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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: What is your lesbian experience with loneliness like?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36611764
>What is your lesbian experience with loneliness like?
living in a basement room that looks like a serial killers hovel which makes it impossible to date from but i can't leave because it's the cheapest place i could find and financial trauma keeps me worried that homelessness is only ever one paycheck away despite having 20k in the bank saved up and still growing
a lifetime of isolation and hostility from others made me annoying and delusional, its not that bad really.
feel like pure shit just want to give her really good oral with fingers until she squirts in my face
do you think it's weird for a mtf to date a cis les police officer
I want to be a police officer dating a transbian...
Yeah, it’s pretty weird to date a pig.
But lago, you are a cop.
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nah it's a match made in heaven
based and same
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I am not Judy Hops!
Lesbians have the lowest rates of intimate partner violence when you remove violence committed by men in their previous relationships.
If you think about it for more than one minute, being beaten by your wife seems pretty nightmareish
now, im NOT saying that i saw lago shoot a dog, but im also not saying that lago didnt shoot a dog so who knows but you know what they say...
/sig/ here, want to say this manga is a banger.
Since I'm here though: there's no such thing as a trans lesbian. You're a man who likes women. Take a break from the porn and let your brain reset.
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>QOTT: What is your lesbian experience with loneliness like?
Many hours spent sitting alone in a dimly lit room making shitty songs about how lonely i am and reading bad fiction to fill the hole in my chest
self improve your biology education my guy
>qott: the slow but constant pain of neglect and isolation.
Hello I would like a cis Asian gf!
but why would a cis asian gf like to have you?
I want to be the cis asian gf
any asian in chat can help with getting the eyes to look right?
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spiritually im barking this morning
please be in ontario
i dont look at porn retard nice projection
Trans people are a tiny percent of the population, and gays are a small percentage of that. You think you're that special? Or are you just a dude who likes women? Because "it'd be cool to be a lesbian" isn't some novel idea that trans girls get. Most men do; for fucks sake, "my dick is a lesbian" was a common online reply in the past. More girls = better, that's all it is.
It's either that or you're delusional, either way you should stop for your own sake.
ya u should kill urself man
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Been there, tried that. I just wanted to help dudes while I stopped by. Enjoy your day though.
post the code coward
why would i take advice from someone who is mentally unwell enough to try and kill themselves?
well see you later Alice <3
i really need to dye my hair blue
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i kinda want to get a tattoo of a sorceress inspired by the two of swords beheading something
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I'm working on getting better. Part of that is accepting yourself for who you are, which most people here don't seem to do.
My name's not Alice but thank you!
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>What is your lesbian experience with loneliness like?

Hi im new here, well let me think. Hmmm

It was pretty good actually. I did alright alone, there was a desire sure, to be social, but then i joined discords, and chatted with people so at least 70% of my social needs were fulfilled.
Then i met someone, online, we became friends, and then even lovers somehow. And then it ended. I cant even be like one of those people who hates or blames their ex for things, because i know it was all me. Its such a strange feeling to know i am the villian in my own story. And whoever i interact with, even my mother, in other people's lives i am merely an obstacle and at best a villian to overcome.
You dont know how strange that is, none of you do.
To know the problems lay /lie with me.
Its like looking at a baffling chess board configuration, where you dont even know where to start. How would stone go about turning to gold. How would a cat go about becoming a vegetarian.

Imagine you woke up, and you realized you were the villian? Do you decide to become good? Would you?
Would an evil person want to be good and vice versa.
Its so silly. Im so silly. When im away from people i feel neitner good or evil, there is a natural beauty in that.

So thats my experience.
tl;dr office retard shit
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Any other chill tomboy/disaster lesbians here?
chill tomboy chaos activist disaster lesbian
cringe traaaaaaaaa meme
no fuck off
With a little bit of power mommy for good measure
Captcha: zooop
You really get on my nerves.
i traded my power mommy points for depressed and dysphoric Sadge
Sorry.... *looks down in shame *
>Part of that is accepting yourself for who you are
you seem like a transbian in denial
is she ever gonna not hate me
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50% chill tomboy
50% furry
50% rhombic dechedron
50% gamer girl
100% unknowably weird and terribly alone
I could never hate you, unless you're lago off trip again
depends on why she hates you
quiet weird artist autist that isn't on the apps gf
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I don’t post pathetic yearning like that because both the women I love adore me.
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>but why would a cis asian gf like to have you?
I have many redeeming qualities!
lagoterf shitting on all of lesgen at once again
you're a very mean person
It’s not a bad thing. We’ve all been there, pathetically unable to get over someone that hates us. Well, not me because I don’t have any exes, but most people.
still rude
Hey is is is this place a good place to find friends? Im kinda new to 4chah haha xp
Only if you know how to wipe your ass. So it’s not a good place for you, office retard.
both the women I love adore me and they are better than lago's trolls so I win
>Hey is is is this place a good place to find friends?
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Maybe I’ll care when you and the others give the same amount of energy when my gf is misgendered or I’m given rape threats.
Who is office retard
i do but maybe now i won't
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I’m sure you have, anon. xD
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Poly people be like when one of their girlfriends gets run over:
"Ah jeez time to invite girlfriend 3 into the living room );"
This meme was bought to you by the new girl on the block i hope u like me ill be here for a while h-hehe..
need what?
if only caring and making a difference were the same thing
maybe stop misgendering others and dismissing victims of female rape first then?
a gf like that
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Never done either of those things. I’ve been posting with a trip/username for years. Archive is free. You’d think you’d have come up with some screenshots by now.
el pato
it's just a dumb schizo, lago
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you wouldn't be saying that if you actually knew me
u dont know that
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u rite
i cant wait to kiss my gf again
I forced the lago terf "joke" like 2 years ago and it took on a life of its own now lol I am a piece of shit xd
we planned on watching ecw but i fell asleep when she called
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I'm the anon that's anti baby killing, animal suffering, and will never bow down to feminazis. There, now you know what a scary problematic person I am and can leave in disgust.
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Hi <3
ya u were right i should have listened to u mb
Hey babe how are you?
Want gf who spits in my mouth..
Thanks babe, don't gaslight people next time.
that's one of us
if u ever stop being a lil cringelord lmk i love furry girls
Hey I'm good :-)
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This man passes for a butch dyke.

Would the girls hit it?
With my hand on your throat?
mogs me
why do people keep repeating this meme. olive only dates men
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Is anyone into femboys here?
this is a lesbian thread dumbass
i like WOMEN
lagodroaf keeps selfishly pretending she has a poly thing going with olive, maybe giving people the wrong idea
femboys are women in denial
O-o-o-oh jeeeeezzz uhmmm uhmmmm.. mmmmm... ahhh,, ahh well euhmmm.. m-maybe
I am ^^... im reading a BL novel atm.. its very romantic... >_>.. do u wanna roleplay as greek twinks...
woah there's been a lot going on here. whys everyone so weird today?
mogs me
I am but I'm masc.
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wax play
Should I drop $30 on a ticket to a Shoegaze show tn?
fuck yeah
of course

I'm kinda sad missed Slowdive this summer because too broke for festivals
Menories are worth their weight in gold. Go for it!
Maybe babe, what are you?
do u guys think im hot
what's the opposite of pejorative
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Im going to bed now.. i hope femboy chan will be here when i wake up.. she's the prettiest person iv seen post here apart from my ex of course..
I have this shower thought that as the world gets crazier and transbians get more desperate it makes them do strange things. A lot of transbians are losing it lately and I am seeing it happen in real time like mass psychosis. It's not contained to this thread or this board.
Uhmmm mtf, 5 plus years on hrt. Post orchi. Hmmm.. talk tomorrow.. goodnight...
i would say laudatory
Ok I'll see you around babydoll ;-)
>shower thoughts
actually babe that's established from basically all mammal biology
like, it's roughly 2/3 of that wackass "alpha wolf" misunderstanding and the rest just goes from there
everyone is getting more insane every single day, because everyone is getting less and less able to convince themselves that it'll be fine
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>she doesn’t want a snail trail on her thigh
it’s over
I’m one of you now
thanks babe I am deeply grateful to all sciences for discovering many bad things and mostly being ignored
>I’m one of you now
a man lusting tranny?
yeah i think you're onto something here. like i'm relatively well-adjusted and just a "all women and like three men" bishit instead of a full on transbian, and even I lost enough braincells this year to go from just lurking this board to posting to now tripfagging. I can't imagine what would have happened if I was already fully deranged when this change happened.
so the US' next president candidates are Jemima "What do you mean calling someone a coconut means they are acting white" Harris and Don Le Holy Crusader IX With Staged Assassination Attempt pepega huh
>this change
ive been hearing people saying things changed a lot since covid and like
well, as a severely marginalized outsider, nah lol it was always like this
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The fake psuedo reality of the internet defeated the real world in the culture war. The children of the internet never experienced the real world. Nothing to miss.
I hope I'll still get a chance someday
be the change you want to see and learn scientific results and theories and preach i guess
it's amazing at making you either care less or get extremely enraged about how humanity is fucking itself over for literally nothing
like, every day that it's over 80 here there's this specific kind of men's barber salon that has a south facing window front, a glass door that's ajar, and a mobile AC unit standing 10 feet from the glass door running at full blast as if the goal was 5 degrees C more per year by 2030

it's like in civ when you lose in 1940 and still have to play until 2250 :3c
im almost 40 and i never had real friends either lol
i do gotta say it's kind of extremely hilarious in the "haha i wanna die" sense how the internet was supposedly gonna bring us together and instead it just made all of use more alone
and primary school kids have already started using
>chat, is this real?
as a real-life expression of excitement or disbelief
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>pegging trans gf
>get into it and peg harder
>she tells me to slow down
>slow down to not hurt her
>get back into it and peg harder
>she tells me to slow down

I am proving the chuds right about cisbians even though I don't want to
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I wish this was me
just a little mochi
I would let my gf eat me
i want a gf to make my wife and i take care of her and take her to fighting game tournaments and watch her play and id be proud of her ugh ugh why cant i have this
Don't be mean
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You can peg me hard, I like it rough :p
god I do, one of the hottest things my ex ever did was drag herself across my abs and leave a trail on me
>one of the hottest things my ex ever did was drag herself across my abs and leave a trail on me
i will now fitnessmax
I am mourning and crying all that is dying around me. I finally let it off my chest to my gf recently and she cried with me and with very few words she felt all the grief I felt, it was very healing for us
I think people need to shelve their big ideas about changing the world. Accept the lesson of how small you really are, consider yourself lucky if you can save yourself and a few other people at best, or maybe im a selfish asshole after all.
>has a gf to cry to
ha ha yeah
if ur a femboy why are u posting here
I am just exasperated with all the loneliness. I was lonely all my life, found my gf in this board, now I am less lonely. I plucked her like a rose from a burning bush. If you want to cry look for someone else who wants to cry. It sucks that most people prefer to look for fetishfueled lewding, I get it but it sucks.
I like girls( cis or trans), I'm not into guys. Where is a good place for me?
are you on hrt?
i dont want to cry
i dont believe in "healing" of that kind, at all
i just wanna explore cutting edge physics with someone else who cares about that stuff and build our own fully renewable discrete power grid so we can play wackass analogue tunes on diy synthesizers all the time even if the state grid fails but somehow no one else is interested in that and that's awful
I only like women
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No hrt :p
please leave
Please take it to /soc/ or somewhere else
So mean :-(
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Reminder that trans girls belong to cis girls.
where is my cis gf then
will this cis girl bully dom me or be a massive chaser sub?
In final fantasy 14 somewhere.

Lesbian love is above the sub dom dynamic.
stop dont say that ive been looking for a ffxiv gf for so long and i gave up hope already
well sure but what about sesbian lex?
Yeah I get it it's meaningless try on this board because you are all already convinced that your little hobbies can exist in any capacity without people loving and caring for each other first

you are NOT gonna make it
meant for the postapocalypse physics synth fag up above lo
Same thing. Sex is supposed to be you and your partner hugging, kissing, feeling each other, and pleasuring each other. It's not supposed to be one person does the sex and the other receives the sex. The idea of sex being a giver and a receiver is destructive to the human experience.
i see both sides of the dynamic as active participants, it's not a one-directional transaction so much as a dance
it's no fun without the continuous motion of finding balance in the asymmetry
>you are all already convinced
projection; maybe you are convinced of that, but what i am convinced of is that people are not gonna do that "loving and caring for each other" and that's why i am not gonna find anyone who will do those things with me

i am also not interested in "making it", because "making it" is in stark contrast to "loving and caring for each other", because "making it" assumes a win and loss conditions, the act of which is like, the other 1/3 of why humanity is doomed

also you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded
also, about this bit here; i didnt even allude to "post" apocalypse
my adhd is way too bad to think in terms of future, im quite literally thinking about present day, present time
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this is possibly the worst lesgen ive been in and ive had to endure reese and olive being here
hank hill ass
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shouldve used something funny
I like wrapping my gf around my legs and pulling her in
i ruined everything
were all responsible for our little slice of ruin
tfw no cis asian gf to grope your immortal cyborg body.
Googled to see if theyre immortal and learned this
Magpies are good birds
love is real
it literally exists all around you
I'm a happy little retard who found love at the end of rhe world, and we have synths too so what us even the point of listening to you
i am in love with her light i need to make her laugh
fighting game wife
need gf who watches porn and completely ignores me whenever i go down on her (uses me as her living vibrator)
once I went out dancing with lesbians but since then nothing
need gf who lets me use her like a fleshlight that talks back and fights back
i hate myself
umm do you have a penis or how?
i do, and i understand that i'm far from universally desired
>captcha: HGHAG
i started playing ffxiv 2 days ago but i haven't found a gf yet..
what server i also need ffxiv gf
christ i miss giving head
okay that is good I will be your girlfriend
giving head (Dominant)
sophia (OCE)
giving head (dominant) with fingering (aggressive) and choking (half strength)
it's so over for US nonas everyone is so far away UGH UGH
getting head (submissive)
i want to be loved and occasionally have sex maybe
marcille belongs to izutsumi
anon belongs to me
ok based meet me at the theatre and i'll bully you sexually while we watch a film
need 24/7 TPE relationship
do lesbian relationships without any gay ass bdsm fetish lifestyles shit exist anymore? all i see is people talk about sub or dom stuff i feel like ill never find love with a normal girl.
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Plenty of vanilla lesbians whine about the prevalence of kinky lesbians so yeah. There are some of you out there.
i gave myself a headache off of bong rips wtf
is taking around 45 mins to cum good or bad or just normal
i think you need better sex, a more relaxed mindset, or fewer SSRIs
i don't take ssris
nearly every single femboy is an obnoxious attention whore. just ignore them
gf to rock out and air guitar and karaoke in the living room to the new jack white album with
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My ideal woman.
For a cis girl, extremely normal
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Good morning..
jesus do i need to give head to every girl in this gen or something
this can't be normal
if I'm being eaten out competently much quicker but I need more than one orgasm...
yes please
Cat trenches
Meow meow meow
I have the opposite problem. Everyone I dated was so vanilla
how do i get my theyfab gf to stop being retarded and just accept she's a cis woman without sounding "problematic"
Need a tall girl’s teeth on my neck NOW
i'm a 183 cm girl with a vampire kink..
Give her to me
I’m 6’1 but this is acceptable :3
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Ive captured her
Feel like pure shit just want her to meet my cats and feed them broccoli
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posted the wrong version again lago...
That’s so sweet that the silver haired mommy dyed her hair blue to match her gf’s!
gf who makes you dye your hair the same colour as hers so you look like sisters
me at 29 still getting carded and passed over by coworkers when they go out drinking because I look 19
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my gf did this to me
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>tfw same hair color naturally
wait 5 years and the problem will take care of itself
turn her against feminism
>tfw same hair color, name, and height
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How u gonna be a lesbian and not be a feminist lol. Creepy domineering rapey men that cant accept the fact you have a gf are like the #1 case for feminism
Based twinmaxxer
>how u gonna be a lesbian and not hate men
I hate political lesbianism
I hate political lesbianism
I hate political lesbianism
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shut up retard!!!!!!
check your boy trauma at the door to the hetoroid club and leave us alone
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That’s not what political lesbianism is and feminism isn’t about hating men. Grow tf up and read a book.
just masturbated again to lesbo porn where do I find a girl irl to give me her strap
up ur ass around the corner
do u guys think i’m hot? >.<
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post a vocaroo and I'll tell you
If feminism didnt exist you would be a breeding cow for a man you didnt love or a whole ass man depending on your childhood
i want to pet my gf and sing you are my sunshine in the dead of night
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need badly
gf showed me her ex's nudes and she was really really hot... i feel a little inadequate now
(shaking, rocking, sobbing) you are my sun shine. ., my only sun shine... ..
she's just my little sunshine
i dont ever want to go without her
she blesses every morning just by being there and by being her
Need this and need to give her this
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u r making me sad anon pls stop
genuinely why are there so many trips on this board? i'm getting tired of filtering them... what happened to anonymous posting? if you want a name and avatar just go to discord...
>you have to use the site the way the chanology fags said to because... you just do, okay? They said so!!
ppl like the attention :>
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WYDAG that insisted on taking her bike everywhere and wanted to teach you how to ride a scooter so you could tour america together when you get old
This but pedal bikes
women who ride motorbikes are hot so absolutely
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I would date her and love her and learn to ride for her and drive around with her doing races on empty highways at 2 in the AM but then one day she would get hit by a truck and i would have to hold her for her remaining days in the hospital bed and blame myself for not getting hit instead of her for many years. um well until i moved on
then i would date a goth chick or something maybe. worth it over all i think
I need to shill sarah into renting bikes ty for the remindr
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>This but pedal bikes
>tour on america
I like your moxie anon but my body is not up to that, I've driven across america once and I don't think i would ever wanna try that on a pedal bike
what is so hot about motorcycles, I hear this a lot and like, I love motorcycles but I don't think I understand how someone riding one is "hot" lol
>drive around with her doing races on empty highways at 2 in the AM
god, need
>but then one day she would get hit by a truck and i would have to hold her for her remaining days in the hospital bed and blame myself for not getting hit instead of her for many years. um well until i moved on
then i would date a goth chick or something maybe. worth it over all i think
It's what I would have wanted
>I need to shill sarah into renting bikes ty for the remindr
renting motiecycles is always a scam don't do it
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Our boy lips touching, i bite them, they burst like plump grapes, boyblood dribbling down our boy bodies as our red streaked boy nipples touch...uwaaaa....
i'm actually begging to date her
comedian gamedev gf...
>what is so hot about motorcycles
i guess it comes off as kind of edgy which i'm into
>what is so hot about motorcycles
Fearlessness. Confidence. Freedom. Cool helmet
>what is so hot about motorcycles, I hear this a lot and like, I love motorcycles but I don't think I understand how someone riding one is "hot" lol
nta but, they're considered dangerous and powerful and rebellious so ppl think that those who ride them must be cool and hot enough to tame them or whatever. that's how I see it at least.
whereas in reality it's just a lot of sitting down in a kinda uncomfortable position with a chamberpot on your head for hours and then when you're done and take your helmet off your hair's really greasy and your ass hurts and your hands are kinda sore too and you just wanna lay down.
I kinda wanna get back into two-wheelers, though. I had a 50cc Derbi when I was 15 and then a 125cc Vespa when I was 16/17 (you only get to drive cars and bigger motorcycles when you're over 18 here) but I've only really driven cars after that. I'd really love to have a properly old Jawa or Ariel or Triumph, I love how they look.
>i guess it comes off as kind of edgy which i'm into
>Cool helmet
*very* true
>considered dangerous and powerful and rebellious
you see, I understand that if this was like, 2006. But I feel like motorcycle culture from the outside is so obviously stagnant that all of the mystique to it is gone now. Most people on motorcycles are retards who like cheap power or posers, it's hard to believe anybody who rides does it for themself. Atleast in america.
>whereas in reality it's just a lot of sitting down in a kinda uncomfortable position with a chamberpot on your head for hours and then when you're done and take your helmet off your hair's really greasy and your ass hurts and your hands are kinda sore too and you just wanna lay down.
cannot relate at all anon, sounds liek you don't like riding enough
>I kinda wanna get back into two-wheelers, though.
It sounds like you're a britoid where you don't really get to actually enjoy properly sized motorcycles unless you're on a track so I would suggest that if you do consider getting back on two wheels
i should start riding a motorcycle...
I should start fucking women
hate when my autist gf goes nonverbal
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look at the statistics and see how you feel after, if you're dumb enought to keep going then do it
I agree
I disagree
Can't sleep just want to write sketch comedy with her and make her laugh a hundred times a day
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based motorbike enjoyers
>stuck with a 125 at the moment
i wanna get a 650 ninja soon just gotta stop being a retard and get a real license
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somebody on dbt once told me that you can lose your whole license on the spot for doing wheelies in bongland is that true
im not too sure desu ive done some real stupid shit infront of cops and nothing happened... i think its just down to the cop if they are an asshole or not. idk anyone thats had that happen though

I wouldnt be suprised if thats the law on paper though seeing as a CBT license doesnt require you to pass any road safety tests and the course isnt pass fail you just have to show up and stay till the end and you get one regardless
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>I wouldnt be suprised if thats the law on paper though seeing as a CBT license doesnt require you to pass any road safety tests and the course isnt pass fail you just have to show up and stay till the end and you get one regardless
Oh I always assumed the road policing out there was miserable between the speed cameras and tiered license system.
Some guy mentioned that if the cop doesn't like you they'll find ways to throw the book at you and get your license totally gone by a matter of multiple points on the same charge
Just seems so alien to me since you can legally get on an H2 at 18 out here lol
youre right our policing is retarded here. So much is left up to police discretion and in recent years they have seemed to just get worse for people on bikes because they keep getting smoked by kids on mopeds kek

its so bad that some cities have 20mph limits on most roads inside the city and in london we cant drive in the center without paying a daily fee :)))))))
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Yeah, never understood why you’d want to own a motorcycle out there. Seems like it’s very very oriented towards foot traffic. I’d just get a bicycle at that point lol, no point in having a vehicle if you can’t hoon it a little
>It sounds like you're a britoid where you don't really get to actually enjoy properly sized motorcycles unless you're on a track
nah, Finnish. we have a tiered system but it's 50cc at 15 (AM Class), 125 at 16 (A1 Class), 35kW with a power to weight ratio of 0,2 kW/kg at 18 (A2 Class), and anything and everything (A Class) at 24 or after you have two years of A2 experience, so at 20yo at the earliest.
I'm 24 so I could just go and get an A class lisence right now (with five hours of driver's ed anyway) and then I could jump on my dad's BMW R 1300 GS, which sounds kinda terrifying. but also enticing.
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Red blooded American
>BMW R 1300 GS which sounds kinda terrifying
?? You’re 24, I’m sure you got the throttle discipline in you lol
But man those license tiers sound like a headache lol, is it fairly common to deregulate a bike that’s regulated? I can’t imagine 20 something’s being that patient lol
You fucking pieces of shit banned me again, i hope you all get AIDS
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On a motorbike its marginally better because we can filter through traffic but yah not very driver oriented. I mostly use it for stuff that is on the outskirts of the city etc where public transport is meh. the moment you leave really densely populated areas public transport gets so shit so fast
sounds a lot like what we have here shits so cucked
>test anxiety haver
been on bikes since 16 yet still have a 125 ;w; mby one day ill get a cool bike kek
iirc you can get a bike with a bigger engine and then put a restrictor in to limit it to the bhp limit we have depending on what license tier you hold, a lot of people i knew would do that then remove it post test
your own fault for hanging around discord cops
>?? You’re 24, I’m sure you got the throttle discipline in you lol
yeah I mean true, maybe terrifying is the wrong word, but, that's a lot of power to put under someone who's at worst had five hours of driving experience total lol. But I would probably be fine, esp with how I've spent a lot of my life driving already.
>is it fairly common to deregulate a bike that’s regulated?
I actually have no clue how ppl usually do it lol, but I do remember when I went to a motorcycle meet years ago with my dad, we saw one father-son pair where both had big Harleys but the son only had the A2 lisence, so they'd put his bike on a dyno, figured out where the throttle was when it hit 35kw, and then put a bolt on the throttle handle so it wouldn't go farther than that. it apparently passed inspection, somehow. must have been pretty shit to drive though lol.
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It’s such a small island how do you guys not have perfect transit solved already. What have you guys been doing for the past century
> a lot of people i knew would do that then remove it post test
based based based based
I assumed you’ve been riding lol I take it back don’t let that confidence getcha. Bad technique is far more dangerous than lots of power

Goodnight lebnians
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i want a discord and a general that isnt run by you and your shitty gf
it's been 3 days since we spoke
should i msg her again or is it joever
glad I left before they got the satisfaction of banning me
lago went from little to no oversight of the server to running it like north korea once she realized she can groom desperate trannies to be her mindless slaves

if you aren't willing to dedicate every moment of your life to pleasing her then there's no point in joining
lol he's so annoying too
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I aint a fan of wednesdays... another day another dollar alltho.. and another dime down the well of time, *pensivly lights a cigarette*

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Neither me or my gf had anything to do with this. The other mod banned you because you were suicide posting, making threats, and then told someone to kill herself. You’ve been warned about that countless times.
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Also insane that you think you’ll get unbanned now when you do shit like this. WHEN SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.
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lol stupid phone still has my old trip
They call me momcrusher.. they call me aquabitch.. theh call me PLASMAWHORE
the discord shitters were banned for good reason? what a shocker. now keep your discord drama off of the thread.
bf you mean
Does anyone else think they could tank a waterboarding? It looks giga easy
I could lift a car a few inches probably
Kino. They always a say people could do that if their kid was stuck under the car. It just comes at the cost of ligaments.
ill watch this when i get home. I like archer.
I know a girl who used do it for fun
I swear it aint. Its literally just a wet towel that shit does NOT scare me
why even make a 4chan discord if you arent prepared to deal with people like this
Any advice for asking out the cute cashier working at the store across the street?
You're sitting at the transbian bar,
A femboy not yet on hrt but looks like they could be sits a few seats away from you, they order a drink and slides it across the bar towards you, you look at her, she gives you a wink "its on me".

What do you do?
Seems to me like she dealt with it fine
Asked gf to waterboard me and she didnt say yes :<
Asking out cashiers when theyre at work is kinda ick imo they just wanna get paid.
Log off discord
embarrassing behavior
this is who I imagine now whenever someome complains about the discord
why are you even here
imagine being old enough to use fourchan, and weird and lonely enough to try to make friends via fourchan, while at the same time still not having accepted that you are a loser
tell him “I’m not into men” and go back to enjoying my drink alone
all the world is a comment farm to the attention whore
need licensed gf to help me with my learners permit so we can get our bikes one day

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