my eyes, why is she so fucking ugly. tans are gross. milfs are gross. she has no ass. i can go on
also sex is for the weak willed
Do you mean dick?
>tans are gross. milfs are gross
Jump off a roof. What a terrible opinion
But I agree, picrel is terrible. Kys op
omfg ive seen a sissy caption thread and now ftmg is asking how gooned i am with the shittiest gooning hypno caption with an embarrassing typo

Wtf is wrong with this board recently can the gooners rope already jesus, this shit is so cringe.
the same thing happens whenever i leave the house too, i get called "sir" even when not binding when answering the door because my chest is small. my voice is passoid tier whereas you sound like a flamer with the worst frog voice i have ever heard, and i've listened to reposted early-t terje vocaroos. i'd say they see you as lesser than, but you've stated publicly you live in big-city southern california and most people there talk like that
tan skintones only look good when natural. fake tans like op's pic are ugly. nothing is uglier than blonde or light brown hair paired with looking like you rotted at the beach for 10 hours, almost every woman in town is tanned or sunburned and it's fucking gross looking
i get it now, posts like these needs to be remembered in the archives as made by dog
Thank you, finally!
>How GOONED out are you right now?
i was considering masturbating for the next 5 hours but this thread just sealed the deal
They only call you a man because your fatness hides all your physical features, they’re basically just looking at a circle with a hat
Can someone make a new gen I can't stand looking at this
close your eyes bro
i have very male fat distribution which helps with my absolutely appalling hip bones on the part of my mother, pics of me from when i was repping looked transbian though so i could be brainwormed
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No. I will not submit
>passoid tier
let's not be too bold now
do you even have a male libido?
It's pointless to argue about the details of your personal life just call him a stupid mentally ill faggot and move on
Do you guys enjoy moving places? Every once in a while I get this urge to move to a different apartment. Can't stay in the same place too long.
the chud friend group weren't looking who joined when i joined vc and for a solid 5 minutes thought i was another guy, a cis guy from texas.
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thanks debaser
no, moving states because cali was too expensive was among the hardest things that happened to me
that said, growing up in cali has made me dread being in one city for too long. i'm used to it being a 15 minute drive to enter another city and not a 30 minute drive to go through a small town only to see barren wilderness for another hour
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Nice cat
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thanks his name is beastie because he's huge
Could have said nice pussy.
5 star post, how would we ever survive without you
You are welcomed.
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Anderson Cooper really just said:
"Testosteroni the real San Francisco treat" during RNC coverage
i still don't get this
Me neither it's fucking baffling that he said it I think I might have hallucinate it
i don't remember posting anything like that
Any Vinesauce ers
No like the real life Anderson Cooper gay reporter dude
Debaser afflicts ftmg too? Now i really feel sorry for you guys. If you remind him that hes a fat retard enough eventually he'll leave
i love vinny
this gen is dead without the gaygen trips taking over
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Nah honestly he sounds like a very stereotypical nerdy guy. He is a passoid
Yaaaaaay pray for Trump God killed the firefighter to save Caesar
>this much seethe
Did he actually
I need a gif of this rn for my gif folder
How horrifying
horrifying for you roastbeefs maybe but i think that's just kinda funny
Why do you hang around here if you don’t like pooners? Isn’t it a waste of time when you could be gooning in gaygen or whatever yall do in there?
im 100% convinced youre not a lesbian, just a very special straight woman
>Isn’t it a waste of time
not at all, making fun of people below me is how i have fun around here
gaynon wants that poonpoon but is acting tsundere
>whatever yall do in there?
Its mostly mtf colonists trying to find fertile ground for attention whoring
I think you're cute. Do you have a discord?
holy mother of shitaste
true malebrained chads goon to fat tanned milfs fucking fat men....mmmm....fat people......mmm tits....OH IM GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONING
Dawg you take dick up your ass, we’re all considered “beneath” in the eyes of most of society
Seems like it
I think we need to put him in the clitty cage
stranger danger, please stop replying to my posts
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>below me
Why are aids monkeys so cocky (pun intended). What gives
>we’re all considered “beneath"
Girl please, you're crazy if you don't think us gay men enjoy way more privilege than you trannies
Cmon, all I did was call you cute. You like the attention anyways.
> Girl please
Stop trying to talk like a black woman
Leave him alone you homophobe, copying black women is their whole culture
i'd trip with a something dumb like "cat" or "dog" if i wanted attention
nah i don't think i will sister
Then put on the wig and take your pills Alice
Now why'd you bring dog up? This is about me and you.
>take your pills Alice
it's like you're all conditioned into recuriting the same way once you've been brainwashed into presenting as a tranny
How is everybody
It’ll get you too if you stay in here long enough… we’re know for recruiting through transdimensional brainwaves
the only people you get are pathetic chasers, my god. What kind of gay would ever want any of you gross abominations
Don't fucking ignore me bitch
I only fuck bisexuals actually
which one are you?
No way you just posted that as a flex lmao
i only brought dog up because i had a fun time bullying her last thread
You could always bully me too, I don't mind.
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Cyberbullying isn’t real retard, stop using that excuse. We all know you’re still here because you want some of that punani
No thanks
Bichads will rise in the dawn of the freak
Why, am I not a good enough target for you. That really hurts.
boomer take
Yea look it up on the CNN broadcast it was relatively early on cba to do it meself
Stop giving the faggot attention and he'll go away
I like him though, he sounds like a cute little twink
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chuds don't know anything about pooners, at most they think we are mentally ill women and don't know what frog voice is or what roids do
i'm here to stay after all these easy (you)s i've collected tonight with minimum effort
Training out frogvoice and female mannerisms does play a huge part in passing though, I am slightly clocky by ftmg standards but everyone is surprised to find out I’m a pooner because I have the typical ‘tism flat affect and am not outwardly expressive at all
i agree, twinks always have trash tier personalities
oh no...
Let me see that hairy monkey pussy OOO AA AA
a gay guy would definitely leave me for cock, with a bisexual it's only a 70% chance
you're such a yikes poster
just did my shot, gonna jack off then go to the gym and jack off more after
I love vinny but youre annoying as fuck so i am loathe to say yes to this
I’m not that bad, I’m just so happy to not be a bottom or virgin
same. gen sucks rn
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You guys think I could have brown ancestry in my blood?
Walk away from your computer and go outside young man
people responding making fun of you means your bait isnt very good
Its 11 at night, i'd rather just stay inside.
>people responding making fun of you means your bait isnt very good
are you slow? the whole point of baiting is to get people replying
Humanity began in Africa
Maybe we're all black then
The points to get them to take you seriously. To make them mad. Theres no point if their response isnt angry bud. Would you count someone responding with "lol" succsessful bait lmao
No, you are a mutated yakubian ape
therefore i can say nigger in peace
Race isn't really real but yea but also no
This is objectively true unless you are racist or dumb
There is nothing male about you
my voice is passoid tier whereas you sound like a flamer with the worst frog voice i have ever heard
You really have zero self awareness huh
Imagine pressing gloves in a hydraulic press and watching his skin rip open and the fat shoot out
Imagine not being mentally ill and just having fun and being normal
Jackpot check em + ratio
Everytime i check ftmg after a few days of not using this board we have a new annoying tripfag
Does t ever have hope of fixing me? I look like a fucking cartoon charicature of blowup sexdoll, its fucking ridiculous. I make myself want to throw up.
I'm just here to establish dominance and then I will leave forever unless gaygen links to your thread again and I feel like funposting
bully them more
holy breeding hips. post more
what a big brave man establishing dominance over all these women
>Does t ever have hope of fixing me?
Yeah. You'll have to go to the gym, lose the foid weight, then gain it back in the form of moid weight and muscle.
lose weight
If they were women I wouldn't care about establishing dominance over them because I'm gay
Sisters am I retarded or does he not realize he's keeping his trip up while samefagging
you're just retarded at this point, sorry
We can't even get the fun trolls it seems
> am I retarded
idk, are you
are you sure you're gay? like for real sure?
No faggot I just posted once to show my problem and get relevant advice.
Yeah, this is my plan. But I mostly get concerned about my waist/midsection of my body. Is there anything I can do to specifically target that area and fill it out? Because even in my passoid folder, a lot of guys still have that subtle "shape" I'm trying to get rid of.
I've anamoded before as a teen and that "shape" is still there when I do so, unfortunately. And I'm trying to get my protein intake. But you're right, I need to do more on the cardio side.
Why the fuck are you having a conversation with yourself? Is this some sort of elaborate troll?
couldn't be gloves, but checked
You're retarded because I'm not on trip because i got banned for politics posting during the RNC because our mods are stupid faggots but it's ok I still love you
>Is there anything I can do to specifically target that area and fill it out?
Oblique exercises to even out your waist. Obviously do a lot of upper body to get wider shoulders. Your rib cage should also appear larger after a while.
>Why the fuck are you having a conversation with yourself
my god you might be the dumbest person i've seen all night
do you tards not realize multiple posters can use the same namefag? surrounded by fools
Thanks for loving me anyways
>Is there anything I can do to specifically target that area and fill it out
obliques, russian twists come to mind. I don't do anything specifically for them but i filled out, maybe it's because of my physical job and weighted crunches giving them a little action. I'm 10 lb from maxing out the machine on weighted crunches
You're welcome here's my theme song https://youtu.be/PVyS9JwtFoQ
I'll think of you every time I listen to it.
i won't ever think about you
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can someone give me sexy examples of queer scruffy dfab ratboy roachboy
post voice or you're lying
do you always want to murder and rape anyone who talks shit about you? first you were posting about raping g and now you're talking about hydraulic pressing me. there's a difference between being edgy and being tryhard, you're a tryhard.
namefags entering /ftmg/ have their name stolen and fights started with it until they relent and put a tripcode. or go anon, like trannyhater did. a single exclamation point also means they'll have their trip stolen and used against them eventually. only anons and secure trips win
Wasn't me but I lol'd and it's true
kek you also sound like a faggot
Fried as fuck, but it's true that most cissoids can't tell the difference. I'd still voicetrain though
what specifically sounds faggy so i can fix it? if it's tone my dad also has a very fucked voice in that regard
look in the mirror
ah yeah my vocal fry is bad, when speaking i tend to artificially lower my voice without realizing when trying to talk and it gradually goes back to my natural voice as i run short of breath, it also tends to get higher when i'm anxious.
my sister said i sound like jeffrey from class of '09 and i hate that
the rising intonations like when you say "heard" (also drawing it out like that) and Terje. honestly I hadn't heard your voice for a while and it used to be froggy but it sounds okay now
thanks anon ill work on that
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just got yelled at for sounding exactly like dad while mom was having a private conversation with my older sister and i had to explain to her i physically cannot help that my voice dropped
Why were you intruding in their private conversation
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>live wolfgang reaction
i didn't. they were behind a locked door and i couldn't hear shit, older sister heard me talking to the cat and yelled at me for making her think dad was home
She's retarded I fear
guys how many hours has it been (i cant count)
You're one short
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i masturbate multiple times a day
i am only interested in pussy and all but op's pic looks like she has the face of a 50 year old and the body of a 14 year old. i find picrel hot, though.
i'm basically exclusively attracted to trans men and cis women that don't look old, underage, or muscular. muscles on women are extremely disgusting, almost as much as dicks on either gender
yeah, when she first moved back in she'd buy things mom usually buys for me then sperged out when i ate it when she didn't mark it. she also beat me up when i was pre t and i still have scars from her nails. love her though
Sexo picture
>i masturbate multiple times a day
how many times to G, terje, or flux
zero to all. i'm friends with all three and it weirds me out to think of that
Hope the comparison felt good at least. According to my family I sound like my older brother, but I don’t really hear it aside from our laughs, which somehow ended up almost identical.

This is honestly really fucking weird to me because I never tried to change my laugh. He also lived overseas while I was early T, we didn’t talk while he was away, so he couldn’t have influenced it subconsciously either. I must’ve just always secretly had the feminized version of his laugh or something. Voices are so weird.
masturbating to your friends is malebrained. ngmi
yeah it did feel good thankfully
they're also not my type if it helps, but i do find flux the most attractive of the three due to his autism and face. that said i have only done that to one of my friends and i was 17 at the time
Sorry dood flux is straight. Imagne admitting which of your friends you think is the hottest.
>done that to one of my friends and i was 17 at the time
KEK wtf. You fucking degenerate, being 17 is not an excyse. where they male or female
Tbf I've jerked it to my friends plenty of times, and had plenty of my friends jerk it to me and tell me about it. It's not that big of a deal.
Youre a wierdo gooner friends with other wierdo gooners. Who the fuck tells someone they jerked off to them. Keep that private
You're overdramatising it. There's nothing morally reprehensible about wanting to bang your friends. Half of them told me out of shame and apologized and we had a laugh about it later.
Theres nothing morally reprehensible about sniffing someones underwear but its still kinda weird
i was playing bideo games
back to masturbating for another hour
or more
i want to deeply inhale the boyscent off of my boyfriends underwear. i want to wear it around 24/7 like a mask. will never remove it from my face. if i remove it i die.
How are you calling anyone ugly? Pretty ironic
Anyone read good books lately? Favorite authors? Doesn't have to be all time, just lately.
Mine are Don DeLillo and Jonathan Franzen
as an ugly person she is certifiably ugly. not as much as i am, but i've been told under all the fat i have a great face, when her face is a 4/10
her body is more stereotypically attractive than mine, though. i'd imagine most would think it's a 7/10 when she's not my type
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Post cute vagina bois
Hours after I went to bed I'm still getting mentioned kek.
charming looking fella!
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4 months on T
pre T from January
imagine being this pissed that i'm right. the simple fact you felt the need to draw me like i was soos from gravity falls proves i btfo'd you
teenage boy voice but still has a feminine inflection
does anyone here actually make gooncaps
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how to fix, people also said my vocal fry was disgustingly bad
Get pregnant
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But I have no womb or ovaries, or even a vagina?
does this mean you're an mtf or gaygenner looking to see if you sound like a poon or not?
Dumb fat faggot, bumbling idiot holy shit it's like the lard went to your brain, kek
can you explain or something? it's impossible to get phallo or meta on 4 months of t and if you were born without a vagina you are amab
Today I'm gonna see my gf again. I learned a new way to tie her up for the occasion :)
are you funny
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After going on t I've only been attracted to vaginas... This kinda sucks bc my bf is cis... I want to trib with him so bad. Uhhh I've been gooning to lesbian hentai/porn, BBC, futanari, conversion therapy stuff, sissy hypo, cuckold, and shotacon hentai... I fucking love porn... I wish my bf was a fucking porn addicted gooner like me...
Depends on how autistic you are.
thats not what i meant so i dont think you are
Okay. Do you have something intresting to say I'm bored.
i don't think he does
What a pity. I swear to god life is such a drag. Work, study, smoke. I hope the grinding is worth it and the economy won't collapse on my ass (it will).
i am on a train
gloves was right
So you see trans men as women?
Thinking of copping this
trans women are women but i find the dick disgusting
So you would date post op: based.
Personally I don't mind as long as its a girl and submissive.
yep, exactly
But you describe yourself as straight/hsts yet are attracted to other ftms. Does this not imply you see them as women? And would you be attracted to a post op mtf?
ive never called myself straight iirc. i'm a hsts bisexual, or in other words, pussysexual. i'd fuck a post op trans woman, a no-phallo trans man, and cis women. i find anal disgusting and i would never bottom either way
Isn't gloves just meta attracted? I don't think he actually wants to fuck.
Sounds about right
I don't get the hsts thing at all. I always saw myself as straight when dating women even before I realized that others saw me differently.
Ftms who heavily identify with the hsts label always seems more into trans men (especially ugly/fat ones) and see themselves as lesbians. The whole blanchard culture is pure autism. This is coming from a straight ftm
Your "gf" is an autogynephilic male who sees you as a delusional tomboy. Get pregnant.
I would agree.
Nobody cares, nobody is gonna fuck your fat ass anyways so instead of putting that much though into something that's never gonna happen put that though into making something useful out of your life
I don't belive in pseudo science.
yes but i'm attracted to others on occasion too
i don't see myself as a lesbian at all. in fact it's upsetting to be called one
like what, anon?
you dykes care way too much about tumblrite semantics to ever be read as male
To me, it shows a desire to hold on to your birth sex and your past gay identity if you heavily identify with the label. It's stonewallian in spirit.
Hsts = homosexual transsexual. Is that not calling yourself a female homosexual aka a lesbian?
it is calling yourself a female homosexual but also a transsexual
Get pregnant.
But essentially calling yourself a lesbian ftm
my goodness gracious
How do I stop desiring to cum from my cunt? I don't even want a cock in there but I goon using my g spot like everyday
Just jerk off your T dick like a real man
You should get pregnant

you mean your clitoris, womboy
ywn be trannyhater
I do this too
Ended up doing this and I can’t use my pussy anymore :(
yes because transing doesnt change sex no matter how much we wish it did
Ftm radfems are the worst
Wdym you can't us it? You still can
im not ftm + youre retarded + ratio + on skibidi
It’s like, too tight and dry to get anything up there. I gotta go to the doc and get it sorted out.
Prolly has more to do with my EDS than anything, T just dried the bitch out and made my shit start to atrophy.
FTMs tend to use Blanchard terms with more flexibility/irony because he often completely disregards them.
Gloves clarified exactly what he means when calling himself pussysexual.
jerking off while fucking yourself feels better
i played porn games on my pc until like 4 pm yesterday and i dont know if i should feel shame
Dilating (+lube) can help a lot. There’s also OTC moisturizers like replens. E gel can work, but can also trigger your cycle if you’re not lucky.
ive gooned for dozens, if not 100+ hours, to the same man's cock. ive needed him for so long.
You need to take a cock into your pussy
That’s the route I’m planning on trying first, looking at a decent set of dilators online, but I gotta wait until my bf gets paid next to get em. He’s been rlly awesome and patient with all this.
his God cock, yes.
>bf gets paid
why don't you just get a job
I’m not going over it again, thank you
Check the archives if you wanna know bad enough
Then you don’t get to know, lurk moar
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Attractive roasties don't work nowadays, they leech of their cucks or human waste on onlyfans

Clown world
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I would "accidentally" piss on your food before serving it to u
he would enjoy that
teach me how
No way
Ok, but what would you do as a pregnant rape victim who is forced to carry?
I guess I could take a shit on your plate too?
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yes way. Imagine: You ftm boiwife letting his golden stream run over your food before serving it to you. Your food has a hint of bitterness but nothing out of the ordinary. He gives you that soft smile that you love as he watches you eat your dinner.
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that wouldn't stop your pregnancy
Has anything I said to do with pregnancy?
Ignore trannyhater
G has a job - it's prostitution
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Fake, afab bois have juicy pink breedable vaginas and cannot piss while standing
He's not going to fuck off either way
>he thinks sex work is real work
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I want to impregnate your fertile eggs with my seed
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You should marry your cuck beta bf instead of whoring online. Otherwise you will hit the wall before you will notice.
hello th. how's life in poland?
Hi G, what are ya doing rn?
Hi :>
Smoking some weed in between LoL matches atm. Hbu?
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how tight is your pussy bro?
My gf just came back from her uni exam! We were supposed to go to the beach right away but plans change and she is sleeping. Rn I'm just shiny hunting gen V.
How did you gf do?
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How could autogynephilic male could be anyone's gf?
Very well, she had analysis 1 and passed with 27/30.
>Very well, she had analysis 1 and passed with 27/30

no surprise, men are good at math
Based, based
Hope she did well on her test! This weekend is supposed to be pretty nice, at least where I’m at. If it is for y’all you can prolly hit the beach tomorrow or Sunday.

>hyped to see some poonbro scoring a gf
>it's a tranny
tale old as time
Yeah we will go tomorrow morning, she is too cute to wake up. Do you have summer plans?
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sad! Free yourselves doods
Sounds fun, good shit
I’m mostly just hanging with my friends that are back from college. Been going out quite often which has been refreshing. Planning on throwing a party with some of them at the end of the month which is gonna be awesome.
>Been going out quite often which has been refreshing
Cucked your bf with any bar hookups?
Is it really that common? Honestly none of my irl brothers have ever had issues scoring cisf, I myself was dating one for 4 years. I would say ftm4ftm is the most common pairing that I've seen.
Man when I mention my gf I just get accused of being a liar
Going out is so good for the mind, I'm happy for you. I wonder if there is a difference between house parties in the us and here...
It's really not that shocking I think they just can't get over the fact they are single.
it's not if you're ok with dating lesbians
This is true, at most he has 5 years before:

1) weird small gangly woman
2) weird extremely small gangly man

Plus the heavy cig smoking and lack of physical activity will basically rot you
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hi again do I want to chat teehee
You’re one to talk.
>goblinx is talking
It's mostly bi women.
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Every time I've posted a photo recently people said they expected me to be uglier
1. Are you afab?
2. Are you cute (slim and not mutilated)?
3. What's your discord?
3. Are
why women mutilate their bodies like this
What if tranny hater has a serious memory disorder, every day he wakes up and goes on 4chan to find an afab ftm gf, and then every day he forgets, he is always lonely. Every day is hell

Why you no speak the English good
You kinda look like Markiplier
don't let that get you excited you're still ugly as shit
Ugly and old women have no value. Why we are allowing them to live?
Hello everybody today it's Markiplier today we are playing 5 nights at Freddy 60 for my audience of 100 million ipad babies
Post face
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yeah I agree umm I'm ftm teehee
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yeah why would they do that
shut up
>post face
Fuck no I'm not a dumbass like you
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i don't have discord teehee but you can call me at 801 24 70 70. Call this number for epic afab sex cutie~
if you won't then you're irrelevant
Not my fault that you're expired. Post wall roasties are disposable trash.
Why do you come into a room of ftms and get disappointed that they are men?
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Fine I look like this.
BRAYDEN NOO! He's gonna wear Hawaiian shirts and smoke weed and get stis and yeast infections! NOOOOOO
Your facial features are fine, but you should take care of yourself more eventually, brother. I don’t mean this in a stupid “cut your hair, no piercings, hit the gym” sort of way, just in general.

You’re crusty, but I find this excusable in the stages of early passing. With university it’s also hard to find the time/money, just make sure to prioritize it once you’re out of there so you don’t end up crustier.

That is, unless ugly-bastardmoding or fedoramoding is your ideal. I’m not one to judge one’s aesthetic preferences so long as they’re executed with confidence and intent.
Lol, I don't know where you got this silly notion that you are a man.

You are an ugly mutilated woman who will kill herself in the next few years.
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>he’s more of a man than you’ll ever be.
My face texture issues are due to dermatilomania, besides this idk what you mean by crusty, but yeah that will probably improve but it will take years but I don't want to be picking my skin forever when I'm like old, but yeah in terms of skin that is the case, i have severely damaged my skin. Anyways post your face if you want me to care about your advice though
Also please use a word besides "crusty", it makes you sound like a brown woman, which I'm assuming you must be
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haii do you want free tomboy sex?
Aap is pretty much non existent
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Bros….. is it worth going to a lesbian club? I’m not transitioned and there will apparently be an event close to me the only issue is they describe themselves as ”radical sapphics” I fear i’m too autistic and dysphoric to fit in plus the entry is 10 dollar
Sorry, not literally crusty. Colloquially, in my area, it’s used more to mean “disheveled” or “unkept”.
>skin picking
Sucks. Pimple patches really helped me stop. Using 2 q tips instead of my fingers if I do get the urge to dig in on something also helps minimize the damage.
>post face
Not in the cards for me. No skin off my back if you don’t care. Live your life, my man.
You should find a husband and get pregnant
I’ll be more conscious of my word choice so as not to trigger your mommy issues, no worries.
Nice glasses. I've been looking to get a new pair.
i coukd tell you were brown because brown women have high personal hygiene standards to cope with racism, they are the top consumers of vagasil
Thanks. These are Oakleys metal frame but my other 2 pairs have been ducks unlimited for wider frames
Nice. I like simpler designs for glasses.
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It's honestly become hilarious how anytime a young FtM asks for advice here within a few minutes the replied solution is always getting pregnant
I goon when the full moons out goonwolf goon night gooning in the witching hour
gloves high end portraiture very impressive
Gn cute vagina bois
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hope it's the big sleep this time
Does it give you sexual gratification to know you look like a gay pedophile?

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