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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: What thoughts keep you up at night?
>QOTT 2: Are you riding (with) Kamala and her coconuts this election?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36603260
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Needing her
Not having her
Never hearing from her
Knowing I wasn't even a blip on her radar and will never see her ever again
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I figured but there’s no thread up for it already so I’d feel weird making a butthole rate thread and then having to rate buttholes to keep it alive or post my own and have it be the only post
That’s the thing, my does the discoloration thing where my buddy is why but the area around my butthole is grayish brown. It looks gross to me but my gf swears she loves it
I don’t think she cares if I post my butthole
i'm voting for trump
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the thought of my own mortality. it gives me a full on screaming, impending doom, viscerally scared panic attack if I think about it too hard. SSRIs mostly keep them away, mostly, it's the only reason I'm still on Zoloft.
neither, I'm not an american :> would vote for Kamala if I had to, harm reduction and all that.
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Grim thread, thumbnail looked like a straight man x woman.

Lesbian butches are proto ftms lets be real for a sek.
>the thought of my own mortality. it gives me a full on screaming, impending doom, viscerally scared panic attack if I think about it too hard. SSRIs mostly keep them away, mostly, it's the only reason I'm still on Zoloft.

You are such a pathetic little bug person.
Holy cow..
I hope to god you're not a day over 20 or it might be over for you.
> You are such a pathetic little bug person.
woah anon that's mean lol. I'm 24 and I've had them my whole life, so I don't think they're ever gonna fully go away. But I've learned to mostly distract myself from them, so that I can discuss it if I'm careful about it. For some reason I just can't handle the thought that at some point I will not exist anymore and time and space and everything will cease for me. And if I follow that thought to its conclusion, I immediately break down.
this means you have a very strong ego!
also you're a coward
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ok then what would be the less cowardly way to go forward here lol
coming home and gf is covered in hickeys that another girl gave her
wdym? what's wrong with being a coward??
oh sorry I thought you meant that as a critique / insult and I was asking how I could be better. but I get what you mean now.
They really are but the archetype works wonders as a safety net when you no longer feel like being feminine cuz depression or something
nah, im not judging! having a strong ego often means at least a bit of cowardice anyway, you'd want to protect a strong ego so it stays strong, right? cause, of course a strong ego that keeps proving itself keeps reinforcing its own strength, but the ego is really good at making up successes instead of struggling toward them, and that's easier to boot!
basically, a strong ego makes it easier to be a stable person and develop reliable social bonds, and gets and improved drive for self-preservation and accumulation of resources!
really, being a coward absolutely is a winning strategy in western civilization, and the people who say risk takers get rewarded also actually just have really strong egos that convince them that
>Daddy's gonna yell at me for gambling a few mill on stocks and crashing a porsche, ill be ruined!
is real, mortal danger
I'm voting Trump so republicans ban transition.
good morning to all of the bad bitches!
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good morning
I like good girls
But I looove love love bad bitches *ay*
I have to admit, I was quite unfamiliar with Jungian thought of the self prior to your first comment mentioning ego. But after reading about it for a bit, I think I am starting to get it.
I can't hold a thought together anymore after my coworker came into the room and made me panic-close the tab I was writing a reply in, but know that your post taught me something today lmao.
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Ignore our resident troll. Mental illness has no rhyme or reason, that’s why it’s an illness. That’s good you found a med that works. Panic disorder made my life hell as I entered adulthood. It almost feels like another lifetime ago now that life is calm.
>illness is when random things happen for no reason stop asking questions!!!!
>Dommy girl I've been chatting with is playing along with my blatantly flirty mind games

I'm in heaven.
Wasn’t even referring to you. Your post just read like a whole bunch of nothing in many words.
all you do is make assumptions
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that's fair lol, and I do actually trust my doctors esp with how I'm like the one person who has no bad side effects from sertraline. I'm not sure I'm sold on the Jungian model of the self either, but it's interesting to know that it exists. I've experienced panic attacks around death enough times to know that there's nothing to be gained or learned from them, so I'm quite happy that they can be just medicated away.
Giwtwm (either)
I was referring to the person who called you pathetic for having panic attacks.
Women expressing normal interest in me makes me uncomfortable, but roundabout, deliberate mind games make me leak like a faucet.
it doesnt matter who you refer to because you dont matter
Being on either side of this does the same to me
growing old alone without a cis asian gf
I'm in the "orange man good" camp
>Mental illness has no rhyme or reason
I don't believe in mental illness and think it's just pathologizing normal reactions to adversity
yeah i figured, but my thoughts kinda spun off from there and I ended up just blogposting more.
i think I have a bit of a weakness for taking obvious trolls too seriously, like, even while I knew that that person was just making fun of me and was never going to change my opinion on this, I at the same time also wanted to figure out where they were going and what caused them to think like this. so that's why I even bothered to respond in the first place.
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>So scared of stuff that even 12 year olds get over once they get past their nietzche phase

Dont worry abouy dying, you are already dead if thats what holds you back and makes you dependent on drugs.

This generation is surely defined by learned helplessness its so full of societally and self induced mental weakness yet self assured backpatting, that self improvement and strife seem to be lost terms.
>when it just keeps ramping up in intensity and lewdness and it eventually gets to the "you look... tense" stage

Underwear ruined, panting like an animal without even being touched yet.
I think ppl are working with two different definitions of "rhyme and reason" here.

Like yeah, of course things have a cause, and the fact I have panic attacks over the fact I'll die some day is caused by... the fact that I'll die some day and that my brain can't handle it. However, it's in no way a practical thing to fear. If you're scared of being eaten by a lion bc you're in the savannah surrounded by hungry lions, that's rational. If you're scared of lions to the point where you break down thinking about them because you might some day end up surrounded by them in the savannah, that's mental illness.
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Hate work, but at least I get to see beautiful women in summer dresses.
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Yeah, you got what I meant. No shit there’s a cause and the panic saved my life at some point (multiple points lol). It does no good when it happens for small things anymore. Did not think I had to be that painfully obvious.
I disagree. To say something is an illness requires an underlying physical problem in the body. It's somatic. That is not to say that an irrational fear isn't a problem but it is not a disease in the sense that diabetes or chicken pox is and should not be treated as such.
Ahh this is my favourite thing in the world
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>panic isn’t physical
wow amazing insight
tfw no cis asian antipsychiatry magapede gf
It’s also… interesting… that people here are so against talk therapy, say it doesn’t work. But also shame those who say medication helps their mental illness. Wtf do you want people to do? Pray it away? xD

It’s wallow in misery the way you do, isn’t it, little crabs in a bucket?
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One of the things that sucks about being in a long term relationship is losing the adrenaline that comes with exploring boundaries and all that
Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t lose her for the world, having someone to love dearly and hold closely is my favorite part of my life
But reading about anons here flirting makes me miss the days where I stuttering and shaking when she would put her hand on my thigh. And any little move she would make or flirt she’d come up with would have me frozen in fear and excitement.
Still giggle and kick my feet when she says that she loves me though
This but I haven't been with anyone in years
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Long term love feels so cozy, like coming home after an exhausting day. That’s the trade-off. But you can do things to rekindle romance and have those butterfly feelings again. Exploring new places and activities together can help and nothing says you can’t still flirt with her and make her blush by continuing to compliment her, touch her lovingly when she’s just going about her day. Sometimes we take that stuff for granted and stop doing it because we’re already used to pissing in front of the other while they brush their teeth.
>wow amazing insight
It's not insightful, it's obvious. Yet the standard response is to drug any deviation in behavior into oblivion with dangerous psychotropics. Now prescription drugs are the third biggest killer in the west.
This but unironically.
There's nothing wrong with talk therapy. I think the best fix is to address the underlying cause of your distress though.
>To say something is an illness requires an underlying physical problem in the body. It's somatic
yeah that's why people talk about "mental disorder" instead and have empirically verified that you cannot
>just get over them
and that's why psychiatrists and psychologists and therapists exist
i personally do not use
>rhyme or reason
at all, it's a vacuous phrase
it's a model
nothing is true
as i, even if there was a way past is/ought, it is by nature of our being forever out of reach. the only thing we have is consensus; hence true is what people agree
this means that any belief you cannot verify or do not attempt to verify or communicate does not *have* a truth value
it's outside of anything where true or false are meaningless
if you discuss something of that kind which you cannot or do not attempt to verify, it becomes a Gedankenexperiment - a thought experiment
these can make sense or not, and if they can be verified there can be a consensus truth - if and only if we all agree what "apple" means and what "to fall" means and what "down" means, does "an apple fall down"
but there is no objective, real truth there!
and thus, if we talk about things that categorically, by definition, cannot be experimentally verified, nothing can be true or false

this is why jungian archetypes are useless is psychiatry, but every powerful in conversational therapy or rhetorics, and office retard needs to wash her poopybutt
I dream of total tranny death
I dream of total tranny domination
(Trans world order)
I used both talk therapy and medication, at my therapist’s, GP’s, and psychiatrist’s behest. The medication helped me make significant progress in a short amount of time, just as they had predicted based on medical community consensus. I think I’ll trust that over random 4chan goober.
keep dreaming tranny
>address the underlying cause of your distress though.
yeah let me just go to the ecologically sustainable, economically anthrocentric, and socially liberal progressive society tree and pick a new society to live in
Carl jung is pretty darn cool. Way better than that weirdo freud, leagues be
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>and that's why psychiatrists and psychologists and therapists exist
Psychiatry and psychology are a complete farce and it's mind-boggling to me that so many in the LGBT community cling to pseudosciences that have spent the last two centuries, killing, torturing, maiming, imprisoning, and gatekeeping them.
Asian desirer showing her powerlevel lately. Pretty kino.
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Psychiatrist gf that gives you actually helpful therapy after several failed treatment attempts by gross men
>Psychiatrist gf that gives you actually helpful therapy

Thats me.
Im really good at helping people.
he is a man and so are you
Are you trying to turn me on, im reading a BL novel atm...
Go on then call me FAG
>le reddit scienceman religion
how many lgbt people has shell killed? do you use petrol of any kind? xDD
uhm, sorry sweatie, psychiatrist give you happy pills, not a couch :/
yes Im trying to get you there so you stop gooning and fuck off back to your tank game little boy
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I have a very loveful relationship, see the last line. I don’t feel our romance was ever de-kindled. 2 years in and we’re still puppy love retards staring each other in the eyes saying “Hi” and giggling.
We both make flirts constantly and try our best to see if we can make the other actually break from it. (She gets me good but I can always put on a cute voice for a few seconds and change her mood completely lol)
But I think it’d be silly if we pretended like there weren’t some feelings/experiences you can only get once.
Although maybe I’m mischaracterizing, we were both eachother’s first time actually dating so there was a lot of hormones in the air when we were first getting to know eachother lol
>if you define "illness" in a way that excludes mental illness then mental illness doesn't exist
nice, amazing. great even.

i think the general biggest issue I have with ppl on these sites is that some of base your worldviews on these weirdly dogmatic ideas of what a life and a person should look like and should act like and should work like. While at the same time providing no arguments for why that is the case. it's not too bad in this particular thread but still sorta annoying.
dont forget that they also are usually also neither living that life nor actively working towards it
>Everyone I disagree with is a man.
You are a man.
>"jungian psychology is retarded lmao"
>avoids all defeating arguments, only engages with low effort bait
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>tank game

I had to uninstall that fortunately. I was doing good, got to elite on my vk 3002 but then the control settings started bugging out
Tried to fix it for a few hours but take it as a sign i have nothing left to learn flrm the game.
I was close to unlocking the lekpz tank, which seems like it would have been my favorite tank, speed, damage, and its small!
you dont know a single thing about anything
I saw you
I know i want to kiss you, push my breasts into yours as i push you up against the wall, slowly, ever stronger, menacingly peering into your soul, stronger, and stronger, until your ribs start to creak, *crack* you cry in pain but i kiss you on your cute silly lips muffling your pained voice..
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i just need to trim my bangs
the worlds saddest trans woman simply wont die
when death came knocking i told her i already bought cookies from the last girl scout
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She got too tired after watching max max 1 2 and 3 in a row and needed a beeak before watching 4 and 5
If i didnt have this sun dress i think i wpuld die from the summer heat
eheheeheeeheehehehhhe >:3c
Cool strummy stick
im gonna cut her open and turn her into a cyborg hehehehe >:3c
Sounds fun. Have a good time of your ripperjob
you have one of the most white male brained desires ever its actually embarrassing you think anyone in thread has viewed you as a woman
as much as i may hate yellow fever anon, people in clg are bigger asian fetishists than people here. here we only have one fetishist, in fact, clg fetishizes race wayyy more than we do. i still hate yellow fever anon bcuz shes gross and malebrained though
I fetishize and objectify whatever the girl I'm obsessing over is
karma has a zense of humor
be my gf pls
>male brained desires

Thats what gynophillia is lol. Well, thats putting it very roughly, its more compelx then that. But its literally proven by le SCIENCE that lesbians have male brains. Roughly put at least.

Thats why i love straight women.. theyre so feminine...unffff
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confession: I still miss her every day, and thinking about it makes me cry harder than anything else
you are also a man
this is a very silly general
>you are a man
>apply the same requirements to myself
>nope ovary pass i decide what I am
I put on my silly socks just for you
i just realized femsec is the trans valeria solanas
>supremacist ideology but instead of cis women its trannies
>angry cuz they got cucked
>probably doesnt have sex
>severely unlikeable
>thinks the other group is ontologically evil for some retarded reason
>will probably shoot lagoloaf on june 3rd 2028

all they need is to write an schizophrenic manifesto now
Also your mom inquired last night and it bears repeating:

I have precisely 0 (zero) time for brainrotted radical populist hoes, if you're anything other than coconutpilled at this point you're literally undateable to the same degree as schizo chud pickme hoes.
based and pragmatismpilled
im laying in bed naked because it mega hot and the fan feels nice
but i got a tattoo recently and i keep admiring it and i really want more now, i think id look so good with bigger pieces
i also kind of want nipple piercings
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do NOT compare me to Andy Warhol
why? he was just chill. did he had any controversy?
this is why ye magas and i think that's beautiful
Peak npc speak.
holy shit, you are so unique and individualistic! no one else ever called someone an npc!!! wowwww
Damn she kinda got me there...
What kinda fetishes do yall think Kamala is into?

She is either into some FREAKY shit or she just never has sex or even touches herself and just stares at her plants when she is free.
>when she is free
but she's a black woman in the USA.....
Is there a solution to the song Pain by nine inch nails but covered by johny cash?
Like. He seems to be in great pain. Is there a solution for him? As in a practical one. Or is it just lamenting an inescapable and inevitable reality.

Can we think of a solution?
He's a homosexual man which makes him evil by default.
he was very weird sexually. he identified as an asexual gay and his favorite type of sex stuff was voyeurism
its called HURT you stupid normie !!!
>his favorite type of sex stuff was voyeurism
Just like me fr
it' should be considered cruel and unusual that I have to go to bed now and then wake up in eight and a half hours to go to work again. and I have to shower in the morning too bc of course I do, it's fucking July and our bedroom is at 28 degrees C so I'm just sweaty and gross constantly

oh well, at least I got flex time PTO for this friday by just asking my boss's vacation replacement's vacation replacement. of course I have to spend that PTO just doing stuff related to moving apartments instead of chilling, but it's still nice
Liking the Johnny Cash of hurt cover better than the original is a mark of poor taste. The best part of that song is its place in the whole album
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Im sorry im aorry im orry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im aorry im sorry im sorry im sorry
I like thebold man version more cuz it seems to make morr more sense that an old guy would lose everyone. Again

We need some problem solvers in this gen
Listen to the whole album. Its about drug addiction
Sorry i dont do drugs...... *slowly backs away*
I have already solved everyones problems just waiting for the implementation of the solution (kill yourself)
neither did trent reznor when he wrote the album funnily enough. he had self destructive tendencies but wasnt as far gone as the album might make one thing, the whole album is written from the perspective of him if he went off the deep end, which is ironic since after the album became famous he started doing actually abusing drugs and becoming suicidal, becoming the character the album was about, almost like a self fulfilling prophecy. ig trent saw himself starting to spiral down so he wrote the album as a way to cope about the place he was slowly descending to
Even more resson to not listen to it...
trent is literally just an old white nerdy boy who doesn't wanna be on ssri lol
cmon, listen to it, it will finally make you cool
HAH do you really think your futile drugie brainwashimg will work on ME? *SPITS IN YOUR FACE*

I wont even entertain the thougbt of listening to some future junkies des ent into becoming a loser. Let. Him. ROT
its not about drug addiction. its about spiraling down in depression, literally what the album title is. theres only like 2 songs about drugs, the rest of the songs are about self destructive tendencies, antisocial behavior, sexual shame, suicide, etc. saying the album is only about drugs is pretty reductionist imo
cmon you will stop being lame and will start being cool and awesome if you listen to it, nerdass bitch. if you wanna stop being such a NERD the you will listen to it and you will like it
i've tried listening to The Downward Spiral many times but I always give up at Closer. like, i get it, it's self-deprecating and vulnerable and raw and whatever, but, like, the stuff he talks about is so mainstream nowadays that it feels like I just have
Some Guy whispering in my ear about his boring kinks and self-loathing personality. while the kinda mid background instrumentation keeps almost popping off but then falling flat and not doing anything interesting.
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I like being a nerd, a killjoy. I see kids on the street playing with knives? I come close to calling the cops. I have a civil and moral duty to uphold ORDER.
And you contemptuous fool who seeks to corrupt the purity of order, are nothing more than than a rotting shadow seeking refuge in the gutters of the world. You are NOTHING without love, without order, your kind can only hope to ride the coat tails of the hardworking agents of order
5'10 punk girl giving a noogie and bullying her 5'7 nerd gf
god he's literally me I love tront so much
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I don't know what to call this vibe but it's what I want in a gf.
Gonna go get a mcflurry from maccas.
sometimes i wanna like binge maccas so bad like literally spend 40 or 50 buckaroos or something, ive never done it and i dont even eat there at all more than like, once a year or so, but still. .
Cruella DeVille?
hot take: the top 3 NIN albums are The Downward Spiral, Year Zero, and With Teeth

it's more about the production/engineering and energy and songwriting and the concept-album-ness than the subject matter
yes but not hideous
mob dyke maybe?
mafia butch-lite?
watched this for the first time and was crying none stop wowy
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Just got banned from lex for saying I only wanted to date she/her women.
ur a bigot that's all
That's basically what it said, that is was discrimination and transphobia, nevermind that I'm trans myself.
what dumbass picked a fight with ryuko? it's obvious that girl was gonna kick her ass
hello lesbians, do you think this is sufficient broccolis?
all of that is going to be burnt to hell before the potatoes are even done
>it's not raw broccoli
i only eat the trunk raw
actually impossible, unfortunately :(
maybe, but you wont be the one who has to go to bed hungry if that happens
>i only eat the trunk raw
weeeeeeeak but semi based
no chill lol
not enough
I've never seen someone be this horny over being a loser before
RIP whoever is going to be within proximity of your brapper
why don't you guys ever post pictures of trans women?

Were pretty much all trans lol
how do you know none of the women are trans?
The girl I am into is dating a REALLY fat ugly manchild and I knew them both before they started dating, we sexted and flirted a lot recently she broke up wih him a while ago but had a emotional spergout about being a "bad person" for wanting to leave him and then went back out of pitty.
Every time she mentions "we" or "us" when reffering to him I genuinly get revolted because I get mental imagery of the fat ugly guy.
TLDR; I am reaching my limit
the only thing you can do obviously is to take her to a rave and have 12 hours of chemsex in some random guy's bedroom on the after
>tfw no cis gf to rail or trans gf to bullyfrot
i know that shit stink !!
I know shes physically into me but she somehow thinks shes still being loyal to her bf even though we have sexted multiple times (she even asked me to say her name while I came) we haven't had irl sex or any sexual interaction. I think if we do she will hate herself & suicidemaxx after because she will realize that she has been cheating on him the entire time.
>tfw no cis gf to rail
spyro 1 has got to be the strangest game i've ever played
>tfw i have to agree with a race fetishist
how come?
i havent had sex in so long and i keep seeing beautiful women when will i stop suffering
Ok now play "iPad baby"
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think im going to be evil
youre gonna regret it
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yeah i cant be evil anyways im too nice :3
Hard mode: you're Canadian too
the enemy designs and behavior are weird and goofy in an unsettling way, it's weirdly sandboxy compared to the sequel, and the dialogue after you save the dragons is odd, like i genuinely don't know what was going through the developers heads when they made it
>noooo you can't criticize the games i played as a kid even slightly you fucking zoomer you'll never understand
>tell her I'm obsessive and possessive to unhealthy levels
>"it's ok that can be cute sometimes"
>start acting just like I warned her
>"we should break up i didn't know youre like that"
how do I avoid this from happening again
become a hermit stop interacting with clueless normies
is looksmaxxing truly the answer to everything in life
no (kinda)
with enough hegel yes
wydag that rejects the current year and is slowly changing her living space into a scene from 1989. im donating or selling all the clothes i never wear and changing my wardrobe into 80s business milf core
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ugh need big fat wife ass
i want to be my gf's wife with a big fat ass
I am in love with a girl who dropped me and will never talk to me again
first time?
yeahok that sucks, but think of all the girls that could've fallen in love with you if you were just a tiny bit more social or less busy!
also i hope you're her, unironically, cause she deserves it
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lagoloaf keep posting these please
This girl emanates vibes from source itself, it's not fair
I just want a subby trans gf who creampies me every night
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lmao even
just get a golden retriever boyfriend instead you weirdo
I'm only attracted to women
who gonna tell her
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lagoooooooooo i need more cuteeeeeeee girllllllllll picsssssssssss
I know most trans women produce little to no cum, it's still hot to me
yes, of course
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wich one
does anyone have brand recommendations for platform boots?
i want to tower over my already miniature gf
left, I'm kind of built like that
LOL time for a new trip
I am literally not gonna abuse your trip because I respect you so much your welcome bitch
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I already posted the cutest one of those two so here’s some random couple.
nice one lol
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>I already posted the cutest one of those two
my baaaaad :C picrel was cute tho
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I’m CRYING because I like how it had STUN in it but it was still secure. /sob
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the hacker naked 4chan strikes again…
I just meant this one
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ALSO i had that set of letters memorized since high school. reeeee
this is gonna be me soon im fatmaxxing to get bigger boobs and hips
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>I just meant this one
oh bummer i was excited for the other couple, oh well, best of luck in your new tripcode
>naked 4chan
freudian slip?
Ate burger king twice in one day and a mcflurry as a snack in between and my tummy doesn't feel good.
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well yeah dumbass
>the hacker naked 4chan
don't call me out like this
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lol this one has rum in it
I’m keeping it
the hacker known as Naked 4chan
ughhhh i need to get my septum piercing
i was debating getting my snakebites put back in but then i noted that i fidgeted my lips like 3 times in a minute so that is never happening lmao
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I’m gonna get my eyebrows done for sure tomorrow, I keep putting it off but tomorrow the day for sureb
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injecting estrogen while wearing the chastity cage my gf made me wear
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you could always pick me
moooooom come pick me up they're e-dating in lesgen again

septums are rly cool :> i kinda wanted one before but I came to the conclusion that I look too soft for them, would just look a bit larp-y if I got one. desu what I really need to do is get my ears pierced, currently I have just a nostril piercing and it looks kinda lonely lol

in other blogpost news, I'm reaching the "just fucking kill me" phase of growing my bangs out. last time I gave up when they reached the tip of my nose, which is really dumb in retrospect lol, I was so close to just being able to make them look OK again. now they're currently long enough to slightly cover my eyes.
>currently I have just a nostril piercing and it looks kinda lonely lol
i was that way too, idk why i started with a nostril but now i've got 5 ear piercings and its come together :3
i'm sure it will for you too
also oddly enough im in that same bang phase, probably just gonna trim them tomorrow since they occasionally stab my eyes and make them water
>they're e-dating in lesgen again
chill anon it's always a larp when someone says they want a trans partner
Look up "iPad baby game" on jewgle instead of autisming
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I miss my gf
I miss my gf too...
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I wish I had a gf
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Whoa, evelia?
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oh god I'm not at the stabbing my eyeballs bit yet but you just reminded me that it exists. i'm determined though, this time I'll for sure grow them out successfully.

I absolutely know the reason for starting with just the nostril, but the context for it includes some lore about me: i'm actually a polyshit, i'm in a closed triad of three women. Originally it was just me and my fiancee in a happily monogamous t4c relationship, but then both of us sorta hit it off with this one girl at the same time, then she came home with us from the bar one night and then a week later she was living with us. and two years later, we're still like this, in a weird ass t4t4c triad. she had a ton of piercings even then, so when me and fiancee said we were kinda curious about getting ones ourselves, gf just dragged us to the piercing shop and made us get them lol. gf and I got nostrils, i got mine bc it was the first thing that came to mind, and fiancee got a bellybutton piercing. that one never healed though so it just fell out eventually.

yeah I know I just thought it would be a funny thing to say
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just remembered i wanted to buy syringes to pierce my own ears but im too poor damn
>i'm actually a polyshit,

HHAHHAHHAHAA like pottery. No wonder the drug addict lago was defending you earlier.

What a pathetic bug.

Drugs, polyshitism, learned helplessness.
Name a more iconic trio of the present Zeitgeist.
where do the drugs come in mx. troll? or do you mean the SSRIs?

But I'm not on just SSRIs, I'm also on prescription stimulants, so I guess you got that right. And my life is actually pretty great. You can go on preaching your moral right way to live or whatever, but unfortunately my outlook on life is so completely different from yours that you'd have to first deconstruct my entire worldview before I could even take your arguments to heart.
father, son, holy ghost
the undefeated trinity
fear it, atheist.
She whines about wanting her ex while thirsting over having a harem and posting harem anime pics. lol It’s just run of the mill envy.
yeah, it's actually kinda funny how transparent she is with it.
What's your world view like?
I think of the universe and everything in it as fully material. Things happen and cause other things to happen, which has spiraled into us evolving into existence by happenstance on our planet.

But then I also recognize that I enjoy living and experiencing things, and assume others do too. So I try to live my life in a way that allows me and everyone else to feel and experience and think as much as possible. it's not like there's much else to do here anyways. I guess absurdism would be a fitting label? I've not read much Camus (just The Outsider and that Sisyphus essay), but I seem to agree with him on most things.
>actually reading philosophers instead of skimming wikipedia articles
Your view is secular, mostly inoffensive, and leaves a lot of room for people to be themselves. You are a peaceful person. I dislike Camus and went off on a schizo rant but backspaced it, to keep the peace.
L'Etranger was one of the books I had to read in high school, and The Myth of Sisyphus is like four pages lol. I've tried to read bigger, more serious philosophical books but those I've bounced off of almost immediately. I think I got 100 pages into The Second Sex when I tried to read it during my gap year, and I've only read fiction after that.
this isn't strange because i can see that the devs were intentionally going for weird. spyro 1 is a normal game with a lot of odd creative decisions that give the game an unintentional eerie/offputting feeling.
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tfw khhv + virgin
Follow the light of Buddhism
buddhism is just giving yourself a dissociative disorder
Dissociating so much, have to type the captcha 3 times
i'll start telling people that i'm just meditating whenever they catch me staring at a wall for too long
I would go on and off hormones to creampie you
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Close window and go around naked or open window and be forced to wear clothes
Literal 1984
hello lesbians would you try to make up and apologize to the queer friend group that bullied you for half a year because they are part of the organizers of one of the hippest and quickest growing summer festivals to get a job there and stuff or not? asking purely hypothetically
Iv literally never watched a harem anime.

And the notiom of being envious of polyshits is so insane because they dont actually HAVE a relationship. Its not love if you need more than one person to romantically completr you
I'm so tired of ugly people liking me on dating sites. Nevermind that aren't even Asian. I suspect most of them are poor too. Like a woman with a big wrinkle in the middle of her forehead liked me. Like how are you in your mid 30s and so destitute that you can't afford botox?
imagine injecting neurotoxins to look pretty instead of injecting neurotoxins to dance and fuck for whole days without pause
it's a yearning kind of day for some reason and I already have a gf she's just at work
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Isnt botox kinda gross tho? Id rather date a lass with wrinkles than a bogged up bimbo.
Botox isn't going to bog you. The bogged look is from shitty plastic surgery in the 90s.
Says the lass who is into "asian looking chicks" but curiously only from the countries where plastic surgery is most prevalent.
And judging from the pics you post, its fair to assume that your ideal woman is one of those living dolls in the gangnam style video. If you ever did find a asian gf, im pretty sure i could replace her in the night with a stranger who had the same surgery and you wouldn't notice. I say this with certainty actually
Thanks for saying gangnam style instead of some group from the last 5 years. Dated cultural references make me feel safe.
I literally dont know any. I guess i coullda said k pop star as a general term. You can tell when they've had the surgery cuz they literally all look the same then when they do its giga insane.

It reminds me of that pic of a guy wifing a pretty asian hoe, they had kids, all the kids came out ugly. It really gets the noggin joggin. What is beauty?
>the surgery
next time when im getting asked if i got the surgery im gonna just ask if i look like jimin (with a pussy? idk)
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Feel like pure shit just wanna make her laugh a hundred times a day
the graph is actually about how tricules work and red is me
>but curiously only from the countries where plastic surgery is most prevalent
I've never said this you're projecting. I don't know maybe I'm just doomed to be alone forever. The sort of people I'm actually into would never want to be with a tranny freak like me and I can't even fault them for it.
you are so attractive and have a job and everything, dont lose hope :)
need gf who watches porn and puts blanket over my head so she doesn't see me whenever i go down on her
have you tried not being such an abrasive retard who projects all her self-hate outward because she's a coward?
you should try ssri and talk therapy
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Im only semi projecting. I actually prefer a handful of northen indian women, and some Vietnamese women, i dont kniw much much about asia or its countries or women.

The plastic gangnam style ones really dont appeal to me tho. Honestly theyd be more appealing if they drew lines on their mouth folds to look like puppets, that might turn me on im not sure yet.

Im attracted to most women tho. Its a curse of being male brained. Even ugly ass chicks at work seem fuckable when they bend over and you can see their cameltoe or whatever its called.

Bejng malebrained is a CURSE..you fem brained trannies wouldn't understand... sigh
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>Even ugly ass chicks at work seem fuckable when they bend over and you can see their cameltoe or whatever its called.
Thank you that means a lot. Though you can't know what I look like.

I might be abrasive but I'm definitely not a retard nor a coward. I'm self critical but I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm full of self hate. Way to gaslight and suggest taking harmful psychotropic drugs and talking to a normie therapist will in any way benefit me though.

>theyd be more appealing if they drew lines on their mouth folds to look like puppets
That's weird but whatever floats your boat I guess.
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Im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im su h a rapehon im so malebrained im so sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry im so sorry
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Which would u rather wear to chill
Loose gown/dress or sweatpants and tshirt
wydag who dug a hole and couldnt stop digging and now she cant get out so she is trying to dig through the other side but she dies halfway through near the earths core where its still warm
I think you dont realize how thick the earths core is and how quickly it gets hot. Anything below the crust with is tiny in conparison to the mantle or core the rock is hot enough to be melting at the surface.
Dating a dead girl melted and pressurized and vaporized doesnt seem appealing tho
maybe if I can somehow resurrect her
>not a retard nor a coward
while rejecting empirical evidence out of hand as well as being too scared to verify the distrust first-hand
>I'm self critical
but refuse to examine the fear hiding behind the buzzwords propagated by passivated misanthropic fringe suicide ideology
no, gaslighting would be if i told you that im just telling you what you told me to tell you the last time you were clearheaded
im not though, im just expressing my opinion, and the fact that you try to justify it as gaslighting means that you are actually a huge fan of psychology, especially bad pop psychology off of tumblr, and really just are terrified to open your inner monologue to critique of any kind, never mind that of a "normie therapist"
but hey, i heard asian cis women like self-deluding infertile idiots, it happened in welcome to the nhk after all right?
Hm same but gf wanted to open the blinds so i put a sundress on
>halfway through
tank deserved better
I refuse to believe this.
Well yea duh its actually agartha down there but geologists r chill w the agarthans and theyre pretty irritable and control all the volcanos so we need to not hurt theor feelings
she looks so good in my lana shirt I want to take pictures
Do it!
Ohhhhhhhahhhhhhh aahhhhHhhh is this real.... plz noo.. Scary... ~_~
Why are autistic trans women the most insufferable people on the world who deserve to be bullied and harassed out of every space they contaminate?
Nice Gish gallop I guess.
I'm gonna go to a lesbian bar and manspread to scratch my penis and scrotum just for you
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well ok it's wrong, the iron in the middle is solid, and the outer crust could be argued to be more like slime than a liquid because of very high viscosity, and some earthquakes can create enough force to make the outer most 10% of the earth behave sorta solid - ykno like non-newtonian fluid - but yeah the only really completely solid part surrounding this our planet earth is the crust, which is roughly 1/60th of the radius, so ~100 Km, in thiccccc
i don't deserved to be harassed out of spaces...
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N-nooo.. plz dunt bully autistic trans girl.... *cries*
as long as you're happy i'm happy :3
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Yea agartha, hyperborea, atlantis, all real.
Whats wrong with autistic girls i like em theyre cute when they get passionate and have fun interests
I wanna go to a lesbian bar but with a passoid rapehon so i feel less uncomfortable. Id still feel like such an intruder, must be such an awful feeling, just once i think itd be interesting to experience that... hah....a true humiliation ritual in the works....
i wish i could msg her rn......
too bad she hates me
I'm an anti-passoid rapehon and I'm just kidding I'm too neurotic and insecure to do that kind of thing, I'm not a woman in any sense and probably wouldn't click with people hanging out in bars anyway I just find people who make statements like the one I responded to sad and funny
Iv actually never been to a bar as a adult, and never in my life to a gay one. It would be so cool if there was a transbian bar tho. I feel like i could maybe fit in ...>_>
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I dont go to the bar often, not really my thing. I usually just drink a pitcher of beer and make friends with a guy to talk to.
Transbian bar is probably a money maker tho
please be nice to me....
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Cute pic
You go to straight bars¡ like alone? Why?
I dont drink alc so my social life is kinda giga hardmode.... i guess i could order a milkshake...
>Transbian bar is probably a money maker
do you really believe that? can you explain how it would work?
T. Cissoid spy trying to capitalize on rightful trans peoples enterprise
i got your transbian bar right here
*grips groin*
>You go to straight bars¡ like alone? Why?
I used to go to hang out with my dad or to shoot pool mostly. I also just didn't want to drink alone at home.
Bar drinking alone kinda sucks tho i stopped years ago dont recommend it
Just have a tv with melee and computers with warcraft 3 custom games and stiff and like 9003 stuffed animals in a big stuffie pit.
She is bad at business. There are many hidden costs in running a bar for marginalized clientele.
She would get RIPPED TO SHREDS on shark tank and become an internet meme
good luck lol
>It would be so cool if there was a transbian bar tho
No passoid would ever step foot inside. It would quickly devolve into a bar for crossdressing men and gay men who are into that.
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You sound pretty disgusting based on the fact you're seperating trans women into passoids and crossdressing men based on their looks. People that talk like this always look worse than they think and act worse than they look.
Or maybe it would open up to femboys too.. and gay twinks... oaaaaaaa two cute gay twinks kissing in the tranny bar... they wouldn't go to the gar bay because the masc gays r too scary i bet....
..or femboys..i bet there would be lits of hrt femboys...
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duh, ive been on hormones for 8 years, im absolutely cis now
still gotta get laser but hey
>a pit
i think i agree
>hidden costs
what about upfront costs like
>most of the clientele is literal hobo neets
Honestly i agree. I realized too today that she is probably pretty ugly. I realize that a someone ugly myself.
Because what even is beauty? Is it gentic? Is it in the dna, or is it in the soul. I think its the latter. And when i think of the things she loves, they all seem to be so.... plastic... literally, even her partners shluld be plastic or venomed or toxined or whatever to be "preserved", preserve what? How many people who try to preserve their looks with botox actually look good and not like some wax freaks?

I have hope for cis asian anon tho, maybe one day she can grow out of the barbie like world she desires. Until then plastic is what i think of when i see her posting. Plastic...
>most of the clientele is literal hobo neets
oh you are good
I call it a hidden cost because most lesbians dont think about it when drafting their fantasy business proposals, they only imagine everyone being friends and subsisting on vibes, which is a lot more plesant than our shitty reality.
I don't believe lesbian bars are real, never heard of one
Everyone fucking does it. Only polyana girls pretending like they are above lookism but uglies can still tell you look down in them in their heart.
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>unconscious biases exist so you should be cruel with impunity
Do lesbian rappers spit lesbian bars
mechanon hater returned my goat
literally every single lesbian i ever was with swallowed, are you drinking enough water?
need head from an autistic girl
i'm right here...
What? Swallowed bars? Like xanax? What do you mean
you’re not real
i am real and i am VERY good at giving head to women
nothing, don't worry about it
i need to cum in a girls mouth ugh ugh
gf of color >>> *

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