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you only a chaser if you take part in the hunt
oh you sittin' on the sidelines jerkin of to pictures? you ain't a chaser. you just a washed up scrub who gave up on they dreams. you ain't fucking these trans hoes you strokin' yo shit on the sidelines homie. you ain't romancing these tranny bitches you compiling they pictures in folders.

you ain't shit unless you shoot yo shots. we got no love for fake chasers here. only true chaser niggas need apply.

you gotta be hungry. you gotta be starving. you go up in here with a full belly or content attitude you ain't going nowhere. we some hungry wolves, we a wolfpack. we snort coke off tranny buttholes. this ain't no joke.

you wanna roll with us you fuck your first tranny. then you call us. but don't be bothering us until you done bloodied yourself and proven yo self a man. cuz when you trynna roll with us, you best gots to push weight.

you trynna ball with us you need balls or you ain't a player. oh she don't pass? you a bitch if you scared. we overcome and conquer. you go balls deep in a clocky tranny to prove yo self then you can sit your ass down with the big boys.

QOTT: are you real or are you a fake ass pussy bitch?
I’m a real nigga bruh, first time a fucked a tranner she came missionary style all over herself. Shit was cash.
this guy is a hotep for chasing
real dedication
i'm a real one but i'm a tranner
there is already another new one but i like this one more. vegeta is cool :)
Chubby trannies need to get FUCKED. Shut up chubby trannies and get plapped retards.
tfw khhv
woowwww need <3
should i chubbymax? im at 145 rn on pio so i would get cute fat if i kept gaining
I'm an OG chaser
Fuck off plapjack, lithe and skinny trans only
sex may or may not be real
with trannies? twofold
Hi chasergen :3.

QOTT: I'm sorry, I can't parse this vernacular. That probably means that I am a pussy ass bitch, but I'm not certain.
>should i chubbymax?
FUCK no, hit the weights, get them glutes, let me eat
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>we snort coke off tranny buttholes. this ain't no joke.
im chubby hello
other edition got mogged
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do boys like this kind of music
Hey bby, hows the chastity training going?
Do you need a big strong bf?
im witnessing the truth
>I just wish I had a hobby that would make me go out more. Other than walking
if you more into the artsy side look up ateliers/workshops or check your local library board for something interesting to you
I was expecting some really bad tranny core that was actually nice foxy mama
qott; so real most can't deal
I don't do chastity much since I don't have a keyholder. I sometimes wear it on my own, since it's almost soothing in a way, but not doing any serious training.
aaahhh but its so haaaaaaard. im trying tho i swear. im just not sure whether its worth the effort when i can be soft and cute too
I love this. all you fake chasers out there better know you've got no chance with me unless you get real.
What would you call this? noise?
>woowwww need <3
Only if you’re bratty. Gotta have a reason to be dominate
Hand it over
But just think about your figure, it’s worth
I want to be hunted
I've thought about getting into photography or dancing. Both seem fun
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i only listen to good things
'ambient' but i guess it does have some noise-like elements
big upz
youre from atlanta right? just go downtown after dark
*shoots you with a blow dart from the bushes*
>Hand it over

Sure, when do you wanna come pick it up ;)
You’ll be hunted like a rabbit, pinned down and forced to stare at the thing that takes you
and both are easy to get into, extremely personable, and they have generally helpful people you just gotta 'do it' sometimes and not fall into the toolbox fallacy
Hmmm, I have an anime convention I'll be at all day that day. Can you do Friday?
my white ass is from rural Ontario
waa..huh? must’ve been the wind ..oh me oh my ..I’m getting ever so sleepy I might just *falls on ground*
I like this thought..
literally everything i have ever wanted
chasers can't even find their own dicks
this is hot, I love smut that's written like this
now that y'all done witnessed the truth I expect every single one of y'all mfs to slide intro tranny dms weon wanna see no slacking off weon wanna see you being complacent you need to come equipped for war
if you wanna find mine look in your tranny gfs ass
Waow this is hot
I guess I should buy a camera
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I've snorted blow off more than one butthole no tranners yet but I will.
is it a mistake to date a girl from here? I fear that I'm opening myself up to mental anguish
Sunday works better. Where you from
>>off tranny dicks
bbbbbbbb neeeeeed pls someone do this to me
yes im such a brat lol. it's easily top 3 kinks for me
No. I'm doing the same thing.
Horniest posters in thread, bout to start calling tranners rabbits
heh, bunnies, we fuck like them at least kekekeke
that's gay
>I guess I should buy a camera
don't tell me, look in the mirror and tell yourself pep yourself up
lol so true. prog got me in heat fr
which tranny is my gf?
hunt me, pin me down, overpower me and take what’s yours
From chasergen? I'll admit you're taking a risk given this is 4chan, but just make sure you're listening and paying attention to her behavior for any red flags before you get too attached and I'm sure you'll be fine.

I'll be at the con on Sunday too. I'm in the Portland metro area.
horny enough to suck an old man's thick cock?
did you think chasers weren't?
Thirsty bitches in this thread making me think I have a talent for smut
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same, I'm on deca not on cypro anymore and I'm fuuuucked up
you really do. plsssss keep posting i need it so bad
I masterbate to stu's pics
I love stu's butthole I want to smell it taste it fuck it all day
could you give some examples of some red flags? I really just don't know what's considered crazy in a woman here
Nah I just beat my meat in the privacy of my own home, I hate casual sex and I'm slow to trust so I'm beyond the scope of most trannies by that alone. I'm fine with beating my shit, the solitude is preferable to a miserable relationship.
you do >///<
Guess i’ll have to take that key through the astral
I'm completely straight
Can't help the horny sometimes
Yes boss
Not necessarily a mistake if you meet them here but you should be careful with anyone you try to get into a relationship with
write more plss >~<
should i post it?
shit comes out of buttholes, you degenerate scum
Post so I can masterbate again
Nigga is NOT a real one
lol do it >:3
the one with the glasses and tranny bangs
and piss comes out of dicks but str8 people still put them in the vagina. Admit that all sex is disgusting, not just homo tranner sex
you know anon, i've asked myself the same thing about dating in general more times than I can think. at the end of the day, most of your relationship prospects aren't gonna go the way you want unless you're damn lucky, so it's up to you to make the choice of dealing with the mental anguish of watching something you thought had potential fall apart, or you can deal with the mental anguish of being alone. i can't make that choice for you, but for me I think i'd rather risk it and see where things so that I might one day find the happiness I want, and if you get hurt along the way then so what? life's gonna hurt sometimes either way, so fuck it, live fast, love hard, and die young. with all that said i am currently talking to a lady from here myself, probably won't work out either but fuck it I sure hope it does and I'm willing to ride it out and see where it goes
wwow,,, wow… oh my godd
ok buddy
lol how many bunnygirls r itt rn???
"A talent for smut?", he scoffed, "Well I ought to chain and lash you for such insult."
How old are the girls that are getting turned on by that anons writing I’m trying to see something
I’m 22
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i cant get turned on by sentences that lack alliteration. Sorry.
im 22.. id guess the others are around that age too?
Sorry, knowing what crazy looks like isn't my department. Just don't let yourself be treated poorly, communicate early and often if things make you uncomfortable or upset and leave her ass if she tries to brush it off too many times.

Yeah, I don't know why the mayor decreed it a 'no bf zone', but it sucks. I'm try to get a petition to redesignate the zone.
when the girls type like this, sometimes I forget that people here are trans. Everyone here has the XY chromosomes but some are sissy subsmissive slut women but fat asses and tits. The LARP feels too real sometimes. Sometimes I really feel like I'm interacting with really hot slutty women online but at the end of the day, what's the diff. between a fag and me?
24 I have brain damage
you can only think about that feeling deep in your body, that feeling when a man looks down into your eyes that makes your ass tingle. You need penetration don’t you? it’s okay to admit it
some of them are better at acting feminine than others
that's all of them
piss isn't on the same level of dirty and disgusting as shit
you disgusting shit eating scumbag
What do you think of 35 year old chasers?
Lmao true
I wasn't following this convo previously, but now my brain is fried, too. I hope you're happy.
ok here you go you degenerates
im 19
im actually a biological female
> You need penetration don’t you? it’s okay to admit it
i do... >.<
i need to be fucked by a real man!!
str8 people have anal sex too, a large majority of them, shit on dick isn't exclusive to chaser and tranners
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Chasers into trans girl tummies?
The fox flaunted its fabulous butt before the buff boxer.
cute hole faggot
i'm 20 and i like older guys but 35 is too old for me but it depends on the person
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yes..I need to be used by a man to release his primal desires..
>str8 people have anal sex too, a large majority of them
imagine actually believing this horseshit
straight people don't do anal you retardo
that's something straight people only try like once and realize how disgusting it is
fucking GRIDs monkey, literally eating shit and wondering why you got all sorts of diseases, disgusting subhuman behavior, move to India ASAP
wait is my typing malebrained or something :((
hhahdhabsbsanan plsss knock me uppp
yes I like licking them and watching you try and failing at squirming away
>neuron activation
I’ll be honest a flat stomach is my kryptonite, i want to rub my cock on it
god damn stu!!! I still want to turn you into a mouse, love that pic with your cute ass in the air. I didn't know you were 19 though. That may be a bit young for me
how do i like, put a sign up for chasers. should i make a point of putting a trans flag in the twitter bio? do i just start posting selfies occasionally on twitter and hope people notice? it doesnt feel like irl or apps are much use
I like older guys as long as they’re younger than 40
they should be in my bed
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you know what anon, im glad you tried. im gonna go hump my pillow because of you, thanks.
>you disgusting shit eating scumbag
Hey watch it
35 is actually the highest age I think I'd get with
35 isnt too old as long as he takes care of himself and looks good then very hot
just talk to straight guys compliment them and chase the ones who respond well to your forwardness
just take a shit outside, a chaser will eat it, you could set up a box trap with the nugs, chasers love eating the shit nugs
oldbros are always eating
way too old
If you want more dirty talk on discord @dunkmeister
i like being called a faggot desu
ill get older
ill groom you fag
Had a fire kegger @dunkmeister's place last night, brah.
Did somebody say nugs? :3
God I really do need a man to do this to me
nils can eat so many nugs
What about picking you up and nibbling on your neck and ear before tossing you around
Yummy yummy yummy I got love in my tummy
dangerously based
so what, i just talk to guys and keep going with the ones who tolerate me being an insane faggot who talks all day

and then if i compliment them and they seem happy about it i just keep going? is this really it. if so i have like 4 guys....
That too but don't forget to choke me
rly creepy unless ur going for tranners around ur own age
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That's ambient?
Sounds kind of harsh for that, maybe dark ambient or something?
I'm a boys and I love ambient music, it's my favorite genre.
CBL has gotten me through a lot of rough nights.
i like being called a faggot desu
t.straight man
god thats so hottttt
snort coke off my butthole, let me suck your cock while you watch football or play video games with the bros, fuck me in the morning before you go off to work without even saying goodbye, let me be nothing but a piece of meat, an object of pleasure, let me worship you and treat you like a Roman emperor
Yes that is really it, and 1 out of the 4 will be able to 'go public' with you rather than his shame
35 is perfect as long as your hot.
Love older guys so I can take out my daddy issues on them
https://unsee cc/album#Msj66e66MvBW
I can palm a basketball I think my hands can fit around your weak throat
does anyone else think it would be really hot to be part of a harem. just kept around in silks and jewels and fucked whenever im needed <3<3<3 i would be such a good harem girl fr
ur redpilling me here

if this is true then the % of guys who want to fuck me is much higher than i thought. its just that only a small proportion will actually date me?

oh is this the curse of being a gay tranner
nice hips would grab them
no sounds depressing and boring as fuck.
You need dick bad huh?
Join mine
We all want to fuck you
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uhhh based?
based and hot and need
how will you groom me?
i wanna choke on a thick cock with mouse ears on
yesss i wanna be part of a harem!
holy fuck omg i need u to break me pls
because i dont like predatory ppl
go frick urself creepy loser
God that tummy.
I bet my hands could wrap entirely around your waist
I'm not.
I don't do coke either, just DMT and shrooms on occasion like some kind of square.
How's pio going? And how long have you been on it?

I bounce between 130-145 and I've been really considering starting pio around my 2yr mark in October
this transgirl has me smiling at my phone when we text. i'm not falling for that one again. time to lock in and be emotionally distant. you can't have a chance to hurt me if I don't become emotionally available.
its going great!!!! started 3ish months ago. went from 115 to 145 gained like 3 inches hips and my waist actually went down by .5 inches. highly recommend
yes a lot of men will just want to fuck because they can but they will feel immense shame after these are the most dangerous, the other will just try to hide you, and occasionally youll get 1 who just likes you
I need it so bad
it's not predatory if it's between consenting adults. Fuck off with your shaming language. don't tell people what they can and can't do
go away spicebag
counterpoint, it's hot
>how will you groom me?
well first I will get you slowly to reveal more and more of your body for me privately while supporting you through your troubles before threatening to pull it all away to force you to meet me.
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What a perfect woman you are....fuck.
>chaser hands around my waist
i need that

I am, but it's scary after dark :/

I've actually been thinking about getting into dancing too. I have the same issue where the only time I leave my house is to go to work

i wish my waist was small enough for that. is 30" too wide??? i see all the cute tranner with flat tummie and get self conscious :(
what percentage of chasergen has actually been with an actual cis woman? I'd say probably 2% of the cis men here have
Out of genuine curiosity. How many of you are virgins?
i love this sentiment
>QOTT: are you real or are you a fake ass pussy bitch?
im a fake ass pussy bitch :P
only if the harem girls kiss each other a lot
that's sad anon, you need to open yourself up to have a meaningful relationship
I'll admit it. I'm a full-on stu fan now. Her attitude, her tummy, her willing to be a mouse, her cute mannerisms and fem-like behavior.

I need to knock stu up, I need to impregnate her.
Probably most of us I imagine. Getting laid with cis women isn't hard it's more about the quality.
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Me and I've been with 4.

I can tell your fat by the way.
rhetorical question I already know the answer to, but how many chasers have actually ever seen a vagina?
>only if the harem girls kiss each other a lot
well duhhh. what r we gonna do when the man is away???
i may have gone too far in a few places
relationships gay af even tho i love her to death. i aint getting hurt again lmao.
I have eating pussy is one of my favorite things to do
no no its peam
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Yeah dancing is fun but I think I'd get nervous if I went to a dance class. I'll stick with taking cute pictures
2 and both of them were abusive and thats also the reason why i no longer desire to date cis women
I've only been with one woman out of pity. She was much older than me. Rode my dick and sucked it. Other than that, I've been playing mmo's just barely existing. Living day to day not really doing anything useful
Anon, you can be emotionally open without being a doormat. Let yourself enjoy interacting with the girl.
wow, is it actually true that most chasers are below 6 feet and have a sub 5 inch penis?
crazy, first time I hear about this
ive revealed most of my body publicly, this might not work
>is 30" too wide?
i hope not bc mines 30"
> I need to knock stu up, I need to impregnate her
do it then
i need to be bred so bad
i am
no it was good, i was a little surprised tho
i must be lucky then
that's actually really hot, I want you and another tranner to both kiss my cock and balls. Then kiss each other and make out in front of me. I love the idea of lesbian tranners kissing each other.
I'm 6'3" and have a 6.5 inch cock, not a huge dick but it least I'm tall
I am 5ft2 and have a 3.5 inch penis.
>below 6 feet
Who cares.

>sub 5 inch
Only a problem if the boy is terribly insecure about it.
i volunteer to be one of the tranners
I wish you weren't so scared stu, what would get you to trust a chaser to royally fuck you and knock you up? Are you just afraid that men can be crazy sometimes or just that trans people can be victims? It just sucks because a lot of guys here aren't like that. They just want to fuck a woman and possible be in a relationship with some tranners here
eating pussy is some repper fag shit, I ain't even lying about this, god damn son that's some gay shit to do, imagine eating pussy that's fucking disgusting homo shit
that's one thing the gayreeks and shitalians were right about, don't demean yourself like that brother
ohhh shit ok i see

surely this means the only decent options are the less-toxic lifetime chasers and bi men who emotionally connect. maybe theyre the same thing?
im so in lets goooooooo!!
dont be an idiot, you're sabotaging your own happiness. sometimes you get hurt, that's what it means to be vulnerable. and you need to be vulnerable to form a meaningful relationship. Seriously anon, im not worried about her, save yourself.
absolutely not
im down if she is
I'm going to do it

I’ll remember this when I’m eating pussy again tonight
I’m 5’10, 7”
you're gonna be a woman soon, want me to order you some estrogen? Pussy eating bitch
FUCK YES mina and stu, the hottest tranners here kissing and licking my cock and balls looking up at me in the eyes. I want you and mina both on your knees kissing and making out with each other while I slap both your asses and grab your pathetic girl balls. I want you both wearing mouse ears
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Woah, that's great! I'd kill for my hips to grow three inches in 3 months

Yeah that's kind of my problem with it too lol I avoid socializing like a disease

Is 27.5in small enough
>he only decent options are the less-toxic lifetime chasers and bi men who emotionally connect
ding ding ding you get it aslo add some straight men if youre fem enough
Yeah bro go right ahead
Horniest poster in thread
Imagine thinking enjoying pussy is fag shit.
chasers how important is a tranner's voice for u?
give me your address, I'm going to visit you tonight, you will be boyremoved
only subservient little fags enjoy doing some gay meek nerd bitch shit like eating pussy
blud just use your dick to please a woman, why the fuck are you gonna demean yourself and eat her pussy
fag shit
voice is very important to the straight leaning chasers while the bi ones probably don't care
Easily one of the top 3 most important things
As long as it’s not deep
doesn't bother me as long as it's not full on male voice
theres a lot of things that make it difficult and i dont want to list them all rn but hopefully at some point ill be able to meet ppl and get absolutely destroyed by chaser cock
ily mouse anon
i also love ur fixation on grabbing girls by the balls, thats really hot to me
yup, I'm a horny mother fucker and on Testosterone from my doc. Keeps me jacked and feeling alive. Wake up with a rock hard cock every morning like a man should
fairly important. I like it to be squeaky like a mouse. That said, if she wanted help with voice training, I would do my part as her partner. I think every chaser should know that if they're dating a tranner, it's part of their job to help make her a woman as much as possible for both of you
ummmm hiiii. can i pleaaaaaase join ur harem???? ill be so good i promise
im in clear twinkhon territory and enjoy being a quirky autistic boy in a feminized body so i think ill be happier with bi men and chasers

thanks for this exchange, this helped clear my head a lot!
It's massively important. I'm just going to leave Jennie's vocaroos here
You’re boring bro lol I’ll be having sex tonight while you’re here with your dick in your hand
bdjabsbdkan.... can i wear bunny ears tho????
Deep voice is a hell no for me
Very fag voice is a turn off.
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Your either a ftm or your not saying many true things in this post besides the MMO stuff.
My boobs are sore... thusly any cuddles currently require gentle massage for them.

Lol, anon if you want girls to keep coming back, or anybody for that matter, you gotta care about their pleasure sometimes. Besides that, enjoying pussy is the farthest thing from faggy.

Dawg, save the jennie hate for when she is actually shitting up the thread.
To clarify: this what you should strive NOT to sound like.
i generally dont care a whole lot, but a higher/more fem voice is preferable
I'm glad I could help if you want to chat my discord is: the_ev1lone
Anonette don't add this person she seems sus
What’s better bro’s, mousegirl or bunnygirl? Gonna have to go with bunny
Socialization is a disease. Lol jk. Also you have a cute body
hmmmmm evil one???? nope sounds innocent to me :3
I was the same anon you replied to for both of those. ily too stu, hope you can get over that "list" of things bothering you. That said, hope it's a good first time. My first time sucked so much ass, I regret it and still lives rent free in my head so make sure the guy or girl is right for you I suppose. GOD, I need you to be my mouse though, yeah I love the idea of removing my girl's balls or crushing them beyond recognition. it's part of turning her into a woman. I also love the power of feeling those sensitive little fucking things in my hand
FUCK YES mina, I'll allow it, but I like mouse ears. The idea of mice and girls being squeaky cute creatures to hold close. So pathetic and cute in my hands
I could have sex with any woman I want, because I'm an alpha male who would never subject themselves to bottom bitch behavior like eating pussy. You need to eat pussy because women can smell the bottom on you from a mile away
>you gotta care about their pleasure sometimes
that's what my dick is for you dumbass
my tongue wasn't made for pussylips, that's some fag shit for real
you got a small ass bottom bitch dick so you gotta eat the pussy I get it
you're still a straight up bottom bitch fag, I feel sorry for you, and you're in denial about it
<3<3<3<3 its bunnygirl mating season someone plssss pump me full of babies. but mousegirls are cute also so dont leave them out...
bunnies are squeaky and fragile too.. and they have round butts like me :3
the 35 year old man is tripfagging
Yawn keep trying incel
No jk, you're absolutely right lol
and thank you! <3
Hopefully if I start pio in October it'll only get better
it's really sad
the kind of nigga that eats pussy
>I also love the power of feeling those sensitive little fucking things in my hand
i would feel so vulnerable >~<
i would have to do anything you say or else you would tighten your grip
this is the kind of behavior I expect from a retarded teenager in an AOL chatroom or an MMO
but a grown ass 35 year old man is erping about having a harem of mousedickgirls
damn son, just damn
bbbdbbsbb oh my goddddd... i need a hot man to threaten to crush my neck if i dont listen to everything he tells me
I need to eat your ass
> I love the idea of removing my girl's balls or crushing them beyond recognition.
>I also love the power of feeling those sensitive little fucking things in my hand

I could get into the second one, but not the first. I like feeling vulnerable but I def don't want pain :/

Lmao look at this jealous faggot with no bitches.
I still have that little bell wrapped tightly around your balls, it jingles everytime you move. I want you to let out little squeaks everytime I squeeze them
I'm huge, I'd step on your pathetic weak neck
You're very welcome and best of luck :)
>Lmao look at this jealous faggot with no bitches.
I'd never subject myself to fucking a trans woman. Cis women can't get enough of my chad energy
and two of the prettiest tranners in the thread are eating it up. maybe take notes

lol yeah the poster above me has been attacking chasers and tranners this entire thread with whatever fuel he can get. If he thinks a 35 yo poster is sad, someone that wastes their day going after said poster is even more pathetic
awww thank uuuu. im def not the prettiest tho u overrate me i think..
i need someone who will punish me if i dont do what im told
>I want you to let out little squeaks everytime I squeeze them
i would
this is so hot omg i might cum just from you grabbing them
>he's here because he doesn't even like trannies you guys
>also doesn't like pussy
>that's not related
srsly don't listen to that dude. more about crushing balls pls
I'm a puppyboy can I be in your harem? I'll wear diapers if I must
Americans be like
>I'm obese at the old age of 30 and now I need TRT to get my dick up
seconded. the ball crushing is kinda hot actually
I own a gun.
they have a dick, I don't care how pretty they are, that's gay as fuck
I bet you're fat as fuck
I don't like eating pussy, because that's for bottom bitches. I didn't say anything about not liking pussy. Dumbass witch trying to twist my words
no, not at all. You're cute as hell, although so are a lot of the others in here.
take your estrogen europoor
I don't pay 80% of my taxes to live in a shack
okay. so what are you doing here?
I'm looking for chasers to hunt
you dont like eating pussy??? let me guess, you also hate puppies and the laughter of children and sunlight
this fag is baiting, it's good because it's pissed me the fuck off enough to reply. He doesn't like tranners or cis women. Won't eat pussy or anything because it's "beta" sounds like a polchud that snuck in
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You would have a heart attack halfway through the hunt.
my name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and kill a certain someone
you sound like a straight up fag, I bet I could rock your shit real good
real nigga checking in
lmao, right?
seems like a waste of his time, but its his to waste, i suppose
... so you ARE gay?
I'm not gay, I'm just here to sexually dominate chasers with my fists
Need a boy to tie me up and then shower me with affection while I'm powerless to resist. Then, when I am finally released I'll have so much built up cuddle need that I'll cling to him all day :3
You faggots need to get a room
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>quotes naruto
your bait is getting more ridiculous. Hiding your posts, faggot
Do I really need to do cringe erp to talk to girls from here I’m getting too old to be having e sex on 4chan
mouseanon come back and post.... save me..... save me...
*rapes you in your anus*
I don't give a fuck, gonna make fun of you no matter how many times your pansy ass tries to filter me. Bottom 35 year old chaser. Pathetic old fool. Cringe AOL tween chatroom ass bitch
I’ll join if you let Nils join
*Calls the cops* enjoy prison buddy
tfw unable to participate in ball crushing roleplays
we had to get you neutered
o7 godspeed...
right, a sad poster

I'm done running the mouse harem though. I'm getting work calls and I have to get to real life, unfortunately.
it's 4chan dude, it's a boomer site run by a guy in Japan started by a nerdy cool guy named m00t. posts here are complete works of fiction, anything is cringe if you take it seriously
mina, you know the way, only you can save yourself. It is your destiny, plus I've got work and the trolls are coming back out. Look out, they'll start calling all of you transbians next.
didn't read, faggot detected, hides post
I mean you could just strike up a convo if you wanted?
This is why your life is already over, child. You have been repeatedly told to stop posting at me. Enjoy prison, stalker.
hide my post again, I dare you, watch what happens next
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Don't stick me with the smelly neet, he's not even a cute girl wtf.
can we go back to horny posting
no it’s cringe
I smell like the beach. You bitches don't know about my sunscreen routine. Women love the way I smell
honestly it would be rly hot being in a harem and serving a guy, but don’t tell anyone i said that oops >//<
yes please!!!!! its mating season we need more hornyposting
no, but it's fun! i mean, you do have to give a girl some reason to wanna talk to you. that's an easy one to do, so why not?
im so sorry...
well, come back tomorrow and make stu a mouse again, its very fun to watch
I will dress both of you up in belly dancer outfits chase your feet
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mina's in heat
good girl
Taking a walk in the city with a boy! Finding every little excuse to be near each other, holding hands and just generally enjoying each other's company :3

Sorry, I'm only affection posting rn.
ooooh!!!! i would look so cute in silk <3 u have to treat me like ur most precious treasure tho <3<3<3
im always in heat fr.... but im extra needy rn
I'll lick you up and down your body, affectionately
of course thats why im chasing your feet
why are you chasing my feet
so I can catch them
idk are my feet even cute?
ill find out when i catch them
well if you wanted to put me in a belly dancer outfit you’d have to catch me first anyways
But anon, if you do that it'll be too hard for me to think pure thoughts >_<. I'd only be able to shiver and whimper
not me!!! ill put it on if u ask me nicely <3
i can catch you and your feet at the same time
good girl, but youre going to have to keep your feet away from me though
you have been every time ive seen you, that's for sure lol
i love it, personally. Make chasergen horny again
I'll just put "pure" & "wholesome" thoughts in your ear when I'm done licking it
did stu run off?
I’m fast and squirmy so I’m hard to catch. I don’t think you could catch me or my feet
Not my ears no! I'm weak there... ;-; like seriously forget wholesome at that point you had better clear out your schedule because you won't be leaving your bedroom all day.
nbabdjjs wowwww
thats the beauty of the belly dancer outfit, once i get you into it it becomes a slow and methodical hunt where i wait and listen for you to jingle
Good all day alone with you sounds like heaven
Best OP I've seen in a long time
wowww i want to be chased down a hunted while my heart beats so fast and then im pinned and bred
Ohh okay I see, well then I’ll put it on if its for the bells. Being chased while wearing a bells sounds fun, and it’s not like it matters cuz I’m probably faster than you anyways :3
UwU *has sex with your dad*
it is very erotic the heat, the sweat, the pounding in your chest and ass
its a persistence game
Do you have a lot of endurance?
im fast but i have no endurance. you could probably just outrun me
I guess you can always outlast mina but would you want to when you hear her moaning in pleasure
ill just take you first and let rabbit listen/watch since shes inclined to do so
jansbjdbabab plssss make an example of me <3<3<3

We'll also spend plenty of time cuddling afterwards. If it seems like I'm teasing you and subtly enticing you to go at it again, like I'm tracing my fingers on you or pushing myself more into than is strictly necessary don't worry I'm sure that's nothing :3
It will be pretty easy to have your fingers on me, we are going to spend the whole day naked so I can admire every inch of you
Don't stare too much you'll make me self-conscious about my stretch marks...>.<

Honestly, is there anything better than just being in close contact with a partner you care about who cares about you? <3 I think not c:
Would kissing them make you feel less selfconscious about them? The last thing I would want is for you to be uncomfortable. Honestly, no I love lazy naked days where is not even about sex it's just being warm with each other
Actually I'm not too bothered by them I was just looking for an excuse to say where I had them.

Yes cuddles are the best <3
That's good. I love a woman who is confidant, not saying I won't give you compliments. Cuddles are the best, but you know whats even better than cuddles, midday naps with cuddles
Yes just a lazy day doing nothing but enjoying the comfort of your partner, drifting off here or there and waking to them right there next to you. Absolutely wonderful.
Do you have discord? I would like to keep talking to you.

>The Queer Hunter

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