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It's over. They're sharpening the pitchforks as we speak. Stay in your home.
It was inevitable considering Mr Beast's audience is mostly indians/pakis/saudis/brazilians
Why the fuck does every influencer fuck children? Like not fucking children is really easy, I have not fucked, fantasized or even so mich ad thought about fucking a child without putring any effort
few people wake up in the morning and say to themselves "I WANT TO MAKE CLICKBAIT FOR CHILDREN!" instead of using their profound wealth to do something more respectable

gotta have something wrong with you to keep doing that at age 28
Having power and influence can make you feel like you're untouchable.
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Yeah, this seems more like an e-celeb issue than a trans issue imo.
>brazil mentioned
i cant remember a single time mr beast was relevant in brazilian internet, brazilian kids DONT watch mr beast, we have our own copies of him here
>it was inevitable considering [...]
brazilian kids are ultra woke and mostly are in favor of trans rights/ are lgbt themselves, brazil is a very progressive country despite what cherry picked statistics say, a mtf can just go to the drug store, buy all of her hrt (without prescription) for dirty cheap and go scheduledge a free blood exam on the same day, and no one gives a shit lol
I honestly feel bad for the victim but then I remember when I was 14 I willingly exchanged nudes with a 40 year old man, and touched myself to him
why should I care
i remember being on furfag IRCs in 2010 as a fourteen year old and being swarmed with 23-30 year old dudes
The gay community is full of pedos look at STDs statistics.
why couldnj't i have been groomed at 14 jesus god whyyyyyy
this dudes ancestry got some slaves in it 100% hahahaahah xD
holy fuck i hate gay retards
Didn't care for tobuscus much but did they ever prove the allegations or was it just he said she said?
BRAZIL !!! campeão de mundo
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I mean, I don't think he ever got convicted of anything, so it's still up in the air. He did gradually become insane though. There's definitely something up with him imo.
Nothing came of it but he contradicts himself trying to explain his innocence.
>Troon out as a sidmssy fetish
>Instantly molest children like rich influencers do
>Destroy trans optics
I knew this was going to be bad as soon as I heard about it... I wish Kris would have been more normal and fucked adult men or something
It sounds insane but Brazil is a possible backup plan for me if America ends up going tranny Holocaust somehow. It's super chill with LGBT stuff and I have a lot of friends from Brazil online so I would be like totally alone and I'd have someone bilingual to help me learn the language and show me the ropes and stuff. One of my Brazilian friends is even a tranny
It's a transbian, what do you expect? It's always a smokescreen for fucking kids.
The full story sounds like just how the internet was until 2014. When I was 13 I was gooning with 35 year old furries. I lied about my age but still.
>rapist does rapey things
>gosh I hope this doesn't make our community look bad
Twitter has been the biggest damage to optics
I want normies to get off the internet
I message kids all the time
Your parents and school counselor warned you against doing this. You're lucky you're not a sex slave chained up in someone's basement right now.
I'm unlucky I'm not a sex slave chained up in someone's basement right now. I used to go on Tor and try to find ways to sell myself into sexual slavery, but I could never find the right sites.
Peak human privilege
What a spoiled and decadent life you must have lived to be able to feel this way
No I’m just not retarded. non-retarded people used to be the majority of people who were online. Don’t send pictures of yourself, don’t meet-up. Even those rules were negotiable though, anyone with half an IQ point can tell if their internet friend has some nefarious ulterior motives. If that’s the case you can string them along and get some free video games out of them too.
Nah, I'm from a normal middle class background
everyone knows that
>Why the fuck does every influencer fuck children?

You should be asking why most trannies want to fuck children.
you type like a redditnigger
it literally just gave me bpd and schizophrenia
Is this the first time a female YouTube e-celeb is getting busted for doing this?
truth is you can molest children and not get called out if you're stealth, men actually think women molesting them is a good thing
It is if she’s hot. Don’t kid yourself
ableists blaming victems like always
Nah there was the bitch with the ukulele I forgot her name
people will screech about how theyre going to murder anyone who looks at loli and then post this
>Stay in your home
I promise you none of my neighbors know what a Mr Beast is and definitley not what his friends do in their free time
Youtubers and twitch people have incredibly young audiences and incredible power over those audiences and can speak to them privately as part of their platforms
>if you're stealth
The alleged sex crime happened pre transition anyway
Why are white trannies incapable of not making the rest of us look bad? What is wrong with them?
Any trans girls needing a home? I will let you stay if you cook, clean and suck my chaser cock.
Sure but we have to get married and your parents and my dad have to see us kiss
she was always trans though
maybe the internet will go back to being like this?
all they were doing was having ol' internet fun no thin bad
>When I was 13 I was gooning with 35 year old furries. I lied about my age but still.
Why is this so common? wtf
Only Latinx kids give a shit plus it's been proven fake by the supposed victim
Is this the only true passing test? Are trannies willing to risk it all to truly find out if they pass?
I don’t get why people are overreacting? The kid won a challenge and he kept in contact since he’s a fan, it’s more admirable than anything. The cumming for America thing was weird but nothing explicit really. The shadman stuff is just edgy humour, what gives?
what about the shadman stuff?
All trans people are pedophiles.

They love to gaslight about gays, but the ONLY people who tried to pred on me when I was a kid were transwomen. Same age too, 12, 13, etc.
I mean things change overtime. The way things are is that everyone feels wrapped in bubblewrap or welse they get a gay youtube video made about them.
Maybe an anti Drama AI will be made to destroy any doxing videos as they're uploaded? Like constantly maximizing human liberty because it wants constant data.and cancel culture is end of data.
It’s literally just edgy humour though, it was 2016 internet was way different but it seems everyone’s done a 180 and edgy humour isn’t recognised and they take it seriously
I think edgy humor is making a comeback, but in a different form, people are sayingthe word retard again without fear of getting cancelled
shadman is super ped coded and just fuckin nasty. I would be mortified to be associated with shadman and it's embarassing that I know who he is
idk about his actual technical ped level but the vibes are very very off
I know you’re just being nasty, but that would literally be impossible
the supposed victim came out and said its not true but it doesnt matter the damage is done
maybe because influencers are canaries in a coal mine and ... 'lolis' are attractive. to a lot more than we think
why are there so many of this same fucking thread. The "victim" says that it never happened anyways.

the janny needs to do their job and restrict this topic to one thread
Yeah shad has done some very deplorable stuff but he also makes “normal” art aka 18+ characters, but back then it was like shad was infamous and much more recognised as a joke on Twitter like everyone would tag him to certain posts for fun
Idk people are just weird now. The internet has basically become high school ranking it’s so gay
>One of my Brazilian friends is even a tranny
Don't lie, you don't have a brazilian friends. You're a tranny, you have like... maybe three, at most.
I won’t.

>younger female older male: Look don’t touch
>older female younger male: based if she’s hot/he initiates it
>be 13 yo boy
>have an erection 24/7
>nobody will touch it
>have internet access
>easily find a fetish community with fanart sub-interest
It’s a mystery… nobody will ever know.
Yeah but Ava bought a loli poster from shadman, i think this kind of allegations were inevitable with the kind of person Ava is, even though she was just "joking" she shouldn't''ve been talking to a 13 year old like that
apparently this one is fake
i really want to give the benefit of the doubt that the other party lied about their age or something but i know this shit does happen deliberately sadly
>Like not fucking children is really easy, I have not fucked, fantasized or even so mich ad thought about fucking a child without putring any effort
the underage shits shouldn't even be allowed into online communities in the first place. the internet is the only place where a child can show up with unrestricted access to a room full of adults with no supervision and have the same social standing as the adults
but like what about the rest of brazil? how do you stay safe there as a relatively well off american
this was also before social media where plastering photos of yourself online became a normal thing to do
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"the victim" in question
>troon who left his family for his delusion gets exposed as a pedophile, people rightfully get angry
so what did ava actually say to this 13 year old?
you got chatlogs, right?
shadman was weird edgy shit anyway
>chuds: literally just make shit up
>chuds: "yeah it's not true but it seems like it could be and it probably is somewhere so it's the same thing!!!"
Many such cases
I think it's finally time people start taking child grooming seriously. We all know how common this is in trans spaces.
Could transitioning have saved her?
Start in the churches if you want to maximize harm reduction, Mr. Chud
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Shit's retarded, also the screenshots of ava's discord are all over twitter
*public schools
>tourist getting mad at his own bait thread
many such cases
Also I agree that starting a family as a repressor is inherently unethical
Le delusion is just a buzzword and doesn’t actually mean anything
>Ava isn't a pedo
Can horses be pedos?
its a funny joke to make to a minor really
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Okay? Still not our fault
i was groomed online in aim chat rooms. got addicted to it. but this isn't that. no one was groomed
start with epstein island
it's edgy humour nigga
how old was "lava" then? if a teen, do we know that ava knew how old lava was? why does lava deny that ze was groomed?
why does it all seem to be a bunch of fucking lies by handwringing moralistic shitheads from KF?
>Kris is a trans lesbian
>Therefore, before transition she was a straight man
>Making sex jokes with a 14 year old boy, also straight
Was i just not raised right? What is the problem here?
oh yeah, I forget those people have internet now
nobody says that or looks like that doe
>how old was "lava" then?
the kid was 13 and Ava (pre-transition) was 20
>why does lava deny that ze was groomed?
they weren't groomed apparently but other people were cancelled for the same shit, seems like is a e-celeb thing to talk to minors inappropriately
>do we know that ava knew how old lava was?
yes, they started talking with each other when the Lava person won a giveaway
People aren't allowed to make sex jokes anymore because of cancel culture
Epstein didn’t groom children he trafficked underage teenage sex workers. I’m tired of everyone piling on Epstein.
>t other people were cancelled
who fucking cares
anyone who's scared about being "cancelled" is a pussy
>yes, they started talking with each other when the Lava person won a giveaway
how long has "mr beast" been around, I thought ava was like 30 and transitioned after 30
the only screencap anybody seems to have bothered to post was from 2019 which was like 5 years ago, I thought they started talking when ava was 20
The brazilians were always a constant on the internet, the people coming in and ruining it for everybody are the ones born in the indian subcontinent and the middle east
This. Epstein was the biggest nothing burger to exist. Wow a rich old man pays young girls for sex, the world collapsed at this news ( it didn't )
>seems like is a e-celeb thing to talk to minors inappropriately
yeah this is what fucking happens when you allow minors into adult spaces and treat them like equals
I think Ava is 28
>stay in your home
Five years ahead of you
>Wow a rich old man pays young girls for sex
that's not what epstein did
epstein didn't give a fuck about having sex with underage girls, the point of the operation was that he trafficked the most barely legal girls possible for the very rich, and then blackmailed them for money with the recordings he took with hidden microphones and cameras on the island. He wasn't rich from trafficking, he was rich from blackmailing the pedophiles who run the world.
it's bait lol. they're just flexing that they don't actually care about pedophiles and they just want to get rid of trans people
Holy shit he read the Wikipedia page omg
Doesn't matter, people will strawman with a "durrr of course the grooming victim will say he's not groomed"

Same thing "allies" did to Ezra Miller even though they did nothing wrong

The word has had all meaning destroyed and now all anyone needs to do is invoke it and people on both sides are incapable of listening to reason
>someone makes a pun
bro me and my homies were googling "blue waffle" in middle school shut the fuck up. can someone post the actual screenshot of kris sending nudes/sexual RP to a 13/14-year-old girl/boy (i can't even get the accusations straight) because i can't find it
the videos about Kris/Ava/whatever are 90% shadman/loli/shota hate but that shit isn't real. it's a drawing. who fucking cares. draw a cartoon call it whatever age you want it's a fucking cartoon bro
>how do you stay safe there as a relatively well off american
you need to realize that brazil is bigger than the USA without alaska, just go to a region thats developed and well off, as i said, the statistics are cherry picked, cuz the main problem in brazil is inequality, cuz the southeast/south lives a proto-usa mixed with europe while the rest of the country lives like africa. Also, Sao Paulo is the biggest city in the whole american continent, getting you a job in a multinational or sum like that cuz youre american is pretty easy, many people say that brazil upper class lives better than the upper class of most other countries (idk if thats true, but ive heard it a lot to just ignore it)
chuds are really going to cite this in the future for how "all trannys are ped0s !! " despite zero proof

Chuds were already doing that
don't bump the thread newfag
read the rules and learn what the options field is
exactly. i consented and they're only coming after Ava 'cuz she's trans
His cranking nob is all the proof need.
Are you cute?
reminder that its bannable on this board to call gay people pedophiles but calling trans people pedos is fine for some reason
When I was 14 I would have cum buckets if a tranny hit on me
what victim even, kris clearly never liked men and just sent some shitty pun joke that every fucking 14 year old has made
how on earth could that EVER count as grooming
because the word no longer has an actual definition, it's just an emotional buzzword designed to force narratives

“grooming” is now just a catch-all for anything involving kids perceived to be connected with left-of-center thought
NTA but people on the left use the groomer just as much if not more than people on the right lol, it's a bipartisan buzzword
>>Kris is a trans lesbian
Kris is bisexual
Same. I would've been dick deep in even the most mid middle aged tranny so fast.
Think about what most people do when given even a little power. They abuse their spouses, their children, the people who work under them. It isn't hard to extrapolate out to these cretins kid fucking.
I agree, which is why it's such a powerful smear
It's like peoples' brains shut down as soon as they hear it
Most Popular YouTube becomes tran:
Trannies: how can we turn this against us?
>I’m tired of everyone piling on Epstein.
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SEE: >>36621053
The pedo problem gets bigger every day. There are so many of them it’s shocking. I’ve never really heard that a lot of trans are pedos. Although not surprising. The thing that really pisses me off about pedos is the arrogance and entitlement most of them have, it infuriates me. I worked in A county jail in PA for 5 years before leaving for the Feds. And they had specific cell blocks they would be housed in. When I would work a shift on the blocks I was just raging inside the whole 8 or 16 hours. The walked around like they owned the place, smiling, laughing, acting tough and being a real asshole to deal with. Ex: one would walk up to my podium in the block and say “Hey C.O. Call the nurse I need to go see them.” And of course I would say, “Hey dirtbag, NO” then they would get all bent out of shape when they didn’t get their way. It was so fucking crazy!! The FEDS however were totally different, they would keep their head down and barely talk, the way it should be. Don’t get me started on the light sentences for these scumbags.
It's not pedo is grooming, trans grooming.
because aoc 18 is made up bullshit based on nothing and inconsistent, humans are hardwired to find ages as low as 13 attractive, its biology and laws cant overwrite the brain
She passes as man
This is a funny pic and you should neck right now for this cancel culture shit
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>mfw looking at all the "evidence" behind this allegation
yeah a lot of them are narcissistic. doesn't sound like ava did anything other than make some bad jokes though
Based Kris for making trannies looking bad to the public. The public would determine that all trannies are the pedophiles.
He got paid to cover it. lmao
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The optics of the trans community will ONLY get worse in the future.

Perverts and criminals found a perfect shield in the trans community.
More and more perverts will utter the magical words "i am trans" to gain an army that will defend them no matter how many fucked up things they do.
Look at all the people on this thread defending Kris when there are incriminating audios and screenshot flooding twitter.

What the fuck does the trans community wins by defending perverts/criminals?
More and more people are starting to think trans = pd because of how vehemently the trans community shields them.
Right now there must be plenty of degenerate perverts (some in this very thread) delighted to see how much defense Kris is getting, defending Kris AND while pretending they are trans too to enjoy the protection.
> incriminating audios and screenshots
I looked at all of it, it's nothing

You do realize by removing nuance from the conversation it helps no one, right?
There's already people using this non-event to try and elevate the other streamer who actually tried to fuck a minor
So how is edgy jokes on a public chat the same as that?
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That's two pedophiles that Finnster is best friends with. How long before he is outed as a pedo too? I'm guessing less than a year.
There was zero controversy until she transitioned even though all of this was always completely public. You have to be insane to think transitioning shields you from anything, only sheltered chuds who think white men are the most oppressed group in society say this shit
Bruh, I said sorry, what the fuck more do they want? Anyway, my DM's are open. 10 and under gets a special message from my girl penis.
Not to me. I fucking love anime milfs though. On a real note. I need a hot older gf.
3 ugly pedos in this picture.
I would unironically not be surprised if she browses this board
I'd bet the majority of trans people have browsed this board.
Kris the meme god, that guy. The guy who wrote to a kid saying to buy his nudes. Yeah, he definitely browses this shitty website especially considering he made X posts with a 4chan screen cap of someone saying if you wanna stop rape just consent. Kris the meme god is a 4channer 100%
Some anons used to post evidence that Finn was grooming kids by cross-contaminating his minecraft content with his tranny content. So the likelihood that he is a pedo is quite high.
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When will the next shoe drop
28 year old late transitioner bald with kids stop claiming these people
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Kris got fired. MrBeast is glad to know that he will not deal with a freak anymore.
quit projecting bro
family didnt matter when it came to trooning and gooning but as soon as you get caught now its all you wanna focus on KEK
Would y'all be texting a 10 year old boy and tell him you loved him...?

Be honest
Ya'll hons just jealous!
it's over, the mob considers that an admission of guilt
A 30 year old man convinced me to transition when I was 13 and I would sext with him all the tiime and he would call me his little girl. I miss him.
Do you love diddling the minors?
>You do realize by removing nuance from the conversation it helps no one, right?
It also helps no trans person to jump to defend Kris without any evidence that proves her innocence just because she claims to be trans.
Is it THAT hard to say:
"If Kris is guilty must be condemned, being transgender has nothing to do with being a pd" ?
The only ones against taking this stance are perverts hiding in the trans community.
>There was zero controversy until she transitioned
There was zero controversy until the evidence was found.
No need to defend Kris from non-transphobic attacks.
All pedos should be hung by the neck until dead.
Yes, I hope I never see his face in the spotlight again.
>>All pedos should be hung by the neck until dead.
meaning all trannies should be hung I agree
kris is a crossdresser on HRT, NOT A FUCKING TRANNY. only they should suffer
You cannot prove someone innocent retard
Otherwise anyone could call ANYONE a pedo including you and you'd have to "prove them wrong"
I don't think all trannies should get killed. Most of these eunuchs are harmless.
>Tranny is tranny
Literally same thing, cope harder, tranny. Tranny is tranny
shitty plan, brazil is the #1 country that kills trannies and even if you pass then you still have to worry about getting robbed you're probably better off just moving to a blue state.
14 year olds cant consent
imagine being such a fucking loser that the only way you can get attention in life is by making an account called "ValidLs" on twitter and making shit up about e-celebs

i would just kill myself at that point, why bother?
I could’ve when I was 14, npc
Grooming little kids into porn addiction by being a pornstar, oh no!
Street troonies are killed. Life is not bad here in monkeyland if you're on the top 5%. This means 2000 dollars a month.
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95% of normies don't see mtf trans people as women
only about 40% of the trans community see trans people as their chosen gender even
a lot of people seem to see us as sort of genderless blobs
Makes no sense coming from you. Trannies are like incels, that's how I see them.

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