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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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most terrible female girls
last >>36582599
qott: do you think you're a selfish person?
no but everyone here is
here before certain posters come here and contaminate
qott yeah gimme pp now! gimme! mine!
why would i not?
it’s called being based
all humans are selfish everyone always acts on their own self interest
No. But cissies are. I just want my girl d to be licked god damn it.
now, now
let the white people talk sweetie

i am white
uncomfortable sexual thoughts
hope they don't show up in dreems
ur a nappy headed halfbreed

ok and


im sorry about your breakup. i hope you feel better.
ty. i am focus on working out n getting srs and also will get large blackout tattooing performed as i no longer have to be babysitting a 30something manchild with my free time. how is ur summer?
qott: i think i have selfish thoughts but i act on them not that often i hope
I caught myself talking to myself. Is COVID making me go insane?
no you're just retarded

its going pretty good its way too hot so ive been staying inside for the most part i might go to the lake next time it gets rly hot. what surgeon do u think you're gonna get srs from. n btw how much is like average for getting a full arm sleeve from a decent tattoo artist. ive been thinking abt getting one to cover up scars.
i don wanna talk 2 much about srs deets cuz i am shook of saboteurs (not totally schizo just prolly smart 2 not spew personal medical plans here)
full sleeve? maybe 4k. depends on the artists rate and if its a time consuming style, color, blackgrey all factors 2 b considerd.

how is talking to yourself retarded, most ppl talk to themselves
nasa should make a asteroid hit the earth and kill everything
i am one of your many gangstalkers
they've been out in full force lately...i think my bf waved them off for a while so we could rly be alone together a few times since the we split i think he re-tasked all my gangstalker units for 24/7 surveillance
Isn't there talks of an Asteroid that will hit in 2029? I welcome it if so.
another night
another lonely bed

an asteroid*
well deserved
an asteroid?
use that big brain bestie
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why do you think i deserve to be alone? because i don't think the same things you do? that doesn't make any sense
just because you think i'm a "terf" doesn't mean i don't deserve a boyfriend
wanna dance?
i can't dance desu im terrible at it
i used to do ballet as a young kid but i stopped bc i was getting bullied for it
I'm selfish in a way that benefits others.
you're a gay male, you are not a terf. feminism isnt for you hon
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time to roll the dice on nightmares
hope that other anon having bad dreams sleeps well tonight too

you're a bisexual male, i don't see how that's any different. no reason to be so hateful just bc im a gay transwoman

thats probably a good idea. where is your favorite place to eat in nyc
im an asexual afab nb
can you see how thats kinda different?
kill yourself, tonight xx
theres crypto-ballet if ppl get bullied outta doing it by peers or whatever. hurdles/high and long jump, some martial art with focus on flexibility, sry ppl r wack n bullied u.
it was chiaras pizza but thats only cuz i was drunk all the time in that neighborhood and everything hit different back then...idk anymore rather stay home n make simple high protein meals and not be perceived. how bout u?
no you're not
if you are then you don't belong in a thread for transwomen

>some martial art with focus on flexibility
i did taekwondo, not the most flexible but i also did a bit of tai chi
i was also good at the thing where you would jump over a bar onto a landing pad, and i did parkour for quite a while too
but i have trouble doing dancing proper, being vulnerable like that is scary
holy based
it's good to be selfish. didn't u read atlas shrugged?
cmon paige. lets make tonight great, kill yourself
it would b cool
not happening.. yawn..

i saw this for the first time recently
lol i laughed so hard
sneeder peter should cut himself and contemplate suicide tonight instead of sleeping tbdesu

this thread rn
if you're afab then just fuck off
if not, which imo is quite likely, then stop larping and just accept that you're amab and get over yourself

joke's on you i contemplate suicide every night instead of sleeping
yeah. stage fright igi. i nvr dance no more ngl i feel old n cringe...i bet if i did drugs id wildout lol
>over a bar onto alanding pad
i think thats high jump lol...the other one is polevult or w/e...
look at this canadian kys commercial lmao

lol i dont remember i went there a lot when i was little, a couple times when i was like 17 i was usually on an itinerary im going to probably fly back to nj/ny sometime soon to visit mom and friends im gna go to the best restaurants. i really want to go to shopsins and g&r deli
afabs are allowed to post here
you fuck off and eat lead
atlas seethed
i would much rather afabs post here then u paige
atlas sneethed

thoughts on objectivism ?
>look at this canadian kys commercial lmao
kinda gross desu
>bet if i did drugs id wildout lol
yeh i mean drugs do help, i danced a bit coming down off shrooms one time listening to Tragedy by the BGs

>afabs post here then u paige
ok well get paul to post then i'll poster after
qott: no! i want everyone to find their peace in the world. helping others is the only way that we can create harmony in the world <3
i mean its mtfg but also it might be nice to have some new faces and opinions. its not like theyre gonna take over the gen
you should cut deeper than you did last night
complain about my grammar 2 avoid confronting the fact that no one actually wants you here lol
or idk maybe not paul i don't recall if they were assigned afab or not, the point is that saying you want afabs to post THEN me is different than saying you would prefer afabs post THAN me

no im probably not gonna cut gain for a while, u should stop harassing me desu it's weird

yea they do
stop posting if u don't like it
gaygen is right there if u want a place 2 post in
>yea they do
nope this is the thread for transwomen
im a transwoman
you can go to discord where you don't have to worry about wrongthink
imagine how nomi will feel if paige stops posting
i once tried position in gaygen and then everyone switched to a new thread that had a no trannies rule :/
like literally right after my post
feels bad
no we dont
i hope u eat something gud
right? shit kinda made me queasy. still funny cuz how absurd this timeline got
you are a cancer you are not pleasant to interact with you are little more than a self hating gay man and you know it's not going to get better for you, honest question why are you still alive?
sham cult
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did you see this? imaging missing an assassination target bc you were too busy wanking to porn on your phone lol

im pleasant and am trying to be even more pleasant
you are subhuman
i mean he was a 20 year old republican so he was probably looking at tranner porn :\
just run a warm bath and slice urself open and it'll all be over quick
thoughts on the mind body problem? do you favour dualism or materialism (not the consumerist kind, but like eliminative materialism or whatever)?

and ppl call ME a nadzee

idk most republicans do not like trannies, that's a weird hypothesis

exsanguination (bleeding out) is extremely painful
lol wut if he busted on trimps ear
it would be over quickly
i guarantee some facebook boomer who hates le drunpf has already photoshopped the blood out and replaced it with cum for a meme
i love vodka
its an interesting part of psychology that a group of people that dislikes another group tends to watch a *lot* of porn of that group.
i mean, even pornhub stats from red states show that gay and trans porn are massive hits there lol. and we just saw a grindr outage because of the republican national convention.
its sad. theyre reppers too in a way. :( their lives could be so much better if they released the hate from their hearts.
no because they say they dont, so that why its not true
>its an interesting part of psychology that a group of people that dislikes another group tends to watch a *lot* of porn of that group.
idk if i believe that, it just sounds like armchair psychology
who cares about what a site that hosts csem says

Sad but <reds monologue about missing andy>.
youll find that republicans are very very good at saying one thing while doing another.
god ugh
people are like that
republicans do it
democrats do it
all kinds of people
saying only the people you don't like do it blinds you to your own hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of those you think are good reeeeeee
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um no republicans are the good guys
demoncrats are literally chopping up babies and forcing gender transition on all children world wide
stop persecuting me for wrong think
i can't tell if this is paige or someone parodying him
Is it male or female to like traditional old weapons like swords and knives and stuff?
wish i was cute enough for _
democrats bad republicans bad both are bad you don't have to simp for one because you dislike the other they both suck and neither are your friend nor do they have your interests at heart

im not a republican
i dislike republicans and republicanism

what do you think of poleaxes
i see alot of women with sword tattoos down the middle of their backs.
so maybe?
Poleaxes are cool, not a huge fan of spears though
omg ugh
stop i hate everyone and all political parties are bad
can you male bodied people stop persecuting me for wrong think?
ngl this was kinda funny
i mean democrats are wet noodles and frankly a terrible party but at least their constituency doesnt call for my death on a daily basis
the polearm is the large feline of melee weaponry.
lol again
y'know what I'm gonna go shave my body
*stretches and yawns and curls up next to the thread fireplace and purrs*

Feels so good, mane.
this is literally 1964 animal crossing a brave snew world
im l;literally being gang stalked and harassed just for my opinions
i just cant fathom why anyone would get upset over my opinions
i come to the male bodied general to discuss male bodied things, thats it
and they hate me for it. they hate me, because i tell the truth
>not a huge fan of spears though
aww way not? personally if i had to choose a peak general use weapon it would be a quarterstaff just bc it's the basis for polearms and i like polearms
sideswords are cool too though, and i have a blunt kriegsmesser and blunt saber and a sharp messer and they're all pretty nice too

sneed harder tranya

again i never talk about being persecuted, you're just acting out some bizarre fantasy of what you think i believe rather than what i actually think
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time for sleep tho fr any more posts after this are not me as i will be asleep good night frens and others

I agree with whoever is against the beetlejuice sequel.
why are you mad my fellow male bodied gay male?
im literally here just sharing my opinions
stop bullying me for it
>sneed harder tranya
not me making those posts lol
dualism of course
I want to sniff some sweaty balls.
Idkkk just always thought lanced were lame
Actually I like spears but not lanced
I love axes though and knives

I'm not a cat I'm a different animal
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i gotta get gud at being alone again.
when do the dude touch withdrawal symptoms stop :(
dual (1971) was a good movie
dual (2022) was a good movie
flight 2 seattle in 55 hours ....
it never stops bc we have our innermost being with and within others
duel ?
wats in ther
like half a year in my experience before its mostly gone
yeah kinda
don't look up was a p cool movie i liked the part where the giant asteroid hit the earth and killed everyone
have u all seen the three body problem on Netflix
there was this rly cool scene of like a medieval civilization being burned to death by a solar event no spoilers but it was so cool
i decided to drink this morning and now i feel queasy im just biding the time until i throw up water isn't helping i hate this feeling i need to stop drinking
yea the one where dennis weaver gets stalked by a mac truck

i love killer car movies
a glaive would be cool
my gf
i need my little angel in my arms Now.
thats awesum
need to put a cigarette out on her
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do this to me
need to study mandarin with her and go to china with her and make movies with her and teach her how to ride a motorcycle
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yes definitely.

gay lads don't want trannies yeh. if they were into tits and feminine features they wouldn't be in the gaygen for gay men.

depends. pretty sure it's mbrained to fantasize about having a reason to use them or to collect them for that reason. if you like how they look then probably neutral.
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girls, I got a boyfriend

now what? I honestly never expected it to happen, cause I have BPD. I don't think he understands that I'm mentally very ill. Do I? Keep up the masquerade of pretending to be a sane human entity. Or do I just let insanity slowly consume all?
Ruin him you need to ruin him
get obsessive and give him mixed messages.
rember to push him away before he can hurt you :D
Mother dearest
Depends on how experienced he is. If he hasn't been in a lot of relationships before, don't tell him, and he'll just think all girls are crazy.
Mother queerest
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limp wristed high 5 at you anon, like two queers celebrating the return of Glee
morning angel
i really do love you
if gay men don't want me then literally who does ;~;
hopeless junction is so fucking good holy shit
get away
>i love you, person ive never met, who treats me poorly, hiding behind being scared to avoid talking with me, forcing me to embarrass and constantly defend myself on the tranny board
bummer that i’m not a transbian that all seems so fun
kill yourself
sorry you aren't my victim
but then i wouldn’t b alive
grace is on coke again
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people who are more or less bi ime. unless you get srs then maybe others too idk.
bi men?
i really do love you
bummer wummer summer
god is so cruel
drip bad
cod is gruel
tfw no bf to make me feel small
the verb for work in german is 'arbeiten', and japanese uses this as a loan word for Part Time Job, アルバイト
marina i am in love with you
janny i am in love with you
do you mean it
everything is spinning and i just want to be loved
do you?
i like when she goes schto schto schto schto schto and za!! za... za za za za...zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,,,,,, za za! zaaaaaaaahhhh
Sorry! Email, the early form of internet communication, will be shutting down on July 28th.
i linked that song but honestly the one right after it is so much better i don't know what i was thinking this album is so fuckin cool as fuck
you should learn what its like to love the air and be free
ching -.- chong -.- bing -.- bong -.-
*chinky School girl giggles*
Yes, brother! Exactly!
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>Yes, brother! Exactly!
well *i'm* having fun
friday night who up but rlly wish they was dead?
friday night who up dancing to dinosaurs
i make people buy into my delusion of being a woman, so yes

every transbian is double-selfish so i'm glad i like men
you alri then gurl, we 2 of a kind
he gets me
i couldn't compete with that
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Apparently its only 20c but it feels way fucking hotter we should block out the sun its inhuman to wake up to this heat
only janny could beat that dinosaur
wanna make out
if you post it,
they will come
make a post a home
ya but i need to brush cuz i ate a runs sandwich and that's not a vibe
tuna sandwich, wtf is a runs sandwich
ok well make out after
i do not sleep as i hoped.
puting things into timelines helps ty
u both got dubs so both tru?
realistically what do u think a trans girl summer would even look like
a What?
like every other summer. 3 months of staying in the house
trans girl summer
i want more drugs
i love hands. i think hands might be one of my favourite parts of the body
me too. where's the plug
check ur outlet socket
ok i checked but it wouldn't sell me drugs
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we should block out the sun for skin health reasons imo. also easy fix to heat just turn the aircon up a bit lole :^)

what does this even mean?
that's what im asking
can u really score drugs on grindr? how do you spot a plug
>we should block out the sun for skin health reasons imo
i forget tht sunscreen is for more than just skincare now and my boobs end up getting burned because i only go out with it on my face
I have no clue but I want to see it
What kind of drugs do you do anon
yeh there are plugs on almost every “dating” app. just look for the normal emojis, or a bio that directly tells you they sell
i opened this thread to ask how shameful it is to go on grindr but now i really wanna know what kind of drugs i could get from sucking a guys dick so id feel less bad about the whole thing
opioids and stims
ask again
i dont get drugs on grindr theyre from friends
I've looked and i only spotted one profile in a far off state that seemed to suggest they were dealers.
lol I have ibuprofen
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like this
Ok whatever GRACE im not a narc
o are u not in a city. they’re in cities anon
trans girl summer is going to underground raves every night and taking the laundry list of drugs that people offer you then going to your job at starbucks at 5 am right after the rave
comfy looking spot desu I'd sleep all day if that were my bed
ibuprofen ;-;
i’m better off sticking with my silly little 10mg edibles i’m scared of ibuprofen
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>boobs end up getting burned
yeahh i burnt my chest like months ago and it's still slightly red i hate it.
the modern aircon was was invented like over 40 years ago.
old ppl dying to heat waves, everyone struggling with sleep during the summer and radiators drying the air out during winter was solved ages ago already pls get ur shit together europe this is ridiculous.
i could really use some neck kisses
yeah thats actually kind of accurate
but like. you know. platonically
i had a lil fan but it broke last summer :((
europe will not survive climate change.
I want to be dead
they'll just turn into Australians
i really want you to live and be happy
cause i miss you all the time
not until they topple the big radiator. when my gf came over she was basically like wtf are those when she saw one. it's like the american vents - a cryptid to foreigners.
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Normally I'm only into men but I think I'm beginning to have a thing for twinkhons... Unsure what's going on with my brain atm
i'm not emotionnaly avaible
i hate being annoying
it's over
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weeeeeeeeeeeee woooooooooooo
kill me (You) fucking know who
its only annoying to insist ur annoying bestie
am i asexual or are 99% of men just completely repulsive to me the moment they open their mouths? where are the tolerable men istg i will find you and i will suck out your soul through your dick
It's now my goal to improve my personality to Stage Tolerable.
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I don't really talk that much to older guys but I secretly hope they're a bit more tolerable than the 20-somethings I talk to now
Maybe you just need to find a cute adorable himbo that you can happily ignore the second he opens his mouth. Or a quiet autist that doesn't talk at all
UGHHHHHHH i am though
having sex to 140 bpm remix of Low by T Pai
maybe i should try talking to older guys but i’m only 20 and i’m scared i’m gonna get taken advantage of because I was stupid enough to get taken advantage of by girls i thought we’re my good friends in high school :/
maybe a lobotomized man will meander into my life soon…. i’m going to university soon so i guess i’ll have more of a shot than now
crackpot theory:
is paige's ex-bff secretly her fraternal brother who cut contact with her after she tried to fuck him?
yuge if true
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Recently graduated from this short two year thing and sure it gave me alot of new friends but it also made me gayer and more touch starved so make of that what you will lol
>i’m scared i’m gonna get taken advantage of
You do you I'm gonna find myself a +30yo guy to obsess over
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>during summer
absolutely disgusting
Mother dearest..
get a window unit
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>electricity costs in Europe
no I don't think I will lmao...
desu my house is very well insulated but still
summer needs to be cancelled asap
in the us its not bad. i set my ac to 77f(25c) so it keeps it cool without being too spendy
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Me personally I just stay naked all day and lay down and watch anime
Only issue is when I have to cook or clean and that's a fight to see how long I can tank the exhaustion
Working out is also almost impossible last time I tried I sweat so much I almost passed out even when I drank like 2 liters of cold water in that hour
Sure hope it doesn't get hotter
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that's about the temperature in my house but it's like 34 outside which is literal death kms

>being naked
*incoming call from : dysphoria*
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Actually getting to see myself in mirrors more is making me feel better about myself I do have quite proper proportions
oh you're doing great by american standards
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that's not what it's about
it's about being pre-op.

yah ig
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I wear panties only + Have small enough to be invisible ween
Ojos que no ven corazon que no siente
l8r faggot
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This faggot took my chair
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Moved her
>woke up from sleep shouting/yelling twice in one night
bleh kms

>mechanical keyboard
woke up hungover and masturbated to a man this morning… what is wrong with me. I don’t even like men that way
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well that's what I mean
out of sight ect as long as I'm wearing panties and such it's fine but being naked is the issue
need to . make out . at a convenience store
It was cheap and sounds nice
Feels way better than membrane and lasts more
You're gay nigga!!
I just counted w panties as naked since it's close enough
Weird gimmick
need to make out
need thrread without lasagnya flirting
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I'm not flirting w anyone rn
Trying to figure how to go about building characters on wuwa
Idk if to commit to an older one or wait until they release his replacement next month
Will be a free character and better than him for some reason so idk. Maybe I farm for the next one I want to pull instead of maxing this team
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Nevermind the character I wanted is a subdps for someone I don't have and never planned on getting ig we saving
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idk if i should eat breakfast this early
I guess. :< I just wanna feel protected.

How do I get a man to take care of me but also my (future) wife..
Nevermind I guess I do have her now.
Get both a wife and a husband easy as
>larrysagna general
so get awayy
She looks kinda retarded
>Table for 3 please.
>Yes we’ll share two desserts, bring 6 spoons please.
>someone in the middle can have both of their hands held while walking around
I’m actually kind of liking the idea of this tbdesu
i'm trying. that's all you can do. i think nothing else really matters
I already liked the idea but w women only
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>and my wife's husband
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guys!! rate my messenger bag!!!!
spoiler: he'll still be jerking off alone in his mom's house at 30
The idea of that makes me melt tooo..

Yeah ok it being framed that way just gave me the ick so hard.
This is 100% how people would see it :<
Literally fucking me holy shit
>trannies talking about being "women"
>fetishizing lesbianism
>post anime women designed to appeal to male tastes
it's all so tiresome
Can someone give me some water
the sink
I fetishize getting hit in the head lightly with a newspaper
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I mean good water nice cold water I want that
literally identical posters

the sink makes cold water
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No I want clean water I bet that's laced with fent
god i wish my tap water was laced with fent
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Why would you ever want that
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i wonder how james somerton is doing
going to spend today dressing up and learning how to use axes and stuff
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Can you bring me with you?
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easy access to drugs
it would make me feel better
could sui easily
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Why die when life is so beautiful
sure we can learn together and be cute
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Cool cool
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because im suicidal and deeply depressed
with all the claims of trauma you make, surely you would understand not wanting to be alive with that shit constantly haunting you right?
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Yes that is why I turn off brain and play the videogame
even though I’ve seen a lot of it before this image dump is cute
>*spams yuri pics*
surely this will do something
I still want water tho
need gf
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you're not a kaweewee anime girl anon

helps anonny cope with not being a woman ig
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i like posting gay women specifically to spite paige lol i hope she gets rewlly upset but it and realizes how silly she is
Need cold water
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oh so this is just anya having a trantrum
should've figured
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Love this mod
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duno who that is but you should find beauty or love instead of hatred. you have the opportunity to be cool and you lose it every time you decide that you hate what you are
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good bye
I wanna learn korean so bad I figured now most mods r in korean websites for some indescribable reason
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>I only post to create a toxic atmosphere and rile up other people
be better
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Gacha game moders trying not to make everyone have gigantic tits
if seeing lesbians riles you up i think you should be doing some introspection :D
muh phone background

I'm responding to your post, not saying those pics "rile me up"
Finally a good mod
The delolification

Hello everyone
I'm sweating can someone bring me water already

I wanna, but faaaaaaaaaar.

My favorite part of being a girl is the right to fetishize it and still be a girl.

*wears a girl hat and blows a girl party favor and lights a girl sparkler and blows a raspberry at you*
Guys do you think I'm getting fat

Based on all available evidence, no.
Hug dog.

Dog is like, "wai sad, mom, i love you".
MAAAAAAAA tjere'¡s a weird fuckin dude talking to me make it quiet
just ignore nomerman
Can you give me something fun to do tho

Buy finger paint and draw nature.
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Silly Tavern, the NSFW fork of Tavern AI


Why not like the weird dude? Weird dude is weird and interesting.

All part of lifes rich pageant.
I already spend all I have on fictional women if I start talking to ai I'm going to turn into a cockroach that only spends her time yapping with made up characters
Made up characters.. maybe I could make mother real this way.. oh no

Don't do anything i wouldn't do.
I am happy and i love you. ^_^
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Anyone wanna see something cool I found

*overhead presses you*
not me i just woke up
What is better? Girls in love or boys in love?
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It's pretty cool
fetishist image made by a scrote
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because i miss you all the time
oh this is pretty cool
how do u live being so bitter every day

Can you please loosen up about the concept of sex? Sex doesn't ruin other things. You are expressing a psychological glitch from old puritan american influences.

Sex, in fact, can be silly and fun, not just hateful and exploitative.
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It is pretty cool yeah
I wanna make ai images of the girl I envision myself as
Oh god i can't find my fucking razor
i must have left it out when i passed out last night and it got found by someone in my family fuck fuck fuck fuck
I want to get sexed
ill sex you
it's not bitterness, it's just gross
it makes me feel sick and uncomfortable bc i know the type of gross pornsick men who get off on that sort of shit, of the trannies who do that shit openly and make everyone think transwomen are fucking weirdos, etc
you deserve to feel sick and uncomfortable
I want a pair of pants.

Just a decent pair of paaaaants.
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Stop thinking about the grossest meanest nastiest most awful shit.

We don't even have any of those "gooning is a way of life" people here. I'm the worst one we've got and I'm still not that.

You shouldn't be here.

You only see ugliness here.

You should go outside.
as if you don't lie to me
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I'm sorry but our complaints department is shut down for the day
were you lying to me yesterday morning by the way
I am so glad my perception of the world isn't streaked with a grease slick of hating everyone and seeing the worst motives in people and everyone is just a human threat ready to take advantage of you.
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I never lie but I'm 500 rats on a trenchcoat and we change who's piloting often

ill accept this answer i suppose
how's your day going val

*curls up on your shoulders and purrs*
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This could be either cute, hot, or the creepiest thing in the universe- there isn't enough context.
many ppl here goon like anya for example
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so anyways
get away
god i want to tear into her neck with my teeth
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Nobody here is the masturbation is their first job people here. We don't even have any uncontrollably horny people. Paige is the most vocally horny one. I hope she's not upset by her own pornsick behavior, though that would fit the stereotype and it would make a lot of sense.

I am the creepiest person here and all you hear from me are little quips to remind you i have weird tastes.
??? i don't goon lol i have extremely low libido and masturbate like once a month
on my way darling

Must be a flirt. Go pounce your gf.
right... you're totally not horny everyday for lagooner, totally not dreaming lewd things about her
i may have a low libido, im still capable of appreciating gods finest creation

It really sounded like a flirt. You don't have a gf?
Need pounding
Need poundcake.
need to force her head into the pillow while i defile her
I don't and this only increases my perception as a fat ass, but anything for a good line.

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