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most terrific female girls
last >>36598740
qott: what are you afraid of
One day i hope to wield a battle axe and charge an enemy with a line of viking warriors, all so that we can roll around people in a circle and be merry.
im afraid i will always be sick, that even if everything materially goes perfectly in my life from this point on that i will still want to die. im afraid of being married with children and committing suicide and my kids finding me.
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Have you tried not doing that?

Well, you have to become an astronaut then.

That's the only way they won't find the body.

I'm joking, but if you went so far as to become an astronaut to achieve that dream, i think people would honor your sacrifice.
that i will never find true loved ones, never find a stable support network, never learn to thrive without these things, and will spend my whole life buried in struggles from this, rotting on the vine, brimming with wasted potential
i wont ever be married and i wont ever have children though anyways. its pointless. im a tranny. you know this.
trust me it gets so much worse
who knows...
great another tranya thread dominated by lasagna the chuunibyo and the aggressive crutch wielding larpbian
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Having a stick between your legs doesn't mean you can't triumph as much as everyone else
*stretches and yawns and curls up by the thread fireplace and purrs*
I'll be a mommy but someone would have to financially support me sorta I work but yeah
Better than a no
Have you tried double working
Double working?
Stroking it and touching my boobs
I love being hondosed
The idea is you work twice as much and you make more money.
id do that if I had a kitten to love
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im sick in the fucking head. im fucking agoraphobic and i can't do anything in life except kill myself i guess
did you think it was ok to give me a boner?
It's 2024 how many times do I have to say this kitten is not used anymore.
Have you tried trying though.
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hi does anyone like me


I love humans and their fetishes.
Then consider it.
i feel sick
Cumming really hurts damn…
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no i am a drug addict
god i hate you
what the fuck...
Be better.
You too
The AGP wizard
i really can't stand you
kill your self
I'm literally just vibing
She looks so majestic with it
Im disappointed in you
I think I'm actually an npc. I only have a couple voice lines and I'll just repeat them sometimes. Someone asked me a question earlier that I don't have dialog for and I literally said the wrong voice line and he just kind of looked at me strange then rephrased the question and all I could muster out was a "yeah"
thread how do i get a job that isn't manual labor if i have no degree and can't do anything
are there like easy to get desk jobs if i just call the right places?
if you go to a temp agency they will ask you what you are interested in doing.
i hope everyone here commits suicide im going back to sleep
temp agencies are real?? thought that was a tv writing convenience or something job sites replaced, holy shit i'm stupid
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I had a tuna pizza and ice cold coke
now I'm bored again
Tuna pizza? Wtf is wrong with you

Sometimes when my expectations of the format of a social interaction are in conflict with the reality of the situation i end up sounding like an npc.

Like, if i go in there thinking it's a "they are trying to bullshit me and i gotta make sure they don't get away with it" situation and it turns into a "i am legitimately misinformed" situation, i can be there like... "but i only have 3 talking points prepared... maybe i can use this one-no no i can't".
Should've had an icecream
As someone that's eaten almost a kilogram of tuna in the past 2 days absolutely nothing

kill yourself
>>36602845 #
>down to take your girl pills

all the people who transitionned and still have dysphoria or depression prove that it's not

>People from any orientation or background suffer from...

absolutely not in the same proportions, another lie

>a disease

why do you want your surgeries to be rembursed then if you're not ill? why do you suffer if you're not ill? why do you take medication if you're not ill?

>deceitful at least

as you say
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tuna pizza is pretty normal
comes in a lot of variations

what's wrong is what the swedes do by putting fucking bananas on pizza

nah I don't think I will

>ice cream
eh wud be nice in this weather but I don't eat anything with sugar in it (except if unavoidable like in fruits n such)
The delolification mods are most useful
Apples have sugar and people say they're good a little sugar won't kill anyone
I have them rarely but it's only like 150 cals I can live with that

Lemme know when they've got milfication mods.
tuna pizza is soulless
seek seek lest
Not many of those around

I wish milfs had a more mainstream appeal, for a friend.
oh man need to pack today
will do that after i wake back up whatever
This one is nice too but I feel like I'm disrespecting the original design by using it
>going from one pornified depiction of women to another
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That one is nice.

I recommend disrespect.
pizza tonno e cipolla is aktschully one of the most popular pizzas in Italy so I'm thinking based :^}

touch within ect

fructose is aight yeah I just avoid refined sugar at all cost
worst offender is carbonated sugar soda

>implying kid characters is porn to you

Embrace the milfication~
Gives a fuck
Sodas with sugar are the most stupid thing ever to consume when you could just get 0 cal ones.
I have reached a terrible conclusion.

The best way to pronounce milfication is "milf-fi-fication". Except that is so fucking far away from how it's spelled and aint nobody gonna call something milffification.
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i hope i get a window seat tmrw i want 2 take pictures of the mountains again
You can't even really tell how many f's or i's or l's there are in that fucking word.
where ya going?
It literally does help alleviate people's dysphoria. Those that don't transition often either kill themselves in regret or suffer worse fates than those who do transition.
To transition itself is suffering. There are only correlations (remember correlation does not equal causation) between people that are trans and some of those listed problems. The main ones being associated with depression and anxiety, which again, are only correlations and in my view are due to how people view trans people and treat or other them.
I paid for all of my transition privately. I don't think it should be considered medical, but medical adjacent, much like a lot of spaces that mature out of the medical field and into their own domain. I do still believe though that we should cover the cost of gender transition for people. If you can be prescribed Ozempic, have your bloods monitored and your medication paid for when you live under a certain earning threshold, then you should also be allowed to be prescribed HRT in the same manner. Yes this is already being done in the form of informed consent clinics, though, those are for profit and private.
Up to 10fps loss to use it with her normal hair but it fits perfectly with the red and purple color scheme she has it's almost better than default and looks so nice mid combat
good night

Goodnight anon.
I'm afraid of losing my gf because I'm a suicidal mess
God I fucking hate Summer. Seeing all the cute girls wearing nice dresses or crop top showing off their cute and flat tummies make me sick. It reminds me how much of a tall overweight man I am.
I'm transfem and she's cis
why do you always ask if people partners are trans
pretty fuckin weird broski
skill issue

a trend i've noticed, not an absolute one, is that when transbians mention a "gf", they'll normally say "cis gf" if their gf is a woman, and "gf" if their gf is a transwoman
a trans, in mtfg?
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Yall, is leaving trans stuff on my screen for my parents to find a good way of coming out?
If I eat more will my boobs become even?
One of them is way firmer than the other abd is slightly bigger :(
I know this might just be normal but like fuck
Maybe fucking around with doses wasn’t the best idea but I didn’t have many choices. Sorta hoping injections treat me better after 6 months of subl pills…
Dont worry, fat redistribution will make them even.
Is it honscience that I should switch what leg i inject into every two weeks?
>switching sides each week
thats just good injection practice, trans or not
no rotating injection sites stops Lipohypertrophy which is like, fatty tissue buildup
same reason diabetic ppl need to rotate their sites
everything :'(
is brushing ur teeth twice a day just honscience?
I hate you
Stop posting about me
I've never met a dentist who didn't tell me I should brush 3 times a day
like after every meal
it would be funny if dentists were a cabal of pseudoscientists making bank pf a giant scam tho
ok, cool.
is it honscience to wipe my own ass after shitting though?
oh wait I see the
sarcasm now :|

*curls up on your shoulders and purrs*
well done autism chan
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when I join thread late I read it backwards
but no
I guess just let that crust form kween
he's literally me
i got invited to go watch anime with like 5 of my cisf coworkers this weekend, too scared to go but i feel kind of socially obligated to since one of them told me i was invited yesterday

Do it faggot.
Omg going trans was the best fucking decision, putting on panties and grabbing my estrogen boobs makes me harder than ever hnnggg
I love abusing xanax
Im too scared to transition because I feel like it could destroy my life. The only thing i did is growing out my hair and shaving my body. But sometimes I feel like everything could be so much better if only i started HRT… being confused with who you are is the worst.
i dont know if i can, i dont know any of them well enough to go to one of their houses and sit around, i havent been to a friends house in like 7 years i dont know how it works for adults its way too much for me
considering where you are hrt is prob a good idea
>feel like everything could be so much better if only i started HRT
don't expect it to solve all or even most of your issues tho
that's how we wind up like lari stopping e after like 5 months because all ones problems were magically whisped away
being trans sucks almost nomatter who u are

Knock on door. Say hi, it's X, they open door, you walk in, they show you where to sit, they ask you if you'd like a drink or they point to the communal refreshments, then you make small talk, then you watch the thing, and make jokes and talk when appropriate, then usually you eat a dinner or meal of some kind or arrange food, and then you often play a game or just resume watching. Then at some point, one of you will start talking about the time and you start discussing going home.

*hands you a diploma and kicks you into life*
Is it true it help with hair loss and fat distribution ? Those are the main reason why i consider taking it. Im scared or growing tits and being seen as a weirdo tho
i cant do small talk and i dont have a car so id have to get a ride there, honestly i just dont think social stuff like that is for me, it would be more stressful than enjoyable
but mostly being alone
Your life is already fuckt m8 now take the estrogen and put on the maid outfit before you kill someone/yourself
Fucking love xannies
When can I get the fembrain CRISPR implant?
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why are you like this?
I want to be a futa. I want to have a futa wife.
I do not want to be a tranny. I do not want a tranny wife.
I will cope by cishet-maxxing.
I already wear women clothes at home but i cope by saying im a femboy
i wish i was like this
how much so depends highly on genetics
but yeah
male pattern baldness and male fat distribution normally are created by testosterone and vice versa
test also makes muscle gain easier and e makes weight gain easier
I wouldn't recommend not going on e because you you suspect you wont pass
as it'll get alot worse
but do please do research that isn't just asking 4channers about the meds you might be taking in the future that can really adversely effect you
>Im scared or growing tits and being seen as a weirdo tho
silly fear
males grow tits all the time so much so we have a medical term for the condition
wear a sports bra or something and just feign ignorance if you must
but I mean usually the end goal of all this is social transition
and it's possible to just come out before or the moment you start hormones

Because my calves are built like mech legs and i'm going to act like it.
nomi X radiochan tonite are YOU excite
I cleaned the neetlair a lil bit for her
Gross, i actually threw up
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Open spaces
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Please take another banger pic like this
She's not likely to dress up like a demon tonight.
im imagining the smell
Tell her to dress as a furry or a catgirl
Holy shit. Biden dropped out. What does this mean for this election? This is unprecedented.
day 2 of trying to complete the knights sword quest within a reasonable time
no he didn't you stupid hon
back on the nic.
does it rly block E?
or prevent hrt from being absorbed efficiently?
not smoking, just vape but still...someone honscince shame me into quitting again.
He just did you stupid hon.

no vaping doesn't affect it
additionally nicotine only blocks estrogen if it's taken orally AND if you smoke
has to do with how the liver metabolizes it and nicotine from smoking fucking with estrogen receptors
double nigger
well I hope kamala gets the nom then
at least then an old rich white pedophile won't be on the ticket
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o ok ty 4 this info anon from 4chan. have this...chill jamie hewlett style head i drew.
o wow it's real
>pogacar wins with a six minute lead
crazy stuff desu

according to my mum's facebook frens they're gonna push kamala as the candidate lole
Well, i mean, that's terrible, but still strictly not as bad as biden.
Admit it. You were all thinking that it was fully possible that they were going to run biden even if he was on his deathbed the night of the election and argue that it's just kamala now that he won even though biden is literally dead.
she's not gonna win desu
I would have agreed with you before getting shot didn't give trump a poll boost. People are even sicker of him than i thought. Kamala just has to say some sweet lies and she'll win. The question is whether she will be too dumb to realize hillary clinton lost because she wouldn't even make false promises to the base. The hillary consultants are in her ear right now telling her that she needs to be the smuggest shallowest most inoffensive product humanly possible, because they think that's a winning strategy for some bizarre reason.
women run the world now
whomst run this shit?
It really is like consultants only understand things in terms of anecdotes about somebody doing it and it being cringy, so they whip every unique or weird thing out of a candidate by telling them stupid horror stories about how looking like a normal person aborted the career of somebody in '98.
nice. I drank 7 beers and flirted properly for the first time in forever and it actually seemed to have worked.
that's alot. I had four margaritas
this one time i drank 100 beers
I think I dont have a drop of “trans” or “female” in me. Often I feel I’m just not real. Like do you know of those nerds who have 100s of artworks of their anime or comics or those actual artists who make that? Or like the trans girls who buy and find joy in plushies or autistic games and feel at least authentic in their little worlds?
I feel like I have none of that.
Not to say I was different before this brainworm of transitioning showed it self to me, and that’s the problem I feel.
I was never anything “really”
Idk how to explain it.
Sure I loved TTGL or one piece or CCS or dota 2 or warcraft growing up(anything can be put here) but I never “really” owned them in a real sense. It was just something I liked. I never went deep by myself. It was always some anons post explaining evangelion to me or a YouTube video.
And I feel that now that I’m basically changing my life to this degree of taking female hormones…I still do t really feel like I’m doing anything at all.
I just spend awhile Sunday doomscroling YouTube, making and eating a pot of pasta and maybe playing a bit if risk of rain 2.
Maybe it’s a motivation and laziness thing. But can that feeling really follow you your whole life if it is? I moved countless times from the positions if “ I should just live like a man” and “ I’m not a man and transitioning is objectively better”
And yet I still don’t get it
I never belonged anywhere. I tried to belong somewhere but I was wrong each time, I wasn’t wanted or needed or I wasn’t interested or interesting enough. Each time I left or was lead to leave.
Maybe I’m wrong again. And that’s scares me because I’m not doing this for anyone this time. How do I know the desire won’t come back? In fact it will most certainly. I know that for a fact.
I’m sorry if this isn’t the right place to write all this. I was supposed to write something else but I always end up into tangents and unwanted vents.
Have a good day/night regardless.
a traditional margarita is kinda bitter, I used that grocery store mix so they were sweet lime flavor
oh bet bet bet nice thats reminds me of the time i did 139 shots of jameson and drank 101 pbrs
Is owning bunnies as pets female brained ?
It’s stupid brained
i am so fucking angry, this pos of a life is so unfair, omfg, whatever, if i dwell on this shit, i am not going to make my life any better but still
yes hello doctor, i wud liek 2 hav penetrative sex with a cis amab that is consistent with heteronorms can u halp emokins?
Honestly for me, I’m just waiting for my ticket to suicideville
Talk about hard things…
kill yourslef
tbdesu I didn't initiate it so I have zero advice for you.. although 12 beers is probably too many to engage in flirting so ehhhh, start there :>
all booze is nasty poison lol. dont drink desu...but i understand why u may feel that u must.
shid habbens cuh
lucky you, i no longer feel suicidal, i literally can't even do that anymore, this shit feels like a sick joke
Honestly this is the advice i need, i need to kill my current lazy, no good for nothing, stupid, piece of garbage self and become better
u can do it, I believe in u
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I due time!
Cause you r mentally I’ll and don’t deserve more than what is given to you. You exist because someone allowed it and allows it.
what if he has 1 inch pp?
go ana mode, laser, ffs and u can pass in slav land as a babushka
seattle tomorrow ^-^
Doing this rn
yeh i member u tellin me. coors nice n watery so maybe ur system can handle it better. high concetrations of the sauce prolly sets it off.
then he is a she according to the science
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>You exist because someone allowed it and allows it.
that is true in a way, god has saved me and allowed me to keep on living bc he still wants me to be here for some reason, i will try to not let my emotions cloud my judgement as much, also i am not mentally ill, i have never been as sane as i have been lately
no and that is not my issue, my issue is that my dissociation fluctuates and breaks and sometimes i can feel emotions again and i am no longer blank and that ravages me hard then
That I'll never be brave enough to stand up for myself and tell people who I am
roll that beanie up another notch n make it official.
>he started losing his hair at like 16 and started wearing a beanie
Tim Pool aka Dim Fool?
1 of my irl best frens is like that. he just embraces the hardcore scene bearmoder (straight)
Fuck you nigger
I hope trump kills you
bald is ok but i do prefer a full head of hair on a dude i think. receded temples it totally fine.
partial horseshoe pattern buzzed neatly is a based look as well.
ugh etc..
holy shit kys sperg
It's a meme you absolute newfag.
you may be the only real person on mtfg rn istg
i hate being a tranny i feel like such a freak out in public
went 2 a club last night i felt like i was from the circus
also my friend was abt to beat somebodys ass bc they kept creeping up on me isduhfgiushdfgiuhfdg
idek care he was a manlet.
he was MY manlet.
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>qott: what are you afraid of
I guess I'm afraid that I'll never outrun the image people have of me from the past. Every time I try to reach out to someone, they seem uninterested in talking to me.

I mean, I get it. Like I said, I was a less-than-stellar human back then. While it does suck that they want nothing to do with me, I completely get it. Even in forgiveness, the past is the past.

I could have done it again last night, attempt to rebuild a bridge between me and someone I completely alienated. I knew where the show was gonna be, when, etc. I could have gone. This time I chose not to, for some reason. Unlike before, this decision isn't ruining me emotionally. She was going to be busy anyway, plus another show was going on at the exact same time and at least if I went to that one I knew I'd at least see some friendly faces. Maybe I'll ask to talk to her soon, just to catch up. I'm really not the mess I was. Maybe she won't hate speaking to me over the phone like she did before (I cried a lot back then).

Would have been cool to meet new people though. I need a change of scenery. At least I'm able to now, with my new car. I felt so trapped without a car, the world is open again. I love it. Plus my girlfriend is moving closer to me in less than a week, so finally that 200 mile distance between us can close in and I can see her all the time and we can go to shows together. The last few we went to together were so fun, when I went alone last night I was missing her, even left early just to call her on discord (although she fell asleep when I got home. I ended up just getting some McDonald's and watching a movie).
im aware you absolute faggot
thats why im telling you to kys

Try backing up a truck full of plushies up to her house and dump it on her porch.
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we are *so* back
Then you don't get the meme. Do you also yell at people posting pedobear for being pedophiles themselves?
literally kys
your meme is garbage and liked by many faggots
altho it didnt help that i literally pulled up in my work shirt HAHA i should have worn a crop top under my shirt to change out of or smth
>high prayer skill
oh no
is this bc of your christian obsession
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>messing around with first elden ring character
>find two new spells i hadn't found during my playthrough
>one is a massive hammer
>the other is a ranged nuke
what the FUCK i missed out on this?? ugh kms this shit is so cool
LEAPs > Stock

what's wrong with bunnies
what sport can I do that is quirky enough that I won't be picked on for being trans in it and mainly builds my lower body strength?
I get this feeling. I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb, but I'm so vain I kinda like the feeling of standing out. Every time I go to the club I have to turn down 3 or 4 dudes. Girls flirted with me more when I was kinda chunkier, I've noticed. The skinner I got, more guys hit on me.

I need to gain weight asap.
They taste great in a stew
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>Every time I go to the club I have to turn down 3 or 4 dudes
As much as I'm not attracted to men at all, I will admit I get some kind of sick thrill turning them down, I'm really sweet but blunt about it.

Although it did get scary one time when a guy got really combative with me and kept saying weird shit like "BUT AREN'T I SEXY?!" as his beer gut peaked through his hawaiian shirt button struggling to hold on for dear life. Some random guy had to step in and pretend to know me.

coed softball
it's been a day at work where I need a cig and a miller high life after work but I have quite both of those. it's so over
>as his beer gut peaked through
paige seething with jealousy rn
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lmao gross sorry that happened

beer guts are gross
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i like them raw and wriggling
agree, prefer a fit dude, guess i thought u was into the dadbod look 4 sum reason
I saw a vid of a Chinese guy eating a chick alive and downing it down his throat while it was still alive with beer
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dadbod doesn't mean beer gut... dads can be fit. mine still is desu, and my ex had a nice physique too
sob owning it is based
i need 2 feel more shameless abt it im just way too insecure and awkward so im all clammed up the entire time
i prob would have felt better if i was wearing something hot and not a disgusting polo shirt sdfhgiuofsdhg
i always just stick 2 my group but there was this 1 dude who just kept being a weirdo and my friend was fr abt to start throwing hands so we swapped places and he left
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Right now? I'm afraid my 10 year long relationship/marriage with my (trans male) husband might be falling apart. I managed to start the medical part of my transition before him. E is much easier than T. Also I'm our driver since he has trauma so we have to work around my schedule. About a year back he "discovered" that he's ace... after being way more sexual than me for the far majority of our relationship. He's bi (and I'm the only "guy" he ever dated - funny that), so its not an orientation issue. But I've been changing and I want to explore and I'm just so touch starved and thirsty because Captain Tistic can't get with the game unless I literally tell him "I need you to hold me right now" - and won't evem budge when I tell him explicitly that I'm horny as fuck. Like, I respect and love him - and the idea of making him do something sexual for me just fills me with pure ick. I dunno I just want someone who WANTS to touch me without me practically begging for it.

It's damn near made me consider detransitioning. For all the good it's done for my mental state, the touch starvation is really starting to take me to dark places that I don't know how to handle.
wow he is LITERALLY me
>sob owning it is based
It's all I can do, desu. I guess I just project the image I want people at the club to see, as cringe as that might sound.
>i need 2 feel more shameless abt it im just way too insecure and awkward so im all clammed up the entire time
I used to be that way too early on lol, I think constantly putting myself alone in those situations gave me immunity to the feeling
>i prob would have felt better if i was wearing something hot and not a disgusting polo shirt sdfhgiuofsdhg
Yeah, I feel it. If your outfit doesn't rock it's hard to feel on top. Although ngl a polo with that logo would probably be kinda fire tied up as a crop with cargo pants on. Maybe pop the collar to be a lil silly with it. That's just me though.
>i always just stick 2 my group but there was this 1 dude who just kept being a weirdo and my friend was fr abt to start throwing hands so we swapped places and he left
ewwww I'm glad your friend was there to help you
i can't even stop it anymore desu, if i feel too much like myself i will have a bad breakdown and just dissociate back automatically by the end of it, what bothers me is when i feel like myself a little bit for a short amount of time, for me dissociation feels amazing bc i am still grounded in reality, just not feel sad and most of my emotions anymore, i just wish it didn't fluctuate so much and was more constant.. it sucks when i randomly stop dissociating for a few mintues for no reason..
kek idk
I just like chaplians/priests/paladins/clerics
and like healers
I think it's less causation and more similar reasons
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witches too
witches are basically my favorite fantasy archetype highkey
for me it's vampires. Bloodlines really sold me on the modern vampire lifestyle.

No rules
No Bedtime
Only going out at night
Sex, Drugs and Raving with no consequences
Probably dont even need a job either

Sounds like the ideal afterlife
finished packing yippee
side note
my prayer is actually really low
I leveled it once and did the bigginer prayer quest
none of my skills are very high besides smith
I've been hard at work leveling that for a few hours
because I want to level fishing more eventually
it all comes down to fishing for me
it says your prayer skill is 10/10, isn't that maxium? as opposed to like 9/10?
The blood of traitors shall adorn my body
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is that so
max skill is 99 for all skills
that's my prayer points
like mp for prayer spells
it's max is my current prayer level
I have 10/99 prayer
prayer is also one of the hardest to level f2p skills I think
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It'll get better as there is no other option..
I like vampires too
if I had to become undead that'd be my first choice in a heartbeat
next to like
liche kek
i have 99 farming and firemaking
nah its not cringe its respectable, confidence is based
im just 2 afraid of being confident bc i dont want to step out of my league and it turn into honfidence but i literally have 0 self esteem so any sort of confidence for me just feels like honfidence hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ugh it didnt even have a based logo on it, it was just this ugly ass green polo that i had tucked into my jeans. im depresso bc i almost wore an undershirt too so i could have just pulled it off and rocked a crop top but i didnt sshiiduhfsdf
>ewwww I'm glad your friend was there to help you
ya hes so based i love him sm hes extremely precious
oomfie was feeding me coke all night ;;;;;;;;;

also tale of us is live rn on the stream if u wanted to tune in :3
maybe we deserve to suffer
extremely based
kinda miss being a osrs member
Embrace your inner witch and use it to help your transition. You have the sacred feminine within you - embrace it and empower it!
>Only going out at night
>Sex, Drugs and Raving with no consequences
>Probably dont even need a job either
oh hey it's my teenage years and my 20s lol
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radiochan's rendition of sacred femininity
>It'll get better as there is no other option..
extremely naive
the KKK was inherently anti White, they fought for the same people that plunged the South into war against the North to keep slaves and fuck over the poor White man
ya thats literally just u
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I'm going to vaguely use 4chan terminology here, but know that I don't really subscribe to a lot of thinking here and I actively avoid these words in my day-to-day thinking:

I feel like "Hondifence" is just an undeserved confidence and blindness to how you can be perceived. The cis equivalent of "honfidence" would be a girl with extremely shitty makeup thinking she's a cosmetologist. Or a curl-bro thinking he's "swole" because he forces himself to life 50 pounders for 2 hours a day every day at the gym. Or someone with dogshit clothes thinking they're a fashionista.

A "hon" with "honfidence" would probably blindly assume they're the hottest piece in the room just because they dolled themselves up and wore shein-tier clubwear. Meanwhile, a "hon" who's just chill and dresses nice/cool would probably "pass" a lot better through vibes alone. Although I will admit, a crop top is like a fast shortcut to looking fem at the club. I can't stop wearing crops ever since my abs became visible again.

As much as I'd hate to essentialize everything: It's really a vibe thing.

me in college yeah, I miss that era. Easily my peak (I say that positively, if I kept that shit up I'd be dead).
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not sure how one does that
but I mean I do have tarot cards
very "new age" occult
which is essentially what "witches" these days are
oh u said anti-white
take what u said and just change that into pro-white
when will you realize that Lincoln was for the White person and the plantocrats were very much against the White man
rightoids always lie
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Just let me cope..
tarot cards are not magickal in and of themselves; modern tarot descends from French mystics deluding themselves that it was "magical" when it started out as an Italian card game
what matters with magickal artefacts is how they are used to focus your inner magickal power
im not a rightoid ur just an unironic racist nazi
honestly yeah true, i agree with that for sure
i just equate to myself thinking im hot as honfidence ifduhgiudgiudofhg v bad mindset to have but my self-esteem is completely shot hhhhh
but ya thats pretty much just my vibe desu i try to dress conservatively and dont want to make myself stand out. ig i looked ok overall i just didnt feel hot at all and ugly as shit in the polo lmfao
tbf it was a v last minute thing tho, i went to the bar to hang out and my friends were like ok were going to a club wanna come and i just said fuck it we ball ;;;;;;;;
yes I'm aware
I'm not very bright but the occult is one of my amateur interests
no I'm not a nazi
the nazis got millions of White people killed and fomented anti colonial movements to fuck over the White colonial empires
anyone who's pro nazi inherently hates white people
besides only the brownest femmest people on the intenret are nazis anyhow
cope and sneed
>coed softball
I'm a europoor
are you actually like this
Or maybe I just kms
yeah shes like unironically extremely racist
do what makes u happy xd
biden is kill
for once i am relief i am leaf
to be pro white is to be anti nazi and anti KKK, leaning into neoliberalism since that gets tangible results, maybe even left enough to full on communism
rightoids always lie
is it lead poisoning or a developmental disorder?
>the nazis got millions of White people killed and fomented anti colonial movements to fuck over the White colonial empires
The British were responsible for ww2 and the downfall of European colonialism, replaced by American neo-colonialism.
The British Empire might still rule the world today if they hadn't invaded Germany, and instigated the slaughter of 60 million Europeans.

coed volleyball
apparently the only path for radiochan was the incel to pick me nazi racist 38 year old tranny pipeline
>neoliberalism is the pro-white political ideology
You're politically identical to gracie and every other poster itt besides me, but they're too stupid to know that.
>british were responsible for ww2
sure it wasn't that moustache man marching into poland
it was the nazis that killed those 60 million
also the british empire was tottering by the early 1930s, it wasn't the war that made it go away, the war actually energized it for a decade
hitler was the one who was responsible for killing 60+ million Europeans, everything about nazism was anti white in practice
only human rights and the protections in place of the classical four freedoms in the liberal democracies and anti authoritarianism is pro whtie, anything else just fucks over white people
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is it gay or normal to salivate when thinking about handsome men or sucking dick
i can't get thoughts of that out of my head

a-am i a neolib
Already had 2 xannies today
getting dejavu from when paige was telling ppl nobody cares last night
Intrusive thoughts suck
I was never an incel since I wasn't interested in sex (except with a big strong man which I couldn't get as a male presenting flamer)
also not a nazi, I've explained why
what troubles u today
>coed volleyball
yeah I should move to Spain and do this tbqhon..
I do be dodging the duolingo bird tho
post cone tits, lets compare
i care if it's gay or not bc im not a GROSS HOMOSEXUAL
You're in agreement with Chamberlain now, positing the assertion that says
>saving one half of Poland was worth losing 60 million Europeans
You just justified Britain starting the war that killed so many Europeans, dumbass. You're not any different from the neolibs itt, you just know a little bit more of the details involved.
oh its autism
do you think game devs intentionally moved away from casual to competitive games for the same reasons social media incentivizes anger and toxicity
Bad things happening irl then me spiralingbafter n then losing mental strength to be normal
Honestly my body is so horrible rn I couldn't humor you if I was capable
I don't think you're interested in politics, which might surprise people, but I definitely don't think you're right wing.
you're a strong girl
hang in there
good observations
Nothing Nazism does would have helped Europeans or White people. Maybe Hitler shouldn't have chimped out and Germany wouldn't have been bombed to kibbles and bits. Hitler hated Germans and talked about how much he hated them when he was in his loser bunker.
Germany started the war by invading Poland.
but i bet mine are coneier
how tf you got ffs with those types of jobs?
It sounds more like you hate Germans and white people to me.
>grug must save potato race sacred poolish people from german humanization attempts
You're a nigger, fuck off
Why white people, radio?
Did nonwhite people not need shit improved in 1930s, onward?
If you say so I guess it's true..
the color guard is colored?!
Yeah sure whatever. Don't care, I just know that Nazism is the touch of shit and ruined everything it touched.
>hate Germans
Yes. It calls to the German blood to try to destroy Europa twice or thrice a century since the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, if not before.
Morgenthau Plan was too good for the savages.
Don't get me wrong, glad you dislike and disagree with Nazis, but why tf do you constantly talk about this shit from the perspective of "only if its good for white people"?
because that's what matters to me
rightoids claim nazis were pro white when they weren't at all
what does mtfg think of g? hes a hefab bottom chaser who wishes he was a twinkhon.
i don't lie so yeah it's true
omg shut the fuck up...
this radio autism hour
stop youing them
post dudes/men/boys(legal)
are germans or poles the better white people? where do the baltic states fit in this
So there's just no intersectionality for you? Even though class consciousness and shit means that the best shot at fixing problems is to fix other people's problems too?
If Nazis weren't Nazis they could have actually been competent, is what you're saying?
First my people, then other people. Shut the fuck up with your Marxist interpretations of history.
nobody cares about the baltic states
hitler certainly didn't, that's why he said stalin could have them
>baltic states
more like baldick gaytes
Again you're projecting Anglo crimes onto the Germans, and you must be shitposting if you don't know that Teutoberg was fought in defense of the homeland against invaders.
Britain was the equivalent of the Roman Empire in 1939, owning more slaves and colonies worldwide than any other world power. And they decided to war with the Germans in an attempt to retain their hegemony, which ultimately cost them their empire instead.
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so tired of being alive desu. no access to healthcare, can't even pay for insurance because private health cover doesn't exist here. could diy but why? for what purpose? it's not gonna get any better. should move abroad again but if i can't navigate the bureaucracy of this country successfully where i can at least read the language what chance do i have anywhere else?
so fucking tired of everything.
balldick's gait 4
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Should I eat pizza at 11 pm if I'm sad and it's going to make me happy?
stop arguing with the hon already it's pointless
is she a hon? can i see
>could diy but why?
ur not on hrt yet? what happened? and which country, could maybe become refugee to canada
"anglo crimes"
did mr big bad anglo force Hitler to invade Poland and tell his generals he was building up to rip off European Russia and open it up for Lebensraum?
Nazis were all about symbolism, and blaming Jews for everything White people were doing willingly and would have done anyway.
But your people already got the top of the totem pole you dingus
The nazis improved the lives of Germans instead of importing millions of Indians and others to replace them. Happy job hunting.
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how do you not have access
you can diy if you wanted to and you wanted hormoens in your body
which hon, the thread is full of them
i've been on hrt for 9 years, was forced to move back to socialist progressive europe, was told i gotta wait 3 years to see an endo so i could get repeats on my scrpts.
she's mef
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fuckin gotem actually nice nice
Give me a logical explanation for why the world's biggest colonizers declared war over a backwards shithole like Poland. If you can't do this, then rethink your position, because you're displaying cognitive dissonance here by justifying the deaths of 60 million Europeans while simultaneously saying it was a bad thing but you support it because "must defend shithole" argument
sry...thats awful. diy injections would be worth pursuing though if u can
can u do one with horse stance?
Help with question please?
>industrialization and investment in technology improved the lives of Germans
Nazis did that
>the nazis saw it all razed to the ground and Berlin raped by hordes of soviets
talk about failure
the invaders did that

how's it feel to be a 2nd class citizen in the country your ancestors founded and perfected?
except that "importing" happened after hitler's war had depopulated the working age population of europe
same reason why the germans imported turks as gastarbeiter, it's fucking hitler's fault
building on that, sending the jobless to work camps and then saying "lol no umemployment" is being a fucking liar and cooking the books to make yourself look good
Nazi Germany was an unsustainable warfare state that thought it could loot its neighbors to pay for what they were doing at home
Labour rights were quite poor in the Reich, as the Reich govt instituted a new form of serfdom by making it that your boss had to ok you quitting a job, which - they didn't ok
They also didn't care about any kind of supposed "Christian" morality, with the disastrous Fuehrerprinzip, the consolidation of churches into "Positive Christianity" which denied the Nicene Creed, and the BdM encouraging German girls as young as 15 to have children out of wedlock regardless if their parents were ok with it or not (they weren't)
But hey Hitler screamed that he hated Jews and all those Jews were sent to camps, so clearly it was all OK, right? (Jews being in the modern day the biggest proponents and friends of the LGBT, and were blamed for homosexuality spreading even then)
This, also the economy of Weimar had largely stabilized by the mid 20s with the reforms of Schacht.
Give me a reason why Hitler should have tried to conquer Poland. The 60 million Europeans wouldn't have died if Hitler had tried to conquer Poland. Hitler hated White Europeans and at the end of the war he fucking hated Germans. Nothing Hitler did improved the lives of everyone, and what he did ended up destroying Germany and getting it occupied for 50 years.
sry i take full responsibility for this by calling radiochan a white supremacist nazi and triggering her autism
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jesus christ see a therapist
LMAO...ok ok gimme a sec
just don't mention about oreakay
which one is radiochan I constantly forget who's who in this thread except for like, three trips.
yes i think
>Give me a reason why Hitler should have tried to conquer Poland.
He didn't try to conquer Poland. The 1939 invasion of Poland was a final fuck you to Versailles, reestablishing Germany's pre-ww1 borders.

Russia invaded Poland as well, and took a larger chunk of the country than Germany did. Your argument falls apart completely when you consider
A. nothing was done about Russia's invasion of Poland
B. Britain started ww2 to "save Poland" and it's sovereignty, only to turn Poland over to the USSR as a vassal state 6 years later
>The 60 million Europeans wouldn't have died if Hitler had tried to conquer Poland. Hitler hated White Europeans and at the end of the war he fucking hated Germans. Nothing Hitler did improved the lives of everyone, and what he did ended up destroying Germany and getting it occupied for 50 years.
You're an idiot
This is radio>>36607126
She looks like Stephen king
Are you sure?
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i have hormones atm but gonna run out in a month or so. been full-time and on hrt for nearly a decade but that counts for nothing in finland.
i gotta wait to be approved for socialised healthcare after which i gotta wait a few months to get a referral from a gp after which i gotta wait 12+ months to begin gender identity analysis which takes 2 years to complete minimum before i can be prescribed hormones or get bloods done.

that's what snew tells me but i have 0 motivation to keep going. like what reason do i even have to go on? too ugly n depressed to function, be employed, have any future prospects etc.
Grace is fat and ugly and has a deformed pig like face and it's super funny thinking they'll ever pass like ffs is going to do anything besides make them look even more dysphormed and unnatural like lol like lmao like lmfao for real if it doesn't neck post then idk that's craaaaaazy
yes because you deserve to be happy
thank you!
do not summon
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i saw my chin in the mirror and it is bad also so is jaw also nose isn’t great while we’re at it
>He didn't try to conquer Poland.
Lol then what was the "General Government"
>muh Russia
You mean the USSR that the Reich allied with to conquer Poland?
Also, why would Britain declare war on the USSR, that would have made the USSR and Germany allies against the Allies and would have gotten Stalin into the Axis for real
Also also, the USSR was kind of occupying Poland thanks to Hitler, Britain wasn't going to keep the war going at that point due to everybody being exhausted
And yeah, Hitler hated White Europeans. If he didn't, he wouldn't have done what he did. I care about results and the "results" of Hitler's war was the complete smashing of Europe because the fucker just had to have Poland.
Grandma Radiochan is here to tell you Nazism is un American and not to relax around blacks, daughter.
Everything I hear about socialized healthcare just makes it sound God awful and not preferable at all to the American system, where at least we have informed consent. But I am sure that is by design.
Yes order a pizza and watch some tv show bruv
you cant stop now, youve already been through so much
Maybe I should watch sonic x
ww2 was a continuation of ww1 because Versailles crippled and humiliated Germany. if the US hadn't entered ww1 fewer people would have died, ww2 wouldn't have happened, the ussr wouldn't have emerged, and Asia wouldn't be under the thumb of the chicoms.
I love u
i think i have some kind of stomach virus
if this is the end, please remember me /mtfg/
okay I'm quiting smoking and drinking for good right now
socialized healthcare, informed consent and private providers with immediate access aren't mutually exclusive lol. this country is just a dysfunctional shithole that never recovered from the collapse of the soviet union. that's why i did everything in my power to live somewhere else for as long as i could.
very little of that is true
the USSR and the Russian Civil War began before WW1 ended and were almost completely independent of American intervention in the conflict
Brest Litovsk was the key as to why Germany lost. The occupation of former Russian lands put too much of a strain on the German army which was also trying to carry Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans on their back.
As for China there likely would have been a Communist insurgency anyway. The Japanese wer ehated by the Chinese and so were the landlords propped up by the Nationalists.
I don't drink hon
are you like 47
Not mutually exclusive, it just so happens to work out that it all tends to be? Don't be a system pig troon and apologize for the system that is actively harming you. It turns out the same in almost every country that has socialized medicine.
Oooooohhhh, now I get what you all meant about her.
You have to understand how miserable life was in Germany during the 15 years that followed ww1 in order to understand why Germany did what they did.
Life was vastly improved for a majority of Germans during the 1930s, and Germany became respected again in the world for having risen from the ashes to take control over their destiny. They rejected the chaos and disorder that accompanied the post-war period. Most people do not live happy lives existing in chaos and uncertainty, and that's as true today as it was back then. Look at our President and tell me that guy inspires you in any way.
>name changed
now you both get married
Yes bruv, with a fanta light and a pepperoni pizza brav
seeing how old you look this whole taking over the thread to rant is weird
I feel as though transition for me was something that has overtime required me to leave things behind over and over. It's like progress always comes at the cost of cutting things off and closing chapters. Something I'm struggling with is the feeling of not yet starting new ones. This week I cut ties with basically all of my irl trans or LGBT related things. In hindsight I had outgrown them all some time ago but I only realised it properly this week after someone from those groups outed me to people who did not know I was trans. I have been very angry and upset since, it's another stressor at a time I was already at my limit, and it felt like a betrayal from people who should have known better. Though it's probably a positive thing to move on from those spaces I am feeling very weird about it. It was a huge part of my life for last 7 years or so and I've not got anything to fill that gap yet. It's left me feeling very small and lost. It's also wrapped up in feelings relating to passing and how that continues to be something I am struggling to adjust to in various ways.

I'm thinking of how people say relationships can't survive transition. I think it's bigger than that, at least for me changing my sex has meant entirely starting my life again in ways I didn't see coming. This feels like another step in that. It feels like life is determined to make me move on from basically everything I thought was stable and consistent.
doctie hasn't called me yet and it's 3 minutes after our appointment
it's over
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literally just a male
what the fuck
Let's see what you look like hon.
>radiohon trying to be a mean girl
>Also, why would Britain declare war on the USSR
For the sake of being consistent in their propaganda?
Poland was discarded by Britain after the war, tossed off to Stalin and political dissidents killed. This is somehow viewed as "protecting" Poland from evil despots in your eyes, because you're a fat stupid inconsistent American regurgitating state narratives.
mean girls are so icky, like what're you in high school.
I'm eating cheese pizza w niyhtonf else.
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sunk cost is a fallacy y'know.

i lived in australia for years, had access to hrt through informed consent via a private provider and access to free hospital care through public healthcare that cost less than half to the taxpayers than your system did.
i get that you're arguing in bad faith because you don't have any valid arguments but you can just not comment when you don't have anything reasonable to say ykno?
i think i’ve grown out of being trans. the dysphoria is still there but there is no longer any desire to actually transition.
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nah don't have to :)
just got married on 4chan for drawing dicks AMA
which board did this dick drawening happen on?
Do trannys exist who are just trannys and don't obsesse over being a tranny and make it their entire personality? Like god damn ya'll are tiring as fuck with your tranny shit nonstop get some hobbies or something fuck
lol. sry thats me trying to be motivational (i failed)
but being off hrt yucky and such
yeah, a lot of us. Me for example. I only talk about being a tranny here.
em tee eff gee, THE numba 1 matchmaking board on this site
Are we posting our hon selfies itt? Just begging for harassment from the /passgen/ cankers?
no we don't exist
our children will b beautiful
Most of us
But also fuck off with "their whole personality" rhetoric, comphet has has been shoved down our everything forever
It wasn't "discarded," but there wasn't much that can be done. Realpolitik nigga, do you know anything about it?
Anyway the Nazis tried to destroy Poland and Polish culture as much as possible. Polish culture was revived after the war, and the Fascists justifiably reviled. You can't say in one breath about how you think Germany were good bois dindu nuffin and then claim that Poland was under the Soviet yoke. Oh, why should you care? Hitler allied with and specifically invited the USSR to take over Poland, and after the war Poland was restored except for the territory beyond the Curzon Line, which was home to lots of non Poles.
But you don't care about that because in your mind Nazis dindu nuffin.
I'm not "arguing in bad faith," it's literally a pattern I see in almost every country with socialized health care.
I play retro vidya, garden and obsess over shortwave radio and history.
In a few minutes!
im normal irl uwu
ok you can stop now the bit is over
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nah i appreciate it.
i'll look into how to get crypto tomorrow and try and order some

drawing dicks on a blue board? basted desu.

i think the terf reddit screencaps were more interesting desu.
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I'm the only cool one I never talk about trans topics I only talk about gacha games
And food. Talking about food I just ate a whole cheese pizza at 12 pm and then a white monster while sitting in a horridly disorganized room with monster cans and panties thrown around like collectibles on a n64 platformer. I feel like shit, ngl
Yeah you're not really a tranny. That's the shut-in life failure male thing I"ve read in a long time. Nice fetish you have there my guy, I guess?
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i shud stop
casually rolling up to the pharmacy to pick up my anti-diarrhea medication and estrogen
Oh you say that as if there weren't women rotting exactly as I am
Clearly never been to any gacha game community.
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whenever I'm away from mtfg for a few days i completely forget that I'm trans

considering another bromazolam dark urge IRL playthrough desu
11 hours until she drops?? What did I drink this monster for..
that illustration is rly dope looking even if it was a Ai...cant even tell desu
>Clearly never been to any gacha game

>dae pay2win game is da best because it have chinese cartoon things in them?
not sure if a cocktail of meds can help at this point tbqhon
I just gaslit myself into thinking I'm cis
Works wonders
You were staying up to farm gacha...
i'm not gonna sit here and say I hate all the blacks, but like yeah I can't even come close to saying I like them either ya kno? yeh ew
IO'm just saying there's many gacha players that are women rotting just as I am. Look at the %s of mobile players per gender and look at how much of that % is taken by gachas. Think about it
I usually do when there's a new character I want yes but I can't stay up this long
My original point here was to expose your hypocrisy as you pretend to care about the 60 million Europeans slaughtered while also defending the justification used to slaughter them.
>But you don't care about that because in your mind Nazis dindu nuffin.
I didn't say that, but I'm not going to extrapolate the topic away from my original point so that you can try to claw your way into claiming a W here. Celebrate the carnage of ww2 if that's how you really feel, I know most Americans celebrate ww2 anyway because American culture is rancid and not based on anything other than mass consumerism and gluttony, invading other countries and raping them for profit, on a much grander scale than the Nazis ever did.
did kat leave for good
gacha games... please...
play a real game like stardew valley
This drip is crazy tho.
Erm she's literally here right now
Play REAL games like my faggot ass faggot fucking faggot slow ass boring ass wikipedia open on 2nd monitor ass indie game that only casuals play because they're too dumb to be cool
You want a REAL game? Go play dmc4.
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fr im tryna expand my hol- i mean horizons desu
God I just NEED a racist tranny gf like you
here's ur racist tranny gf bro >>36607313
I def should not have eaten that pizza I feel so fat now..
trip on larry
hasnt posted here in years
and the Holocaust is real capitalism
No way racist girls are always the cutest not some old faggot
nah theyre mostly haggard trash
File deleted.
ppl say im racist but im ugly as fuck even when i dress nice
What the fuck is that thing
u will get dreem
the pants around the ankles is killin me
and btw i am NOT racist at all, just to clarify

it's a mirror bro, the thing you spend hours every day staring at?
dude we know
yea well it was a changing room reee
Nah you could be my cute chudwife
that's a cute dress
You'd enjoy looking at your reflection too if you didn't look like THAT
no im ugly and retarded

it's nice but i haven't had an occasion to wear in a while plus im ugly so my face ruins it plus my skull is lasagna tier massive
How many mental illnesses and retardation levels does it take to look at gacha games and be like yo this is for me?
go do rope stuff in that dress. sounds comfytimes.
Why are you as a male bodied gay male appropriating clothing designed for females?
Apparently a lot
apparently it takes narcissism and rich parents

i have in the past, but since moving i haven't done rope or had any reason to dress up

men/transwomen can wear women's clothing
minimum 3 or 4. addicted to them about 12ish
How much seethe does it take to sperg out every time I talk about my hobbies
It's historically, and clearly designed for the female form. Stop trying to imitate actual women. Thanks.
>reason to dress up
i feels. back on the dating app 2 see whats out there...bleak.
BWAAAAAAAAAAAAP oh my god my farts smell so good today having a big chili dinner last night was a fantastic idea and i'm straight reeping the benefits right now
ive got this bisexual theyfab friend coming over tonight and ive got no rizz but i think they might be dtf how can i make this happen guys

also ive only ever slept with guys before >...<
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plus my dresses get sweaty in this climate, so it's not even the best fit to wear
i was trending towards just like shorts n such

seethe harder chud
Literally made about 1 post about a literal who lol? Just crazy how there's any kind of appeal to straight pay 2 win locked garbage wondering just how severely mentally ill you have to be to find that entertaining let alone drop bags on it. Sorry realityposting hurted you like that, but I get it makes entirely too much sense really
stop posting your giant man skull jesus christ man
Thank you for pissing your dress
it's because there's anime women with large breasts, that's the entire appeal for them

im not lasagna
seethe harder

it's sweat
plz stop posting pics of urself paige ur so fucking ugly nobody wants to look at it ty
olive drab is a gud color. and not for nothin' DAWWW LOOK A DAT SMILE...i rly hope u can feel beter n not be so sad n crazy all the time and find dreem
Any games with microtransactions are p2w. Live service games literally shit on any offline ones in terms of popularity. Literally everyone plays p2w games, but everyone only bitches about gachas
Have you ever once in your life actually played one of them? How can you bitch about something you've no idea of?
then close the tab lole

would be nice but idk
just takin it one day at a time rn
just hoping my estradiol gets filled soon, it's been like 3 weeks without an injection now and it's really fucking shitty

>anya and co sneeding over a transwoman posting in a thread about and for transwomen
seriously stop posting
stop breathing
The only gambling I care about in these games is the rng from farming gear anyways. And I'm only paying for subs in them. I'm basically playing a solo mmo. I would play actual mmos if they didn't fall off a cliff in terms of quality, genshit gets 10 times the content than any modern mmo
>3 weeks
take care of urself.
also dont b so racest lol
scared to try on the skirt i got
Carti reference?!?
>take care of urself.
im trying, it's not fault i can't get a refill
>also dont b so racest lol
im not, i haven't said anything racist in months or more

why are you so full of hatred
>mmos are such shit quality wise
>omfg chingchong cartoon gacha? so gud so gud
pills hon, pills.
because you are vile and not even human
being fat is good honestly
idk why I've always been so afraid of gaining weight
byt the less skelemode I get the less horrific my ugly rumplestilkskin ass body gets
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I played both of what you're yapping about for hundreds of hrs
What's your experience w em buddy?
Gw2 is still the best mmorpg on the market btw
>are these two words a heckin song reference?
how''d ur hrt get messed up? pharma error?
and yeh u do seem better on the race stuff ngl
why? because you don't like how i look? because you disagree with what i think?

gw1... i miss it...
The joke is that it isn't. Why are you people so mad today?
you literally said the n word the other day
bruh i don't get you at all sometimes
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you are insidious awful person who only posts here to bring other women down
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It's good 2bh but I never went too far on it
Loved it though, too bad I lost access to the acc that had it so I can't play it :thumbsup
now theres a catman...the eyes remind me of how gozilla minus one looked
how do you mean?
yes scary but also kinda cute
>how''d ur hrt get messed up? pharma error?
it's bigger than that
the distributor is backordered, so im just stuck waiting for the shortage to be resolved

i don't want to bring anyone down, and im trying to be nicer and not sperg over things. just because you don't like that i think certain things
as if your telling people to kill themselves for not being pretty isn't bringing others down too

really? i do not remember that and wouldn't have said it unless it were to blobbert who tried to destroy my life and get me to kms so it's warranted

how's smt v v going
>go do rope stuff
for a second i forgot about shibari and thought you were telling her to kill herself in a weird cutesy way here and i was a bit confused
Whats wrong with saying the nword ?
more cats!
Finally got peak gear on him
Except the main echo but it's def good enough.
Can't wait to do it uhh 4 more times
New new new new new >>36608057
o damn...maybe i can get injecto soon. seems more convienient then poppin these pills all day
kek tragic misunderstanding
its not about what you think. its about what you do
and no i dont tell others to kill themselves for their looks, but their gross actions
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it’s been so fun, I need to take a break bc I am going out w someone rn but I really did not think I would like it even a tenth as much as I do
grace go be a fat gross pig faced ugly hon somewhere else ty
>page 7
Do not ever talk to her like that.
u2 pigshield poster, imagine being that yikes
the bright side of throwing up every day and pissing out my ass is that i've lost like 8 pounds
that doesnt sound good anon, cant you see a doctor about that?

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