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prev: >>36582147

qott: any AGP exercise recommendations?

>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.

>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
No, you might be thinking of Blanchard's Typology, which includes the idea of AGP. Regardless of whether or not you agree with Blanchard's ideas, AGP is very real to the people who experience it.

>I'm AGP, does this mean I'm not trans?
No, you can be AGP and trans.

>Aren't you all just trannies in denial?
Some people with AGP will go on to transition, while others are content with incorporating it into their sex life or simply the occasional indulgence. It varies greatly in intensity. If AGP consumes a lot of your mental energy or causes you lots of distress, it is probably worth asking more questions.


>Why Gender Matters, the Emerging Science of Sex Differences

>The Gender Variant Phenomenon:

Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
>any AGP exercise recommendations?

Well, I'm doing a lot of cardio and squats, I think that's all.
> qott: any AGP exercise recommendations?
> "AGP exercise"
it's okay anon, you're allowed to do cardio, focus on lower body exercises, do yoga, and any other fitness techniques that women also happen to like
don't you die on me /agpg/ *presses so hard on your chest that you break a rib*
Why would I exercise when it's my face and bones that cause me to be a hon?
I wish I were a girl.
you can in vr anon :>
Would you settle down with a cis man long term?
I fear I'll end up like this person long term after my hatred of youngshits makes me go insane.
No, because I'm too masculine to live out my meta attraction irl.
No man over 5'11 will settle down with a hon lmfao.
ballet is sometimes attractive sometimes kinda ugly
Dating app with insanely large cock just told me I'm pretty and hot, later losers im gonna get my girlhole plowed by 24cm of mommymeat
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that xitter is so sad
Today I'm starting glycolic acid serum.
What is it and what does it do?
I didn't intend to respond to your post sorry.
Apparently in conjunction with retinoids it can soften the edge of scarring.
Am I agp if I never liked cross dressing or sissy shit or sex?
I just want to be a real tgirl/real girl :(
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>Am I agp
only if you're not the perfect f*ck*ble tr*nny first
slimey british pensioner sexpats like ol' Rod here have to find you attractive for you to be considered true trans
>the colonel and the ladyboykiller
how can anyone take any of this seriously, when it's literally just about pleasing some dirty old men who have zero insight or perspective and want to justify their assumptions and fetishes? is this why the single most dedicated "AGP" poster I know on this board who keeps dredging this shit up from the grave is a literal nazi? since authoritarians are all submissive worthless cucks with no willpower of their own, I mean
You do realize Rod disagrees with and hates every single AGP specialists out there, right?
I am aware that this ideology has several camps, yes, and I am not distinguishing them from each other as they share enough characteristics in practice to observationally function the same and so will define them all as the same

oh wait, sorry, is that somehow... wrong, or disingenuous? hmm, oh well, better not think about it too much or your worldview might crumble again
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from their pov any millenial cd is youngshit tier no? given how masc boomer cds are
Rod doesn't want people over 18 to troon.
In fact, being over 18 in general is too old for him...
i find his characterization of it being possession by a she-demon that eventually consumes and kills its "host" to be a fascinating perspective, albeit an increasingly uncommon occurance
no, he's pretty sick and likes them young, he finds even mid-teens to be a concerning age
Why do I get a dopamine rush when a TERF agrees with me/ follows me on twitter?
I feel like the pet of the Zeitgeist.
It's... Ecstatic.
you are disgusting, like actually stomach-turning to even consider, and you will get what's coming to you
Please describe how you will torture me.
ew, I would never willingly be within a mile of you, I just mean you spreading hateful anti-trans misinformation and sucking up to TERFs because you have no will or spine of your own will most certainly earn you well-deserved pain
I mean, I'm exaggerating, I also attack TERFs.
I simply want to foster amicable debate :)
>I simply want to foster amicable debate :)
no you don't, you want praise and surface-level "acceptance" from your oppressors because you're a scared worthless sack of shit like all authoritarians
It's annoying having to pretend I agree with my grandmother that the invasion of Ukraine is justified :(
why would it be annoying? you obviously don't have your own opinions
I do, I support Ukraine and Israel.
do you think you're somehow saying you're not an authoritarian with either of these non-sequitur statements?
I'm just saying random shit to be liked ;(
I think that's enough playing around in the garbage today
>I have to pretend I agree with my grandmother that the invasion of Ukraine is justified :(
sometimes it's hard for me to believe just how thin skinned some AGPs are
>t. pro-ukraine russian tranny
I don't want to antagonize her.
Also are you a passoid?
If so I hope Putler detroons you desu.
so that event the other day where 10,000 terfs clapped for you wasn't a one-off? sad.
I don't like being too confrontational.
I'm sorry I just talk my mind it's not my fault I'm mentally ill.
actual nazi scum
Don't be disappointed in me please
I want other people to like me unless I hate them.
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I love having boobs but I've never actually been turned on by my own body, I get horny by letting chads manhandle me. Is it agp to be turned on by watching a hot bitch get fucked but in reality you're seeing and feeling everything from her eyes? Or is it like "Being John Malkovich" levels of cucking? I'm in a girls body as a traveler getting to witness her being a total slut?
>I don't want to antagonize her
Then don't? Just don't agree with her, you don't have to argue about it since she's old and it's pointless to try to talk to Russian boomers about Putin
>Also are you a passoid?
Id say so, yeah
>If so I hope Putler detroons you desu.
cruel, senseless and malebrained, considering I just called you thin skinned (which you are)
I hope you're sent to the meat grinder and that we can see you in a video begging for mercy and then getting blown up.
Fuck you for being a passoid.
I want you to DIE.
I'm done pretending to be nice.
>sent to the meat grinder
I left the country. Why didn't you?
>Fuck you for being a passoid.
>I want you to DIE.
I'm glad to see you still have that russian "I'll sell you out to the KGB for being better off than I am" thinking present, your grandma and her parents would be so happy to see that literally nothing has changed since the Stalin days!
You cannot BEGIN to imagine how much I ABHOR you.
>it's trying to be dramatic
I am in hell.
You are a demon that has come to torture me.
There's no escape for me.
> I don't like being too confrontational.
you can assert yourself without being confrontational...
> it's not my fault
it is, you could have just remained quiet, don't let your bpd and intrusive thoughts win
making it hard not to...
Then hate me.
It doesn't matter.
I deserve it anyway.
Everyone fucking hates me.
>torture me
if the mere mention of passoids existing is causing you so much anguish, it's on you. You're the one whos choosing to spend time on /tttt/, the western youngshit hangout spot.
I said you were thin skinned for agreeing with your grandma that bombing Ukraine is great, instead of saying "no, it's horrible" - and you said you were hoping I'd get blown up in the war for that. That's not sane behaviour, дpyжищe.
>I am in hell.
Did you actively choose to stay in Russia when the war started? Or were you unable to leave then and still unable to now? What was your thought process after the anti tranny law came to pass?
>you said you were hoping I'd get blown up in the war for that.
oh yeah, you also said you wanted me to be force detrooned by the government, I forgot about that.
I'm sorry.
I just wish you didn't exist.
I don't get it.
Why did my mother chose to abandon me?
Why did she chose to die for the chance to have another kid?
She already had me, why did she have to have another even tho that meant leaving me alone forever, and it failed anyway?
talk to a fucking therapist about it and stop being a fucking nazi
Why did the only woman in my life chose to die rather than keep taking care of me? I was just a little kid.
why would i hate you? lol
i just wanted you to stop wishing bad on ppl
at some point i think i'll be qualified to write your biography for you
Wishing bad of people is a form of apotropaic charm.
I exteriorize my self hatred towards to object that is the incarnation of my torture by fate.
I'm so fucking tired. Why can't I just be fucking dead already?
Why didn't I did from leptospirosis ?
It's so so so horrible down here.
I can't cope with this.
I can't cope with being a man forever.
I can't.
>frenchie sperging out, ruining the vibes
>PNW hon egging him on
just another day in agpgen
I'll always be seen as a man by everyone, no one cares to use she her for me. Even B didn't and mocked me over it.
What fucking vibes.
Am I just supposed to disappear?
what’s the story?
you're right, I'll stop
I was bathing in the Seine river when I was a kid at the moment rats that were infected with it pissed in it.
I sadly ended up not being infected.
I can't stand this shit anymore. Being a hon is hell. Why did all of this have to happen to me.
>frenchman meltdown
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old people photoshop is the best
Why wouldn't I? Fuck you.
Everything wrong that could have happened to me did.
Broke due to BPD mom spending all of our money.
BPD mom physically abused me.
Father physically abused me.
Mom died.
Step mother hated me.
Got sexually assaulted.
Became disgusting at puberty.
Got dysphoria while having an unpassable body.
Rightoid father didn't want me to transition.
Repressed more.
Now stuck.
Can't work
Cant do groceries
lol @ the vibes, what vibe does agpgen have?
imagine frenchie is actually just a random guy in arkansas who considers himself trans-french and is obsessed with joan of arc

i mean look at this supervillain origin story about bathing in the seine>>36642789
I mean I was bathing in the Seine in Eastern France, way before Paris, so it's decently clean.
I wouldn't bath in Paris.
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i just want to say thank you for posting in agpgen

in answer to your question: it's agp
Literally everyone hates me.
I'm sorry.
I wish I would not exist too.
I look like Hellboy.
I will never be a woman.
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gonna fork agpgen and call it hornyfem
any mention of agp draws in autism

ppl used to post leotards, sissy stuff, inspo, crossdressing. emilia gave advice
now it's endless sperging from 2 trolls
will you get your paris apartment soon hellboygirl?
>gonna fork agpgen and call it hornyfem
>any mention of agp draws in autism
one of the wisest posts I've ever seen in this general
The Emilia period was a complete shit fest because there was constant clique bullshit and infighting, with a lot of Emilia haters.
There's a reason she hates AGPs now.
You clearly weren't on AGPgen in 2019 if you think 2021 was the golden age.
Also that pic is fucking disgusting and you should feel ashamed.
Idk I need to find something.
Also my dad will only give me 200 a month which is fucking nothing idk how I will manage. I probably won't.
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>thread about posting women u wish u were
>actual inspo is called fucking disgusting
>told to feel ashamed
okayyyy yeah it's time to fork lol
It's really fucking funny because Blanchard conducted a study, and the men most into underwear when it came to agp were also the least dysphoric.
It's congruent with what I see here.
>and the men most into underwear when it came to agp were also the least dysphoric.
is there an infographic
if only he could have been intellectually honest and recognized those differences as indicators that throwing everyone on a loose observational similarity into the same box then everyone else into the other was a bad idea
>Idk I need to find something.
>Also my dad will only give me 200 a month which is fucking nothing idk how I will manage. I probably won't.
its over? i think some distance from your family and more space to bee urself could be really good for you.
this general had been cure and Frenchie's personal blog for a long while now.
I tried to talk about clothes as a girlmoder, I was told to kill myself by people here.
I tried talking about TG erotica like 15 times, and only once got a reply.

The most active members of the thread DO NOT want to grow and change, they DO NOT want to talk with actual trans women, they tell them to die or detrans or whatever

So yeah, please make a thread where actual agp girlmoders are welcome
It's from that study https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8494491/
Idk I think I can maybe find something in the banlieue. If I can get my dad to give me 400 a month, and my grandmother to give me like 200... Maybe my grandparents on the other side could help? Idk. Like 100. Wouldn't be much but enough to pay a part of my share of the apartment, plus food. I think.
Nigga no one wants to talk about tg erotica unless actively masturbating.
You're girlmoding. Go live your life.
Also wtf is growing and changing? I can't magically change my face structure.
Does growing and changing mean honmoding?
Also why would I talk to "actual transwomen" who do not share my material condition?
>no one wants to talk about tg erotica unless actively masturbating
what is this thread even then?
Just talking about what Blanchard wrote 40 years ago while most of the board continues manmoding or being in the fence about HRT?
>why would I talk to "actual transwomen"
yeah, I guess you'd prefer to shit up the board with your personal blog and bait tourists for replies because everybody else has stopped replying to you
> any mention of agp draws in autism
absolut truth
> gonna fork agpgen and call it hornyfem
something i did notice from the agp threads on /d/ and elsewhere was that they were a lot more chill than here
who asked??
yeah i know, im sorryyyy they're like that. i made a thread dw
thanks <3 already forked it sis. ive seen that too, the philosophical stuff needs to go
>Just talking about what Blanchard wrote 40 years ago while most of the board continues manmoding or being in the fence about HRT?
That's been AGPgen forever.
It was always mostly blanchardism with sometimes baby trans coming in.
It has never had a strong population of fully transitioned trannies.
>yeah, I guess you'd prefer to shit up the board with your personal blog and bait tourists for replies because everybody else has stopped replying to you
Wtf am I supposed to say to you????
"Oh so you dress as a woman, that's cool"
"You live as a woman? Great".
Now what?
>something i did notice from the agp threads on /d/ and elsewhere was that they were a lot more chill than here
because repressors and adjacent types on this board actually subscribe full on to blanchardism or whatever interpretation of it owns the trannies hardest, so a lot of them gravitate to this as an outlet/excuse for their repressed gender dysphoria and bring all their negativity with them (inviting more negativity from people who resent the whole thing being used to excuse repressing or oppression of trannies)
"Why don't you enjoy talking to someone who actively looks down upon you and whom you are agonizingly jealous of to the point of extreme dépression"
Why are they like this?
I was so right feeling like I wasn't a tranny all these years ago.
I'm just not.
I will never be like you.
agp is a powerful truth and half of the troons want to bury it other half want to whitewash it for normies meanwhile us cissies watch the circus in this decade with malebrained detachment
ah, there you are
there who are
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>Just girlmode hon
>Just detrans hon
I'm tired of all of you telling me that.
Stop it.
shit dude your ancestors are looking down at you
I'm glad I don't believe in the afterlife or I would be afraid.
Holy fucking shit I can't believe 2021 and Emilia and everything was over 3 years ago, soon 4. I cannot believe it.
I played Blackwell Epiphany. It feels like it was literally yesterday. Omg. Wtf happened. How was I left behind so hard?? It was fucking yesterday.
It can't have all been 4 years ago, almost. There's no way. There's just no way.
i can't believe i've been a neet for over half a decade
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I can't believe I'm fucking 25.
I was 17 and playing this game yesterday...
Passoidniggers and cis agp gooners will never get the mood of pepper/ manmoder AGPgen.
Repper* uh.
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For a long time I wondered if there was a cure for AGP. I now see that the cure for AGP is to become sexually apathetic. It is not obvious?

You are an autogynephile because you are a gynephile first.

Don't desire women, don't idolize the female figure, and this will end.

>How do I do this?

Fasting and pray.

We value sex more than food because nowadays food is infinitely easy to get. Depriving yourself of food will change your mindset.

And prayer if you are religious is essential. If not, simply positive thoughts can help.
that's not a cure, just an exercise in willpower and abstinence from sex
for most people, a life without sex is not ideal, esp. as it may keep you from finding love
> Depriving yourself of food will change your mindset.
it will also make you lethargic, depressed, and compromise your health, this is why religious people at most only do weaker, intermittent fasting (eating only after sundown) and only a few times a year, i.e. not real fasting
also it's fatal when you have any health conditions like diabetes
all around bad advice anon

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