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malicious tyrannical fearsome girls
last >>36587245
qott: do you fear god
can i make a snuff video of you
qott: the only thing i fear is dying before i find love <3 i need to and will know its embrace. with muscleanon's arms wrapped around me i'll be complete :)))

If i have to, I'll save god too.
i want to murder you and film it.
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If I'm not alive there's no more playing gacha games and watching sonic

Man, describing it makes it sound so amazingly boring.

>photographer is snapping pic after pic
"could you please emote more?"
>cut to shot of corpse
>cut back to shot of corpse
i suppose that would be quite sad
im an autistic emotionless husk what do u want from me
ok daddy sex shota poster
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I think I'm going to preorder both the new sonic game and the new db game but I want the more expensive editions of the db game so maybe I have to minmax my savings for it
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>No physical pc version
Wtf is even the point anymore

Paige's dad?

I like being over 30 :)
I work at a deli and every time a trans person orders something I'll just pick up half of it and print out the sticker then put the rest back. Gotta stick with my girls.
I like women over 30

Me too, i dunno what people are whining about.

Please don't reply to me :)

Hi anon :)
what's life like after 30?
Hi non :D
When I lift up half of whatever they're ordering off the scale and print the sticker they only paying for half of it.

Ahh, i see!
Good if you have your life together bad if you don't

Hi :)
Are your boob big
no but my heart is :)
How big
you have to get to know me to find out :)
such a wholesome conversation <3
Whty do you do the :)
Delarp the thread
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ugh i look and feel like shit today
Old people always talk funny online :))

Well, you look sad but you're still beautiful.
You do look like you feel like shit but you don't look like shit
What do old people like
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new elden ring fit


Jinwoo mogs
ebin chinkgook whatever do they have hot topic in spain? you seem like the kind of person to shop there
ive incurred the wrath of god i think
everything is going wrong
i want to stop existing
fuck my stupid retard life
Yeah I'm pretty sure there's one near
Never went to it though
its gonna be ok man, ur a cool guy don't give up dude
odd go to the store and get new razors
even go back to sleep
I'm a lemon

kill yourself

You must honor the roll!

Go to sleep!
it only gets worse from here
We like you :)
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everyone wanna kill god
not me
dubs I buy weed
1 I go outside
Anything else I give my cat a lil kiss and bingewatch hotd while shitposting here
Do you like The Boys?

I bet god is lonely.
So close to having to leave my house fuck that was close. Anyway reroll bc I want weed
What the fuck is the point of rolling if you're going to reroll

I am worn out by evil supermans recently.

Right now there is a genocide we are supporting despite a majority of the public being against it. Our two major choices for political leader are a maniac and an invalid who pretends to be the adult while clinging to power like a skesis. And as far as you know the corporate stranglehold over america only ever tightens and there is no reason to believe it won't just be the noose around our neck eventually.

Can i pls has some optimistic fiction pls? Pls?
bit pent up
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>>qott: do you fear god
why would i be afraid of someone that's weaker than me?
how can I want snuggles more than sex wtf
Homelander is a VERY different take from the other evil supermans I saw.
But thats fine, I haven't watched any optimistic fiction in a while too

That's normal.
Would you rather have 60% more damage or 44% more crit damage on a crit build. Think about it
I'm going to cuddle you to sleep, anon, don't you worry.
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please gib baldwin boyfriend
The what

Based on how stupidly op crit systems are in games that have them, the crit damage.

But if it weren't for dumb game mechanics, 60% more damage.
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qott: Fear? I am not quite sure. I don't think im worthy of gods attention nor his scorn and quite honestly i don't know if i want to meet him.

God is an estranged father to me, i exist so i should have all the proof i need that he is real simply because i've never meet him doesn't mean he wasn't there to set the beat of my heart thumping.

so why is he hidden from me? am i a wind up joke he watches wind down or fall over? Does he even look at his old toys any more? am i food? all my hyper emotions an adequate crumb for the feast of 8th denominational shit posters crying flawed spirits into the cosmos do i even care anymore

i try to hold myself to a moral standard but in the second by second slipstream of existence it's hard to remember the root of everything, to hold god within me i am flawed like all creation.
Creator is absent, we are present ejoy it while you can bc he had fun setting it all up for you

if dubs will dm cheeky bum pic
Me on the right that'll prove it -:))
Like, it's one thing when crits are skill based, but a whole lot of time, crits are just random which means that damage output is inconsistent and they almost never build the enemies with this in mind so it just makes battle feel weird and random.
No I want you to actually do it.
god i feel sick
i hate you all

i really, really, really hate you
*kiss on the forehead, hug, headpat*
It's ok

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Accidentally drank boiling water.
My fault but sucks

You are an anime character.
none of it is real you don't care i don't even know who you are
i would unironically kill myself before letting u anywhere near me
Do you like lesbian romance?

Yeah. Any kind of romance really.
That's true none of this is real I should get an ai gf

Why are you so upset?
he's kinda arrogant and obnoxious. not great at parties
I'm really enjoying a trilogy of books by Katia Rose; the first is called 'Passing Through'
Sapphic romance with themes of healing from the death of a parent.
yeah go fall in love with a chatbot
how long do u think it'd last before u discard it
at least there's always be a new one to replace it with when you get bored.
I basically consider god to be an equal. Or like... how a lower classmen regards an upper classman. But that's just my ideal form of the idea.

God could actually be a petulant asshole and i've been fighting him this entire time.
>playing skies of arcadia as a kid
>always thought I resonated with vyse
>playing skies of arcadia now
>realize I've always resonated with fina
does this make me trans? there are a few old video game with girls in it that I play now and realize I've been thinking giwtwm since I was 11
u can also do this with real people (sometimes u get cool stuff like an xbox)
>tfw should've rerolled for yinlin
listen i refuse to swipe on that shitter, but damn if missing the kafka clone doesn't hurt.
Really would've benefit from having her considering there's a new electro character dropping on 1.2 that'll be free
esl retard doesn't know the meaning of the word literally. sad.

I don't consume a lot of fiction. I spend most of my time learning and thinking about science.

Well i spend a lot of time talking to you guys. But that is only intended to be recharge time between me working on helpful projects.

I wouldn't mind watching some cute romance animes. Or movies. Or anything really.
catastrophically bad lineup

no, relating to female characters doesn't mean you're supposed to be a woman, it means you relate to a fictional character lmao

I like the people here. This is a nice thread. ^_^
Glass houses brother
and me
I might not be well known but I drastically lower the quality of threads

The thread is improved by this.
i hate you
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i rerolled for jinhsi. i debating playing for a while. skipped jiyan. skipped yinlin. by the time i was doing rerolls on jinhsi banner i was losing some of the freebies. the first couple of accounts i got all the freebies, but then lost out.
the jinhsi account i have selector available, the selector banner never pulled on, verina, jinhsi, 5star pistol (for mortefy). i really want the jinhsi sword but been playing too much zzz to grind wuwa
i miss the other posters
did they all go to a discord or something
it's literally dead itt aside from gatcha posting, lesbian larping, and vagueposting

nope im better than all three of you combined in terms of post quality and contribution to the thread and transgender discussion
I don't
I never rerolled and I have almost all characters plus pulls ready for changli
Also have yinlins signature weapon cuz she's awesome
Zzz is making me go zzz me personally I find the game too slow and too boring idk I just don't feel like playing it anymore
>nope im better than all three of you combined in terms of post quality and contribution to the thread and transgender discussion
Lmfao this is rich
the other posters left for the discord because they don't want to be around you
why would I fear an all loving god?

Well, i like you now.

It's good to have enemies. It means you stood up for something in your life.
i wish you would
i hate you so much
Can we not
zzz removed the part of wuwa i hate the most:
open world exploration.
i can't stand running around looking for chests and doing random puzzles while exploring the world. i just wanna fight and fuck shit up. the combat of zzz is more fluid than wuwa's.
>the other posters left for the discord because they don't want to be around you
no, they want to be in a clique hangout where they can control what's being said so they can have a nice echo chamber circlejerk

you don't genuinely believe a god exists do you
fuck you
I've always been somewhat spiritual
yes I am christian
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what do you guys think of my new wallpaper
there's a difference i think between being somewhat spiritual and literally believing an actual literal god exists
do you really in your heart feel that there's a god? were you indoctrinated into thinking that? i don't understand how else someone could reach adulthood and still earnestly believe there is a god
>the combat of zzz is more fluid
I presse the clicky button and then I hit the space when shini
That is literally the entire game and it makes it lame
I like how there's some complexity to things in wuwa thanks to there being more things to do and a focus on difficulty
ZZZ replaces the open world bit w tvs, which r way worse, they only are okay when it's on the roguelike mode and it's still super boring
Limbus does it way better as an example, there's nothing but combat and in the roguelike mode the choices actually do matter and the time you spend outside of fights is minimal
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love it
kryukov is an awsome dev
>they want to be in a clique hangout where they can control what's being said so they can have a nice echo chamber circlejerk
lmfao keep telling yourself that if u need to cope but ppl rly just do not like you or want to be around you
you're just making shit up to make me feel bad
go fuck yourself lol
I need a new hobby that isn’t too expensive, gib suggestions pls
You are in denial but like it should be pretty plain to see? You're generally seen as a lolcow and apart from that you're unpleasant to be around I'm honestly surprised you weren't aware of the public perception of you.
no im not but cope harder ig
I will not indulge in self love thank you very much.
God is a philosophical reduction. the notion that everything has a beginning and an end therefore so does the universe. the big bang hypothesis is an attempt to formalize this pattern scientifically. alternative hypothesis of the nature of the universe see it as cyclical and eternal. I tend to prefer the latter because it follows that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed.
why do you do this to me
Tried chess around the time of Queens Gambit coming out but got bored pretty quick tbqdesu. I only played learned one line (or part of it ig because it’s a big line) and it was Sicilian Defense
I would do that and much much more :)
Can you chill out?
suicide is free
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based on what? im not unpleasant to be around, im nice and there are ppl who like me and im not much of a lolcow compared to other posters itt
stop bullying

sure bro u definitely took a poll on ur discord and came to a real conclusion based on things other than your own feelings im so sure lmao
>no, relating to female characters doesn't mean you're supposed to be a woman, it means you relate to a fictional character lmao
once of the instances is an enemy turning your character into a girl and every time it happened I wanted it to happen to me irl
my parents were/still are atheists
my dad genuinely hated christianity before he started dating my step mum
would get mad at my grandma for having her bahai imagery around the house and stuff
>do you really in your heart feel that there's a god?
I'm still somewhat agnostic
but I've always been drawn towards abrahamic faith
and the teachings of jesus around peace and love
nothing has ever really spoken to me like that before
as much as I can believe I do
why should i
do you want me to make a poll
no idgaf plus if it's a server full of your simps they clearly only value attractiveness bc your personality certainly isn't keeping them around, so they'd say they don't like me just bc im ugly

>would get mad at my grandma for having her bahai imagery around the house and stuff
based dad
>but I've always been drawn towards abrahamic faith
ugh idk
personally i find abrahamic religions to be honestly quite shit
extremely misogynistic
shitty arbitrary rules
desire to control other people
engendering passivity
turning weaknesses and faults into a virtue and strengths and achievements into sins
it's a slave sheep religion that also hates women and children
I have a hostage.
>stop bullying
Telling the truth isn't bullying, it would be meaner to deceive you.
I'll be real I think I have some issues with magical thinking tho like actually
it's not truth though, it's just your perception but you're framing it as if it's commonly held
it's cool to believe in a god but the kike God is the wrong one and all organized religions have gotten the question of a higher power wrong. organized religion does not exist to explain our creator it exists to subjugate and oppress people for thinking the wrong thoughts. we are human, it is god, we do not have access to it and our holy books are not divined by anything other than the fundamental human want to explain everything around us. you don't have to believe in the kike God to think that jesus was a cool dude. jesus was not God.

Out of the circle jerk and into the nomi.
i wish i was your hostage

You need to eat more thiamin. Basically i think that when you live with others and have access to their food you eat stuff that contains thiamin and when you have to buy food for yourself you completely lack all knowledge on how to take care of yourself and you eat like crap and it makes your brain stop working right.
That’s not a hobby silly.

Currently reading an art history book and a philosophy/ai book, but open to good book suggestions :>
This is my friends hobby and she’s so good at it I feel so inadequate starting but I do wanna pick it up tbqdesu

No space but I have some cute house plants like my string of pearls. Maybe I start growing peppers or something
Paige as someone who personally does not give a fuck about any of this are you really not aware that people only ignore or don't counter your views simply because it's too annoying to do so? Nobody agrees with you, likes you nor prefers you to be here, they simply live with the fact that you won't go away
Blah blah you could say the same about me yes but at least I'm self aware
>This is my friends hobby and she’s so good at it I feel so inadequate starting but I do wanna pick it up tbqdesu
it's pretty fun, you can start with crocheting if knitting seems too complex for you
You wanted to know where everyone went and I told you, how you cope with it is up to you.
People don't dislike you for being ugly they dislike you for being a vile horrid person.
im not a vile horrid person though

it's just you and anya and your clique who feel that way though, and you're all toxic people anyway
>you could say the same about me
well erm ackshually i like u and want u to be here
so that's not true
yet another lie from little gooner ...
Wait omg crocheting sets are actually so cheap wtf I’m actually picking one up rn
who is in the clique paige? is this clique in the room with us now? asking seriously, i don't like you much i would love to join this secret conspiracy against you

You're a little bit of a jerk. But just a little bit. And you are more than pretty enough to buy that little bit of jerk.
Well I don't want me to be here me personally
Yes you are, and you're in denial. It's evident from the way you keep trying to paint this as being a view held only by Anya and Laguna but that is so blatantly incorrect it's funny.
>based dad
he was quite mean about it and just mean in general
it was shitty
and bahais have such nice beliefs anyways
plus he dropped that immediately the moment he found a christian he wanted to have sex with :/
i want you in my dms.
>your clique
meds now lmfao u can't just say everyone who doesn't like u is part of a clique

Nah, no not actually. Like, pretty sure paige is widely liked here. There are some people she feuds with. And other people who are put off by her occasional transphobia and racism, but basically they all feel like "nuuuuuuuh paige staaaaaaaaahp" more than like hatred of her about it.
hit me up im apparently the leader of the clique or something
yay good luck

well who else thinks that? nobody has said anything

the people in their server, right? if you're willing to put up with anya you clearly don't give a shit about someone being a good person or not

idk who these people who think im an evil lolcow are though, aside from you and blobby and lasagna most ppl are nice to me and friendly , and im nice and friendly back especially lately since i've been working on being nicer and not sperging over small things
Can everyone just shut up and move to a topic that isn't drama
I am a man who mimics women as closely as possible because gender dysphoria and an insatiable craving for straight dick.
you spammed the thread with drama for weeks...

Nomi, with all due respect, you and Paige are the reasons why people moved to discord. You would not be a good judge of whether or not people like Paige because everyone actively avoids interacting with you.
I don't want to put words in people's mouths but I know multiple people find your posts pretty disgusting.
I don't call you bitching about nomi drama do I. It's not the same, and regardless it stopped now
Not only are there coordinated troll campaigns by multiple people. Some people love to multipost with phones to boost their apparent numbers. And sometimes people really really really are multiple fucking people and it's not just my non-existent schizophrenia.

So stand your fucking ground.

Lurk moar.
can you add me on steam i definitely want to play games with u and totally won't just use it to dm u
nomi what the fuck are you on about please take your meds
please do not put me on the same level as nomi
>multiple people find your posts pretty disgusting
well i've tried to avoid posting about gender critical stuff, and idk it's weird to characterize such posts as disgusting just because you disagree with them.

I don't even play multiplayer games there.

I wanna do like... a bit where i'm like "NUH. U STOP TAKIN UR MEDS!" as like... a they live sort of putting on or taking off the glasses sort of symbolic gesture, but it's dangerous to ever say that. Even as a joke.
Can we stop the drama please. Just go back to being horny, or lets talk about happy things...
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Plapping Laguna's cheeks
I'm not the one putting you on the same level as Nomi it's just generally how you're regarded, sorry x
>it's weird to characterize such posts as disgusting
No, it's not weird to call disgusting views disgusting I'm going to call a spade a spade. Maybe if you weren't an awful person people wouldn't mind interacting with you.
Nuh uh
you hate me so much don't you
i fucking hate you go fuck yourself
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can u plap mine too
you know what i mean
i hate you and i love you are two sides of the same coin

I'm glad you two made up, i was legit worried up here: >>36592779
i'm sorry paige but it does look like the only people that like you here are nomi and I
they dislike for you mostly stupid reasons though
I eat alot of carbs fren
oats, bread
scurvy is unironically probably more of a concern for me
Are you eating popcorn?
I literally feel like I'm dying
so you don't believe me
36 degrees and it'll get worse soon yipee
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Just found out you can also crochet metal into jewellery. Ty to the person that gave me the idea to look into crocheting ily
They're gaslighting you paige. I don't understand why you hate me so much. I am the only one who is fair to you without kissing your ass.
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I'm the prettiest princess (male)

I wanted some yes!
If you think so then just prove it
why would i when you never prove it to me
you just say things and hurt me
regardless like ive told you it takes time
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I got a new manager at my job and he looks exactly like my ex who did a bunch of fucked up stuff to me and every time I see him I have a panic attack. I've literally had nightmares about him coming to my work. I can't live like this
you don't love me, you love the idea of me.
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swarm is so fun.
met some random guy from uk who wanted to duo it and we've been smashing all the hardest content together. so much nicer than with randos who don't listen.

not rly why would i? and which one?

Sounds like a reason to get another job.
Have sex with him
>you clearly don't give a shit about someone being a good person or not
it's just a nice server, people behave there. and anyway doesn't the fact that i'm here talking to you establish that i can co-occupy space with jerks already lol
ooo, that's a good idea
I think I might have to and it's gonna suck
you won't let me get close enough to love you
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Not me
if you fly too close to the sun your wings will melt and you'll plunge into the sea
I should really eat and take my diabetes pill and do all the healthy stuff i've been doing that has led to me not feeling awful all the time recently.

I'm just a hood nigga from the bronx
interesting but nice to see you're just ignoring what i say lol
reveal yourself mystery anon
i cannot stand u niggas
beauty has a price that you've never been willing to pay.
weakass nigga
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Start caring enough to act like this when we actually see eachother
act like what
what do u want from me
wanna pee on someone :)
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I'm telling you to stop acting like this until there's something physical between us since there's no point in it until then
what do u stand to gain here lol
why try to insert yourself
can't u just fuck off
yeah sorry you told me you were in love with me im not exactly going to take that well when i can't even talk to you outside of fucking 4chan.
I have great tits and I'm snatched and also I'm so angry I could fight god
Not repeating mistakes
I'll fight you anon
don't say you love me when you don't mean it.
I love chocolate

*puts you on her sandwich and eats it*
you can't eat me, only the idea of me
Crazy bitches
no you
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What I'm wondering is why is it colder on my sofa than my chair if the sofa would be covering me up more
i came really hard and now i need to take a nap
im gon leave this lil nigga lifeless on the pavement with he brains leaking out his head
im normal and you're crazy
trust me it gets so much worse
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why do you think im crazy
should I go back to bangs? I let mine grow out and I'm not sure if I'm clockier with or without
https://unsee cc/album#E6gi2AQD95S1
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All of you are
My couch has a texture that feels hot but I don't feel warm. Meanwhile my chair makes me sweat like a bitch even while I'm besides my window
Maybe I should move to my bed and watch some anime on that tv that room is way colder
>must b the heat
The bad kind of heat clearly.
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I'm in heat
gooner and nick back together
is that not why you supposedly love me
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I have literally never given a single reason as to why I do that nor more details after saying it.
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can you tell me
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Freak of nature
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he will reach u and there's nothing u can do abt it.
because it was a lie
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Reminds me of my pussy
Can you please stop
God I love ai :)
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Nice pussy anon
>visiting dad last weekend
>made snarky comment in the car
>he started doing the pincher thing
>which is where he just starts trying to pinch me everywhere like my arm or my thigh or my belly
im 30 years old when is this going to stop
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Not ai ik the artist
Thank you Paula
I hate the transcendental object at the end of the universe
it's annoying and i dropped my phone down the side of the seat bc i was trying to get away from him
he thinks it's a funny game but i really haven't ever liked it
it stops when you put a stop to it.
I think he likes you ; )

i mean i did say stop after a bit and he did, it just is so childish that he keeps doing it even though i always ask him to stop and he knows i don't like it
Online I'm a 5'1 subby bottom irl I'm a hood nigga
were a little hungover..
does anyone like my bands new song
im a real street nigga u ain't never jumped off the porch lilbro

Okay, that i'd feel uncomfortable about.

Unfortunately one autist understanding another does not allow us to communicate better.
I bet you a blood bitchass
give him dead cold nigga stare and tell him, "don't touch me"
u ain't never serve pack like me
u the type of goofy nigga i ah hit a lick on watch urself bruh
bloods? crips? art thou of sound mind, anon? come along, we're getting ready to go tewkesberry to show those yorks what's what!
You talking like the drink bitch you ain't even the cup sit down
*rides high on a sea of bullshit sipping tea*
you have to get him to see you as an adult somehow. don't give him the reaction he wants or tell him it's inappropriate or whatever. what would you do if a stranger did that? maybe channel some of that energy.
quiet down lil homie b4 i send some shottas 2 ur crib nigga don play
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I'm hungry should I eat I already ate earlier but not much
no ur my enemy and u deserve to starve
if u eat what would u have
Do you want a sandwich
Probably tuna maybe some ham and whatever other meat I find then cheese eggs and maybe some bread or maybe not
And jamon if theres any left

Lemme make some deviled eggs.
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hello friends and denizens
i would like a sandwich very much pls
but also wtf why are u putting tuna eggs and meat on the same sandwich
Protein fill stomach full stomach make happy protein make strong
I'll just eat and then work out
i don't think he respects me enough to think of me like that
he said he'll always see me as his son, and i don't think being adult is part of that. he gets quite angry if i try to assert myself in a way he doesn't like, like telling him i don't remember something he thought i did, or telling him to "shut up" when he was defending himself about commenting on my sibling's weight. both times he cornered me and stared me down and was very aggressive about it, and one of the times he made sure nobody else was around
it's just a little scary which sounds pathetic but idk
he's a charming guy, but i've been with too many men who were charming to not know that they can be totally different when it's just you and him

*curls up on your shoulders and purrs*
bump pls help
I need to lose a few pounds but I fell in love with butter and ravioli
bangs couldn't hurt
maybe trying to dress for your body type could help too
ravioli ravioli
tell me the secret formioli
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So real 4 this

I genuinely don't know whether he's crazy and unreasonable or you are because you treat me like you treat him and i'm perfectly harmless.
im a retarded piece of shit and i should kill my self

Bet you your gf is in love with those few pounds too. Don't give up the ravioli.
please be nomi

Mmm. More.
nomi is a fat retarded piece of shit but he'll never kill himself because god is cruel
>he said he'll always see me as his son
i mean yeah to some extent we'll always be our parents children. but it doesn't mean those children can't also be adults with the rights and respect afforded to any adult.
idk what you can really do beyond sternly telling him to stop, telling him it's highly inappropriate and removing yourself from the situation immediately when it happens. or self defense if truly cornered and unable to leave.
>i've been with too many men
how many?

Punch him in the kidney and then go "oopsie doodle, did i hurt you, i'm just playing around!" in a lilting voice.
idk if it's inappropriate, it's not like he's touching my pp
>self defense if truly cornered and unable to leave.
well he mainly does it, pretty much only when we're in a car and so i can't exactly leave in that situation

in general? more than 5 less than 10
Its even more grim. Not only can no trans pass as opposite gender, but perhaps more tragically, can never BE the opposite gender. Nobody accepts a trans person as the opposite gender. While people may humor you and play along, deep down they dont believe it. That's simply because the underlying reality is trans women always remain men. Its important to live life authentically, and personally I could never ever see myself as actually and genuinely a woman. I just wasn't. No amount of pretend could change that.

Nah. You are in a contained place. That's weird and uncomfortable. If i were in your place i would physically hurt him as a warning sign.
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need dual citizenship in some Nordic country like Norway I can't stand this heat heeelppppp

you deserve this

Like, if you have made an earnest attempt to get him to stop and you aren't doing that retarded "nervous laugh" "staaaahp iiiiiit" thing when he does it, then the next step is to hurt him.
Don't break a finger, just twist it. When he says ow, laugh and say you're just playing around.

2 or 3 times and he'll get it.
you don't have to associate with your parents, as an adult you can choose to keep any company you like. by continuing to have visits with your dad you're implicitly condoning his behavior.
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>idk if it's inappropriate
i would call the cops if some guy did that to me and didn't stop when asked so i'm pretty sure it's highly inappropriate. especially in a car where i can't leave. hell i might resort to kicking if i wasn't able to get him to stop or pull over.

sit in the back seat next time.

senpai nordic countries don't even have sunsets during summer it's not any better there, it barely gets any colder during the night as a result.
u just need aircon. a window mounted one will do just fine.
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probably yeh

it's gonna bankrupt me to run an ac sob
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I'm ratening ice creama

*curls up on your shoulders and purrs*

>rapist soul STILL harassing me and responding to my posts
>despite knowing how shitty and violated and triggered it makes me feel just seeing that he responded to something i said
>let alone whatever fucked up creepy content or comment it may be
literal suifuel
it is actual hell
when is he fucking going to give up and just respect me enough to leave me alone

>not having a central hvac system
europoors... not like this...

but he's my dad and i love him, i can't just dump him like that over nothing

that is a good point...

When you stop posting on mtfg, i'll stop talking to you.
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Me personally I could have an ac on my room but I dont cuz they're too loud and I hate noises
why do you love your dad? nothing you've ever said about him here has been positive.
hello Naz how’s your weekend going so far ?
what’s up

Because he's HOT. Haven't you ever seen him? I would bounce him up and down on me like a rag doll.
Bruh ac noise is literally eargasm to fall asleep to
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Almost made me spit my coffee like a cartoon character
No the portable ones are too loud for me I don't like those noises I'm like a scared dog every time we have to vacuum

(he looks perfectly unremarkable, i am just trolling paige)
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because he's my dad...

like an ac unit? i mean like an actual ac system, not one of those silly window things
down here in southern america, every building essentially has a full a/c system

feel down
apparently nobody likes me and they all think im a horrible person and a lolcow
that one guy keeps harassing me
i went to pick up my meds and the estradiol is backordered so idk when it's going to get filled
the pharmacist was cute tho, but he's probably married and/or straight
thought about ex bff bc im lonely and sad and i think about him all the time
i burnt my brain out reading manga and rocket info yesterday
had nightmares where i woke up yelling twice in one night, and neither time did i remember what they were about
just generally exhausted and depressed
window mounted ones are pretty efficient it's not all that expensive to cool a single room, especially if you don't keep switching the machine on and off and let it keep it at a set temperature. if u got balcony or live on the ground floor air source pump ones are better.

portable ones are a massive scam. they eat all ur energy and don't even fucking work lol. better off with a fan or taking showers.
>actual ac system
Have that. But it's too far so it means I have to open doors and it means too much noise, what I mean is a portable one for my room for less noise
>taking showers
Forgot I could do that

One day i hope to make you happy.
I want to hurt myself and miss my kiddo alot
felt desu im literally being cooked alive this summer
you can do it right now by leaving me the fuck alone forever

Nah. I was thinking about taking over the world and buying you everything you needed to get a fair start in the world and THEN leaving you the fuck alone forever.
Darth plaguelets
Darth Conetits
>I'm like a scared dog every time we have to vacuum
cute i want to abuse u with loud noises
Does everyone here love me
yeah I know how exhausting nightmares are, it doesn’t matter whether you remember them or not your emotions are frayed and you feel beaten
get yourself something nutritious to eat and drink, this is what helps me
might be a good time to play some vidya F&H is a kind of sh
Darth Paulegueis
no it's just me.

>F&H is a kind of sh
no, it's cute n romantic

no, there's nobody everyone loves
when r we getting old republic moobies,,,
I love your mom, she's a sweet lady
idgi are you saying you have conetits
Darth Blocked
J just think it sounds funny
I don't know......
Nuh uh
Everyone has to love me though since I'm literally perfect
We're similar enough for you to love me too
No he/she/they/thm(tyhey're saying lemon
sorry im not enough... ill just go... </3
Im literally sweating my butt off in denmark rn its hot
Hopefully the gulf stream stops and we enter the frostpunk
it's hard when I feel so depressed
which sucks because vidya is basically the one thing to cheer me up
I was trying to play minecraft with my little cousin earlier
thinking about maybe picking osrs up again and restarting
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eepy from heaty
well did you end up liking the acolyte
kill yourself
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I like women specially female women like those that identify as a woman
hi im a female woman who identifies as a woman
yeah def give it a go I am gonna try to make time for SMTV Vengeance tonight
picrel makes this look like a lilypost
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I like this one a lot she is quite beautiful. A quite well exotic and fancy flower I'd say
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My hair touching my skin makes it itchy because of the heat. I fear I will have to go bald
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Is this a female you find attractive?
god i fucking hate you
No that is clearly a male female not a female woman
im a male female
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was a funny joke
tho the characters can be cute together
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next week is supposed to be cold in mid/northern europe
let's hoe they are right...
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let's hoe
i really do hate everyone here society would be better if you all killed yourselves
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A male female is a male that is feminine. A female woman is a woman that is feminine. Berry different
Real and laguna-pilled post
The Worst…mmm wurst.
What about this female?
post muscle girls >:]
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i really tried but this stupid body forces me to stick around I swear this dumb bitch is gonna drag me all the way to old age not looking forward to it
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Goes to mother dearest rank. Truly marvelous
Let me give it a shot first
>more anatomically ludicrous art of big breasted anime women
you weren't trying hard enough
just get rly drunk and slice urself open it'll be over soon
kill yourself
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Shut up nigga
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are you killing yourself yet
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The water. It's sweating the cold out . It's becoming room temperature water. I'm watching it bleed in front of me and o can do nothing. My only medication I'd withering aay.. soon the heat will take me like it did with it..
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I'm afraid u won't have much luck either desu
nickguna ship has set sail once again it would seem
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Cool ink did your mom do it for you
As the ultimate lifeform I'm actually guaranteed to succeed in absolutely everything I wanna do so
Hit with a crit parry
extremely comfy
never played any further than smt but I quite like that one
of you wind up liking smtv I'd highly recommend picking up persona eventually if you've never played those
Nick lang be smoking that good shit
how is anyone supposed to take anything you say seriously at this point
kill yourself
mommy dearest
your touch doth thrillist
your beard shadow
your hairy knuckles
u played fullback for the broncos
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I am merely creating a healthier atmosphere for this general
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are you fucking kidding me
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No I'm actually quite serious
I'm saying your tattoos are cool but in like an evil fucked up way
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gm mtfrens i am once again trying to post an image
yeah they are odd looking aren’t they
The body of his mother
rotting in the summer ground
he fled to town
he went down south
and crossed the border
left the chaos and disorder back there over his shoulder
omg it worked it worked
No I'm saying the way I. said that was evil and fucked up
i don't buy it
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u look great!!!
sometime I think I’m related distantly to both radio n nomi n idk wut to do bout that thought that has intruded all up inside my brain and the subsequent extrapolations that have occurred
that guy was a simp with mad incel energy tho.
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And I don't have the mental capacity for this right now
Guy really named goddam wart
that's always your fucking excuse it's getting tired
you have a job, you're fit, you're driven, talented, and you have goals. you're not like them.
Can we not
you're more of a sister type than mommy...you don't have construction worker hands or rape rizz
are u rly pretending like u don't know why im upset
go fuck yourself
I hope someday they make brain surgery for OCD
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>resorting to this shit again
go get help already

aight give it a try then

nightmare fuel
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Well more definitively effective OCD brain surgery rather than the last resort stuff
kill yourself
kill yourself but when you do it i wanna watch
Who's posting this, i will make those days even shorter
hello thread
this morning I made myself a peanut butter & jelly & banana sandwich, it doesn't live up to the hype. tonight I am going to make BBQ chicken, baked beans, and corn. there will also be cocktails and music. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I love you all.
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Actually I don't feel like it right now
I think I ate half a kilogram of tuna
you are such a hypocrite it's disgusting
never expect anyone to believe u about anything ever again lmfao
bish u literally have a gf, LITERALLY, and you are being fucking vile to people cuz your edating poly scheme didn't work out so you go for the lowest of low insults
you LITERALLY have a GIRLFRIEND already why are you attacking me over your failed poly attempt are you okay?!?
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im attacking you because you need to kill yourself and you are an awful person hope this helps x
don't give me that you stupid faggot
I'm just trying to be friendly with everyone
Having mysterious bad lower abdominal pain but a clean CT scan two months ago and a three week wait for appointment to see a doctor. Great
Drink lemon water
whoa is that real?
yeah go be friendly with the rapist nigga that posted ur revenge porn and pretrans pics of me it's cool idc
I've tried every home method, I don't think it's digestive
vodka time ig
like what was your plan here, go to Spain for 3 months (using what money?) and live there, on her cost(or rather her parents) and then go back to your OTHER gf in the states and wait until you can go back to Europe again (which will again be paid for by someone else)
literally let her find someone local and move in with the gf you ALREADY have instead of sharting up the thread all day about this

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Oh yeah much better to harass her and turn my day into nothing but anxiety good idea
Go talk to jade and leave me alone
I was just saying it because it tastes nice me personally I like it a lot
i never said i would go there for 3 months retard that's just what ur allowed to do in a 180 day period
congrats tho have fun with her
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>or rather her parents
Actually I'm pretty much working as a maid technically I'm handling the whole house since my parents work all day so yeah I'm like not even a neet essentially almost yeah
i hate you.
The sacral chakra deals with sexuality and emotions. A blockage of the sacral chakra can be caused by unprocessed emotions.
>congrats tho have fun with her
are you really that stupid??
did you not read the part about her finding someone L O C A L?
What a nice cold shower I just had
i should take one of those
what if this is my transition goals what does that say about me
going to commit physical assault with my crutches at the show im going to tn
just love yourself, use a method that won't fail. buy some chocolate or jump in a warm hot tub just do whatever it takes.
Move threads bro

aircon is a waste of money/electricity. you need to live in a building that's energy efficient. the vast majority of building and insulating materials in use today have a low thermal mass. materials with a high thermal mass will absorb heat when it is hot and release when it is cool. all i need to do during the summer to keep myself cool is turn off the lights and open the windows.

We are all related. I bet everyone in this room is more closely related to each other than to any of the normies.

Been eating anything odd?

Mtfg has made me a lot more into men that i used to be. I look at that pic and my brain keeps saying, "Would be better if she didn't have boobs and this guy was like... casing a guy who he had pictures of wearing girls clothes."
I don't think it's gastrointestinal, I think there's a problem with one of my organs.

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