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What’s our response sisters
I should lookup all my My Little Pony porn rp buddies from 2011 to see if any of them are influencers (I was 14 at the time)
Where is the evidence?
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It seems he’s finally tired of his golem… the trannyness is only partially relevant here. This was a hitjob by the beast himself.
Yeah, that's not "evidence."
Post the receipts. It's also strange that the person that video seems to focus on said that the person who made the video is a fucking liar and nothing of the sort happened when ze was a minor.
>tfw not trans
I don't know whats more jarring, the cis girl ass being attached to an egoraptor face, or the gut protruding behind the arm
deleting all "x" posts? i haven't opened any threads about this, but guess it's over, lmao
whoa!!! didn't know 4chan embeds this even without the http stuff at the start of the link
Calling them by dead name and pronouns and referring to them as “transvestite” is brutal mogging
I really just don't kare, kan y'all stop talking about it?
We, as trannies, have no stake in her personal reputation or personal fortune, just that this isn't used as anti tranny ammunition
You have no reason to defend their reputation or anything, stop doing it
you have no idea what mogging means
Trying to make fake shit real, how boring
Building up to his presidential run. Trust the plan.
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Imagining leaving your family for a damn fetish...
actually they were deleted long before
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Makes me so fkn mad that the second a trans person does something wrong, their identity as a trans person stops being respected. I hate that we have to "earn" basic human rights.
Then again I also hate kiddy diddlers so get fucked Kris or ava or whatever, maybe don't fkn be attracted to minors next time bozo
These people are transphobic, they already don't respect your identity. Just go and check the ppl who reply https://twitter.com/LavaGS/status/1815429514614501500
She did nothing illegal.
It was 100% consensual.
There is a literal rapist that is going to become president.
who could have seen this coming
Holy based I’m imagining her cranking her greasy gock to lolis now.
She does not pass
They would never do this to Blaire White
Hopefully if he gets in trouble they put him in a men's facility, let the predator experience being the prey. He could probably even earn some commissary with those holes, feminine white boys are high value in the penal system!
>He used to do Minecraft gameplays and leave dildos visible in his stream
>former porn actor, who had a similar situation last year over a discord server

and this is what modern pedophiles look like now.
"If you are a wolf, dress like a sheep."

Why should people respect your pronouns if you are a shitty person? There is no longer any reason to play along out of respect.
it's insulting, most transvestites aren't groomer influencer adjacent faggots. Dude not only decided to become a public persona AND transition but also try and diddle young and impressionable people who look up to these weirdos and influencers(which is a whole different can of worms), I don't really have sympathy for someone who sells their very image only to demand the public accomodate when they decide to switch identities. I wonder if he trooned out to deflect any fallout, had he never done it he'd be far more open to criticism but now the conversation will be hijacked by "transphobia" and name/pronoun spergery
Because it goes against the goal to gaslight retards into actually believing trans women are universally real women objectively
Ah. The 'guide on how to hide your CP on your computer when getting it repaired' Quartering wants to talk about who's a pedophile here.
Don't know her, never met her, this has nothing to do with me
do newfriends really?
How frequently do you she/her Stalin?

Stalin never asked us or showed us in any way that he identified as a woman?

You don't seriously think that anyone believes that trans BS? We just don't want to hurt your feelings.
im a travestite and we got nothing to do with tranny pedophiles. if you defend this guy, youre a pedo too btw.
>former porn actor
Jean still does porn but now with women that have a pussy
this is the excuse mrbeast has been looking so he can drop her off his videos
It's over.
Was she even appearing in recent vids? i don't watch Mr Beast
Nobody says you have to choose
Just projectile vomit and get it over with
They need to be brought low. Trannies need to be made to kneel and brought low.
we already do if you just ask nicely
Anime and its consequence have been a disaster for western civilization.
Nah I doubt he’s gonna drop her tbqh, probably just keep them in vids and not address it. At most he will lose like 2 mil subs but he makes that in a week anyways who cares
another rapehon trender turns out to be a pedophile, truly surprising
nothing actually happened. the spoused victim said it's not true. but retards on the internet are still jumping on it

Conservatives attack gays and trannies to distract from the fact that they are the number one most likely pedos. Oldest trick in the book

Be a chud if you want, but leave the kids alone.
She made an edgy joke there by quoting the lyrics of Pink Guy/Filthy Frank/Joji's 'Dora The Explorer' song. The album was released the same year and they were friends with Joji. The communities were loosely related, too.

This whole Kris/Ava is a TRANNY GROOMER thing is a perfidious attempt to stoke hatred and violence on trans people.

Edgy teen 'humor' she had in her 20s biting her in the ass now and painting trans people as a whole in a negative light. Quite effectively, sadly.
buy an ad, faggot
not clicking your shit
post evidence or GTFO
old news, moralfag
this is unironically hot
I used to know a guy that I’m pretty sure was a pedo
Looked him up years ago and he worked at a middle school
If gender is a social construct then it’s subject to the social contract.
nice sad projection
do you ever stop with the victimhood complex?
rope this pedo tranny now
If there was any sign that Stalin would have been bothered by she/her, people would have done it. The only reason I "use your pronouns" is to be polite, mentally I continually catalogue each and every thing that helps me clock you.

The only reason most people "use pronouns" is to be nice to the creepy, pathetic loser, and you will never know what their internal thoughts are to discover the truth.
Uh yeah, you guys should definitely do something about that if you have receipts.
please delete this now
it is a shame, knowing this will very possibly cause you to get more upset than you otherwise would at the mouth-breathers slurping up their infotainment
already deboonked
Debunked by the victim. I definitely trust a groomed child to give an accurate account of being groomed.
You have to know that you're grasping at straws, right anon?
What is the definition of the word grooming?
You have to know that you're willingly defending a person who knowingly engaged with a pre-pubescent child in an inappropriate way...right? Who am I kidding, of course you do. And you're still doing it.
i can tell you're either really young, you're being disingenuous, or this is literally your first day using the internet
Yikes lmao
>cutting off the family-abandoning deadweight

Sounds pretty plausible...
Imagine being Chrissy Pissy Williams right now
the direct effect of being a Zoomer coomer and exposed to the Internet, which invariably leads to tranny thoughts
Okay but the guy saying Kris did nothing wrong isn't a tranny, and neither was Kris at the time

So what was this "victim" groomed to do?
it's ok we are even with the chuddies now
Dr. Disrespect and Kris even out
I'm gonna fucking KMS
The "victim" himself said that didn't happen
All their talk was on a public server too, they didn't even DM
Wow I wonder why any of those other people on the public server aren't being accused right now
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Cause they're cis lol why else do you think?
Of course because they're cis
You could theoretically accuse any LGBTQ person of being a pedo using this method, so long as the adult once interacted with the other adult when they were younger
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>What’s our response sisters
See: >>36621053
Why? It didn’t harm me and I knew exactly what I was doing
Even if the allegations are true, I don't care, it's funny how telling on themselves the rightoids are by saying they only care about it now that this person is trans.
very unrelated but its unfortunate that when i was 13 i spoke on skype to this 19yo guy who was a fullblown degenerate who fucked 14yos and had a hard drive full of CP. one time he shared his wallpaper on the groupchat (with other 13-14yos) acting like he was random for having a penis as the background picture and then we were later informed it was his penis. i heard later that he had pictures of me in his fap folder.

years later, pedophile in question is in her 30s has transitioned and she dm'd me on twitter saying hi, hows it going? man fuck you, im not replyig to that.
No, I'm not a sociopath and I enjoyed it as much as they did
It's all pure mindless slop for (Latinx) zoomers whos only interested is in influencers being cancelled for being groomerinos. Low iq bullshit
oh yeah and this was olly thorn (philosophy tube) by the way
200k at most.
Like everything that right wing cucks are squealing about - it didn't happen. Stop using twatter too. RWs do not argue in good faith so just "didn't happen" and walk away.
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reminder that next time our doors will be steel
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Kris with those rapey eyes

not even DrDisrespect met with his loli or shota in person
>he raped me in public so its not a big deal
called this shit when i saw he had shadman posters framed in his fucking house.
Remember when you said “didn’t happen” for years when right wingers called biden senile and then you gaslit yourself to the point of thinking biden going on a debate stage was going to end well?
Reality comes for us all.
>the fresher the egg, the yummier the yolk
Many such cases!!
>Messages on discord

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>my reaction
A guy just knocked on my front door, I was scared because I’m in my pjs and I slid off the couch and hid on the floor until he left I’m currently now recuperating with my plushies as it got the better of me, my butt hurts and I’m pretty sure these bruises all over my body are from aliens or mean ghosts
The Kevin Spacey tactic
lmfao, you are arguing with an imaginary person you created in your head..
> most people
lol. you think everyone is as obsessed with us as you are? adorable.
the vast majority are just parrots saying what they think will make them fit in.

that's why the only way you can understand people supporting trans people is through peer pressure -- you're projecting.

low iq retards need to stay out of politics, fr.
not like us
And that's why trannies are a net negative and nobody likes u

I knew it.
F1nn5ter is next
Xitter troon=worst person you'll have the misfortune to interact with.
probably fake, wont bother investigating
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the politicians and billionaires are all rapists involved in international child trafficking rings but we are supposed to lose our minds over some rando jewtube troon
if you fall for this shit you are literally cattle
he's clearly projecting
holy shit, what are we doing now sisters ?
We should embrace our pedophilia, sisters.
did you know all bows on instruments comes from these guys i think it came to europe in like 10th century
I started watching porn when i was 9 years old and started sexting / “ERPing” adult men when I was like 13?

now i wanna troon out. was I groomed? probably, right?
LGBTQ will never fully be accepted until they start weeding out all the perverts and freaks.
a lot of cis men and women have been in the same situations if not worse, this doesn’t invalidate them being cis and neither does it invalidate you being trans
Yeah. FIRST, gays and trannies are NOT same. We need a divorce into separate communities. One is about who we have sex with one is about gender and identity etc, not the same.
>Calling them by dead name and pronouns and referring to them as “transvestite” is brutal mogging
I call myself a tranvestite faggot anyways
dude what the fuck, how does this shit even happen
not him but pretty much being on any game online as a kid and someone is going to try to fuck around with you desu
You do know that's s dude mocking trans women right? That's his whole shtick lol
He was on dr.phil before
Also why does she look more like a tranner than he does? Why is cishonery real?

Also kys
>this doesn’t invalidate them being cis and neither does it invalidate you being trans
This is what grooming looks and sounds like, everyone. Shame you didn't know when you were kids!
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The post was "satire" If you could call it that.

Either way, it's still incredibly insensitive and doesn't take away from the fact I've seen tonnes of similar videos from men claiming to be pregnant, men who have infiltrated women's online support groups, and many, maaaaany posts on Reddit from men wishing to be pregnant. picrelated is just one example.
Also, just ACK yourself
>i-it i-isn't real b-because he's m-mocking us!!!!
Can you see how insane you sound?
It isn't real because literally every single day his account invents a wild rage bait story. Like one day he's 400lbs (he clearly isn't), the next day he's pregnant, then he's been homeless, then 2 days later he's telling his mom that he can use her credit card for anime figurines and hes never moving out. And there's no follow up or continuity to any of these storylines. Please make the world a better place by kys
I love how the free speech gang will now dig back through old tweets to cancel people for swearing whilst minors are present. They've been so desperate to wishcast this person as a pedo
What the fuck is going on with this board? Why are there so many hons supporting this AGP freak? /tttt/ was always a board for the good ones. Not anymore I guess.
>i-it i-isn't real b-because he's m-making it u-up to m-make us look b-bad!!!!
So you don't see how insane you sound? Go take your meds.
>the fact that I believed this incredibly stupid jumble of incoherently mixed stereotypes says more about society than it does about me
Kill yourself. Hating trannies won't make you happy. You are a pitiful, pathetic loser who will never have sex. You can't even hate trannies without making shit up, because you're that smooth brained. Stop wasting society resources and just end it my dude
yeah, the society implies that trannies are mentally ill.
Election tourists unironically. Taking a pit stop after some astroturfing discord raid
>feminists in 2014
>guys I'm being raped via the internet heeeeeelp
>based free speech lovin' pro child marriage right wingers
>you were in a discord where there was a CHILD present, don't you know that's RAPE?
The 2010s were a different time. People just wouldn't understand.
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Definitely this!
People are overreacting to this. The guy is clearly a creep and no one here would leave him alone with a child, but there isn't any proof he has ever actually raped a kid, even if it seems likely he would if he ever got the chance.
Is that Joe Biden if he trooned out
No, just watch it
LMAO this is hilarious. Trannies are so deranged KEK!
My receipts are “he brought up porn a lot, was pornsick, into evopsych in a weird bad way, and really into MLP”
What am I going to do? Call a random middle school and say “hey I went on a few dates with one of your teachers and he had really bad vibes, could you groundlessly fire him thx, he has pedo energy”
>Doesn't matter that Kris did this while he was still CIS
>Doesn't matter that Kris is an american
>Doesn't matter that Kris is white
>Doesn't matter that Kris is a youtuber
trans derangement syndrome is hitting its peak, even KEEMSTAR said that this was a big nothingburger. (while still expressing his disgust at shadman)
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Uhhhh excuse me chudy but coming out as trans means YOU WERE ALWAYS TRANS
Yeah I had a similar situation. Some trans girls are pedos… I just don’t know how many. I’m not going to report the person because they never acted on it but you should report that if you can since they acted on it.
I would report all them.
Okay guys. Literally every single internet degenerate will come out as trans if they continue their lifestyle. it’s just dopamine addiction rolling into AGP. Every single fucked up furfag I used to cyber with when I was 14 is trans now.
the name ava is ruined for trannies now
whats with her being called ava kriss tyson now? and aofie bee used he/him for her?
woke stockholm syndrome
all trannies are like this tho
>aofie bee used he/him for her
I saw her tweet maybe she misspoke, however she's consistent on calling weirdos out regardless
that's a groyper account
why does this keep happening?
who was it? you should've reported that disgusting shit
Pedophilia is often a type of extreme submission fetish. Which would be naturally found in a polycule of cucks.
OMG i just watched charlie's video on ava mike tyson. holy i think she is about to do a collab with drake and start a minecraft channel

1h ago
I really wish we could take her being trans out of the equation, but unfortunately, transphobia is how any of this came to light. If they weren’t dogged bigots trying to expose Kris for something, anything, would they have even cared? And if so, who knows when this would've resurfaced? They were a broken clock that got right once, and I'm afraid they'll become emboldened through this.

I'm a closeted nonbinary person, and I’m afraid that the internet will suddenly become a much worse place to be trans, if that was even possible.
> I'm a closeted nonbinary person
jesus h christ
>People talking like this is new information
>Shit has been on kiwifarms for over a year, with receipts
lol, every time. Those gossip autists are right yet again.
It's definitely most people. I'm stealth, so I get to hear cis people deadnaming and misgendering the visible troons in our office literally every day. Never directly to their faces though, only in private convos and chats
f1nn and icky are way worse. They advertise f1nn's onlyfans "battlepass" in their discords and on stream regularly. There are no age limits or safeguards whatsoever

The discords are Stalin levels of moderated, Finn has said this himself in a recent stream - inappropriate messages, mention of the OF or links to it, sexual convos, etc, are all met with instaban.
Don't go down with this ship
Yah desu i understand shadman now, if i could draw id also make intentionally really offensive loli drawings as well
>Don't think for yourself, listen to this friend simulator e-celeb
no thanks
>destroy someone’s career because they made jokes on twitter and like cartoon porn

I mean, it is weird but if there’s no further evidence I think what these YouTubers are doing is disgusting
Someone post child gf. I need to nut.
you'll be able to produce evidence of this from their discords, right?

(hint: you won't, because it doesn't happen)
it's just because she's trans
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99% of the "evidence" is fake screenshots, idk what you want
I take glee in literally every canceling I see of narcissistic parasites. It tastes soooooo good. Rest in piss hope this cunt kills himself.
>engaged with a pre-pubescent child in an inappropriate way
this is how much nothing it is, you have to phrase it like this lol
cope harder sir
This has been debonked
Omg a pedophile tranny. Is it even possible?I bet its a rumor again.
Fake news
If you call a black criminal a nigger people get mad
Same thing
notice the wording
>engaged in sexual conversation
if she actually tried to do anything it would be worded differently. they use intentionally vague wording to create the same reaction as if they said she actually did something to this person.
the supposed victim claims she did nothing wrong.
either post some receipts or shut the fuck up
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It’s over. People look like grifters when defending Chris for being a creep. Pedos aren’t deserving of respect seems to be the genuine consensus meaning openly misgendering creepy trans people is free game
not really tranbians are going to transbian
damn they roasted her
I’ll misgender anyone who nuts inside a vagina and fertilizes an egg. I don’t care who it is.
lol yeah given how easy it is to edit twitter posts to say anything you want, how can screenshots of deleted tweets be relied upon?
So he's no longer mentioning OF on stream?
Call pedos out

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