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last thread: >>36447033
no qott gimmicks, no missing asl, pure /frengen/ :)

>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
strokey nonce
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20 mtf Canada
>about me
Goth girl who makes music listens to Music and gets High to often
games music fashion drugs
>looking for
Ppl in Canada
>not looking for
Ppl not in Canada
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20 / male / northern ontario
>about me
practicing audio engineer w/ lots of free time, looking for friends
socially extroverted & outgoing, been told i'm (kinda) attractive
music - special interest in hardcore punk, jazz & classic rock
movie fan (crime/gangster films especially), indie/cult video games
media curation, i'm into audiophile stuff & blu-ray/dvd archival
casual alcohol drinking (IPAs / sours) and some drugs (shrooms / lsd)
>looking for
multiplayer gaming & listen/watch parties
people to talk about mutual interests in media
long-term friendship, potential ldr
>not looking for
people who don't actively respond / message first
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32, mtf, midwestern US
>about me
dejected older tranny trying to hold onto the last vestiges of youth and find some joy in this world
b, t
rp and tabletop, dark fantasy, indie animation, light gaming
>looking for
>not looking for
hookups or people who are weird or disrespectful
Based picrel brother
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i'm the baddest bitch in this thread!!
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>about me
lifelong neet angel tranny with mystery disorders, gets stoned too often, and prefers to talk to people about common interests
if you engage with it in its interests it's more likely to like you

itemlabel, minecraft/lethal company, indie/game jam games, weed, gamedev, angels and anything colorful

i take lots of pictures of my itemlabel plushies n can autistically ramble about the design of games i like

>looking for
similar ppl, strange or unique ppl

>not looking for
ppl who follow a social script

why did you move discords
I think it fits better. Didn't really like the last one but I change discords every other week anyway.
i've already changed my username practically every thread for the past little while (iykyk) so it could be worse
Oh yeah I get you and all the good names are already taken so you’re kinda screwed. What can ya do ƪ(˘˘)ʃ
lol black
27 MtF San Diego
T, B
Vidya, ttrpg, cartoons, bugs and flowers, wandering around at night.
>looking for
Cool people, friends, maybe more(locals heavily preferred for this I am too old for ldr) . Would prefer 23+. Dont mind talking to youngins but keep it pg you little shits. I am generally nice and frenly.
>not looking for
moids who just want to hookup ,rightoids, blackpillers
Discord: gummygunk
Have you changed profiles in several days/a week? I am somewhat shy/anxious to add ppl from here and I admit I saved your post from the other thread but I think it had different discord username
What kind of ttrpgs are you into btw?
You consistently make one of the best intros in a given thread but then you keep changing your username like an autistic retard. Why?
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>about me
Dumb retard please be patient. I love reading, cooking and music and so may drone on a bit about those things.
B, mtf repper
I read a lot but mostly classics, old movies, David Lynch, some vidya but I don't really have enough time for it anymore, /fa/, /fit/, /ck/
>looking for
Smart or dumb people
>not looking for
Idc I'll yap to anyone.
disc: kyun.zetta
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what part of canada
21/mtf/LA (NoHo)
Weebshit (lately old school ova's, loved Frieren) Video games (Melee please play melee with me, also lots of the usual terminal online shit), and cinema (I'm a film major, this is my main interest) Also really love classic art and will ramble about that.
>looking for
Ideally potential irl people, I'm either in portland or LA, but if you're elsewhere and think we'd get along then feel free to add if you'd be up to visit sometime
Other mtfs ONLY. I'd love to ramble endlessly about some topic to you and have you ramble about yours back. I'd love to regularly call and vc and do things together. I'm kind of in the market for a new best friend, though you'll have to put up with my bpd. Also open to romantic things happening if the vibes are good
>not looking for
Cis men, I have nothing in common with you, and no matter what I know you'll end up wanting to fuck me. Ideally at least have some things in common with me, and message me first sometimes and we'll be good
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Nope. Just terrible at telling people I don't wanna buy their pics. Don't really have a type but Im not attracted to everyone who adds me, I feel like I'll hurt their feelings if I say that though so I end up not saying anything. If I did that to you, Im sorry. Now If I ever told anyone I'd buy their pics I always send them money. That's one thing Im not bad at.
Wtf do you look like?
What kinds do you like? Because it’s it’s ridiculous if you aren’t attracted to me
if i changed my letters to mtf i would get 10x more adds
>Because it’s ridiculous if you aren’t attracted to me
Have we talked on discord before? Its not like the people I don't buy from are ugly, most of you are cute. Just not someone I'd wanna buy pics from
"nope i just wasn't attracted to you sorry"
>"wtf it's ridiculous that you weren't attracted to me!!"
so you focused more on the "free money" part than realizing he didn't pay you because he didn't find you attractive
lol. lmao
would you buy from the same person twice? im the tan emo
The ftm emo? Or someone else
Either way, yeah Ive bought from people multiple times. Just depends
you got it... im kinda horny and could use some cash
i will give you $2 for feet pics
Oh yeah we had fun. I'll think about it, I was probably going to hit you up again eventually anyway
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29 F Midwest
>about me
Growing trans girl seeking stable connections on the /lgbt/ board of 4chan.
Bi, trans, poly
All kinds of vidya, but particularly roguelikes/lites. Very big on TCGs, I compete at a high level. Been enjoying a good amount of movies and board games lately. Also smoke lots.
I love music and always enjoy sharing stuff between each other too.
>looking for
Stable connections. Long term preferred. Someone to watch movies or anime with, consume things together and talk about them.
>not looking for
Cis boys? Maybe?
No you where not smart enough to communicate
I mean yeah?
>I mean yeah?
okay then don't accuse him of scamming like wtf
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Foxes are angels
>No you where not smart enough to communicate
What does that even mean? There's really no reasoning with people like you. This is probably the reason I didn't buy pics from you in the first place. Your personality alone is dogshit and Im sure your looks weren't much better. Forget about Trump, I dodged a bullet.
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28 MtF Latam
T, B
Vidya, vtubers anime, art, metal
>looking for
Tbh anything
Discord: _catx
Your supposed to give me your money and be thankful
I was just trying to ask for you to introduce yourself! Didn't mean for you to get the wrong idea!
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los angeles
>About me
into some anime & gaming, reading, music, movies, going out
pans cis m
>Looking for
ppl to game with
also cute femboy/mtf/ftm to spoil with toys & outfits
>Not looking for
not feminine
disc spicybubblywater
You can't assume every guy who likes to buy things and send people money is into findom lil bro
That's a huge turnoff for me
>not looking for
>not feminine
it's so over
they're a 32 y/o HSTS, it was over before it began
was nice knowing you for the time being not really sure why u removed me randomly but no hard feelings. thanks for all the advice regarding transitioning and gl in cali
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wtf did they do it AGAIN
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29/mtf/central tx
>>about me
hi, i lost most of my irl friends due to covid lockdown / other stuff and really want to make some new friends to do irl stuff with
my main hobby is making music & listening to lots of music, i also watch a decent amount of horror/postwar japanese films & i really like to cook as well.
>>looking for
mostly just looking for frens to go on irl adventures with & shows
>>not looking for
people who live super far away (im trying to be less terminally online), coomers,/pol/tards
you have to love how the most useless transgirl of all time who ghosts everyone immediately gets probably 25 adds per thread but the most interesting bichud you've ever met in your life who will remain a devoted lifelong friend gets right around 0
what has this world come to
hmmm almost as if most people here aren't actually looking for friends
literally 99% of these fuckers will never meet up irl what is the point
chasing. chasing was always the point.
bitch chasing after WHO when these people can't maintain conversations for more than 15 minutes
yeah that's why /frengen/ still exists
Good user
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>about me
A man of culture
Video games, manga, anime, movies, music, fashion, cosplay, art, horror, history, cryptids, photography, traveling, food, all that fun stuff
>looking for
I am definitely not looking for people interested in selling pics, I have definitely never sent money for said pics, and I would definitely never look for that on /lgbt/ where it is most most surely a bannable offense. Definitely do not add me if you think thats something I would ever want. Definitely not what Im looking for. Definitely not.
At least post which anime/movies/games/etc. are you all into, jeez
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18, F, East Coast US
>>about me>
talkative, a little terminally online, and i have a lott of hobbies that i do not balance out!
primarily trying to focus on making art and learning piano and guitar
T, L
i like baking sweets, drawing my little anime characters, reading anything really, listening to music, and playing games every now and then. Feel free to give me music recs :D
biggest hobby is drinking til i black out though
>>looking for>
friends, anyone to talk to really and someone who will play games with me
>>not looking for>
nothing in particular, ig dating (unless ur paying me to do it in which case hiiiii)
hisokana_ on discord
Your tag doesn't work anon.
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23 MtF Chicago
>about me
black trans girl that likes to play guitar and hang out at the beach.
music, horse tranquilizer, hiking, snowboarding, writing, tabletop games
> looking for
frenz, people to game with, locals (i have a car and i can travel up to 3 hrs).
> not looking for
horny, people outside the US
> contact
I only changed my name a little bit recently due to a silly girl moment and removing people from discord I really enjoyed talking too as a form of self harm.
Im doing better now and am really hoping a few of you I talked too forgive me and add me back.

Anyway I like any sort of ttrpgs (lemme roll dice please!) but old school world of darkness is a fucking vibe.
>Why the fucking fuck does nobody go in depth about their fucking interests?
>"Video Games"
>What fucking video games?
>What fucking anime do you like?
>"Computers," what do you like about computers? "Linux," oh, what fucking distro do you like?
>"Art," what types of fucking art do you like? What do you like about art? Your favorite artists? "Music," what fucking music? What genres? "Politics," oh, what is your fucking ideology? What books have your read? What schools do you follow?
>Jesus tap dancing christ.
>I am not going to fucking add and dm thirty individual people to find out what they meant by "video games" or "art."
>Why should I go through the time to add you, and ask about "video games," only to find out we have nothing in common, when you could just elaborate on your interests in your original post?
>There is a reason nobody makes friends from these threads, you are all fucking fudge packers.
yeah every intro is a different variation of someone else's. the future is bleak.
I dont watch that stuff. Amazon reccd me one called Love is Hard for Otaku. I dont get it. Anime is not my cup of tea at all.
rewatching Lexx and Farscape.
Playing Pillars of Eternity, Outer Worlds, Fallout 76.
Buckwheat + tuna + tomato sauce
mango smoothie + red tea + bergamot black tea
Getting my tits off to Fluke.
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27 mtf usa (better than ever)
add me for vc, music sharing, cat loving, omori gif posting
I took a break but I got a job and im better now
not looking for mean people
discord methrockette

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26, mtf(twinkhon), southeast US
>about me
NEET for 10 years now, 5'6, blue eyes
T, L
medicine, biohacking, cooking, videogames, anime, esotericism, walking around the mountains
>looking for
friends who would be willing to meetup, maybe a wholesome relationship, i get isolated for way too long
>not looking for
>about me
i dont browse here anymore. student, continuing studying here soon. not well adjusted but more normal to get to know until you know me more personally, i dont externalize what i go through internally
L, T, A
honestly i find everything interesting but my main interests are gaming, music, medicine and its related sciences, psychology, fashion, and seeing live music
>looking for
friendships not demanding of my time and space. i am an introvert, and i have my own life outside of the internet
>not looking for
anything more than friendship
please introduce yourself to me
im not rly looking for irls
Good for you! No need to pay for that stuff
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19 m UK

bi femboy

Into a few games, anime, making art, music, writing

bpd (sorry)
I just wanna meet someone i connect with and wont leave me, i wanna talk to u all day about life and our interests, dont wanna go too fast or have anything toxic please. I just want something sweet and real :)

I have some mental issues but i wont make it your problem
Also very freaky

looking for: fem/androgynous men, cis/trans women up to age 30,

>disc: saint010111
i don't know lmao
i like having a cool username
So far from /frengen/ ive had
>One underage
>Two anons that talked about how much they want to die in the first 5 minutes of adding them
>One anon out of their mind on benzos
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you must be new here
>about me
I uh. Like mutually supportive emotional connections. And people to meet with.
B, T (manmoder)
I read Fear and Trembling awhile back. Didn't understand a lot of it. I'm trying (very badly) at studying math for grad school in stats. Very rusty on real analysis, need to get back into linalg and such. I still don't get Linear Model Theory...
>looking for
Mutually supportive emotional connections.
>not looking for
Things which aren't that.
.lackadaisical on Discord
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>about me
I am Belle, or Ellie, or Izzy. I am a pretty normal tranny, bpd and hot shit with occasional downward mood swings. I like to take care of others, especially talking about emotions because it lets me ignore my own internal struggles for just a bit.

Things are finally starting to go right for me. Starting college, working a gig, might be moving out soon. All I have left is to keep bettering myself. Every day is a constant fight towards self-improvement, particularly the gym and weight loss. But also learning make up, fashion and voice training. Anyone can be hot if they find what works for them.
HotD, AEW, CK3, TFT, True Crime, Video Essays, Reading, Writing, dark and macabre subjects. Magic. Fashion, make-up, self-improvement, going to the gym, working out, learning, video games, talking with people, making friends.
>looking for
friends, lovers, missed connections, and new ones. I want people who I can discuss my life with and will share with me parts of theirs. I want anything and everything, although other queer people get priority. I want the soft people in my life that I can be sweet and kind to. other bpd girlies, please apply. I will mother you.

Just purged my friends list so I'm looking to make more. I'd also love a server to call home.
>not looking for
people who can only be horny. if I wanted that'd I'd post on /soc/
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24/transf/USA BABY (I hate it here)
>About me
Currently going through a pirate obsession.
T and B. (No I do not have tuberculosis)
The aforementioned pirate obsession, gaming sometimes, art sometimes, sea life, pictures of cats, hot people
>looking for
Friends, pals, buddies, amigos,
Anyone who wants to chat, maybe more idfk
Also anyone who is down to buy me nacho fries
>not looking for
Creeps, ppl being overly horny (a little is fine, that's silly) and *that* kind of chaser
Goblin._ on disc
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-23/mtf/A merry kajin :D
-I am interested in cs and I like to jog and vidya, these are my copes of being alone
-Looking for anyone to talk, just don't be creepy
Talk too them and find out :)
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Hai sorry for pisspoor into i read some of the posts here and felt bad. let me elaborate more

>about me
pretty cute, femboy

>Anime - favs are gurren lagann, code geass, evangelion, jojo part 1-4, hajime no ippo, berserk, fma, one piece, i be forgetting some :p
I like things with an uplifting message which i think all of these share. I try not to be pessimistic and look at the bright side. Im a perrson with big dreams etc so code geass, GL, hajime all really resonate with me. Also soul eater is awesome too shitty ending tho

Multiplayer favs - minecraft, gta, cod, BO3 zombies (if you have it on pc plz play modded maps with me) Also used to play a lot of sea of theives. But its a little boring alone if anyones down to play and vc let me know :D or just give me other recs gaming wise ive fallen off of videogames and id love to play something new with you if ur nice!

Singleplayer - sonic (HUUGE sonic autist i know ALL the lore), metal gear, yakuza,
Red dead, pokemon, skate 3 also playing through mother 3 rn and i luv it even tho ive always hated jrpgs, maybe my taste has changed. I called lucas “bed”

>art: hard to explain in words what my style is like, just anime stuff. But more realistic apposed to chibi early 2000’s anime slop altho i do love that and take some inspo from it. idk, dm me ill show you ^_^ i love art, im also rly into fine art. Cant name anyone in specific but i really admire it and would love to get into traditional painting sometime instead of being a weeb. i love landscapes and biblical/roman things.

>music i have big aspirations for music i just dont rly know how to bring them to life, im rly bad with fl studio but i do write a lot of raps which are pretty good i THINK. Been really grinding on it lately and im happy with how im doing :>, think old eminem and kanye inspo. in terms of what i like i love pretty much everything, right now listening to a lot of early 2000’s rap and breakcore

disc: >saint010111
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>about me
Optimistic semi-goth chick who likes making friends and vibing in VR, also like listening to music aswell
gaming, streaming, music, singing,
>looking for
people to vibe w and maybe play games with,
>not looking for
NSFW of any kind, creeps, those who "follow scripts" to talk to people, stoners
Where are all the men at?
We just wait for mtfs to post and then attack
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>asl - 27cis f southern cali near Tustin
>about me - autistic weeb into weebshit, j-pop, vocaloid, vtubers, shitposting. Love me some blue archive, and Key Visual arts vns/anime
>letters - bi
>interests - PC gaming and vtubers
>looking for - dating mostly, and voice calls.
>not looking for - e-drama, people asking me about the claims people make about me on 4chan, if you didn't hear it from me its most likely not true.

>contact - chickenclaw3
do not add - chickenclaw3 / chickn is a notorious misandrist /soc/tard that isn't at all worth anyone's time
forgot to mention I will only accept anime and video game profile pics

I don't normally waste my time on shit stirrers but this isn't true. I do rant about men a lot but they're men who treated me badly such as leading me on, manipulating me or blocking me when I thought we were getting along well, if anything they're the misogynists for treating me so badly.
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>I don't normally waste my time on shit stirrers but this isn't true.
you are literally on record as having groomed children i wouldn't be talking
be happy i went for "notorious misandrist /soc/tard" and not "fucking pedophile" you nonce
damn i didn't know a cisf could be this based
>about me
bisexual, transgender
league of legends, minecraft, youtube
>looking for
people to chat with
>not looking for
mean people thanks
happy belated birthday
Avoid like the plague.
You should've gone for pedophile. This "person" deserves the rope.
23 mtf LA
>about me
bpd girl art student sadly
t, bpd, l
immersive sims, niche hyperpop, ranking bring me the horizon albums, DXM, cars, drinking too much, 35mm photography, cooking, misandry
>looking for
friends, especially if u have bpd and aren't a man
>not looking for
men. men please leave me alone
25 f eu
>About you
i mostly just make music
music (shoegaze, breakcore, indie etc), anime, vidya, chess, philosophy, history
>Looking for
nice people to talk to and maybe vc
>Not looking for
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24, irrelevant.
>Looking for
Recently I had a retarded moment and I caught feelings from someone I meet on here, she was interested in me, I could tell it was sincere, so the feeling was mutual, we had plans, one day to another she just dissapeared from my life, it has been weeks now, I'm in the process of moving on but the lack of closure is killer, I have also fallen sick so I barely do anything anymore.

I'm not looking for therapy or pity, I just want someone that relates to this feeling, anyone that is also hurting, I just want to distract myself.

>about me
Creative writing student who heavily enjoys stories and storytelling
Anything horror from games, books, manga and movies. Really into classic survival horror games from ps1-ps2 era. Enjoy reading in my spare time folklore and mysterious events for inspiration
>looking for
Anyone who shares similar interests
>not looking for
Those who don't share similar interests as it's just hard to talk to them. Plus dont want to be too much of a yapper lol
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation. Yeah!
>Discord Tag
thank you anon
>about me
denpapilled girl, i love fashion and dress alt/jirai/jfashion, i also love vns and love to talk to others and learn abt their interests!! im a yapper ngl i love learning about people, love silly creatures and am essentially an cute angel girl lol
>letters - b, t
vns, fashion, rap music, some anime/video games, my favorite characters r amechan and bernkastel!!
>looking for
nice friends, i love to learn abt others!! meeting new people is fun im just bad at starting the convo but keeping it going !!!
>not looking for - nsfw ): not my thing, same w mean ppl i just like to be civil and have nice convo
>contact - disc : angelmizuki
18/F/washington dc
>abt me
Goth manmoder who rots inside her room allday
T(mtf), bi, b
recently getting back into csgo (still shit <3). arthouse cinema, art, horror writing and fashion
>lookin for
anyone interested :3
>not lookin for
idrc, just know that im ugly if ur a chaser
>23 and 17 is pedophilia
age of consent ≠ age of sexual morality
also how does that undermine her saying verbatim "i'm a pedophile, i love little boys"
pedophilia ≠ immoral sex
thats just being an edgelord
And you faggots wonder why everyone calls you groomers
>I groomed the shit out of him
Yes. It's pedophilia.
would anyone teach a poor stupid tranny how to play ttrpgs?
I wanna play vtm......
does anyone in dfw area texas have any estrofem and bica that i could potentially buy from them? absolutely willing to pay, please lmk asap,

disc: evildisorder
if you want estrogen so bad im pretty sure you can go to a clinic even if you dont have insurance
21/F/ Aus
>about me
Uni student trying to scrape together a future, recovering from an injury and sad about not being able to be active as much anymore for a while
Linguistics, classical literature, vidya, tea, wine
>looking for
friends, either to hang out with irl or able to hold a nice conversation
>not looking for
relationships, sex, chasers, creeps ect
>about me
big idiot that doesnt have much to do during the day looking for silly people to say silly things with. chill or horny out or whatever you want.
music making, niche music tastes, plenty of vidya games (strategy and rpg games), recklessly spending money
>looking for
other peeps to chat with
>not looking for
jerks, aggressive people that just want to shit talk.
Damn, Fuck that tranny named Tw.in or something that added me then wrote a bunch of text about her issues then when i opened about mine i got blocked instantly without reason.
24, mtf, Germany
>about me
I'm a quiete weirdo with adhd
t b
music, science, technology, philosophy, psychology, gardening, anime/manga
>looking for
someone nice to talk to, maybe vc
>not looking for
creeps, sexual stuff
bumper cars

Any cute ftms here?
they literally only stopped posting because of retard chasers
18, mtf, western USA
Bi & T
>about me
Im kinda introverted and dumb desu, I like to talk a lot about things I like, obsessed with music and history as well
Theater and drama, art and sketching, black metal and rock, and Vidya
>looking for
Other t girls, around my age who I can have genuine conversations who live somewhat close to me (I’m in Colorado) and share my interests
>not looking for
Moids, chasers, people uninterested in carrying on conversations, etc
crabo816 On discord
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okay what about any handsome ftms?
I'm ftm and handsome but I'm also over 30 and work out a ton. No elegant butlers here.
Literature, cooking, coffee,video games, honkai star rail, gunpla and autobattlers
>looking for
A friend to talk to about common interests. kinda frequent responses would be nice.
>not looking for
Niggers, libtards, normies, people who don't want to talk after a day. not weird ig too
based actually, never stop improving king
18 mtf north east us
>about me
boymoder, in college for cs
hiking, music production, coding, weed
>looking for
like anyone im lonely, someone to play games with
19F Western Europoor
>about me
Adhd sperg with multiple personality disorders (not the fun kind, I'll just get randomly depressed and leave one day) and no discernable personality. Currently studying medicine
Older OVAs, music (synthwave, darksynth, whatever aphex twin and pilotredsun qualify as), sociology, psychology, collapsology, doomscrolling 24/7, writing, frogs, staring at wall
>looking for
Conversationing. I will gladly listen to you yap about anything
>not looking for
Disc funnydogtopfunnies
i have this discord that's been around for 5 years that i used to post on here all the time but i haven't done it much in a while. we've mostly settled into being a few regulars but id like to think we're welcoming to new people, most people who join from frengen don't really stick around but I'm hoping that's just the flakiness of this thread and not us being unintentionally cliquey or unwelcoming.

it says to explain yourself in the join channel but ill just let you in if you dont immediately have bad vibes. just don't be an ass and don't make people uncomfortable on purpose

invite: RePsqj5s8R
>Join my server to talk to me
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22 m+estrogen nyc
>about me
tech intern heading back to LA area in ~1mo for last year of uni
normal male
music, lit, outdoor stuff. motorcycles. maths/cs i guess—its my field
>looking for
help please god help let me out of here
>not looking for
ASL: 21/mtf/Maine

About me: grew up in Alaska, moved to Maine last year because of a relationship falling apart, and I make basically any kind of art you can think of.

Letter: T and Pansexual

Interests: card games, abstract or obscure anime, music, and cooking

Looking for: pretty much anyone under the age of 30

Not looking for: people over the game of 29

Discord: jumbona
>Not gay
So... you're cishet? Why are you on /lgbt/?
It looks like they're just posting their server, not demanding it as a prerequisite to speak. Most DMs from this place are from boring people who stop DMing after a day, so I suppose a server might be easier to keep conversation going in.
who knows
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just a brainwormed tranny probably
How is main as a tranner? Been considering going there or Vermont
Wtf that pic is literally me but im MTF
im socially detrans but when i stopped taking estrogen i went insane so now im just
idk. trying to deal. ill probably try and stop again at some point bc its brought me nothing but grief but i dont want to destabilize my life rn because things are pretty good
i see. I'm not gonna knock it, I've considered socially transistorising but staying on hormones myself
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19/cis male/new england
I like drawing, computer science, and learning about history. I play a lot of rpg and rts games.
>looking for
frens with shared interests that preferably live near me, maybe relationship
I'm a bit busy atm so I'll probably be slow to reply for a while
>not looking for
people over 24
tamagotchisnail (discord)

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