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In Which I Attempt to Ameliorate My Anger Via Application of Alluring Arthropod Art Edition
previous: >>36585521

Goal of the thread: Perform an abbreviated bout of cardio, terminated by basic stretches.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice
Generic advice won't necessarily help you in particular, but for those it does it is an essential foundation to build future progress on, not a miracle cure. Do not underestimate the effects subtle changes to your lifestyle can have. Try first, keep us posted on your progress, build from there.

We are *always* short on self help resources, so if anything was useful to you, let us know!
Since the OP is getting too long I moved all resources into their own post, see below!


Resource link paste: https://sntry.cc/sig-resources-2024-04
General advice from Anons: https://sntry.cc/sig-tips-2024-04
Posts from other sites (markdown format): https://sntry.cc/sig-posts-2024-04
Apart from the GOTT, here are a few things you can do _today_ to make your life a little better. Keep a diary and write down every success. Some you may do as often as you please, but write down each one individually! You deserve it! Do not feel pressured to do all, but feel free to select one or two!

- prepare 1 load of laundry
- do 1 load of laundry
- read one page of a book or manga you have been putting off
- cook yourself a meal, or try learn to make a simple dish
- eat a meal
- pick up items on the floor for 5 minutes
- make your bed
- if you have a bad habit, try making it more inconvenient (putting things in hard to reach places for example)
- do the dishes for 3 minutes
- write down one thing you are grateful for (from abstract things to something like a cute image you saw)
- Clean up 1m^2 of your floor (~40x40 in)
- Open your window for 10-20 minutes
- try to exercise for 5 min (walk outdoors, walking stairs, whatever you wish)
- take out the trash
- drink a glass of water
- put one item of trash in the bin
- reach out to an online contact
- BONUS: Repeat a goal to hit a milestone (1 book chapter rather than a page, the laundry pile, the floor of one room, etc)
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Oh, the pull to pen something vehemently venomous, vitriolic, and vindictive as the Goal of the Thread ("Why do you harm me so, scourging my tortured corpus with the cruel lash of your indolence?") was persuasive indeed, but placebic prospects prevailed.
I can't make progress alone. I just can't.
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When was theta such a goon
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I have unceasingly presented myself as a licentious libertine, bereft of shame and tact, and abound with deviant delectation. I present no pretenses of prudishness.
First my friend sends me a parrot vid(very cute normal
The my other firend says he bought an other game with furries(ok i guss?)
And now this???
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Obviously the universe is telling me something...
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I got to 162 lbs with good muscle build up. I want a bf to enjoy my youth with, but plan on leaving him in 20yrs. Is it wrong? Why miss out on being a hot daddy bf to some twink meat?
this is terminal boymoder anon.
I feel pretty awful. I've been ill for the past week and haven't accomplished much as a result.
my careers meeting got rescheduled to this morning and I attended. I don't know what's wrong with me, I completely failed to communicate that right now my priority is finding some form of paid work and just let myself be led around a rather unfocused conversation as a result.
regardless, they suggested this virtual internship thing which I suppose I may as well look into while I'm doing fuck all else. they also mentioned tutoring as a good way of making some money. I don't know if I'd be any good at that, but I think that about basically everything so maybe that should be ignored as a factor.
sorry about this stupid rambly whiny post, I don't know what I'm doing so fucking useless pathetic
OP here, I'm a little sickly from all the traveling, must have caught something early last week. Didn't get to reply to people yesterday as I was taking care of myself but seriously hope people will still read my responses here. I'll
Naturally inclined to making things and helping people, cooking will definitely have a massive positive impact on your health.
How do you feel about this perspective: your body is an anchor, a gateway. It is what lets you interact with others to begin with. Your hands allow you to caress, to type, to comfort and to create. Your organs keep you functioning, and a body in good health lets you create worth out of just being there and doing things you are naturally inclined to enjoying. You may dislike its looks, or physical attributes of it, and I am not going to dwell or try to argue there, but what I want to focus on is that it is a device that can make other people happy, and bring your imagination into reality. Isn't that worth preserving?
I never did it but it is basically a global game of hide and seek. There are websites where you can publish gps coordinates where you can leave notes, little treasures, or whatever you wish for some stranger to find.
>how does one actually go about starting therapy?
depends what you struggle with, finding therapists in your area, or how to approach one once you have one? It is always a bit of trial and error because like with any other kind of doc not everyone will have a good time with any practitioner, so trying out others if you are unhappy with your find is downright essential.
do tell me if you try.
Honestly, that sounds pretty damn cool! Were you the one talking about withdrawing from society more?
> can't manage a 7 step skincare routine every day.
that is valid. Self care needs to feel good, but also be practical and sustainable, it is a balance to strike.
Uh.. come to think of it, I am not OP, not of this thread at least. Thanks again Θ for helping out, it is much appreciated. Also, cute bug girls. I approve.
>I am finally getting my name changed and it's not going to bankrupt me. I'm all fired up.
CONGRATULATIONS, ANON! I am super happy for you!
Tell me about your goals and circumstances. I know /sig/ is not much, but we try to be there for one another.
I understand where you are coming from, and I am happy you stayed positive. We all want what is best. Sometimes when life happens or things turn out sub optimally the best we can do is indulge in some swearing and carry on together.
quads of truth, though I must say I would not be able to pinpoint your inclinations at all.
I dunno anon but monster girls are cute.
>Why miss out on being a hot daddy bf to some twink meat?
I am not sure I follow. Who or what would you leave your then-bf for?
Wb, anon. Sorry to hear your got sick, too. Tutoring is something I personally deeply enjoy, really. What subjects could you imagine tutoring? Also, I think you did great. Both taking a break to take care of yourself and keeping us posted about your current circumstances. It was not half as rambly as this response, for example, so I would say you are in the green.
> I completely failed to communicate that right now my priority
honestly, sometimes such meetups can leave you blindsighted. If need be you might end up scheduling another one later down the line, it will go differently. It can help to think about what it is you couldn't convey and maybe try to do a post-mortem what points of friction arose that made it not come up
I thoroughly enjoyed this image and the multiple layers of humor in it.
>cooking will definitely have a massive positive impact on your health
this i know, and i try to do it as much as i can, both for myself and my family, but, lack of time time not withstanding, finding the energy to do it when the time IS there, is something i struggle with. i've gotten a bit better about it recently, and i'll do my best to keep up with it, but you know how it can be i'm sure
>isn't that worth preserving?
i try to be body-neutral like that, it's something i learned during my first time in treatment, but it's hard. it's not really possible to say you're wrong, because you're not, and while i may not enjoy this body, and i may not always feel myself worthwhile enough to do what i can to sustain it, you're right. this body is what i use as my proxy to the world, and the thing that allows me to live and to help other and create, and i try to and will keep trying to remember that, but it's fucking hard
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>do tell me if you try.
After witnessing the exorbitant shipping costs (approaching 30USD) for live mite packages, I feel deeply reluctant to go through with the purchase... The opportunity to possibly save a few perennial vegetables scant warrants that toll.
Oh yeah. I've got a folder of him.
That would be Athens, Ohio... I've stopped there for gasoline before.
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>What subjects could you imagine tutoring?
I suppose stuff like maths and physics. I probably know enough to do it in theory, I just don't know if I'd be good at actually teaching it.

>Also, I think you did great.
I think you're too nice to me, aha. I'm just upset that I haven't accomplished more. I'm constantly despairing at the passage of time and need to get my act together as soon as I can. I'm going to be 6 years HRT in just over a week, and 25 years old in a month, and I hate that I let my life slip away from me like this.
It doesn't help that most of my progress has been in the mental sphere so far. Obviously that's important and I have improved my energy levels quite a bit, but it just feels a bit immaterial.

>you might end up scheduling another one
Yes, I'm going to be going back again next week at their recommendation.
Something else they mentioned was the idea of doing a little more work on the side with my research group on a voluntary basis. I'm not entirely sure about it because obviously I need to save money but I think it could be fulfilling and potentially beneficial to PhD applications.
>Who or what would you leave your then-bf for?

A woman for raising bio babies. I think I just need different people for different roles in my life. Bottoms are so hot and slutty I am addicted. What's manlier than making another man your bitch?
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from the depths!
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Made an appointment with an informed consent clinic near me, at least to talk with a doctor about hrt. Still not entirely convinced it's not a bad idea since I have basically all of the indicators for a person who shouldn't transition (no bottom dysphoria and would rather be a femboy than a girl) but I can't handle twinkdeath because I'm too short and smallframed to successfully masc up without getting jacked, which I also don't want.
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>, but you know how it can be i'm sure
oh absolutely. A key issue is what I have heard described as friction, real and perceived difficulties (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdqPpRRewrE). For example in your case; are the dishes clean. How much time will I stand in the kitchen prepping. Things like that. Finding clever ways to lower the barriers and have cheats and shortcuts for desired behaviors while making undesired ones more difficult are key tricks. For example, imagine someone checking their phone compulsively, so what you do is you lock the phone in place in an inconvenient place so every time they gotta get up, walk up to it, and then go back to whatever they were doing. Conversely, having viable one pot recipes can help. You can make an entire meal in a rice cooker. Speaking of I need to buy one.
> i try to and will keep trying to remember that, but it's fucking hard
it is. And remember.. you not doing a good thing is NOT laziness, it is NOT something you should beat yourself up for. It is something that needs revisiting. "What kept me from doing it, what sources of friction are there, how can I make it feel easier, streamline it?"
You can do it, and you don't have to do it alone.
Oh damn, do you need to ship them from abroad? It could be that there is a more local supplier.
saved. <3
It sounds like your attraction to bottoms is largely physical but your emotional needs are more aligned with girls that want kids.
You would be far happier I think with a partner that is casual about sexual stuff and lets you sleep around with guys responsibly. It would impact your dating pool though, many people cannot emotionally handle this and people like me (and maybe you) who can need to be mindful and respectful of their emotional needs.
Ah, same area of expertise as me then.
> I'm just upset that I haven't accomplished more.
paradoxical as it may seem, but especially when you are dissatisfied with your productivity, the last thing you need is beat yourself up over it. You want to perform better, but if you aren't careful and don't celebrate some of your victories you might eventually subconsciously associate trying with failing ("it's not enough, it's never enough") rather than succeeding. It's a delicate balance. Hyping oneself up is important too even if rationally there should be no reason to.
>a little more work on the side with my research group on a voluntary basis
interesting proposition, it also depends on what they may entail. Some things look bigger on the CV than they take actual time to do.
It is difficult a decision, but I am glad you let others look over it at least. It would likely be also much easier for you if you had a supportive partner. Those don't grow on trees, I get it, but I feel like a lot of the twink death/aging concerns discourse has an undercurrent of not wanting to die alone which I see often implied and rarely expressed.
>an undercurrent of not wanting to die alone which I see often implied and rarely expressed.

yes, because you either have to "grow up" into a masculine presentation or accept you are just not going to be very desirable. i'm old enough that never having had a serious relationship is unusual and something you don't exactly want to tell people, and it's not for lack of trying. so i can't even land a NON-supportive partner.
>do you need to ship them from abroad?
No. It's just that costly to ship live creatures, evidently.
I'm electing instead to increase the frequency and intensity of my neem-oil-solution-spraying sessions.
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Bump. It's rather early to do so, but... "Twice bitten; thrice shy".
This artist skeeves me out thoroughly... I've no qualms with those of a deranged, fetishistic persuasion — lest I'd be a hypocrite of a calibre most high — but those artists who attempt to dissemble their delectations by declaring poorly disguised fetish imagery as being "safe for work" warrant my scorn and disdain.
I find myself immensely annoyed with my partner these days sometimes. I feel like they bother me because I'm so used to them not being on time or setting up anything without me doing all the work that I've pretty much given up. I know they're much busier now and things were pretty great even just a week ago so I might be being a schizo and splitting on them but, the problem has always been there.
I just now am meeting more and more people who really like me and are Increasing my self respect to a level where I find myself thinking "why am I putting up with this shit?" much more when it happens. I'm worth more than this and sorely have been the one keeping this relationship up to an acceptable level for some time now.
I probably am definitely splitting at least a little bit but, I also wonder if there is merit to me feeling this frustrated with them.

It's also partially since I realize I am way too often immediately trying to respond and be available for them in ways that detract from my peaceful alone time mid day and that's definitely making me way less pleased with messages from them sometimes

thank you to anyone who offers thoughts, but also just putting this to words has been helpful
they have and always will be a sfw artist... they've never drawn NSFW ever
so you must not be a fan of twitter, especially the pokephile, lolicon, and [any body part] enjoyer sphere. If you would like to see an entire anime that has this deviantart vibe of "non-ecchi non-pornography", I recommend akebi's sailor uniform.
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I don't take well to accusations of dishonesty. In fact, I take them superlatively poorly. One needs only to search "Inkpuni" for proof of Inkune's past works; there is an IMHentai gallery of them. I've no desire to discuss this topic any further.
If they try to hide it, I deride it.
The first suggestion that I offer in response to almost any relationship struggle is direct confrontation, and this is no exception. Have you spoken with your partner in regards to how their behaviour vexes you? Rectification cannot possibly commence until they've been made aware of your grievances.
>It would likely be also much easier for you if you had a supportive partner. Those don't grow on trees
made me chuckle, and yeah, or it's a mixed bag of supportive and non- and anti-
I am worried for her mid-spine
heads up btw, this scam's currently running around: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/24096140958743-PLEASE-HELP-ME-MY-ACCOUNT-HAS-BEEN-HACKED-BY-A-DISCORD-EMPLOYEE-IMPOSTOR
Took a shower yesterday
>you might eventually subconsciously associate trying with failing
Interesting point. I think this is probably something I should pay particular attention to, as someone who is rather prone to both self-flagellation and fear of failure. I guess I'm just worried that if I let myself I will become complacent and fall back into old habits, but I can be downright horrible to myself sometimes and it isn't helpful. I will try to be more proud of the overall upward trend I have achieved.
>interesting proposition
Yes, I think so too. I sent an email out to a professor I worked with to see what they think. I really do want to apply again, but I've just been rotting for a year since graduation which isn't a good look, so I feel like I could really use something like this.

I hope you're feeling at all better. I think I have almost recovered now, illness-wise.

Very nice, anon. I wish you many more. The more you can make yourself do it, the easier it gets.
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i will not stop until i look like him
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I need to become betterer
Body image issues aside how to I stop feeling tired all the damn time
Do you consume a sufficient quantity of iron-rich foods? Do you have a consistent sleep schedule that results in at least 7 hours of semi-consecutive rest?
Ehhhhhh I might be anemic it runs in the family
I do try to sleep but sometimes I wake up
I’m not sure I haven’t tested myself
Last time I did my iron levels were acceptable
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I should post this miku more often.
> i'm old enough that never having had a serious relationship is unusual and something you don't exactly want to tell people
personally, I think it depends on the kind of partner you want. Depending on how you go about it it is a confession that shows you capable of a level of vulnerability that can be incredibly attractive. Those that would judge you for it are actually not necessarily suitable partners to begin with, so the only ones that you might jive with that could be deterred are those sensitive to the timing of it, the way it is communicated. I don't mind inexperienced partners of any age, for example.
> or accept you are just not going to be very desirable.
There is a difficult balance to strike, but I do believe that being made to feel desirable by another individual has a much greater emotional return than dating market value. That is of course easy enough to say once you are settled down... I hope I don't come off as inconsiderate of your very real concerns and feelings.
Mhh, very fair! Fingers crossed, theta.
There are good ways to mend it, which will require you to introduce meaningful one-time consequences and hard limits. If they commit to a thing you know they might end up not pulling through, announce that you rely on them doing it, and the concrete point at which you would for example pull the plug and call it off. It must feel communicated in advance, it should be clear why you do it, and it should leave no uncertainty where consequences begin and end.
Ex.: "If you can't arrange the party for next week Friday by Tuesday next week, we will call it off. I won't have the energy to help you with more than buying groceries for it and discussing the guests. You must have reached out to everyone by the weekend or else it will be on too short notice for people."
And yes, you should respect your you-time more. Does your partner know when those times are?
I do wish you all the best on the finding people front, really. But I do suggest to consider a reasonable amount of openness to be good for weeding out prospective long term partners. Better call it quits with the incompatible ones early. 90% of people should not date 90% of people. Bigger dating pools sometimes just mean having to reject a whole lot more.
yuck, good to know!
I'm glad you did. It is a good start! It is those steps at the beginning of clawing oneself out of depression that often matter the most. Every step is a win, and deserves to be cherished. Remember that simple things can be difficult. It's human nature, and overcoming simple, difficult things is still admirable. I'm proud of you.
Take it from a person that is constantly self flagellating for things he has no control over. Never in your life will you become so complacent that you won't occasionally overindulge in self flagellation. You've probably spent most of your life inflating many a criticism while downplaying your accomplishments just like I. And if I am correct, then chances are you will always overcompensate by nature, and so you must be critical of that if anything. Your will to get better is so strong that it gets in your way, it is a bit like an autoimmune reaction: a good system doing needless damage. That is what friends and loved ones help us reign in. But repeat after me: you will never, ever, ever be too uncritical of yourself as much as you fear. The very fact you fear that preemptively rules you out as someone at risk of that.
I'm doing better, my throat is almost fine again! And do keep us posted regarding how things develop. You are doing great.
ganbatte, anon!
Get your blood checked. Have a doc look at you. Malnutrition is common even if you are not underweight. Once that is out of the way and should it still persist there are plenty things to try but that should be the first check.
goodnight bump
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deploying BUMP
good night
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it is time for the weekend, time to anti-inflammatory + restmaxx and hopefully heal and restore some unfrailty
unfortunately it seems everybody on this board (but me) is a porn addict. what a shame.
a home cooked meal feels like an accomplishment sometimes. Even though it was simple to make. I wish I had a coffee though. And sex.
Bump. Many of my plans for today were quashed after I tripped on my exercise bike, injuring my ankle slightly, and rending my shirt greatly...
I also am in dire need of a weekend. Ah, soon I'll have a vacation for a bit..
Sorry to hear, frien. What kinda shirt was it, a normal tee, or maybe one you are fond of? I have a lot of clothes I find more or less disposable and some select ones near and dear.
coffee and sex sounds so fucking good right now
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It was an aloha shirt; I've already purchased an exact replacement off of eBay.
good night
can i have a kissy

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