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how much time do you spend in your room?
Laguna please answer my calls
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too much and yet not enough
Half the day
That image is so cool. The huge earring looks very daunting though.

I think it's an animated rendition of a live action pic.
how can i get hoes and fuck bitches
currently almost all of it lol
used to work in a kitchen with a guy who used to like, shadow stab the air with knives and walk up behind ppl with them up his sleeves as if they were his hands. Took a surprising long time for him to get fired
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You don't get it. I need her
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Discovered kebab mexican pizza
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living with ppl who make me uncomfy i spend most of the day in my room. living with ppl i like i rarely spend time in my room.
not much prob
already have quite a handful with this little rapscallion
I’m exhausted from all this shit
I think I’ll do a flip down the elevator shaft
Why are you nice to me :(
I don't have the luxury of a bedroom anymore
privacy is but a pipedream for a few more months at least
if the room I sleep in counts
most my time I guess because the the room I sleep in is the only room that's not a bathroom, bedroom or kitchen here
QOTT I have a house so the whole thing is my “room”
>>36640183 # Clara
>>36640199 #
no but I had never heard this degas angle I really like his paintings
Greek Town is just downtown but Detroit is so spread out
>>36640219 # Larry
wow 5 hrs is quite a drive wonder if it is worth it
>>36640233 Lily
seems like there is a significant risk of correlation w lead exposure through water and and poverty and we know there is def a correlations by poverty and prosecution for violent crime
>>36640270 Naz
I grew up around firearms and I have never wanted to conceal carry
Why are you doing this to me, I've been trying to call you for days now, I thought we had something going you know, but you keep pushing me away, why? Do you hate me?
calling radiochan radiochan over
can you think of any recommendations for Clara she has about three hours and is in the vicinity of the DIA
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I dont like myself very much
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Bit too much schizophrenia how about you calm down
happens to the best of us but this is why we have friends who like us even when we can’t figure out why
nice flex
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>I have a house so the whole thing is my “room”
guess it sorta worked like this for me too yeh. spent a lot of time on the patio.
>correlations by poverty and prosecution for violent crime
also by a bunch of other discriminatory factors it's rly disappointing.
Just answer my calls.
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The meds are calling too better go get em
Being consoled only makes me feel worse because it does nothing for me and makes them sad.
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Far too much time. I'm unemployed and cannot afford to go out anywhere.
The job market sucks, so unless I get lucky I'm basically trapped at home and cannot even get laser. Let alone start saving for FFS.
I feel like I'm basically frozen in place and unable to get moving again until I get lucky with a job. But when I'm an autistic loser and most job ads currently get north of ~200 replies, I do not have much hope of things changing.
I know there are groups for shared trans housing. I wish there were job networking groups exclusively for trans people. Being able to just hire each other and know that we were helping out the wider community just seems much more preferable to wasting an opening on a cis that objectively needs it less.

If things don't change in the next month or two, I think I'm just going to end myself.
So you really hate me that much, fine, I'll leave you alone, you keep acting like you wanted love then you block me and just refuse to acknowledge me, you're just a narcissist
I rented a trailer so now I get to be outside of my room :). But I’m mostly outside with my animals now.
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yup yup, apparently something I never really thought about but makes sense is how ballet as an institution has really strong ties to sex work and how these ballet theaters were sort of set up to operate similar to brothels except for fancy and cultured rich men. the historical marginalization of women and girls sort of makes what is to be considered sex work blurry of course but I mean relatively speaking.
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I haven't talked to anyone privately for at least a week maybe two. Chill the schizophrenia
i wish i did not have ocd, even by dissociating i don't get rid of it, that is how persistent this shit is
worked very hard for it
also and this is harder to explain it is strangely a part of me like a the relationship bt a haunted house and
the ghost who haunts it
make me wonder if the lead thing is really misleading
lol dummy you know I don’t believe doomposting that having friends means nothing to you
by different worlds I mean people who self justify violence compared to those who can't self justify violence
like my dad
who see's no issue with even threatening violence against children
let alone random strangers
yet we're all victims of violence
this is like a good chunk of the reason I'm terrified of people
there's no real way to tell what someone capable of before they show you
like I saw a certain someone essentially celebrating the murder of one of our neighbors
just infront of his kid
the only people I can read as safe irl are my mom and my sibling
everyone else mayaswell have a god tier poker face
I can never tell what they're feeling or planning to do
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>lol dummy you know I don’t believe doomposting that having friends means nothing to you
I mean when im dooming im incapable of positive emotions like empathy or love or relief or happiness.
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yes I have heard of how rich young men had ballerina mistresses and there were scandals and duels around this but I don’t know much about it
what’s the theory that Degas had anything to do w the murders
would you characterize this mood as utterly irrational
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What'd I do this time I dont Even know who I'm talking to
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it's not me
I dont believe in rational experiences
it is all your fault that my life sucks
multiple reasons..
degas would frequent london.
during a period of two of the canonical murders, degas sent letters to people from a paris hotel that were out of character and to random acquaintances he didn't normally letter. speculation is the strangeness of these letters signifies an effort to set up a false alibi.
degas was notably anti-semitic and so was jack the ripper.
degas friends said they had to stop being friends with him because he became increasingly anti-social and misanthropic in his 50s.
around the same time he was going blind which is basically viewed as the reason he got so bitter, but some studies suggest a correlation between serial killers and a brain issue right behind the eyes so it may be a more biologically placed anti-socialness.
Jack the ripper took womens organs sometimes and there is x-ray confirmed unidentified organic material inside of his wax sculpture of the the ballerina girl.
and lastly many suggest that his blocking of ballerinas is very corpse like and that his paintings have allusions to necks being slit with like ribbons around girls necks n stuff.
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Yeah I'm just wondering cuz that's weird to post
most of my life...has been inside.
no wonder im getting pale...
other factors haven't changed enough to rly explain the whole change i think that's the main argument for the lead hypothesis.
and by main argument i mean main reason why it exists at all. the neurological impact of lead exposure leading to reduced behavioral problems and impulse control issues is why it's plausible.
it’s amazing how that case still causes so much wild speculation
looking over this and it is interesting that the arguments emphasize gasoline and IQ
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people love to pick at loose threads
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Burrito yummy
yeah it is really interesting — but while looking into the Degas angle, I went down the rabbit hole of the Dreyfus Affair which nobody talks about much nowadays at least not in the anglophonic world
what other late 19th-century news stories is still so popular today ?
>believing tiktok theories about a serial killer from 150 years ago
this is how you know something is bs
imo people don't have to being up iq when they're being honest
started having dreams about starting HRT, I think it's over for me
But only honest people have high iqs, I mean its just a fact
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I keep getting sexual dreams and it makes me sad. They're all realistic too so I wake up confused thinking I was in the middle of drying the tuna but then realize it was all on le head.
My GF and I are losing steam for RE6 lol

It's like the 3rd chapter of every campaign just objectively sucks
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>drying the tuna
what does this analogy refer to kek
wtf are you all even talking about
what kind of sexual dreams?
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I'm not sure what other popular stories are from around that time... blood meridian by mccarthy about the wild west is in my head but idk if that's actually in the same category as loose thread stories..
I have a reoccurring dream that I live on a houseboat but it sinks.
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Realistic aka could happen. I try to say something different because saying the actual act would be weird and awkward. It is what lonely people do when they get the horny
Like the ones where I watch porn and do stuff.
It means.. that you're gay.
I'm always blabbering about nonsense
pay me no mind
>ywn be daddy’s little sonccubus
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>It is what lonely people do when they get the horny
ah relatable..
what the fuck is drying the tuna
File deleted.
Tfw will never be food for an evil rapey vampire lady
The horoscope of today says pretty people like you shouldn't be lonely.
Yknow what you do when the when
Is jerking the jerky a funnier analogy
>ou do when the when
>Is jerking the jerky
oh i don't do that, i use a vibrator because of dysphoria also tuna is misogynistic and inaccurate so doubly offensive
thank u doctor
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Okay what about cleaning the fish. And I don't have any fancy toys so.
No problem wheat product
still misogynistic, words like that are used to attack women and demean then for their anatomy
while your anatomy is male
so you're just larping
it's like a white person using the n word
gooner incel
>it's like a white person using the n word
to describe themselves* sorry i hit enter too early
>man im such a dumb bitch NIGGER
>kevin ur white
>while your anatomy is male
sometimes it smells likes fish tho. that's not a misogynistic stereotype.
your penis doesn't smell like fish and if it does seek medical attention or fucking bathe once in a while holy shit why are trannies so gross
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I'm calling the ween a fish and using the act of cleaning it as an act for cleaning it. I find nothing wrong with that.
That's true that's true
And why as a woman shouldn't I use silly analogies others also use for my genitals.
o come on, there's tons of words for pp such as shrimp in ur case
i don't think that's even remotely comparable. maybe if you're a terf and hate trannies enough to exclude them from being a type of woman.
and you even create life with it
beat all of us
ugh totally btfo i will never recover lol

please stop talking about your penises and their smell

how do i get the motivation to do anything
I can't wait to see my little angel again soon
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Oh okay. New analogy. Saucing the shrimp. Though mine is like ginormous so it's more like saucing the lobster
Things will get better one day I'm sure
you should be thankful to your anatomy, not little angel without it
i fucked a girl with a yeast infection when i was 17, and my peen smelled like fish afterwards. Skanky hoe named ashley who didn't tell me. I'm a tourist not a tranny
people get uptight about the silliest things, misogyny isn't real
do you have kids naz or what?
jumbo coconut shrimp, now I'm hungry
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Was she trying to bake some bread in there? And how do u not figure that out that thing had to smell like the back of a ps4
Coconut shrimp? Never heard nor had that. Did hear of coconut crabs and that they don't like coconuts..
the pain of not doing it becoming greater than the pain of doing it
same could go for some tempura prawns.
how would you describe the taste (not texture) of shrimp
I was eating a shrimp the other day and I like them a lot but realized I could not think of a word for the taste
I have a daughter singular
already 5 years old
most of it desu
coconut shrimp means frying shrimp in a batter made w shredded coconut it’s very delicious
grotty lesbians are also capable of generating whatever causes that.
So if people don't shower and try to make babies they make bread instead. Very interesting
That sounds interesting I should have it one day
slightly sweet, creamy, seafoody.
they're coated in coconut flakes and fried
women are such niggers i hate them
men are the niggers of gender, women are the jews
You can't just say that. That's like saying cheesecake taste dairyly. It's what it is of course it tastes like it.
i can't really fear sadness, depression or suicidal at all most of the time and my fear anxiety and stress are also heavily reduced, i literally have problems making myself caring about anything since i can no longer really feel stress that much, just a little, on paper it might seem nice but it is kinda hard, boredom is a good motivator but only motivates me to do stuff that makes me feel good and i enjoy and not productive stuff that makes me feel bad
uhh ok
it is a staple of down market American popular dining generally served as an overpriced appetizer by “sit-down” restaurant chains
think cud have msucular dreem bf??
the best I could come up with was “subtle” or “mild”
how did your appt go
Of course americans would have fried covered with carbs food as an appetizer.
I mean they are partially white
I dunno how that is a taste (like diamondish)
If I had a ba I'd look so fucking awesome at this weight. It's like a nice amount of chubbiness not going too deep to either side but having a flat chest ruins literally all of it. If I had a pair of aoobas I'd be mogging literally 99% of cis women unarguably. But cuz im amab I can't yet. Not cool, very evil
So what's stopping you from getting it?
yeah it's weird
you really never know wtf life is going to give you
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I'm on waitlist cuz it's free here but I have to wait. They're slow. I'm pretty sure I've been waiting for more than half a year to be put on the list and I'm not even there yet. That's how slow it is. I could probably get a job and get it earlier with the money from it.
ever heard of a blooming onion?
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Oh wait considering life cucked me and I'm going to either have no classes next year or max 2 hours at night I could get like a part time job or smth. It would probably be a good idea to do that so I don't end up rotting at home all day
I've heard of it but I've never had one. Aren't they fried onions that are like opened up in the middle like a flower would be?
An absolute manmade atrocity
it wasn't too terrible, which makes me worried im not focusing on the right stuff
idk i still feel like shit and broken up inside, the longer i've done therapy for the less convinced i am that it truly helps. i've really put as much effort in as i can into each therapist i've had and each thing i've done, and only dbt really yielded any appreciable results. it just sorta sucks. i feel like im not getting really new insights from therapists either, i've been doing this for so long i have internalized the therapist and can play that role in conversations with myself, and even then i hardly get anything out of it. like talking about things isn't going to make me not severely depressed. it's not going to get rid of or even impact the pathological demand avoidance. a lot of the time it's just me presenting with an issue, being asked why i think that is, then me detailing the context and causation as well as my attempts to resolve things, and the therapist being like ok sounds good. i feel like i've made all the progress i can make
>i miss ex bff but i have chosen to cut contact and wait until i'm in a more stable place emotionally, then start dating other people so i can move on
>i have a lot of hurt from abuse in my life, and i set boundaries and am mindful of them so as to manage triggers and try to decrease how much i act out because of the pain
>i have intrusive thoughts and images, but i try to not interact with them and instead engage with other things so i don't fall down the rabbit hole
>i don't like that pathological demand avoidance makes it hard for me to function, but i try to break things down and myself freedom and choice as much as i can to facilitate getting things done even if only incrementally rather than stressing over doing it all at once only to get nothing done
>i have nightmares and wake up in the middle of the night but i just shrug it off and go back to sleep
basically im just treading water and nobody seems to be able to help me swim
Would you trust a free BA though? What if it ends up botched
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It's just a normal ba but the goverment sets it up and pays for it. I'd get the same by paying. I mean I'd prefer getting to pick who I go to but at worst I can just say no whenever I get picked by someone and search for someone new. Idk. The just getting a job idea is sounding decent now that I know I could manage it.
yes, another deep fried appetizer that could feed six people.
I blame Australia
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steam support wont change my steam account login that has my deadname (it's an account from 2010)
nobody sees ur actual account name but it triggers me
they asked for proof of account ownership via a credit card receipt from 13 years ago
Im like bitch WHY would I keep receipts from some random ass game my mom got me when I was 12
I have a question:

I’m 32, married to a woman, no kids. She doesn’t know I’m trans deep down inside. Used to repress in the past and it would come and go in cycles (dysphoria), now it has got to the point where it’s constantly there and I don’t know for how long I can keep repressing and masking. I love her, we have a great relationship, but sometimes I fantasise about getting divorced so I can start transitioning without hurting her. I feel like it’s gonna be over for me once we have kids. Even if we get divorced, I will always have to be a father to my kid/s. I feel trapped, like I'm in a content and stable vanilla life trajectory, and my inner woman is realizing she’ll never get to burst out and is freaking out. What do?

inb4 tell wife you’re trans, she has said in the past that she wouldn’t be able to accept her partner if they turned out to be trans, it was a random comment while we were watching drag race or some other queer shit.

Also inb4 it’s too late for me and I’ll be a troon, I’m naturally fem af
you're not transgender if you can impregnate a woman with your penis, sir
don't traumatize your kids because of a midlife crisis fetish
Youd think itd come from some deep fried kentucky hellscape
oh shit this reminds me, sorry for being off topic anon: what is the font in that pic? i was trying to find it to make edits w/out luck. id guess its embedded in some app but i dont go online much besides on here
are you taking hrt
keep repressing. you've lived for 32 years as a guy, you can live the rest of it fine just the same. don't put your family through the stress. dedicate everything to your family, live vicariously through your wife, whatever it takes for you to get your mind off it
i be not
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>wait until i'm in a more stable place emotionally
what does that require? surely more than just waiting.

why the fuck do ppl do this i'll never understand.
at least you don't have kids.
>what does that require? surely more than just waiting.
im not sure, i would think therapy but it doesn't seem to help
maybe having my own place and a more stable life where i feel comfortable meeting people. right now im living with my mum and even just dressing feminine here feels transgressive
look up fontsquirrel. lets u reverse search fonts.
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It's a font I'm pretty sure.
I hate being sick
At least I don’t use anime profile pics and have AGP

Sound legit. I can tolerate a lot of things, more so than most people. I just have a feeling it’s going to come to a head at some point. When does the repression eventually start causing resentment or health issues, I wouldn’t want that to be the case for me or my wife.
the question you need to ask yourself is do you love her enough to sacrifice your life for her. That's supposed to be what a marriage vow is. Better decide fast, she's not getting any younger.
I think you are making a valid point regarding your relationship to therapy
I think you are probably overly-therapized at this point where you have incorporated therapeutic concepts into your pathology
Hello everyone I am a transgender woman
so what should i do? im already working with the vocational rehab ppl to try to get back to work, idk what else to do outside of that
i just want to die a lot lol and like i don't feel like that's ever going to go away until it happens
Jesus Chris is my nigga
yeah i tried the matcherator but no luck!
youre trying to rustle my jimmies aren't you
Do not call me a "nigga"
evens order a ton of [REDACTED]
odds do not fuck up my life again
To answer your question; yes. I am willing to sacrifice a lot of things for her, including continuing to repress and keep this hidden from her for as long as we’re together. I just worry about the toll this will have on me eventually.
you're not a schoolgirl
you're not homura
you're not a lesbian
you are a man on estrogen who dates other men on estrogen because it's your fetish
you are an adult
stop larping as a child
>I just have a feeling it’s going to come to a head at some point
real talk
if your partner identifies as straight
you don't have to come out but you should break up
for obvious reasons I'd hope
No I just don't know what the font is.
Top kek
wsg gang
I think the only path to doing more than simply not killing yourself is building a social network of friends
and I cannot stress this enough while doing this do not give any info about it over the internet
never lucky kms
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>nobody seems to be able to help me swim
u need one of these fren
out of the last 24 hours, i have spent 24 of them indoors
God wants you to do well.
A floating boingboing?
Do you still use tampax?
why are you people always replying to obvious bait
>for obvious reasons I'd hope
care to extrapolate?
if a straight woman is dating a man and he comes out as transgender, it's not sexuality that means they'll break up. often the wife stays with the husband even after he transitions, but that doesn't make her a lesbian lmfao she's just a straight woman with a crossdressing husband. some women aren't into that

i don't remember using any tampax products, why would i?

that's what i'm thinking as well
>and I cannot stress this enough while doing this do not give any info about it over the internet
good idea
i did that with my job, and that never got disrupted
go touch grass
can u just fuck off paige
even in your nonsense world where terfism is right and transphobia is fact, it's still kinda fucked up but whatever
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I could get a job.. and a gf.. I could have money for surgeries and hobbies.. and someone to aid with loneliness.. A good hypothetical future I could get to but I need to be careful and be ready for it. Stop rotting on my room all day and all of that. I think I might go to the gym tomorrow even.
sry i will indeed fugg off, gonna either take a nap or play ds1 age of sunlight, or both, likely in that order
spitting the F
go to the gym or you'll be cursed for eternity
>spitting the F
w-what does this mean
is this more tuna talk?
I think a lot of the way you present yourself here whether in text or pictures is designed to generate criticism, hatred, and loathing but after getting to know you for years now my opinion is that while you suffer from undersocialization you nevertheless have everything it takes to mature and learn how to be more socially positive and make and maintain meaningful, lasting friendships
i didnt have work today and i dont want to suffer in the unbearable heat outside
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god is cruel ._.

gym sounds like a good idea
helps with mental things too
F stands for facts
i can't believe some of them really think the wife magically turns into a lesbian when her husband starts wearing female clothes
this people are so delusional, i would feel sad for them if they were not such a menace to fucking society
some rly should hatecrimed for the worlds benefit
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lol i don't use anime pfps i like art and specifically that artist and use his stuff as reaction images. also u shud own ur 'wearing wife's underwear and jacking off' fetish instead of projecting it.

in all seriousness i have no idea how someone with gd gets where you are without roping but i guess here you are.
i don't think repressing is healthy or gets better over time but u gotta decide for yourself if you can live with fucking your own and your wife's life up to pursue this. i'd say do it but also i don't know her nor am i you so it's easy for me to say.
>should break up

This is the issue though, we’re married, it’s not like I’m 24 and she’s a random girlfriend. Some may say, well why did you get married then? I had this shit under control in the past, I really thought it would just fade away, not ramp up and go turbo mode. I understand latent transgender people a lot more now.
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>god is cruel
Actually I'm a nice person.
>gym sounds like a good idea
It is yeah. But when you start getting depressed and rot and all of that you get scared of it and start wanting to just be inside and waste your time all day
how androgynous are you now, already (in terms of appearance, personality, etc)
prove deez nuts nigga
do some situps
Sorry, didn’t mean to sass you. Just something I’ve noticed with those who are anime obsessed are like 9 times out of 10 just AGP in denial. Also I don’t jerk off in her underwear lol.

>i have no idea how someone with gd gets where you are without roping

I have high pain tolerance, and can put up with uncomfortable circumstances for a long time. Like I said as well, it would come in waves, and progressively has become stronger and stronger. I agree, repressing is not healthy, but my options just seem very black and white right now, and part of me does not want to divest see someone for my own gain if that makes sense.
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Do not call me a nigga.
>Some may say, well why did you get married then?
I get it
you don't know what you don't know
I dated someone who claimed to be bi but was most definitely straight
unfortunately there's no way this can end well for either
especially if kids are becoming a question or something she wants
no fault divorce exists for reasons like these and hard to prove abuse
i get mad annoyed and angry when things don't go my way, i wish things would always go my way
I regularly am hairless (which the wife doesn’t mind), and do calisthenics and lower body weight exercises only to maintain a toned feminine figure. Other than that, everything else is masc presenting appearance wise as part of my masking.

In private I’ve practiced for years voice training, feminine walking patterns and gaits, and spend lots of time reading and studying HRT. I don’t know how I can describe my personality. Nurturing I guess and sociable? I kind of tolerate other men, and enjoy the company of women socially.
>how much time do you spend in your room?
all my free time
currently all my time is free time
winter semester is in two months

>went out yesterday to buy food
>bought alcohol
>the cashier didn't wanna give it to me
>went "oh hell nah"
>said i look too young
>asked me if my id was fake
>finally budged and gave it to me
>told me not to get caught by cops

friends keep telling me it's a good thing i look young
but i don't wanna look like a teen boy..
i just wanna be a girl
i have to give it time..

please keep trying
cute! <3
what animals do you have? ^w^
it's in your emails dummy <3
i still have my first purchases in my emails
it was portal 1 and garry's mod for 15€ total
that's really tough
maybe you could talk with a psychologist
though i guess they are usually pretty bad with trans people...
i really don't recommend repping if you "broke your egg"
you can try it for a while if you want
see how long you'll last
i'm sorry about your wife
you're in a hard position
i wish you best of luck and happiness
whatever you choice you make <3
the toll? I was ready to kill myself, then again I didn't have anything to hold on for. Most others would say something similar I believe. If you did transition things can also be very dark, so it's not necessarily an escape from that. I wouldn't say buy into the sunken cost fallacy, you already did your wife wrong by not being honest about this. It's probably best to tell her, let her choose.
Hate being fat.
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yeah your repping powers certainly exceed mine. i've been brain wormed about having the wrong body from well before i knew about trans ppl existing so my perspective on this stuff is rather narrow.

you only live this one life are you gonna commit to living it as a man to appease others or live it as yourself? unless your wife comes around it is kind of a black and white crossroads moment yeh. better to choose now than when ur old, bald and have kids to fuck up tho.
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why does my gf have a new reason to be mad at me every single day? :/ It seems like every day for the past two weeks she's upset at me for one reason or another

I spend every day texting her, every night calling her and the one night I take time to talk to my friends after weeks of dodging them she blows up on me and tells me I'm ignoring her and making her feel unloved to the point where I just dropped my friends just to sit silently on discord with her while she chewed me out for being inattentive. It's like she forgot I forgave her for objectifying my genitalia when we first met. It's like she forgot I forgave her for continuing to text her ex. It's like she thinks it's okay to verbally abuse me and apologize an hour later saying "haha sorry I was moody :P" and brushing it under the rug as if my feelings dont matter.

But the second I calmly tell her what bothers me, she brings up small moments where I fucked up like not texting her immediately when I'm *literally working* while she stays at home all day collecting her parent's checks because she convinced them to pay for her rent and bills for an entire year to "get ready" to find a job

plus she just.... Obviously doesn't like the idea of me getting bottom surgery? That doesn't have much to do with what I posted above but she gets visibly awkward when I talk about me wanting bottom surgery. I always talk about how it'll improve my life and make me happier with my body and she either awkwardly stops talking or instantly derails to "smashing [my] pussy" as if I'm getting a vagina *just* to get fucked? Like, my dysphoria is more complicated than just wanting to be able to be penetrated during sex.
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You're dating a demon amiga you better start mentally preparing yourself for this or get out of it
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she's so me
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so many big red flags here it could be the national people's congress. idk how you can put up with that even if the extras are good.
all of you should be like in india and put into the woods
Do you look like this though haha
repgen is genuinely religiongen at this point
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no, I'm not an anime anon.
>why is my gf being a woman?
Anon you are obviously AGP and not real trans. But if you are really a transwoman then the only solution is to date men instead since you're seemingly not romantically compatible with female logos.
>If you did transition things can also be very dark

Yeah, very aware of this. The likelihood of complete alienation doesn’t sit well with me, but I think I’ve reached a point where I’d be willing to accept it if that’s the case. I guess my dumb brain has logically concluded that it would be better to transition post-divorce because then people would say “oh his brain broke after the divorce” rather than “he abandoned his wife and kids to larp as a woman.”

I’ve been appeasing others for a long time, anything other than appeasing seems foreign to me at this point. I guess why that’s been such a struggle. I’m sorry you had to deal with dysphoria at such a young age.
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I need to get BA asap kms
i wish it was always cold here i hate the heat
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>I'm not an anime
aww :x why not?
Probably because I ruined my life so bad up until last year, this is on the lighter side of issues I've experienced.

Sorry, I'm not mentally ill enough to get brainwormed by 4chan posts.
t. an oblivious 38G biofem trans allied stacy
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go back
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What are your husbands views on polyamory and trios?
>Sorry, I'm not mentally ill enough to get brainwormed by 4chan posts.
But you are mentally ill enough to post your relationship troubles for the public's entertainment instead of doing the one thing that keeps relationships healthy, which is communicating with your partner.
So why didn't you just send that entire post to her?
america should make a woods where they throw all trans people
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i spend pretty much the entirety of every day in my room! ill sometimes go out for a walk tho
wasn't meant to be

>instead of doing the one thing that keeps relationships healthy, which is communicating with your partner.
>So why didn't you just send that entire post to her?
Did you not read the part where I said I do bring these things up?

And of course i posted it here. It's nice to vent somewhere where it doesn't matter. What am I gonna do, post on twitter about it? Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. It's just nice to type out feelings and be heard even if it's just criticism.
you watch anime tho right?
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You don't know about the secret tranny forest?
A falta de pan buenas son tortas
eh? im just saying like, wouldnt it be nice to learn to love yourself even if your hrt boobs dont get huge naturally? i mean... even my bodys not perfect despite being cis.
20 piece mcnugget
I truly am a gamer.
1 nugget
five. hundred. nuggets.
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mhm!! ive been watching anime since i was like 11, i cant watch 24 episodes in a day tho like i used to be able to
some people have the personality and disposition for it. i have a fearful-avoidant attachment style and can do open relationships, i dont get jealous or things like that.
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people pleasing is a rly harmful behaviour for ur own mental health probably should look into that regardless of what u decide to do about your gender identity.
>dysphoria at such a young age
it was a shit time wish i had known sooner that i could do something about it would have saved me a lot of money and heartache in the long run. better late than never tho yeh?

nah levitating pizza is effortless to me.
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stop being racist little gooner
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0 nugget.
What a fucking gamer dude
qott: not a lot. I'm back at home and my room isn't my childhood room anymore it was converted into a sewing room. I stay outside and smoke weed usually, when I can. I work nights now and sleep during the day so I don't have to be around my family as much. I'm going back to school this fall so I can hopefully have a career and afford a place eventually, I should have never dropped out during covid.

In other news, since starting this job, which is a sex shop btw, manned by autistic people, while I was being trained not by a supervisor but an equal peer employee who's just been there longer, and we uh, idk we connected they were very attractive and I said it and they reciprocated which was unexpected

they are also autistic and I'm undiagnosed, but we connected very very well. I felt comfortable and they said they did as well, so now we kiss I guess
did it help you develop into a better roleplayer?
wasn't the limit 410 or something?

come on now.
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Holy freakers
anon is correct in the end love will save the soul
sorry idk, i just think most plastic surgery mainstream women get on a whim makes them look worse or just comes with problems in the long run, it's just so stupid and a scummy money grubby part of the medical industry.
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Big boobs will save the soul*
Nuh uh
yeah id say so! i also spend quite a lot of freetime roleplaying, whether its with other people or ai!
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he's strongly against poly. he can barely keep up with my drive, says I'm on hrt so it's "not fair". wahahaha
they are also trans masc so in the eyes of the Lord I am straight
describe your scent.
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At least I tried.
I said nuh uh
hey what is qott?
my.. scent..? Huhhh weird question!! well when i used to socialise with other people they would say that i smelt nice! idrk how to describe scents desu
nuh uh to what???
ah fuck my earlier roll result yolo time to order bai
To your opinion.
Maybe don't
damn that's so real oof
umm what are you wearing rn?
hey what's it called when someone's only been monogamous but they find themselves attracted to someone who is in an open polyamorous relationship with two established partners, also this person likes them back
sorry lol it was just an idea, its your body and life and all.
oo so many questions hehe :>
im just wearing a t-shirt and a skirt rn
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Erm cringe
Cute cute
it's called no one asked
hehe how come youre so interested?

ik im cringe but it makes me happier at least
poly curious/polyhedron
>ik im cringe but it makes me happier at least
unironically based

thats a bad take though. if someone is harassing you and you give in to their harassment and become upset/angry you're submissive to that person
holy necro
I'm such a wrimbloid
anya upvoted this post
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Took me 28 episodes to notice sonic x is grabbing a LOT from sonic adventure 1-2. Major plots and all of that. But with better depth to the writing and more time given to mutate into it's own thing and be better. Berry cool
a crush, retard
I'm MoTherFucking Gooning 16 hours a day in my room.
Should I work out at 10 am. I feel like my neighbors deserve to be tortured first by loud anime sonic intros and then me working out for an hour on the treadmill.
>to notice sonic x is grabbing a LOT from sonic adventure 1-2
I always assumed sonic x was supposed to be a literal adaptation of the somic adventure feanchise
but I haven't really watched the show since I was a kid
loved it back then tho
even with the scuffed english dubbing
>waking up at 1 pm
It's not an adaptation at all. It's it's own thing but it sometimes ends up being similar, with similar plots and all that stuff
Pm not am. I think I'm going to do it regardless. Because I'm a bitch.
gm cutie
well yeah
as an adult it's pretty clear
just chris alone changes alot
but to my dumbass kid brain I saw this and was like
ohhhhh it's the same as my gamecube game
I've never been very bright
I should rewatch x but not the dub
Offering company via vc for at least 90 dollars an hour (double price for webcam). I have decided to become an internet loneliness solver.
If I give you 180 bucks you better gape yourself with something massive
I want to take HRT but i dont want to grow tits …….
How do I know if I have reverse dysphoria?
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1 million for that.
yeah for that price you better pretend to suck my cock through the screen desu
Wow okay. Greedy customers. I'd pay that with a smile on my face me personally. Ig the business won't start
https://www.epal.gg/ you can already hire some gamer girls to play with you for like 25 bucks an hour, don't ask me how i know this i have never used this service before
know your worth (it's lower than you think)
you'll want to look like a man?
Oh ok thanks
I don’t want that I think
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Well that's tough competition
Most I could realistically hope for is like a tenner an hour.
You are soulless anon.
How about we go to mcdonalds and have ourselves a bLt and have a nice talk
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Can we not go somewhere local I'd rather not eat a burger that has enough conservatives to outlast me.
what are you trying to be?
ya, but do they have weird foreign accents?
larissa please take your meds
Thread is dead and murdered by Larry
I want to be a dominatrix and give girls handjobs while degrading them
what did i do
Can you do that for five dollars
I'm worth more than that princess, especially since you're trash

Mal? Mal is that you? If your nickname isn't Mal, you look exactly like my old rave/DJ buddy.
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Dont need to pay me, your self respect is has more value to me
What if you got a sonic happy meal toy?
Oh that's cool very cool thank you
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Then I buy happy meals until I get all of them then give them away to people. Give joy to myself and others. Very cool plan I think
The more i think about it the more i want to take estrogen. Am i trans ?
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can't believe i still get intimidated by the bell gargoyles desu
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Those were boring. Oh wait that's the whole game
part of it is that lasagna hanging around makes it feel like a bloody daycare all the time
dreyfus affair is still considered important, they taught me about that in high school
you thought all of ds1 was boring? why?
The moment you are in thread you are crying about me. I think you have issues
Slow clunky story convoluted and hidden enough for everyone to be forced to watch videos to understand it pc port is shit repetitive bad artstyle bad setting plus gay
there's no love in my future and it scares me
i wish i could settle down with someone someday :(
>The moment you are in thread you are crying about me. I think you have issues
it's annoying the way you post and what you post about, and you clog up the entire thread
if someone is going to say something about killing the thread, it's likely that if i weigh in some of it will be attributed to you
having a teenager with a superiority complex, cluster b tendencies, and autistic fixations on sonic and gatcha posting all the time about all of those things whilst demanding attention and trying to shoehorn their way into a position of authority in a decade old community is just tiresome and childish
you're an emotional vampire and it's just tedious seeing some dork posting large breasted anime women while saying the most malebrained shit about liking big tits and sonic and pretending they're a woman
>Slow clunky story
it's pretty straightforward tbqh
>convoluted and hidden enough for everyone to be forced to watch videos to understand it
unironically low iq issue
>pc port is shit
>repetitive bad artstyle
idk if i agree with that, it's a little toned down to jrpgs and stuff but i like how the world feels and the more fantastical parts of it feel pretty cool
>bad setting
the setting is a little cliche at this point but it's cliche because it was one of the first to do it well in this medium
not a downside, the ships are cute
also to be clear, the pc port is not shit and idk what you're talking about, i've beaten the game multiple times on a couple different computers and neither of them had any difficulty and the inputs were always registered faithfully
hint: if you're playing with lock on activated all or even most of the time, you're doing it wrong
Yes yes thread is much better when you and val are sperging out about todays transphobic view you need to yell about and argue with anyone that's actually happy with themselves very true sorry
the default control mapping on the pc port is psychotic and borderline unplayable. maybe she tried to play it without a controller lol
>the default control mapping on the pc port is psychotic and borderline unplayable
just remap things, how is that complicated
>maybe she tried to play it without a controller lol
i always play soulslikes with mouse and keyboard, once you find a good keybind and mousebind setup it's pretty easy to work with
Maybe it is time.. To come back to xenoblade chronicles 3.. I think I forgot 99% of the story I played through so starting from 0 shouldn't be that bad
Or maybe I play the hyperdimension neptunia games.. or maybe the persona ones.. or maybe dmc5 or replay dmc4..... or maybe utawarerumono.. maybe.. or the sonic rpg..
Or maybe crosscode.. talking about things I forgot about and indies I forgot about I could play chained echoes. Maybe nier too. Maybe.
Oh yeah or eiyuden chronicle. Or baten kaitos now that it got a pc port. Or spark the electric jester 3 because it's like sonic. Or 13 sentinels it's like mechs and cool combat but mostly vn that's pretty cool
hello /mtfg/ I realized I was trans recently and wanted a more grounded evaluation than what I might get from redditors - do you guys think I have a chance of looking nice if I transition? I'm 23 and 5'9"

Sorry if I seem retarded or if this is off-topic, I've never really been on /lgbt/ because of self-loathing/resentment issues so I don't know the board culture.

https://unsee dot cc/album#7Q2omf5HfpSH

I know I have a big schnoz but on the whole, do you think I have a chance of being cute
what country ?
Iek what your saying to b3 honest with ya
I was just thinking about how im going 5o do in 2 years and to be honest it seens unforeseeable
As usual i have notivw a lot of trolling
I dont like it but thats just me personally
I dont see the point in pissing someone off for no reason. Also anyone have a job?
nta but probably france
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How and why do people have this little self awareness? What's even the point of posting this? Getting told to take hrt and start trying then get ffs down the line like every person does? Am I living in a simulation where everyone has no consciousness but me
you're gonna make it (also here is the opposite of reddit instead of hug boxing everyone says nobody will make it)
>you're gonna make it (also here is the opposite of reddit instead of hug boxing everyone says nobody will make it)
that's precisely why it's useful!
sorry to annoy you anon
yeh but I mentioned it not being talked about in anglophonic countries so I was wondering
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Chat how long before your transition started did you tell your best friend that you are trans and how did it go?
It's not. Everyone here is the opposite of honest. Their views tend to be extreme, extremely negative generally. I've seen people treat ugly as sin dumbasses well solely so they get to farm them for nudes or fuck them once then forget about them. I've seen people that are as pretty as they can get getting shit on and made fun of because of minor flaws in their looks just to put them down. Nobody here is honest. They're just more extreme and free to sperg than usual.
way too busy with escapist hobbies to have had a best friend before I transitioned, sorry anon
This. Generally though just take anything you see with a grain of salt (especially here)
like 3 years and he was like yeah no shit
Generally take things with a grain of salt but for 4chan bring the whole bag preferably.
i told my best friend at 14, she was very supportive. unfortunately i still didn't actually start transition until 19

i told my best friend when i bought it
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>how long before your transition started did you tell your best friend that you are trans
Around a year after.
>how did it go
Ah a venture capitalist/vc running a consulting company? Your rate is for $90 an hour?
What fields do you specialize in good sir or miss? If you know anything about board-level engineering/IC design I'll take you up on it.
oh fuck off
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I’m like this too but my best friend is also into the same escapist hobbies so it works.

Damn wish I could say the same, Why am I so secretive :(

I hope they take it this way desu kek

As in when you knew for sure yourself?

Why horrible? ;-;
misread this. I meant 1 or 2 yrs after
Let's just say I haven't had any irl friends since then.
Ohhh you just went for the ol’ they’ll figure it out strat, eh?
Oh… I’m sorry ;-;
Do you live in a country bad for LGBT rights or something?
Laguna chan did you actually lose your friends because you came out or was it because you're a shitty friend
You know there i was looking to get ubuntu when i find out that it has become actual bloat
How in the shit did it go from 4.8 to 5.3
Absolutly horrible
that sucks sorry
not really it was more just like I really really didn't want to tell anyone so I just didn't. I pretty much knew that he knew even before I started hrt but didn't wanna tell him. But then one night I was drunk and just told him
I told one friend when I was 19 and he was pretty supportive about it but he said as long as I dont turn into a slut so that was a bit weird
Did you turn into a slut tho?
uhhh, I told him a little after. It went horribly. we are no longer friends and he barely speaks to me.
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Moreso a part of a country with good rights and views on it.
Well it happened right after me telling one of them I was trans go figure why it was yourself
Why would anyone outside of 2012 use ubuntu.
Meh I'm over it at this point

no like i told my friend when i bought it on the internet i was at his house i realized i was trans a few months earlier
Its all you need
Im done distro hopping
No it isn't. Ubuntu is literal dogshit
Laguna chan, what is your dream?
Oh nice.

I’m sorry that is weird but I did also laugh that’s wild

Oh wtf you told him as you bought HRT? At his house? Like what? Did he suspect it?
Nix life
My dream is to be happy and comfortable
Have you even used it?

uses like 3gb of memory at idle
Download more ram
True ngl i prefer ubuntu mini
An 13wm min maxxing
I just get ubtuntu when im in a hurry desu
But a computer is like a home
sometimes like a hotel ubtuntu is my hotel
Welp this one is really sad :<
What was so bad about it to him and were ye best friends for long?
mogs me
me too :(
I feel comfortable with my body and like it quite a bit.
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Nomi I am unsure what I accused you of, I never accused you of anything as far as I know.
I think you're better off focusing on the people here who could benefit from your support, I cannot because I am too far gone.
I hope you're doing good.
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>best friend
ghosted him shortly after transitioning in 2021, readded him on discord in 2023 and told him and even tho he's pretty much your typical incel chud(and russian ontop of that) he said he doesn't mind he was just glad I was back lol

seen him a few times since then and he helped me move and he's never acted weird or negative

it's weird cuz before that he had trannies living rent free in his walls but ever since he knew I'm trans he never mentioned them again
I want laguna to write a blaze fanfic
its dumb how gambling is often illegal but u can buy 0dte options
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That's cool. How's tonight going
Why would I do that?
pretty badly
like the past couple of nights :/
probably gonna go to bed to turn off brain yeh...
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Winky face??
I'm already in bed to skip feeling bad me personally
I was going to take a xanny to nap easier but I avoided it because I am an independent woman that doesn't need any third party aid.
what do you think about sonichu laguna? you like sonic, do you also like that one?
he asked me if i was trans before i told him
my fingers tight on the trigger of my glock 18 nigga
nya u shudnt take it for sleep that just doubles how fast u develop a dependency
both my irl gay friends did that lol
I told my childhood best friend when I was 8 started hrt at 19
he told his mum and I was allowed to dress like a grill at their house
he's straight... but i had a crush on him...
he also asked me if i was gay when we were lying in a bed together
he pulled up a picture of some woman wearing a bikini on his phone and asked if i thought she was hot
i said no
he asked if i was gay and i said yes
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But it's so nice though.. makes me fall asleep instantly and so peacefully and I sleep so well
If only it wasn't such an evil little drug I could be on it always and always feel normal but no I have to be cool and suffer because god wants to forcefully make me cool
Yes. A female individual.
finna let this glock go off on all you bitch ass niggas
Why nix idgi
Ive known of you, but i tdont know you
desu youre getting interesting
>of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.
you're not female sir
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how hard is it to click on gaygen?
he was supportive, not all that surprised, but he did a lot of "are you sure about this?" talk. he put up with a lot of my baby trans anxiety shit, I cried a lot. we ended up drifting apart when I moved from sf.
that peaceful sleep will stop soon once ur tolerance has gone up
Xanax prevents REM sleep so if you stop it you get REM rebound which imo is the nastiest side effect of quitting right after the rebound anxiety, maybe even on par with the permanent anxiety
REM rebound dreams are horrifying

it rly is the devil in pill form...

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