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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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first for kys frotty
2nd for cute guys
Nth for feet
lurve u
another troll thread
time to jerk it
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not really
like, at all
is this frotty?
I had a reflective thought earlier about how many men I’ve came inside and if my soul is fragmented however many times that may be. I wondered if they ever think about me cumming inside them. If they were in that moment.
My penis is more than one standard deviation of the US average, and more than two standard deviations from the global average
what’s with xerome now?
thinkgen bout ass
Nobody out pizzas the hut.
I had pizza hut for the first time in, like, a decade last week
bf wanted pizza but something different, so we went there
worst fucking pizza I've ever had and it was more expensive than anywhere else too
Delta :)
's small pp >///<
the greentext means no
Wet. Oily. Dry. Bland. Spicy. Dicey. Lemon. Slicey.
Pizza hut is king.
le sigh
jacking it to gay
Kek proud of you bb.
nobody ever jerked off to my ass
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Great Lakes Pizza is my favourite, but if I had to pick a "big" chain I'd go with Red Swan
I'm not my self tonight... Tonight I'm not the same girl.
you are so annoying
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This song makes me remember all the butterflies and heebie jeebies when I starting crushing on a guy.
i tired myself out playing warthunder so much that my eyes are blurry and i cant read your post
I think I'm gonna stop worrying about my BF questioning if/why I'm gone longer than makes sense so I can cheat way more and enjoy it mroe instead of quickies.

>desperately trying to convince himself he doesn't want me
odds continue gay
evens find something straight
What vehicles?
Should I do Leyndell or Volcano Manor first?
i was playing the spitfire with my brother because he just started playing so it was fun
I don't bloody want you, I want your pp's pics.
>getting crossfaded with my bf
>unbelievably horny
>want to jump his bones right there
>start rubbing his dick through his pants
>"ah, sorry, probably not a good idea tonight; I think I might have another bladder infection"
so you know what I did? I stayed up until 3am playing video games
What about White Mercedes or LIghtning?
>want to finger ass
>grab new lube
>cut finger opening lube
>lots of blood
>still kinda horny cause i like blood
>put finger in ass
>finger starts to burn a shit ton
>pull it out and run it under water in a hurry
>finger smells of blood and shit
is this god punishing me for being a faggot?
Yes and slightly less yes. Lightning feels so extra but in a good way.
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Do you think the guys at the gym will make fun of my undies?
that shit was gay
but at least my gaygen vacation is over
omg what brand is that
I ain't no cheap camwhore
subscribe to my onlyfans
No in a yes way, they might as well start using you freely if you keep showing/raising it
neat thread
Endless Gaygen Vacation
uh oh. I feel the cheese kicking in
woops forgot link

I've gone through my cycle
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Can't read my, can't read my
No, xe can't read my nyomin' face (he's nyoms crisps like nobody)
Can't read my, can't read my
No, xe can't read my nyomin' face (he's nyoms crisps like nobody)

Nyo-nyo-nyo-nyomer phase, nyo-nyo-nyomer phase (mum-mum-mum-mah)
Nyo-nyo-nyo-nyomer phase, nyo-nyo-nyomer phase (mum-mum-mum-mah)
double gay
nice fake news
I also almost like claws, but only for the sole reason of the fact that a certain someone that I perceived as a straight crush had it in the playlist, so he's gotta be at least just a little bit faggy.
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Suddenly my chips are fish and chips
It all goes slow-mo
I don’t know why I’m nyoming
Am I suspended in /gigi/?
Not until I’m ready for (You)s
Not until I’m ready for (You)s
Can I have them all?
>30 seconds between
Bish really paid for a 4chan pass to scat post.
came imagining topping that black twink

had a vision of my future
shyly dating a gay twink
having passionate sex
building a meaningful bond
after the breakup meet some alt-woman with a cool haircut & 'MEGAMILK' crop top
marry her and have kids
you did!?
Miss Caribbean
you bloody deltoid, why must you hurt me like this? if only you knew how much pain I go throug>h every night...
ball so hard motherfuckers wanna fine me
he's also a mentally ill bigger that probably never had luck interracting positively or being listened and heard when he was younger so he might as well should be left alone talking and blabbering to himself about himself like a good schizo in the house of soft padded rooms
uh that’s a beauty pageant
go outside mate and chill out
>I wanna FUGGGG
>okay fine let's fugg
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It’s a brand too. I like this one also
the do be chillin
If only life were so simple…
Animals are so cool. I love dinosaurs
My final message: https://voca.ro/1hA4ExzZf1S0
are you an abdl or something?

When two males who do not immediately reject each other are introduced into their own enclosure (read: a zoo enclosure (where animals are held involuntarily), an apartment, (a type of human zoo enclosure that the humans enter voluntarily), a prison cell, a ship's quarters), homosexual behavior has been observed to be common.
Uh no just inebriated on the devil flower
taking a dump rn
just took a big debaser
So we need to trap bishit in an apartment with bichass.
sounds like you need a hug and a cuddle
Brook Lynn Heights looks like a faggot here.
Imagine the smell.
I'm not upset right now but that would be nice:)
*waggles eyebrows*
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Idt nismo likes my coony shorts so I'm gonna take the hint and f/o
Feel I've got my shit sorted. I like whatever I wanna like & everyone else is mad tarded


No, what needs to happen is an okay-looking bishit needs to be trapped in an apartment with ME because we'll understand each other and then that way we don't bother the real fags. Everybody wins.
do you believe in aliens

>raccoons who like rainbows: reservoirs of viruses
>posted in a thread for homoseuxal men, who like rainbows are reservoirs of viruses

What did he mean by this?
You’re also a confused virgin homophobic gay bottom?
That would a good ending too. Please go back together to hell hopefully.
Oi I just said not confused posting anymore
I'll be the big spoon and if you're smoll enough, I might have you sit on my lap.
nothing is free, not even cum
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>My final message
>not confused
But are you a male virgin?
Right lad I don't know if you're trying to mommy me or daddy me
If it's the latter then I ain't bloody having it

if it's the former then cool :)
What's the difference?
mommying: provokes subdued pleasant response
daddying: provokes hostile combative response
yes, we have a least two itt
there has to be life out there
but they either haven't found us or they have and think we're too thick to bother with
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Yes the proof is right here.
I still don't get it, but I'm very paternalistic. :)
I don't mind them. I just forget to reply sometimes
Lol probably something something Oedipus Rex
I'm sure you'd like to be doted on.

thanks doc
demon do not tempt me to a two wank evening
There's a whole thread of her milking son dick on gif
tfw no mommy bgf
Oh, what if you had a mommy and daddy at the same time?
I don't want a daddy
and the only threesome I want is two oiled up twinks tying me up and edg

Wait I'm meant to be sleeping
is pain
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I can't actually have the highest body count of a bisexual here. My rizz is moldy wet roadkill strewed over a sewer grate. You're all in on one big funny joke.
Why are American gays so dumb and shallow?
faggot ass bitch
They model themselves on American women, who are the most odious creatures to roam the planet.
So you're saying you're a naughty boy staying up late.
what’s your number?
I hate my stupid fat BF I really hope he dies a demon gets him whatever. I begged Andras for a sign these past two nights and I'd sign a pact in blood but I'm must gonna do it.

Should I post my blood sigil to 4chan?

Was just drifting to sleep imagining losing my virginity to a 60yo woman till some birds outside woke me
might pursue that unironically

odds: older woman
evens: twink
No, but I have a deal. I might pray to the other God to take your pain and fat boyfriend away if you ask your demon twink bf to take the desperate bi disgrace out/keep them in their ill respective gen. Is that ok? Might join if your deity can turn mistakes into miracles.
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after 2 months of the service shop shuffling their feet and making a million excuses i finally have my car fixed and returned to me. cleaned out all the garbage that the thief left behind in my car. here are some of the things i found:
cheap jewelry (probably stolen)
all the tools he used to break into my car and my sister's truck (tiny handheld drills, wrenches, screwdrivers, dude had like a "car break-in" kit or something)
nasty ratty clothes
horrible cologne
a walgreen's brand bottle of ibuprofen with 2 (two) cloudy crystalline shard things inside that i guarantee was drugs
some tiny wallet/bag thing that had his personal ID in it, 2 condoms, a membership card thing to a strip club in denver, an american express card that he stole from some asian guy, $38 in cash and a quarter
a crucifix necklace (do y'all think jesus forgave him?)
a glass of water (i am not kidding an actual glass cup of water)
a single fucking ski that he probably stole off the top of someone's car
and a bunch of other shit like a reese's cup wrapper.
had to wash my hands thoroughly after tossing everything.
Looks like you have some work to do.
Vers it up with a twink
Shag a woman 25 years my senior. Maybe cook dinner for her too

Wow, texas sounds vibrant and exciting.
this is taking place in colorado.
Oh, I just assumed. Colorado is kind of, meh.
Just 3. 1 actual relationship.
I'm so sad
u wish

nice ass, does it grow from suckin cock?

captcha FAGW0
abloo abloo
oh i have way more than that but most of it was during mental health episodes
I’m so ______
Did they catch the guy?
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>but most of it was during mental health episodes
Based to be honest
Have you been farty at the party or are you a party pooper in a stupor?
every bottom wants a bi top who is only incidentally bi by the fact he's actually not into men, as a whole, you're just the wildly rare exception that he's gay for and he'd never leave you for another man because "guys are gross, except for you"
Sounds temporary.
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I need a 5' 1" muscle ginger dedicated hole and clinically trained cocksleave to call my husband. Is that too much to ask for?
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South Park is FtM Coded "sir."
I was dating a guy recently who was similar. Not quite that short, though.
Shut the fuck up Wolfgang alt.
Ideal bottom desu.
I knew that was going to happen. the excavator operator needed to ease into a stop
Why hasn't the government sanctioned musclehole boyfriend breeding chambers?
They literally hate us. Horror is right there though. You could just have that.
American "White" Women. The other ones are decent, for the most part. Lotta sweethearts among them. PSA brought to you by: The Miscegenation Extraordinaire.
The Real Trick = white women poop Open your eyes Bisexuals
I hate this stupid fat body. You're not wanted here fatty. Stupid pig.
Mogs me. Im literally fatter than them.
We know.
One of these days I'll have to make a trip out to Seattle and visit the Diesel bar.
what’s the diesel bar?
Jiggling butts
I always wonder why so many people on here believe that bis and gays should mix. Let's be clear, as a bisexual I am not interested in being with a man, I'm solely interested in fucking them. They are hot but useless for anything other than being a cumdumpster.
There is no reason for us to engage in gay culture any more than is necessary to once in a while suck a cock or fuck a bottom
It's a bear/masc bar
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The girls here have absolutely destroyed Blu. Maybe you should leave for a while.
Same thing happened to shiza, beagle and sissy.
4chins needs a lbg board and a t board
those also should separate by skin color
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I can't wait to make steak gorgonzola alfredo for my farmer friends on Monday. They're apparently going to make fresh bread to go with it.
How do you ask if someone is actually the age they say they are without sounding like a creep?
How much money would you pay to be raped?
if it’s by a power bottom, i’d pay my entire life savings
I already ate too much food b ut should i ruink drive to buy some cheez itza because i want osme really bad
yes but you should just break up with him
i think its morally worse to kill your boyfriend than it is to just break up with him
we know
I think the Costa Rican guy is a bit racist. He's fine with having threesomes with Hispanic guys (today) and white guys. But he totally refused a threesome with a black guy he bottomed for a bunch.

He also regularly asks me who I hookup with and if they're black. He's said some negative things about black people too like he was selling his PC to someone on Facebook marketplace and "had to check if the guy is black first" lmao.

Why are Latinx folxs racist bros?
For their safety and wellbeing
They've already made up their mind that they do not like a group of people regardless of their character. I wish for them to experience great racism and discrimination in their lives and I will not feel a tinge of guilt for their suffering. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind, but maybe the world ought to go blind and walk cluelessly into traffic.
Some of the college boys have started a running group apparently and they run all over town with no shirts on in the heat. God is good
Mom’s spaghetti
That's a very complex, reactionary and grounded thought for an obese black tranny. Who are you quoting?
Men hate me, Women hate me. I will become a GOD amongst mankind.
The Costa Rican guy wants me to stay the night with him when his hubby leaves :3.
The vocaroo or what i wrote? I know I'm a good writer. Cry about it, honky.
Thirsty bottom
Laura Zepam
The latter.
That's something you will be called often.
Blu villain arc
i put your little expert into my journal
Don't care
How am I a villain?
Why? It's not even that good. I was being sarcastic. not about them suffering though. Just about being a good writer.
*updates journal*
Stop putting my writing into your stupid, little gay journal with SpongeBob stickers on it, you freak.
everything is so fucking boring holy shit how do you people live your pathetic lives like this
Alcohol helps.
shut up retard
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Sniffing and kissing men
>bi edition
wow that’s me ok!

I never got over anything. I have a big gay retard brain where I keep ghosts, ghouls, goblins, etc. Sometimes I be straight-up dancing to the Allman Brothers so to speak. But sometime I have those dark thoughts and I’m suffering in silence. I was diagnosed with cyclothymia and I’m sad right now.

I had a boyfriend in college but we broke up and he’s gone trans now. Then I got a girlfriend (not trans) and that was fun for a while but she dumped me because of my aforementioned big gay retard brain. I live alone now and I eat lots of yogurt. Other than sad, I currently have a headache and I’m really tired. I’m going to go to sleep and hopefully I sleep for an incredibly long time.
i liked it
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It's too hot
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My fat BF is trying in a few ways but I know it's a farce also if I ever tried to just be happy and normal he'd scream at me and guilt me. He also wouldn't let me live the kind of social life he'd guilt and get angry with me if I give up that kind of control.

Andras help me. Andras end it all.
Why though what sold it for you
your going to have to end it
you need to accept that your boyfriend isnt just going to drop dead one day
he could, but probably won't
do you really want to invest another year into this relationship? ten? twenty?
It’s so fucking hot. My feet get so clammy I need to wear socks. It’s hard to sleep at night I try to have my window open. I might move to the cold in Canada and just die in Canada. Die when I get to Canada. Unless quite possibly there are boyfriends and girlfriends there and life and all that.
Good for you having your college relationship end. I wish mind ended in college. I've been with my BF since 17 and he's fat and horrible now I hate it
>An eye for an eye makes the world go blind, but maybe the world ought to go blind and walk cluelessly into traffic.
bottom x bottom relationship where they both relentlessly pound each other's bussies until they're battered, bruised, and twitching. cum dripping out both their holes while they kiss and makeout like a couple of fags.
No I don't even want to invest -5 yrs into it but I'm stuck.
this prison exists purely in your mind
start slow, take steps towards ending it
first step
>finding a place to live
>when he keeps hinting that he's bisexual
sweety i fetishize straight men. couldn't you just lie to me?
i could be wrong but any guy willing to have sex with a man probably isn't straight
wow your telling me the guy cheating on his wife doesnt have good moral character?
that's not the point. my ego needs me to feel like i conquered a /real/ man
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I got hugged by a girl earlier this week and it really brightened my day.
I am literally going to just give black magic a try for a while and one or two demonic rituals this weekend. And if that doesn't work idc fml it's pointless anyways. Maybe will kms at that point.
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gonna die have to sit still all weekend
your in denial
He is cute. Who is that? Your ride?
why does gaygen have such bad taste?
will there be casu marzu and cannonau?
Am I still prison gay if I kissed a dude and liked it?
cause only italians would see literal maggots in their cheese and think: it's still good
no just one of the men I daydream about on social media
As long as you respect them, and are willing to prove yourself, it will work. Be respectful to the demons! And make sure you don't break promises...
Yeah, I like that Mexican dude who dances to Sexy Red songs. A bit zesty that one.
"you have to pay me to listen to music"
lmao so fucking stupid
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You'd be surprised sis.
Slow night it seems.
i was listening to music without anybody telling me to do so
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It’s really annoying dealing with people like this.
i had my twink literally moaning like a girl when i was sucking his shit it was so funny LMAO
our gender dysphorics are going to HATE this one
Sensitive bottom pp is peak
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Bottom rights will be defended against Project 2025 at all costs.
put one through your brainstem
No. More married men need to be satisfied and there are cocks that go unsucked.
at least you know your worth
Aren’t you in your late 20s?
>Big dick they/them top in my area is into me
Am I lucky or unlucky?
21 and 2 months.
stop namefagging
I don't like it when a man sucks my dick. I don't say anything but I silently lose respect for him.
Oh, I thought you were. I was going to say you should look at settling down.
From a virgin to a high octane ho in a couple of weeks. Gifted.
see >>36587905
For a bottom Steve has a non-bitchy, direct masculine personality.
Hey, Steve, why d'you shut up? I dont mind your namefaggery as I like your personality.

Tops shouldn't acknowledge my dick, let alone suck it. I'm a bottom.
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I’m going to post a few design things I never got to do anything with. Long story, design was approved but the business went under before it was printed.
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ok? id never do anything with you so i dont care what youre into?
Brcause you aren't attractive or hung enough to fuck me. You're a bottom larping as a top, deepthroating cock and all.
why do you smell like shrimp?
Just noticed, that’s not the final version. The font is different, but close enough.
>putting my foot on his head while he sucks me off
this is how to establish dominance over bf, you step on them
That's fucking awesome. Amazing logo
Are you making a mascot horror game?
I want my top to do this in doggy, but I don't like asking for things. :/
I'd flip fuck me all day and night. Idk what this was supposed to prove.
no one asked, plus, don't repli 2 me, you're not intelligent.
I am extremely intelligent and will work a six figure job after graduation. I'll be a bath house gremlin post grad and settle down with a hubby when I hit 30.
Well im glad you will God knows I want nothing to do with you LMAO
jesus you look like a fucking school shooter idk what i was expecting out of this website
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Thank you! There’s only one part that’s original to the brewery’s logo. It was part of a branding change, but too late. I just like that I was given creative freedom.

I think(?) this was the actual final version. Subtle differences.
No I don't. You're just an uggo, your opinion doesn't matter. You will never fuck as many hung men as I do in a day.
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>No I don't
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? i only "left" cause i got doxxed not "destroyed"
No, but I did work on a horror game for a while before some friends dropped the project because they didn’t want to commit to it. Kind of a shame, really; even for me it was unsettling, but I leaned heavily into surrealism and the uncanny. I might still have the UE4 files for it.
Another Friday night wasted totally alone and bored other than my BF bitching at me and being fat. I seriously want to die. I might kms next month.
Leave him. Stop trollin'!
I can't bring myself to do that. I know anyone else would. If nothing else he was decent when we were younger and I was difficult and needed somebody in my life. I guess that is a form of love?
I want to fucking die. It really wouldn't be bad. You don't exactly suffer for it you just don't exist anymore. Literally cannot be bad at all.

If there's a hell though satan can have my soul if he gets me out of this shit
Channel that into art.
Genuinely just feel like suicide is a good option.. Maybe a clever way like getting hit by a car so it looks accidental. Less traumatic for those around me.
being a gay nigga with muslim roomates is fucking crazy
is that even possible?
I'll fuck your boyfriend/husband and make them forget about you. You can never compete.
Please do sis. I'm tired of your daily drivel.
Idk why it feels like an appealing option rn. But it really does.
namefags are destruction
some are fine, but then you have people like larp steve.
If you take my outlandish claims with a grain of salt, most of what I say is true. For example, I did actually have a threesome today with two Hispanic men.
none are fine
all are misery
Wish I had a gun so I could kms in a random fit like I deserve
pussy ass faggot bitch
Why do some people never find love?
dont pretend like you have standards
Just had a cute fit twink laying on my chest, life is good bros
>my self worth is determined by the physical attractiveness and resemblance to children of the people around me
Why do you come to brag?
Im unsatisfied. Like, I can never feel fulfilled with anything around me. E everytime I post something I want to feel something but end up always feeling nothing. This post makes me feel nothing. I don't even know why I say I'm sad in this state of ennui, indifference, and a faint somberness, a longing for a life more beautiful.
I just really really like this person. He’s hot and smart and he makes me laugh. He also really likes me back which is nice. I feel like every other guy I’ve meet had either been super cold towards me or obsessed and desperate but this one acts really nicely. He just makes me feel good idk. I’m just fucking scared he won’t want to hang out later /;
He probably will so stop worrying but please dont brag some people like me are never loved no matter how hard I try
probably what the costa Rican guy felt. I rested my head on his chest for hours while we cuddled and watched soccer. It was so fucking nice, I nearly fell asleep on his chest.
shit I meant will as in continue seeing you
I hope you both get set on fire by Muslims. You sound insufferable.
and throat goat man in?
I'll sell you my Mossberg 940 JM PRO in a private sale (no background check) for $1000. One buckshot shell will be included.
counterpoint: if you have to namefag on an anonymous site to brag about access to men, you are not fulfilled
He just sent me a selfie so I think he’s still interested

This guy is super cuddly, like literally all he wants to do is cuddle, and I get why some people are annoyed when people very physically clingy like him, but honestly it just makes me feel good about myself. He just acts in love with my body and face
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They're just sharing a positive thing that happened to them
run your hands through his hair, caress his body and grope his butt. I loved letting him caress my body however he wants while I don't react and just stay cuddled on his chest.
They'd say the guy I was seeing if they wanted to do that describing typically desired traits in the gay community is a brag
cause niggers are disgusting?
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