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>allegations came from very obvious right wing grifter channel
>constant lies and changing of the narrative
>even the "victim" says ava did nothing wrong
>no-one cares
>career ruined and forever labelled as a pedophile
don't forget this. they know they can do this now and no one will come to your defence. they *will* find anything slightly edgy or problematic (or just make it up) from your past to ruin your life and every supposed "ally" will take their side.
>but shadman!
weird shit but everyone from game grumps to oneyplays associated with him back in the day. don't pretend this isn't targetted.
The public wills it, this is what humanity is
and always has been. Its nothing knew at least she isn't be lynched.
Name 3 public figures who associated with shadman and made loli jokes besides Tyson. "Game grumps" is a group not a person
>gamegrumps to oneyplays
I don't know how Arin Hanson manages to remain un-cancelled, there are hour long compilations of him saying the N word with intent and even the stuff that happened with jontron's girlfriend
why cant people on here understand that mob rules
It won't matter unless/until he troons out
women hate sex
men want pussy, so they pretend they hate sex too
its pathetic, glad i'm a fag
>mob rules
>mob's decisions are a product of a forum clique
it's like the past ten years never happened also fuck you
>its just people on the internet
go fucking kys normal people hate trannies get a grip psycho
OP, please tell me you're kidding?

Like yes, this was soly an attack to dig everything bad from her past becasue they hated the fact that a trans person was being humanized infront of millions of kids around the world, anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional/intentionally lying

But the evidence IS real, even if the victim himself says that she didn't do anything wrong.. that doesn't change the fact that she still contacted a minor and sent horrendous messages and a lot of weird flirting.. no normal person will think that's ok
Her old twitter was creepy
Her association with Shadman is still creepy (even if you bring a valid point about other creators associating with him going unpunished)
Her reddit qccount being leaked by kiwifarms (tho IDK if that was real or not) and the loli shit ahe said there too

I understand the frustration that she is only being targeted for being trans but.. that also doesn't change the fact that she indeed is a pedo creep! She might of changed the past 6-7 years but that doesn't to normal people
Heck maybe she is covering for jimmy for all we know
But that doesn't matter.. even if she somehow comes back with the best receipts to dispute every claim made.. she is forever a pedo in the public conscious

Let her go, fight a better fight
what are the actual incriminating logs that got leaked i still havent seen anything damaging and these kiwifaggots have been shitting the board up for like 3 days now or something please enlighten me im not trying to start an argument im just genuinely curious and i dont use twitter
You can find almost everything in charlie's new video
He generally represents normal people's opinion
If you wanna see the evidence for yourself you can see the video, it's good
Its shows everything I just talked about (abut obviously censored the shadman "art")

I don't use twitter too but in this case really it's only useful for reading what the "victim" has been saying about ava and how much he was defending her, ava's twitter was deleted so u can't see her old tweets anymore anyways

Wveeything else is available on YT really
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dr pizza types against based csam reducing fake loli
many such cases.
if game grumps is a group doesn't that mean there's more than 3 public figures in there?
Belle Delphine, Elon Musk and MrBeast himself.
It isn't just the shadman stuff, or the "edgy humor" pedo tweets, or the "edgy humor" pedo reddit posts, or the DMing minors sexual stuff (yes, minors, plural. at least three have been exposed so far). It's all of it together. I pray that you keep defending him as loudly and publicly as possible, because the more people see trannies defending Chris, the better.
Yeah I watched the video, I think it's quite balanced and well reasoned. The only thing that bothers me about this whole Ava debacle is that people keep misgendering her and being transphobic.
I'm not defending her, I think she's a groomer, yeah. Why would you come on a tranny board to bash trannies though?
You should just be allowed to dismiss bad faith accusations out of hand and that should be the end of it. I'm so tired of devil's advocates.
Mf you think they will care? Most cissiods hate tranners and the ones that do don't either do it to be chasers and/or to feel good about themslves (I am an exceptio cissiod who likes his tranner friends and wants them safe :3)
Once you piss them off.. they will reveql their true colors

But it doesn't matter anyways, we all knew tranners have a different standard of judgement
Higher moral judgment
Higher beauty standards
Higher moral compass

You will never be good enough for cissiods unfortunately
>Why would you come on a tranny board to bash trannies though?
well that's a stupid question, I come to the tranny board to bash trannies because that's where the trannies are
Why though? What did we, as a collective group, do to you that you hate us so much?
>grooming victim says they weren't groomed
Oh wow its almost like they got groomed and cant understand the situation fully because of this
That's just what happens when people try to dodge accountability by gaining victim points from troonsitioning
women control society and cannot be accused of grooming or being pedos
Oh wow it’s almost like using this now meaningless word for anything triggers this circular argument
You’re a total stranger trying to dictate the life experience of someone you don’t know, just to make them a victim for no reason other than schadenfreude

How does that help victims or children?
its about enforcing gender conformity
women can't be rapists or pedophiles
having to accept men as women means not being able to treat them as criminals, and conservatives don't want that
They are coming for you next
All trannies will be burned
Nothing left
Oldshits and youngshits alike
The tranny bubble will burst any moment now and all the trenders and losers and agps will go back to their hole
Only real trannies will remain and those will be beheaded as pedos
Progress doesnt matter to leftist if it means allowing pedos
Dems will abandon you, take away your healthcare and security and then crimialize you. just look at the UK
This is the end.
>accusation is proof they're guilty
>no accusation is proof they're guilty
>leftypol reddit's favorite grifter insult against non-commies, implying that no non-leftist is ever genuine in their politics and that everyone is actually a leftist and agree with them on everything
Take your meds, transbian commies.
Being trans is proof she’s guilty
well yes because being trans is proof you are trying to cross sexual boundaries

you want your male rapist nature evaluated as birthing female nature and they are offended by that since you won't care for children you popped out
very clearly a pedophile and its funny watching you people stumble over yourself defending this because youre a leftist
How is it “very clear”?
Because your favorite e-celeb talking heads told you it is?
>hands food to trolls
>they keep screaming PEDO
worshipped shadman, was into loli, constantly spoke sexually around children. deletes his social media and gave a shit apology. kek, imagine dying on this hill
>constantly spoke sexually around children
>the more people see trannies defending Chris, the better.
It just makes all trans people look like pedos.
Cause this isn't the first time a pedo tranny is outed and the trans community rallies behind her.
Assigned Male's Sophie literally traced actual babies for porn.
And the trans community defends her.
It's a bad look.
>>accusation is proof they're guilty
That's the basis of the metoo movement and lots of demagoguery against drumpf.
the shadman stuff was publicized for years. it's insane this non-story about "grooming" got so much attention
>That's just what happens when people try to dodge accountability by gaining victim points from troonsitioning
it's been shown hundreds of times that the exact opposite is what happens
Stay on topic polcel

the loli stuff is undeniable but where is the evidence of grooming

i don't even care that she's cancelled for the loli stuff. that should've happened years ago when it was first exposed. but the grooming stuff seems to have no actual evidence that i've seen
>nnooooo, you can't just provide context
>that's not allowed, especially when it shows that my comrades are massive hypocrites
>my reddit pals told me so!!
yikes and oof. cringe too.
I always suspected that all trannies were actually little kiddy diddlers and it's validating to hear that I was right all along.
>most things said about trump are true
There's close to zero evidence of any of it. He got convicted of defamation in the most ridiculously biased rape trial ever. It was pretty much a stalin-tier show trial. The woman's story was insane, and they prosecution couldn't even prove that they'd ever met.
>metoo is mostly true
That's also bs.
>actually, women getting to destroy any man they want with just their word is a good thing
Transbian, will you ever stop being a pathetic simp?
>inventing a backstory for an anon
What level of schizo is this?
>omg he didn't ACKSHUALLY say white supremacists are very fine people!!
lol Imagine being this insane and communist. Yeah, nazis are generally very fine, upstanding people.
I am so relieved I'm almost in tears. It's finally ending.
heres him being gross around children
>by far the best president in history
and it's by a LOT.
you people are pedophiles
>thinking that the anon who unironically used "whataboutism" is a redditor is insane
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Identifying as trans won't shield you from your actions unlike what the pedoleft likes to message
>actually preferring joe "federal censorship agencies, gulags, secret police and 10 million illegals" biden and his dem pals over the god emperor
imagine still defending this agp pedophile
no one can ever know if he raped that woman or not. i'm talking about his public words and actions

do you claim to be trans? i hope not. hating women is a little silly if you want to be one
>actually preferring joe "federal censorship agencies, gulags, secret police and 10 million illegals" biden and his dem pals over the god emperor
those are obvious edgy jokes people were saying all the time 8 years ago
elon musk
belle delphine
one of the smiling friends guys
>heres him being gross around children
this shit is literally nothing. look at all the replies making fun of it

if you want to cancel kris for liking loli and shadman go ahead, but then you should apply that to half the people on this site too. the rest of this is all bullshit
lol at you trying to curt around him posting on r/4chan about "3d loli rape porn"
>defending a nonce
Not a great look.
Hey stupid retard, check this thread:
you are alone in this
>lol at you trying to curt around him posting on r/4chan about "3d loli rape porn"
it's an obvious 4channy joke
read the tweet replies. clearly not alone
since im not a twittertard and cant see them, are they two days old? because thats when everyone was going nooo the tranny didnt do nothin, now everyone changed
Don't become a witch if you don't want to face off against witchhunters.
You really should look into what you support, "liberal" dem.
>Assigned Male's Sophie literally traced actual babies for porn.

it wasn't porn it was a dog going into a swimming pool. you guys are obsessed
>faked dm videos and edgy twitter and reddit posts as proof
Why do this? The shadman association is enough to sink most people
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