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prev >>36612303
these guys a cute! CUTE
tfw no Asian side/bottom bf
that asian looks like a minor, arrest the whitey!
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Sopa de macaco
He bottom like a adult thoughever
Thoughts on this WMAM couple?
rip dark haribo
ayylmaos looking for pristine nineteenies to abduct
rawr xd
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You need to wear this shirt.
last time I saw something like this I spent days looking for more information online and trying to connect dots that weren't there, I hate how these cases give me nightmares
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Would y'all date a chud top...?

Keep in mind, he has a big dick but he regularly makes transphobic remarks.
The AI stuff always has this uncanny quality about it.
If it's any consolation, most missing people (especially kids) aren't just abducted by strangers or perverts. The ones with no resolution are upsetting though.
Stop posting AIslop
if he was not a trump support maybe
there is no sp00n
- teh matricks
What about chud bottoms?
*sniffs balls and butt cracks*
workout done
told you guys I'm mashc
i'mma vote for whoever the fuck the dems decide to run because the prospect of project 2025 is terrifying. it's all fun and games until they take away women's right to vote.
white chud bottoms are gods gift to the black man
Yeah but to be honest, only white male property owners should be allowed to vote
they'd take the vote away from bottoms
redbubble took enough of my money recently
im making pasta with chicken please give me attention I'm lonely
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What kind of pasta?
just boring wholewheat spaghetti

it's a dull gymhead meal
broccoli, garlic, Cajun chicken
No sauce?
Really wish I didn't have a fat BF. The demon thing doesn't seem to be working but I am still going to keep trying and devoting myself to spreading word of Andras. I'm going to start targeting trans posters on here who seem a bit more prone to instability and demonpill them. I feel like if I am gatheirng Andras followers and souls he will be more likely to reward me.

I also need to look into black magic to counter any protective bullshit. I feel like somebody on here is protecting/warding my fat BF from demonic entities.
Dotn even need to click to know I hate it. Asians are not sexy.
Try manifestation instead.
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Andras, I empower you and invite you to violently and painfully slaughter and maim anyone who is offering protective spells or rituals in favor of my fat BF.
Is that a wheel of cheese? Wut

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Andras kill this fattie sympathizer. Draw your sword across his neck and remove his head. Skewer the head on your blade and ride it through hell to face eternal torture.
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praying to god fat bf outlives schizoanon
The false God of the Abrahamic religion does not answer prayers. He doesn't care for you. He has never been kind to your kind. Turn to powers that actually listen and aid everyday people.
i’ve put my top rabbis on negotiating with the dukes of hell to ensure your fat bf outlives you
oh I forgot about the wine vinegar
i want to bully an intcel
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>no sauce
>britbong making food
Misery, but checks out. I'd adopt you just so I can feed you a proper meal.
the area where he went missing i've been around before when I use to be a truck driver passing down Highway 40, it's desolate, no cell signal, there's nothing out there except a few campers at any given time, there's no houses, no trailer parks, no one around, there's not even a lot of wild animals around that area except moose, and the smoky river isn't a fast flowing river at all and it's not deep at the location he was at but sometimes there's weird currents that you can get caught in..

I wonder who he was with as they are most likely lying about his disappearance.
>food needs 6373847 spices
youd be shocked to find out what aglio e olio is
Yeah remote areas are a magnet for unsolved disappearances like this. I notice more people picking up on them, though the subtext of some coverage seems to be a bit paranormal
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You literally said you were rawdogging it. I took that to mean you just boiled some pasta noodles and threw it on a plate with some other stuff.
I ain't simping nobody
I'm tired of this 'genie/demon kill my bf' malarkey
if this is real just ask for your house investment whatever money and leave him
the pasta looked oily, indahon
he's a silly bottom
oreos are nasty
americans don't know what a biscuit(cookie) is meant to be
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Could just be moist and/or the lighting.

Rude and uncalled for!

True, most of the 'ideas' in that webm are vile, but I could actually see vanilla ice cream and onions sauce working.
>onions sauce
lol every time
What sense would you miss the most if you lost it? For me it would be Hearing. That would be a very depressing existence for me
it's very unlikely someone picked him up, it would be a 2 hour and 30 minute walk for him to get to highway40 the only closest road to his camp location, and no one goes down that way except campers, my hunch is whomever he was with killed him, dumped his body somewhere and are lying..
Sense of decency. If I got fat and had a BF who was in the gym 5x per week and eating well I would probably kms
what's up gays
Looks like I've been proven right again. Tranny from MrBeast channel has been messaging little boys.

I knew it wasn't just me. The only adults who messed with me as a kid were trannies. Fucking preds.
why is it that literally every gay adult guy or troon I knew or know is just straight up a child predator? My gay friend also was harrassed by several gay predators as a teenager because he looked feminine
who from what?
sauce? moar?
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why can't you just let her be happy with her current beau
why is what happened 7 years ago being brought up now?
republicans and the "woke" crowd have nothing better to do it seems
Mr Beast's Co-Host went trans and abandoned his family to pursue a fetish..it's been like what a year?

He's already being outted for chatting with a 13 year old boy...
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Idk, maybe don't hang around weirdos like that?
If my fat BF was a,weird trans freak I could probably break up with him without guilt. But fml I'm seriously stuck here for fucking ever
odds fems
evens mtfs
If you go to /pol/ right now and just act as gay and pozzed as possible half the people will applaud you and half will call you a federal agent
It's fucking joever and I shall have sissy's head
Praise the dark lord andras for giving strength to meme magic giving us our first racist black lady president
how she is racist? locking drug dealers and abusers up for longer sentences was a good thing for California, look at what's going on there now...

California was a better place when she was District Attorney, was it not?
twink happy trail
Praise the dark lord andras for giving strength to meme magic giving us delta's penis pics.
twink pubic bush
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Bisexuality to divorce and cheating into transgenderism to chimo slope is real.
post it, ¿por favor?
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Faggot asian hunks pole dancing for me their WHITE GOD MASTER
greater demons have tried and failed
Because white guys get to say nigger when she wins
Assraping Delta's father
No lube. Only blood and shit
No. White guys never get to say the N-word. Get those racial slurs out your dirty nasty racist mouth white boy.
haribo is so small you could put him in a slow cooker
Kkkkkkkk it’s true. What dish do you want to make? Goulash?
>xan is now into cannibalism
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*angry monkey noises*
I'm over 30 and literally have never seen, heard, or read of an Asian M top. Sad!
Would you want your fat BF to die of a heart attack if he treated you poorly and was 35-37 bmi?
tell him you have a feeder fetish so he gets even fatter and dies faster
they can't survive without their insulins and blood pressure meds on periodt
I would
would you give a chance to a full-blooded abo if they have a nice personality and are good at sex?
its just me or its hard to find good videos of men twerking on tiktok like im not satisfied with the search results I get
depends on if he looks like the old time abos or the modern degenerate abos
Maybe if he was really really really rich
>been a little depressed
>Drink a glass of water
>Feel slightly better
Thanks, water
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Buy an ad, water merchant.
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pissing in bottom’s bums
i did but i havent made any new sex pics
c-cor thats proper lewd m-mate
How can I be prettier gaygen? What might look very attractive on me and emphasize my feminine side. I want to be a femboy.
Get a rhinoplasty
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how much piss can the average twink hold in his ass
korean skin whitening cream
Omg this is like so true. Beautiful message <3
if i ordered a dessert at an expensive restaurant and someone put this in front of me and then did that i would take out a gun and shoot the waiter and then my date and then myself
do NOT get your twink pisspreggers
after all this time it turns out I'm just a chaser

a good tiktok filter, that's what the chinese seem to be doing
i remember when this was posted about prince pietro and ugly predator beagle
im meeting a guy in a hotel. How tf is he supposed to get in when he doesn’t have a key card??? Pls help me asap
and soon a troon
Kkkkk drag her
this is why xanthippe will always be ugly
Didn’t arabs invented makeup? Try it sis
yeh with the gym i should consider taking testosterone
well no she's just fucking ugly
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then again there's something about the masculinity of twinks which is nice
Just go down and meet him fucking retard.
Haha it ain't gonna help, you're hsts
hsts requires being exclusively attracted to males though, and being a fem bot
uber but instead of connecting a driver and passenger it links up two people who meet and look at each other's pubes, puber
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I remember a bottom once got mad at me because I took a piss after I came in him because "... You could've given me an infection"
You peed in a toilet after cumming in him or you peed in his asshole?
only the most hardcore little faggot would get off to bbc twinks.
ewww greasy stringy hair
I dont feel bad wishing for my fat BF to die of a heart attack
they weren't bbc twinks the dicks were normal sized
smfh i want to look MORE masc not less. i like looking at muscles & hair
I went to the bathroom and peed in the toilet after cumming in side him
You fucked his brains out literally
well that's just my interpretation, and i could be wrong. but I'm not
i've had a gf before
My anorexic bf who is only like 100 pounds i'm so sick of. He doesn't want to eat and tells me I should die of a heart attack.
her bbc wasn't big enough
Is he laughing
if i was trans id be agp not husstuss anyway
lern ur blanchard
you already put up with obesity and insane controlling behavior, you'd probably do the same thing even if he was trans
What’s the dumbest thing your bf or ex bf has ever done?

Mine took a wasp and made it sting him on the bellybutton because he thought it wouldn’t hurt there
I low-key remember all the faceapp edits you would make of your selfie photos as a woman. Are you sure you aren't just trans?
>commit victimless crime
>go to jail
>all the while the prosecutor who sent you to jail commits the exact same crime
le based law and order
agp troons are more into bnwo than huss are lad, they're the ones posting those shit threads.
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Why is bish like this?
that was in vogue back then
u wouldn't understand

i aint into that
i just wanna do lateral raises and get yoked
Mine drank a whole bottle of Tabasco and I made the mistake of ass fucking him the night after.
lmao very masc behavior
bish, 50
Dude's mom is a yoga instructor so I have a feeling he was raised on a bunch of hygiene snake oil
please everyone and their dad was doing female faceapps back then
i dont smoke cigs its bad for skin
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>ideal bottom
It's cheaper than antidepressants though
i dont need antidepressants
Hi, I'm Tiffany here with AMT- ANTM TV. It's fashion week in Paris... can you say "magnetic"???
He spilled
He should date Haribo
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I can fix her
i haven't even shaved today, that's how mascmaxxed i am
I want gay friends to play video games with but they only want to be friends with men they want to fuck.
xanxan isn't even that ugly tho :/ the unsee he posted way back in the day he looked like homer simpson you guys are just vile and rude
Why? I think my nose is fine.
This is basically just determinism. Plus I'm very attractive despite my ugly thoughts.
:/ I like my skin tone
I don't like filters
>didn't arabs
What's that supposed to mean
Are you saying im arab what does who made makeup have to do with this
And no makeup is not at all different from tribal people applying paint or blood to their face
That said, I have tried makeup, it's very fun. I like lipstick and eyeliner. I also like lashes. The only thing I don't like is that foundation because it feels uncomfortable on the face
Concealer is nice too. And eyeshadow.
Get you a Disney gay who knows the lyrics to EVERY song
so >>36617244 isnt xanthippe?
Gay friends who want to play video games also want to cuddle and whine though :/
i love singing disney songs
nooo that's a guy that posted a dick pic and can wanted to chat him up but got denied by. idk why xan keeps reposting his pic
no you stupid nigger
You guys can be so mean and rude. Zero class.
weirdo exhibiting weirdo behavior? you don’t say
Lmao I just remembered the unsee incident
I do
this guy
oh anyone can post on that name
inb4 um that never happened
How much blood could a pozz’d cuck chuck if a pozz cuck could chuck blood?
just do 10g shrooms & watch a horror film that'll sort it out
is that the excuse you will use? Who are you trying to convince here? Because it wont convince me at all
Which one is your favorite?
Can you imagine having one life and living it with that facial hair?
>whitened his skin
>made him look whiter
Why do filters and ai do this?
Ai literally cannot render me as an Ethiopian without making me white or arab. They literally lack data on us lol

i sing this while doing acts potentially charged as dangerous driving
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I wish more gays liked receiving blowjobs.
she's fire
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Great edition

Thoughts on buff Asian bottoms GG?
The trick is to not hook up with reppers
>xantroon spamming again
built for power bottoming for white twinks
this is what bottom4bottom looks like
is this some random guy's mugshot?
i want to die between his thighs
Why is her vagina so high up?
remember when the last time you spammed you tried to convince us you were multiple people and all your posts and replies were deleted (along with xanthippe posts)?
i sing my heart out and for what
Imagine sucking on his balls while he crushes your head between his thighs hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
who is this? google fails me
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Woah what a stud :-) muscular guys >>> fatties
Imagine the plaps.
Careful, someone here doesn’t like Asians and will report anything with them that has the smallest iota of risqué imagery
Tochinoshin allegedly.
why are you swapping between trips?
muscular and fat at the same time is superior desu
I actually did acid last week. It was fun but I've been in sort of a depressive funk all this week
Why are you a paranoid schizophrenic?
i hate faggots
My doctor told me I was a paranoid schizophrenic. Well, he didn't actually say it but we knew he was thinking it.
White bottoms are so fragile
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Queershit just posted this on /fit/.
Hiiiiii Azealia when is Fantasea part 2 dropping
and you're just gonna let him get away with that?
My bf loves my buff chub physique and I still don't believe him
would desu
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Different day, same shitheads. If they bust a good nut, had a good meal and a nap they wouldn’t do this every day
Sexy quads. Are you standing or sitting?
imagine your head locked between those thighs
Reminder that y’all have no proof to back up your empty accusations against me.
omg congratz!!! do they know if its a girl or a boy yet???
how tall? Nice legs
Hey pookie
do two twinks make a right?
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how do we feel about gay fashion?
what are they up to these days?
Twinkxtwink is so pure
I wish I was one
Guys let’s have some fun. Let’s be happy. And kind to one another. Ain’t that what gaygen is all about? :-) <3
The last one should be standard dress for men in general.
what causes these passive aggressive meltdowns you have so often
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Are my biceps too big for twinks?
you had a different trip on the last thread girl
it's nice, but feels to gay imho
two twinks = one twunk
Sitting in the car there
Are you Latino?
are gays always taking creep shots in their card because their stalking someone on grindr? that's what I assume lol
that's not what matters
all u need is a lmao2plate ohp
Pissed off my Latino bf and now my entire neighborhood died from fentanyl overdose :/
how many twinks into one bear?
They're so passionate...
I’m not a gay sex app user anymore, just a frequent driver. I hate being inside all day brother
He did it for you.
wtf I don’t have a gay card, why no one told me about this?
tell crsi i said hi
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Gays how do we respond?
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got the kind of low back ache only a good poo will cure
launch an all pronouns attack, inmedietly!
half of those were me
2.9 million of that is by 'queer' people
I was the .6 desu
At least 8.
Post pic in an outfit like this >>36617882
I reckon that's a sweet little ass you got there
how’s your hole?
azealia banks won
Faggots lost
No they're quite perfect :)
none of your business *blocks*
not in a good state
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aka heterosexual women
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Thoughts on DL men who fuck twinks in their teens and early 20s, then get married by the time they hit 40?
he already did
my bussy on fire
I've never seen an asian top
and bisexuals who want to feel special
too small I could beat you up easily fag
i wish it was me
but im 26 now and im running out of time
might just have to skip to the boring woman part
wmam makes God smile
not to be gay(er) but i love how many guys automatically play with nipples or your bulge when they kiss you.
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most asian and black guys just look like some weird AI slop wannabe humans to me

they just don't look human enough and everyone picks up on it
battered and withered
okay, but what if deltoid was non-binary
le sigh
dont think the chaser lifestyle is for me
i am lost again
can mrbreast be cancelled? or is he too big to fall at this point?
I'm pretty sure you can divide gays in four categories based on classical composers
>The Bernstein: Straight in public, marries a woman to keep appearances, but keeps having affairs with men, especially young ones.
>The Poulenc: The slut, has sex with every man he comes across, tries to act straight and even marry a woman, but fails because everyone knows he is gay so he becomes a cumdump.
>The John Cage: Happily stays with a single partner through his life, both are loyal to each other and enjoy their life as a couple.
>The Boulez: Not romantically involved with anyone despite his wish to have a partner, no one can tell he's gay for sure because he's a reserved person and he never had a partner of either sex.
Then you have less common off-shots like The Britten (borderline pedo but is loyal to his husband).
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I don't think about old men when they have fresh college sons that need to be gaped.
me? I'm the Sweelinck
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>that fisting glove
who is the mrbeast of gaygen?
my kind of bottom
back to thinking im asexual
i have no idea what if anything i find sexually attractive
what the fuck is a hariboar
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One more for the road
Im a mix of 'The Bernstein' and 'The Boulez'.
le sigh
i guess i like being an attention whore




totally forgot that game was co opted by troons lmao
probably his daddy issues talking there
The funny thing about this show ('I Kissed A Boy') is that none of the couples lasted longer than 6 months together lmao
she misspelt haribore
>couples formed during a reality show don't last 5ever

post BBC
40 isn't old

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