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>no QOTT
why live?
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I want to fuck a drag queen.
Kween Kong is madly hot.
t. not a chaser
should i post ass again.... im horny and need attention
Mina's about to post her ass again.
Go on.
listen to these thoughts, they are putting you on the morally correct path
qott: would you have sex with a drag queen?
good point, i can die tomorrow
absolutely not. i also wouldn't have sex in front of a mirror. gross.
>i can die tomorrow
How about in my arms, tonight.
fat tranny asses on my face
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im badass im girlboss im hot im beautiful im goddess everyone loves me im amazing.

omg hiii!
must've been something you said
o7 right away!
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okay its mina ass hour again ft. my new tight leather leggings <3
chasers, somebody please e-fuck this slut right now
God, the leather picture is so fucking hot. That with a bunny tail and bunny ears would have me raging
Last thread mogged this one so hard
just ask her and im sure she'll do it for you.
i should get one of the playboy outfits!!!
sorry im low on material! i have to take some new ones...
I'm starting to really like Frisson and I'm afraid I might lose her someday :(
Chubby trannies need to get FUCKED. They're breeding cows and wives. They need to be inseminated. Over and over again. Shut up chubby trannies and get plapped retards.
Bro isn't it better to talk with your girl in private about this rather than blog about it here like some teenage girl
it did
nobody's even trying to crush tranny balls itt
she seems quite taken with you i don't think you have anything to worry about just yet. although that is adorable of you.
thanks, I guess I was more so asking for advice. I want to show her how much I'm starting to care about her. I know relationships take work and intent
get her a bejeweled butt plug
well! i like to read it!
and i said please!
Naughty. Would spank.
Plapping cute trannard butts with my peanits (5" x 5.6")
Bro is really having a crisis over a discord relationship
>want to be a woman
>realize its impossible with current medical technology
>repress healthily
if you want to show her you care, you should disappear from this thread entirely and give her all of your love, caring, and attention. Don't waste that shit here fampai
>want to be fit and healthy
>realize its impossible with current medical technology
>stay fat healthily
I've seen relationships work out extremely well over discord. My irl friend married someone he met on a discord server. The internet has allowed us to be more connected than ever before
ya, I talk to her everyday and love it.
i want red prints all over my butt!!! asap!!!
That post has been going around since before you were an adult
how do i get that :(( im so lonely and i need a bf
you can fascinate a woman with a piece of cheese
bitches love gifts, and trannies especially love flowers, because boys don't ever get flowers as gifts. which means both that we're flower-starved most of our lives and it's affirming to get them.
idk, that's the best advice i got lol
you're smarter than this, stu
Rick you’re a spazz we’ve seen you go through this before
I don't think there's anything wrong with that, especially since that's the #1 platform for meeting trannies. It's more that he should communicate this with her instead of blogging (and tripfagging) here.
then leave this place and don't come back
she should do the same if she cares about you too
forget about this thread
why are you still here shopping from meat scraps when you already have a big juicy steak waiting for you at home
you're talking about crushing other tranners balls and talking about tranny harems, stop being a dumb autismo
do u and frisson live in the same state
that was mouseanon, not muscleanon

Will do, omw

Have you tried talking to boys? Boys like fat asses and cute smiles.
they sound like the same kind of old autism to me
>is a trip and therefore not anon
im not good at talking to boys. they kinda scare me. but also i desperately need tl be held and loved and fucked by boys too!!!!
tripping is arguably the most feminine thing you can do
no, I think it's a good idea for me not to post here. I took a break before and it was good for me
women here like cheese? lol. I think I will send Frisson flowers then :)
i got it wrong, its supposed to be "give up and repress healthily"
>she doesnt know what my name means
People talk a lot of shit but in almost every chasergen thread there's at least one exchange of discords between a chaser and a tranny. Including the last 2 threads.
what do you mean?
idk i can't prove it or anything but i believe they're separate people
well they got the names before trip fagging, i think it's reasonable to use them
Jade... i gave you very clear instructions
this place is not good for you
just start taking your clothes off, they'll get the idea
she'll love them, im sure!
>women here like cheese?
women everywhere like cheese
no, i don't. what does it mean?
it means im stu pid
I’m lactose intolerant if someone gave me cheese I would stare at it longingly, knowing I could never taste its delicious flavor
QOTT: what is your preferred method of masturbation
Jerking it (my peanits)
Vibrator on my caged cock

t. Chaser
can I see
i cant just strip in public :(((( how do i signal that im looking for a bf
Do you also wear chastity? I only send pics to other people who are locked up
It's really good too. Cheese is the best.
I thought someone was trying to be my imposter in here earlier
fucking starving
Where's gummy, I haven't seen her in these threads in a minute :\
I don’t own one, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it
Cage your cock bro it’ll change your life
all the girls in the thread are in heat, I can only imagine what they’d do in front of my erection… might tear me apart like a pack of wolves
cheese… why did they have to make me allergic to tasty, delicious cheese… whyy
Negative ghostrider
Rabbit chases reppers?
Most people are to be fair, just in Asia not here. You ever eaten it just because fuck it? I'd be doing that constantly I think.
Thank god
I tried to do this but every cage ive tried gets painful after a few hours. I thought itd make tucking easier but it did not. 4/10
I’m not a repper bro the cage feels safe
anyone else have issues with discord? I want to message Frisson but it says my account is having issues a lot
take a break snake
Blocked fool
You can just poke them and then do a sexy little dance. We don't bite (unless you want that).
No I’m just full of curiosity and wonder what a chastity chaser would be like
muscleanon is not snake, can someone post the lore on this snake guy?
what's stupid is not getting a boyfriend already. that will deworm you, im convinced
i have a vibrator want. normal jerking it is painful now
not with that attitude you can't
idk, grindr? ive never tried to find a boyfriend, sorry, idrk how it's done
probably tear each other apart fighting over you tbdesu
you really think snake could control his ego enough to not post his face? serious daddy issues
can the tranner who posted >>36632576 come forward i have been thinking of your voice for the entire day
rapist pedo stalker but hot so girls don't care
yea I’m partly asian which is where that comes from

I do eat it sometimes but it hurts my stomach real badly later tho…
That's spicebagmoder
that's the underage BNWO sissy tranny
did he actually meet with people from that post in this thread?
I feel that. I like too spicy food and sometimes. Tastes so good, but feels so bad later.
Congrats you’re a pedo
he's fucked a lot of women on this board, trannies have no self-esteem and act like virginal boys
born to be a normal, innocent chaser minding his business

FORCED to be baited by spicebag vocaroo… horrible fortune, but it looks like you’re getting thrown off the ship bbg
Gotta eat it more often with different spices so your body gets used to it.
t. irongullet
Back from vacation finally, dumping a bunch of misc chaser nudes

holy shit, I thought most of this board and threads were larping but this guy actually met up with the people that post here? Sounds like a comic book villain
I LOVE spicy food, but yea its almost not worth it because of the later ;~; they need to stop making tasty food hurt my tummy
aw man!
if you're hot they don't care, you could fuck half the board too big guy
Women literally don't care if you're hot bro you can be a sex pest with a personality disorder it actually entertains them more
Only the meta attracted ones
Many people here meet up. Why does this surprise you so much?
I do it all the time but it really doesn't change things. My stomach is fine, just my intestines are not. I could tell you where a jalapeno is in my gut lol.
Lol, yeah it'd be nice. Put alcohol on the list and we'd be in heaven.
RABBIT. I’m gonna squeeze you
Based. Cuter voice than spice too.
>sph in the url
>wap in the url
Blessed link
thanks anon but I'm with Frisson only and my heart belongs to her. I'm not proud of my past, how aggressive I was... How angry I could be... I've gone to therapy and can control my aggressive and lustful temperament now better than ever. I genuinely want to be a more "in-control" man and talking to Frisson has been making me so happy. I guess some anons can't control that within themselves yet. It's not good to give into the animalistic side within oneself
I've kind of seen that within some threads, lol
it surprises me because I assume most of us are scattered. Also meeting people off of 4chan can be risky
Lmao. Cute voice too.
I met up with someone like a week ago just off of a few conversations. She barely responded for days at a time as well lol. People trust people I guess.
how was it? Did you guys go out and do things?
omg ur voice is adorable <3
Yeah was actually really nice. Mostly just walking around the city and talking. Thought about going to a museum but didn't. Just found some scenic spots and hung out. She was a great conversationalist so it was perfect to me honestly.
It's over for spicecels
I met up with a board tranny once
I was supposed to pick her up at her parents' house (she's 27) to go out but she said she was too anxious and just played stardew valley for 4 hours at her gaymen setup while I sat on her beanbag chair
I tried to kiss her when it was time to leave but she scrunched up her face and shook her hands a bunch
Weird girl
yeaaa for whatever reason only hoppy alcohol hurts my tummy. I feel like so embarrassed every time I turn down an IPA like “sorry can I just have a hard lemonade or something else, IPA hurts my stomach” aaafhxhxbd whyy do all my friends drink only IPA lol

I’m gonna squeeze you first

thanks anon :3

tank uu ><
Blegh, hate IPAs. Stomach is fine but god the taste is gross to me. Like eating a few slices of shitty bread soaked in water.
thats not fair i want to have friends this is like the only place i can talk to people
I meaan I’m kinda glad they hurt my stomach so I can turn them down cuz I don’t really like their taste, its just kinda embarrassing being the only one drinking a colorful drink even though its tasty
hey this was me!! why are you thinking of meee

omg shut up im cute LET ME HAVE THIS ooo wow you have a cute voice actually :3 uwu
Oh yeah, forgot to say. Congrats on the progress, man. That kind of change is real hard. I've been there. It's good to be a better man, worth a lot.
that's a problem. you need to make friends in your leal life, these relationships are parasocial and not healthy for you as your only source of socialization
I’ll be your friend. Just don’t take my food
Who's the tranner that posted tummy? I need you

It's cute and girly to drink a colorful drink
Same. The existential dread of an office job with nothing to do
God i need some butt, throw some ass in chat
lol r u smooching me
wowowoaw cute voice !!!!!,
lets all be bored at work together
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i am because ur cute and i want u
Where’s the smut anon, i need him…
also spice you do have a cute voice and no I don’t mind you I’m just being silly

damn, that's actually really wholesome. I hope it's like that when we meet.
Thanks anon, yeah it is, takes a lot of work. Learning where the rage comes from helps a lot. seems like you dealt with it too?
aww you have a really cute voice too rabbit... i dont like when ppl are mean to me :(
suplexing trannies into the mattress and through the bedframe before headlocking them with my legs and putting my dick in their mouth
Yeah a little when I was a kid. I was just a real jerk. Bigger and smarter than most of the other kids so a bit of a bully. Grew out of it though, just realized I sucked and was also making myself miserable.
ohh I’m sorryy I wont be mean anymore then, dont worry

this guy a freak
smut anon?
>wasn’t there for last thread >.<
rabbit, your vocaroo scared me. why are you trying to sus out chaser anons? wtf
And yeah it probably will be, if you're already having voice chats and it's going well, I don't see why in person conversation would end up any different. Unless you're one of those people who fronts or something. I'm pretty much exactly the same offline and online. Bit more eloquent online obviously lol.
>look down see gock
was it just a greentext poster?
assuming you're the same anon. Yeah, rage really is a poison that only hurts you in the end I realized as well.
I don't put on a front that much, like I said I could be cringe and unhinged in the past but I'm trying to be more normal and have mellowed out. The conversations have been nice :) Do you still keep in contact with the person you met on here?
Swag :P
we are getting some tourists here. like new to 4chan types. someone been talking about us on reddit?
Hello kind strangers!
most of the zoomers that come to this board are just tourists from reddit/twitter
kill kind strangers
Its summer, twit, what do you expect.
how does someone that's new to 4chan type?
how do newfags act?
>she's begging people to breed her at work
thankfully you would NEVER do such a thing...
I need someone to breed me
Not the chastity faggot from earlier tho
i wouldn't! i think...
it isn't because i wouldn't
I want 2 suck my girls girl dick so much but she wont let me :( how can i convince her 2 let me suck her girlnut out?
Trip on musclefaggotanon
>i wouldn't! i think...
you already did
Yep, exactly it. Just hurts yourself too.
Sorta maybe? Idk really. Complicated situation, I might have been ghosted lol. We'll see.
Finger her ass and then go down on her, shemll be in so much pleasure she won’t stop you
Need mommy gf
no i have made at least one real friend from this place completely unironically. i just have to be normal and not retarded
you should be careful what you wish for, im no mina
dumb whore
>i’m no mina
More like MIDna now show them thighs

Jk mina ily
what r u talking about?
dangerously based
Trans ass
> I need someone to breed me
maybe if you put on a chastity cage
i wish you luck with that but this place just isn't healthy. like, for anyone
why don't you try to pick up one of the cute straight girls? why keep chasing the transbian gigahon?
minas are way better. and jades and probably every girl in here
sorry anon, i don't want to waste your time
>Jk mina ily
we all do
this is the correct answer
Someone requested butt I'm sorry im mid but I listen good
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here squishy thighs.... also it is an honor to be compared to my queen midna
Did you try reaching out after being ghosted by the person you had been talking to for so long? It seems like you didn't part on bad terms. When I get angry, I find that hitting the gym and working out really helps me cool down.
no buts
put on the cage now
plap plap plap
Trans breasts
Good girl. I'm gonna rip those fishnets and go to town.
see? lookit those. what more could you ask?
how many chasers here are actually tranners? Have you thought of yourself as a girl? I know it's a meme but I'm wondering how many of you had these thoughts. I'm a chaser and never had these thoughts. I just love the trans women here because they're based and submissive
> I just love the trans women here because they're based and submissive

Same. I love being a man
I just want to cum while getting fucked. How the hell am i going to cum with a cage on.
We hadn't been talking very long at all actually. Part of why I'm not too fussed. But yeah, I have. It'll be fine either way.
Yeah doing something physical is great for it. I used to do sports but now I just walk and garden. Everyone should do some gardening honestly.
you'd be surprised
i would rather kms than take hrt and present fem. i have aap
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khhv army!!! its ok to be a virgin!!! khhv khhv wooo!!!
shut up spicebag
please shut the fuck up
I'm placing a curse on you. As punishment for your fake persona and your vile ways, you shall remain a khhv for TEN WHOLE YEARS. Ten. Whole. Years. Get cursed, bitch.
t. mad virgin-shamers

not gonna happen.
Waking up on a stormy morning next to my trans wife
marveling at her beauty under the soft blue light barely breaking through the curtains
squeezing her hands and gently kissing her
making slow, passionate love for hours until we're exhausted
resting her head on my chest until she drifts back to sleep
why would god make me such a boring and quiet person and give me such a strong yearning for romance? women dont like men like me and for good reason im basically a brick wall. these things do not mesh well with each other i might just kill myself at this rate
Enjoy not losing your virginity until 2034.
I curse your with bad virgin sex
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oh my GOD this is so arousing um... do you like girls????
launching spicebagmoder into the sun
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ran through army!!! Its ok to be ran through!!! forget your body count forget your body count wooo!!!
gah based you too... need mommy gf need mommy gf
BOYS you need to step it up! we need some hot chaser dom asmr itt NOWWW
guys are so shit for actually putting effort into this stuff babe... its sad!
Holy brainmelt
back off bitch
shut up or I'll start making fun of your tiny dick
No we just don't waste our time on mentally ill attention whores when we have cute wholesome trannies in our dms, you geniuses
they'll never get it
you sound sweet, anon, im sure you'll make some nice girl very happy some day
>tries to flirt with a boy
>drives the bi girls insane
many such cases
aren't you kinda subby tho?
she's right you know
omg pleaaaaaase pls vocaroo it????? ill get on my knees and beg
Of course they won't. For all the time they spend here talking to chasers, they understand nothing about the chaser psyche.
you gotta make that ass clap first
Fug I need a better voice I hate not being cute
>didn't reply to her text this morning bc busy af
>she sends a crying emoji and writes "I miss youuuuuuu"

bro its been a week lmao chill
Too bad your parents' money can't buy you a new voice honey
dont u know all tranners are bpdemons with intense attachment issues. u have to reassure her, itll only take a minute of ur time
back off bitch fuck OFF
that jiggle and eager bouncing just unf
t. chaser
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mean... i don know how to do that
Nta but I hope you’re being ironic that’s annoying a fuck.
When do you normally go to bed? I'd like to avoid you from now on.

get practicing then
rabbit just doesn't even know what to do right now lmao
i don't blame her
not literally of us have it but a lot yeah. sorry, it's almost like you are in a pool of girls with a lot of mental issues
She's going to be up until anything between 3 and 4 hours from now

t. lorekeeper
WAAAA shes liek GONE!! WHAT HAPPENED????? its so not fair ;-; girls like taht are so rare and so special and it holds a special place in my heart and ughhh i would literally do anything for herrr like god this is pathetic but women like that are just perfect and i dont know but im just aaaa

... she should post her discord so i can do whatever she wants...
making fun of jade's pathetic excuse for a dick
hey I’m bi lol

hi mina lmfao

if no chaser does in like 10min ill drop my voice and do it myself

If that silly recording was all it took to make your brain melt, can you imagine what itd be like whispered in your ear?

Somehow I’m normally more popular with women even though I’m a more attracted to guys. I make a really good dom top though and its fun to see peoples reactions.
You seriously gotta stop this shit.
I feel this too as a cis m
HIIIII HI HI HI HI heyy um do you wanna umm talk more on discord??? do you wanna see me naked??? here i can umm post a picture

https://unsee cc/album#vwDkrXyrMEdt

you're perfect...
okay sorry for transbian baiting in the chasergen thread I’ll stop I genuinely just thought that guy would like it my bad
Everyone has already seen you naked
woah, cute girl. rabbit u should go for it.
>"hey *her name*, sorry I wasn't able to reply earlier. I've been busy as fuck"
>"its oki i love you darling"

that was easier than expected
;-; NO its fine omg its just like the guys are . . . waaaaaaaaaaaaaa please post discord

she really should...
Every guy acts tough until you start the mommydom rp
Gender expectations are brutal, no wonder there's so many troonmaxxers
>if no chaser does in like 10min ill drop my voice and do it myself
u should totally do it...
yes literally. we are just desperate from scraps of attention its literally that easy to keep her from sui or splitting on u...
she should really do it ...
I love it. Need a cute quirky trans gf
Somehow spicebag is more annoying than a year ago
I maybe felt this way when I was younger but as I grew older and stronger, I hate the idea of being dommed in anyway. I sort of noticed how I was attracted to MILF's when I was younger but now I just see them as regular women. I think gaining muscle and confidence goes a long way
... its not my fualt
well she isn't BPD, just depressed and gender dysphoric. this is just the first time i've been away from home for more than a week. i bet she feels lonely with an empty apartment.
dont apologize. the chasers need to step up and put in some effort if they dont want the girls to swoop in and steal us lol
you know you're not old enough to be here
YEAH!!! men need to put some EFFORT in
I just like milfs, nothing to do with mommy shit. Just like older women.
Lol yeah right frisson would have you like putty in her hands if she turned on the mommydom vibes
I know you gotta act like that could never be you again though, it's brutal out there 95% of straight transes would peace out if you drop guard
how many dudes creeped on you and checked out ur ass 2day, mina?
are you spice?
yes, you should seriously avoid her if it wasn't obvious yet
yeah that's spicebag
Probably because you just committed a felony and forced anyone who unwittingly opened that to commit a felony
my ex has been trying to get me to learn how to twerk for so long and god damn it its so hard i have no idea how to manipulate my body in that way.i have kinda gotten better at like dancing on someone but gosh still so far away
ah fuck please dont do this to me...
Congrats you’re a pedo if you opened that link
im literally fine im a normal girl whats the like big conspiracy about
is muscleanon actually buff?
idk, I don't like being dommed, it pisses me off if anything. I'm not saving face or anything but you're correct. I think most women here would hate it if their man was weak in that specific way.
you're a gooner who transitioned as a fetish
everyone who has interacted with u knows ur not
Mina, you are such a slut that if anyone looks deep into those cute eyes you would orgasm.
yeah fr!
idk? i dont pay attention lol
ive been watching tutorials on youtube. i have the concept down i just need more practice
Well I’ll add you but dont send me anything explicit okay? I can send you voice recordings and read stuff for you but a lot of people seem to believe you’re a minor.

If you send a censored ID you can do whatever tho, I just wanna air on the side of caution.
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yep, fairly fit for now. I'm going to the gym after work today
NUH UH!!!! I WOULD NOT >///////<
oh rabbit can i add u too???
HOLY SHIT... pls break me in half :3
Damn son i need to step my gym game up.
hhot what are you working out today?
i get that, but all of these people are basing this off of like retarded rumors from ages ago ;-; and wdym send voice recordings... of what ;-; aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its not fair its not fair its not fair its not fiar itsn ofaitrr rrr ;-;

i want to cry
laughing as jade's dick half throbs in a hilarious attempt to get hard while being pounded
They're not rumors
Damn rabbits a transbian too
When are we reforming a new unified chasergen
No you're just extremely annoying. Spamming the thread with your inane sex pest bullshit, being cutesy doesn't change what it is. But thanks I guess, finally getting me to stop posting here.
i will cleanse chasergen of the transbian scum
nice solid stuff man, hell yeah
Spice - post nude ass on unsee
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i didnt even do anything.... everyone hates me for no reason, im a lil autistic and bubbly and can get a bit overwhelming but i always have good intentions... and im a virgin

its not fair ;-;
Stfu transbian
You're not even bi you're just in meta attraction phase because you'd feel like a boogieman fraud otherwise, after ffs it's gonna drop we've all seen the arc
thanks mina but I Frisson and I belong to each other <3 tons of other chasers seem super interested in you though. You look very nice, hope it's the right chaser that gets with you
if you want we can add each other on discord, I'm trying to make more /fit/ frens to keep each other accountable
I'm working out chest and glutes today, my coach told me that working quads, glutes, and chest boosts testosterone the most for muscle building but pecs are the hardest to work out for me :/
thanks bro
no stu, it's kind of funny to see in this thread, people are just trolling I assume
just send a censored ID then, and its fine

yea sure


I can assure you I am like 80% into guys but its funny seeing women’s reactions to stuff
>another (seemingly) good poster leaves because of shit-tier posters like spice
Great. Can't wait until this place is literally just jade and spice going back and forth.
you're so autistic and innocent with your white boi beatdown BBC cuck porn account
>80% into guys
my time to shine babyyy B)
>80% into guys
yeah im like 70/30 but not enough men post here so i seem like a transbian!
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you ever try smolov jr for chest? im gonna try running it next week, my chest is always lagging compared to everything else
I'm gonna regret this.
t. chaser
nicee, imma probably hitting glutes today as well. Go get strong as fuck for Frisson :3
you got banned from servers because you refused to prove your age
I'm manifesting hat man in your room tonight, don't look in the dark corners
well see about that after i get ffs
but i hate those nasty transbians!!
can u do a dommy one now... pls
she’s actually a minor she was kicked off of every prominent discord for admitting she was 16
you're not old enough to be on this board
fuck off
i posted an unsee but the thread went by too fast and no one saw it i think
i feel the same way, actually. although i've been too moody and low-self-esteemy to be a domme lately
>not enough men
>but i hate those nasty transbians!!
you are one
post another! i wanna see :3
i hate you guys you are so mean and rude and horrible especially the men the trans girls are nice why are the men here so rude fuck off i dont deserve this
nope no
no im not
I'm not much of an aggressive dom irl
go away spicebag
stu hates me...
the tranners hate u tho
the one i posted before is still up lol here
you are not a good person
you lied about your age multiple times and posted nudes in a server with countless people you called friends knowing full well all of them were at risk

rather than actually leave you still make overtures to people and continue lying about your age because you don't care about anyone but yourself
hoollyy shit... i need that bulging out my tummy asap
I normally do a 3 day split and run on off days. I didn't know about this routine I had to google it. Yeah my chest is lagging as well. I mostly try to do compound lifts since I'm still a moderate level bodybuilder right now. Good luck anon, we gonna make it.
Nice rabbit! Are you going to do the seated leg press? I was going to say, I stopped doing barbell squats because apparently it's bad for the discs located in your spine. So to work glutes I will always do seated legpress and weighted lunges from now on. Lifting for Frisson <3 She's literally the nicest woman I've ever talked to, I don't wanna mess it up with her. I feel like we both can be really honest with each other
I always assumed when someone posting here was transbian: they did it as a troll thing or the guys just weren't pursuing them so they resorted to talking to other women for attention
yeah i do you stinky transbian!! >:)
>guys just weren't pursuing them so they resorted to talking to other women for attention
they shouldn't be doing that here either way
they have multiple threads for that
Yea I figured, I feel bad for her though. She seems nice just kinda hyper
i haven't cum in like 3 weeks cause vacation boarding with friends, i think i could put my dick through concrete rn lol, i would beat up your insides
3 day split is a little light but it can work fine especially earlier on, and you got good size on you already so who am i to say anything. wagmi lad, godspeed
New thread?
god i wish i was hot
the three day split is actually light? I thought you need a lot of time for recovery. I lift really heavy and consume a lot of protein since I'm really tall. Maybe I should look into that other routine you talked about. I follow scooby1961 for most of my workout advice and follow his guide
you're one of those who before hrt were nasty disgusting incels, you only trooned out because you were terrible with the ladies, virgin ass nigga
the sooner you admit you're a transbian, the better
Someone make a good one, this retarded dosen’t even put a qott
they're bi, but people like to call them
instead of just flirting with trannies. idgi.
alright, well that one stings
might have to hit beans tonight
she is a habitual liar who scammed the irish government for neetbucks and lives in a high class home
everything she says to you is a probable lie
no im being silly i dont hate you sorry sorry
scooby has some solid stuff, hes not a bad person to follow. By 3 day split you mean 3 days a week right? especially for bodybuilding there are just certain bodyparts that recover fast enough to benefit from working them way way more than that, is all. thats why a lot of bodybuilding splits are 6 days a week
>"We need at least 10 more A's in this post."
>"But sir... isn't that too much?"
>"Rookie, you're gonna learn a thing or two today. Now watch this."

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