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man to senpai G

Qott: what do you spend your money on besides basic necessities?

Previously >>36603108
Finally got peak gear on him
Except the main echo but it's def good enough.
Can't wait to do it uhh 4 more times
any trans women in need of cisussy?
mmm is this cat dead? were they trying to sous vide the poor animal or what?
female woman general
No can you peg me tho
On club nights, I spend about $50 on weed, $25 on parking (because fuck trying to find parking in the city at night). If I dont get in the show for free, it's like $20 right there. $5 on two energy drinks.
if you'll let me borrow an outfit, i can be trans for you
>its not about what you think. its about what you do
and what is it that i do? i don't do anything "bad", unlike you who seeks to erase the idea of women and make it all accessible to men so that no woman has any right to be free from men
how is that not bad of you? to want to deny women their right to boundaries, or their right to existence?
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vintage night vision scopes
You looked better when you used to style your hair up, like a year ago maybe.
see like >>36608138 this is the kind of mean shit anya pulls and then claims other ppl are bad
shitting in my pants and sobbing.
dont wanna go job.
do wut we must
shut the actual fuck up paige
depends on your face shape and what kind of hair you have i.e.: 2a, 3b, 4c etc.
fine i'll just go take a bath
yes i want to deny women their right to boundaries
and yes i want to deny women their right to existence. yes i want to erase the idea of women. all that and more yes yes ty
This boss thinks he's from fucking elder pring or some shit he fucking decides to throw out his weapon to fist fight you and whenever you die to him he facepalms in front of you
Dude fucking just sat there facepalming after killing my entire team to delay me restarting the fight fucking bitch
I think it already suits you desu, you look super cute, maybe try some curls if you'd like to change it up a bit.
Try the curly girl method, get a diffuser for your hairdryer, some good hair moisturiser, heat spray, no sulfate shampoos or conditioners, swap out pillowcases for silk ones or get a silk bonnet.
do a bubble bath kid, you earned it
yo wut if we got born as a afab lol that wud b so dope fr fr
thats literally you paige
yeah but theyre not wrong
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like how do u see this and not just think damn this bitch ugly as fuck
stay truthpilled
shout out 2 my haters theyre the only ones who actually speak the truth
no it's not, i wouldn't say that about someone
grace is nice mostly if a little slow sometimes
12 hours until flight..
that's not me?? meds now i luv gracie
grace a actual cute but cuz i anit no hugboxer imma be deadass n say u need a go jim and get SHREDDED and u will be a dimepiece.
aww that's so sad, was your hair shorter before? I find it worked well for me when my hair was just down over my shoulder similar to how yours is in that pic.
Also definitely have to have the no sulfates and hair moisturiser part imo in case you don't. The moisturiser should also help with the scraggy brush your hair look a little bit.
It /is/ hard to maintain though and usually on day 2 it looks much worse than day 1 for me.
tooked skirt out of packaging and looked at it then put back now will recuperate for an hour or so and try again, maybe get a little further next time
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I fear my skill issue is extreme
baby steps
dang transition is going well for you lately
it’s so scary
new socks feel so good
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>mfw opening womens clothing from amazon
Yeah like you used to tuck your hair behind your ears, sry I'm a guy so I have idea what this hair style is called. But I thought you looked really cute with that look. You still had bangs, but you would pull the rest of your hair back into a bun iirc. I think it highlighted your face better
what's this mean
lol you're the biggest marie critic on this board. chill out on that
Boss challenge in the game where the fucker sometimes just sits there and facepalms and if you do attack him he instantly punches you in the face
in order 2 make women more comfortable when using the womens bathroom i sing loudly to make my presence known. heres what i sing.
the bright side of throwing up every day and pissing out my ass is that i've lost like 8 pounds
sob dont compare urself to me i genuinely think ur extremely pretty and passing
>tfw had a good idea for a scene in the mecha game
>wrote it down and it still seems promising
absolutely buzzing

>feel good
Wearing a mask at work again since lust got over Covid, so no concealer/foundation
Still need a few more laser sessions, but here's another hon
I ate fast food the other day and now my face is puffy from all the salt and I feel too ugly to transition now what should I do /mtfg/
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how goes smtv?
am having alot of more fun restarting picrel than I thought
do u think peege is or could be pretty

yea that's not the greatest look
maybe get some bangs and a philtrum reduction and ffs?
i think pooge is pretty and just retarded and will mog again once she stops getting hondosed and goes back 2 her selfcare arc
sounds good ty
also i talked to doctor and she was willing to bump the dose up to 6mg and even talk to her team about increasing frequency to 5 days rather than 7
ty for your advice on that stuff
Hair was just annoying me at work, it looks a lot better down
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how many butt plugs do you need if you only got one ass
makeup looks nice
actually based & surprising, happy for u peege
thats a good dosage u will b fine
just be consistent pls
thats not a plug. i have a wide selection because different bottoms have different preferences and im not topping with my tiny dick
i will

i have a dildo and a buttplug, i rarely use either but the buttplug especially i hardly use
You need a real butt plug, and that's called having a bf
wyd haha
as many as I can store
ok yeah that's a good routine for sure.
sry for your brainworms, it happens to me all the time too :<
I think the boss has higher iq than me he keeps baiting me to dodge
fit to sit outside and smoke and then buy bug spray and then smoke without bugs. current dont have the bug spray
which boss which game
Crownless on wuwa. This vid makes it look easy but I swear it isn't
this is the one use case where it makes sense to have a wide selection i'll grant you
you should sleep
what an unfun looking game
ur belt is cool
I am alive and I must grind
He facepalmed me too many times to be left alone.
It's fun because it's hard
Furniture and some tech doodads but mostly saving for surgery that’ll hopefully unfuck my body
I'm a poorfag
owning things is for the rich and privileged
that would be nice but can u imagine having a boyfriend? that would be like way better
Im cold as hell right now, freezing my ass off
me too desu
isn't it scary knowing nick lang is lurking in the shadows, watching your every move
How the FUCK is this boss this hard
what just got jannied, posts went down a lot
it’s been really fun so far I have played about ten hours
imma watch The Mist
nice :>
how the FUCK is my dick this hard
cool movie !
it’s pretty neat I am on a boss that I know conceptually how to beat but not sure how to get the abilities I need to beat her
i bet radiochan and nomi are fucking right now
You know there are lots of things you can eat that aren't food.
like radiochan's stinky ass right?
yee. its been a min so it will be like new to my damaged brain :)
i support that shit
I finally have somewhat of a butt
after months of pushing myself
dont forget 2 use lotion when chasing butt gains so u dont get 2 much stretch marks. i have them from getting fat then skinny sover for me already butt u dont hafta make the same mistake. som ppl rly like them tho
my cister got it for me :)
i have a guitar strap thats kinda like that caution tape theme.
>that I know conceptually how to beat but not sure how to get the abilities
sounds like fun
unfortunately I'm like genuinely too poor to afford proper skincare
I have suncreen and water and...
that's it
if I run out of sunscreen I can't get more prob either
I've been stressing over stretchmarks tho yeah
since I've actually succeeded at gaining some weight
and before all that I didn't really believe I was gonna
hoping that since all my progress is ridiculously slow with my extreme metabolism and poor diet it won't be much of an issue for now
shit ig pinch whatever pennies u can and invest in some lotion.
not a bad idea tho yeah
my skin in general is just really fucked
and I imagine it's going to get alot worst if left alone
Laguna im eating your pizza
I posted a pic of her in the last thread but if you want to look her up her name is Namaah
I like her character design a lot; she has a charm attack (make sense ahem) and I believe there is a way to make the protag immune but not sure exactly how
There's none left.
its bedtime
i gave him all my love and i have hon left to gib
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It's grindtime
lmao doesn't nomi say he passes easily these days HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Legendary pic

Yeah. How you failing?
>capitulate to pleasure
I love smt
never seen any of v before
can you still recruit demons that late in the series?
>It's fun because it's hard
yeah but it's a gacha and you can mitigate a good chunk of that difficulty by spending thousands of dollars pulling gear
The entire souls genre is one magical wizard build from being turned into babymode and I don't see no one bitching
Hope you two have a nice day and lots of fun
souls sucks ass too and I bitch about this
but souls is not a gacha, you just build your character out entirely with the game
in this hoyoverse bullshit you can literally just pour money into the slot machine until you have a build
combat isn't even really the point it's the characters and world which is all propaganda and every girl in the game exists because of a checklist of traits that maximize profits
there's also, you know, the fact that these games are legitimately causing boys, a lot of them underaged, to consider transitioning. put a whole league of anime girls into your game and force them to play as those girls. they might say they're pulling them because they're hot, but they're really pulling them because they want to be them. why do you think so much of the fanart for these games is futa?
Nigga what the fuck are you talking about I just want to beat shit up with cool characters while playing music
R u ok??
nice argument moron
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The 100034hrs in runescape 34795 hours on tf2 458932 hrs on csgo gaymer when I tell them I enjoy gacha games
yep that is what it’s all about
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I don't give a shit about your nonsense man I'm on the top 3 fandoms to get shit on because mr content creator told the sheep to go seethe
I factually speaking couldn't give less of a shit
I am about to shave off my body hair
it's literally gambling
it's not even p2w, you can't select the gear you want to buy, it's pay to maybe win
you pull gear, keep the best ones, liquidate everything else and use them to quickly level up your gear
it is literally designed to maximize profits
>you can't select the gear you want to buy
I experienced undertale before even persona
so it was wild to me when I realised how much came from the digital devil saga and friends
but that's honestly my favorite thing about the series
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What is it with gacha seethers and never actually playing the games they bitch about?? I don't get it? It's like john mcaffee the commentary youtuber told you genshin bad once and you called it quits while forming your opinion on it
Do I even mention when they give out free selectable rare characters so people can get a team to get started? Which they did fucking twice? Where's the gambling?? The gambling is targeted to rich whales that want to get as op as possible even if it costs a kidney the average genshit players spends 5 a month on a sub and that's it? IT LITERALLY COSTS LESS THAN A FF14 SUB!!! AND YOU BITCH MORE!!
Gacha is trash, end of story
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>qott: i'm a basic white girl that loves expensive iced lattes >.<
hope all tranners are having a beautiful day today <3
pic unrelated
nta but have played gacha games and it is ok to both enjoy them and realize they exist to make the most amount of money possible, usually in a predatory manner. both sides of the argument are retarded, just play the games you like and stop defending yourself like a child
>The gambling is targeted to rich whales that want to get as op as possible even if it costs a kidney the average genshit players spends 5 a month on a sub and that's it
>stop defending yourself like a child
it used to not be like this at all and you know it but it's still FUCKING GAMBLING
what's the average amount of money you have to spend to pull these? and then you have to pull them multiple times to fucking upgrade them to unlock extra shit and still have to dump mats into them to level them up
and that's not even getting at the fact that weapons and characters ARE SEPARATE FUCKING BANNERS
and they make all of the f2p shit GARBAGE and wall them with content that they mathematically cannot clear
it's fucking predatory chinese capitalism borderline kike BULLSHIT, the original argument was gacha's vs souls and no matter how you slice this stupid fucking argument GACHAS ARE FUCKING AWFUL AND YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT FOR PLAYING THEM
go play a game that isn't just a slot machine thinly veiled behind a facade of lgbt coded characters mass produced by chinese developers (who are funded by their government, btw) for the purpose of making kids faggots. you can play your overpowered magical wizard build for absolutely no money whatsoever aside from buying the game itself
jesus christ I forget how retarded some of you are but that really just goes to show that you are actually a woman
I don't want to ever do a dumb "coming out" thing. I just want to change my name and blend in as a woman and I don't see why there has to be a coming out thing. I'm not interested in that.
not reading that
>Do I even mention when they give out free selectable rare characters so people can get a team to get started?
and comparing this shit to ff14 in terms of cost is incredibly fucking stupid and a non-sequitur because IT'S NOT A GACHA AND YOU CANNOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY PAY FOR POWER
I pray the niggas that play gacha see the light at the end of the tunnel someday
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You're guaranteed to get what you want, there's no gambling in that
>what's the average amount of money you have to spend to pull these?
You can get 1 five star character guaranteed every banner and guarantee that it's the one you want if you skip 1 character, and that's while spending nothing
If you spend 5 dollars a month you get the one you want guaranteed
There's also them giving them out for free often, they gave out 2 free 5 stars at launch and are giving one of the two new characters next month for free too
>make all of the f2p shit GARBAGE
The forced to get characters are S tier and used by basically everyone
>go play a game that isn't just a slot machine thinly veiled behind a facade of lgbt coded characters mass produced by chinese developers
Believe it or not I play for the gameplay, I spend months saving resources and never gambling, if I was here to gamble I'd go play a roguelike
Nope, that's extra unnecessary things that basically nobody but whales ever goes out to get
They're not parts of their kit, you get the full character from 0 copies, they are extra buffs in case you get dupes so they don't make you feel like shit when you don't get a new character
Ever actually been around a gacha community? Nobody ever goes for dupes
And in the game we're talking about, you can get two of those guaranteed by just saving up the currency you get from trying to pull characters
How much was it to pay for a story skip again? Kek
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Best thing you posted all year
have 2 stay up all night cus leaving for airport at 4 am ugh
people buy gil, rmt activity, to bolster their character.
people buy clears the same way, including savage and ultimate weekly's.
that's not even considering people that buy and sell accounts or people with multiple accounts that bot farm.

you can certainly pay to win in ffxiv. the difference is if you get caught you get banned where in a gacha the premise is that they want you to buy into their game.

let's say you play rdm, but you suck. if you want the bis gear you can pay someone to carry you through savage, but just like gotcha, it's just a roll. the loot you want may not drop, and if it does, the clear may not sell it to outside of an exhorbent price. before you ask what good is gil in the game? it's for dumb shit like buying a mcmansion for your free company to erp in.

just like a gacha you can earn new units through playing and proper resource management and just like a gacha money can trump effort.
I hate early flights, shiet, fuck that
>I spend months saving resources and never gambling
Not cap btw
yeh at least it was cheapest flight and it'll still be morning when i land so still have whole day after flight
>the difference is if you get caught you get banned where in a gacha the premise is that they want you to buy into their game
well I'm glad you stated that because it makes the entire rest of your post not actually matter at all
so let's update it
>it's not a gacha and you cannot directly or indirectly pay for power without the threat of being kicked out the game permanently and being forced to ban evade to continue playing it
yeah this makes your argument so much better good job
People really can't comprehend that I play gachas because I like their gameplay and getting updates and new content often
And also because of permanent progression and being able to build accounts slowly and then look at them and feel nice with how strong my team is and how long it took to get there
It's literally the same feeling mmos give but with more updates, less cost and the ability to do literally all of it solo
Story skip boowhomp
>Can spend 25 dollars to instantly skip weeks of grinding
>Not p2w
>Can skip hundreds of hours of story content that other people that wouldn't pay have to go through
>Not p2w
>Endgame and social aspect is all about fashion with most fits taking a lot of rng to get
>Can just instead pay for better looking ones
nigga think of real life as a gacha and you'd be a millionaire
>Story skip boowhomp
story skips hinder your character pretty hard, the story quests are by far the biggest source of xp and the story skip doesn't level you up, so you're forced to grind roulettes, potd/hoh, or side quests
the next thing you'll bring up is paying to get jobs to max level which sure that could be p2w if you know how to play already, but if you put a new player into a level 90 job and they queue into a high level roulette they will not be able to play that job. these skips are also per job
nNNnno it's not p2w! itttt s not p2w bbbecause even though tehy got there in 5 minutes and I did in 593 hours they donttt know howt yto play yet!! itttno t p2w vro not tnot!! no!! in genshitt you instnatly gain elder knowledge on how to play th e game when you pa ymoney for broken character!! Mr game reviesws 38 told me! vro! not p2w!
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what does it mean when people say that you're smart/on another level but i still feel like a fucking retard
the ability to use a mount is walled behind a story quest
you should have included the rest of the page that says
>In order to accept the main scenario quest "A New World to Explore," you must have a Disciple of War or Magic at level 90 and have registered a product key for FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail to your service account.
I already do tho I minmax my money and only get what I need
Aka clothes n stuff
And then sometimes I spend a bit on games which used to be buying physical games but there's barely any of those left so now it's just 5 dolla a month on gacha and that's it
>the ability to use a mount is walled behind a story quest
That you can skip by paying :)
>you must have a Disciple of War or Magic at level 90
25 dollars away :)
it means you're pretty retarded and they're being nice to you out of pitty
bit disingenuous when genshin has 3 buttons for combat, 4 if you consider sprint
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isn't genshin the gay shota game
Read 1 character kit without trying to have an aneurysm
This is 1 skill from a character with 3 passives while you have to use 4 of these and know how to synergize them well
And don't get me started on the gear
no it's the trans loli game
>getting banned for paying to win undermines the argument that it's similar to a gacha
bro. you pay 15$ a month on average per mmo account. that's 180$ a year. you know how much a gacha player HAS to invest? 0$. they don't have to buy anything at all. the game gets updates regularly just like an mmo as they continually add content. you'd get banned off an mmo for position hacking the same as you would in a gacha. it's the same shit, but it's solo progression. instead of picking one role you play the whole team. it's just so much less work. in ff i'd run half a party. people literally cheat and use bots to automate their dps rotation for optimal performance based on the fight. from their they just memorize the choreography. if you casually play ff, that's fine. don't shit on a gacha player. you're average gacha player isn't a whale just like you aren't running bots all day long in ff. you're average gacha player may buy the welkin moon effect 5$/90days. the battle pass. 20$/month. that's like 260$/year to play gacha vs 180$/year to play ff. get off your high horse.
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does mado know about this?
This is what happens when I just nobrain with one of the best teams in the entire game while they're all maxed on one easy daily farm you have to do
0 skill involved tho, the ff14 erper told me so
the vast majority of players aren't reading this either, they simply read build guides on gamepress or in a community server, see if they have the gear, and if they don't, they either give up and do something else because they're walled by the gacha not giving them what they need (mathematically), or they spend more money on the gacha
this entire argument stemmed from
>you can mitigate a good chunk of that difficulty by spending thousands of dollars pulling gear
and this simply is not the case for any kind of game outside of gacha games
I agree that job skips are p2w, but they are, objectively, not p2w in even remotely the same way a gacha game like genshin is
hi can u explain everything in this screenshot
you're being overly charitable. there's people out there that pay for the story skips and run bots through shit all day. you don't have to know how to play the job when some script kiddy has a lua on github you can cut and paste.
not sure you know this but running bots risks getting you a permaban. I imagine it's like this in genshin as well, considering they have a kernel level anticheat.
The vast majority of players are watching a 40 minute guide after 6 months of pondering if to get the character then spend the next 2 building the ideal gear set for them
You are not walled by not paying, if you are then you're retarded and haven't put any thought into what you actually want to get
>not p2w in even remotely the same way a gacha game like genshin is
If you wanna go for this you can get the exact same things the whales do by just saving up instead of getting all the characters, which most people choose to not do since they prefer choice rather than 1 op thing
Wait until he says that osrs is not p2w I'm gonna have a real laugh then
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ur standard operating procedure
it literally looks like a mobile game made for middle schoolers lol
We did, thanks!
>Runs out of arguments
>Your game looks uggry vro
I thought it was all about gameplay or sum shit?
>The vast majority of players are watching a 40 minute guide after 6 months of pondering if to get the character then spend the next 2 building the ideal gear set for them
thank you for confirming what I said about reading a guide
>If you wanna go for this you can get the exact same things the whales do by just saving up instead of getting all the characters, which most people choose to not do since they prefer choice rather than 1 op thing
okay but what does this have to do with gacha games being egregiously p2w when compared to a game like ff14
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im not the anon complaining about the gameplay, im just saying it's a very ugly game
does anyone ever think about blood
my bf mohg does
Okay I gotta unzip it
Genshin is a singleplayer game with only co-op components, no leaderboards, that you can fully finish without paying a cent
Ff14 has pvp, highly competitive raids, and a social scene where the more drip you got the cooler you are
All aspects you can pay for
The game itself needs to be bought, then you need to buy the expansions, then you need to buy the monthly sub to even play
Genshin is singleplayer and completely completable for free, which is what most players do, with 0 competitive aspects
Ff14 is pay to play and pay to win since it has competitive aspects you get a direct advantage of skipping hundreds of hours ahead of anyone else by paying
Anything else?
you can't just buy infinite resin. they cap you. you have to be selective in how you utilize your resources. yes idiots will wreck their accounts, but they're never unfixable. the difference is you can't just grind for 16hours and make meaningful progression. sometimes you have to just wait and log in each day to do the chore. huh, kinda like they do roulettes in ffxiv. or how you can only get savage loot once a week. or how you need tombs to buy gear that's useful for progression towards the best in slot. like most modern mmo's picked up with incentives for daily activities. they want you to play for a few hours everyday, not all day one day of the week. psychologically it's so that thing they're selling you is constantly on your mind so you'll further buy into it. how do you think static groups started? it's people perpetually playing at the same time of day that end up playing together or competing. a gacha player doesn't have to interact with other non-playable characters if they don't want to. ever. ff has guarentees. gachas have guarentees. you have to play around them. sure you're max lvl in ff. are you max ilvl? did you clear savage? i'd rather go clear spiral abyss than play with other people's bullshit for hours on end. oh the drg's dead again? oh great. on the healer isn't dpsing at all? oh great. you can just pay and run all the accounts if you really wanted to. it's not hard. it's cumbersome. that's paying to win in ff. that'd be like 1440$/year to pay to win in ffxiv and you have no idea how much programming knowledge you would need to run it. there's a cult following in ffxi that run all 6 like eijin. that's like 936~$/year to play. they're paying to win. that isn't to say they don't put in work. someone that plays gacha like iwintolosegaming still does a ton of work doing calca and spread sheets and guides to justify the investment by making content. whales invest so much more than money.

same shit.
why write this much autism over gatcha
Also genshin is an example of a somewhat greedy gacha, all gachas can be played and enjoyed while not spending a penny but generally they do treat you better than in genshin
Most mmos also have direct p2w with buying currency, gw2 does, wow does, osrs does, albion does, literally all mmos do to some extent
Specially ones like lost ark but that's korean and we all know how koreans are
There's tons of gacha games that monetize via skins and not characters also, PGR lets you always get the new character for free if you play daily and if you pay a little extra you also get their bis guaranteed
Azur lane doesn't even have actual pulls you pay for it's just a resource in the game you can grind
Same goes for girls frontline
Then apart from the just very generous ones like aether gazer blue archive destiny child nikke etc you've got ones like limbus company that just let you get all characters and give you the most value for your money without ever needing to use the gambling system
So yeah, you're gay
It's called an "argument" where both where writing to state their points and counter others
You write that much over wanting to fuck men
oh to be a retarded 19 year old neet again
>You write that much over wanting to fuck men
yea but men are sexy, gatcha is pure autism
>pvp, highly competitive raids
still need to be able to mechanically perform these
>All aspects you can pay for
most don't
as far as drip (lol) goes most people either use texture mods for custom drip (rofl) or anamnesis for in game drip (lmao) to post screenshots of their character in a discord server
>The game itself needs to be bought, then you need to buy the expansions, then you need to buy the monthly sub to even play
fair, tho expansions are a purchase you make with multiple years in between them. buying the game right now gives you access to every expansion up to the current one and 30 days of game time. subs are kinda whack and the usual argument for them is that they support the infrastructure behind the game. gachas also do this.... with the gacha. tho I do wonder how much money square enix makes from the cash shop. probably not much since basically no one buys gear and most other things are a one time purchase. they probably make the most money off serial fantablobs lmao.
>Ff14 is pay to play and pay to win since it has competitive aspects you get a direct advantage of skipping hundreds of hours ahead of anyone else by paying
sure. the direct advantage is primarily relegated to the timesink. for raids you can either pay for a carry (which might get you banned) or play like flailing retard. for pvps this is just mechanical performance, paying for a job skip doesn't magically make you good at pvp.

so do you agree that gacha games are p2w in a much different and much more egregious way than a game like ff14? or if you wanna compare it souls again, like the start of this dumb argument, is it p2w in the same way that souls is?
hacking in cyberpunk is pretty comfy yeh
the update definitely improved the game, but johnny is still a blight AND he looks like my ex :(
because they're mad that odin's horse costs 30$ in the mogshop while ellen joe cost 400$. they feel priced out of playing.
>still need to be able to mechanically perform these
just bot it.
thanks for distracting me though I popped into 4chan to jerk off and post some agp shit in this thread before I came and this argument has totally shooed those thoughts away
anyway it looks like anamnesis has been updated for dawntrail so now I'm gonna go jerk off to my futa elezen in gpose instead, seeya!
>still need to be able to mechanically perform these
Same goes for genshit
>most don't
25 for skipping weeks of leveling a character
Add another 25 and you skip hundreds of hours of story
With 50 dollars you can be in the same position as someone with hundreds of hours
>probably not much
You really are too innocent to be talking about this topic
>more egregious
Less, since you never need to pay
If you ever do want to get something it's an extra over the free things you already has, is completely unnecessary and gives you extra content to enjoy
You niggas are weird as hell
It actually was a fucking erper! I can't fucking believe it! This nigga arguing shit while he spends all day jerking off to horsecock futa ff14 mods! I'm fucking livid!!!!!!!!
nah that was the pedophile, he was hot but not a great guy at times
when i play gacha, i don't have to interact with these types at all.
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Had fun at radiochans, we watched koreans singing and being pretty. And russians being sad and emaciated. And played rampage and ate a whole lot of people.

I'm all sleepy now.
hold up hold up hold the fucking phone
I am NOT into horsecock
my elezen still has her foreskin but otherwise it is a normal dick. I'm not even into hyper
but yeah I got an f-list too and everything

I was arguing with john the coomer man I can't with this shit oh my god this motherfuckers room has more semen than clean areas and he trying to tell me what to play oh my god nonono I can't I can't
This is why I quit ff14 holy geezers oh my goodness how the fuck are you real
my room's pretty clean atm, sundays are my cleaning day
I'm not telling you want to play, I'm just saying gachas are shit, because they are lol
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It means you're both right.
paige suck my fat juicy thick veiny hard stinky uncut cock
for me whenever i get money it goes straight into uniqlo. i love days where i can grab starbucks head to uniqlo and pac sun as well as buying shoes and stuff. ig i just like shopping even though i rly shouldn’t.
Sh3 only wants to fuck if you look like seth rogan
>spend your day jacking off
bro I got shit to do during the day I can't afford to spend the entire day jerkin it and it's 8pm here so really I'm gonna spend 15 minutes jerkin it, run my daily roulettes and go to bed. I'm tired, I just spent the day cleaning!

which rampage
like fuck man this argument took so long I don't even have time to shave off all my body hair anymore
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Why in gods name as a nolife coomer are you trying to argue with me why your p2w 200 dollar a year erp farm game is better than games I've spent 50 dollars on in the last 6 years
Please explain to me the reasoning to think you're better than anyone
>i'm gunna spend 15 minutes grinding relics and go to bed
same shit. you just can't afford yinlin so you cry about it.
Niggas be having pointless arguments with strangers on the internet
marina u should go to bed instead of arguing with strangers about gacha on the Internet at 5 am
isn't it just the best?
NOnono don't mention it he's gonna spend 6 hours jerking off to her now nOOOOOOOOOOOOO
1 single reason I should care about what you have to say
Sonic amv
wus the point of The Mist supposed 2 b suicide is not the answer or something?
also i like that actress who was in it, i think she was in the silent hill movie as well but my memory is a lil foggy...heh
dude i get it. i didn't pick up wuwa til jinhsi. legit bummed i don't have calcharo yinlin. barbie and ken right there.

Several, the nes, the snes, but not the n64 one. We couldn't just hop up and down on the top of buildings to destroy them, it was actually kinda tough to get onto a building reliably.
because i give good advice
in the movie? poetic justice. that his sacrifice was karmic and the reason his family survived not that it was in vane as it was portayednin the movie.
Can't real ate vro
I do wonder how banner reruns will work
That's terrible advice, she needs to keep grinding gacha to farm that new bitch that's coming out
by then they'll be someone else
i told u to get ur pizza earlier was that not good advice
good girls are uncut
changli, the phoenix.
What does that even mean
Absolutely not
i guess u hate me ..
Not her but i hate you and want to kill you in several painful ways
Janny the gooner. The gooner. I need their balls removed. ASAP.
Why not
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atleast it's not league of legends
o ite then.
i like the part with the giant tenticles in it.
in the novel they all die
haha heyyy wyd
wou would u
soraka with a horse cock is so fucking hot
Many genuine reasons
Please get out
but there I deleted it for u
seeya in a few days
Total porn addict death
could u give me a few
would you like me to post more futa
Not feeling like arguing
Please kill yourself
i have 180 hrs in elden ring and im only level 60
i don't want to argue i want to hear u out
is confusing hearing that u hate me considering what u were saying a few days ago
How's the flight going
if you say thank you for removing the pic then I'll leave and possibly consider this
different person. ive been playing gachas for months and u are mad disingenuous lmao. the things u say are true in so many "" its unreal. its fine u like the game but dont try and lie to people and make them think these games are things theyre not. like sure its true u can technically pick who u want, but thats IF u play every single day for months on end doing repetitive tasks and lose gambling 50+ times potentially even over 100 times. and to ensure you get who you want youd have to save blindly for months passing tons of other characters while waiting for someone youve never heard of to come out that you hope is worth it or youll have to wait months for them to get a rerun. also dont try and say the 2 free characters at launch was just them being nice, the devs fucked up the launch so bad that they gave 2 characters. also even on the bit abt kits not being locked behind dupes its like, mostly true, but u get some situations like hu tao from genshin who just sucks dick to play without a certain dupe level, and that a good portion of units get far stronger from having dupes.
oh but dont worry ff14 sucks ass in terms of monetization as well, anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid
>there's also, you know, the fact that these games are legitimately causing boys, a lot of them underaged, to consider transitioning. put a whole league of anime girls into your game and force them to play as those girls. they might say they're pulling them because they're hot, but they're really pulling them because they want to be them. why do you think so much of the fanart for these games is futa?
now this is some of the dumbest shit ive ever read LMAO
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Yeah I'm gonna go take a nap
so ur upset about that?
i suppose this was bound to happen
circumstances r rough etc i wish there was more i could do
sleep well little angel
Omg stfu and fuck me
>now this is some of the dumbest shit ive ever read LMAO
it's true! and honestly I'm totally fine with it, need more delicious dickgirls
no no no stop posting I'm supposed to be opening xiv rn
Kill yourself
you first <3
Once my life has as little value as yours I might consider it
true im a low value female..
Please stop talking about rock hard 3 foot girl horsecocks.
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hardcore gaming
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hey ladies, how's it going?
how many middle aged family members who are massively normie partisan and watch the news unironically do you have?
bonus points if they're phobic.
my dad was this
but he's sorta elderly now
otherwise mostly unchanged
need to kill and rape
shut up dad

gross, seth rogan is jewish
both parents are like that
bbc and npr and al jazeera and all of that lot
i hate npr the most bc everyone involved is so up their own ass about fucking everything
I love larpers and traitors
*larps and betrays u*
my stepdad is like that, middle aged Jersey guy who constantly watches fox news and believes every thing, had a breakdown over some poor, poor cashier wearing eyeshadow at a makeup store while shopping with my mom, totally believes in the false dichotomy & its the Democratic Party is solely responsible for things being bad in the US, unironically screams "liberal democrats" like its a slur, is basically Tony Soprano mixed with Carl from ATHF and season 1 Hank from Breaking Bad.
remember to behave if you want to rid urself of the nadzee branding
is that what i am
i am behaving, i just have preferences for the men i am into and schlubby jewish meny are not it
Just got together with my friends and learned one of the new extremes and got a couple clears tonight
but u could always just not (You) it, keep it to yourself, and give people less to attack you with? you do you though
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you told me u were in love with me 2 days ago
and then immediately started talking to lang again and being cold towards me
but yeah sure im the one that betrayed you.
that's fair, im working on that

weren't you flirting with kat earlier? why not just leave both kat and anya alone, go touch grass, etc? surely interacting with people irl is easier than doing whatever this nonsense is
snew stop being so swarthy that wasn't what I was implying and you didn't even give me a chance to say anything Jesus Christ dude
Go fuck your actual gf instead of spending your day sperging out at me and telling me to kill myself for not being emotionally available after getting traumatized
Nooo dont take the time and space you need noo my abandonment issues plz omgomg
That's anya retard, I'm laguna
>weren't u flirting with kat earlier?
yeah she probably was
why would you say you love me if you just knew it would hurt me
anyways didn't i tell you to go to bed like an hour ago
You wanted honesty didn't you? You haven't experienced what it is to have me attempt to harm you yet
id like to though
Sorry am I interfering with your attempt to bring the poly back together too much?
Stop larping you degenerate literal monkey
You haven't experienced what it is to be hurt nor hurt how I have yet it's always omgomg I'm going to kill you omg let me drink your blood ehehe
You all look like fucking 12 year olds when saying this shit and you don't even have the self awareness to realize it
>You haven't experienced what it is to be hurt nor hurt how I have
show me what it's like to be hurt then.
300+ hours, havent beat malenia, elden beast or the dlc yet
I attribute that mostly to being afk, exploring and generally being shit at the game
Please shut the fuck up
all of them desu
and I have one of those poor easant families with 4 sisters and more cousins than I can count
you aren't in any position to be telling me what to do.
everything i do is wrong i suppose
i love my butt
The only wrong thing here is a lack of laguna
I have no idea whats habbening anymore lmao
and what am i supposed to do about that
things take time you know
cyberpunk loves u
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alcohol mostly. it's very expensive here.
jesus christ loves you
Marie is a scoundrel lacking moral means
Which makes her an ideal partner
I knoooooow
Im a disappointment too arent i?
I love you Grace.

and cute
does anyone love me.
I promise if you let people get to know you you will have a simp.
Very excited for 45 Parabellum Bloodhound
people know me
Can't find the /hrtg/ anyone has any resources about pio?
sounds nice...
im experiencing the feminine urge to rape with my girl penis
i hope she's sleeping well rn
unrelated but I would give a limb to know how she's doing and hope that she's ok I hope she's doing well
but also ur gay lol lmao fag owned ha
im sorry what
you heard me dumbass
What phenotype is the one on the left
why am i a dumbass
Youre replying
eh just let them kill themselves, no point wasting energy on them
well it's not like i have anything better to do
Problem is i would
why would i want them to kill themselves
You ever hand someone somthing and your fingers touch and now youre gay
Shit sucks man
need 2 reroll the timeline
me its me im talking abt
i waant to die lmao :D
your gay lol
No Youre, gay
goobly woobly
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>go to check diy options
>everything is out of stock or doesn't ship to where i live
ah the universe has decided on my behalf that it's over. no need to stress and worry anymore :}
ilu2 secret admirer,,,
Youre smiling behind your screen
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not rly
Aw youre smirkless
Hey ommwette whats your deal
do you think my face looks like that all the time
hi anon what do you mean
because I have nothing inside to offer anyone else all im good for is the use of disgusting creeps and to be discarded
and even then my use is limited to the truly depraved
You have nice eyes
Your face shape is good too
Seems like i can say anything about your face
Let me see
What do you do when youre not online .. hanging out with mado?
are u sure that's true
hi anya ilu ur so pretty
Im not sure of anything, thats the problem
>What do you do when youre not online .. hanging out with mado?
who are you
hi gracie ily
this desu
do u rly think so
hang in there
grace pretty....
I used to talk to erin allthetime and you came up every now and tnen
Also i will always remember that fucking name
thank u,,,,
that's not my name lol my name is anya
whos erin? is that mado?
well congrats seeing you makes me want to kms so yeh
why's that anon?
Kys anya
what is 2+2?
doesn't answer my question.
what's with the sudden hostility anon
caus everyone itt mogs the fuck out of me
I want to die I wish I was good enough for literally anyone mygod
Idk funny
Do the smirk please
she does have a good smirk desu
>caus everyone itt mogs the fuck out of me
there's always nomi and pring
i don't do it on command
i dont mog any1
Lol make >>36611549
Smirk plz
I don't get how anyone can like the taste of aspartame tbqh
it's a trade off for not losing your teeth to corn syrup
>there's always nomi and pring
they mog me on a spiritual level that would likely pass irl better than my neurotic shellshocked bullshish

wrong and gay desu
tired but can't sleep until on plane ugh
i dont even understand the appeal of regular sodas. i can only drink like a quarter of it and then its just way too much sugar and its sticky and gross.
soda only good for chase,,
You been chasing tonight?
idk every diet/zero soda I've ever had has this aftertaste that ruins it for me
different strokes I guess
sometimes I still eat refined sugar just on its own
like I did as a kid
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this literally mogs nobody
really need to cut like....
80% of my daily sugar and salt intake....
no im good girl and only had 1 beer.. no drugs or hard liqqy tn..
incorrect but i'll capitulate
You're so beautiful.

Yeah you probably should take it easy. You are a good girl.
she's hot as shit, just as a spoiler because why not
sorry ill go away
you don't have to
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you get used to it. if you're eating sugar constantly it tastes off but if you stop eating sugary sweets and only have aspartame it starts tasting normal pretty quick.
also if you're on aspartame for a while sugar will taste pretty rancid imo. almost like stevia. and teeth going all fuzzy from regular sugary soda is insanely unpleasant idk how anyone puts up with that desu.
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Rot in hell
i probably will eventually but until then ill be here

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